{"rcid":3,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-01-01","unres":"R/1/66","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"AMENDMENTS, RULES OF PROCEDURE","descr":"TO ADOPT A CUBAN AMENDMENT TO THE UK PROPOSAL REFERRING THE PROVISIONAL RULES OF PROCEDURE AND ANY AMENDMENTS THEREOF TO THE 6TH COMMITTEE, SAID AMENDMENT PRESCRIBING A 1-WEEK TIME LIMIT WITHIN WHICH THE 6TH COMM. MUST SUBMIT ITS REPORT ON THE"} {"rcid":4,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-01-02","unres":"R/1/79","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SECURITY COUNCIL ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT A USSR PROPOSAL ADJOURNING DEBATE ON AND POSTPONINGELECTIONS OF THE NON-PERMANENT MEMBERS OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL, TO THE FOLLOWING WEEK."} {"rcid":5,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-01-04","unres":"R/1/98","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"VOTING PROCEDURE","descr":"TO ADOPT THE KOREAN PROPOSAL THAT INVALID BALLOTS BE INCLUDED IN THE TOTAL NUMBER OF \\MEMBERS PRESENT AND VOTING\\\\, IN CALCULATING THE MAJORITY VOTE.\\\"\""} {"rcid":6,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-01-04","unres":"R/1/107","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO ADOPT A CUBAN PROPOSAL (A/3-C) THAT AN ITEM ON A DECLARATION OF THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF MAN BE TABLED."} {"rcid":7,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-01-02","unres":"R/1/295","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"GENERAL ASSEMBLY ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT A 6TH COMMITTEE AMENDMENT (A/14) TO THE PROVISIONAL RULES OF PROCEDURE, WHICH AMENDMENT PROVIDES THAT RULE 73 SHOULD END WITH:\\THERE SHALL BE NO NOMINATIONS.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0"} {"rcid":8,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-01-05","unres":"R/1/297","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"ECOSOC POWERS","descr":"TO ADOPT A SECOND 6TH COMM. AMENDMENT (A/14) TO THE PROVISIONAL RULES OF PROCEDURE, WHICH AMENDMENT EPLACES PROVISIONAL RULE T WITH A NEW TEXT AUTHORIZING THE ECONOMIC & SOC. COUNCIL TO CALL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ON ANY MATTER WITHIN ITS CO"} {"rcid":9,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-02-05","unres":"R/1/329","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"POST-WAR RECONSTRUCTION","descr":"TO OPEN THE DISCUSSION ON THE POLISH DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/22) PROVIDING FOR ECO. & SOC. COUNCIL STUDY AND ASSEMBLY DISCUSSION OF THE RECONSTRUCTION OF U.N. MEMBER-COUNTRIES DEVASTATED BY THE WAR."} {"rcid":10,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-02-05","unres":"R/1/361","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"U.N. MEMBERS, RELATIONS WITH SPAIN","descr":"TO ADOPT GENERAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/40) AS AMENDED BY A NORWEGIAN ORAL PROPOSAL (REPLACING \\TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE LETTER AND SPIRIT\\\\ IN 3RD PARAGRAPH WITH, \\\\\"ACT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LETTER AND THE SPIRIT\\\\\"), RECOMMENDING UN MEMBERS T\""} {"rcid":11,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-02-05","unres":"R/1/376","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP AMENDMENTS","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTIONS I AND II AS A WHOLE, OF THE 4TH COMM. REPORT (A/34) ON NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES. RESOLUTION I PROVIDES TO PROMOTE THE POLITICAL, SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, AND EDUCATIONAL ASPIRATIONS OF NON-SELF-GOVERNING PEOPLES THROUG"} {"rcid":12,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-02-06","unres":"R/1/394","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"COUNCIL MEMBER TERM LENGTH","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH (A) OF THE 6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION A/38) ON TERMS OF OFFICE OF MEMBERS OF UN COUNCILS, WHICH PARAGRAPH AMENDS PROVISIONAL RULE 78 BY BEGINNING THE TERM OF OFFICE IMMEDIATELY UPON ELECTION TO A VACANT SEAT, OR IMMEDIATELY"} {"rcid":13,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-02-01","unres":"R/1/434","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"PROPAGANDA, REFUGEE CAMPS","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR AMMENDMENT (A/C.3/19) TO A 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/45) REFERRING THE PROBLEM OF REFUGEES AND DISPLACED PERSONS TO E.S.C. FOR STUDY AND RECOMMENDATIONS. SAID AMENDMENT WOULD INSERT A NEW SUB-PARAGRAPH C(IV) READING: \\NO PROP"} {"rcid":14,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-02-01","unres":"R/1/435","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"PERSONNEL, REFUGEE CAMPS","descr":"TO ADOPT A USSR AMENDMENT (A/C.3/19) TO 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/45), SAID AMENDMENT ADDING A NEW SUB-PARAGRAPH C(V) AS FOLLOWS: \\THE ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL OF REFUGEE AND DISPLACED PERSONS' CAMPS SHOULD BE COMPRISED PRIMARILY OF REPRES"} {"rcid":15,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-02-01","unres":"R/1/435","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"QUISLINGS, TRAITORS AND WAR CRIMINALS","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR REVISED-AMENDMENT (A/C.3/19) TO 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/45), SAID AMENDMENT ADDING THE FOLLOWING TEXT TO PARAGRAPH (D): \\QUISLINGS, TRAITORS AND WAR CRIMINALS SHOULD NOT BE REGARDED AS REFUGEES WHO ARE ENTITLED TO GET PROTE"} {"rcid":16,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-02-02","unres":"R/1/467","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"TERM OF COUNCIL MEMBERS","descr":"TO ADOPT URUGUAY (ORAL) AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/51) PROVIDING FOR A 20-MONTH TERM OF OFFICE FOR UN COUNCIL MEMBERS ELECTED IN JAN. 1946 UNDER THE PROVISIONAL RULES OF PROCEDURE, SAID AMENDMENT PRESCRIBING INSTEAD AN 8"} {"rcid":17,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-02-02","unres":"R/1/467B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"TERM OF COUNCIL MEMBERS","descr":"TO ADOPT NEW ZEALAND (ORAL) AMENDMENT TO GENERAL COMM DRAFT RESOLUTION(A/51) PROVIDING FOR A 20-MONTH TERM OF OFFICE FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS ELECTED IN JAN. 1946, SAID AMENDMENT PRESCRIBING INSTEAD A 12-MONTH TERM OF OFFICE."} {"rcid":18,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-02-03","unres":"R/1/532","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"ECOSOC CONSULTANTS","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR (ORAL) AMENDMENT REPLACING THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/54/REV.1) WITH THE FOLLOWING: \\TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE QUESTION RAISED BY THE WORLD FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS CONCERNING ITS PARTICIPATION IN THE WORK OF THE ECO"} {"rcid":19,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-02-03","unres":"R/1/534","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ECOSOC CONSULTANTS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/54/REV.1) PROVIDING THAT THE E.S.C. ARRANGE FOR CONSULTATIVE COLLABORATION WITH NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS, INTERNATIONAL, NATIONAL OR REGIONAL."} {"rcid":20,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-01","unres":"R/1/1060","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO REQUIRE 2/3 MAJORITY RULE IN VOTING ON THE QUESTION OF TREATMENT OF INDIANS IN THE UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":21,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-01","unres":"R/1/1061A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT S. AFRICA AMENDMENT (A/205/ADD.1) TO JOINT 1ST/6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/205), PROVIDING THAT THE TREATMENT OF INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA SHOULD BE IN CONFORMITYWITH INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS PROVIDED UNDER THE CHARTER AND BY AGREEMEN"} {"rcid":22,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-01","unres":"R/1/1061B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT JOINT 1ST/6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/205) PROVIDING THAT THE TREATMENT OF INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA SHOULD BE IN CONFORMITY WITH INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS PROVIDED UNDER THE CHARTER AND BY AGREEMENTS BETWEEN INDIA AND SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":23,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-05","unres":"R/1/1222","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. MEMBERS, RELATIONS WITH SPAIN","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/241) RECOMMENDING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER ADEQUATE REMEDIAL MEASURES, IF THERE SHOULD NOT BE ESTABLISHED IN SPAIN WITHIN A REASONABLE PERIOD OF TIME A FREELY-ELECTED, FULLY-REPRESENTATIVE DE"} {"rcid":24,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-05","unres":"R/1/1229","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ECOSOC ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT BELGIAN ORAL PROPOSAL TO SURRENDER BELGIUM'S SEAT IN THE E.S.C., PROVIDING THAT THE NETHERLANDS AND TURKEY BE THEREBY ELECTED TO THE 2 REMAINING VACANCIES."} {"rcid":25,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-06","unres":"R/1/1264","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SECURITY COUNCIL PROCEDURES","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/235) REQUESTING MODERATED USE OF THE VETO IN THE SECURITY COUNCIL THROUGH CONSULTATION BETWEEN PERMANENT MEMBERS AND RECOMMENDING ADOPTION BY SAID COUNCIL OF PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES DIMINISHING THE DEFECT"} {"rcid":26,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-06","unres":"R/1/1286","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENTS","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR ORAL RESOL. REJECTING 8 DRAFT TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENTS (A/258 AND ADD. 1 AND CORR. 2, CORR. 3, AND REV. 1) SUBMITTED TO THE ASSEMBLY BY ADMINISTERING POWERS AS BEING CONTRARY TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CHARTER CONCERNING THE INTERNA"} {"rcid":27,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-06","unres":"R/1/1287/A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NEW GUINEA TRUSTEESHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT THE TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENT FOR NEW GUINEA SUBMITTED BY AUSTRALIA, ON THE BASIS OF 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/258 AND ADD. 1, CORR. 2, CORR. 3, REV.1) WHICH APPROVES EACH OF THE 8 TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENTS."} {"rcid":28,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-06","unres":"R/1/1287/B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RUANDA-URUNDI TRUSTEESHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT THE TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENT FOR RUANDA-URUNDI SUBMITTED BY BELGIUM, INCLUDING THE PROPOSAL ON THE PREAMBLE. THE AGREEMENT INCLUDING PROPOSAL IS APPROVED BY THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/258 AND ADD. 1, CORR. 2, CORR. 3, REV. 1)"} {"rcid":29,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-06","unres":"R/1/1287C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FRENCH CAMEROONS TRUSTEESHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT THE TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENT FOR THE FRENCH CAMEROONS SUBMITTED BY FRANCE, INCLUDING THE PROPOSAL ON THE PREAMBLE. THE AGREEMENT AND PROPOSAL ARE APPROVED BY THE 4TH COM. COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/258 AND ADD. 1, CORR. 2, CORR. 3, REV.1)."} {"rcid":30,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-06","unres":"R/1/1288A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FRENCH TOGOLAND TRUSTEESHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT THE TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENT FOR FRENCH TOGOLAND SUBMITTED BY FRANCE; SAID AGREEMENT APPROVED IN 4TH COMM DRAFT RESOL. (A/258 AND ADD. 1, CORR. 2, CORR. 3 AND REV.1)."} {"rcid":31,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-06","unres":"GOAR/1/1288B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WESTERN SAMOA TRUSTEESHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENT FOR WESTERN SAMOA SUBMITTED BY NEW ZEALAND; SAID AGREEMENT WAS APPROVED IN 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/258 AND ADD. 1, CORR. 2, CORR. 3, AND REV.1)."} {"rcid":32,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-06","unres":"R/1/1288C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TANGANYIKA TRUSTEESHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENT FOR TANGANYIKA SUBMITTED BY THE U.K.; AGREEMENT WAS APPROVED IN 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/258 AND ADD. 1, CORR. 2, CORR. 3, REV.1)."} {"rcid":33,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-06","unres":"R/1/1288D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BRITISH CAMEROONS TRUSTEESHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENT FOR THE BRITISH CAMEROONS SUBMITTED BY THE U.K., APPROVED IN A 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/258 AND ADD. 1, CORR. 2, CORR. 3, REV.1)."} {"rcid":34,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-06","unres":"R/1/1288E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BRITISH TOGOLAND TRUSTEESHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT THE TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENT FOR BRITISH TOGOLAND SUBMITTED BY THE U.K.; AGREEMENT WAS APPROVED IN 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/258 AND ADD. 1, CORR. 2, CORR. 3, REV.1)."} {"rcid":35,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-07","unres":"R/1/1327","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"S.W. AFRICA TRUSTEESHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT 3-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/250/ADD.1/REV.1) INVITING THE UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA TO SUBMIT A TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENT FOR SOUTH WEST AFRICA, FOR THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY WILL NOT ACCEDE TO INCORPORATION OF THAT TERRITORY INTO SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":36,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-07","unres":"R/1/1355","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"S.W. AFRICA TRUSTEESHIP","descr":"TO REQUIRE A 2/3 MAJORITY RULE IN VOTING ON THE 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/251) PROVIDING FOR REGIONAL CONFERENCES OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES TO BE HELD IN ORDER TO DETERMINE THE WILL OF SAID TERRITORIES"} {"rcid":37,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-07","unres":"R/1/1356","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"NON-SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, AMENDMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT A CUBAN AMENDMENT TO A 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/251), SAID AMENDMENT PROVIDING THAT THE ADMINISTERING POWERS (INSTEAD OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL) CONVOKE A FULLY REPRESENTATIVE CONFERENCE OF APPOINTED OR ELECTED REPRES"} {"rcid":38,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-07","unres":"R/1/1357","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, CONFERENCES","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM.DRAFT RESOL. (A/251) AS AMENDED BY THE CUBAN PROPOSAL THAT THE CONFERENCE BE CONVOKED BY THE ADMINISTERING POWERS."} {"rcid":39,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-07","unres":"R/1/1369","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPHS 4, 5 AND 6 OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/249) ON THE TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION FROM NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES, SAID PARAGRAPHS INVITING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO CONVENE AN AD. HOC. COMMITTEE CONSISTING OF REPRESENT"} {"rcid":40,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-07","unres":"R/1/1375","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. HEADQUARTERS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE PERMANENT HEADQUARTERS COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTIONS I AND II (A/277) ACCEPTING THE TERMS OF THE NEW YORK CITY ENDOWMENT AND PROVIDING FOR A PLANNING COMMISSION TO DEVELOP THE NEW UN HEADQUARTERS SITE."} {"rcid":41,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-01","unres":"R/1/1414A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"ECOSOC CONSULTANTS","descr":"TO ADOPT A USSR AMENDMENT TO JOINT 2ND/3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/246), ADDING THE WORDS \\AND ALSO THE RIGHTS TO PRESENT WRITTEN AND VERBAL STATEMENTS TO THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL ON ALL MATTERS OF CONCERN FOR THE FEDERATION.\\\\ THE DRAFT R\""} {"rcid":42,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-01","unres":"R/1/1414B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ECOSOC CONSULTANTS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE JOINT 2ND/3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/246) ALLOWING THE WORLD FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS TO SUBMIT ITEMS FOR INCLUSION IN THE E.S.C. PROVISIONAL AGENDA."} {"rcid":43,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-01","unres":"R/1/1415","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ECOSOC CONSULTANTS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE JOINT 2ND/3RD COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/264) CONCERNING CONSULTATION ARRANGEMENTS WITH NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS."} {"rcid":44,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-01","unres":"R/1/1453","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"REFUGEE ORGANIZATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/275) ON THE FINANCING AND BUDGET OF THE INTERNATIONAL REFUGEE ORGANIZATION."} {"rcid":45,"session":1,"importantvote":0,"date":"1946-12-01","unres":"R/1/1465","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N SESSION IN EUROPE","descr":"TO ADOPT THE UKRAINIAN DRAFT RESOL. (A/281) CONVENING THE 2ND GENERAL ASSEMBLY REGULAR SESSION IN EUROPE AND AUTHORIZING THE SEC. GEN. TO DETERMINE THE SPECIFIC PLACE THERE."} {"rcid":46,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-09-04","unres":"R/2/299","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA, AGENDA","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/392) TO INCLUDE ITEM 60 ON THE QUESTION OF KOREAN INDEPENDENCE, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":47,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-10-05","unres":"R/2/355","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"TRAFFIC IN WOMEN, CHILDREN","descr":"TO ADOPT A UK AMENDMENT (A/417) TO THE 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/412) APPROVING THE HEREIN-ANNEXED PROTOCOLS EFFECTING TRANSFER TO THE UN OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS FUNCTIONS AND POWERS OVER TRAFFIC IN WOMEN AND CHILDREN AND IN OBSCENE PUBLICATIO"} {"rcid":48,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-10-06","unres":"R/2/461","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BALKANS","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE REPORT (A/409/CORR.1) INCLUDING A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO SUPERVISE COMPLIANCE OF ALBANIA, BULGARIA, YUGOSLAVIA AND GREECE WITH PEACE MEASURES RECOMMENDED THEREIN. THE 1ST COMMITTEE REPORT RELATES"} {"rcid":49,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-10-06","unres":"R/2/463","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GREECE TROOP WITHDRAWL","descr":"TO ADOPT POLISH DRAFT RESOL. (A/411) CALLING FOR WITHDRAWAL OF ALL FOREIGN TROOPS, MISSIONS, INSTRUCTORS, AND EXPERTS FROM GREECE."} {"rcid":50,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-10-06","unres":"R/2/465","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GREECE TROOP WITHDRAWL","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/C91/199) CALLING FOR IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWAL OF ANGLO-AMERICAN FORCES AND SPECIALISTS FROM GREECE."} {"rcid":51,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-10-02","unres":"R/2/561","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ECAFE PARTICIPATION","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/439) PROVIDING FOR DIRECT APPLICATION BY NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE E.C.A.F.E."} {"rcid":52,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-06","unres":"R/2/650","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENTS","descr":"TO REQUIRE 2/3 MAJORITY RULE IN THE VOTING ON 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/422), REQUESTING FROM SOUTH AFRICA A TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENT FOR SOUTH WEST AFRICA."} {"rcid":53,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-06","unres":"R/2/651","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"S.W. AFRICA TRUSTEESHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT DANISH AMENDMENT (A/429) TO 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/422), SAID AMENDMENT DELETING THE 4TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH STATING THAT IT IS THE CLEAR INTENT OF CHAPTER XII OF THE UN CHARTER THAT ALL TERRITORIES FORMERLY UNDER MANDATE SHALL B"} {"rcid":54,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-06","unres":"R/2/651","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"S.W. AFRICA TRUSTEESHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/422) AS AMENDED BY DANISH PROPOSAL."} {"rcid":55,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-06","unres":"R/2/667","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENTS","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/423) REQUESTING ADMINISTERING AUTHORITIES TO SUBMIT TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENTS FOR THEIR SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES; AS AMENDED BY THE CUBAN PROPOSAL (A/442) REPLACING \\THE SUREST AND QUICKEST MEANS\\\\ WITH \\\\\"A\""} {"rcid":56,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-01","unres":"R/2/719","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT A 7-POWER AMENDMENT (A/436) TO 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/424) AUTHORIZING THE SEC. GENERAL TO UTILIZE ANY DOCUMENTARY MATERIALS FROM ADMINISTERING AUTHORITIES SUPPLEMENTING THEIR INFORMATION ON NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES TRANSMI"} {"rcid":57,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-01","unres":"R/2/743","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO REQUIRE 2/3 MAJORITY RULE IN VOTING ON 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION V (A/424), WHICH RESOLUTION PROVIDES FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO EXAMINE INFORMATION ON NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES SUBMITTED BY ADMINISTERING POWER"} {"rcid":58,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-01","unres":"R/2/744","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT INDIAN AMENDMENT (A/446) TO 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. V (A/424), INSERTING \\AS AN EXPERIMENTAL MEASURE\\\\ AFTER WORDS \\\\\"ELECTED FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS\\\\\" IN PARAGRAPH 1. THE 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION V PROVIDES FOR THE ESTABLISHMEN\""} {"rcid":59,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-05","unres":"R/2/858","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR ORAL RESOL. CALLING FOR WITHDRAWAL OF ALL OCCUPATION TROOPS FROM KOREA TO ALLOW EXERCISE OF SELF-DETERMINATION BY THAT STATE."} {"rcid":60,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-06","unres":"R/2/940A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING PLACE","descr":"TO ADOPT CUBAN AMENDMENT (A/481) TO THE 2-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/452) PROPOSING TO HOLD THE 3RD REGULAR SESSION OF THE UN IN EUROPE, SAID AMENDMENT REQUESTING THE SEC. GENERAL AND HIS 9-MAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO SELECT THE TOWN WHEREIN THE ASSEM"} {"rcid":61,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-06","unres":"R/2/940B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING PLACE","descr":"TO ADOPT 2-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/452) PROPOSING TO HOLD THE 3RD ASSEMBLY OF THE UN IN EUROPE."} {"rcid":62,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-01","unres":"R/2/1078A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION OF NEW MEMBERS","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. III (A/471) RECOMMENDING TO THE SECURITY COUNCIL THE ADMISSION OF IRELAND TO THE UN."} {"rcid":63,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-01","unres":"R/2/1078B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION, PORTUGAL","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. IV (A/471) RECOMMENDING TO SECURITY COUNCIL THE ADMISSION OF PORTUGAL TO THE UN."} {"rcid":64,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-01","unres":"R/2/1079A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION TRANSJORDAN","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. V (A/471) RECOMMENDING TO SECURITY COUNCIL THE ADMISSION OF TRANSJORDAN TO THE UN."} {"rcid":65,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-01","unres":"R/2/1079B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION ITALY","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. VI (A/471) RECOMMENDING TO SECURITY COUNCIL THE ADMISSION OF ITALY TO THE UN."} {"rcid":66,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-01","unres":"R/2/1079C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION FINLAND","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. VII (A/471) RECOMMENDING TO THE SECURITY COUNCIL THE ADMISSION OF FINLAND TO THE UN."} {"rcid":67,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-01","unres":"R/2/1080","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION AUSTRIA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. VIII (A/471) RECOMMENDING TO THE SECURITY COUNCIL THE ADMISSION OF AUSTRIA TO THE UN."} {"rcid":68,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-01","unres":"R/2/1095A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N. MEMBERS, RELATIONS WITH SPAIN","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE FIRST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/479) DEALING WITH RELATIONS OF UN MEMBERS WITH FRANCO-SPAIN. PARAGRAPH 1 ACKNOWLEDGES THE SEC. GENERAL'S REPORT ON THE ACTIONS OF UN MEMBER-STATES IN PURSUANCE OF THE ASSEMBLY REC"} {"rcid":69,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-01","unres":"R/2/1095B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N. MEMBERS, RELATIONS WITH SPAIN","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/479), SAID PARAGRAPH AFFIRMING THE 12 DEC. 46 RESOLUTION ON RELATIONS OF UN MEMBERS WITH FRANCO-SPAIN."} {"rcid":70,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-01","unres":"R/2/1096","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N. MEMBERS, RELATIONS WITH SPAIN","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/479), SAID PARAGRAPH PROVIDING THAT THE SECURITY COUNCIL EXERCISE ITS RESPONSIBILITIES AS THE SITUATION IN SPAIN REQUIRES."} {"rcid":71,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-04","unres":"R/2/1169","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/492) REQUESTING INDIA, PAKISTAN AND S. AFRICA TO HOLD A ROUND-TABLE CONFERENCE ON THE TREATMENT OF INDIANS IN S. AFRICA."} {"rcid":72,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-04","unres":"R/2/1170","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/496) INVITING INDIA, PAKISTAN AND SOUTH AFRICA TO SUBMIT THE QUESTION OF TREATMENT OF INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA TO THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE FOR AN ADVISORY OPINION, SHOULD THE ROUND-TABLE CONFERENCE SUGG"} {"rcid":73,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-04","unres":"R/2/1214","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N. BUDGET","descr":"TO ADOPT SUB-PARAGRAPH 4 (G) OF THE 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. III (A/498) ON THE \\WORKING CAPITAL FUND\\\\ OF THE 1948 UN BUDGET, SAID SUB-PARAGRAPH AUTHORIZING THE SEC. GENERAL TO ADVANCE FROM THIS FUND SUCH SUMS, NOT TO EXCEED $5 MILLION FOR EMERG\""} {"rcid":74,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-05","unres":"R/2/1305","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"GENOCIDE","descr":"TO ADOPT CHINA AMENDMENT (A/514) TO THE 3-POWER AMENDMENT (A/512) TO 6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/510), WHICH CHINESE AMENDMENT ADDS AFTER THE WORD \\CONVENTION\\\\: \\\\\"..TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THAT THE INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION WHICH WILL BE SET UP \""} {"rcid":75,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-05","unres":"R/2/1306A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"GENOCIDE","descr":"TO ADOPT 3-POWER AMENDMENT (A/512) TO 6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/510) INCLUDING CHINESE TEXT; WHICH AMENDMENT WOULD HAVE THE E.S.C. UNDERTAKE STUDIES WITH A VIEW TOWARD PREPARING THE DRAFT CONVENTION ON GENOCIDE."} {"rcid":76,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-05","unres":"R/2/1306B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"GENOCIDE","descr":"TO ADOPT 6TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/510), AS AMENDED BY THE AMENDED 3-POWER AMENDMENT."} {"rcid":77,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-11-06","unres":"R/2/1424","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, ECONOMIC UNION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE REPORT AND RESOLUTIONS A AND B (A/516) OF THE AD HOC COMM. ON THE PALESTINE QUESTION, PROVIDING AND APPROVING A PLAN OF PARTITION WITH ECONOMIC UNION, FOR PALESTINE."} {"rcid":78,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-09-02","unres":"R/3/103","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION OF NEW MEMBERS","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR PROPOSAL TO DELETE ITEM 14 (C) FROM THE AGENDA RECOMMENDED IN THE GENERAL COMM. REPORT (A/653). ITEM 14 (C) IS AN APPLICATION OF CHARTER ARTICLE 27 ON THE PRINCIPLE OF UNANIMITY AMONG PERMANENT SECURITY COUNCIL MEMBERS, TO THE QU"} {"rcid":79,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-09-02","unres":"R/3/108","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOVIET WIVES","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR PROPOSAL TO DELETE ITEM 42, ON USSR VIOLATIONS OF FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS, DIPLOMATIC PRACTICE AND OTHER CHARTER PRINCIPLES, FROM THE GENERAL COMMITTEE-RECOMMENDED AGENDA (A/653)"} {"rcid":80,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-10-05","unres":"R/3/367","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMINISTRATIVE VACANCIES","descr":"TO ADOPT POLISH DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/686) TERMINATING MR. JAN PAPANEK'S MEMBERSHIP CAPACITY ON THE COMMITTEE OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS AND THE COMMITTEE ON CONTRIBUTIONS, AND CALLING FOR NEW ELECTIONS TO FILL THE VACANCIES."} {"rcid":81,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-05","unres":"R/3/393A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/695) INVITING ADMINISTERING AUTHORITIES TO SUBMIT THEIR MOST RECENT INFORMATION ON THEIR NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL."} {"rcid":82,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-05","unres":"R/3/393B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/695) CONSTITUTING A SPECIAL COMMITTEE FOR 1949 TO EXAMINE INFORMATION ON NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES TRANSMITTED UNDER ARTICLE 73E OF THE CHARTER."} {"rcid":83,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-05","unres":"R/3/393C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. III (A/695) ESTABLISHING A LIAISON BETWEEN THE UNESCO AND THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON INFORMATION FROM NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":84,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-05","unres":"R/3/394","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. IV (A/695) PROVIDING FOR COLLABORATION OF THE SPECIALIZED AGENCIES WITH REGARD TO INFORMATION FROM NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":85,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-06","unres":"R/3/468","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/C.1/310) POSTPONING THE SIGNING OF TWO SEPARATE CONVENTIONS, ENTERING INTO IMMEDIATE FORCE, ON THE PROHIBITION OF ATOMIC WEAPONS."} {"rcid":86,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-06","unres":"R/3/469A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST INDIAN AMENDMENT (A/700) TO 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/690 AND A/690, CORR.1), LIMITING APPROVAL OF THE A.E.C. REPORTS PROVIDED IN PARAGRAPH 1 TO APPROVAL \\IN SUBSTANCE\\\\ AND NOT IN ALL DETAILS. THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION APPRO\""} {"rcid":87,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-06","unres":"R/3/469B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND INDIAN AMENDMENT (A/700) TO 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/690 AND CORR.1), REPLACING PARAG. 4 WITH A TEXT CALLING UPON A.E.C. TO CONTINUE ITS WORK AND TO PREPARE A DRAFT CONVENTION INCORPORATING A.E.C. PROPOSALS ON INTERNATIONAL CONTRO"} {"rcid":88,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-06","unres":"R/3/489","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/720) ON ADMINISTRATIVE UNIONS IN THE TRUST TERRITORIES, SAID PARAGRAPH NOTING THAT THE UN TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENTS EXCLUDED ANY KIND OF POLITICAL UNION BETWEEN ADMINISTRATIVE UNIONS OF TRUS"} {"rcid":89,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-06","unres":"R/3/490A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT SUB-PARAGRAPH 9 (A) OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/720), SAID PARAGRAPH MAINTAINING THE STATUS AND IDENTITY OF TRUST TERRITORIES UNTIL THEY FREELY DETERMINE THEIR CHOSEN FORM OF GOVERNMENT."} {"rcid":90,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-06","unres":"R/3/490B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT SUB-PARAGRAPH 9 (B) OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/720), SAID PARAGRAPH ACKNOWLEDGING THE EFFECT ANY ADMINISTRATIVE UNIONS COULD HAVE ON THE POLITICAL STATUS OF TRUST TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":91,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-06","unres":"R/3/491A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT SUB-PARAGRAPH 11 (A) OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/720), SAID PARAGRAPH RECOMMENDING THE ADMINISTERING AUTHORITIES TO CONSULT THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL BEFORE CONSTITUTING OR EXTENDING AN ADMINISTRATIVE UNION."} {"rcid":92,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-06","unres":"R/3/491B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT SUB-PARAGRAPH 11 (B) OF 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL.II (A/720), SAID PARAGRAPH PROVIDING THAT THE ADMINISTERING AUTHORITIES SUBMIT THE UNIFIED ADMINISTRATION OF THE TRUST TERRITORY AND ADJACENT TERRITORIES TO THE SUPERVISION OF THE TRUSTEESH"} {"rcid":93,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-06","unres":"R/3/497","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. STATISTICS","descr":"TO ADOPT 6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/713) WITH E.S.C. DRAFT PROTOCOL AND ANNEX, REGARDING THE TRANSFER TO THE UN OF THE LEAGUE OF NATION'S POWERS UNDER THE 1928 INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON ECONOMIC STATISTICS."} {"rcid":94,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-07","unres":"R/3/564A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT NUCLEAR, CONVENTIONAL","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 OF USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/723) PROPOSING PROHIBITION OF ATOMIC WEAPONS AND THE REDUCTION OF ARMS AND MILITARY FORCES; SAID PARAGRAPH NOTING THE LACK OF IMPLEMENTATION OF ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS 24 JAN. 46, ON ATOMIC ENERGY CONTR"} {"rcid":95,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-07","unres":"R/3/564B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 2 OF USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/723), SAID PARAGRAPH RECOGNIZING THE PRIME IMPORTANCE OF A PROHIBITION ON THE PRODUCTION AND USE OF ATOMIC WEAPONS."} {"rcid":96,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-07","unres":"R/3/565A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 3 OF USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/723), RECOGNIZING THE BENEFICENT EFFECTS OF ARMS REDUCTIONS ON WORLD PEACE AND SECURITY AND AS A RELIEF TO DEFENCE-OVERBURDENED ECONOMIES."} {"rcid":97,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-07","unres":"R/3/565B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 4 OF USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/723), POINTING TO THE BIG POWERS' RESPONSIBILITY FOR WORLD PEACE AND SECURITY IN CONJUNCTION WITH THEIR MILITARY STRENGTH."} {"rcid":98,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-07","unres":"R/3/566A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 5 OF THE USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/723), SAID PARAGRAPH DESIRING PEACE AND THE ELIMINATION OF ANY NEW THREATS OF WAR."} {"rcid":99,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-07","unres":"R/3/566B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, CONVENTIONAL","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 6 OF USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/723), RECOMMENDING THE PERMANENT SECURITY COUNCIL MEMBERS TO REDUCE BY 1/3 ALL THEIR ARMED FORCES IN A YEAR."} {"rcid":100,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-07","unres":"R/3/566C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 7 OF THE USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/723), SAID PARAGRAPH RECOMMENDING THE PROHIBITION OF ATOMIC WEAPONS INTENDED FOR AGGRESSION."} {"rcid":101,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-07","unres":"R/3/567","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT SUPERVISION","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 8 OF THE USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/723), SAID PARAGRAPH RECOMMENDING THE ESTABLISHMENT WITHIN FRAMEWORK OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL OF AN INTERNATIONAL CONTROL BODY TO SUPERVISE ARMS REDUCTION AND ATOMIC WEAPONS PROHIBITION."} {"rcid":102,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-07","unres":"R/3/592","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"S.W. AFRICA TRUSTEESHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/734) CALLING FOR SOUTH AFRICA TO PLACE SOUTH WEST AFRICA UNDER A TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENT, SAID PARAGRAPH UPHOLDING THE 1946 AND 1947 RESOLUTIONS FOR PLACING S.W. AFRICA UNDER THE TRU"} {"rcid":103,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-07","unres":"R/3/609","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRADE DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT POLISH DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/739) THAT ANY DISCRIMINATION IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE OR CREDIT POLICY IS A VIOLATION OF THE UN CHARTER."} {"rcid":104,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-11-01","unres":"R/3/663","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"GREECE","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE USSR DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/729) REGARDING THREATS TO THE POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE AND TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF GREECE. PARAGRAPH 3 RECOMMENDS THE GREEK GOVERNMENT TO REMOVE ANY DISCRIMINATION AGAINST MACEDONIA"} {"rcid":105,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-03","unres":"R/3/701","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DEVELOPMENT AID","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION C (A/737) ORGANIZING, ARRANGING, EQUIPPING, AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR UN TEAMS OF EXPERTS TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TO REQUESTING STATES."} {"rcid":106,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-03","unres":"R/3/708","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRAINING PUBLIC ADMINISTRATORS","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH OF A 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/746) TO ESTABLISH A UN INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR TRAINING IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, SAID PARAGRAPH THEN ESTABLISHING THIS CENTRE."} {"rcid":107,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-03","unres":"R/3/709","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRAINING PUBLIC ADMINISTRATORS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/746) PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A UN INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR TRAINING IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, SAID PARAGRAPH REQUIRING THE SEC. GENERAL TO REPORT TO THE UNESCO THE DETAI"} {"rcid":108,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-05","unres":"R/3/729","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"GENERAL ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES","descr":"TO ADOPT POLISH AMENDMENT (A/772) TO GENERAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/768) ADJOURNING THE ASSEMBLY SESSION ON 11-12 DEC. 1948 AND RESUMING ON 1 FEB. 1949; SAID AMENDMENT ACCEPTING THE 11-12 DEC. 1948 ADJOURNMENT BUT REFERRING THE ITEMS STILL THEN"} {"rcid":109,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-05","unres":"R/3/730","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"GENERAL ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES","descr":"TO ADOPT UK AMENDMENT (A/773) TO GENERAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/768), SAID AMENDMENT CONTINUING THE PRESENT PARIS SESSION UNTIL ALL AGENDA ITEMS HAVE BEEN RESOLVED."} {"rcid":110,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-05","unres":"R/3/731","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"GENERAL ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES","descr":"TO ADOPT UK ORAL AMENDMENT TO GENERAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/768), SAID AMENDMENT ADJOURNING PARIS SESSION ON 15-16 DEC. 1948 AND RESUMING ON 1 FEB. 1949 IN NEW YORK."} {"rcid":111,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-05","unres":"R/3/732","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"GENERAL ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES","descr":"TO ADOPT ARGENTINA AMENDMENT (A/774) TO GENERAL COMM. RESOL. (A/768), SAID AMENDMENT RESUMING SESSION ON 1 APRIL 1949 IN NEW YORK."} {"rcid":112,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-05","unres":"R/3/733","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"GENERAL ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES","descr":"TO ADOPT GENERAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/774) INCORPORATING ARGENTINA AMENDMENT (A/774) PROVIDING TO RESUME SESSION ON 1 APRIL 1949 IN NEW YORK."} {"rcid":113,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-06","unres":"R/3/754","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"SPANISH WORKING LANGUAGE","descr":"TO ADOPT PRESIDENT'S RULING AGAINST THE USSR PROPOSAL TO AMEND THE MEXICAN AMENDMENT TO 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/704), SAID RESOLUTION APPROVING CONCLUSIONS OF THE 1948 ADVISORY COMMITTEE'S 3RD REPORT (A/657) ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QU"} {"rcid":114,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-06","unres":"R/3/756","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"SPANISH WORKING LANGUAGE","descr":"TO ADOPT MEXICAN ORAL AMENDMENT TO 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/704), SAID AMENDMENT MODIFYING PROCEDURAL RULE 44 TO INCLUDE SPANISH AS A WORKING LANGUAGE OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY."} {"rcid":115,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-06","unres":"R/3/757","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SPANISH WORKING LANGUAGE","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/704)."} {"rcid":116,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-07","unres":"R/3/766","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT GEN. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/775) RE-ALLOCATING THE QUESTION OF THE FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES TO THE AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE."} {"rcid":117,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-07","unres":"R/3/801","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION OF NEW MEMBERS","descr":"TO ADOPT AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. J (A/771) FOR SECURITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF THE ADMISSION OF CEYLON TO THE UN; AS AMENDED BY JOINT PROPOSAL (A/761) FACILITATING THE ADMISSION."} {"rcid":118,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-01","unres":"R/3/847","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"GENOCIDE","descr":"TO ADOPT A USSR AMENDMENT (A/766) TO THE 6TH COMM. DRAFT CONVENTION ON GENOCIDE (A/760 AND CORR. 2, RESOL.A), SAID AMENDMENT ADDING A NEW ARTICLE III WHICH DEFINES AN ADDITIONAL MEANING TO \\GENOCIDE\\\\, AS ANY DELIBERATE ACT INTENDING TO DESTROY\""} {"rcid":119,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-01","unres":"R/3/848A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"GENOCIDE","descr":"TO ADOPT A USSR AMENDMENT (A/766) TO ARTICLE 6 OF THE 6TH COMMITTEE DRAFT CONVENTION ON GENOCIDE (A/760 AND CORR. 2, RESOL.A), SAID AMENDMENT DELETING WORDS \\OR BY SUCH INTERNATIONAL PENAL TRIBUNAL AS MAY HAVE JURISDICTION WITH RESPECT TO THOSE"} {"rcid":120,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-01","unres":"R/3/848B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"GENOCIDE","descr":"TO ADOPT A USSR AMENDMENT (A/766) TO THE 6TH COMM. DRAFT CONVENTION ON GENOCIDE (A/760 AND CORR. 2, RESOL.A), SAID AMENDMENT ADDING A NEW ARTICLE 10 READING: \\THE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES UNDERTAKE TO DISBAND AND TO PROHIBIT IN THE FUTURE THE "} {"rcid":121,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-01","unres":"R/3/849","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"GENOCIDE","descr":"TO ADOPT A USSR AMENDMENT (A/766) TO THE 6TH COMM. DRAFT CONVENTION ON GENOCIDE (A/760 AND CORR. 2, RESOL.A), SAID AMENDMENT RELATING TO ARTICLE 12 AND PROVIDING FOR THE APPLICATION OF THIS CONVENTION EQUALLY ON THE TERRITORY OF A CONTRACTING P"} {"rcid":122,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-01","unres":"R/3/851","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, GENOCIDE","descr":"TO ADOPT 6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/760 AND CORR. 2) APPROVING THE ANNEXED DRAFT CONVENTION ON GENOCIDE."} {"rcid":123,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-02","unres":"R/3/930","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS DECLARATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE USSR AMENDMENT (A/784) TO THE 3RD COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION A (A/777), THE DRAFT UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, WHICH AMENDMENT REPLACES EXISTING ARTICLE 3 WITH A TEXT ON (1) RIGHTS TO NATIONAL SELF-DETERMINATION OF EVERY"} {"rcid":124,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-02","unres":"R/3/931A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS DECLARATION","descr":"TO ADOPT A USSR AMENDMENT (A/784) TO 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/777), SAID AMENDMENT REPLACING THE TEXT OF ARTICLE 20 WITH: \\IT IS THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF EVERY PERSON FREELY TO EXPRESS AND DISSEMINATE DEMOCRATIC VIEWS AND IDEAS, TO DEFEND D"} {"rcid":125,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-02","unres":"R/3/931B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS DECLARATION","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR AMENDMENT (A/784) TO 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/777), SAID AMENDMENT SUBSTITUTING A NEW TEXT FOR ARTICLE 22 TO PROVIDE (1) EVERY CITIZEN WITH THE RIGHT TO PARTICIPATE, WITHOUT ANY DISTINCTIONS, IN GOVERNMENT; TO ELECT AND BE ELEC"} {"rcid":126,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-02","unres":"R/3/931C","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS DECLARATION","descr":"TO ADOPT A USSR AMENDMENT (A/784) TO 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/777), SAID AMENDMENT ADDING A NEW ARTICLE (AFTER ARTICLE 31) WHICH PROVIDES A GUARANTEE OF THE RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS IN THIS DECLARATION BY NATIONAL LAWS."} {"rcid":127,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-02","unres":"R/3/933","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS DECLARATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/777): THE UK PROPOSAL (A/778/REV.1) DELETING ARTICLE III AND PUTTING IN THIS TEXT AS PARAGRAPH 2 OF ARTICLE II: \\FURTHERMORE, NO DISTINCTION SHALL BE MADE ON THE BASIS OF THE POLITICAL, JURISDICTIONAL OR I"} {"rcid":128,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-03","unres":"R/3/993A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE MEDIATOR","descr":"TO ADOPT POLISH AMENDMENT (A/804) TO 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/776) ESTABLISHING, EMPOWERING AND INSTRUCTING A UN CONCILIATION COMMISSION ON PALESTINE; SAID AMENDMENT REPLACING ENTIRE PREAMBLE WITH THE WORDS: \\THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, HAVING CONS"} {"rcid":129,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-03","unres":"R/3/993B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE MEDIATOR","descr":"TO ADOPT 7-POWER AMENDMENT (A/789) TO 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL.(A/776), SAID AMENDMENT DELETING OPERATIVE SUB-PARAGRAPH 2 (C) WHICH AUTHORIZED THE CONCILIATION COMMISSION TO UNDERTAKE ANY OF THE FUNCTIONS OF THE UN MEDIATOR ON PALESTINE OR THE UN"} {"rcid":130,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-03","unres":"R/3/995","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE MEDIATOR","descr":"TO ADOPT EL SALVADOR AMENDMENT (A/801) TO 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/776), SAID AMENDMENT ADDING NAZARETH TO THE INTERNATIONALIZED ZONE PROVIDED FOR IN PARAGRAPH 7."} {"rcid":131,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-03","unres":"R/3/996","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE MEDIATOR","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL., AS VARIOUSLY AMENDED BY PROPOSALS (A/789), (A/791), AND (A/803)."} {"rcid":132,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-03","unres":"R/3/997","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LEAGUE OF NATIONS ASSETS","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/797) TRANSFERRING THE ASSETS OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS TO THE UN."} {"rcid":133,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-03","unres":"R/3/1002","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ANNUAL BUDGET","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/798), WHICH IS UN APPROPRIATION RESOLUTION FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 1949."} {"rcid":134,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-12-04","unres":"R/3/1042","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"KOREA, INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/788) AS AMENDED BY CANADIAN PROPOSAL (A/806), REPLACING WORDS \\CONSISTING OF THE SAME MEMBER-STATES WHICH COMPOSED THE UN TEMPORARY COMMISSION ON KOREA\\\\ IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 4 WITH, \\\\\"CONSISTING OF THE FOLL\""} {"rcid":135,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-04-01","unres":"R/3/36A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDONESIA ON AGENDA","descr":"TO ADOPT NORWEGIAN ORAL PROPOSAL PROVISIONALLY POSTPONING ACTION ON A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/829) TO INCLUDE AN ITEM ON THE INDONESIAN QUESTION IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":136,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-04-01","unres":"R/3/36B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDONESIA ON AGENDA","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/829) TO INCLUDE AN ITEM ON THE INDONESION QUESTION IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":137,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-04-02","unres":"R/3/47A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION ISRAEL","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/829) TO INCLUDE AN ITEM ON ISRAEL'S APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO THE UN, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":138,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-04-02","unres":"R/3/47B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION ISRAEL","descr":"TO ADOPT A PAKISTAN ORAL PROPOSAL REFERRING ISRAEL'S APPLICATION FOR UN ADMISSION TO THE 1ST COMMITTEE."} {"rcid":139,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-04-03","unres":"R/3/129A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N., STRENGTHENING","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE USSR DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/793) ON THE PROBLEM OF VOTING IN THE SECURITY COUNCIL. PARAGRAPH 1 STATES THE IMPORTANCE OF STRENGTHENING THE AUTHORITY OF THE UN BY MEMBER STATES."} {"rcid":140,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-04-03","unres":"R/3/129B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N., STRENGTHENING","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/793), SAID PARAGRAPH CALLING FOR WIDENED INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION BY AVOIDING UNNECESSARY REGULATION AND FORMALISM IN UN ORGANS."} {"rcid":141,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-04-03","unres":"R/3/130A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N., STRENGTHENING","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/793), SAID PARAGRAPH EXPRESSING CONFIDENCE THAT THE SECURITY COUNCIL WILL APPLY THE METHOD OF CONSULTATION OR ADOPT CONCERTED DECISIONS, IN CONSIDERATION OF PAST EXPERIENCE WITH THE PRINCIPLE OF"} {"rcid":142,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-04-03","unres":"R/3/130B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N., STRENGTHENING","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/793)."} {"rcid":143,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-04-07","unres":"R/3/163","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS DECLARATION","descr":"TO ADOPT CHILE AMENDMENT (A/828) TO 6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/787), SAID AMENDMENT REPLACING WORDS \\AND THAT THE DRAFT INTERNATIONAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, IN ITS ARTICLES 14 AND 17 RESPECTIVELY, PROVIDED...\\\\ IN PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH 4 WI\""} {"rcid":144,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-04-07","unres":"R/3/163","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"SOVIET WIVES","descr":"TO ADOPT 6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/787) AS AMENDED BY CHILE PROPOSAL (A/828). THE 6TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION RECOMMENDS THAT USSR WITHDRAW ITS MEASURES PREVENTING RUSSIAN WIVES OF FOREIGN CITIZENS FROM JOINING THEIR HUSBANDS ABROAD."} {"rcid":145,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-04-05","unres":"R/3/272A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/844) EXPRESSING CONCERN OVER ACCUSATIONS OF BULGARIAN AND HUNGARIAN SUPPRESSIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS. THE PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH DECLARES THAT IT IS T"} {"rcid":146,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-04-05","unres":"R/3/272B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS IN BULGARIA, HUNGARY","descr":"TO ADOPT REMAINING PARAGRAPHS OF THE AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/844), WHICH PARAGRAPHS STATE AND REGRET SITUATION REGARDING BULGARIAN AND HUNGARIAN OBSERVANCE OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS."} {"rcid":147,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-04-05","unres":"R/3/272C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO ADOPT AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/844)."} {"rcid":148,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-04","unres":"R/3/330","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION ISRAEL","descr":"TO ADOPT AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/855) ADMITTING ISRAEL INTO THE UN."} {"rcid":149,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-06","unres":"R/3/426","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"NEWS REPORTING","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION AND DRAFT CONVENTION (A/858) TAKEN TOGETHER, ON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION; AS AMENDED BY PROPOSAL (A/861) TRANSFERRING PARAGRAPH 3, ARTICLE XII TO ARTICLE VII, AND PROPOSAL (A/870) REPLACING PARAGRAPH 8, ARTICLE"} {"rcid":150,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-07","unres":"R/3/455","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. B (A/863) INVITING INDIA, PAKISTAN AND SOUTH AFRICA TO HOLD A ROUND-TABLE CONFERENCE ON THE TREATMENT OF INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":151,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-02","unres":"R/3/501A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. MEMBERS, RELATIONS WITH SPAIN","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/852) ALLOWING MEMBER STATES FULL FREEDOM OF ACTION IN THEIR DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH FRANCO SPAIN."} {"rcid":152,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-02","unres":"R/3/501B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N. MEMBERS, RELATIONS WITH SPAIN","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 OF POLISH DRAFT RESOL. (A/860) ON RELATIONS OF UN MEMBER STATES WITH FRANCO SPAIN; PARAGRAPH 1 RECALLS PAST INTERNATIONAL CONDEMNATIONS OF FRANCO REGIME IN SPAIN. (E.G. POTSDAM AND LONDON CONFERENCES)."} {"rcid":153,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-02","unres":"R/3/502A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N. MEMBERS, RELATIONS WITH SPAIN","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 2 OF POLISH DRAFT RESOL. (A/860), DECLARING THAT THE FRANCO REGIME IS A FASCIST REGIME WHICH AIDED THE AXIS POWERS DURING THE WAR."} {"rcid":154,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-02","unres":"R/3/502B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N. MEMBERS, RELATIONS WITH SPAIN","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE POLISH DRAFT RESOL. (A/860), SAID PARAGRAPH STATING THAT THE FRANCO REGIME WAS IMPOSED ON THE SPANISH PEOPLE BY FORCE."} {"rcid":155,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-02","unres":"R/3/502C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N. MEMBERS, RELATIONS WITH SPAIN","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE POLISH DRAFT RESOL. (A/860), SAID PARAGRAPH RECALLING SUFFERINGS OF SPANISH PEOPLE UNDER THE FASCIST FRANCO REGIME."} {"rcid":156,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-02","unres":"R/3/503A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N. MEMBERS, RELATIONS WITH SPAIN","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 5 OF THE POLISH DRAFT RESOL. (A/860), SAID PARAGRAPH TAKING NOTE OF THE WORSENING PERSECUTIONS OF DEMOCRATIC LEADERS IN SPAIN BY THE FRANCO REGIME."} {"rcid":157,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-02","unres":"R/3/503B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N. MEMBERS, RELATIONS WITH SPAIN","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 6 OF THE POLISH DRAFT RESOL. (A/860), SAID PARAGRAPH RECALLING THE SYMPATHY OF DEMOCRATIC NATIONS FOR THE SPANISH PEOPLE, AND THE DUTY OF THE UN TO AID THEM."} {"rcid":158,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-02","unres":"R/3/504","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N. MEMBERS, RELATIONS WITH SPAIN","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 7 OF THE POLISH DRAFT RESOL. (A/860). PARAGRAPH 7 NOTES THE STRENGTHENING OF POLITICO-ECONOMIC TIES WITH FRANCO SPAIN ON THE PART OF US, UK AND OTHER COUNTRIES DESPITE UN 1946 AND 1947 RESOLUTIONS AGAINST THIS."} {"rcid":159,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-03","unres":"R/3/584A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT THE IRAQ AMENDMENT (A/875/CORR. 1) TO THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION A (A/873) RELATING TO THE DISPOSAL OF FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES, WHICH IRAQ AMENDMENT REPLACES OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 WITH THE FOLLOWING TEXT: \\WITH RESPECT TO LIBYA, I"} {"rcid":160,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-03","unres":"R/3/584B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT EGYPTIAN AMENDMENT (A/885) TO 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/873), SAID AMENDMENT DELETING \\UNLESS THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY THEN DECIDES THAT THIS STEP IS NOT APPROPRIATE AT THIS TIME,\\\\ IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1.\\\"\""} {"rcid":161,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-03","unres":"R/3/585A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT EGYPTIAN AMENDMENT TO 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/873), REPLACING OPERATIVE SUB-PARAGRAPHS 1 (A), 1(B), AND 1(C) WITH A TEXT (A) PLACING LIBYA UNDER THE INTERNATIONAL TRUSTEESHIP SYSTEM DURING THE 10-YEAR INTERIM PERIOD (B) UNDER THE J"} {"rcid":162,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-03","unres":"R/3/585B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT SUB-PARAGRAPH 1 (A) OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/873), SAID PARAGRAPH MAKING CYRENAICA A TRUST TERRITORY UNDER THE UK."} {"rcid":163,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-03","unres":"R/3/586","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT SUB-PARAGRAPH 1 (B) OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/873), SAID SUB-PARAGRAPH MAKING FEZZAN A TRUST TERRITORY UNDER FRANCE."} {"rcid":164,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-03","unres":"R/3/587","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT SUB-PARAGRAPH 1 (C) OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/873), SAID SUB-PARAGRAPH MAKING TRIPOLITANIA A TRUST TERRITORY UNDER ITALY; AS ORALLY AMENDED BY ARGENTINA DELETING \\TURKEY\\\\ FROM SUB-PARAGRAPH 1 (C) AND ORALLY AMENDED BY IRAN RE\""} {"rcid":165,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-03","unres":"R/3/591","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT MEXICAN ORAL AMENDMENT TO 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL.A (A/873) REPLACING WORDS \\THAT THE POWERS CHARGED WITH THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE THREE TERRITORIES\\\\ WITH \\\\\"THAT THE POWERS CHARGED WITH ADMINISTRATION OF CYRENAICA AND FEZZAN AND THE PO\""} {"rcid":166,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-03","unres":"R/3/592A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT FINAL PARAGRAPH OF OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/873), AS AMENDED BY MEXICAN PROPOSAL."} {"rcid":167,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-03","unres":"R/3/592B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT 3-POWER AMENDMENT (A/891) REPLACING WORD \\FIFTEEN\\\\ WITH \\\\\"TWENTY-FIVE\\\\\", IN THE LIBERIAN AMENDMENT (A/886) TO 1ST COMM. COMM DRAFT RESOL. A (A/873); WHICH LIBERIAN AMAENDMENT REPLACES OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 WITH A TEXT MAKING THE FORME\""} {"rcid":168,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-03","unres":"R/3/593A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. A (A/873) MAKING FORMER ITALIAN SOMALILAND A TRUST TERRITORY UNDER ITALY, WITH A VIEW TO EVENTUAL INDEPENDENCE."} {"rcid":169,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-03","unres":"R/3/593B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. A (A/873), SAID PARAGRAPH INCORPORATING ERITREA INTO ETHIOPIA."} {"rcid":170,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-03","unres":"R/3/593C","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT EGYPTIAN AMENDMENT (A/885) TO 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/873), SAID AMENDMENT ADDING: \\AND THE WESTERN PROVINCE OF ERITREA BE INCORPORATED INTO THE SUDAN\\\\ TO OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3.\\\"\""} {"rcid":171,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-03","unres":"R/3/595","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. A (A/873), AS VARIOUSLY AMENDED."} {"rcid":172,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-03","unres":"R/3/598","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT PAKISTANI DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/889) ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO EXAMINE THE QUESTION OF THE DISPOSAL OF FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES."} {"rcid":173,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-04","unres":"R/3/608","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT 3-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/892/REV.1) REFERRING PROBLEM OF THE FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES TO THE INTERIM COMMITTEE FOR CONSIDERATION AND A REPORT BY THE NEXT REGULAR SESSION."} {"rcid":174,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-05-04","unres":"R/3/611","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GERHART EISLER CASE","descr":"TO ADOPT PRESIDENT'S PROCEDURAL RULING AGAINST THE POLISH PROPOSAL TO ADD ANOTHER ITEM TO THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":175,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-10-04","unres":"R/4/117","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FREEDOM OF INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/1010) RECOMMENDING THE UNESCO TO REQUEST THE COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS TO INCLUDE ADEQUATE PROVISIONS ON FREEDOM OF INFORMATION IN THE DRAFT INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON HUMAN RIGHTS."} {"rcid":176,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-10-06","unres":"R/4/150","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"EASTERN EUROPE HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO ADOPT AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/1023) TO ADOPT AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/1023) HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS IN BULGARIA, RUMANIA AND HUNGARY."} {"rcid":177,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-10-06","unres":"R/4/165","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GENERAL ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES","descr":"TO ADOPT REVISED RULE 59 ON DISCUSSION OF COMMITTEE REPORTS, AS RECOMMENDED IN THE 6TH COMM. REPORT ON METHODS AND PROCEDURES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY (A/1026 AND CORR.1)."} {"rcid":178,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-05","unres":"R/4/188A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 4 OF DRAFT RESOLUTION I OF THE 4TH COMMITTEE (A/1028), WHICH RESOLUTION RELATES TO THE POLITICAL ADVANCEMENT OF THE TRUST TERRITORIES. PAR. 4 CALLS UPON ADMINISTERING AUTHORITIES TO SUBMIT TO THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCI"} {"rcid":179,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-05","unres":"R/4/188B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBLE AND OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF DRAFT RESOLUTION III OF THE 4TH COMMITTEE (A/1028), SAID RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT THE INTERESTS OF THE INHABITANTS ARE THE PARAMOUNT FACTORS IN ALL PLANS OR POLICIES FOR THE ECONOMIC ADVANCEMENT"} {"rcid":180,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-05","unres":"R/4/189A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION IV (A/1028) ON SOCIAL ADVANCEMENT IN THE TRUST TERRITORIES, AS AMENDED BY AUSTRALIAN PROPOSAL (A/1090) REPLACING WORDS \\AND IN NEW GUINEA\\\\ IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 WITH \\\\\"AND THAT CORPORAL PUNISHMENT BE \""} {"rcid":181,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-05","unres":"R/4/189B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL FLAG","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. VI (A/1028) REQUESTING TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL TO RECOMMEND THE FLYING OF THE UN FLAG BESIDE THAT OF THE ADMINISTERING AUTHORITY, IN ALL TRUST TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":182,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-06","unres":"R/4/211","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ECOSOC AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST AND 2ND PARAGRAPHS INCLUDING FIRST PART OF 3RD PARAGRAPH UNTIL WORDS \\RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY\\\\ OF THE 2ND COMM. DRAFT RESOL. D (A/1064), ACKNOWLEDGING THAT E.S.C. TASK EXPERIENCE HAS SHOWN THAT MANY ASPECTS OF INTE\""} {"rcid":183,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-06","unres":"R/4/212","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ECOSOC AND TARIFFS","descr":"TO ADOPT REMAINDER OF LAST PARAGRAPH OF 2ND COMM. DRAFT RESOL. D (A/1064) BEGINNING WITH WORDS \\ TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE DISCUSSION.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t1"} {"rcid":184,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/264A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"GREECE AND TURKEY","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBLE AND OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF A USSR DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/1063) REGARDING THREATS TO TERRITORIAL AND POLITICAL INTEGRITY OF GREECE; THE PARAGRAPHS APPEAL TO CONFLICTING PARTIES TO CEASE MILITARY OPERATIONS WITH A VIEW TO NORMALI"} {"rcid":185,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/264B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"AMNESTY IN GREECE","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH AND SUB-PARAGRAPH (A) OF THE USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/1063), WHICH PARAGRAPHS RECOMMEND THE DECLARATION OF GENERAL AMNESTY IN GREECE."} {"rcid":186,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/264C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"GREECE, ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT SUB-PARAGRAPH (B) OF THE USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/1063), RECOMMENDING DECLARATION OF GENERAL AND FREE PARLIAMENTARY ELECTIONS IN GREECE."} {"rcid":187,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/264D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"GREECE, ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT SUB-PARAGRAPH (C) OF THE USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/1063), PROVIDING FOR SUPERVISION OF SAID ELECTIONS BY REPRESENTATIVES OF POWERS INCLUDING THE USSR."} {"rcid":188,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/264E","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"GREECE","descr":"TO ADOPT SUB-PARAGRAPH (D) OF THE USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/1063), PROVIDING FOR A JOINT COMMISSION OF THE POWERS (INCLUDING USSR) TO SUPERVISE THE NORTHERN FRONTIERS OF GREECE."} {"rcid":189,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/264F","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"GREECE","descr":"TO ADOPT SUB-PARAGRAPH (E) OF THE USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/1063), RECOMMENDING THE CESSATION OF FOREIGN MILITARY ASSISTANCE TO THE GREEK GOVERNMENT, AND THE FIXING OF A TIME-LIMIT FOR WITHDRAWAL OF FOREIGN TROOPS FROM GREECE."} {"rcid":190,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/265","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"GREECE","descr":"TO ADOPT SUB-PARAGRAPH (F) OF THE USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/1063), RECOMMENDING DISSOLUTION OF THE UN SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE BALKANS."} {"rcid":191,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-04","unres":"R/4/301A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT POLISH AMENDMENT (A/1110/REV.1) TO SECTION A, OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A; (A/1089 AND CORR.1), COVERING THE DISPOSAL OF THE FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES OF LIBYA, ERITREA AND ITALIAN SOMALILAND. THE AMENDMENT REPLACE"} {"rcid":192,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-04","unres":"R/4/301B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT POLISH AMENDMENT (A/1110/REV.1) TO 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/1089 AND CORR.1), SAID AMENDMENT REPLACING TEXT OF OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2, SECTION B, WITH: \\2. THAT ITS INDEPENDENCE SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE AT THE END OF 3 YEARS FROM THE"} {"rcid":193,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-04","unres":"R/4/302A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT POLISH AMENDMENT (A/1110/REV.1) TO 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/1089 AND CORR.1), SAID AMENDMENT REPLACING ENTIRE SECTION C WITH TEXT RECOMMENDING INDEPENDENCE FOR ERITREA AFTER A THREE-YEAR TRUSTEESHIP PERIOD UNDER THE UN."} {"rcid":194,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-04","unres":"R/4/302B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT SECTION A OF 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/1089 AND CORR.1), SAID SECTION ON THE DISPOSAL OF LIBYA."} {"rcid":195,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-04","unres":"R/4/302C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT SECTION B OF 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL A (A/1089 AND CORR.1), SAID SECTION COVERING THE DISPOSAL OF ITALIAN SOMALILAND."} {"rcid":196,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-04","unres":"R/4/302D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT SECTION C OF 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. A (A/1089 AND CORR. 1), SAID SECTION COVERING THE DISPOSAL OF ERITREA."} {"rcid":197,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-04","unres":"R/4/302","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT SECTION D OF 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/1089 AND CORR.1), SAID SECTION PROVIDING THE NECESSARY FACILITIES AND EXPENSES TO PERSONS OR AGENCIES CONCERNED IN THE FULFILLMENT OF THE TERMS OF THIS RESOLUTION."} {"rcid":198,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-06","unres":"R/4/358A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE USSR DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/1120) ON THE INTERNATIONAL CONTROL OF ATOMIC ENERGY. PARA. 1 PLACES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE FAILURE OF ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS REGARDING ATOMIC ENERGY AND ATOMIC WEAPONS TO HAVE EFFECT, UPO"} {"rcid":199,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-06","unres":"R/4/358B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 2 OF USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/1120), CONSIDERING THE FAILURE OF AEC CONSULTATIONS IN SOLVING PROBLEMS TO BE DUE TO US-UK PROPOSALS WHICH ARE AT VARIANCE WITH THE AIMS OF IMMEDIATE PROHIBITION OF ATOMIC WEAPONS AND INTERNATIONAL C"} {"rcid":200,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-06","unres":"R/4/358C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 3 OF USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/1120), INSTRUCTING THE AEC TO RESUME WORK ON GIVING EFFECT TO ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS, AND TO PREPARE A DRAFT CONVENTION FOR THE PROHIBITION OF ATOMIC WEAPONS AND A DRAFT CONVENTION FOR THE CONTROL OF A"} {"rcid":201,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/383A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"LABOUR AND WELFARE","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBLE AND PARAGRAPH 1 (A) OF CZECHOSLOVAKIA DRAFT RESOL. (A/1081) ON NATIONAL ACTIONS TO ACHIEVE AND MAINTAIN FULL EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC STABILITY; SAID PARAGRAPHS TAKING NOTE OF UNESCO REPORTS REVEALING INCREASED WORLD UNEMPLOYME"} {"rcid":202,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/383B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"LABOUR AND LEGISLATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 (B) OF CZECH DRAFT RESOL. (A/1081), SAID PARAGRAPH PROHIBITING DISMISSALS OF WORKERS WITHOUT UNION CONSENT."} {"rcid":203,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/383C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"LABOUR, LEGISLATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 (C) OF CZECH DRAFT RESOL. (A/1081), PROVIDING FOR INCREASING WAGES AND SOCIAL ALLOWANCES FOR WORKERS."} {"rcid":204,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/383D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"STATE ECONOMIC CONTROL","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 (D) OF CZECH DRAFT RESOL. (A/1081), RECOMMENDING STATE CONTROL OF ALL ACTIVITIES, TRANSACTIONS, PROFITS AND UTILIZATION OF PROFITS OF TRUSTS AND MONOPOLIES, REDUCTION OF PROFITS AND PRICE CONTROL."} {"rcid":205,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/383E","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TAX REFORM","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 (E) OF THE CZECH DRAFT RESOL. (A/1081), RECOMMENDING DEMOCRATIC TAX REFORMS WITH REDUCED INDIRECT TAX AND INCREASED PROFIT TAX."} {"rcid":206,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/383F","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"LABOUR LEGISLATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 (F) OF THE CZECH DRAFT RESOL. (A/1081), RECOMMENDING REDUCED WORKING HOURS AND WORK INTENSITY."} {"rcid":207,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/384A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"LABOUR LEGISLATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 (G) OF THE CZECH DRAFT RESOL. (A/1081), RECOMMENDING BROAD NATIONAL SYSTEMS OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING."} {"rcid":208,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/384B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"EDUCATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 (H) OF THE CZECH DRAFT RESOL. (A/1081), RECOMMENDING LARGE-SCALE PRODUCTIVE PUBLIC EDUCATION PROGRAMMES."} {"rcid":209,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/384C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CONVENTIONAL DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 (I) OF THE CZECH DRAFT RESOL. (A/1081), RECOMMENDING THE REDUCTION OF ARMAMENTS EXPENDITURES."} {"rcid":210,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/384D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRADE","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 (J) OF THE CZECH DRAFT RESOL. (A/1081), RECOMMENDING THE ESTABLISHMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF FREE AND EQUAL INTERNATIONAL TRADE RELATIONS."} {"rcid":211,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/384E","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"LABOUR AND WELFARE","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 (K) OF THE CZECH DRAFT RESOL. (A/1081), CALLING FOR AN ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PRICES OF INDUSTRIAL GOODS, RAW MATERIALS AND AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS."} {"rcid":212,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/384F","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"LABOUR AND WELFARE","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE CZECH DRAFT RESOL. (A/1081), REQUESTING MEMBER-STATES TO REPORT TO THE E.S.C. ON THEIR IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS RESOLUTION."} {"rcid":213,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-11-01","unres":"R/4/385","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"LABOUR AND WELFARE","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE CZECH DRAFT RESOL. (A/1081), REQUESTING THE E.S.C. TO CONTINUE CONSIDERING UNEMPLOYMENT ON THE BASIS OF THIS RESOLUTION AND STATES' REPORTS."} {"rcid":214,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-03","unres":"R/4/461","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION VIII (A/1159 AND CORR.1) DECLARING THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ASSEMBLY TO EXPRESS AN OPINION ON GUIDING PRINCIPLES BY WHICH ADMINISTERING STATES WOULD ENUMERATE TERRITORIES ABOUT WHICH OBLIGATION EXISTS TO"} {"rcid":215,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-03","unres":"R/4/471A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"HUMAN TRAFFIC AND TRUST TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT UK AMENDMENT (A/1175) TO ARTICLE 23 OF THE 3RD COMM. DRAFT CONVENTION ON THE SUPPRESSION OF TRAFFIC IN PERSONS AND OF EXPLOITATION OF PROSTITUTION (A/1164), WHICH AMENDMENT REPLACES THE FINAL PARAGRAPH WITH: \\IT SHALL ALSO BE OPEN FOR"} {"rcid":216,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-03","unres":"R/4/471B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN TRAFFIC AND TRUST TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT UK AMENDMENT (A/1175) ADDING AN ARTICLE AFTER ARTICLE 24 OF THE 3RD COMMITTEE DRAFT CONVENTION (A/1164), EXTENDING APPLICATION OF THIS CONVENTION TO TERRITORIES FOR WHICH THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE BY ALL ADMINISTERING AUTHORITIES PARTY TO T"} {"rcid":217,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-03","unres":"R/4/371C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRAFFIC IN PERSONS","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/1164) WITH ATTACHED CONVENTION."} {"rcid":218,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-07","unres":"R/4/535A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT THE PREAMBLE AND OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF DRAFT RESOLUTION I OF THE 4TH COMMITTEE (A/1180), WHICH RESOLUTION REITERATES PREVIOUS ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS REGARDING SOUTH AFRICA AND ITS REFUSAL TO CONTINUE SUBMITTING ANNUAL ADMINISTRATIVE R"} {"rcid":219,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-07","unres":"R/4/535B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT PART 1, OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. I (A/1180), SAID PART RUNNING FROM \\REITERATES\\\\ TO \\\\\"227 (III)\\\\\". THE TEXT CONCERNED REITERATES RESOLUTIONS 65 (I), 141 (II) AND 227 (III).\\\"\""} {"rcid":220,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-07","unres":"R/4/535C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT REMAINDER OF OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. I (A/1180) EXPRESSING REGRET AT SOUTH AFRICA DISREGARD OF PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS."} {"rcid":221,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-07","unres":"R/4/536A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT PART 1, OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. I (A/1180), SAID PART RUNNING FROM \\INVITES\\\\ TO THE \\\\\"GENERAL ASSEMBLY.\\\\\" THE TEXT CONCERNED INVITES RESUMPTION OF THE SUBMISSION OF REPORTS.\\\"\""} {"rcid":222,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-07","unres":"R/4/536B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT REMAINDER OF OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. I (A/1180) INVITING SOUTH AFRICA COMPLIANCE WITH ASSEMBLY DECISIONS CONTAINED IN SAID RESOLUTIONS."} {"rcid":223,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-07","unres":"R/4/536C","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/1180) AS ORALLY AMENDED IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1."} {"rcid":224,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-07","unres":"R/4/537","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA AND I.C.J.","descr":"TO ADOPT FIRST PARAGRAPH IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION II (A/1180), SAID RESOLUTION REQUESTS I.C.J. ADVISORY OPINION ON THE INTERNATIONAL STATUS OF SOUTH WEST AFRICA AND THE OBLIGATIONS OF SOUTH AFRICA REGARDING THAT TE"} {"rcid":225,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-02","unres":"R/4/570","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SINO-SOVIET VIOLATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE PROCEDURAL PART OF THE OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION II A/1218), WHICH RESOLUTION RELATES TO THREATS TO THE POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE AND INTEGRITY OF CHINA AND THE FAR EAST RESULTING FROM SOVIET VIOLATIONS OF"} {"rcid":226,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-02","unres":"R/4/571","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SINO-SOVIET VIOLATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT REMAINING PART OF THE OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH OF 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION II (A/1215) REGARDING THREATS TO THE POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE AND INTEGRITY OF CHINA AND THE FAR EAST RESULTING FROM SOVIET VIOLATIONS OF THE 1945 SINO-SOVIET TREATY"} {"rcid":227,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-03","unres":"R/4/605A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE","descr":"TO ADOPT FRENCH MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING."} {"rcid":228,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-03","unres":"R/4/605B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"TO ADOPT URUGUAY DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/1241) DECIDING TO ADJOURN DEBATE ON ITEM 18 DURING CURRENT SESSION OF ASSEMBLY, AND DECIDING TO HOLD A SPECIAL SESSION TO FURTHER CONSIDER SAID ITEM RE AN INTERNATIONAL REGIME FOR JERUSALEM AND PROTECTION OF"} {"rcid":229,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-03","unres":"R/4/606A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"TO ADOPT THE PREAMBLE AND FIRST PART OF OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH I, SECTION I, OF AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/222), SAID RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A STATUTE OF JERUSALEM TO ESTABLISH A PERMANENT INTERNATIONAL REGIME OVER JERUSALEM AND TO"} {"rcid":230,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-03","unres":"R/4/606B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"TO ADOPT POINT (1), OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1, SECTION I OF THE AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. I (A/1222) CONFIRMING DECISION OF ASSEMBLY RESOL. OF 29 NOV. 1947 TO ESTABLISH JERUSALEM AS A CORPUS SEPARATUM UNDER A SPECIAL U.N.-ADMINISTERED"} {"rcid":231,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-03","unres":"R/4/606C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"TO ADOPT POINT (2), PARAGRAPH 2, SECTION I OF AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/1222), CONFIRMING THE DECISION OF SAME 1947 RESOL. DESIGNATING TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL AS ADMINISTERING AUTHORITY OVER JERUSALEM."} {"rcid":232,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-03","unres":"R/4/606D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"TO ADOPT POINT (3), PARAGRAPH 1, SECTION I OF THE AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. I (A/1222), CONFIRMING THE SAME RESOLUTION'S PROVISION DEFINING JERUSALEM AS THE CITY PROPER PLUS SURROUNDING TOWNS AND VILLAGES."} {"rcid":233,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-03","unres":"R/4/606E","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST SENTENCE UP TO THE WORDS \\APPROVE THE STATUTE\\\\ IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2, SECTION I, OF THE AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/1222). TEXT CONCERNED REQUESTS THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL TO PREPARE AND APPROVE A FINAL STATUTE OF \""} {"rcid":234,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-03","unres":"R/4/607A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"TO ADOPT REMAINDER OF FIRST SENTENCE OF OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2, SECTION I AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/1222), PROVIDING FOR TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FINAL STATUTE IMMEDIATELY AFTER ADOPTION."} {"rcid":235,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-03","unres":"R/4/607","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"TO ADOPT FINAL SENTENCE TO OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2, SECTION I OF THE AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/1222). TEXT STIPULATES THAT THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL ALLOW NO GOVERNMENT(S) TO DIVERT ITS ADOPTION AND INPLEMENTATION OF THE STATUTE OF J"} {"rcid":236,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-03","unres":"R/4/607C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"TO ADOPT SECTION II OF THE AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. I (A/1222), CALLING UPON STATES CONCERNED TO MAKE FORMAL UNDERTAKINGS TO APPROACH THIS MATTER WITH GOODWILL AND WITH PROVISIONS OF THIS RESOLUTION IN MIND."} {"rcid":237,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-03","unres":"R/4/607D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/1222)."} {"rcid":238,"session":4,"importantvote":0,"date":"1949-12-03","unres":"R/4/613","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP BUDGET","descr":"TO ADOPT A NEW ZEALAND ORAL AMENDMENT TO THE 5TH COMM. DRAFT APPROPRIATION RESOLUTION I (A/1233) FOR THE UN, FINANCIAL YEAR 1950; SAID AMENDMENT REDUCING BY $36,000 THE APPROPRIATION PROVIDED FOR IN PART I, SECTION 4, FOR THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCI"} {"rcid":239,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-09-01","unres":"R/5/15","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT INDIAN DRAFT RESOL. (A/1365) FOR THE ADMISSION OF COMMUNIST CHINA INTO THE UN."} {"rcid":240,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-10-07","unres":"R/5/233A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE 5-POWER DRAFT PROPOSAL (A/1426) ON THE INDEPENDENCE OF KOREA; SAID TEXT NOTES THE UNFULFILLED ASPIRATIONS OF THE KOREAN PEOPLE FOR A UNIFIED, INDEPENDENT AND DEMOCRATIC KOREAN STATE."} {"rcid":241,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-10-07","unres":"R/5/233B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PEACEFUL SETTLEMENTS","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/1426), SAID PARAGRAPH BEING MINDFUL OF THE UN PRINCIPAL TASK OF PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES."} {"rcid":242,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-10-07","unres":"R/5/233C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/1426), PURSUING THE AIM OF PEACEFULLY SETTLING THE KOREAN PROBLEM AND RE-ESTABLISHING PEACE AND SECURITY IN THE FAR EAST."} {"rcid":243,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-10-07","unres":"R/5/234A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/1426), RECOMMENDING THE BELLIGERENTS IN KOREA TO IMMEDIATELY CEASE HOSTILITIES."} {"rcid":244,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-10-07","unres":"R/5/234B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/1426), RECOMMENDING IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWAL OF U.S. AND OTHER STATES' TROOPS FROM KOREA."} {"rcid":245,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-10-07","unres":"R/5/234C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/1426), RECOMMENDING ALL-KOREAN FREE ELECTIONS TO A NATIONAL ASSEMBLY BE HELD AS SOON AS FOREIGN TROOPS WITHDRAW."} {"rcid":246,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-10-07","unres":"R/5/234D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/1426), PROVIDING FOR THE ELECTION OF A JOINT PARITY COMMISSION BY NORTH AND SOUTH KOREAN ASSEMBLIES IN JOINT SESSION, TO ORGANIZE AND CONDUCT SAID ALL-KOREAN FREE ELECTIONS TO A NATI"} {"rcid":247,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-10-07","unres":"R/5/234E","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 5 OF THE 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/1426), PROVIDING FOR A UN COMMITTEE TO BE ESTABLISHED TO OBSERVE SAID FREE ALL-KOREAN ELECTIONS."} {"rcid":248,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-10-07","unres":"R/5/235A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 6 OF 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/1426), PROVIDING FOR THE E.S.C. TO DRAW UP PLANS FOR THE NECESSARY ECONOMIC AND TECHNICAL AID TO THE KOREAN PEOPLE."} {"rcid":249,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-10-07","unres":"R/5/235B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 7 OF 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/1426), PROVIDING THAT AFTER ESTABLISHMENT OF AN ALL-KOREA GOVERNMENT, THE SECURITY COUNCIL CONSIDER ADMITTING KOREA INTO THE UN."} {"rcid":250,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-10-07","unres":"R/5/235C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/1427) CALLING FOR CESSATION OF U.S. BOMBING IN KOREA."} {"rcid":251,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-10-07","unres":"R/5/235D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/1428) CALLING FOR DISSOLUTION OF THE UN COMMISSION ON KOREA."} {"rcid":252,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-11-02","unres":"R/5/347","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNITED ACTIONS FOR PEACE","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTIONS A,B AND C AS A WHOLE (A/1456) ON UN UNITED ACTIONS FOR PEACE."} {"rcid":253,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-11-03","unres":"R/5/380A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SPAIN","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/1473) ON RELATIONS OF UN MEMBERS WITH FRANCO-SPAIN, SAID TEXT REVOKING ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION OF 1946 PROVIDING THAT MEMBER STATES WITHDRAW THEIR AMBASSADORS AND MINI"} {"rcid":254,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-11-03","unres":"R/5/380B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SPAIN","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/1473), REVOKING 1946 ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION DEBARRING SPAIN FROM MEMBERSHIP IN ANY INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES ESTABLISHED BY OR RELATED TO THE UN."} {"rcid":255,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-11-03","unres":"R/5/381","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SPAIN","descr":"TO ADOPT AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/1473)."} {"rcid":256,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-11-02","unres":"R/5/423","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT THE EGYPTIAN ORAL AMENDMENT TO OPERATIVE SUB-PARAGRAPH 3 (A) OF AN AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/1457) RECOMMENDING THE CONVENING OF A DULY REPRESENTATIVE LIBYAN NATIONAL ASSEMBLY TO ESTABLISH A PROVISIONAL LIBYAN GOVE"} {"rcid":257,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-04","unres":"R/5/519","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOVIET THREAT TO CHINA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/1563), INSTRUCTING THE INTERIM COMMITTEE TO CONTINUE INQUIRY ON THE QUESTION OF THREATS TO THE POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE AND TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF CHINA AND TO THE PEACE OF THE FAR EAST, RESULTING FROM SOVIE"} {"rcid":258,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-04","unres":"R/5/525","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR AMENDMENT (A/1579) TO THE JOINT 2ND/3RD COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION A (A/1567 AND CORR.1, RESOL.A), ON THE RELIEF AND REHABILITATION OF KOREA; WHICH AMENDMENT WOULD DELETE PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPHS 1,3 AND 4 FOR THEIR REFERENCES TO \\AG"} {"rcid":259,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-05","unres":"R/5/532A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPHS 1,2 AND 3 OF AN AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/1548) RECOMMENDING A ROUND-TABLE CONFERENCE BETWEEN INDIA, PAKISTAN AND SOUTH AFRICA REGARDING THE TREATMENT OF INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA. SAID TEXT RECALLS PA"} {"rcid":260,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-05","unres":"R/5/532B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH 4 OF AN AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/1548), CONSIDERING THAT THE POLICY OF \\APARTHEID\\\\ IS NECESSARILY BASED ON THE DOCTRINE OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION.\\\"\""} {"rcid":261,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-05","unres":"R/5/533A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF AD HOC POLITICAL COMM, DRAFT RESOL. (A/1548), SAID PARAGRAPH RECOMMENDING A ROUND-TABLE CONFERENCE BETWEEN INDIA, S. AFRICA AND PAKISTAN."} {"rcid":262,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-05","unres":"R/5/533B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/1548), RECOMMENDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A 3-MEMBER COMMISSION TO ASSIST IN NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN INDIA, PAKISTAN AND SOUTH AFRICA SHOULD THE ROUND-TABLE CONFERENCE FAIL TO"} {"rcid":263,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-05","unres":"R/5/533C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT PART 1, OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/1548), SAID PART READING: \\CALLS UPON THE GOVERNMENTS CONCERNED TO REFRAIN FROM TAKING ANY STEPS WHICH WOULD PREJUDICE THE SUCCESS OF THEIR NEGOTIATIONS...\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0"} {"rcid":264,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-05","unres":"R/5/533D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT PART 2, OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF AN AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/1548), READING: \\.. IN PARTICULAR, THE IMPLEMENTATION OR ENFORCEMENT OF THE PROVISIONS OF 'THE GROUP AREAS ACT', PENDING THE CONCLUSION OF SUCH NEGOTIATIONS.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t1\t0\t0"} {"rcid":265,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-05","unres":"R/5/534A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 4 OF AN AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/1548), DECIDING TO INCLUDE THIS SAME ITEM IN THE AGENDA OF THE 6TH REGULAR SESSION."} {"rcid":266,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-05","unres":"R/5/534B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/1548)."} {"rcid":267,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-05","unres":"R/5/546A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/1561) RECOMMENDING THE FEDERATION OF ERITREA WITH ETHIOPIA."} {"rcid":268,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-05","unres":"R/5/546B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"FORMER ITALIAN COLONIES","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE POLISH DRAFT RESOL. (A/1564), SAID PARAGRAPH RECOMMENDING ERITREA INDEPENDENCE AFTER 3 YEARS."} {"rcid":269,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-05","unres":"R/5/547","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. II (A/1546) RECOMMENDING THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL TO UNDERTAKE A REVIEW OF ITS GENERAL PROCEDURE."} {"rcid":270,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-05","unres":"R/5/548A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. III (A/1546) PRESCRIBING A FORMAT FOR ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL, SAID TEXT NOTING THAT IN ADOPTING ITS RULES OF PROCEDURE UNDER ARTICLE 90 OF THE CHARTER, THE TRUSTEESH"} {"rcid":271,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-05","unres":"R/5/548B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. III (A/1546) PRESCRIBING A FORMAT FOR THE ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL, MINUS 3RD PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH."} {"rcid":272,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-05","unres":"R/5/548C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. IV (A/1546), RECOMMENDING THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL TO UNDERTAKE A REVIEW OF POSSIBLE IMPROVEMENT OF THE ORGANIZATION, MEMBERSHIP, METHODS AND FUNCTIONING OF UN VISITING MISSIONS TO TRUST TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":273,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-05","unres":"R/5/549A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. V (A/1546) ON IMPROVING TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL PROCEDURE FOR EXAMINING PETITIONS FROM TRUST TERRITORIES, MINUS 5TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH ON THE ADMISSIBILITY OF ANONYMOUS PETITIONS."} {"rcid":274,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-05","unres":"R/5/549B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROCEDURE","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. VI (A/1546) REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO PREPARE A CLASSIFIED LIST OF ALL ASSEMBLY AND TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS RELATING TO TRUST TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":275,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-05","unres":"R/5/549C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. X (A/1546) RECOMMENDING THAT IMMEDIATE MEASURES BE TAKEN TO BRING ABOUT THE ABOLITION OF CORPORAL PUNISHMENT IN TRUST TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":276,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-07","unres":"R/5/563","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR AMENDMENT (A/1576) TO 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/1559) REVIEWING THE 1ST DRAFT OF THE INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON HUMAN RIGHTS, SAID AMENDMENT INSERTING THIS TEXT BETWEEN PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPHS 3 AND 4: \\ RECOGNIZING THAT THE IMPLEME"} {"rcid":277,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-07","unres":"R/5/587A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NON-MEMBERS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF AN EL SALVADOR DRAFT RESOL . (A/1585) URGING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO RECONSIDER THE APPLICATION OF AUSTRIA, CEYLON, FINLAND, JORDAN, ITALY, IRELAND AND PORTUGAL FOR UN MEMBERSHIP; SAID TEXT PROVIDING THAT THE S"} {"rcid":278,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-07","unres":"R/5/587B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NON-MEMBERS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF EL SALVADOR DRAFT RESOL. (A/1585) URGING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO RECONSIDER THE APPLICATION OF 9 STATES FOR UN MEMBERSHIP, SAID PARAGRAPH PROVIDING FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF DOCUMENTS AND LETTERS FROM AFORESAID 9"} {"rcid":279,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-01","unres":"R/5/601A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. III (A/1638) INVITING ADMINISTERING AUTHORITIES TO INCLUDE AS PART OF THEIR INFORMATION ON NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES, SUMMARIES OF THE EXTENT TO WHICH THE UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IS IMPLEMENTED"} {"rcid":280,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-01","unres":"R/5/601B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. IV (A/1638) PROVIDING THAT THE SEC. GENERAL OBTAIN CONSENT OF THE ADMINISTERING AUTHORITY AND TAKE INTO ACCOUNT ALL ELEMENTS OF SCIENTIFIC AND OBJECTIVE COMPARISON, IN USING COMPARABLE STATISTICAL INFORMATION ON"} {"rcid":281,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-01","unres":"R/5/604","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL LAW COMISSION","descr":"TO ADOPT 15-POWER AMENDMENT (A/1640) TO A 6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. B (A/1639), AMENDING ARTICLE 13 OF THE STATUTE OF THE OF THE INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION SO AS TO PROVIDE TRAVELLING EXPENSES AND A SPECIAL ALLOWANCE TO ILC MEMBERS; SAID AMENDME"} {"rcid":282,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-02","unres":"R/5/629","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT 6-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/1681) ESTABLISHING A COMMITTEE OF 5 TO CONFER WITH S. AFRICA ON PROCEDURAL MEASURES TO IMPLEMENT THE ICJ ADVISORY OPINIONS SET FORTH IN THIS RESOLUTION."} {"rcid":283,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-02","unres":"R/5/631A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR AMENDMENT (A/1661) TO 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A-1643) REITERATING THAT THE NORMAL WAY OF MODIFYING INTERNATIONAL STATUS OF SOUTH WEST AFRICA WOULD BE BY PLACING IT UNDER INT'L TRUSTEESHIP SYSTEM THROUGH SUBMISSION OF AN AGREEME"} {"rcid":284,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-02","unres":"R/5/631B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM DRAFT RESOL. II (A/1643) REAFFIRMING THAT THE NORMAL WAY OF MODIFYING THE INTERNATIONAL STATUS OF SOUTH WEST AFRICA WOULD BE BY PLACING IT UNDER THE INTERNATIONAL TRUSTEESHIP SYSTEM THROUGH SUBMISSION OF AN AGREEMENT TO THAT E"} {"rcid":285,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-02","unres":"R/5/652","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT 8-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/1668 AND CORR.1) PROVIDING FOR INTERNATIONAL CONTROL OF ATOMIC ENERGY THROUGH AN INTERNATIONAL AGENCY CONSTITUTED FOR THAT PURPOSE."} {"rcid":286,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-03","unres":"R/5/660","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/1717) RECOMMENDING THE TAKING OF IMMEDIATE STEPS TO PREVENT KOREAN CONFLICT FROM SPREADING TO OTHER AREAS AND TO PUT AN END TO THE KOREAN CONFLICT ITSELF."} {"rcid":287,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-03","unres":"R/5/663","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING LOCATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 3-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/1593) CONVENING THE 6TH ASSEMBLY REGULAR SESSION IN EUROPE."} {"rcid":288,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1950-12-04","unres":"R/5/684","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE","descr":"TO ADOPT AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/1724) INSTRUCTING THE 4 REPRESENTATIVES TO BE APPOINTED BY THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL TO STUDY, IN CONSULTATION WITH ALL GOVERNMENTS AND OTHER INTERESTED PARTIES CONCERNED, THE CONDITIONS OF A SETTLE"} {"rcid":289,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1951-02-02","unres":"R/5/696","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA AND CHINA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/1770) CALLING UPON COMMUNIST CHINA TO CEASE HOSTILITIES AGAINST UN FORCES AND TO WITHDRAW FROM KOREA; AND AFFIRMING UN DETERMINATION TO MEET THE AGRESSION IN KOREA."} {"rcid":290,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1951-03-07","unres":"R/5/730","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING LOCATION","descr":"TO ADOPT ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT'S ORAL RESOLUTION CONVENING THE 6TH REGULAR SESSION IN PARIS."} {"rcid":291,"session":5,"importantvote":0,"date":"1951-05-01","unres":"R/5/742","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA, CHINESE SANCTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/1802) IMPOSING AN EMBARGO ON SHIPMENTS TO COMMUNIST CHINA AND N. KOREA."} {"rcid":292,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1951-12-05","unres":"R/6/229","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION ITALY","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/1990) PROVIDING FOR FULL PARTICIPATION OF ITALY IN THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL."} {"rcid":293,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1951-12-04","unres":"R/6/265","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MOROCCO AND ARABS","descr":"TO ADOPT BOLIVIAN MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING."} {"rcid":294,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1951-12-04","unres":"R/6/239","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MOROCCO, ARABS","descr":"TO ADOPT GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/1950) POSTPONING CONSIDERATION OF THE INCLUSION OF A PROPOSED ITEM ON FRENCH VIOLATIONS IN MOROCCO IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":295,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1951-12-04","unres":"R/6/287","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GERMANY, ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/2020) RECOMMENDING THE APPOINTMENT OF A UN-SUPERVISED COMISSION TO INVESTIGATE THE POSSIBILITIES OF HOLDING FREE ELECTIONS IN W. GERMANY, SOVIET GERMANY, AND BERLIN."} {"rcid":296,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-01-01","unres":"R/6/313","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.S. REARMAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/2031) CONDEMNING THE U.S. MUTUAL SECURITY ACT OF 1951 AS AN ACT OF AGGRESSION AND INTERFERENCE IN THE DOMESTIC AFFAIRS OF OTHER COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":297,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-01-02","unres":"R/6/326A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. FORCE","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION A (A/2049) ON METHODS TO MAINTAIN AND STRENGTHEN INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UN CHARTER."} {"rcid":298,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-01-02","unres":"R/6/326B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SECURITY COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. B (A/2049) RECOMMENDING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO HOLD PERIODIC MEETINGS TO CONSIDER MEASURES TOWARD REDUCTION OF INTERNATIONAL TENSIONS."} {"rcid":299,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-01-02","unres":"R/6/330","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/2046) RECOMMENDING ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMMISSION OR APPOINTMENT OF AN INDIVIDUAL TO ASSIST IN NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN S. AFRICA AND INDIA-PAKISTAN ON THE QUESTION OF THE TREATMENT OF INDIANS IN"} {"rcid":300,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-01-02","unres":"R/6/338","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DEVELOPMENT AID","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION III-A (A/2052) REQUESTING THE E.S.C. TO SUBMIT TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY A PLAN FOR ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL FUND FOR GRANTS-IN-AID AND LOW-INTEREST, LONG-TERM LOANS TO UNDER-DEVELOPED COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":301,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-01-01","unres":"R/6/348","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRUST TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION IV (A/2061) RECOMMENDING ASSOCIATE PARTICIPATION IN THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL AND SUBSIDIARY ORGANS, BY STATES NON-UN OR NON-COUNCIL MEMBERS WHO COULD JOIN CONSTRUCTIVELY IN THE COUNCIL'S WORK."} {"rcid":302,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-01-01","unres":"R/6/349A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUST TERRITORIES, DECOLONIZATION","descr":"TO ADOPT SUB-PARAGRAPH 2 (E) OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. VIII (A/2061) ON THE ATTAINMENT BY TRUST TERRITORIES OF THE OBJECTIVE OF SELF-GOVERNMENT OR INDEPENDENCE; SAID TEXT INVITING ADMINISTERING AUTHORITIES TO INCLUDE IN THEIR ANNUAL REPORTS"} {"rcid":303,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-01-01","unres":"R/6/349B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRUST TERRITORIES, DECOLONIZATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. VIII (A/2061) ON THE ATTAINMENT OF THE OBJECTIVE OF SELF-GOVERNMENT AND INDEPENDENCE, BY TRUST TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":304,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-01-01","unres":"R/6/354","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRUST TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2063) RECOMMENDING ADMINISTERING AUTHORITIES TO SET UP LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANS IN THEIR TRUST TERRITORIES, NOT SUBORDINATE TO ANY ORGANS ESTABLISHED ON THE BASIS OF UNION BETWEEN TRUST TERRITORIES"} {"rcid":305,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-01-02","unres":"R/6/370","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT BRAZILIAN MOTION TO CLOSE DEBATE ON THE QUESTION OF S.W. AFRICA."} {"rcid":306,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-01-02","unres":"R/6/375A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. A (A/2066 AND CORR.1) APPEALING TO S. AFRICA TO RECONSIDER ITS POSITION ON S.W. AFRICA, AND TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE AD HOC COMMITTEE ON THE FULL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE I.C.J. ADVISORY OPINION THAT THE COMPETENCE"} {"rcid":307,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-01-02","unres":"R/6/375B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION B (A/2066 AND CORR.1) REASSERTING UN POSITION THAT THE ONLY VALID WAY OF MODIFYING THE INTERNATIONAL STATUS OF S.W. AFRICA WOULD BE FOR S. AFRICA TO PLACE THE TERRITORY UNDER THE INTERNATIONALTRUSTEESHIP"} {"rcid":308,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-01-07","unres":"R/6444A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"AGGRESSION, DEFINITION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/2087) ON THE QUESTION OF DEFINING AGGRESSION, SAID TEXT DECLARING THAT AGGRESSION MAY BE DEFINED BY REFERENCE TO THE ELEMENTS THAT CONSTITUTE IT."} {"rcid":309,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-01-07","unres":"R/6/444B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"AGGRESSION, DEFINITION","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF 6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/2087) ON THE QUESTION OF DEFINING AGRESSION, SAID TEXT CONSIDERING IT A DEFINITE ADVANTAGE FOR INTERNATIONAL BODIES TO HAVE FORMULATED DIRECTIVES TO GUIDE IT IN DETERMINING WHO IS T"} {"rcid":310,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-02-04","unres":"R/6/455","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOVIET TREATY WITH CHINA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2098) ESTABLISHING SOVIET VIOLATIONS OF THE 1945 SINO-SOVIET TREATY AND OF THE U.N. CHARTER, CONSTITUTING THREATS TO THE POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE AND TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF CHINA AND TO PEACE IN THE FA"} {"rcid":311,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-02-04","unres":"R/6/469","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION OF NEW MEMBERS","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/2100) RECOMMENDING SECURITY COUNCIL RECONSIDERATION OF THE APPLICATIONS OF ALBANIA, MONGOLIA, BULGARIA, ROMANIA, HUNGARY, FINLAND, ITALY, PORTUGAL, IRELAND, JORDAN, AUSTRIA, CEYLON AND NEPAL FOR UN MEMBERSH"} {"rcid":312,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-02-07","unres":"R/6/492A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"STATUS OF WOMEN","descr":"TO ADOPT JOINT 2ND/3RD COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. II (A/2113) REQUESTING THE E.S.C. TO CONTINUE CONVENING THE COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN FOR 1 SESSION EACH YEAR."} {"rcid":313,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-02-07","unres":"R/6/492B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT JOINT 2ND/3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. III (A/2113) INVITING THE E.S.C. TO AUTHORIZE THE SUB-COMMISSION ON THE PREVENTION OF DISCRIMINATION AND PROTECTION OF MINORITIES TO CONTINUE ITS WORK."} {"rcid":314,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-02-01","unres":"R/6/518","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO ADOPT CHILE AMENDMENT (A/2115) TO 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/2112), REQUESTING THE E.S.C. TO ASK THE COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS TO PREPARE 2 DRAFT INTERNATIONAL COVENANTS ON HUMAN RIGHTS; SAID AMENDMENT REPLACING OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 WITH:"} {"rcid":315,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-02-01","unres":"R/6/519","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO ADOPT THIS PHRASE IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 (1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. III; A/2112): \\THIS ARTICLE SHALL BE DRAFTED IN THE FOLLOWING TERMS: 'ALL PEOPLES SHALL HAVE THE RIGHT OF SELF-DETERMINATION...'\\\\. THE RESOLUTION ITSELF PROVIDES TO INCLU\""} {"rcid":316,"session":6,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-02-01","unres":"R/6/523","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT JOINT 1ST COMM./JOINT 2ND-3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/2114) POSTPONING DISCUSSION OF KOREA TO A SPECIAL OR EMERGENCY SESSION, AND AFFIRMING DESIRE FOR AN ARMISTICE IN AND REHABILITATION OF, KOREA."} {"rcid":317,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-10-06","unres":"R/7/13","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"POLITICAL COMMITTEE","descr":"TO ADOPT POLISH PROPOSAL FOR GENERAL ASSEMBLY RECONSIDERATION OF ITS EARLIER DECISION TO GIVE CHAIRMAN OF THE AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE ALL RIGHTS OF MEMBERSHIP IN THE GENERAL COMMITTEE, INCLUDING RIGHT TO VOTE."} {"rcid":318,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-10-02","unres":"R/7/67","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT PRESIDENT'S RULING THAT IT IS WITHIN PROCEDURE FOR S. AFRICA TO INTRODUCE A PROPOSAL CONCERNING THE CONFERENCE OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OVER A GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION FOR THE INCLUSION OF AN ITEM 66 ON RACIAL CONFLICT IN S. AFR"} {"rcid":319,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-10-02","unres":"R/7/69","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/2225/CORR.1) FOR INCLUSION OF ITEM 66 RE THE \\APARTHEID\\\\ POLICIES OF S. AFRICA, IN THE AGENDA.\\\"\""} {"rcid":320,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-10-06","unres":"R/7/132A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA, BIOLOGICAL WARFARE","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR ORAL PROPOSAL INVITING REPRESENTATIVES OF NORTH KOREA AND COMMUNIST CHINA TO PARTICIPATE IN THE DEBATE ON THE U.S.-PROPOSED ITEM ON INVESTIGATION OF CHARGES OF UN BACTERIOLOGICAL WARFARE IN KOREA."} {"rcid":321,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-10-06","unres":"R/7/132B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA, BIOLOGICAL WARFARE","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/2225/REV.1) TO INCLUDE THE U.S.-PROPOSED ITEM ON INVESTIGATION OF CHARGES OF UN BACTERIOLOGICAL WARFARE IN KOREA."} {"rcid":322,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-10-03","unres":"R/7/167A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE CREDENTIALS COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/234) RELATING TO THE CREDENTIALS OF THE NATIONALIST CHINA REPRESENTATION, SAID TEXT APPROVING AS VALID THE CREDENTIALS OF THE REPRESENTATION OF NATIONALIST CHINA TO THE UN."} {"rcid":323,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-10-03","unres":"R/7/167B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAG. 2 OF THE CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/234), POSTPONING DURING CURRENT SESSION ANY PROPOSALS CONCERNING THE REPRESENTATION OF CHINA."} {"rcid":324,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-10-03","unres":"R/7/168","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/234)."} {"rcid":325,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-11-04","unres":"R/7/182","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"IACO AND JAPAN","descr":"TO ADOPT 4-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.113) STATING ABSENCE OF UN OBJECTION TO THE ADMISSION OF JAPAN TO THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION ORGANIZATION."} {"rcid":326,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-05","unres":"R/7/300A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR AMENDMENT (A/L.117) TO 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/2278) REAFFIRMING THE RELEASE AND REPATRIATION OF PRISONERS-OF-WAR UNDER THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS OF 1949, AND COMMUNICATING PROPOSALS FOR AN AGREEMENT WITH RED CHINA AND NORTH KOREAN"} {"rcid":327,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-05","unres":"R/7/300B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR AMENDMENT (A/L.117) TO 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/2278), SUBSTITUTING AS PARAGRAPH 2 A NEW TEXT ESTABLISHING A COMMISSION FOR THE PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT OF THE KOREAN QUESTION AND INSTRUCTING SAID COMMISSION TO TAKE IMMEDIATE STEP"} {"rcid":328,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-05","unres":"R/7/300C","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"KOREA, PRISONERS OF WAR","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR AMENDMENT (A/L.117) TO 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/2278, MODIFYING 1ST SENTENCE OF PARAG. 3 TO READ: \\THE TREATMENT OF P.O.W.S MUST BE SUCH AS TO EXCLUDE ABSOLUTELY ANY VIOLENCE TO THEIR PERSONS OR AFFRONT TO THEIR DIGNITY OR SE"} {"rcid":329,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-05","unres":"R/7/301","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"KOREA, PRISONERS OF WAR","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2278) AS AMENDED BY INDIAN PROPOSAL (A/L.120), INSERTING AFTER WORDS \\AN AGREEMENT\\\\ IN 3RD OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH THE WORDS \\\\\"SO THAT AN IMMEDIATE CEASE-FIRE WOULD RESULT AND BE EFFECTED; TO INVITE\""} {"rcid":330,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-05","unres":"R/7/307","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.118) CALLING FOR AN IMMEDIATE AND COMPLETE CEASE-FIRE IN KOREA AND ESTABLISHING A COMMISSION FOR THE PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT OF THE KOREAN QUESTION."} {"rcid":331,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-07","unres":"R/7/330","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/2257) ESTABLISHING A UN GOOD OFFICES COMMISSION TO ARRANGE AND ASSIST IN NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN S. AFRICA, INDIA AND PAKISTAN TO RESOLVE THE QUESTION OF TREATMENT OF INDIANS IN S. AFRICA."} {"rcid":332,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-07","unres":"R/7/332","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT UNION OF S. AFRICA RESOLUTION (A/L.124) FOR THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO DECLARE OUTSIDE OF ITS COMPETENCE THE ADOPTION OF AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE PROPOSALS ON THE QUESTION OF RACE CONFLICT FROM \\APARTHEID\\\\ POLICIES IN S. AFRICA.\\\"\""} {"rcid":333,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-07","unres":"R/7/333A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. A (A/2276) RELATING TO THE RACIAL SITUATION IN SOUTH AFRICA. THE OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH ESTABLISHES A COMMISSION TO STUDY AND REPORT ON THE SITUATION."} {"rcid":334,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-07","unres":"R/7/333B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. A (A/2276) ESTABLISHING A COMMISSION TO STUDY AND REPORT ON THE RACIAL SITUATION IN SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":335,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-07","unres":"R/7/334","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION B (A/2276) RECOMMENDING OBSERVANCE OF THE PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN EQUALITY BEFORE THE LAW, BY UN MEMBER-STATES."} {"rcid":336,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-05","unres":"R/7/354","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PART 2 OF OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. IV (A/2296) CONTINUING THE COMM. OF INFORMATION FROM NON-SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES ON THE SAME BASIS FOR 3 MORE YEARS; SAID TEXT BEGINNING WITH \\..AT THE END OF THAT PERIOD..\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t1\t0"} {"rcid":337,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-05","unres":"R/7/355","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. VI (A/2296) ON FACTORS TO BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT IN DECIDING THE ATTAINMENT OR NOT OF A FULL MEASURE OF SELF-GOVERNMENT BY A NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORY."} {"rcid":338,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-04","unres":"R/7/365","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"PROPAGANDA","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.125) ADOPTING MEASURES TO ENSURE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE UN RESOLUTION ON MEASURES AGAINST PROPAGANDA AND INCITEMENT TO WAR; AS AMENDED BY SAUDI ARABIA ORAL PROPOSALS: (1) DELETING 2ND PART OF 2ND PREAMBULAR P"} {"rcid":339,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-04","unres":"R/7/374","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/2309 AND CORR.1) STATING THAT THE RIGHT OF PEOPLES AND NATIONS TO SELF-DETERMINATION IS A PREQUISITE TO THE FULL ENJOYMENT OF ALL FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS."} {"rcid":340,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-04","unres":"R/7/375A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 3 OF 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/2309 AND CORR.1), PROVIDING THAT ADMINISTERING MEMBERS OF THE U.N. SHOULD RECOGNIZE AND PROMOTE THIS RIGHT OF SELF-DETERMINATION AMONG THE PEOPLES OF THEIR NON-GOVERNING OR TRUST TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":341,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-04","unres":"R/7/375B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE 3RD COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION A (A/2309 AND CORR.1)."} {"rcid":342,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-06","unres":"R/7/413A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE","descr":"TO ADOPT PHILIPPINE AMENDMENT (A/L.134) TO AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2310) RECOMMENDING DIRECT ARAB-ISRAELI NEGOTIATIONS TO RESOLVE PALESTINE'S PROBLEMS, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE UN RESOLUTIONS ON REFUGEES, COMPENSATIONS AND"} {"rcid":343,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-06","unres":"R/7/413B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"TO ADOPT PHILIPPINE AMENDMENT (A/L.134) TO AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/2310), ADDING, \\AND, IN PARTICULAR, THE PRINCIPLE OF THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF JERUSALEM\\\\ TO END OF PARAGRAPH 4.\\\"\""} {"rcid":344,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-06","unres":"R/7/413C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/2310)."} {"rcid":345,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-07","unres":"R/7/425","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"MOROCCO, INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT 11-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.135) TO 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/2325) RELATING TO FRENCH-MOROCCAN DISPUTE; SAID AMENDMENT REPLACING OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 WITH TEXT EXPRESSING HOPE THAT PARTIES CONCERNED CONTINUE TO NEGOTIATE ON AN URGENT BAS"} {"rcid":346,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-07","unres":"R/7/426","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"MOROCCO, INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2325) AS AMENDED BY 11-POWER PROPOSAL (A/L.135). THE ORIGINAL RESOLUTION EXPRESSES HOPE THAT FRANCE WILL FURTHER THE FUNDAMENTAL LIBERTIES OF PEOPLE OF MOROCCO, AND THAT PARTIES TO THE DISPUTE WILL CO"} {"rcid":347,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-01","unres":"R/7/450A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"STATUS OF WOMEN","descr":"TO ADOPT 2-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.140) TO 3RD COMM. DRAFT CONVENTION (A/2334) ON THE POLITICAL RIGHTS OF WOMEN, SAID AMENDMENT DELETING WORDS \\WITHOUT ANY DISCRIMINATION\\\\ AT THE END OF ARTICLES I AND II.\\\"\""} {"rcid":348,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-01","unres":"R/7/450B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"STATUS OF WOMEN","descr":"TO ADOPT INDONESIAN AMENDMENT (A/L.138) TO ARTICLE 3 OF THE 3RD COMMITTEE DRAFT CONVENTION (A/2334), ADDING WORDS \\WITHOUT ANY DISCRIMINATION\\\\ AT THE END OF ARTICLE III.\\\"\""} {"rcid":349,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-01","unres":"R/7/450C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"STATUS OF WOMEN","descr":"TO ADOPT ARTICLE VIII OF THE 3RD COMM. DRAFT CONVENTION (A/2334), DEFINING THE WORD \\STATE\\\\ AS USED IN THIS CONVENTION.\\\"\""} {"rcid":350,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-01","unres":"R/7/451","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"STATUS OF WOMEN","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2334) PLUS ANNEXED DRAFT CONVENTION WITHOUT ARTICLE VIII."} {"rcid":351,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-01","unres":"R/7/459","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TOGO","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 5 OF A 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/2335) RELATING TO THE PROBLEM OF UNIFICATION OF THE EWE (TOGOLAND) TERRITORIES UNDER FRENCH AND BRITISH ADMINISTRATION. SAID PARAGRAPH RECOMMENDS THAT THE JOINT COUNCIL FOR TOGOLAND"} {"rcid":352,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-01","unres":"R/7/460A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TOGO","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 6 OF A 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/2335), REQUESTING THE 2 ADMINISTERING AUTHORITIES INVOLVED TO TAKE IMMEDIATE STEPS TOWARD REVISION OF THEIR TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENTS SO AS TO MAKE POSSIBLE THE UNIFICATION OF THE TWO T"} {"rcid":353,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-01","unres":"R/7/460B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"TOGO","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/2335), AS AMENDED BY 2-POWER ADDITIONAL TEXT (A/L.139) TO THE LAST CLAUSE OF OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 5 BEGINNING WITH \\..AND THAT..\\\\ NEW CLAUSE READS: \\\\\"AND THAT, AS A FIRST STAGE, THE JOINT COUNCIL SH\""} {"rcid":354,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-02","unres":"R/7/491A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TANGANYIKA AND THE WA-MERU","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. A (A/2342) RECOMMENDING THE UK ADMINISTERING AUTHORITIES IN TANGANYIKA TO RETURN THE WA-MERU LANDS TO SAID TRIBE."} {"rcid":355,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-02","unres":"R/7/471B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TANGANYIKA AND THE WA-MERU","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 7-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.141) ON THE WA-MERU LAND CASE IN BRITISH TANGANYIKA, SAID TEXT INVITING UK ATTENTION TO TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE ADMINISTERING AUTHORITY TO RELIEVE THE HARDSHIPS"} {"rcid":356,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-02","unres":"R/7/472A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TANGANYIKA AND THE WA-MERU","descr":"TO ADOPT THE WHOLE 7-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.141) ON THE WA-MERU LAND CASE IN BRITISH TANGANYIKA."} {"rcid":357,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-02","unres":"R/7/472B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOMALIA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. E (A/2342) TRANSMITTING THE PETITIONS FROM ITALIAN SOMALILAND TO THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL FOR SPECIAL CONSIDERATION."} {"rcid":358,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-02","unres":"R/7/479A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. ADMISSIONS PROCEDURES","descr":"TO ADOPT AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION A (A/2341 AND CORR.1) RECOMMENDING A SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STUDY THE QUESTION OF ADMISSION TO UN MEMBERSHIP."} {"rcid":359,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-02","unres":"R/7/479B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION JAPAN","descr":"TO ADOPT AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION B (A/2341 AND CORR.1) DECLARING JAPAN TO HAVE THE NECESSARY QUALIFICATIONS TO BE ADMITTED TO THE UN AND CALLING SECURITY COUNCIL ATTENTION TO THIS FACT."} {"rcid":360,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-02","unres":"R/7/490","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DEVELOPMENT AID","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND COMM. DRAFT RESOL. III (A/2332) RECOMMENDING THE FINANCING OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT THRU FAIR AND EQUITABLE INTERNATIONAL PRICES FOR PRIMARY COMMODITIES AND IMPLEMENTATION OF NATIONAL PROGRAMMES OF INTEGRATED ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT"} {"rcid":361,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-02","unres":"R/7/492","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"POPULATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION IV (A/2332) ON FREE AND OPEN MIGRATION AS A PART OF GENERAL NATIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTS."} {"rcid":362,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-02","unres":"R/7/495A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"RESOURCES","descr":"TO ADOPT INDIAN AMENDMENT (A/L.143) TO 2ND COMM. DRAFT RESOL. VI (A/2332) DECLARING THE SOVERIGN RIGHTS OF STATES TO FREELY USE, CONTROL AND EXPLOIT THEIR OWN NATURAL WEALTH AND RESOURCES; SAID AMENDMENT REPLACING WORDS \\THE MAINTENANCE OF\\\\ IN\""} {"rcid":363,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-02","unres":"R/7/495B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"RESOURCES","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND COMM. DRAFT RESOL. VI (A/2332) ON THE RIGHTS OF STATES TO DEVELOP THEIR OWN NATURAL WEALTH AND REESOURCES, AS AMENDED BY INDIAN PROPOSAL (A/L.143)."} {"rcid":364,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-02","unres":"R/7/530","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA, PRISONERS OF WAR","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR DRAFT RESOL. (A/2335) CONDEMNING AND CALLING FOR A HALT TO ALLEGED U.S. KILLING OF AND COMMISSION OF BRUTALITIES ON, NORTH KOREAN AND COMMUNIST CHINESE PRISONERS-OF-WAR."} {"rcid":365,"session":7,"importantvote":0,"date":"1952-12-02","unres":"R/7/716","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA, BIOLOGICAL WARFARE","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/2384) CREATING A SPECIAL COMMISSION OF NEUTRAL STATES TO INVESTIGATE CHARGES OF U.N. BACTERIOLOGICAL WARFARE IN KOREA."} {"rcid":366,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-09-07","unres":"R/8/28","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/2477) INCLUDING ITEM 21, ON THE REPORT OF THE STUDY COMMISSION ON RACIAL CONFLICT AND APARTHEID POLICIES IN THE UNION OF S. AFRICA, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":367,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-10-03","unres":"R/8/255","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"STATUS OF WOMEN","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2494) APPROVING TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN PROMOTING AND SAFEGUARDING WOMEN'S RIGHTS, TO MEMBER-STATES WHO SO REQUEST IT."} {"rcid":368,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-10-03","unres":"R/8/257","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"STATUS OF WOMEN","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2503) URGING STATES TO TAKE ALL MEASURES TOWARD THE DEVELOPMENT OF WOMEN'S POLITICAL RIGHTS IN TERRITORIES WHERE THESE ARE NOT FULLY ENJOYED."} {"rcid":369,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-11-03","unres":"R/8/265","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"MOROCCO, INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 OF 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/2526) CALLING FOR REDUCED TENSIONS IN MOROCCO AND RECOGNIZING MOROCCANS' RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND FREE DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS, SAID TEXT ACKNOWLEDGING CONSIDERATION OF THE QUES"} {"rcid":370,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-11-03","unres":"R/8/266A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"MOROCCO, INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 2 OF 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2526) RECALLING ASSEMBLY RESOL. 612 (VII) OF DEC. 1952."} {"rcid":371,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-11-03","unres":"R/8/266B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"MOROCCO, INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 3 OF 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/2526) SETTING FORTH THAT THE MOTIVES AND OBJECTIVES OF SAID RESOL. 612 (VII) RECOGNIZED THE NECESSITY OF DEVELOPING FREE POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS IN MOROCCO."} {"rcid":372,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-11-03","unres":"R/8/266C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"MOROCCO, INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 4 OF 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/2526) CONSIDERING FACT THAT INCLUSION OF THIS ITEM IN ASSEMBLY AGENDA OF 8TH SESSION INDICATES THAT THESE OBJECTIVES ARE UNFULFILLED."} {"rcid":373,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-11-03","unres":"R/8/266D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"MOROCCO, INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 5 OF 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2526) RECOGNIZING MOROCCO PEOPLE'S RIGHT TO COMPLETE SELF-DETERMINATION, AS PROVIDED IN THE UN CHARTER."} {"rcid":374,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-11-03","unres":"R/8/266E","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"MOROCCO, INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 6 OF 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/2526) RENEWING APPEAL FOR THE REDUCTION OF TENSIONS IN MOROCCO AND URGING THAT THE RIGHT OF THE MOROCCANS TO FREE AND DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL INSTITUTIONS BE ENSURED."} {"rcid":375,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-11-04","unres":"R/8/288","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2532) REGRETTING S. AFRICA REFUSAL TO COOPERATE WITH UN GOOD OFFICES COMMISSION CONCERNING THE TREATMENT OF INDIANS IN S. AFRICA AND PROVIDING FOR THE CONTINUED EXISTENCE OF THIS COMMISSIO"} {"rcid":376,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-11-04","unres":"R/8/293A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"TUNISIA, INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT ICELAND AMENDMENTS (A/L.166) TO 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2530) ACKNOWLEDGING THE LEGITIMATE RIGHT OF THE TUNISIAN PEOPLE TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND SELF-GOVERNMENT, SAID AMENDMENT SUBSTITUTING THIS TEXT FOR OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1:"} {"rcid":377,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-11-04","unres":"R/8/293B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TUNISIA, INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/2530) ON TUNISIAN SELF-DETERMINATION MINUS 3RD PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH AND LAST PARAGRAPH, PLUS THE NEXT TEXT (A/L.166) TO OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1."} {"rcid":378,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-11-06","unres":"R/8/316","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT AUSTRALIAN PROPOSAL THAT THE SIMPLE MAJORITY VOTING PROCEDURE PERTAIN ONLY TO 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/2556 AND CORR.1) REGARDING FACTORS TO BE CONSIDERED IN DECIDING WHETHER A NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORY HAS YET ATTAINED A FUL"} {"rcid":379,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-11-06","unres":"R/8/319","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH 6 OF 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. VII (A/2556 AND CORR.1) ON CESSATION OF THE TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION BY THE U.S. ON PUERTO RICO. SAID TEXT REITERATES THE COMPETENCE OF THE ASSEMBLY TO DETERMINE WHETHER A NON-SELF-G"} {"rcid":380,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-11-06","unres":"R/8/320","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PUERTO RICO","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. VII (A/2556 AND CORR.1) ON THE CESSATION OF INFORMATION TRANSMITTED BY THE U.S., ON PUERTO RICO."} {"rcid":381,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-11-07","unres":"R/8/324A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT SUB-PARAGRAPH 6 (B) OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/2572) ESTABLISHING AN INTERIM COMM. OF THE UN ON SOUTH WEST AFRICA TO EXAMINE ALL INFORMATION, DOCUMENTATION, REPORTS AND PETITIONS RELATING TO THAT TERRITORY, WHICH SUB-PARAGRAPH"} {"rcid":382,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-11-07","unres":"R/8/324B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 12 OF 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/2572) ESTABLISHING THE INTERIM 9-MEMBER SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE OVER SOUTH WEST AFRICA."} {"rcid":383,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-11-07","unres":"R/8/325A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/2572 AND CORR.1), AS AMENDED BY INDIAN PROPOSAL PROVIDING FOR 7 MEMBERS."} {"rcid":384,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-11-07","unres":"R/8/325B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION B (A/2572) CALLING FOR A TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENT FOR SOUTH WEST AFRICA FROM SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":385,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-12-07","unres":"R/8/417","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT 5-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.169) EXPRESSING GRAVE CONCERN OVER CHARGED COMMUNIST CHINESE-N. KOREAN ATROCITIES BEING COMMITTED ON UN PRISONERS-OF-WAR."} {"rcid":386,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-12-04","unres":"R/8/425","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FORCED LABOR","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/2588) ON EVIDENCED EXISTENCE OF MASS FORCED LABOR IN SOVIET BLOC COUNTRIES, AFFIRMING THE IMPORTANCE THE UN ATTACHES TO ABOLITION OF ALL SUCH FORCED OR \\CORRECTIVE\\\\ SYSTEMS OF LABOUR.\\\"\""} {"rcid":387,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-12-05","unres":"R/8/436","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT S. AFRICA DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.172) DECLARING THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY NON-COMPETENT TO ADOPT ANY AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION ON RACIAL CONFLICT AND APARTHEID POLICIES IN S. AFRICA."} {"rcid":388,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-12-05","unres":"R/8/437A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 (A) EXCLUDING SUB-PARAGRAPHS (I) AND (II), OF THE AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2610) ON THE REPORT AND WORK OF THE UN COMMISSION ON THE RACIAL SITUATION IN SOUTH AFRICA; SAID TEXT REQUESTS THE CO"} {"rcid":389,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-12-05","unres":"R/8/437B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2610), AS RE-NUMBERED IN ITS OPERATIVE SECTION, ON THE REPORT AND WORK OF THE UN COMMISSION ON THE RACIAL SITUATION IN SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":390,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-12-06","unres":"R/8/455","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2608, ANNEX F) ON MEANS TOWARD IMPROVING THE INTERNATIONAL TRUSTEESHIP SYSTEM."} {"rcid":391,"session":8,"importantvote":0,"date":"1953-12-06","unres":"R/8/461","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PERSONNEL","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION A (A/2624) REQUESTING ICJ ADVISORY OPINION ON THE UN ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL COMPENSATIONS GRANTED TO TERMINATED UN STAFF MEMBERS."} {"rcid":392,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-09-06","unres":"R/9/11","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT U.S.A. PROPOSAL SUSPENDING AND POSTPONING DEBATE ON THE EXCLUSION OR INCLUSION OF EITHER CHINA IN THE U.N."} {"rcid":393,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-09-02","unres":"R/9/41","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/2733) INCLUDING ITEM 23 ON RACIAL CONFLICT FROM APARTHEID POLICIES IN S. AFRICA, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":394,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-09-02","unres":"R/9/51","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WEST IRIAN","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/2733) TO INCLUDE ITEM 61 ON THE QUESTION OF WEST IRIAN, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":395,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-09-02","unres":"R/9/52","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CYPRUS, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT IRAQ PROPOSAL POSTPONING DEBATE ON THE INCLUSION OF ITEM 62 REGARDING CYPRUS, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":396,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-09-02","unres":"R/9/60","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CYPRUS, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/2733) TO INCLUDE"} {"rcid":397,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-10-07","unres":"R/9/248","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT THIS PHRASE IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/2747): \\2. ADOPTS, SUBJECT TO THE ACCEPTANCE BY THE UNION OF S. AFRICA, AS THE MANDATORY PROCEDURE FOR THE TERRITORY OF SOUTH WEST AFRICA, THE FOLLOWING SPECIAL RULE "} {"rcid":398,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-10-07","unres":"R/9/249","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/2747) PROPOSING TO ADOPT SPECIAL RULES OF PROCEDURE CONCERNING THE EXAMINATION OF REPORTS AND PETITIONS RELATING TO THE TERRITORY OF SOUTH WEST AFRICA, MINUS THE PREVIOUSLY UN-ADOPTED PHRASE IN OPERATIVE PAR"} {"rcid":399,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-10-04","unres":"R/9/265","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BURMA","descr":"TO ADOPT AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2762) DECLARING THAT THE FOREIGN ARMED FORCES STILL IN BURMESE TERRITORY SHOULD SUBMIT TO DISARMAMENT AND INTERNMENT."} {"rcid":400,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-11-03","unres":"R/9/306A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT THE LAST PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/2795) ON CEASING THE TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION BY DENMARK ON GREENLAND, SAID TEXT TAKING NOTE OF THE COMPETENCE OF THE ASSEMBLY TO DECIDE WHETHER OR NOT A NON-SELF GOVE"} {"rcid":401,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-11-03","unres":"R/9/306B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GREENLAND, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. I (A/2795) PROVIDING FOR THE CESSATION OF THE TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION ON GREENLAND BY DENMARK."} {"rcid":402,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-11-04","unres":"R/9/320","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROCEDURE","descr":"TO ADOPT MOTION THAT A DECISION TO EXAMINE THE 2-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.178) RE I.C.J. ADVISORY OPINION ON SOUTH AFRICA CONSTITUTES RECONSIDERATION OF THE EARLIER ASSEMBLY DECISION NOT TO CONSIDER 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION B (A/2747) RE I"} {"rcid":403,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-11-04","unres":"R/9/326","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, IMPORTANT QUESTION","descr":"TO ADOPT 2-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.178) REQUESTING I.C.J. ADVISORY OPINION ON SPECIAL RULE F RELATING TO VOTING PROCEDURE ON REPORTS AND PETITIONS FROM SOUTH WEST AFRICA."} {"rcid":404,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-03","unres":"R/9/356","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO ADOPT AUSTRALIA AMENDMENT (A/L.181) TO 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION A/2808 AND CORR.1), SAID AMENDMENT INVITING ALL INTERESTED NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS TO STIMULATE PUBLIC INTEREST IN SAID COVENANT, IN THEIR COUNTRIES. THE RESOLUTION PR"} {"rcid":405,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-03","unres":"R/9/360","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. DOCUMENTS IN ARABIC","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2815) PROVIDING FOR TRANSLATION OF SOME GENERAL ASSEMBLY OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS INTO ARABIC."} {"rcid":406,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-03","unres":"R/9/361","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"AGGRESSION, DEFINITION","descr":"TO ADOPT 6TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/2806) ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO STUDY AND SUBMIT A DRAFT DEFINITION OF AGGRESSION."} {"rcid":407,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-02","unres":"R/9/442","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA, VIOLATIONS OF ARMISTICE","descr":"TO ADOPT 16-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.182) CONDEMNING THE DETENTION AND IMPRISONMENT OF UN MILITARY PERSONNEL, IN VIOLATION OF THE KOREA ARMISTICE AGREEMENT."} {"rcid":408,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-02","unres":"R/9/461A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WEST IRIAN","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBLE OF 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2831), SAID PREAMBLE RECALLING THE DEDICATION OF INDONESIA AND THE NETHERLANDS TO PRINCIPLE OF PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT AND EXPRESSING REALIZATION THAT COOPERATION AND FRIENDSHIP IS COMMONLY DESIRED"} {"rcid":409,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-02","unres":"R/9/461B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"WEST IRIAN","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/2831) EXPRESSING HOPE FOR CONTINUED DUTCH-INDONESIAN ENDEAVORS TOWARD PEACEFUL SOLUTION OF WEST IRIAN DISPUTE."} {"rcid":410,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-02","unres":"R/9/461C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"WEST IRIAN","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/2831) REQUESTING PARTIES CONCERNED TO REPORT ON PROGRESS OF THEIR NEGOTIATIONS TO THE 10TH REGULAR SESSION."} {"rcid":411,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-03","unres":"R/9/469","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2853) APPROVING THE REPORT OF THE UN COMMISSION FOR THE UNIFICATION AND REHABILITATION OF KOREA."} {"rcid":412,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-06","unres":"R/9/490A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH 5 OF THE AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/2857) INVITING SOUTH AFRICA TO RECONSIDER APARTHEID IN THE LIGHT OF UN CHARTER PRINCIPLES AND TO HEED THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE UN COMMISSION ON THE RACIAL SITUATION"} {"rcid":413,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-06","unres":"R/9/490B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 6 OF THE AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION; (A/2857), SAID TEXT REQUESTING COMMISSION ON THE RACIAL SITUATION IN SOUTH AFRICA TO KEEP THIS PROBLEM UNDER REVIEW."} {"rcid":414,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-06","unres":"R/9/490C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/2857)."} {"rcid":415,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-06","unres":"R/9/498A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOMALIA","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBLE AND OPERATIVE PARAGRAPHS 1 AND 2 OF A 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION B (A/2840) REVIEWING THE SITUATION RE NEGOTIATED DELIMITATION OF THE ETHIOPIA-ITALIAN SOMALILAND FRONTIER AND URGING A FINAL SETTLEMENT OF THE DISPUTE. THE 4TH"} {"rcid":416,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-06","unres":"R/9/498B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOMALIA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. B (A/2840), RECOMMENDING SUBMISSION OF DISPUTE TO MEDIATION BY A UN MEDIATOR APPOINTED BY THE SEC. GENERAL, SHOULD DIRECT NEGOTIATIONS FAIL."} {"rcid":417,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-06","unres":"R/9/498C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOMALIA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. B (A/2840)."} {"rcid":418,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-06","unres":"R/9/498D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOMALIA SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. D (A/2840) CHANGING THE FORM OF THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL ANNUAL REPORT; SAID TEXT PROVIDING THAT IN THE CASE OF ITALIAN SOMALILAND, A COMPREHENSIVE REPORT BE SUBMITTED ANNUALLY."} {"rcid":419,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-06","unres":"R/9/504","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"DEVELOPMENT AID","descr":"TO ADOPT 3-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.187) TO 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. IV (A/2829), INSERTING THESE WORDS AFTER THE PHRASE \\..INCLUDING RECOMMENDATIONS\\\\ IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1: \\\\\"... HAVING DUE REGARD TO OBLIGATIONS UNDER INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS, \""} {"rcid":420,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-02","unres":"R/9/522","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"WAR PROPAGANDA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 (B) OF THE 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. III (A/2877) INSTRUCTING THE SEC. GENERAL TO PREPARE A DRAFT PROTOCOL TRANSFERRING TO THE UN THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS FUNCTIONS UNDER THE 1936 GENEVA INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CONCERN"} {"rcid":421,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-02","unres":"R/9/537","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"MOROCCO","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/2876) POSTPONING ANY FURTHER CONSIDERATION OF THE QUESTION OF MOROCCO; AS ORALLY AMENDED BY DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TO DELETE \\HAVE\\\\ IN PARAGRAPH 2 AND INSERTING A NEW PARAGRAPH 3 EXPRESSING CONFIDENCE THAT A SATI\""} {"rcid":422,"session":9,"importantvote":0,"date":"1954-12-02","unres":"R/9/549","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"U.N. ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH (A), SECTION B, OF THE 15-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.192) TO 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/2883); WHICH PARAGRAPH ADDS THIS TEXT AS NEW 1ST PARAGRAPH OF SECTION B: \\ACCEPTS IN PRINCIPLE JUDICIAL REVIEW OF JUDGMENTS OF THE UN ADMINISTR"} {"rcid":423,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-09-07","unres":"R/10/9","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT U.S. MOTION (A/L.195) SUSPENDING AND POSTPONING ANY CONSIDERATION DURING CURRENT SESSION OF THE QUESTION OF INCLUSION OR EXCLUSION OF EITHER CHINA GOVERNMENTS IN THE UN."} {"rcid":424,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-09-03","unres":"R/10 65","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CYPRUS, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/2980) THAT SUPPLEMENTARY ITEM 1 ON APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUAL RIGHTS AND SELF-DETERMINATION IN CYPRUS, BE INCLUDED IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":425,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-09-03","unres":"R/10/196","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ALGERIA","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/2980) THAT SUPPLEMENTARY ITEM 3 ON THE QUESTION OF ALGERIA SHOULD NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":426,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-10-01","unres":"R/10/229","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WEST IRIAN","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/2985) TO INCLUDE SUPPLEMENTARY ITEM 5 ON THE QUESTION OF WEST IRIAN, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":427,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-10-03","unres":"R/10/256","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SECURITY COUNCIL ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT EL SALVADOR PROPOSAL TO ADJOURN THE MEETING."} {"rcid":428,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-10-03","unres":"R/10/257","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SECURITY COUNCIL ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST PART OF U.S. PROPOSAL, WHICH PART ADJOURNS ANY FURTHER BALLOTING IN THE SECURITY COUNCIL ELECTION TO A FUTURE MEETING."} {"rcid":429,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-10-03","unres":"R/10/258","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ECOSOC AND TRUSTEESHIP ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND PART OF U.S. PROPOSAL, WHICH PART CALLS FOR PROCEEDING WITH THE UNESCO AND TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL ELECTIONS."} {"rcid":430,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-10-03","unres":"R/10/259","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SECURITY COUNCIL, ECOSOC, TRUSTEESHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE U.S. PROPOSAL FOR ADJOURNING SECURITY COUNCIL ELECTIONS AND PROCEEDING WITH UNESCO AND TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL ELECTIONS."} {"rcid":431,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-11-05","unres":"R/10/288","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL","descr":"TO ADOPT BELGIAN DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.199) REQUESTING I.C.J. ADVISORY OPINION ON THE JUDICIAL SOUNDNESS OF 5TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3016) RESERVING TO UN MEMBER-STATES THE RIGHT TO INITIATE REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL JUDGMENTS."} {"rcid":432,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-11-05","unres":"R/10/291A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL","descr":"TO ADOPT INDIAN PROPOSAL THAT 2/3 MAJORITY RULE BE APPLIED IN VOTING ON 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/3016)."} {"rcid":433,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-11-05","unres":"R/10/291B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3016)."} {"rcid":434,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-11-04","unres":"R/10/369","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"CHARTER REVIEW","descr":"TO ADOPT SYRIAN AMENDMENT (A/L.200) TO 7-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.197/REV.2), DELETING OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 AND WORD \\FURTHER,\\\\ IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2. THE RESOLUTION CALLS FOR A UN GENERAL CONFERENCE TO REVIEW THE CHARTER.\\\"\""} {"rcid":435,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-11-04","unres":"R/10/370","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHARTER REVIEW","descr":"TO ADOPT 7-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.199/REV.2) CALLING FOR A UN CONFERENCE TO REVIEW THE CHARTER."} {"rcid":436,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-07","unres":"R/10/404","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 7 OF AD HOC POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/3026) REMINDING SOUTH AFRICA OF ITS CHARTER OBLIGATIONS TOWARD HUMAN RIGHTS, WITH RESPECT TO ITS APARTHEID POLICIES. THE PARAGRAPH REQUESTS THE UN COMMISSION ON THE RACIA"} {"rcid":437,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-02","unres":"R/10/420","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION OF NEW MEMBERS","descr":"TO ADOPT AD HOC POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3079) REQUESTING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER THE ADMISSION OF 18 APPLICANT-STATES TO THE UN."} {"rcid":438,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-01","unres":"R/10/433A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION ALBANIA","descr":"TO ADMIT ALBANIA INTO THE UN (41-POWER RESOLUTION; A/L.208)."} {"rcid":439,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-01","unres":"R/10/433B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION JORDAN","descr":"TO ADMIT JORDAN INTO THE UN (41-POWER RESOLUTION; A/L.208)."} {"rcid":440,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-01","unres":"R/10/433C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION IRELAND","descr":"TO ADMIT IRELAND INTO THE UN (41-POWER RESOLUTION; A/L.208)."} {"rcid":441,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-01","unres":"R/10/434A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION PORTUGAL","descr":"TO ADMIT PORTUGAL INTO THE UN (41-POWER RESOLUTION; A/L.208)."} {"rcid":442,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-01","unres":"R/10/434B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION HUNGARY","descr":"TO ADMIT HUNGARY INTO THE UN (41-POWER RESOLUTION; A/L.208)."} {"rcid":443,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-01","unres":"R/10/434C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION ITALY","descr":"TO ADMIT ITALY INTO THE UN (41-POWER RESOLUTION; A/L.208)."} {"rcid":444,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-01","unres":"R/10/434D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION AUSTRIA","descr":"TO ADMIT AUSTRIA INTO THE UN (41-POWER RESOLUTION; A/L.208)."} {"rcid":445,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-01","unres":"R/10/434E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION ROMANIA","descr":"TO ADMIT ROMANIA INTO THE UN (41-POWER RESOLUTION; A/L.208)."} {"rcid":446,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-01","unres":"R/10/435A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION BULGARIA","descr":"TO ADMIT BULGARIA INTO THE UN (41-POWER RESOLUTION; A/L 208)."} {"rcid":447,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-01","unres":"R/10/435B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION FINLAND","descr":"TO ADMIT FINLAND INTO THE UN (41-POWER RESOLUTION; A/L.208)."} {"rcid":448,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-01","unres":"R/10/435C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION CEYLON","descr":"TO ADMIT CEYLON INTO THE UN (41-POWER RESOLUTION; A/L.208)."} {"rcid":449,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-01","unres":"R/10/435D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION NEPAL","descr":"TO ADMIT NEPAL INTO THE UN (41-POWER RESOLUTION; A/L.208)."} {"rcid":450,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-01","unres":"R/10/435E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION LIBYA","descr":"TO ADMIT LIBYA INTO THE UN (41-POWER RESOLUTION; A/L.208)."} {"rcid":451,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-01","unres":"R/10/436A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION CAMBODIA","descr":"TO ADMIT CAMBODIA INTO THE UN (41-POWER RESOLUTION; A/L.208)."} {"rcid":452,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-01","unres":"R/10/436B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION LAOS","descr":"TO ADMIT LAOS INTO THE UN (41-POWER RESOLUTION; A/L.208)."} {"rcid":453,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-01","unres":"R/10/436C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION SPAIN","descr":"TO ADMIT SPAIN INTO THE UN (41-POWER RESOLUTION; A/L.208)."} {"rcid":454,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-02","unres":"R/10/461A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NETHERLANDS ANTILLES AND SURINAM, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH 5 OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/3087) RELATING TO INFORMATION ON THE NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES OF SURINAM AND DUTCH ANTILLES, SAID PARAGRAPH REMINDING OF THE COMPETENCE OF THE ASSEMBLY TO DECIDE WHETHER OR"} {"rcid":455,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-02","unres":"R/10/461B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NETHERLANDS ANTILLES AND SURINAM, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/3087), SAID PARAGRAPH CEASING THE TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION ON SURINAM AND THE DUTCH ANTILLES BY THE NETHERLANDS."} {"rcid":456,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-02","unres":"R/10/462","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NETHERLANDS ANTILLES AND SURINAM, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/3087)."} {"rcid":457,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-02","unres":"R/10/464A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/3092) DRAWING TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL ATTENTION TO THE IMPORTANCE OF THE QUESTION OF ATTAINMENT BY TRUST TERRITORIES OF THE OBJECTIVE OF SELF-GOVERNMENT OR INDEPENDENCE."} {"rcid":458,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-02","unres":"R/10/465","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOMALIA BOUNDRY","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/3092) REGARDING THE HEARING OF THE SOMALILAND YOUTH LEAGUE STATEMENT BY THE 4TH COMMITTEE. THE RESOLUTION RECOMMENDS EXPEDITED NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN ETHIOPIA AND ITALY TO EFF"} {"rcid":459,"session":10,"importantvote":0,"date":"1955-12-02","unres":"R/10/465","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOMALIA BOUNDRY","descr":"TO ADOPT THIS PHRASE IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION II (A/3092): \\PREFERABLY BEFORE THE 11TH SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY.\\\\ THE RESOLUTION RECOMMENDS EXPEDITED NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN ETHIOPIA AND ITALY TO EFFECT EARL\""} {"rcid":460,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-06","unres":"R/11/4A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION SUDAN","descr":"TO ADMIT SUDAN INTO THE UN (23-POWER RESOLUTION; A/3326 AND ADD.1)"} {"rcid":461,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-06","unres":"R/11/4B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION MOROCCO","descr":"TO ADMIT MOROCCO INTO THE UN (23-POWER RESOLUTION; A/3326 AND ADD. 1)"} {"rcid":462,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-06","unres":"R/11/4C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION TUNISIA","descr":"TO ADMIT TUNISIA INTO THE UN (23-POWER RESOLUTION; A/3328 AND ADD. 1)."} {"rcid":463,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-07","unres":"R/11/23","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY, SOVIET INTERVENTION","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/3342) ON INCLUDING AN ITEM ON THE HUNGARIAN SITUATION IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":464,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-02","unres":"R/11/39A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/3350) TO INCLUDE ITEM 24 ON TREATMENT OF INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":465,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-02","unres":"R/11/39B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/3350) TO INCLUDE ITEM 61 ON RACIAL CONFLICT FROM \\APARTHEID\\\\ POLICIES IN S. AFRICA, IN THE AGENDA.\\\"\""} {"rcid":466,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-02","unres":"R/11/46","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WEST IRIAN","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/3350) TO INCLUDE ITEM 63 ON WEST IRIAN, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":467,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-02","unres":"R/11/55","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"ADJOURNMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT INDIAN SUB-AMENDMENT TO A U.S. AMENDMENT TO THE INDIAN MOTION FOR ADJOURNMENT; WHICH SUB-AMENDMENT MODIFIES THE U.S. AMENDMENT CALLING FOR RECONVENING OF THE MEETING AT 8:30 P.M. OF SAME DAY BY MOVING THE ADJOURNMENT TILL 10:15 A.M. TH"} {"rcid":468,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-03","unres":"R/11/83","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT INDIAN AMENDMENT (A/L. 210) TO A GENERAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/3350), DELETING WORD \\NOT\\\\ IN PARAGRAPH 1. THE GENERAL COMMITTEE RESOLUTION RECOMMENDS AGAINST THE INCLUSION OF AN INDIAN-PROPOSED ITEM ON THE REPRESENTATION OF CHINA IN \""} {"rcid":469,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-03","unres":"R/11/84A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT INDIAN AMENDMENT (A/L. 210) TO A GENERAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/3350) DELETING PARAGRAPH 2 WHICH DECIDES NOT TO CONSIDER DURING CURRENT SESSION ANY PROPOSALS TO EXCLUDE NATIONALIST CHINA OR INCLUDE COMMUNIST CHINA, IN THE UN."} {"rcid":470,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-03","unres":"R/11/84B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3350) ON CHINA REPRESENTATION."} {"rcid":471,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-01","unres":"R/11/187A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, HUNGARY","descr":"TO ADOPT CERTAIN WORDS OF PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE CUBAN DRAFT RESOL. (A/3357/REV.2) URGING WITHDRAWAL OF USSR FORCES FROM HUNGARY AS AMENDED BY EL SALVADOR PROPOSAL (A/L. 211), WHICH WORDS READ: \\.. THE PRINCIPLES OF THE CONVENTION ON THE"} {"rcid":472,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-01","unres":"R/11/187B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, HUNGARY","descr":"TO ADOPT CUBAN DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3357) AS AMENDED BY EL SALVADOR PROPOSAL, (A/L. 211)"} {"rcid":473,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-01","unres":"R/11/187C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, HUNGARY","descr":"TO ADOPT THIS PHRASE IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 (3-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION; A/3368/REV.3): \\...WITHOUT PREJUDICE TO ITS SOVEREIGNTY.\\\\ THE RESOLUTION PROVIDES THAT UN OBSERVERS BE APPOINTED AND ALLOWED TO ENTER HUNGARY, TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT\""} {"rcid":474,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-01","unres":"R/11/188","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, HUNGARY","descr":"TO ADOPT 3-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3368/REV.3) PROVIDING THAT UN OBSERVERS BE APPOINTED AND ALLOWED TO ENTER HUNGARY, TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT ON THE SITUATION THEREIN."} {"rcid":475,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-01","unres":"R/11/194A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"HUNGARY, REFUGEES","descr":"TO ADOPT HUNGARIAN AMENDMENT (A/L. 214) TO 4-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3374), DELETING PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPHS 2 AND 3 WHICH TAKE NOTE OF THE GRAVE SITUATION IN HUNGARY AND THE CONTINUOUS HEAVY FLOW OF REFUGEES. THE RESOLUTION ITSELF CALLS FOR CO"} {"rcid":476,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-01","unres":"R/11/194B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"HUNGARY, REFUGEES","descr":"TO ADOPT HUNGARIAN AMENDMENT (A/L. 214) TO 4-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3374) REVISING PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH 4 TO READ: \\RECOGNIZING THE URGENT NEED OF HUNGARIAN REFUGEES FOR CARE.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0"} {"rcid":477,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-01","unres":"R/11/194C","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"HUNGARY, REFUGEES","descr":"TO ADOPT HUNGARIAN AMENDMENT. (A/L. 214) TO 4-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/3374) ADDING THIS NEW OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH BEFORE PARAGRAPH 1: \\TAKING NOTE OF THE DECLARATION OF THE HUNGARIAN GOVENMENT CALLING UPON THE REFUGEES TO RETURN TO THEIR COUNTRY,"} {"rcid":478,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-01","unres":"R/11/194D","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"HUNGARY, REFUGEES","descr":"TO ADOPT HUNGARIAN AMENDMENT (A/L. 214) TO 4- POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/3374), REVISING THE OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH TO READ: \\REQUESTS THE SEC.-GENERAL AND THE HIGH COMMISSIONER TO MAKE AN APPEAL TO THE GOVERNMENTS TO RENDER THE NECESSARY ASSISTANCE T"} {"rcid":479,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-01","unres":"R/11/195","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUNGARY, REFUGEES","descr":"TO ADOPT 4-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3374) MINUS PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH 1."} {"rcid":480,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-04","unres":"R/11/306","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"SUEZ CRISIS","descr":"TO ADOPT BELGIAN AMENDMENT (A/L. 215) TO 20-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/3385/REV.1), SAID AMENDMENT REPLACING OPERATIVE PARAGRAPHS 1 AND 2 WITH THIS TEXT: \\NOTES THAT ACCORDING TO THE INFORMATION RECEIVED ONE THIRD OF THE FRENCH FORCES HAS BEEN WITH"} {"rcid":481,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-04","unres":"R/11/307","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SUEZ CRISIS","descr":"TO ADOPT 20-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3385/REV.1) CALLING FOR IMMEDIATE U.K.-FRANCE WITHDRAWAL OF FORCES FROM THE SUEZ CANAL ZONE."} {"rcid":482,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-06","unres":"R/11/343","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO ADOPT SECRETARY-GENERAL'S DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3383, ANNEX/REV.1) PROVIDING FOR THE FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE MIDDLE EAST."} {"rcid":483,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-12-02","unres":"R/11/527","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY, OBSERVERS","descr":"TO ADOPT 14-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3413) REITERATING CALL FOR SOVIET COMPLIANCE WITH PREVIOUS RESOLUTIONS REQUESTING U.S.S.R. WITHDRAWAL FROM HUNGARY, CESSATION OF DEPORTATIONS AND RESTORATION OF DEPORTEES, AND THE OPENING OF HUNGARY TO UN O"} {"rcid":484,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-12-05","unres":"R/11/587","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. CHILDREN'S FUND","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3397) RECONSTITUTING THE UNICEF EXECUTIVE BOARD TO CONSIST OF 30 STATES TO BE DESIGNATED BY THE E.S.C. WITH DUE REGARD FOR THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUITABLE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION IN REPRESENTATION."} {"rcid":485,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-12-03","unres":"R/11/675","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY, SOVIET INTERVENTION","descr":"TO ADOPT 20-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3436/REV.2) CONDEMNING SOVIET INTERVENTION IN HUNGARY AND REITERATING CALL FOR U.S.S.R. WITHDRAWAL UNDER U.N. OBSERVATION FROM THAT COUNTRY."} {"rcid":486,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-12-04","unres":"R/11/692","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TOGO","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/3449) RECOMMENDING THE UNION OF BRITISH TOGOLAND WITH THE GOLD COAST TERRITORY UPON THE LATTER'S ATTAINMENT OF INDEPENDENCE AS THE STATE OF GHANA."} {"rcid":487,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-12-02","unres":"R/11/723","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION JAPAN","descr":"TO ADOPT 51-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3460 AND ADD. 1-3) RECOMMENDING JAPAN'S ADMISSION TO THE UN."} {"rcid":488,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-01-07","unres":"R/11/870","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY","descr":"TO ADOPT 24-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/387/REV.1) ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL UN OBSERVATION COMMITTEE ON HUNGARY AND CALLING FOR SOVIET-HUNGARIAN COOPERATION WITH SAID COMMITTEE."} {"rcid":489,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-01-02","unres":"R/11/957","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SUEZ CRISIS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF 25-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3501/REV.1), SAID PARAGRAPH NOTING WITH REGRET AND CONCERN ISRAELI FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH UN RESOLUTIONS ON THE SUEZ SITUATION. THE RESOLUTION REITERATES CALL FOR COMPLETE ISRAELI"} {"rcid":490,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-01-02","unres":"R/11/958","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SUEZ CRISIS","descr":"TO ADOPT 25-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3501/REV.1) REITERATING CALL FOR COMPLETE ISRAELI WITHDRAWAL FROM EGYPTIAN TERRITORY."} {"rcid":491,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-01-06","unres":"R/11/965","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TOGO, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3449/ADD.1) SENDING A UN OBSERVATION COMMISSION TO TOGOLAND UNDER FRENCH ADMINISTRATION TO STUDY THE SITUATION IN THE TERRITORY WITH REGARD TO FUTURE TERMINATION OF THE TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENT."} {"rcid":492,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-01-05","unres":"R/11/1021A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"STATUS OF WOMEN","descr":"TO ADOPT U.K. PROPOSAL (A/L.218) FOR THE ADDITION OF AN ARTICLE ON TERRITORIAL APPLICATION, IN THE 3RD COMMITTEE DRAFT CONVENTION (A/3462) ON THE NATIONALITY OF MARRIED WOMEN."} {"rcid":493,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-01-05","unres":"R/11/1021B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"STATUS OF WOMEN","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD COMM. DRAFT CONVENTION (A/3462) AS AMENDED BY U.K. PROPOSAL (A/L. 218). THE CONVENTION IS ON THE NATIONALITY OF MARRIED WOMEN."} {"rcid":494,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-02-05","unres":"R/11/1094A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SUEZ CRISIS","descr":"TO ADOPT 7-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3517) CALLING FOR THE COMPLETE AND IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWAL OF ISRAELI FORCES FROM EGYPTIAN TERRITORY."} {"rcid":495,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-02-05","unres":"R/11/1094B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SUEZ CRISIS","descr":"TO ADOPT 7-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3518) PROVIDING FOR SUCH MEASURES AS MAY BE NEEDED BY THE UN EMERGENCY FORCE TO SECURE MAINTENANCE OF THE ARMISTICE AGREEMENT AFTER ISRAELI WITHDRAWAL FROM THE SUEZ."} {"rcid":496,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-02-04","unres":"R/11/1105","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ALGERIA","descr":"TO ADOPT 9-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.220) EXPRESSING HOPE FOR A PEACEFUL SOLUTION TO THE QUESTION OF ALGERIA."} {"rcid":497,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-02-04","unres":"R/11/1140","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.S. AGGRESSIVE ACTS","descr":"TO ADOPT GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/3533) EXCLUDING FROM THE AGENDA THE U.S.S.R.-PROPOSED ITEM ON U.S. ACTS OF AGGRESSION CONSTITUTING THREATS TO INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY."} {"rcid":498,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-02-02","unres":"R/11/1166","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NEW MEMBERS","descr":"TO ADOPT SWEDISH MOTION APPLYING THE 2/3 MAJORITY RULE TO THE VOTE ON 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. VI (A/3531 AND ADD.1) ESTABLISHING AN AD HOC STUDY COMMITTEE ON THE APPLICATION OF CH. XI OF THE CHARTER TO CERTAIN MEMBER-STATES, WITH REGARD TO NON-S"} {"rcid":499,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-02-02","unres":"R/11/1179","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NEW MEMBERS","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION VI (A/3531 AND ADD.1) COVERING GENERAL QUESTIONS RELATING TO THE TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION ON NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES UNDER ARTICE 73E OF THE CHARTER."} {"rcid":500,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-02-01","unres":"R/11/1227","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. III (A/3534 AND ADD.1) ON THE TIME PERIOD REQUIRED FOR THE ATTAINMENT OF INDEPENDENCE BY THE BRITISH CAMEROONS AND TANGANYIKA; MINUS THE 6TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH."} {"rcid":501,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-02-02","unres":"R/11/1237","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N. SALARIES","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. B ON THE UN SALARY, ALLOWANCE AND BENEFITS SYSTEM (A/3558), SAID PARAGRAPH PROVIDING FOR CLASS 5 POST ADJUSTMENT FOR NEW YORK."} {"rcid":502,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-02-03","unres":"R/11/1163","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WEST IRIAN","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3565) PROPOSING A GOOD OFFICES COMMISSION TO SETTLE THE DUTCH-INDONESIAN DISPUTE OVER WEST IRIAN."} {"rcid":503,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-03-04","unres":"R/11/1314","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION GHANA","descr":"TO ADOPT 7-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3569) ADMITTING GHANA INTO THE UN."} {"rcid":504,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-09-06","unres":"R/11/1476","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY, SOVIET INTERVENTION","descr":"TO ADOPT 37-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3568 AND ADD. 1) CONDEMNING THE CONTINUED SITUATION OF SOVIET ARMED INTERVENTION IN HUNGARY."} {"rcid":505,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-09-03","unres":"R/12/6","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION MALAYA","descr":"TO ADOPT 8-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3655/REV.1) ADMITTING THE FEDERATION OF MALAYA INTO THE UN."} {"rcid":506,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-09-06","unres":"R/12/52","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/3670) THAT ITEM 60 ON RACIAL CONFLICT IN SOUTH AFRICA, BE INCLUDED IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":507,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-09-06","unres":"R/12/55","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/3670) THAT ITEM 61 ON THE TREATMENT OF INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA BE INCLUDED IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":508,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-09-06","unres":"R/12/59","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WEST IRIAN","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/3670) INCLUDING ITEM 62 ON THE QUESTION OF WEST IRIAN, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":509,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-09-03","unres":"R/12/129","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT INDIAN AMENDMENT (A/L.224) TO A GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/3670) ON THE REPRESENTATION OF CHINA IN THE UN, SAID AMENDMENT SUBSTITUTING WORDS \\ACCEDE TO\\\\ FOR \\\\\"REJECT\\\\\" IN PARAGRAPH 1.\\\"\""} {"rcid":510,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-09-03","unres":"R/12/130A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE GENERAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/3670), SAID PARAGRAPH REJECTING INDIA-PROPOSED AGENDA ITEM ON REPRESENTATION OF CHINA IN THE UN."} {"rcid":511,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-09-03","unres":"R/12/130B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE GENERAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/3670), DECIDING NOT TO CONSIDER ANY PROPOSALS TO UNSEAT NATIONALIST CHINA UN REPRESENTATION DURING CURRENT SESSION."} {"rcid":512,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-09-03","unres":"R/12/130C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/3670) ON CHINESE REPRESENTATION."} {"rcid":513,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-10-05","unres":"R/12/363","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"SYRIA, THREATS","descr":"TO ADOPT SYRIAN AMENDMENT (TO PARAGUAY MOTION) FOR ADJOURNMENT OF DEBATE ON ITEM 69) THAT DEBATE BE ADJOURNED FOR A PERIOD NOT EXCEEDING 3 DAYS."} {"rcid":514,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-10-05","unres":"R/12/364","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"SYRIA, THREATS","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGUARY MOTION TO ADJOURN DEBATE ON ITEM 69 RE THE TURKO-SYRIAN CONFLICT; AS AMENDED BY SYRIAN PROPOSAL THAT DEBATE BE ADJOURNED FOR A PERIOD NOT EXCEEDING 3 DAYS."} {"rcid":515,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-10-01","unres":"R/12/369","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION VI (A/3701) ESTABLISHING A GOOD OFFICES COMMITTEE ON SOUTH WEST AFRICA."} {"rcid":516,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-11-03","unres":"R/12/461","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/3729 AND CORR.1) CONTAINING DISARMAMENT PROPOSALS AND MEASURES TOWARD SUSPENSION OF NUCLEAR TESTING WITH EFFECTIVE INTERNATIONAL CONTROL."} {"rcid":517,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-11-03","unres":"R/12/461","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION II (A/3729 AND CORR.1) ASKING FOR DISARMAMENT COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS RE THE WORLD DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION ON THE DANGERS OF THE ARMS RACE AND ON THE ILL-EFFECTS OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS TESTING."} {"rcid":518,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-11-01","unres":"R/12/467","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO ADOPT INDIAN DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.232) FOR CESSATION OF NUCLEAR TESTING, WITH PROVISIONS FOR FULL INTERNATIONAL CONTROL AND INSPECTION."} {"rcid":519,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-11-01","unres":"R/12/490A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT U.S.S.R. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.230) ESTABLISHING A PERMANENT 82-NATION DISARMAMENT COMMISSION."} {"rcid":520,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-11-01","unres":"R/12/490B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT COMMISSION","descr":"TO ADOPT 6-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.231/REV.1 AND ADD.1) ENLARGING THE DISARMAMENT COMMISSION BY 14 MEMBERS, AND SPECIFYING 14 STATES FOR THE 1ST YEAR."} {"rcid":521,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-11-04","unres":"R/12/514","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO ADOPT 21-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.235 AND ADD.1) APPROVING THE SEC.-GENERAL'S PROPOSED PRINCIPLES FOR FINANCING THE UN EMERGENCY FORCE, BOTH FOR PAST USE IN THE SUEZ CRISIS AND FOR A MAINTAINED FUTURE EXISTENCE, BASED ON 5TH COMM. COST ESTIMA"} {"rcid":522,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-11-01","unres":"R/12/517A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT COLOMBIAN PROPOSAL FOR A 2/3-MAJORITY-RULE VOTE ON 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION III (A/3733) REQUIRING PORTUGAL TO SUBMIT INFORMATION ON HER TERRITORIES, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 73E OF THE CHARTER."} {"rcid":523,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-11-01","unres":"R/12/517B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION III (A/3733) REQUIRING PORTUGAL TO SUBMIT INFORMATION ON HER TERRITORIES, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 73E OF THE CHARTER."} {"rcid":524,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-11-01","unres":"R/12/529","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ECOSOC, AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/3740) PROPOSING AN ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA."} {"rcid":525,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-11-01","unres":"R/12/530","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRADE COOPERATION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 2ND COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/3740) URGING UN MEMBERS TO TAKE ACTION TOWARD EARLY APPROVAL OF THE AGREEMENT ON THE ORGANIZATION FOR TRADE COOPERATION BY UN MEMBER STATES."} {"rcid":526,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-11-01","unres":"R/12/535","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/3732) DEPLORING SOUTH AFRICA DISREGARD OF UN RESOLUTIONS ON ITS APARTHEID POLICIES AND APPEALING FOR REVISION OF SAID POLICIES."} {"rcid":527,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-11-01","unres":"R/12/536","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3732) APPEALING TO SOUTH AFRICA TO NEGOTIATE WITH INDIA AND PAKISTAN A SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM OF THE TREATMENT OF INDIANS IN S. AFRICA."} {"rcid":528,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-11-04","unres":"R/12/541","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3746) CALLING FOR A UNIFICATION OF KOREA BASED ON THE PRINCIPLES AGREED UPON AT THE 1954 GENEVA KOREA POLITICAL CONFERENCE."} {"rcid":529,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-11-04","unres":"R/12/547","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WEST IRIAN","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3757) RECOMMENDING THE NETHERLANDS AND INDONESIA TO RESUME NEGOTIATIONS ON WEST IRIAN."} {"rcid":530,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-11-04","unres":"R/12/553","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"AGGRESSION, DEFINITION","descr":"TO ADOPT 6TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3756) ESTABLISHING A DETERMINING COMMITTEE ON THE RESUMPTION OF CONSIDERATION OF ITEM 54 ON THE QUESTION OF DEFINING AGGRESSION."} {"rcid":531,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-11-04","unres":"R/12/557A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TOGO, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT SYRIAN MOTION FOR A DIVIDED VOTE ON PARAGRAPHS 7 AND 8 OF 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3751) ARRANGING FOR U.N.-SUPERVISED ELECTIONS TO A LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY IN FRENCH TOGOLAND."} {"rcid":532,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-11-04","unres":"R/12/557B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TOGO, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3751) ON THE FUTURE OF FRENCH TOGOLAND."} {"rcid":533,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-12-05","unres":"R/12/588A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"COMMONWEALTH REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 8-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.242) TO SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3781) RECOMMENDING THE INCREASE OF THE NUMBER OF ASSEMBLY VICE-PRESIDENTS AND THE REDISTRIBUTION OF GENERAL COMMITTEE SEATS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PRINCIPLE OF"} {"rcid":534,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-12-05","unres":"R/12/588B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GENERAL COMMITTEE","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3781) ON THE COMPOSITION OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE, RECOMMENDING THE INCREASE OF THE NUMBER OF ASSEMBLY VICE-PRESIDENTS AND THE REDISTRIBUTION OF GENERAL COMMITTEE SEATS IN ACCORDANCE WITH"} {"rcid":535,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-12-06","unres":"R/12/596","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CAMEROON","descr":"TO ADOPT 3-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.241) RECOMMENDING THE U.K. AND FRANCE AS ADMINISTERING AUTHORITIES OF THE TWO CAMEROONS TO FACILITATE THE REALIZATION IN BOTH TERRITORIES OF THE FINAL OBJECTIVES OF THE TRUSTEESHIP SYSTEM IN ACCORANCE WITH"} {"rcid":536,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-12-07","unres":"R/12/617A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"SECRETARIAT STAFF COMPOSITION","descr":"TO ADOPT BULGARIAN AMENDMENT (A/L.244) TO 5TH COMM.DRAFT RESOLUTION B (A/3797), INSERTING A NEW PARAGRAPH (B) READING: \\TO BE GUIDED, FOR THE ACHIEVEMENT OF THE FIRST TWO MEASURES, BY THE PRINCIPLES THAT HAVE BEEN APPROVED FOR THE ASSESSMENT O"} {"rcid":537,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-12-07","unres":"R/12/617B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SECRETARIAT STAFF COMPOSITION","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION B (A/3797) ON THE EQUITABLE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE UN SECRETARIAT STAFF."} {"rcid":538,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-12-07","unres":"R/12/623","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CYPRUS, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3794) ADVOCATING APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF SELF-DETERMINATION TO THE PEOPLE OF CYPRUS."} {"rcid":539,"session":12,"importantvote":0,"date":"1957-12-07","unres":"R/12/624","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PEACEFUL RELATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/3802) AFFIRMING THE PRINCIPLES OF THE PEACEFUL CO-EXISTENCE OF STATES."} {"rcid":540,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-09-03","unres":"R/13/55","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/3926) TO INCLUDE ITEM 69 ON THE QUESTION OF HUNGARY, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":541,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-09-04","unres":"R/13/106A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 7-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.245) TO GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/3926) ON CHINA REPRESENTATION, SUBSTITUTING \\ACCEDE TO\\\\ FOR \\\\\"REJECT.\\\\\" THE GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION REJECTS THE INDIAN REQUEST FOR INCLUSION OF AN ITEM ON REPRESENTA\""} {"rcid":542,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-09-04","unres":"R/13/106B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 7-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.245) TO GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/3926), DELETING PARAGRAPH 2 WHICH DECIDES NOT TO CONSIDER DURING CURRENT SESSION ANY PROPOSALS TO EXCLUDE NATIONALIST CHINA OR SEAT RED CHINA IN THE UN."} {"rcid":543,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-09-04","unres":"R/13/106","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/3926), SAID PARAGRAPH REJECTING INDIAN REQUEST."} {"rcid":544,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-09-04","unres":"R/13/107A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/3926), DECIDING TO IGNORE ANY FURTHER PROPOSALS ON THE REPRESENTATION OF CHINA DURING THIS SESSION."} {"rcid":545,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-09-04","unres":"R/13/107B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/3926) ON CHINA REPRESENTATION."} {"rcid":546,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-10-06","unres":"R/13/387","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"ECOSOC, SPECIAL FUND","descr":"TO ADOPT 17-POWER AMENDMENT (A/C.2/L.365) TO 2ND COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3949), REPLACING EXISTING PARAGRAPH WITH: \\THE STATES MEMBERS OF THE GOVERNING COUNCIL SHALL BE ELECTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY FROM AMONG MEMBERS OF THE UN OR MEMBERS "} {"rcid":547,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-10-01","unres":"R/13/410","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 (4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION III; A/3959) EXPRESSING DEEP CONCERN OVER THE PREVAILING CONDITIONS IN S.W. AFRICA. THE RESOLUTION APPROVES THE REPORT OF THE COMM. ON SOUTH WEST AFRICA REGARDING CONDITIONS THERE."} {"rcid":548,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-10-01","unres":"R/13/412","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBLE TO A SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3962) ON RACE CONFLICT IN S. AFRICA RESULTING FROM APARTHEID POLICIES, SAID PREAMBLE RECALLING PARAGRAPH 6 OF RESOLUTION 917 (X) CALLING UPON S. AFRICA TO OBSERVE ITS CHARTER OB"} {"rcid":549,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-10-01","unres":"R/13/413A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/3962), SAID PARAGRAPH DECLARING A NEED FOR EGALITARIAN LEGISLATION AND PRACTICES TO ENSURE PEACE, HARMONY AND A MUTUAL RESPECT FOR RIGHTS, IN A MULTI-RACIAL SOCIETY."} {"rcid":550,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-10-01","unres":"R/13/413B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID, CHARTER VIOLATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/3962), AFFIRMING THE INCONSISTENCY OF DISCRIMINATORY POLICIES BY UN MEMBER-STATES WITH THEIR PLEDGES UNDER ARTICLE 56 OF THE CHARTER."} {"rcid":551,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-10-01","unres":"R/13/413C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID, CHARTER VIOLATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 3 OF A SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3962), CALLING UPON ALL UN MEMBERS TO BRING THEIR POLICIES INTO CONFORMITY WITH THEIR CHARTER OBLIGATION TO PROMOTE HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS."} {"rcid":552,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-10-01","unres":"R/13/413D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3962), EXPRESSING REGRET AND CONCERN OVER SOUTH AFRICA DISREGARD OF ASSEMBLY APPEALS FOR RECONSIDERATION OF ITS APARTHEID POLICIES."} {"rcid":553,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-10-01","unres":"R/13/413E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/3962)."} {"rcid":554,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-11-02","unres":"R/13/430A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3974 AND CORR.1/ADD.1 AND 2,) URGING AN EARLY AGREEMENT ON THE SUSPENSION OF NUCLEAR TESTING AND A HALT TO FURTHER TESTING DURING NEGOTIATIONS PERIOD."} {"rcid":555,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-11-02","unres":"R/13/430B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT 14-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.250) URGING SUCCESSFUL GENEVA CONFERENCE NEGOTIATIONS ON THE CESSATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS TESTING UNDER EFFECTIVE INTERNATIONAL CONTROL."} {"rcid":556,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-11-05","unres":"R/13/443","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3989) REQUESTING 5TH COMM. RECOMMENDATIONS ON THE CONTINUED FINANCING OF THE UN EMERGENCY FORCE."} {"rcid":557,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-11-05","unres":"R/13/451","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3991) URGING A PEACEFUL KOREAN SETTLEMENT BASED ON THE PRINCIPLES FOR UNIFICATION ESPOUSED AT THE 1954 GENEVA KOREA POLITICAL CONFERENCE."} {"rcid":558,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-12-05","unres":"R/13/464","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"ECOSOC MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION II (A/4022) ON THE QUESTION OF AMENDING THE UN CHARTER TO INCREASE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP."} {"rcid":559,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-12-05","unres":"R/13/467","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4051) URGING INDIA-PAKISTAN-S.AFRICA NEGOTIATIONS OVER THE PROBLEM OF THE TREATMENT OF INDIANS IN S. AFRICA."} {"rcid":560,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-12-05","unres":"R/13/478A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"TO ADOPT 7-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.253) TO THE 6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4034), SUBSTITUTING \\AT THE EARLIEST CONVENIENT DATE IN MARCH OR APRIL 1960\\\\ FOR \\\\\"IN JULY OR AUGUST 1959\\\\\", IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2. THE RESOLUTION REQUESTS THE SEC. \""} {"rcid":561,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-12-05","unres":"R/13/478B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"TO ADOPT 6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4034) AS AMENDED BY 7-POWER TEXT (A/L.253), REQUESTING SEC. GENERAL TO CONVOKE A 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE LAW OF THE SEA IN GENEVA AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE."} {"rcid":562,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-12-07","unres":"R/13/546","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY, SOVIET INTERVENTION","descr":"TO ADOPT 37-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.255) DENOUNCING AND CALLING FOR A HALT TO THE CONTINUED REPRESSIONS IN HUNGARY, AND APPOINTING A UN REPRESENTATIVE TO REPORT ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF UN RESOLUTIONS THERE."} {"rcid":563,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-12-07","unres":"R/13/565A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ECOSOC SPECIAL FUND","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION B (A/4054 AND ADD.1) ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL UN FUND FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT."} {"rcid":564,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-12-07","unres":"R/13/565B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DEVELOPMENT AID","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION C (A/4054 AND ADD.1) PROVIDING FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL FLOW OF PRIVATE CAPITAL."} {"rcid":565,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-12-07","unres":"R/13/565C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DEVELOPMENT AID","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/4054 AND ADD.1) FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF TRADING CONDITIONS FOR PRODUCTS OF UNDER-DEVELOPED COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD MARKET."} {"rcid":566,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-12-01","unres":"R/13/598","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4072) PROVIDING FOR THE FINANCING OF THE UN EMERGENCY FORCE IN 1959."} {"rcid":567,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-12-01","unres":"R/13/621","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PEACEFUL USE OF OUTER SPACE","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4009) ESTABLISHING ON 18-MEMBER AD HOC STUDY COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION FOR THE PEACEFUL USES OF OUTER SPACE."} {"rcid":568,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-12-01","unres":"R/13/623","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ALGERIA","descr":"TO ADOPT CEYLONESE PROPOSAL TO DELETE PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH 7 OF 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4075), WHICH PARAGRAPH TAKES NOTE OF THE WILLINGNESS OF THE PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT OF THE ALGERIAN REPUBLIC TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH FRANCE. T"} {"rcid":569,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-12-01","unres":"R/13/627A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ALGERIA","descr":"TO ADOPT CUBAN MOTION FOR SEPARATE VOTES ON PARTS OF 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4075)."} {"rcid":570,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1958-12-01","unres":"R/13/627B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ALGERIA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4075)."} {"rcid":571,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-03-06","unres":"R/13/642A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FRENCH CAMEROON","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/4095) TERMINATING THE UN TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENT CONCERNED, WHEN THE FRENCH CAMEROONS ATTAIN INDEPENDENCE."} {"rcid":572,"session":13,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-03-06","unres":"R/13/642B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BRITISH CAMEROON","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION II (A/4095) ORGANIZING U.N.-SUPERVISED PLEBISCITES IN THE BRITISH CAMEROONS TO DETERMINE ITS FUTURE STATUS."} {"rcid":573,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-09-05","unres":"R/14/94","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT NEPAL AMENDMENT (A/L.261) TO A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/4214), REPLACING WORD \\REJECT\\\\ IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1, WITH \\\\\"ACCEDE TO.\\\\\" THIS GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION REJECTS AN INDIAN-PROPOSED AGENDA ITEM ON THE REPRESENTATIO\""} {"rcid":574,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-09-05","unres":"R/14/95A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT NEPAL AMENDMENT (A/L.261) TO GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/4214), DELETING PARAGRAPH 2."} {"rcid":575,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-09-05","unres":"R/14/95B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 OF A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/4214), REJECTING INDIAN REQUEST FOR AN ITEM ON CHINA REPRESENTATION IN THE UN, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":576,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-09-05","unres":"R/14/95C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 2 OF A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/4214), DECIDING NOT TO CONSIDER ANY FURTHER PROPOSALS ON CHINA UN REPRESENTATION DURING CURRENT SESSION."} {"rcid":577,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-09-05","unres":"R/14/95D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION ON"} {"rcid":578,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-09-05","unres":"R/14/108","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT EL SALVADOR AMENDMENT TO 3-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L. 262), RE-NUMBERING RECOMMENDED AGENDA ITEMS 66(A), 66(B), 66(C), AND 66(D) AS 66, 67, 68, AND 69 RESPECTIVELY."} {"rcid":579,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-10-06","unres":"R/14/442A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SECURITY COUNCIL AND ECOSOC ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT U.S.S.R. PROPOSAL TO PROCEED WITH FILLING THE REMAINING SECURITY COUNCIL VACANCY, BUT POSTPONE THE SECURITY COUNCIL AND E.S.C. ELECTIONS TO THE NEXT MEETING."} {"rcid":580,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-10-06","unres":"R/14/442B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SECURITY COUNCIL AND ECOSOC ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT ARGENTINE PROPOSAL FOR ONE MORE SECURITY COUNCIL VOTE, THEN PROCEED TO E.S.C. ELECTIONS."} {"rcid":581,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-10-06","unres":"R/14/452","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TIBET","descr":"TO ADOPT GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/4237) INCLUDING AN ITEM ON THE QUESTION OF TIBET, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":582,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-10-03","unres":"R/14/465A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"BRITISH CAMEROON","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/4240) RECOMMENDING THESE 2 QUESTIONS TO BE PUT IN THE CAMEROONS PLEBISCITE: \\(A) DO YOU WISH TO ACHIEVE INDEPENDENCE BY JOINING THE INDEPENDENT FEDERATION OF NIGERIA?\\\\ \\\\\"(B) DO YOU \""} {"rcid":583,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-10-03","unres":"R/14/465B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"BRITISH CAMEROON","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 3 OF 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/4240) SETTING DATE FOR PLEBISCITE IN THE SOUTHERN-BRITISH CAMEROONS, SAID TEXT RECOMMENDING SUFFRAGE IN THE SOUTHERN PLEBISCITE FOR ONLY PERSONS BORN OR OF PARENTS BORN, IN THE SOUTHERN-CAMEROON"} {"rcid":584,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-10-01","unres":"R/14/528","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TIBET, AUTONOMY","descr":"TO ADOPT 2-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.264) CALLING FOR RESPECT FOR THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE TIBETAN PEOPLE AND FOR THEIR DISTINCTIVE CULTURAL AND RELIGIOUS LIFE."} {"rcid":585,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-11-03","unres":"R/14/559","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4271) EXPRESSING OPPOSITION TO RACIAL DISCRIMINATION AND REGRETTING S. AFRICA DISREGARD OF UN APPEALS REGARDING ITS APARTHEID POLICIES."} {"rcid":586,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-11-06","unres":"R/14/585A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/4280) REQUESTING FRANCE TO DESIST FROM CONDUCTING NUCLEAR TESTS IN THE SAHARA, SAID PARAGRAPH TAKING NOTE OF THE DEEP CONCERN OVER THE DANGERS ENTAILED IN NUCLEAR TESTING."} {"rcid":587,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-11-06","unres":"R/14/585B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"FRANCE, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT 7TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/4280), RECOGNIZING THE ANXIETY CAUSED BY THE CONTEMPLATED FRENCH NUCLEAR TESTS."} {"rcid":588,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-11-06","unres":"R/14/585C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"FRANCE, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT 8TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/4280), BEARING IN MIND THAT FRANCE CANNOT PROTECT THE AFRICAN STATES THREATENED BY THE DANGERS OF HER NUCLEAR TESTS."} {"rcid":589,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-11-06","unres":"R/14/586A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"FRANCE, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT 9TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/4280), CONSIDERING THE UN ESPECIALLY RESPONSIBE FOR THE HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELL-BEING OF THE AFRICAN PEOPLES THREATENED BY FRENCH TESTS."} {"rcid":590,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-11-06","unres":"R/14/586B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"FRANCE, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4280), EXPRESSING GRAVE CONCERN AT THE FRENCH INTENT TO CONDUCT NUCLEAR TESTS IN THE SAHARA."} {"rcid":591,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-11-06","unres":"R/14/586C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"FRANCE, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (AO4280), REQUESTING FRANCE TO DESIST FROM INTENDED TESTS."} {"rcid":592,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-11-06","unres":"R/14/586D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FRANCE, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4280)."} {"rcid":593,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-11-06","unres":"R/14/590","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/4286) SUGGESTING THE DISARMAMENT COMMITTEE TO CONSIDER MEASURES TO AVERT PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS, INCLUDING A POSSIBLE INTERNATIONAL PACT PREVENTING SUCH DISSEMINATION."} {"rcid":594,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-11-06","unres":"R/19/595","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ECOSOC, CAPITAL PUNISHMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION VI (A/4250 AND CORR.1 AND 2) FOR THE E.S.C. TO STUDY THE QUESTION OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT."} {"rcid":595,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-11-07","unres":"R/14/600","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION B (A/4290) APPEALING TO STATES PARTICIPATING IN GENEVA TALKS TO CONTINUE THEIR VOLUNTARY SUSPENSION OF NUCLEAR AND THERMONUCLEAR TESTING, AND URGING AN EARLY AGREEMENT ON DISCONTINUANCE OF SUCH TESTS UNDE"} {"rcid":596,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-11-04","unres":"R/14/612","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"SECURITY COUNCIL AND ECOSOC ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/4256), AS AMENDED BY THE 2 POWER PROPOSAL (A/L.269) REPLACING OPERATIVE PARAGRAPHS 2 AND 3 WITH A TEXT SETTING UP A STUDY COMMITTEE ON THE AMENDING OF THE CHARTER TO EFFECT INCREASED ME"} {"rcid":597,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-11-04","unres":"R/14/613","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SECURITY COUNCIL AND ECOSOC ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT COLOMBIA PROPOSAL TO HOLD NO VOTE ON SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION II (A/4256) DECIDING TO INCLUDE ITEMS ON THE QUESTION OF INCREASING MEMBERSHIP OF PRINCIPAL UN ORGANS IN THE PROVISIONAL AGENDA OF THE 15TH SESSION."} {"rcid":598,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-11-04","unres":"R/14/621","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY","descr":"TO ADOPT GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/4294) INCLUDING AN ITEM ON THE PROBLEM OF HUNGARY IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":599,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/632","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRUST TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/4320) PROVIDING FOR THE DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION ON THE UN IN THE TRUST AND NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERITORIES."} {"rcid":600,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/637A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DEVELOPMENT AID","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION V (A/4321) PROVIDING FOR EARLY ESTABLISHMENT OF THE UN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND."} {"rcid":601,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/637B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"AGRARIAN REFORM PROGRAMS","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND COMM. DRAFT RESOL. VII (A/4321) EXPRESSING UN SUPPORT OF AGARIAN REFORM BY MEMBER-STATES."} {"rcid":602,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/641","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/4335) ON THE COST ESTIMATES FOR MAINTAINING, AND MANNER OF FINANCING, OF THE UN EMERGENCY FORCE FOR 1960."} {"rcid":603,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-04","unres":"R/14/647","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"DIPLOMATIC INTERCOURSE AND IMMUNITIES","descr":"TO ADOPT 5-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.271) TO 6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4305), REVISING OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 SO AS TO INVITE ALL STATES TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CONFERENCE. THE RESOLUTION IS TO CONVOKE A CONFERENCE ON DIPLOMATIC INTERCOURSE AND IM"} {"rcid":604,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-06","unres":"R/14/704","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DIPLOMATIC INTERCOURSE AND IMMUNITIES","descr":"TO ADOPT 24-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.273) DEPLORING CONTINUED SOVIET-HUNGARIAN DISREGARD OF UN RESOLUTIONS OK HUNGARY."} {"rcid":605,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-06","unres":"R/14/707","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA, INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/4307) MAINTAINING THE U.N.-ADOPTED PRINCIPLES TOWARD A PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT IN KOREA."} {"rcid":606,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-07","unres":"R/14/715","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIANS IN SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4345) REGRETTING S. AFRICA CONTINUED REFUSAL TO NEGOTIATE WITH INDIA-PAKISTAN OVER THE TREATMENT OF INDIANS IN AFRICA."} {"rcid":607,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-07","unres":"R/14/717","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GENERAL ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/4340) RECOMMENDING CONSIDERATION OF QUALIFICATIONS AND THE APPLICATION OF THE EQUITABLE-GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION PRINCIPLE IN ELECTING A PRESIDENT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY."} {"rcid":608,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/726","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION VII (A/4343) ESTABLISHING A SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO CONSIDER GUIDING PRINCIPLES IN DETERMINING THE OBLIGATION TO TRANSMIT INFORMATION ON NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":609,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/746A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ALGERIA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST AND 2ND PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPHS OF PAKISTAN DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.276), ACKNOWLEDGING DISCUSSION ON ALGERIA AND RECALLING RESOLUTION 1012 (XI) EXPRESSING HOPES FOR A PEACEFUL, DEMOCRATIC AND JUST SOLUTION. THE PAKISTAN RESOLUTION CA"} {"rcid":610,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/746B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ALGERIA, \\POURPARLERS\\\\\"\tTO ADOPT 3RD PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF PAKISTAN DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.276), RECALLING RESOLUTION 1184 (XII) ON THE USE OF \\POURPARLERS\\\\\" AND OTHER MEANS, IN EFFECTING SOLUTIONS TO INTERNATIONAL PROBLEMS.\\\"\"","descr":"0"} {"rcid":611,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/746C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ALGERIA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF PAKISTAN DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.276), RECALLING CHARTER ARTICLE I, PARA. 2 ON RESPECT FOR THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUAL RIGHTS AND SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES."} {"rcid":612,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/746D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ALGERIA","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF THE PAKISTAN DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 276), EXPRESSING CONCERN OVER CONTINUED HOSTILITIES IN ALGERIA."} {"rcid":613,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/747A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ALGERIA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE PAKISTAN DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.276), RECOGNIZING ALGERIAN PEOPLE'S RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION."} {"rcid":614,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/747B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ALGERIA, \\POURPARLERS\\\\\"\tTO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE PAKISTAN DRAFT THROUGH \\POURPARLERS\\\\\".\\\"\"","descr":"0"} {"rcid":615,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/747C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ALGERIA","descr":"TO ADOPT PAKISTAN DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.276)."} {"rcid":616,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/773A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF THE TUNISIA DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.275/REV.1) ON FUTURE COMPOSITION OF THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL, SAID PARAGRAPH CONSIDERING THE MODIFICATIONS IN TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL COMPOSITION TO BE EFFECTED BY LIQUIDATION OF"} {"rcid":617,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/773B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF TUNISIA DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.275/REV.1) ON TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL COMPOSITION, CONSIDERING THE DESIRABILITY OF STUDYING THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO GOVERNING PRINCIPLES OF MEMBERSHIP, RESULTING FROM CHANGES IN TR"} {"rcid":618,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/773C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 (A) OF TUNISIA DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.275/REV.1) ON TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL COMPOSITION, DECIDING TO ELECT 2 MEMBERS OF THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHARTER ARTICLE 86."} {"rcid":619,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/774A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"FRANCE, TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1(B) OF TUNISIA DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.275/REV.1) ON TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL COMPOSITION, DECIDING THAT ON DATE FRANCE CEASES TO BE AN ADMINISTERING MEMBER AND BECOMES A MEMBER UNDER ARTICLE 86, PARAG. 1-B, 2 MEMBERS ELECTED"} {"rcid":620,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/774B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ITALY, TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1-C OF TUNISIA DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.275/REV.1) ON TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL COMPOSITION, DECIDING THAT ON DATE ITALY CEASES TO BE AN ADMINISTERING MEMBER AND LEAVES COUNCIL, 1 MEMBER ELECTED UNDER ARTICLE 86, PARAG. 1-C, CEA"} {"rcid":621,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/774C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE TUNISIA DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.276/REV.1) ON TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL COMPOSITION, DECIDING ON A DRAWING OF LOTS TO DETERMINE WHICH MEMBERS ELECTED UNDER ARTICLE 86, PARAG. 1-C, SHALL CEASE TO BE MEMBERS OF THE COUNC"} {"rcid":622,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/775A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF TUNISIA DRAFT RESOL. (A/275/REV.1) ON TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL COMPOSITION, RECOMMENDING CONSIDERATION OF EQUITABLE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION AMONG REMAINING MEMBERS SO THAT THE TWO MAIN GROUPS AT PRESENT REPRESENTE"} {"rcid":623,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/775B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE TUNISIA DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.275/REV.1) ON TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL COMPOSITION, DECIDING TO RESUME CONSIDERATION OF TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP DURING 15TH SESSION."} {"rcid":624,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/775C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT TUNISIA DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.275/REV.1) GOVERNING THE FUTURE COMPOSITION OF THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL."} {"rcid":625,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/775D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT U.S.S.R. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.274) DECIDING TO ELECT DURING CURRENT SESSION 2 MEMBERS OF THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL UNDER ARTICLE 86, PARAG. 1-C, AND TO RESUME QUESTION OF CHANGING COMPOSITION OF COUNCIL DURING ITS 28 APRIL 1960 MEETING."} {"rcid":626,"session":14,"importantvote":0,"date":"1959-12-02","unres":"R/14/783","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 (U.S.S.R. DRAFT RESOL.; A/L.277) DECIDING TO CONVENE A SPECIAL SESSION ON 28 APRIL 1960, TO DECIDE ON CHANGING THE COMPOSITION OF THE TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL."} {"rcid":627,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-10-03","unres":"R/15/459","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"SUMMIT CONFERENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT AUSTRALIA AMENDMENT (A/L.316) TO 5-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.317) CALLING FOR RENEWED CONTACTS BETWEEN PRESIDENT EISENHOWER AND PREMIER KRUSCHEV, SAID AMENDMENT CALLING FOR A SUMMIT MEETING BETWEEN THE BIG POWERS AT THE EARLIEST POSS"} {"rcid":628,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-10-03","unres":"R/15/462","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.S. AND SOVIET RELATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT ARGENTINA PROPOSAL FOR SEPARATE VOTES ON THE THE PHRASES \\THE PRESIDENT OF\\\\ AND \\\\\"THE CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS\\\\\" IN THE OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH OF THE 5-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.317).\\\"\""} {"rcid":629,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-10-03","unres":"R/15/463","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.S. AND SOVIET RELATIONS","descr":"TO RETAIN THESE PHRASES IN OPER. PARAG. 5 OF 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.317): \\THE PRESIDENT OF\\\\ AND \\\\\"THE CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNCIL OF MINISTERS\\\\\".\\\"\""} {"rcid":630,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-10-03","unres":"R/15/467","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PRESIDENT'S RULING REQUIRING A 2/3 MAJORITY VOTE ON AFOREMENTIONED PHRASES IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH OF 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.317)."} {"rcid":631,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-10-06","unres":"R/15/559","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE 1ST NEPAL AMENDMENT (A/L.314) TO A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/4520) REJECTING AN AGENDA ITEM ON CHINA UN REPRESENTATION, SAID AMENDMENT REPLACING WORD \\REJECT\\\\ IN PARAGRAPH 1 WITH WORDS \\\\\"ACCEDE TO.\\\\\"\""} {"rcid":632,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-10-06","unres":"R/15/560A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT GUINEA AMENDMENT (A/L.315/REV.1) TO THE 2ND NEPAL AMENDMENT (A/L.314) TO GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/4520), WHICH GUINEA AMENDMENT REVISES PARAGRAPH 2 TO DECIDE ON EXCLUSION OF NATIONALIST CHINA REPRESENTATION AND SEAT COMMUNIS"} {"rcid":633,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-10-06","unres":"R/15/560B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND NEPAL AMENDMENT (A/314) TO GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/4520), SAID AMENDMENT DELETING PARAGRAPH 2."} {"rcid":634,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-10-06","unres":"R/15/560C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/4520) SAID PARAGRAPH REJECTING U.S.S.R. REQUEST FOR AN ITEM ON REPRESENTATION OF CHINA IN THE UN, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":635,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-10-06","unres":"R/15/560D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/4520) SAID PARAGRAPH DECIDING NOT TO CONSIDER ANY PROPOSALS TO EXCLUDE NATIONALIST CHINA OR SEAT RED CHINA IN THE UN, DURING CURRENT SESSION."} {"rcid":636,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-10-06","unres":"R/15/561","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/4520) ON CHINA REPRESENTATION IN THE UN."} {"rcid":637,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-10-01","unres":"R/15/611","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TIBET","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/4520) TO INCLUDE AN ITEM ON THE QUESTION OF TIBET, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":638,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-10-01","unres":"R/15/614","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/4520) TO INCLUDE AN ITEM ON THE QUESTION OF HUNGARY, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":639,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-10-02","unres":"R/15/650A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/4520) ASSIGNING THE ITEM ON DISARMAMENT AND FULFILLMENT OF G.A. RESOLUTION 1378 (XIV), 20 NOV. 1959 ON DISARMAMENT, TO THE 1ST COMMITTEE."} {"rcid":640,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-10-02","unres":"R/15/650B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT USSR DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.311) COMMENDING THE ITEM ON DISARMAMENT AND FULFILLMENT OF G.A. RESOLUTION 1378 (XIV) ON DISARMAMENT, TO PLENARY CONSIDERATION."} {"rcid":641,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-10-04","unres":"R/15/708","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"U.S. AGGRESSION","descr":"TO ADOPT U.S.S.R. AMENDMENT (A/L.313/REV.1) TO A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/4520) ALLOCATING ITEM 80 ON U.S.S.R. COMPLAINT OF U.S. AGRESSIONS TO THE 1ST COMMITTEE, SAID AMENDMENT ALLOCATING ITEM 80 TO PLENARY CONSIDERATION."} {"rcid":642,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-10-01","unres":"R/15/775","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PEACEFUL RELATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT 28-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.320 AND ADD. 1-6) CALLING FOR COOPERATION BETWEEN UN MEMBER-STATES IN THE INTERESTS OF INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND HARMONY."} {"rcid":643,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-11-05","unres":"R/15/817A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"U.S. AGGRESSION","descr":"TO ADOPT CUBAN AMENDMENT (A/L.321) TO A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/4549) ALLOCATING ITEM ON CUBAN-COMPLAINT OF U.S. AGGRESSION AND INTERVENTION TO 1ST COMMITTEE. SAID AMENDMENT REFERRING ITEM TO PLENARY CONSIDERATION."} {"rcid":644,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-11-05","unres":"R/15/817B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.S. AGGRESSION","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/4549) ALLOCATING ITEM ON CUBAN COMPLAINT OF U.S. AGGRESSION AND INTERVENTION TO 1ST COMMITTEE."} {"rcid":645,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-11-06","unres":"R/15/854","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONGO","descr":"TO ADOPT GHANA MOTION FOR ADJOURNMENT OF THE DEBATE ON THE SITUATION IN THE REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO."} {"rcid":646,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-11-01","unres":"R/15/859","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SECURITY COUNCIL ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT NIGERIAN PROPOSAL POSTPONING ELECTIONS TO THE E.S.C. AND SECURITY COUNCIL."} {"rcid":647,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-11-07","unres":"R/15/865","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ICJ, ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT PRESIDENT'S RULING APPLYING PROCEDURAL RULE 96 TO THE ELECTIONS TO THE I.C.J."} {"rcid":648,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-11-01","unres":"R/15/878","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT GHANA-MOTION ADJOURNING DEBATE ON THE REPORT OF THE CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE RE THE CREDENTIALS OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO (LEOPOLDVILLE)."} {"rcid":649,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-11-01","unres":"R/15/882","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT U.A.R. PROPOSAL SUSPENDING MEETING FOR 1 HOUR."} {"rcid":650,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-11-05","unres":"R/15/955","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT GHANA PROPOSAL ADJOURNING DEBATE ON THE CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE REPORT ON THE REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO (LEOPOLDVILLE)."} {"rcid":651,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-11-05","unres":"R/15/978A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT MALI PROPOSAL ADJOURNING THE MEETING."} {"rcid":652,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-11-05","unres":"R/15/978B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"CONGO, CREDENTIALS","descr":"TO ADOPT GUINEA AMENDMENT (A/L.322/REV.1) TO THE CREDENTIALS COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/4574) ACCEPTING THE CREDENTIALS OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO (LEOPOLDVILLE), SAID AMENDMENT PROVIDING FOR DEFERMENT OF ACCEPTANCE OF SAID CREDENTIALS."} {"rcid":653,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-11-05","unres":"R/15/978C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONGO, CREDENTIALS","descr":"TO ADOPT CREDENTIAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4574) ACCEPTING THE CREDENTIALS OF THE REPUBLIC OF CONGO (LEOPOLDVILLE) REPRESENTATIVES."} {"rcid":654,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-01","unres":"R/15/1272","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COLONIALISM","descr":"TO ADOPT THAT PORTION OF THE U.S.S.R. DRAFT DECLARATION (A/4502) ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES, SAID PORTION BEGINNING WITH: \\...THE STATES MEMBERS OF THE UN SOLEMNLY PROCLAIM THE FOLLOWING DEMANDS:\\\\, AND I\""} {"rcid":655,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-01","unres":"R/15/1273A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"COLONIALISM","descr":"TO ADOPT REMAINDER OF U.S.S.R. DRAFT DECLARATION (A/4502) ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES, SAID PORTION BEGINNING WITH PARAGRAPH 4."} {"rcid":656,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-01","unres":"R/15/1273B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"COLONIALISM","descr":"TO ADOPT A U.S.S.R. AMENDMENT (A/L.328) TO THE 43-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.323 AND ADD.1-6), A DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES, SAID AMENDMENT ADDING AN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 8 CALLING UPON POWERS CONC"} {"rcid":657,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-01","unres":"R/15/1273C","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"COLONIALISM","descr":"TO ADOPT A U.S.S.R. AMENDMENT (A/L.328) TO THE 43-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.323 AND ADD.1-6), SAID AMENDMENT ADDING AN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 9 DECIDING TO CONSIDER IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS RESOLUTION DURING 16TH SESSION."} {"rcid":658,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-01","unres":"R/15/1273D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COLONIALISM, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE 43-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.323 AND ADD. 1-6)."} {"rcid":659,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-02","unres":"R/15/1291","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION III (A/4650) RECOMMENDING REVOCATION OF ALL LAWS AND REGULATIONS PROMOTING RACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":660,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-02","unres":"R/15/1292","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4651), COVERING GUIDING PRINCIPLES IN DETERMINING OBLIGATIONS TO TRANSMIT INFORMATION ON NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES UNDER CHARTER ARTICLE 73E."} {"rcid":661,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-02","unres":"R/15/1293","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/4651) CONCERNING CONCRETE APPLICATION OF THE GUIDING PRINCIPLES TO DETERMINE THE OBLIGATION TO TRANSMIT INFORMATION ON NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":662,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-05","unres":"R/15/1386","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT S. AFRICA PROPOSAL ADJOURNING DEBATE ON ITEM 43 ON THE QUESTION OF SOUTH WEST AFRICA."} {"rcid":663,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-05","unres":"R/15/1387A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA, COURT CASE","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION III (A/4643 AND ADD.1) RE LEGAL ACTION TO ENSURE FULFILLMENT OF THE OBLIGATIONS ASSUMED BY S. AFRICA IN RESPECT OF THE TERRITORY OF SOUTH WEST AFRICA."} {"rcid":664,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-05","unres":"R/15/1387B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. VI (A/4643) ON THE SITUATION IN SOUTH WEST AFRICA, SAID PARAGRAPH DEPRECATING S. AFRICA APPLICATION OF ITS APARTHEID POLICY IN SOUTH WEST AFRICA AND CALLING FOR REVOCATION OF SAID POL"} {"rcid":665,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-05","unres":"R/15/1388","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA, U.N. INVESTIGATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. VI (A/4643) FOR A FACT-FINDING MISSION OF THE COMM. ON SOUTH WEST AFRICA TO DIRECTLY INVESTIGATE AND REPORT ON THE SITUATION IN THAT TERRITORY."} {"rcid":666,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-06","unres":"R/15/1428","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"ALGERIA, CEASE-FIRE","descr":"TO ADOPT AN 11-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.334) TO THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4660) ON THE ALGERIAN SITUATION, SAID AMENDMENT DELETING OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 4 AND REPLACING WITH TEXT INVITING PARTIES INVOLVED TO NEGOTIATE IMMEDIATELY ON A CEASEFI"} {"rcid":667,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-06","unres":"R/15/1429A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"ALGERIA, NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT AN 11-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.334) TO THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/4660) SAID AMENDMENT RECOMMENDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A SPECIAL INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION FOR ALGERIA."} {"rcid":668,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-06","unres":"R/15/1429B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"ALGERIA, PLEBISCITE","descr":"TO ADOPT A CYPRUS AMENDMENT (A/L.333) TO 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/4660), SAID AMENDMENT REPLACING EXISTING OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 4 WITH TEXT RECOMMENDING A UN REFERENDUM ON SELF-DETERMINATION IN ALGERIA."} {"rcid":669,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-06","unres":"R/15/1429C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ALGERIA, PLEBISCITE","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT (A/4660), DECIDING TO CONDUCT A REFERENDUM ON SELF-DETERMINATION IN ALGERIA, ORGANIZED, CONTROLLED AND SUPERVISED BY THE UN."} {"rcid":670,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-06","unres":"R/15/1429D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ALGERIA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4660), MINUS OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 4."} {"rcid":671,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-07","unres":"R/15/1478","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION CONGO","descr":"TO ADOPT 8-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.331/REV.1) PROPOSING A STANDING UN ADVISORY DELEGATION ON THE 1N OPERATIONS IN THE CONGO."} {"rcid":672,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-07","unres":"R/15/1479","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONGO","descr":"TO ADOPT 2-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.332) FOR THE USE OF DIPLOMATIC MEANS AND ACTIVE CONCILIATION BETWEEN PARTIES IN UN PROTECTION OF THE INDEPENDENCE AND INTEGRITY OF THE CONGO."} {"rcid":673,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-07","unres":"R/15/1492A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/4680) CALLING UPON NUCLEAR POWERS TO REFRAIN FROM DISSEMINATING THEIR WEAPONS AND UPON NON-NUCLEAR POWERS TO REFRAIN FROM PRODUCING THEM."} {"rcid":674,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-07","unres":"R/15/1492B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II-A (A/4680) NOTING THE PROGRESS ACHIEVED SO FAR AT THE GENEVA CONVENTION, AND URGING PARTIES INVOLVED TOWARD EARLY SOLUTION OF THE FEW REMAINING PROBLEMS."} {"rcid":675,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-07","unres":"R/15/1492C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II-B (A/4680) URGING STATES CONCERNED TOWARD AN EARLY AGREEMENT ON CESSATION OF NUCLEAR AND THERMO-NUCLEAR TESTING AND REQUESTING CONTINUANCE OF THEIR VOLUNTARY SUSPENSION OF TESTS DURING INTERIM OF THE GENEVA NE"} {"rcid":676,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-07","unres":"R/15/1493A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RWANDA-BURUNDI, REFERENDUM","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/4672) URGING BELGIUM TO GRANT FULL AMNESTY AND ABOLISH THE EMERGENCY REGIME IN RUANDA-URUNDI; ALSO POSTPONING THE JAN. 1961 ELECTIONS AND SETTING UP A UN COMMISSION FOR RUANDA-URUNDI."} {"rcid":677,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-07","unres":"R/15/1493B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RWANDA-BURUNDI, LAND REFORM","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION II (A/4672) REQUESTING BELGIUM TO REVOKE ITS SUSPENSION OF THE POWERS OF THE MWAMI OF RUANDA AND DECIDING TO CONDUCT A U.N.-SUPERVISED REFERENDUM THERE CONCERNING THE MWAMI"} {"rcid":678,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-12-07","unres":"R/15/1504","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PEACEKEEPING EXPENSES","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4681) ESTABLISHING AN AD HOC ACCOUNT FOR THE EXPENSES OF THE UN OPERATIONS IN THE CONGO."} {"rcid":679,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-03-01","unres":"R/15/1593","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4709) APPEALING TO MEMBER-STATES CLOSELY-CONNECTED WITH SOUTH AFRICA TO EXERT INFLUENCE TOWARD A CHANGED ATTITUDE BY THE LATTER WITH REGARD TO ITS POLICIES OVER SOUTH WEST AFRICA."} {"rcid":680,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-03-01","unres":"R/15/1594","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ANGOLA","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/4714) TO INCLUDE AN ITEM ON ANGOLA, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":681,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/1596","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/4721) CALLING SECURITY COUNCIL ATTENTION TO SOUTH WEST AFRICA AND INSTRUCTING THE COMMITTEE ON SOUTH WEST AFRICA TO PROCEED ON ITS FACTFINDING MISSION TO THIS TERRITORY WITH OR WITHOUT SOUTH AFRICA COOPERATION"} {"rcid":682,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-04","unres":"R/15/273A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID, THREAT TO PEACE","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/4728) CONDEMNING APARTHEID POLICIES OF SOUTH AFRICA, SAID PARAGRAPH NOTING THAT S. AFRICAN INTRANSIGENCY OVER ITS APARTHEID POLICIES ENDANGERS INTERNATIONAL PEACE A"} {"rcid":683,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-04","unres":"R/15/273B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 5 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/4728) CONDEMNING THE APARTHEID POLICIES OF SOUTH AFRICA, SAID PARAGRAPH RECOMMENDING STATES TO CONSIDER TAKING SUCH MEASURES AS THE BREAKING-OFF OF DIPLOMATIC RELAT"} {"rcid":684,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-04","unres":"R/15/274A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/4728) DEPLORING S. AFRICAN DISREGARD OF UN RESOLUTIONS ON ITS APARTHEID POLICIES, SAID PARAGRAPH REQUESTING ALL STATES TO CONSIDER TAKING SEPARATE AND COLLECTIVE A"} {"rcid":685,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-04","unres":"R/15/274B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID, THREAT TO PEACE","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 5 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. II (A/4728), SAID PARAGRAPH NOTING THAT S. AFRICA APARTHEID POLICIES HAVE LED TO INTERNATIONAL FRICTION AND ENDANGER INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY"} {"rcid":686,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-04","unres":"R/15/275","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, SOUTH AFRICA SANCTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION II (A/4728)."} {"rcid":687,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-06","unres":"R/15/322","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"CONGO, PEACEKEEPING","descr":"TO ADOPT THIS PHRASE IN CONGO (LEOPOLDVILLE) TEXT AMENDMENT (A/L.346) TO 21-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.339 AND ADD.1-5) EVACUATING ALL BELGIAN MILITARY AND PARAMILITARY PERSONNEL FROM THE CONGO: \\..AS SOON AS THEY ARE REPLACED BY PERSONNEL RE"} {"rcid":688,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-06","unres":"R/15/323A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"CONGO, PEACEKEEPING","descr":"TO ADOPT THIS REMAINING PHRASE IN CONGO (LEOPOLDVILLE) TEXT AMENDMENT (A/L.346) TO 21-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.339 AND ADD.1-5): \\WITH DUE RESPECT FOR CONGOLESE SOVEREIGNTY.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0"} {"rcid":689,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-06","unres":"R/15/323B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CONGO, BELGIAN TROOPS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE 21-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.339 AND ADD.1-5), SAID PARAGRAPH CALLING UPON BELGIUM TO FULFILL ITS RESPONSIBILITIES AS A MEMBER OF THE UN AND TO COMPLY FULLY AND PROMPTLY WITH THE WILL OF THE SECURITY COUN"} {"rcid":690,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-06","unres":"R/15/323C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CONGO, BELGIAN TROOPS","descr":"TO ADOPT THIS PART OF OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 21-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.339 AND ADD.1-5), READING: \\DECIDES THAT ALL BELGIAN AND OTHER FOREIGN MILITARY AND PARA-MILITARY PERSONNEL AND POLITICAL ADVISERS NOT UNDER THE UN COMMAND AND MERCEN"} {"rcid":691,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-06","unres":"R/15/323D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CONGO, BELGIAN TROOPS","descr":"TO ADOPT THIS PART IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 21-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.339 AND ADD.1-5): \\..WITHIN A PERIOD NOT EXCEEDING 21 DAYS.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0"} {"rcid":692,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-06","unres":"R/15/324A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CONGO, BELGIAN TROOPS","descr":"TO ADOPT THIS PART IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 21-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.339 AND ADD.1-5): \\..FAILING WHICH NECESSARY ACTION SHOULD BE TAKEN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0"} {"rcid":693,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-06","unres":"R/15/324B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONGO","descr":"TO ADOPT 21-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.339 AND ADD.1-5) MINUS WORDS \\WITHIN A PERIOD NOT EXCEEDING 21 DAYS, FAILING WHICH NECESSARY ACTION SHOULD BE TAKEN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0"} {"rcid":694,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-06","unres":"R/15/325A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CONGO","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF THE 17-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L340 AND ADD.1-3 AND ADD.3/CORR.1 AND ADD.4) URGING IMMEDIATE CONVENING OF THE CONGOLESE PARLIAMENT UNDER UN PROTECTION AND APPOINTING A COMMITTEE OF COUNCILATION TO ASSIST I"} {"rcid":695,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-06","unres":"R/15/325B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CONGO, INTRODUCTION OF ARMS","descr":"TO ADOPT THESE WORDS IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH OF THE 16-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.340 AND ADD.1-3AND ADD.3/CORR.1 AND ADD.4): \\...BY THE SECRETARY-GENERAL.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t1\t0\t0\t0"} {"rcid":696,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-06","unres":"R/15/325C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CONGO, NATIONAL GOVERNMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT PORTION OF OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 5 OF THE 16-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.340 AND ADD.1-3. AND ADD.3/CORR.1 AND ADD.4) BEGINNING WITH \\..SO THAT THE PARLIAMENT MAY TAKE THE NECESSARY DECISIONS,\\\\ AND ENDING WITH \\\\\"..THE LOI FONDAMENTALE\\\\\".\\\"\""} {"rcid":697,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-06","unres":"R/15/326A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CONGO, U.N. COMMISSION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 6 OF THE 16-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.340 AND ADD.1-3 AND ADD.3/CORR.1 AND ADD.4), SAID PARAGRAPH APPOINTING A COMMITTEE OF CONCILIATION TO ASSIST IN RECONCILING THE CONGOLESE LEADERS."} {"rcid":698,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-06","unres":"R/15/326B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONGO, RELEASE OF PARLIAMENT MEMBERS","descr":"TO ADOPT 16-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.340 AND ADD.1-3 AND ADD.3/CORR.1 AND ADD.4)."} {"rcid":699,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-06","unres":"R/15/326C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONGO, U.N. PROTECTION OF PARLIAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT U.S.S.R. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.341 AND CORR.1) URGING THE RE-OPENING OF THE CONGOLESE PARLIAMENT UNDER UN PROTECTION IN 21 DAYS."} {"rcid":700,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-06","unres":"R/15/327","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONGO, U.N. INVESTIGATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.347) APPOINTING A A COMMISSION TO INVESTIGATE THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE DEATHS OF MESSRS. LUMUMBA, MPOLO AND OKITO."} {"rcid":701,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-02","unres":"R/15/341","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION OF NEW MEMBERS","descr":"TO ADOPT U.A.R. PROPOSAL TO ADJOURN DEBATE ON THE ITEM ON ADMISSION OF NEW MEMBERS INTO THE UN."} {"rcid":702,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-03","unres":"R/15/350","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION OF NEW MEMBERS","descr":"TO ADOPT LIBERIAN PROPOSAL TO ADJOURN DEBATE ON ADMISSION OF NEW MEMBERS INTO THE UN."} {"rcid":703,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-03","unres":"R/15/377A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"ADMISSION MAURITANIA","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF 11-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION TION (A/L.335) ADVOCATING ADMISSION OF MAURITANIA INTO THE UN, AS AMENDED BY U.S.S.R. (A/L.336) TO READ: \\NOTHING THAT EIGHT MEMBERS OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL VOTED ON 4 DEC. 1960 IN"} {"rcid":704,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-03","unres":"R/15/377B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"ADMISSION MAURITANIA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 11-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.335), AS AMENDED BY THE U.S.S.R. PROPOSAL (A/L.336), SAID PARAGRAPH REQUESTING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO TAKE NOTE OF THIS DECISION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY IN REGARD TO THE CANDIDAT"} {"rcid":705,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-03","unres":"R/15/378","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION MAURITANIA","descr":"TO ADOPT 11-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.335) INCORPORATING U.S.S.R. AMENDMENTS (A/L.336)."} {"rcid":706,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-04","unres":"R/15/434A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ANGOLA, PORTUGESE POLICY","descr":"TO ADOPT A CLAUSE IN PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE 40-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.345 AND ADD.1-5) URGING PORTUGAL TO GRANT INDEPENDENCE TO ANGOLA, WHICH CLAUSE READS: \\THE CONTINUANCE OF WHICH IS LIKELY TO ENDANGER INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SEC"} {"rcid":707,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-04","unres":"R/15/434B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"ANGOLA","descr":"TO ADOPT 40-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.345 AND ADD. 1-5) URGING PORTUGAL TO GRANT ANGOLA INDEPENDENCE, INCLUDING THE SUDAN AMENDMENT ADDING THESE WORDS TO OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2: \\..FIVE MEMBERS TO BE APPOINTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE GENERAL A"} {"rcid":708,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/448","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES","descr":"TO ADOPT A MOTION FOR SEPARATE VOTES ON 3 DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4734) ON PALESTINE REFUGEES."} {"rcid":709,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/449A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4734) ON PALESTINE REFUGEES, SAID PARAGRAPH RECOGNIZING THE NEED TO SAFEGAURD ARAB-REFUGEE PROPERTY RIGHTS."} {"rcid":710,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/449B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERSTIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4743) ON PALESTINE REFUGEES, SAID PARAGRAPH RECOMMENDING THAT PRIMARY CONSIDERATION BE GIVEN DURING THE 16TH SESSION TO THE PROBLEM OF THE FUTURE WELFARE OF T"} {"rcid":711,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/449C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4734) ON PALESTINE REFUGEES, MINUS PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH 4 AND OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2."} {"rcid":712,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/455","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"RWANDA-BURUNDI, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT A MOTION FOR A SEPARATE VOTE ON PARAGRAPH 13 OF 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/4735) DEALING WITH THE VARIOUS PROBLEMS OF RUANDA-URUNDI WITH RESPECT TO ITS FUTURE."} {"rcid":713,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/456","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RWANDA-BURUNDI, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/4735) DEALING WITH THE VARIOUS PROBLEMS OF RUANDA-URUNDI WITH RESPECT TO ITS FUTURE."} {"rcid":714,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/457","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. INFORMATION IN NSGT","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4736) PROVIDING FOR THE DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION ON THE UN AND THE INTERNATIONAL TRUSTEESHIP SYSTEM, IN ALL TRUST TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":715,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/464","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CAMEROON, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THIS PHRASE IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 5 OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4737) IMPLEMENTING THE RESULTS OF THE PLEBISCITES IN THE BRITISH CAMEROONS, WHEREBY NORTHERN CAMEROONS UNITES WITH NIGERIA AND THE SOUTHERN CAMEROONS JOINS CAMER"} {"rcid":716,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/465","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CAMEROON, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4737) IMPLEMENTING THE RESULTS OF THE RECENT PLEBISCITES IN THE BRITISH CAMEROONS, MINUS UNADOPTED PHRASES IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 6."} {"rcid":717,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/483","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONGO, PEACEKEEPING","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/4740) RE THE 1961 COST ESTIMATES AND FINANCING OF UN OPERATIONS IN THE CONGO."} {"rcid":718,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/495","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CUBA","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/4744), ON CUBAN COMPLAINT OF U.S. AGRESSION AND INTERVENTION, SAID PARAGRAPH RECALLING SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 19 JULY 1960 AND THE PRINCIPLE OF PEACEFUL MEANS OF SETTLEME"} {"rcid":719,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/496","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CUBA","descr":"TO ADOPT GUINEA PROPOSAL FOR SEPARATE VOTES ON 2 PHRASES IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/4744)."} {"rcid":720,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/497A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CUBA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/4744), SAID PARAGRAPH EXHORTING O.A.S. STATES TO ASSIST IN A PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT BETWEEN THE U.S. AND CUBA."} {"rcid":721,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/497B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CUBA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/4744), MINUS OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1."} {"rcid":722,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/497C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CUBA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION II (A/4744) URGING NON-INTERVENTION IN CUBA."} {"rcid":723,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/504","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONGO, PEACEKEEPING APPROPRIATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT A PAKISTAN PROPOSAL FOR RECONSIDERATION OF 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/4740) ESTABLISHING AN AD HOC ACCOUNT FOR 1961 UN OPERATIONS IN THE CONGO AND ASSESSING THE CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE UN MEMBERSHIP."} {"rcid":724,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/505","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"CONGO, PEACEKEEPING APPROPRIATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT AN ARGENTINA AMENDMENT TO 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/4740), SAID AMENDMENT REPLACING \\75%\\\\ WITH \\\\\"90%\\\\\" IN ALL SUB-PARAGRAPHS OF PARAGRAPH 8.\\\"\""} {"rcid":725,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/506A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"CONGO, PEACEKEEPING APPROPRIATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT A PAKISTAN AMENDMENT TO 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/4740), SAID AMENDMENT REPLACING \\75%\\\\ WITH \\\\\"80%\\\\\" IN ALL SUB-PARAGRAPHS OF PARAGRAPH 8.\\\"\""} {"rcid":726,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/506B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"CONGO, PEACEKEEPING APPROPRIATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/4740), AS AMENDED BY PAKISTAN."} {"rcid":727,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/508A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PEACEKEEPING FINANCES","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF THE 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL.II (A/4740) DECIDING TO EXAMINE DURING THE 16TH SESSION THE ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY PROCEDURES OF THE UN ORGANIZATION, PARTICULARLY IN RELATION TO METHODS OF COVERING COSTS OF"} {"rcid":728,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-04-05","unres":"R/15/508B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PEACEKEEPING FINANCES","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/4740) ON THE NEED TO REVIEW UN ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY PROCEDURES, MINUS 4TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH."} {"rcid":729,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-09-07","unres":"R/16/74","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TIBET","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/4882) TO INCLUDE ITEM 83 ON TIBET, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":730,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-09-07","unres":"R/16/77","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMM. RECOMMENDATION (A/4882) TO INCLUDE ITEM 89 ON HUNGARY, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":731,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-10-04","unres":"R/16/398","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT A NEPAL MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING."} {"rcid":732,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-10-04","unres":"R/16/406","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT A LIBERIAN MOTION TO CENSURE THE DELEGATE OF SOUTH AFRICA FOR STATEMENTS EARLIER MADE BEFORE THE ASSEMBLY REGARDING APARTHEID."} {"rcid":733,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-10-02","unres":"R/16/494","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BURUNDI, ASSASSINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4929) CALLING FOR A COMMISSION ON RUANDA-URUNDI INVESTIGATION OF THE ASSASSINATION OF THE PRIME MINISTER OF BURUNDI."} {"rcid":734,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-10-06","unres":"R/16/507","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RADIATION STUDY","descr":"TO REQUIRE THE 2/3 MAJORITY RULE IN THE VOTE ON SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION B (A/4939) ON THE EFFECTS OF ATOMIC RADIATION."} {"rcid":735,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-10-06","unres":"R/16/521","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION MAURITANIA","descr":"TO ADOPT 14-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.358 AND ADD. 1) RECOMMENDING ADMISSION OF MAURITANIA TO THE UN."} {"rcid":736,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-10-06","unres":"R/16/527","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR TESTING, USSR","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4942) APPEALING TO U.S.S.R. TO REFRAIN FROM ITS SCHEDULED EXPLOSION OF A MEGATON BOMB."} {"rcid":737,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-11-05","unres":"R/16/568","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4942/ADD.1), CALLING FOR CESSATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS TESTING."} {"rcid":738,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-11-07","unres":"R/16/606","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4942/ADD.2) CALLING FOR U.S.-U.S.S.R. RENEWED NEGOTIATIONS ON A NUCLEAR ARMS-BAN TREATY, AS AMENDED BY CYPRUS PROPOSAL (A/L.363) SUBSTITUTING WORDS \\14 DEC 1961\\\\ FOR \\\\\"1 MARCH 1962\\\\\" IN OPERATIVE PARA\""} {"rcid":739,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-11-07","unres":"R/16/658","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ALGERIA, PRISONERS","descr":"TO ADOPT 34-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.365 AND ADD.1) CALLING FOR FRENCH REDRESSIVE MEASURES TO EFFECT TERMINATION OF THE ALGERIAN PRISONERS' HUNGER STRIKE."} {"rcid":740,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-11-02","unres":"R/16/806","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/4942/ADD.3) DECLARING AFRICA A DENUCLEARIZED ZONE."} {"rcid":741,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-11-02","unres":"R/16/807A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE SUB-PARAGRAPH 1(A) OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/4942/ADD.3) CALLING FOR A SPECIAL CONFERENCE ON THE PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR AND THERMONUCLEAR WEAPONS, SAID SUB-PARAGRAPH DECLARING THE USE OF NUCLEAR AND THERMONUCLEAR WE"} {"rcid":742,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-11-02","unres":"R/16/807B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/4942/ADD.3) SAID PARAGRAPH DECLARING THE USE OF NUCLEAR AND THERMONUCLEAR WEAPONS TO BE A VIOLATION OF THE UN CHARTER, CONTRARY TO INTERNATIONAL LAW AND THE LAWS OF HUMANITY AND"} {"rcid":743,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-11-02","unres":"R/16/807C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/4942/ADD.3), SAID PARAGRAPH REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO CONSULT UN MEMBERS ON THE POSSIBILITY OF A SPECIAL CONFERENCE ON THE PROHIBITION OF THE USE OF NUCLEAR AND THERMO"} {"rcid":744,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-11-02","unres":"R/16/808","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION II (A/4942/ADD.3)."} {"rcid":745,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-11-05","unres":"R/16/871A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"COLONIALISM","descr":"TO ADOPT A U.S.S.R. AMENDMENT (A/L.370) TO THE 38-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.366 AND ADD.1-3), PROVIDING FOR A STUDY COMMISSION ON THE SPECIFIC PROBLEMS OF VARIOUS TERRITORIES WITH REGARD TO IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF"} {"rcid":746,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-11-05","unres":"R/16/871B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE 38-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.366 AND ADD.1-3) PROVIDING FOR A STUDY COMMISSION ON THE PROBLEMS RE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES."} {"rcid":747,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-11-05","unres":"R/16/873","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT LAST PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF THE 13-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.368) URGING DUTCH-INDONESIAN RENEWED NEGOTIATIONS OVER WEST IRIAN, SAID PARAGRAPH PROVIDING THAT ANY SOLUTION TO THE FUTURE OF A NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORY BE BASED ON THE P"} {"rcid":748,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-11-05","unres":"R/16/875","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WEST IRIAN","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE 13-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.368) ON RENEWED DUTCH-INDONESIAN NEGOTIATIONS OVER WEST IRIAN."} {"rcid":749,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-11-05","unres":"R/16/876","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WEST IRIAN","descr":"TO ADOPT 9-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.367/REV.1) URGING FURTHER DUTCH-INDONESIAN NEGOTIATIONS OVER THE FUTURE OF WEST NEW GUINEA."} {"rcid":750,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-11-06","unres":"R/16/887","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPHS 5-7 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/4968) IMPOSING SANCTIONS AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA FOR ITS DETERMINED MAINTENANCE OF APARTHEID POLICIES. SAID PARAGRAPHS DRAW SECURITY COUNCIL ATTENTION TO A POSSIBL"} {"rcid":751,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-11-06","unres":"R/16/888A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND PART OF OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION II (A/4968) REQUESTING SECURITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER MEASURES AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE UN CHARTER, WHICH PART REQUESTS SECURITY COUNCIL"} {"rcid":752,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-11-06","unres":"R/16/888B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 6 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/4968), WHICH PARAGRAPH URGES UN MEMBERS TO TAKE SEPARATE AND COLLECTIVE ACTION AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":753,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-11-06","unres":"R/16/889A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 7 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/4968) WHICH PARAGRAPH CALLS UPON UN MEMBERS TO CEASE THEIR PETROLEUM EXPORTS TO SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":754,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-11-06","unres":"R/16/889B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION II (A/4968), MINUS THE UNADOPTED PARAGRAPHS 4 (PART 2), 6 AND 7, WHICH PARAGRAPHS HAD DEPLORED CONTINUED SOUTH AFRICA DISREGARD OF THE UN WITH RESPECT TO ITS APARTHEID POLICIES AND CALLING O"} {"rcid":755,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-03","unres":"R/16/1029","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"OMAN, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5010) URGING WITHDRAWAL OF FOREIGN FORCES FROM OMAN AND URGING A NEGOTIATED POLITICAL SETTLEMENT."} {"rcid":756,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-04","unres":"R/16/1068A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT AN AUSTRALIAN MOTION FOR PRIORITY, ON THE 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.372) REQUIRING APPLICATION OF THE 2/3 MAJORITY RULE IN VOTING ON THE QUESTION OF CHANGING THE REPRESENTATION OF CHINA IN THE UN."} {"rcid":757,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-04","unres":"R/16/1068B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 5-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.372) REQUIRING 2/3 MAJORITY IN DECIDING THE QUESTION OF CHINA REPRESENTATION IN THE UN."} {"rcid":758,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-04","unres":"R/2/1069A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PART 1 OF THE 3-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.375) TO THE U.S.S.R. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.360) CALLING FOR THE RESTORATION OF THE LAWFUL RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA IN THE UN, WHICH PART PROVIDES FOR THE REMOVAL OF THE PRESENT NATIO"} {"rcid":759,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-04","unres":"R/16/2/1069B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PART 2 OF THE 3-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.375) TO THE U.S.S.R. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.360), WHICH PART WOULD SEAT COMMUNIST CHINA IN THE UN."} {"rcid":760,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-04","unres":"R/16/1069C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT U.S.S.R. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.360)."} {"rcid":761,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-07","unres":"R/16/1077","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"CONSULAR RELATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT 6-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.374) TO THE 6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5013), CALLING FOR A VIENNA INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE DRAFT ARTICLES ON CONSULAR RELATIONS PROPOSED BY THE INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION. THE 6-POWER AMENDMENT REVI"} {"rcid":762,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-01","unres":"R/16/1104A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT A U.S. MOTION FOR SEPARATE VOTES ON LAST PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH AND OPERATIVE PARAGRAPHS 1, 5, AND 8 OF THE 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4998) CONDEMNING PORTUGUESE NON-COMPLIANCE WITH UN RESOLUTIONS ON ANGOLA. THE U.S. DELEGATION H"} {"rcid":763,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-01","unres":"R/16/1104B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT A U.S. AMENDMENT (A/L.381) TO 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4998), REPLACING WORD \\CONDEMNS\\\\ IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 WITH WORD \\\\\"REGRETS.\\\\\"\""} {"rcid":764,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-01","unres":"R/16/1105A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4998)."} {"rcid":765,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-01","unres":"R/16/1105B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5047) PROVIDING FOR THE RENEWAL OF THE COMMITTEE ON INFORMATION FROM NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":766,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-01","unres":"R/16/1108","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"TRADE PROBLEMS, CONFERENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT 6-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.379) TO THE 2ND COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION II (A/5056) ON INTERNATIONAL TRADE AS THE PRIMARY INSTRUMENT FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, SAID AMENDMENT REPLACING OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 6 WITH A TEXT REQUESTING SEC. GENERAL TO"} {"rcid":767,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-01","unres":"R/16/1109","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE 2ND COMM. DRAFT RESOL. VI (A/5056) REAFFIRMING G.A. RESOL. 1522 (XV) ON THE ACCELERATION OF THE FLOW OF CAPITAL FUNDS AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO DEVELOPING COUNTRIES FROM THE THE DEVELOPED STATES. SAID PA"} {"rcid":768,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-01","unres":"R/16/1114A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"POPULATION AND ECONOMIC GROWTH","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBLE OF THE 2ND COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/5059) FOR THE INCLUSION OF AN ITEM ON POPULATION GROWTH AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE AGENDA OF THE 17TH SESSION. SAID PREAMBLE RECALLS G.A. RESOL. 1217 (XII) AND UNESCO RESOL. 820 (XXXI)."} {"rcid":769,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-01","unres":"R/16/1114B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"POPULATION AND ECONOMIC GROWTH","descr":"TO ADOPT WORDS \\OF THE SECOND COMMITTEE\\\\ IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH OF THE 2ND COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5059).\\\"\""} {"rcid":770,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-01","unres":"R/16/1114C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"POPULATION AND ECONOMIC GROWTH","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5059) MINUS WORDS \\OF THE SECOND COMMITTEE\\\\.\\\"\""} {"rcid":771,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-02","unres":"R/16/1138","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TIBET","descr":"TO ADOPT 4-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.376) CALLING FOR CESSATION OF VIOLATIONS OF TIBETAN RIGHTS, FREEDOMS AND SELF-DETERMINATION."} {"rcid":772,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-02","unres":"R/16/1141","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ALGERIA, NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5070) CALLING FOR RENEWED FRENCH-ALGERIAN NEGOTIATIONS TOWARD THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE FOR ALGERIA."} {"rcid":773,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-02","unres":"R/16/1147A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, CONCILIATION COMMISSION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5068) TAKING ACTION ON THE REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF THE UN RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES, SAID PARAGRAPH DECIDING ON A MEMBERSHIP OF 5 FOR THE C"} {"rcid":774,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-02","unres":"R/16/1147B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/5068), SAID PARAGRAPH REQUESTING THE RECONSTITUTED CONCILIATION COMMISSION TO TAKE MEASURES TO PROTECT THE RIGHTS, PROPERTY AND INTERESTS OF THE PALESTINE REFUGEES."} {"rcid":775,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-02","unres":"R/16/1147C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, CONCILIATION COMMISSION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5068), SAID PARAGRAPH REQUESTING INTENSIFIED EFFORTS BY THE CONCILIATION COMMISSON TO IMPLEMENT THE \\REPATRIATION\\\\ PARAGRAPH OF RESOL. 194 (III) AND IDENTIFY-EVA\""} {"rcid":776,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-02","unres":"R/16/1147D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, CONCILIATION COMMISSION","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5068) MINUS OPERATIVE PARAGRAPHS 3 AND 4."} {"rcid":777,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-02","unres":"R/16/1153","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PEACEKEEPING FINANCES","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/5062) SEEKING ICJ ADVISORY OPINION ON WHETHER THE AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES OF THE UN CONGO OPERATIONS CONSTITUTED EXPENSES OF THE UNO UNDER CHARTER ARTICLE 17, PARA. 2."} {"rcid":778,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-02","unres":"R/16/1156A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PEACEKEEPING FINANCES","descr":"TO ADOPT A GREEK MOTION FOR A SEPARATE VOTE ON OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 7 OF THE 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5066) ON THE FINANCING OF THE UNO OPERATIONS IN THE CONGO, SAID PARAGRAPH CALLING FOR A SUBSTANTIAL CONTRIBUTION FROM BELGIUM."} {"rcid":779,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-02","unres":"R/16/1156B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PEACEKEEPING FINANCES","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5066) CONCERNING THE COST ESTIMATES AND FINANCING OF THE UN OPERATIONS IN THE CONGO."} {"rcid":780,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-02","unres":"R/16/1158","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5065) CONCERNING COST ESTIMATES FOR MAINTAINING THE UN EMERGENCY FORCE."} {"rcid":781,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-02","unres":"R/16/1162","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. BUDGET, U.S. BONDS","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5076) APPROVING BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR THE UN FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 1962."} {"rcid":782,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-02","unres":"R/16/1173","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5071) REQUESTING THE UN COMMISSION FOR THE UNIFICATION AND REHABILITATION OF KOREA TO CONTINUE WORK TOWARDS FULFILLMENT OF ITS OBJECTIVES AS PER RESOLUTIONS OF THE ASSEMBLY."} {"rcid":783,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-12-02","unres":"R/16/1179","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY, SOVIET INTERVENTION","descr":"TO ADOPT 16-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.380) DEPLORING CONTINUED U.S.S.R.-HUNGARIAN DISREGARD OF ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS ON HUNGARY."} {"rcid":784,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-01-04","unres":"R/16/1345","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ANGOLA, PORTUGESE SUPPRESSION","descr":"TO ADOPT 2-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.383) CONDEMNING AND CALLING FOR AN END TO THE PORTUGUESE COLONIAL WAR IN ANGOLA AND RECOMMENDING SECURITY COUNCIL CONSIDERATION OF PUNITIVE SANCTIONS AGAINST PORTUGAL."} {"rcid":785,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-01-04","unres":"R/16/1349A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ANGOLA","descr":"TO ADOPT A U.S. REQUEST FOR A SEPARATE VOTE ON OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 7 OF THE 45-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.384/REV.1 AND REV.1/ADD.1) DEPRECATING THE REPRESSIVE SITUATION IN ANGOLA, SAID PARAGRAPH URGING THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON ANGOLA TO CONSI"} {"rcid":786,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-01-04","unres":"R/16/1349B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ANGOLA","descr":"TO ADOPT THIS PHRASE IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 6 (B) OF THE 45-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.384/REV.1 AND REV.1/ ADD.1): \\..THROUGH THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF 17 MEMBERS ESTABLISHED UNDER RESOLUTION 1654 (XVI).\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t1\t0"} {"rcid":787,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-01-04","unres":"R/16/1349C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ANGOLA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 7 OF THE 45-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.384/REV.1 AND REV.1/ADD.1), SAID PARAGRAPH CALLING UPON UN MEMBER-STATES TO DENY SUPPORT AND ASSISTANCE TO PORTUGUESE SUPPRESSIONS AND URGING PORTUGAL TO TAKE MEASURES TOWARD TRAN"} {"rcid":788,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-01-04","unres":"R/16/1350","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ANGOLA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE 45-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.384/REV.1 AND REV.1/ADD.1) MINUS PHRASE \\THROUGH THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF 17 MEMBERS ESTABLISHED UNDER RESOL. 1654 XVI,\\\\ AND MINUS OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 7.\\\"\""} {"rcid":789,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-02-06","unres":"R/16/1356","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.S. THREATS TO CUBA","descr":"TO ADOPT A COSTA RICA MOTION FOR AN ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING, DURING THE DEBATE ON ITEM 78 RE CUBAN COMPLAINT OF NEW THREATS TO INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY ARISING FROM NEW PLANS OF AGGRESSION AND ACTS OF INTERVENTION BY THE U.S."} {"rcid":790,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-02-07","unres":"R/16/1361","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.S. THREATS TO CUBA","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBLE OF THE MONGOLIAN DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.385/REV.1) ON CUBAN COMPLAINT OF U.S. AGRESSION AND INTERVENTION, SAID PREAMBLE ACKNOWLEDGING CONSIDERATION OF THE 1ST COMM. REPORT ON ITEM 78."} {"rcid":791,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-02-07","unres":"R/16/1362A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.S. THREATS TO CUBA","descr":"TO ADOPT THE PHRASE \\AND NON-INTERFERENCE IN THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF ANY STATE\\\\ IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH OF THE MONGOLIAN DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.385/REV.1).\\\"\""} {"rcid":792,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-02-07","unres":"R/16/1362B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.S. THREATS TO CUBA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH OF THE MONGOLIAN DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.385/REV.1) SAID PARAGRAPH RECALLING THE FUNDAMENTAL UN CHARTER PRINCIPLES OF EQUAL RIGHTS AND SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES AND NON-INTERFERENCE IN THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF ANY"} {"rcid":793,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-02-07","unres":"R/16/1362C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.S. THREATS TO CUBA","descr":"TO ADOPT THE MONGOLIAN DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.385/REV.1)."} {"rcid":794,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-02-03","unres":"R/16/1376","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RHODESIA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/4997/ADD.2) ON GENERAL QUESTIONS RELATING TO THE TRANSMISSION AND EXAMINATION OF INFORMATION FROM NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES; WHICH RESOLUTION CALLS ON THE SPECIAL COMM. UNDER RESOL. 1654 (XVI) TO MAKE"} {"rcid":795,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-06-01","unres":"R/16/1398","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RHODESIA","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/5131) TO INCLUDE AN ITEM ON \\QUESTION OF SOUTHERN RHODESIA,\\\\ IN THE AGENDA.\\\"\""} {"rcid":796,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-06-02","unres":"R/16/1510A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"RWANDA-BURUNDI, BELGIAN TROOPS","descr":"TO ADOPT A U.S.S.R. AMENDMENT (A/L.388) TO 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/5142) TERMINATING THE TRUSTEESHIP AGREEMENT FOR RUANDA-URUNDI, AND CALLING FOR EVACUATION OF BELGIAN FORCES FROM RWANDA AND BURUNDI. SAID AMENDMENT INSERTING PHRASE \\BY 1 JU"} {"rcid":797,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-06-02","unres":"R/16/1510B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"RWANDA-BURUNDI, BELGIAN TROOPS","descr":"TO ADOPT PART 1 OF OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5142), SAID PART READING: \\CALLS UPON THE GOVERNMENT OF BELGIUM TO WITHDRAW AND EVACUATE ITS FORCES STILL REMAINING IN RWANDA AND BURUNDI.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0"} {"rcid":798,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-06-02","unres":"R/16/1511A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"RWANDA-BURUNDI","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 5 OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/5142), SAID PARAGRAPH AUTHORIZING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO COMMIT UP TO $2 MILLION OF THE 1962 UN BUDGET FOR EXTRAORDINARY AND UNFORESEEN EXPENSES TO EMERGENCY MEASURES NECESSARY F"} {"rcid":799,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-06-02","unres":"R/16/1511B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"RWANDA-BURUNDI, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 9 OF THE 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5142), SAID PARAGRAPH RECOMMENDING ADMISSION OF RWANDA AND BURUNDI INTO THE UN, UPON THEIR PROCLAMATION OF INDEPENCENCE ON 1 JULY 1962."} {"rcid":800,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-06-02","unres":"R/16/1511C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RWANDA-BURUNDI, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5142)."} {"rcid":801,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-06-03","unres":"R/16/1548","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"RHODESIA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT A BULGARIAN AMENDMENT (A/L.387) TO THE 38-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.386/REV.1 AND ADD.1-4) AFFIRMING SOUTHERN PHODESIA AS A NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORY AND URGING THE U.K. AS ADMINISTERING POWER TO CALL A FULLY-REPRESENTATIVE CONSTI"} {"rcid":802,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-06-03","unres":"R/16/1549A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"RHODESIA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 38-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.386/REV.1 AND ADD.1-4), SAID PARAGRAPH INCORPORATING BULGARIAN AMENDMENT (A/L.387) AND CALLING FOR AN ELECTED, FULLY-REPRESENTATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION TO BE CONVENED BY THE"} {"rcid":803,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-06-03","unres":"R/16/1549B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"RHODESIA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 38-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.386/REV.1 AND ADD.1-4) INCLUDING BULGARIAN AMENDMENT (A/L.387)."} {"rcid":804,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-07-05","unres":"R/16/1398","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN RHODESIA","descr":"TO ADOPT GHANA MOTION FOR A 2/3 MAJORITY VOTE ON THE GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/5131) TO INCLUDE AN ITEM ON SOUTHERN RHODESIA, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":805,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-09-05","unres":"R/17/52","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WEST IRIAN","descr":"TO ADOPT DUTCH-INDONESIAN DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.393) TAKING NOTE OF THE 1962 AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA AND THE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS REGARDING WEST NEW GUINEA AND AUTHORIZING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO FULFILL THE RESPONSIBILIT"} {"rcid":806,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-09-01","unres":"R/17/97","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/5230) TO INCLUDE ITEM 85 ON \\QUESTION OF HUNGARY\\\\, IN THE AGENDA.\\\"\""} {"rcid":807,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-10-07","unres":"R/17/484","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RHODESIA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/5256 AND CORR.1) URGING THE U.K. TO SECURE THE RELEASE OF JOSEPH NKOMO AND OTHER NATIONALIST LEADERS AND THE LIFTING OF THE BAN ON THE ZIMBABWE PEOPLE'S UNION IN SOUTHERN RHODESIA."} {"rcid":808,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-10-04","unres":"R/17/647","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT U.S.S.R. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.395) REMOVING NATIONALIST CHINA REPRESENTATION AND INSTALLING COMMUNIST CHINA REPRESENTATION, IN THE UN."} {"rcid":809,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-10-05","unres":"R/17/655","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RHODESIA, POLITICAL PRISONERS","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/C.4/L.753) REAFFIRMING EARLIER RESOLUTIONS FOR THE U.K. AS ADMINISTERING AUTHORITY OF SOUTHERN PHODESIA TO SUSPEND 1961 CONSTITUTION AND THE PENDING ELECTIONS, CALL A FULLY-REPRESENTATIVE NEW CONSTITUT"} {"rcid":810,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-11-07","unres":"R/17/679A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT COLOMBIA PROPOSAL FOR SEPARATE VOTES ON THE WORDS \\THE FOLLOWING\\\\ IN OPERATIVE SUB-PARAGRAPHS 4(A), 4(B), 4(C), 4(D) AND 4(E); IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 5; OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 6 AND OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 8 (SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RE\""} {"rcid":811,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-11-07","unres":"R/17/679B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5276) REQUESTING UN MEMBER-STATES SEPARATELY OR COLLECTIVELY TO BREAK OFF OR REFRAIN FROM DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH S. AFRICA AND INSTITUTE AN EMBARGO AND BOYCOTT OF TRADE WITH S. AFRICA,"} {"rcid":812,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-11-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT 10TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/5279) URGING U.S.-U.S.S.R.-U.K. NEGOTIATIONS TOWARD A CESSATION OF ALL NUCLEAR AND THERMO-NUCLEAR-WEAPONS TESTING IN ALL ENVIRONMENTS, NOT LATER THAN 1 JAN. 1963. SAID PARAG"} {"rcid":813,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-11-07","unres":"R/17/685A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION A (A/5279), WHICH PARAGRAPH CONDEMNS ALL NUCLEAR WEAPONS TESTS."} {"rcid":814,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-11-07","unres":"R/17/685B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION A (A/5279), WHICH PARAGRAPH ASKS FOR IMMEDIATE CESSATION OF ALL NUCLEAR WEAPONS TESTS NOT LATER THAN 1 JANUARY 1963."} {"rcid":815,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-11-07","unres":"R/17/685C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NUCLEAR TESTING, U.S., U.K, U.S.S.R.","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION A (A/5279), SAID PARAGRAPH URGING U.S.S.R.-U.S. -U.K. SETTLING OF DIFFERENCES TO EFFECT CESSATION BY 1 JAN. 63 AND ISSUING INSTRUCTIONS TO THEIR REPRESENTATIVES ON THE SUB.COM"} {"rcid":816,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-11-07","unres":"R/17/685D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NUCLEAR TESTING, U.S., U.K, U.S.S.R.","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION A (A/5279), SAID PARAGRAPH ENDORSING THE 1962 8-NATION MEMORANDUM AS A BASIS FOR NEGOTIATION."} {"rcid":817,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-11-07","unres":"R/17/686A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NUCLEAR TESTING, U.S., U.K, U.S.S.R.","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 5 OF THE 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION A (A/5279), SAID PARAGRAPH CALLING UPON THE U.S., U.S.S.R. AND U.K. TO NEGOTIATE IN A SPIRIT OF MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING AND CONCESSION, TO REACH AN AGREEMENT."} {"rcid":818,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-11-07","unres":"R/17/686B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NUCLEAR TESTING, U.S., U.K, U.S.S.R.","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 6 OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLLUTION A (A/5279), SAID PARAGRAPH RECOMMENDING AN IMMEDIATE AGREEMENT PROHIBITING NUCLEAR WEAPONS TESTING IN THE ATMOSPHERE, IN OUTER SPACE AND UNDER-WATER, WITH AN INTERIM ARRANGEMENT"} {"rcid":819,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-11-07","unres":"R/17/686C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 7 OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION A (A/5279), SAID PARAGRAPH REQUESTING THE CONFERENCE OF THE 18-NATION COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO RECONVENE NOT LATER THAN 12 NOV. 62 AND TO REPORT TO THE ASSEMBLY BY 10 DEC. 62 T"} {"rcid":820,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-11-07","unres":"R/17/686D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION B (A/5279) URGING THE CONFERENCE OF THE 18-NATION COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO CONCLUDE A TREATY PROHIBITING NUCLEAR WEAPONS TESTING IN ALL ENVIRONMENTS FOR ALL TIME, UNDER EFFECTIVE INTERNATIONAL CONTROL."} {"rcid":821,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-11-01","unres":"R/17/709","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"MARRIGE CONVENTION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE 4-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.398 AND ADD.1) TO THE DRAFT CONVENTION ON MARRIAGE ANNEXED TO THE 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION A (A/5273) RATIFYING THE CONVENTION AS INCLUDED THEREIN, SAID AMENDMENT REPLACING WORD \\ALL\\\\ WITH \\\\\"ANYONE OF\\\\\" IN\""} {"rcid":822,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-11-01","unres":"R/17/711","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"MARRIGE CONVENTION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE U.K. AMENDMENT (A/L.399) TO THE 3RD COMM. DRAFT CONVENTION ON MARRIAGE (A/5273, RESOL. A), SAID AMENDMENT INSERTING A NEW ARTICLE 7 APPLYING THIS CONVENTION TO NON-SELF-GOVERNING, TRUST, COLONIAL AND OTHER NON-METROPOLITAN TERRITOR"} {"rcid":823,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-11-07","unres":"R/17/768","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RADIATION STUDY","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5285) COMMENDING THE REPORT OF THE UN SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON THE EFFECTS OF ATOMIC RADIATION AND INVITING THE WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION TO COMPLETE ITS SCHEME FOR A WORLD-WIDE MONITO"} {"rcid":824,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-11-02","unres":"R/17/917","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"ATOMIC ENERGY CONFERENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT AUSTRALIA AMENDMENT (A/L.404) TO THE 12-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.402 AND ADD.1) CONVENING A 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE PEACEFUL USES OF ATOMIC ENERGY, SAID AMENDMENT INVITING ALL UN MEMBER-STATES TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS CONFEREN"} {"rcid":825,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-05","unres":"R/17/1045","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINESE REFUGEES","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION II (A/5333) APPEALING FOR UN MEMBERS' AID TO THE CHINESE REFUGEES IN HONG KONG."} {"rcid":826,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-06","unres":"R/17/1088","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"TARIFF AND TRADE BARRIERS","descr":"TO ADOPT 2-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.408) TO THE 2ND COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5316) CONVENING AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT, SAID AMENDMENT ELIMINATING THE WORD \\GRADUAL\\\\ FROM OPERATIVE SUB-PARAGRAPH 5 (C). SUB-PARAGRAPH 5 (\""} {"rcid":827,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-02","unres":"R/17/1100A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"OMAN, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/5325) ON THE OMAN SITUATION, SAID PARAGRAPH RECOGNIZING THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF OMAN TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE."} {"rcid":828,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-02","unres":"R/17/1100B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"OMAN, NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5325), SAID PARAGRAPH CALLING FOR WITHDRAWAL OF FOREIGN FORCES FROM OMAN."} {"rcid":829,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-02","unres":"R/17/1100C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"OMAN, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/5325), SAID PARAGRAPH INVITING PARTIES CONCERNED TO SETTLE DIFFERENCES ACCORDING TO THE UN CHARTER AND RESTORE NORMALITY IN OMAN."} {"rcid":830,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-05","unres":"R/17/1131","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"TO ADOPT U.S.S.R. AMENDMENT (A/L.414) TO 2ND COMM.DRAFT RESOL. (A/5344/ADD.1 AND ADD.1/CORR.1) AFFIRMING THE RIGHT OF STATES TO PERMANENT SOVEREIGNTY OVER THEIR OWN NATURAL WEALTH AND RESOURCES, SAID AMENDMENT ADDING THESE WORDS AT BEGINNING OF"} {"rcid":831,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-05","unres":"R/17/1133","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NATIONALIZATION OF RESOURCES","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 5 OF THE 2ND COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/5344/ADD.1 AND ADD.1/CORR.1), SAID PARAGRAPH SUPPORTING MEASURES TAKEN BY PEOPLES AND STATES TO RE-ESTABLISH OR STRENGTHEN THEIR SOVEREIGNTY OVER THEIR NATURAL WEALTH AND RESOURCES"} {"rcid":832,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-05","unres":"R/17/1134","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5344/ADD.1 AND ADD.1/CORR.1), INCORPORATING THE 13-POWER AMENDMENT SUBSTITUTING WORD \\DEVELOPING\\\\ FOR WORDS \\\\\"UNDER-DEVELOPED\\\\\" THROUGHOUT RESOLUTION, AND MINUS OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 5.\\\"\""} {"rcid":833,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-05","unres":"R/17/1148","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PORTUGESE TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/5349) CONDEMNING POLICY AND ACTS OF PORTUGAL WITH REGARD TO TERRITORIES UNDER ITS ADMINISTRATION AND CALLING UPON PORTUGAL TO TAKE IMMEDIATE MEASURES TOWARD CESSATION OF REPRESSIONS, WITHDRAWAL OF FO"} {"rcid":834,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-01","unres":"R/17/1154A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"COLONIALISM","descr":"TO ADOPT A U.S. MOTION FOR A SEPARATE VOTE ON THE LAST PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF THE 34-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.410 AND ADD.1) ON THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL CONTR"} {"rcid":835,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-01","unres":"R/17/1154B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"COLONIALISM, SPECIAL COMMITTEE","descr":"TO ADOPT A U.S. MOTION FOR A SEPARATE VOTE ON THIS PHRASE OF OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 8 (B) OF THE 34-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.410 AND ADD.1): \\..INCLUDING RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING THE FIXING OF APPROPRIATE TIME LIMITS.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t1\t0"} {"rcid":836,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-01","unres":"R/17/1155A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"COLONIALISM","descr":"TO ADOPT TUNISIAN PROPOSAL FOR A SEPARATE VOTE ON OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 7 OF THE 34-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.410 AND ADD.1), SAID PARAGRAPH ENLARGING THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF I"} {"rcid":837,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-01","unres":"R/17/1155B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DECOLONIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT LAST PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF THE 34-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.410 AND ADD.1), SAID PARAGRAPH REQUIRING A TIME LIMIT WITHIN WHICH THE DECLARATION MUST BE IMPLEMENTED."} {"rcid":838,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-01","unres":"R/17/1155C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"COLONIALISM","descr":"TO ADOPT LAST PHRASE OF OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 8 (B) OF THE 34-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.410 AND ADD.1), WHICH PHRASE READS: \\..INCLUDING RECOMMENDATIONS CONCERNING THE FIXING OF AN APPROPRIATE TIME LIMIT.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t1\t0"} {"rcid":839,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-01","unres":"R/17/1156","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"COLONIALISM","descr":"TO ADOPT 34-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.410 AND ADD.1), WITHOUT LAST PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH AND THE LAST PHRASE OF OPERATIVE SUB-PARAGRAPH 8(B)."} {"rcid":840,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-02","unres":"R/17/1166A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ANGOLA, PORTUGESE SUPPRESSION","descr":"TO ADOPT AN ITALIAN MOTION FOR A SEPARATE VOTE ON THE OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH OF THE 13-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.415 AND ADD.1) ON THE SITUATION IN ANGOLA, SAID PARAGRAPH REQUESTING UN MEMBER-STATES TO DENY ANY SUPPORT OR ASSISTANCE, PARTICULARLY OF"} {"rcid":841,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-02","unres":"R/17/1166B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ANGOLA, PORTUGESE SUPPRESSION","descr":"TO ADOPT 13-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.415 AND ADD.1) CONDEMNING AND DEMANDING CESSATION OF THE PORTUGUESE COLONIAL WAR IN ANGOLA, AND URGING MEASURES TOWARD GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO THE TERRITORY."} {"rcid":842,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-02","unres":"R/17/1178A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"POPULATION AND DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO REQUIRE 2/3 MAJORITY RULE IN VOTING ON THE 2ND COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/5354) ON POPULATION GROWTH AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT."} {"rcid":843,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-02","unres":"R/17/1178B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"POPULATION PROBLEMS","descr":"TO ADOPT LAST PART OF OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 6 OF THE 2ND COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5354) ON POPULATION, GROWTH AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, WHICH PART READS: \\.. AND THAT THE UN GIVE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE, AS REQUESTED BY GOVERNMENTS FOR NATIONAL PR"} {"rcid":844,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-03","unres":"R/17/1199","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PEACEKEEPING FINANCES","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION A (A/5380) ACCEPTING ADVISORY OPINION OF THE ICJ REGARDING THE FINANCING OF THE UN OPERATIONS IN THE CONGO."} {"rcid":845,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-04","unres":"R/17/1204A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE CONCILIATION COMMISSION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5387) EXTENDING MANDATE OF THE UN RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES TO JUNE 1965 AND URGING UN MEMBER-STATES TO MAKE FURTHER CONTRIBUTIONS TO THIS AG"} {"rcid":846,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-04","unres":"R/17/1204B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE CONCILIATION COMMISSION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/5387) EXTENDING THE MANDATE OF THE UN RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES, WHICH PARAGRAPH REQUESTS THE SEC. GENERAL TO PROVIDE SUCH STAFF AND FACILITIES T"} {"rcid":847,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-04","unres":"R/17/1207","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY, SOVIET INTERVENTION","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBLE OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5388) ON THE POSITION OF UN REPRESENTATIVE ON HUNGARY, SAID PREAMBLE TAKING NOTE OF THE REPORT OF SIR LESLIE MUNRO, UN REPRESENTATIVE ON HUNGARY, AND REAFFIRMING ALL ITS R"} {"rcid":848,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-04","unres":"R/17/1208A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY, SOVIET INTERVENTION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PORTION OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5388), SAID PORTION TERMINATING THE POSITION OF UN REPRESENTATIVE ON HUNGARY AND TRANSFERRING INITIATIVE ON HUNGARY TO UN SEC. GENERAL."} {"rcid":849,"session":17,"importantvote":0,"date":"1962-12-04","unres":"R/17/1208B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY, SOVIET INTERVENTION","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5388)."} {"rcid":850,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-09-06","unres":"R/18/1881A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT ALGERIAN MOTION FOR A 20-MINUTE SUSPENSION OF MEETING DURING DEBATE ON ITEM 30 RE APARTHEID IN S. AFRICA."} {"rcid":851,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-10-01","unres":"R/18/1881B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID, POLITICAL PRISONERS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5565) CALLING FOR UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE OF ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS IN SOUTH AFRICA INTERNED FOR OPPOSING APARTHEID, SAID PARAGRAPH REQUESTING S. AFRICA TO ABANDON"} {"rcid":852,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-10-01","unres":"R/18/1881C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, U.N. RESOLUTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5565) ON UNCONDITIONAL RELEASE OF POLITICAL PRISONERS IN SOUTH AFRICA INTERNED FOR OPPOSING APARTHEID."} {"rcid":853,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-10-04","unres":"R/18/1883","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RHODESIA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5564) INVITING U.K. NOT TO TRANSFER SOVEREIGNTY TO THE PRESENT GOVERNMENT IN SOUTHERN PHODESIA WHICH CAME INTO POWER UNDER THE DISPUTED 1961 CONSTITUTION."} {"rcid":854,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-10-01","unres":"R/18/1885","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PEACEKEEPING FINANCES","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5567) REGARDING REDUCED FINANCING OF THE UN FORCE IN THE CONGO."} {"rcid":855,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-10-04","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 2-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.427 AND ADD. 1) REMOVING THE NATIONALIST CHINA U.N. REPRESENTATION AND SEATING COMMUNIST CHINA INSTEAD."} {"rcid":856,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-11-02","unres":"R/18/1889","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"RHODESIA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/5564/ADD.1) INCLUDING GHANA DRAFTING AMENDMENTS TO ENGLISH TEXT OF OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 7; RESOLUTION CALLS UPON U.K. NOT TO GRANT SOUTHERN RHODESIA INDEPENDENCE TILL A MAJORITY RULE BASED ON ADULT SUFFRAGE IS"} {"rcid":857,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-11-02","unres":"R/18/1899","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/5605) CONSIDERING ANNEXATION OF SOUTH WEST AFRICA BY S. AFRICA TO BE AN ACT OF AGGRESSION, AND URGING UN MEMBERS TO EMBARGO SHIPMENTS OF ARMS AND OTHER MILITARY EQUIPMENT AND OF PETROLEUM AND PETROLEUM P"} {"rcid":858,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-11-07","unres":"R/18/1903A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"LEAGUE OF NATIONS, TREATIES","descr":"TO ADOPT 2-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.431/REV.1) TO THE 6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5602 AND CORR.1) ON EXTENDED INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION IN GENERAL MULTILATERAL TREATIES CONCLUDED UNDER AUSPICES OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS, SAID AMENDMENT DELETING"} {"rcid":859,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-11-07","unres":"R/18/1903B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"LEAGUE OF NATIONS, TREATIES","descr":"TO ADOPT CZECHOSLOVAKIA AMENDMENT (A/L.432) TO 6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5602 AND CORR. 1) ON EXTENDED INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION IN LEAGUE OF NATIONS-SPONSORED GENERAL MULTILATERAL TREATIES, SAID AMENDMENT REPLACING WORDS \\..EACH STATE WH"} {"rcid":860,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-11-02","unres":"R/18/1909","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/5617) REQUESTING CONFERENCE OF THE 18-NATION COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO TO STUDY THE QUESTION OF CONVENING A CONFERENCE TO SIGN A CONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR AND THERMONUCLEAR WEAPONS."} {"rcid":861,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-11-02","unres":"R/18/1911","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5618) PROVIDING FOR THE DENUCLEARIZATION OF LATIN AMERICA."} {"rcid":862,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-12-03","unres":"R/18/1912","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE CONCILIATION COMMISSION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5624) CALLING FOR FURTHER CONTRIBUTIONS TO, AND PROVISION OF THE NECESSARY STAFF AND FACILITIES FOR, THE UN RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REGUGEES IN THE"} {"rcid":863,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-12-03","unres":"R/18/1913","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, PORTUGESE TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/5629) REGRETTING PORTUGAL REFUSAL TO IMPLEMENT UN RESOLUTIONS WITH REGARD TO TERRITORIES UNDER PORTUGUESE ADMINISTRATION AND REQUESTING SECURITY COUNCIL TO ADOPT MEASURES TO IMPLEMENT ITS OWN DECISIONS, PARTIC"} {"rcid":864,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-12-05","unres":"R/18/1916","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"WORLD SOCIAL PROGRESS","descr":"TO ADOPT WORDS \\SUCH\\\\...\\\\\"AS MAY BE NECESSARY\\\\\" IN THE 6TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF THE 3RD COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION II (A/5606) CONCERNING THE WORLD SOCIAL SITUATION, 1963\\\"\""} {"rcid":865,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-12-04","unres":"R/18/1948","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"OMAN, AD HOC COMMITTEE","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5657) ESTABLISHING A 5-STATE AD. HOC COMMITTEE TO STUDY AND AND MAKE A REPORT TO THE ASSEMBLY ON THE QUESTION OF OMAN."} {"rcid":866,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-12-04","unres":"R/18/1956","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 33-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.443 AND ADD.1&2) ON THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL CONTRIES AND PEOPLES."} {"rcid":867,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-12-05","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ELECTRICAL VOTING EQUIPMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE 16-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.444/REV.1) ON INSTALLATION OF MECHANICAL MEANS OF VOTING IN THE UN, WHICH PARAGRAPH AUTHORIZES SEC. GEN. TO ARRANGE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF ELECTRICAL VOTING EQUIPMENT IN THE"} {"rcid":868,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-12-05","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ELECTRICAL VOTING EQUIPMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT 16-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.444/REV.1) ON INSTALLATION OF MECHANICAL MEANS OF VOTING IN THE UN ASSEMBLY HALL AND COMMITTEE ROOMS."} {"rcid":869,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-12-06","unres":"R/18/1964","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5666) REAFFIRMING PREVIOUS UN RESOLUTIONS ON UN OBJECTIVES IN KOREA AND URGING NORTH KOREA TO ACCEPT SAID OBJECTIVES, WHILE REQUESTING UN COMMISSION FOR UNIFICATION AND REHABILITATION OF KOREA TO CONTI"} {"rcid":870,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-12-02","unres":"R/18/1967A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SCPIL FACT FINDING","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE 6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/5671) PROVIDING FOR A STUDY OF THE FEASIBILITY AND DESIRABILITY OF ESTABLISHING FACT-FINDING RESPONSIBILITIES IN AN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION, SAID PARAGRAPH READING (INCORPORA"} {"rcid":871,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-12-02","unres":"R/18/1967B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SCPIL FACT FINDING","descr":"TO ADOPT 6TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION II (A/5671) PROVIDING FOR A SPECIAL INTERNATIONAL FACT-FINDING BODY."} {"rcid":872,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-12-02","unres":"R/18/1978A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION B (A/5565, ADD1) REQUESTING SEC. GEN. TO SEEK WAYS AND MEANS OF PROVIDING RELIEF AND ASSISTANCE THROUGH APPROPRIATE INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES, TO THE FAMILIES OF ALL PERSONS PERSECUTED BY THE G"} {"rcid":873,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-12-03","unres":"R/18/1978B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5605 AND ADD.1) CONDEMNING SOUTH AFRICA FOR REFUSAL TO COOPERATE IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND FOR NON-COMPLIANCE WITH ASSEMBLY RESO"} {"rcid":874,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-12-03","unres":"R/18/1983A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PEACEKEEPING FINANCES","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/5680) CONTINUING THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT FOR THE UN EMERGENCY FORCE AND APPROPRIATING AND ASSESSING CONTRIBUTIONS FOR, THE AMOUNT OF $17,750,000 FOR THIS FORCE IN 1964. SAID PARAGRAPH"} {"rcid":875,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-12-03","unres":"R/18/1983B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/5680) ON 1964 FINANCING OF THE UN EMERGENCY FORCE."} {"rcid":876,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-12-03","unres":"R/18/1991","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"SECURITY COUNCIL ENLARGEMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/5675) PROVIDING FOR GEOGRAPHICAL ROTATION IN ELECTION OF THE PRESIDENT OF ASSEMBLY, AND AMENDING PROCEDURAL RULES 31 AND 38 TO ENLARGE MEMBERSHIP OF THE GENERAL COMMITTEE WITH STIPULATI"} {"rcid":877,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-12-03","unres":"R/18/1992A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"ECOSOC, ENLARGEMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION II-A (A/5675) ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO THE CHARTER TO ENLARGE NON-PERMANENT MEMBERSHIP OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO 10, AND ALLOTING 5 OF THESE TO AFRO-ASIAN STATES."} {"rcid":878,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-12-03","unres":"R/18/1992B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"ECOSOC, ENLARGEMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION II-B (A/5675) ADOPTING AMENDMENTS TO CHARTER ARTICLE 61 TO ENLARGE E.S.C. MEMBERSHIP FROM 18 TO 27, GIVING 7 OF THE 9 NEW SEATS TO AFRO-ASIAN STATES, WITHOUT PREJUDICE TO THE PRESENT DISTRIB"} {"rcid":879,"session":19,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-02-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"VOTING PROCEDURE","descr":"TO ADOPT AN ALBANIAN APPEAL AGAINST PRESIDENT'S RULING THAT A DECISION HAD BEEN MADE ON 8 FEB. 1965 BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY ADOPTING THE \\NO-OBJECTION\\\\ PROCEDURE SO AS TO BE ABLE TO PROCEED ON A NON-VOTING BASIS.\\\"\""} {"rcid":880,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-11-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RHODESIA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/6041/ADD.1) CALLING UPON THE U.K. AS ADMINISTERING AUTHORITY TO EMPLOY FORCE IF NECESSARY, TO EFFECT RELEASE OF POLITICAL PRISONERS, REPEAL OF REPRESSIVE AND DISCRIMINATORY LEGISLATION, ESTABLISHMENT OF FU"} {"rcid":881,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-11-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ADEN","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 6 OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/6089) URGING U.K. TO CEASE REPRESSIONS, ABOLISH THE STATE OF EMERGENCY, WITHDRAW ALL MILITARY FORCES AND REFRAIN FROM SETTING UP AN UNREPRESENTATIVE FUTURE INDEPENDENT REGIME I"} {"rcid":882,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-11-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADEN","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/6089) URGING U.K. TO CEASE MILITARY REPRESSIONS IN ADEN."} {"rcid":883,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-11-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RHODESIA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.466) CONDEMNING THE UNILATERAL DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE BY SOUTHERN PHODESIA AND INVITING THE U.K. TO PUT AN END TO THIS REBELLION BY THE UNLAWFUL AUTHORITIES THERE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH UN RESOLUTI"} {"rcid":884,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-11-05","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 11-POWER DRAFT PROCEDURAL RESOLUTION (A/L.486 AND ADD.1) REAFFIRMING THE VALIDITY OF RESOLUTION 396 (V) THAT THE QUESTION OF LEGITIMATE REPRESENTATION IN THE UN BE CONSIDERED ACCORDING TO THE CHARTER AND THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE CASE,"} {"rcid":885,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-11-05","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 12-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.469) RECOGNIZING THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AS THE LAWFUL REPRESENTATION IN THE UN AND EXPELLING FORTHWITH THE NATIONALIST CHINA REPRESENTATION."} {"rcid":886,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-11-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/6097 AND CORR.1) CALLING UPON THE CONFERENCE OF THE 18-NATION COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO URGENTLY CONSIDER AND RE-CONVENE TO NEGOTIATE AN INTERNATIONAL TREATY ON THE NON-PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPO"} {"rcid":887,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-11-03","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, WORLD CONFERENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/6119) CONVENING A WORLD CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT AND URGING INTERNATIONAL CONSULTATIONS TO CREATE A PREPARATORY COMMITTEE FOR THE CONVENING OF SAID CONFERENCE NOT LATER THAN 1967."} {"rcid":888,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-02","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/6129) REQUESTING THE CONFERENCE OF THE 18-NATION COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO CONTINUE ITS EFFORTS."} {"rcid":889,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-02","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/6124) URGING SUSPENSION OF ALL NUCLEAR WEAPONS TESTS AND CALLING FOR UNIVERSAL OBSERVANCE OF THE NUCLEAR TEST BAN TREATY."} {"rcid":890,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-02","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/6127) REAFFIRMING RESOLUTION 1652 (XV2) CALLING FOR ALL STATES TO RESPECT AFRICA AS A DENUCLEARIZED ZONE."} {"rcid":891,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNRWA","descr":"TO ADOPT NIGERIAN DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.474) RENEWING THE MANDATE OF THE UN RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST TILL 30 JUNE 1969."} {"rcid":892,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. A (A/6159) ENLARGING THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON POLICIES OF APARTHEID OF SOUTH AFRICA AND CONDEMNING BOTH SOUTH AFRICA AND COLLABORATING STATES FOR NON-COMPLIANCE WITH UN RESOLUTIONS; ALSO URGING"} {"rcid":893,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"COOK ISLANDS, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/6154) ON THE COOK ISLANDS, SAID PARAGRAPH NOTING THAT THE PEOPLE OF THE COOK ISLANDS HAVE HAD CONTROL OVER THEIR INTERNAL AFFAIRS AND FUTURE SINCE THE 1965 CONSTITUTION CAME INTO F"} {"rcid":894,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"COOK ISLANDS, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 5 OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/6154) SAID PARAGRAPH CONSIDERING THE TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION ON THE COOK ISLANDS UNDER ARTICLE 73E OF THE CHARTER NO LONGER NECESSARY."} {"rcid":895,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COOK ISLANDS, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/6154)."} {"rcid":896,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ARGENTINA AND U.K., FALKLAND ISLANDS","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/6160) INVITING THE U.K. AND ARGENTINA TO NEGOTIATE THEIR DISPUTE OVER THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINA)."} {"rcid":897,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"EQUATORIAL GUINEA, PLEBESCITE","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. III (A/6160) ON THE FUTURE OF EQUATORIAL GUINEA, SAID PARAGRAPH REQUESTING SPAIN AS ADMINISTERING POWER TO SET THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE FOR THE INDEPENDENCE OF THAT TERRITORY AFTER"} {"rcid":898,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"STATUS OF ISLAND TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. V (A/6160) ON THE FUTURE OF THE FOLLOWING ISLAND TERRITORIES: AMERICAN SAMOA, ANTIQUA, BAHAMAS, BARBADOS, BERMUDA, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS, CAYMAN ISLANDS, COCOS ISLANDS, DOMINICA, GI"} {"rcid":899,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"STATUS OF ISLAND TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. V (A/6160) ON THE FUTURE OF VARIOUS ISLAND-TERRITORIES, SAID PARAGRAPH REAFFIRMING THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLES OF THESE TERRITORIES TO DECIDE THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL STATUS, IN ACCORDANCE W"} {"rcid":900,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SPAIN AND U.K., GIBRALTAR","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. VI (A/6160) INVITING THE U.K. AND SPAIN TO NEGOTIATE THE FUTURE OF GIBRALTAR."} {"rcid":901,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BRITISH GUIANA, STATE OF EMERGENCY","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION VII (A/6160) NOTING U.K. ANNOUNCEMENT OF INDEPENDENCE FOR BRITISH GUIANA ON 26 MAY 1966 AND REQUESTING THE U.K. TO THEREFORE ABOLISH THE STATE OF EMERGENCY AND RELEASE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS IN THAT TERR"} {"rcid":902,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"IFNI AND SPANISH SAHARA","descr":"TO ADOPT WORDS \\AND, TO THIS END, TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS ON THE PROBLEMS RELATING TO THE SOVEREIGNTY PRESENTED BY THESE TWO TERRITORIES,\\\\ IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. VIII (A/6160) ON IFNI AND SPANISH SAHARA, SAID\""} {"rcid":903,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"IFNI AND SPANISH SAHARA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. VIII (A/6160), SAID PARAGRAPH REQUESTING SPAIN AS ADMINISTERING AUTHORITY TO TAKE MEASURES TOWARD THE RELEASE OF IFNI AND SPANISH SAHARA FROM COLONIAL DOMINATION AND ATTAINMENT OF SOV"} {"rcid":904,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"IFNI AND SPANISH SAHARA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION VIII (A/6160)."} {"rcid":905,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-02","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"OMAN","descr":"TO ADOPT AN IRAQ PROPOSAL THAT DECISION ON THE QUESTION OF OMAN BE TAKEN BY SIMPLE MAJORITY."} {"rcid":906,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-02","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"OMAN, U.N. SPECIAL COMMITTEE","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPHS 6 AND 7 OF THE 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/6168) CALLING UPON THE U.K. TO CEASE REPRESSIONS, RELEASE POLITICAL PRISONERS AND RETURN EXILES, WITHDRAW FORCES AND ELIMINATE DOMINATION IN ANY FORM, IN OMAN. SAID PARAGRA"} {"rcid":907,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-02","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"OMAN, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/6168) ON OMAN."} {"rcid":908,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-03","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CYPRUS","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/6166) CALLING UPON ALL STATES TO RESPECT THE SOVEREIGNTY, UNITY, INDEPENDENCE AND TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF CYPRUS."} {"rcid":909,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-03","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, TIBET","descr":"TO ADOPT 7-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.473) RENEWING CALLS FOR CESSATION OF ALL PRACTICES VIOLATING THE HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS OF THE PEOPLE OF TIBET."} {"rcid":910,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-05","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT A MALI MOTION THAT THE VOTE ON THE 23-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/476/REV.1 AND ADD.1) BE DECIDED BY A SIMPLE MAJORITY. THE 23-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION COVERS THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE CONTINUED IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON"} {"rcid":911,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-05","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE 23-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.476/REV.1 AND ADD.1) ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES."} {"rcid":912,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-06","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND SENTENCE OF PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE NEW ARTICLE 20 PROPOSED BY THE 33-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.479) TO PART III, THE 3RD COMMITTEE DRAFT CONVENTION (A/6181, RESOLUTION A) ON ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION. SAID SENTENCE R"} {"rcid":913,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION A (A/6181) ADOPTING AND OPENING FOR SIGNATURE AND RATIFICATION THE ANNEXED DRAFT CONVENTION ON ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION; INCORPORATES THE NEW ARTICLE 20 ON STATES' RESERVATIONS TO THE"} {"rcid":914,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PORTUGESE TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/6209) URGING UN MEMBER-STATES TO UNDERTAKE SEPARATELY, OR COLLECTIVELY, THE BREAKING-OFF OF DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS OR RESTRAINT FROM SUCH; FORBEARANCE FROM ASSISTANCE, PARTICULARLY OF ARMS; AND INSTITUTION OF"} {"rcid":915,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAURU, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/6211) URGING UN MEMBERS STILL ADMINISTERING NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES TO CONTINUE TRANSMITTING INFORMATION ON THESE TERRITORIES TO THE UN, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE 73E OF THE CHARTER."} {"rcid":916,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NEW GUINEA AND PAUPA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. II (A/6211) URGING UN MEMBER-STATES TO CONTINUE OFFERING SCHOLARSHIPS AND TRAINING FACILITIES TO INHABITANTS OF NON-SELF-GOVENING TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":917,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-06","unres":"","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, CREDENTIALS","descr":"TO ADOPT 35-POWER AMENDMENT TO THE CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/6208) RECOMMENDING ACCEPTANCE OF THE OF THE REPRESENTATION OF NATIONALIST CHINA. SAID AMENDMENT ADDS PHRASE \\...SUBJECT TO PART B OF THE RESOLUTION,\\\\ PLUS A PART B ITSEL\""} {"rcid":918,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/6217) ON THE COST ESTIMATES AND FINANCING OF THE UN EMERGENCY FORCE."} {"rcid":919,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERVENTION","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/6220) CONDEMING AND ASSERTING THE INADMISSIBILITY OF, DIRECT OR INDIRECT INTERVENTION IN THE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL AFFAIRS OF ANY STATE."} {"rcid":920,"session":20,"importantvote":0,"date":"1965-12-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/6221) REAFFIRMING THE UN OBJECTIVES IN KOREA AND URGING NORTH KOREA TO COOPERATE IN THESE OBJECTIVES; ALSO REQUESTING THE UN COMMISSION FOR THE UNIFICATION AND REHABILITATION OF KOREA TO CONTINUE ITS WORK."} {"rcid":921,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-09-04","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT A GENERAL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION (A/6395) TO INCLUDE ITEM 31 ON THE UNIFICATION AND REHABILITATION OF KOREA, IN THE AGENDA."} {"rcid":922,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-10-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ZIMBABWE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. (A/6482) CONDEMNING ANY ARRANGEMENT BETWEEN THE U.K. AND THE ILLEGAL, RACIST MINORITY REGIME IN SOUTHERN RHODESIA WHICH DOES NOT RECOGNIZE THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE ZIMBABWE PEOPLE TO SELF-DETERMINATION AN"} {"rcid":923,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-10-04","unres":"","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT A 21-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.488) TO THE 54-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/483 AND ADD. 1-3) DECIDING THAT THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TAKE OVER THE SOUTH AFRICAN TRUSTEESHIP MANDATE OVER THE TERRITORY OF SOUTH WEST AFRICA. SAID AMENDMENT ADDS WORDS \\.."} {"rcid":924,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-10-04","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT U.S. SUB-AMENDMENTS (A/L.490) TO THE 21-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.488) REVISING OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE 54-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.483 AND ADD. 1-3) ON SOUTH WEST AFRICA. SAID SUB-AMENDMENTS WOULD DECLARE SOUTH AFRICA'S MANDATE OV"} {"rcid":925,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-10-04","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT A 21-POWER AMENDMENT (A/L.488) TO THE 54-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.483 AND ADD. 1-3), SAID AMENDMENT PROPOSING NEW OPERATIVE PARAGRAPHS 4 TO 9 TO THE EFFECT THAT SOUTH AFRICAN MANDATE OVER SOUTH WEST AFRICA EXERCISED IN BEHALF OF THE"} {"rcid":926,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-10-04","unres":"","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA, AD HOC COMMITTEE","descr":"TO ADOPT 54-POWER DRAFT (A/L.483 AND ADD. 1-3), AS AMENDED BY THE 21-POWER PROPOSALS (A/L.488)."} {"rcid":927,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-10-04","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT SAUDI ARABIA DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.487/REV.1) DECLARING SOUTH AFRICA A RACIST COLONIAL POWER, THAT SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ONLY AS SUCH BY THE UN."} {"rcid":928,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-11-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. B (A/6509) PROVIDING TO CONVENE A CONFERENCE OF NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES IN ORDER THAT THESE STATES COULD EXCHANGE VIEWS ON THE NEEDS OF THEIR COMMON SECURITY IN THE LIGHT OF A FURTHER PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR W"} {"rcid":929,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-11-05","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 15-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.494 AND ADD.1) THAT ANY PROPOSAL TO CHANGE THE REPRESENTATION OF CHINA IN THE UN CONSTITUTES AN IMPORTANT QUESTION WITHIN THE MEANING OF ARTICLE 18 OF THE CHARTER AND THEREFORE REQUIRES A 2/3 MAJORITY VOTE."} {"rcid":930,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-11-05","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 11-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.496 AND ADD. 1) PROPOSING TO SEAT COMMUNIST CHINA IN THE U.N. AND EXPEL FORTHWITH THE NATIONALIST CHINA REPRESENTATION FROM THE U.N."} {"rcid":931,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-11-05","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT ITALIAN DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.500) CALLING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A U.N. COMMITTEE TO EXPLORE, STUDY AND RECOMMEND AN EQUITABLE AND PRACTICAL SOLUTION TO THE QUESTION OF CHINA U.N. REPRESENTATION, IN KEEPING WITH THE PRINCIPLES AND PURP"} {"rcid":932,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-11-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROHIBITION, USE OF FORCE","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.501/CORR.1) APPEALING FOR STRICT OBSERVANCE OF THE PROHIBITION OF THREAT OR USE OF FORCE IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND OF THE RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION; REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO INCLUDE THE RESOLUTION AN"} {"rcid":933,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-06","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"TREATY CONVENTION","descr":"TO ADOPT AMENDMENT (A/L.502/ADD.2) REPLACING OPERATIVE PARAG. 4 OF THE DRAFT RESOLUTION RE INVITATION TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PLENIPOTENTIARIES ON A LAW OF TREATIES."} {"rcid":934,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PRINCIPLES OF FRIENDLY RELATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT 6TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. I (A/6547) RECOMMENDING THE 1967 SESSION OF THE SPECIAL COMM. ON PRINCIPLES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW CONCERNING FRIENDLY RELATIONS AND CO-OPERATION AMONG STATES TO MEET AT SUCH TIME AS TO BE ABLE TO REPORT TO THE 22N"} {"rcid":935,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PORTUGESE TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/6554) CONDEMNING PORTUGAL FOR REFUSING TO HEED THE UN RESOLUTIONS ON ITS POLICIES AND ACTIONS IN ITS TERRITORIES AND URGING UN MEMBERS TO PROVIDE RELIEF TO REFUGEES, AS WELL AS THAT SPECIALIZED AGENCIES SHOULD"} {"rcid":936,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N. CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND","descr":"TO ADOPT A U.S. MOTION THAT ARTICLE IV, PARAG. 2, OF THE PROPOSED STATUTE OF THE CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND, IS AN IMPORTANT QUESTION THAT SHOULD BE SETTLED BY A 2/3 MAJORITY VOTE."} {"rcid":937,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N. CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 2, ARTICLE IV, OF THE 2ND COMM.-PROPOSED STATUTE OF THE UN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND (A/6578), SAID PARAGRAPH PROVIDING THAT EXPENSES INCURRED IN ADMINISTERING THIS FUND BE BORNE BY THE UN REGULAR BUDGET."} {"rcid":938,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"COLONIALISM, MILITARY INSTALLATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT A U.S. MOTION THAT PARAGRAPH 11 OF THE 26-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.506 AND ADD. 1-2) URGING IMMEDIATE, FURTHER, UNIMPEDED IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES, CONSTITUT"} {"rcid":939,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"COLONIALISM, MILITARY INSTALLATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT PARAGRAPH 11 OF THE 26-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.506 AND ADD.1,2), SAID PARAGRAPH REQUESTING COLONIAL POWERS TO DISMANTLE MILITARY BASES AND INSTALLATIONS IN COLONIAL TERRITORIES AND REFRAIN FROM ESTABLISHING NEW ONES."} {"rcid":940,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COLONIALISM, MILITARY INSTALLATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT 26-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.506 AND ADD.1-2)"} {"rcid":941,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-03","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. I (A/6588) APPROVING THE REVISED COST ESTIMATES FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 1966 OF THE U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE."} {"rcid":942,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-03","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. II (A/6588) CONCERNING THE FINANCING OF THE U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE IN 1967."} {"rcid":943,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-03","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, INTERNATIONAL COVENANT","descr":"TO ADOPT THE WHOLE TEXT OF THE 3RD COMM. DRAFT INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS. (A/6546, ANNEX)."} {"rcid":944,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-03","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, INTERNATIONAL COVENANT","descr":"TO ADOPT THE WHOLE TEXT OF THE 3RD COMM. DRAFT INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS. (A/6546, ANNEX)."} {"rcid":945,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-03","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, INTERNATIONAL COVENANT","descr":"TO ADOPT THE WHOLE TEXT OF THE 3RD COMM. OPTIONAL PROTOCOL TO THE INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS (A/6546, ANNEX)."} {"rcid":946,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-03","unres":"R/21/2200A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, INTERNATIONAL COVENANT","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/6546, RESOL. A) ADOPTING AND OPENING FOR SIGNATURE, RATIFICATION AND ACCESSION THE FOLLOWING INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS ANNEXED HEREIN: INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS; INTERNA"} {"rcid":947,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-03","unres":"R/21/2200B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, INTERNATIONAL COVENANT","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. B (A/6545, RESOL. B) REQUESTING STATES' GOVERNMENTS AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS TO USE ALL MEANS AND MEDIA AT THEIR DISPOSAL TO PUBLICIZE THE TEXTS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CUL"} {"rcid":948,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-03","unres":"R/21/2200C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, INTERNATIONAL COVENANT","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD COMM. DRAFT RESOL. C (A/6545, RESOL. C) INVITING THE E.S.C. TO REQUEST THE COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS TO EXAMINE AND REPORT ON THE QUESTION OF THE ADVISABILITY OF ESTABLISHING NATIONAL COMMISSIONS ON HUMAN RIGHTS OR DESIGNATING OTH"} {"rcid":949,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-03","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. DRAFT RESOL. A (A/6579) CONDEMNING SOUTH AFRICA'S APARTHEID POLICIES; DEPLORING THE MAIN TRADING PARTNERS OF S. AFRICA INCLUDING 3 PERMANENT MEMBERS OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL FOR ENCOURAGING THE PERSISTENCE OF THE"} {"rcid":950,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-03","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, U.N. TRUST FUND","descr":"TO ADOPT SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOL. B TRUSTEES TRUSTEES FOR THEIR EFFORTS TO PROMOTE THE U.N. TRUST FUND FOR SOUTH AFRICA, EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO THE GOVERNMENTS ORGANIZATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS THAT CONTRIBUTED TO THE FUND, AND"} {"rcid":951,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. PEACEKEEPING","descr":"TO ADOPT AN ALGERIAN MOTION FOR PRIORITY OF THE 18-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.515) OVER THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTIONS (A/6603)."} {"rcid":952,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-06","unres":"R/21/2220","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. PEACEKEEPING","descr":"TO ADOPT 18-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.515) REFERRING THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE REPORT (A/6603) ON THE COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW OF UN PEACE-KEEPING OPERATIONS TO THE 5TH SPECIAL SESSION, AND REQUESTING THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON ON PEACE-KEEPING O"} {"rcid":953,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. PEACEKEEPING, VOTING ISSUE","descr":"TO ADOPT A GUINEA MOTION FOR RECONSIDERATION: THAT THE VOTE JUST TAKE ON DRAFT RESOL. C OF THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMM. REPORT (A/6603) ON PEACE-KEEPING OPERATIONS WAS NOT A PROPER ONE AND SHOULD BE IGNORED, IN VIEW OF THE EARLIER APPROVAL OF TH"} {"rcid":954,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-06","unres":"","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT A CUBAN AMENDMENT (A/L.514) TO THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/6618 AND CORR.1) REAFFIRMING UN OBJECTIVES IN KOREA AND CALLING FOR NORTH KOREA TO COOPERATE WITH U.N.C.U.R.K. IN FULFILLING THESE OBJECTIVES, THE CUBAN AMENDMENT DELETES THE"} {"rcid":955,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-06","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND CUBAN AMENDMENT (A/L.514) TO THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/6618 AND CORR.1), SAID AMENDMENT DELETING PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH 2 AND REPLACING WITH THIS TEXT: \\BEARING IN MIND THAT, ALTHOUGH THE KOREAN QUESTION HAS BEEN UNDER DISCUSSIO"} {"rcid":956,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-06","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD CUBAN AMENDMENT (A/L.514) TO THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/6618 AND CORR.1), SAID AMENDMENT DELETING PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH 4 AND REPLACING WITH THIS TEXT: \\RECOGNIZING THE NECESSITY OF SEEKING WITHOUT DELAY A NEW AND APPROPRIATE ME"} {"rcid":957,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-06","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH CUBAN AMENDMENT (A/L.514) TO 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/6618 AND CORR.1) DELETING THE WORDS AFTER \\KOREA\\\\ IN THE 5TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH AND REPLACING WITH \\\\\"BY THE KOREAN PEOPLE THEMSELVES, WITHOUT FOREIGN INTERFERENCE OF ANY KIN\""} {"rcid":958,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-06","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH CUBAN AMENDMENT (A/L.514) TO THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/6618 AND CORR.1), SAID AMENDMENT ADDING A NEW PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH AS FOLLOWS: \\RECOGNIZING THAT, IN THE LIGHT OF THE CURRENT SITUATION, THE APPROPRIATE METHOD OF SETTLING "} {"rcid":959,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-06","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT 6TH CUBAN AMENDMENT (A/L.514) TO THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/6618 AND CORR.1), SAID AMENDMENT DELETING OPERATIVE PARAGRAPHS 1-4 AND REPLACING WITH THIS TEXT: \\DECIDES TO REMOVE THE KOREAN QUESTION FROM THE AGENDA AND NOT TO DISCUSS "} {"rcid":960,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-06","unres":"R/21/2224","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/6618 AND CORR.1) REAFFIRMING UN OBJECTIVES IN KOREA."} {"rcid":961,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WORKING LANGUAGES","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/6650/REV. 1) REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO STUDY METHODS TO ENSURE A MORE EQUITABLE USE OF THE WORKING LANGUAGES OF THE U.N.O. AND A BETTER BALANCE AMONG THESE LANGUAGES IN THE RECRUITMENT OF THE STAFF."} {"rcid":962,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"R/21/2231","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GIBRALTAR, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/6628) ASKING THE ADMINISTERING POWER CONCERNED TO EXPEDITE, IN CONSULTATION WITH THE GOV'T. OF SPAIN, THE DECOLONIZATION OF GIBRALTAR, AND TO REPORT TO THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF 24 BEFORE THE 22ND REGULAR SESSI"} {"rcid":963,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"R/21/2226","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAURU, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/6624) RECOMMENDING THE ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY INVOLVED TO FIX A DATE OF INDEPENDENCE FOR NAURU NOT LATER THAN 31 JAN. 1968, AND TO TRANSFER CONTROL OF THE PHOSPHATE INDUSTRY TO THE NAURUAN PEOPLE AND RESTORE THE ISLAN"} {"rcid":964,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NEW GUINEA AND PAUPA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 4 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/6624) ON NEW GUINEA AND PAPUA, WHICH PARAGRAPH CALLS UPON THE ADMINISTRATIVE POWER TO REMOVE ALL DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICES, TO HOLD ELECTIONS ON THE BASIS OF UNIVERSAL ADULT SUFFRAGE AND TO FIX AN E"} {"rcid":965,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NEW GUINEA AND PAUPA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 5 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/6624) ON NEW GUINEA AND PAPUA, WHICH PARAGRAPH CALLS UPON THE ADMINISTRATIVE POWER TO REFRAIN FROM UTILIZING THE TERRITORIES FOR MILITARY ACTIVITIES INCOMPATIBLE WITH THE U.N. CHARTER."} {"rcid":966,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"R/21/2227","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NEW GUINEA AND PAUPA","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL. (A/6624) ON NEW GUINEA AND PAPUA, CALLING UPON THE ADMINISTERING POWER TO HOLD ELECTIONS ON THE BASIS OF UNIVERSAL ADULT SUFFRAGE; TO FIX AN EARLY DATE FOR INDEPENDENCE AND TO REFRAIN FROM UTILIZING THE TERRITORIES FOR MILIT"} {"rcid":967,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"FRENCH SOMALILAND, REFERENDUM","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 4 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/6583) ON FRENCH SOMALILAND, WHICH PARAGRAPH REQUESTS THE ADMINISTERING POWER TO MAKE APPROPRIATE ARRANGEMENTS FOR A U.N. PRESENCE BEFORE, AND SUPERVISION DURING, THE HOLDING OF A REFERENDUM."} {"rcid":968,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"R/21/2228","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FRENCH SOMALILAND, REFERENDUM","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/6583) CALLING UPON THE ADMINISTRATIVE POWER TO ENSURE THE RIGHT OF SELF-DETERMINATION ON THE BASIS OF UNIVERSAL ADULT SUFFRAGE, URGING IT TO CREATE A PROPER POLITICAL CLIMATE FOR A REFERENDUM AND REQUESTING U.N. PRESENC"} {"rcid":969,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"IFNI AND SPANISH SAHARA","descr":"TO ADOPT THE WORDS \\IN CONSULTATION WITH THE GOVERNMENTS OF MAURITANIA AND MOROCCO AND ANY OTHER INTERESTED PARTY\\\\ IN OPERATIVE PARAG. 4 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/6623) ON IFNI AND SPANISH SAHARA.\\\"\""} {"rcid":970,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"R/21/2229","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"IFNI AND SPANISH SAHARA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/6623) REQUESTING THE ADMINISTERING POWER TO ACCELERATE THE DECOLONIZATION OF IFNI AND TO DETERMINE PROCEDURES FOR HOLDING A REFERENDUM UNDER U.N. AUSPICES IN SPANISH SAHARA AND THAT A SPECIAL MISSION BE SENT TO THAT TER"} {"rcid":971,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NON SELF GOV. TERRITORIES, MILITARY INSTALLATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 4 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/6628) ON THE 26 TERRITORIES, WHICH PARAGRAPH REITERATES THE DECLARATION THAT ANY ATTEMPT TO DISRUPT THE NATIONAL UNITY AND TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF ANY OF THE TERRITORIES, OR TO ESTABLISH MILITARY"} {"rcid":972,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"R/21/2232","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOV. TERRITORIES, MILITARY INSTALLATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/6628) REITERATING THE ASSEMBLY DECLARATION AGAINST ANY DISRUPTION OF THE NATIONAL UNITY AND TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF ANY OF THE 26 TERRITORIES OR TO ESTABLISH MILITARY BASES IN ANY OF THESE, AND URGING THE ADMINISTRATIV"} {"rcid":973,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"R/21/2238","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"OMAN","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/6622) ON OMAN, CALLING UPON THE U.K. TO CEASE ALL REPRESSIVE ACTIONS, WITHDRAW TROOPS FROM THE TERRITORY, RELEASE ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS AND ELIMINATE ALL BRITISH DOMINATION."} {"rcid":974,"session":21,"importantvote":0,"date":"1966-12-07","unres":"R/21/2230","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"EQUATORIAL GUINEA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/6623) REQUESTING THE ADMINISTERING POWER OF EQUATORIAL GUINEA TO HOLD A GENERAL ELECTION BEFORE INDEPENDENCE; NOT TO JEOPARDIZE THE TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF EQUATORIAL GUINEA; AND TO CONVENE A CONFERENCE TO SET A DATE F"} {"rcid":975,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-09-03","unres":"","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"AGGRESSION, DEFINITION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE ALGERIAN REVISED ORAL AMENDMENT REFERRING THE QUESTION OF THE DEFINITION OF AGGRESSION TO PLENARY CONSIDERATION AND, IN THE LIGHT OF THE DISCUSSION AND RESULTS OBTAINED, TO CONSIDERATION IN THE 6TH COMMITTEE."} {"rcid":976,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-11-02","unres":"R/22/2259","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN RHODESIA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/6884) CALLING UPON THE U.K. TO TAKE ALL MEASURES INCLUDING THE USE OF FORCE, TO END THE \\ILLEGAL RACIST MINORITY REGIME\\\\ IN SOUTHERN RHODESIA, AND ESPECIALLY CONDEMNING SOUTH AFRICA AND PORTUGAL FOR THEIR CONTINUED SUP\""} {"rcid":977,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-11-01","unres":"R/22/2269","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/6906) REAFFIRMING U.N. OBJECTIVES IN KOREA, REQUESTING THE U.N. COMMISSION FOR THE UNIFICATION AND REHABILITATION OF KOREA TO CONTINUE ITS WORK AND NOTING THAT THE GREATER PART OF U.N. FORCES HAVE ALREADY WITHDRAWN FROM"} {"rcid":978,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-11-02","unres":"R/22/2270A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PORTUGESE TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 14 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/6908) ON THE PORTUGUESE TERRITORIES, WHICH PARAGRAPH REQUESTS THE H.C.R. AND RELIEF ORGANIZATIONS IN COOPERATION WITH THE O.A.U. TO INCREASE ASSISTANCE TO REFUGEES FROM THE TERRITORIES AND TO THOS"} {"rcid":979,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-11-02","unres":"R/22/2270B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PORTUGESE TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/6908) URGING THE GOVERNMENT OF PORTUGAL TO APPLY WITHOUT DELAY THE PRINCIPLE OF SELF-DETERMINATION TO HER TERRITORIES AND REQUESTING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER URGENTLY THE ADOPTION OF MANDATORY MEASURES AGAINST P"} {"rcid":980,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-11-06","unres":"R/22/2271A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE AUSTRALIAN PROPOSAL FOR A PRIORITY VOTE ON DRAFT RESOL. (A/6. 532 AND ADD. 1) PROVIDING THAT ANY DECISION REGARDING THE REPRESENTATION OF CHINA IN THE U.N. IS AN IMPORTANT QUESTION (DEMANDING A 2/3 MAJORITY VOTE)."} {"rcid":981,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-11-06","unres":"R/22/2271B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 532/ADD. 1) REAFFIRMING THE ASSEMBLY 1961 DECISION THAT ANY PROPOSAL TO CHANGE THE REPRESENTATION OF CHINA IN THE U.N. IS AN IMPORTANT QUESTION (REQUIRING A 2/3 MAJORITY VOTE)."} {"rcid":982,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-11-06","unres":"R/22/2271C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 531/ ADD. 1) DECIDING TO RECOGNIZE THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA REPRESENTATION AS THE ONLY LAWFUL REPRESENTATION OF CHINA IN THE U.N. AND TO EXPEL FORTHWITH THE CHIANG-KAI-SHEK REPRESENTATION FROM THE U.N."} {"rcid":983,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-11-06","unres":"R/22/2271D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE SYRIAN PROPOSAL THAT DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 533) DECIDING TO ESTABLISH A STUDY COMMITTEE ON THE QUESTION OF CHINESE REPRESENTATION IN THE U.N. BE CONSIDERED AN \\IMPORTANT QUESTION\\\\ REQUIRING A 2/3 MAJORITY.\\\"\""} {"rcid":984,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-11-06","unres":"R/22/2271E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 533) DECIDING TO ESTABLISH A STUDY COMMITTEE ON THE QUESTION OF CHINESE REPRESENTATION IN THE U.N. AND TO MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS THEREON TO THE 23RD SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY."} {"rcid":985,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-01","unres":"R/22/2286","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/6921) WELCOMING THE TREATY FOR THE PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN LATIN AMERICA AS \\AN EVENT OF HISTORIC SIGNIFICANCE\\\\ AND CALLING UPON ALL STATES TO GIVE FULL COOPERATION TO ENSURE OBSERVANCE OF IT.\\\"\""} {"rcid":986,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-03","unres":"R/22/2288A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 1 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/6939) ON ACTIVITIES OF FOREIGN ECONOMIC AND OTHER INTERESTS IMPEDING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES, WHICH PARAGRAPH APPROVES IN"} {"rcid":987,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-03","unres":"R/22/2288B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE 60-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/6939) CONDEMNING THE EXPLOITATION OF COLONIAL TERRITORIES BY FOREIGN ECONOMIC AND OTHER INTERESTS."} {"rcid":988,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-04","unres":"R/22/2289","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/6945) URGING ALL STATES TO UNDERTAKE NEGOTIATIONS CONCERNING THE CONCLUSION OF A CONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF THE USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS THRU AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE CONVENED BY THE E.N.D.C. OR DIRECTLY BETWEEN"} {"rcid":989,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-01","unres":"R/22/2298","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT A 5TH COMM. AMENDMENT (A/6946) TO OPERATIVE PARAG. 1 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/6874/ADD. 1) ON THE U.N.I.D.O., SAID AMENDMENT RECOMMENDING ESTABLISHMENT OF A SEPARATE CHAPTER FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN PART V OF THE U.N. BUDGET, RATHER THA"} {"rcid":990,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-01","unres":"R/22/2299A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 1 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/6874/ADD.1) ON THE U.N.I.D.O., WHICH PARAGRAPH ENDORSES THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD'S RECOMMENDATION TO ESTABLISH A SEPARATE SECTION IN PART V OF THE U.N. BUDGET FOR A PROGRAM OF TECHNICAL ASS"} {"rcid":991,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-01","unres":"R/22/2299B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/6874/ADD.1) ENDORSING THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD RECOMMENDATION TO ESTABLISH SEPARATE SECTION IN PART V OF THE U.N. BUDGET FOR PROGRAMS OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND RECOMMENDING THAT THE I"} {"rcid":992,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-02","unres":"R/22/2309","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"ATOMIC ENERGY CONFERENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT AMENDMENT (A/L. 538) REPLACING OPERATIVE PARAG. 4 4 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 537) ON ATOMIC ENERGY BY THE FOLLOWING: \\INVITES ALL STATES TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CONFERENCE\\\\.\\\"\""} {"rcid":993,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-03","unres":"R/22/2311A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTHERN RHODESIA, COLONIAL RULE","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 3 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/6954) RE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION OF THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES BY SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE U.N., WHI"} {"rcid":994,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-03","unres":"R/22/2311B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, PORTUGAL; COLONIAL RULE","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 4 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/6954) RE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES BY SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE U.N., WHI"} {"rcid":995,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-03","unres":"R/22/2311C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COLONIAL RULE","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/6954) RECOMMENDING THAT SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE U.N. FULLY COOPERATE WITH THE U.N. AND TAKE URGENT MEASURES TO ASSIST PEOPLES UNDER COLONIAL RULE."} {"rcid":996,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-04","unres":"R/22/2321","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/6987) ADOPTING ON PROVISIONAL BASIS MEASURES TOWARD THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ASSEMBLY RESOL. 2186 (XXI) WHICH INVITES THE U.N. CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND ADMINISTRATOR TO PERFORM THE FUNCTIONS OF MANAGING DIRECTOR OF THE CA"} {"rcid":997,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-05","unres":"R/22/2324","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, POLITICAL PRISONERS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE 73-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.536/ADD.4) CONDEMNING THE ILLEGAL ARREST, DEPORTATION AND TRIAL IN PRETORIA OF 37 SOUTH WEST AFRICANS AND CALLING UPON THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA TO RELEASE AND REPATRIATE THEM."} {"rcid":998,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-05","unres":"R/22/2325","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.540/ADD.2) APPEALING TO THE MAIN TRADING PARTNERS OF SOUTH AFRICA TO TAKE MEASURES TO ENSURE THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA'S WITHDRAWAL FROM SOUTH WEST AFRICA, AND REQUESTING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO ACT TO ENABLE THE"} {"rcid":999,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-07","unres":"R/22/2327","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PRINCIPLES OF FRIENDLY RELATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/6955) ASKING THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO MEET IN 1968 TO COMPLETE ITS FORMULATION OF PRINCIPLES REGARDING THE NON-USE OF FORCE IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND OF SELF-DETERMINATION, AND TO CONSIDER PROPOSALS ON NON-INTERVEN"} {"rcid":1000,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-07","unres":"R/22/2328A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 2 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/6965) ON DIPLOMATIC PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES, WHICH PARAGRAPH URGES U.N. MEMBER-STATES WHO HAVE NOT YET DONE SO TO ACCEDE TO THE U.N. CONVENTION ON PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES."} {"rcid":1001,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-07","unres":"R/22/2328B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/6965) URGING U.N. MEMBER-STATES WHO HAVE NOT YET DONE SO TO ACCEDE TO THE U.N. CONVENTION ON (DIPLOMATIC) PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES AND DEPLORING ALL DEPARTURES FROM THE RULES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW ON THE SUBJECT."} {"rcid":1002,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-07","unres":"R/22/2338A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"INTERNATIONAL YEAR FOR HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE AMENDMENT (A/L. 542) TO DRAFT RESOL. (A/7008) ON \\INTERNATIONAL YEAR FOR HUMAN RIGHTS\\\\, WHICH AMENDMENT DELETES OPERATIVE PARAG.10.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1003,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-07","unres":"R/22/2338B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"INTERNATIONAL YEAR FOR HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE AMENDMENT (A/L. 542) TO DRAFT RESOL. (A/7008) ON \\INTERNATIONAL YEAR FOR HUMAN RIGHTS\\\\, WHICH AMENDMENT DELETES THE WORD \\\\\"OTHER\\\\\" BETWEEN THE WORDS \\\\\"INVITES\\\\\" AND \\\\\"NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS\\\\\" IN OPERATIVE PARAG. 11.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1004,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-07","unres":"R/22/2338C","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"INTERNATIONAL YEAR FOR HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO ADOPT AMENDMENT (A/L. 542) TO DRAFT RESOL. (A/7008) ON \\INTERNATIONAL YEAR FOR HUMAN RIGHTS\\\\, WHICH AMENDMENT REPLACES CERTAIN WORDS IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 11.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1005,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-07","unres":"R/22/2338D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7008) REQUESTING U.N. MEMBER-STATES AND ORGANIZATIONS TO INTENSIFY THEIR EFFORTS THROUGHOUT 1968 IN THE FIELD OF HUMAN RIGHTS, ESPECIALLY AT THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HUMAN RIGHTS; ALSO INVITING GOVERNMENTAL AND N"} {"rcid":1006,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-01","unres":"R/22/2344","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, CONVENTION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7016) APPROVING THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE FOR THE CONFERENCE OF NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES; DECIDING TO CONVENE THE CONFERENCE IN GENEVA FROM AUGUST 29 TO SEPT. 28 IN 1968, AND INVITING NON-NUCLEAR"} {"rcid":1007,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-01","unres":"R/22/2348","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NEW GUINEA AND PAUPA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7009) REAFFIRMING THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE AND CALLING UPON THE ADMINISTERING POWER TO IMPLEMENT WITHOUT DELAY THE PROVISIONS OF RELEVANT ASSEMBL"} {"rcid":1008,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-01","unres":"R/22/2350","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FIJI","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7011) REGRETTING THE REFUSAL OF THE ADMINISTERING POWER TO RECEIVE A VISITING MISSION IN FIJI AND URGENTLY APPEALING TO IT TO RECONSIDER ITS DECISION."} {"rcid":1009,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-01","unres":"R/22/2353","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GIBRALTAR, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7013) DECLARING THAT THE REFERENDUM HELD ON SEPT. 10, 1967 IN GIBRALTAR CONTRAVENES THE PROVISIONS OF ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 2231 (XXI) AND THOSE OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF 24, AND INVITING THE GOVERNMENTS OF SPAIN AND TH"} {"rcid":1010,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-01","unres":"R/22/2356","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FRENCH SOMALILAND","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/7013) ON FRENCH SOMALILAND, REGRETTING THAT THE ADMINISTERING POWER DID NOT IMPLEMENT RESOL. 2228 (XXI) AND URGING IT TO CO-OPERATE WITH THE U.N. IN ACCELERATING THE PROCESS OF DECOLONIZATION AND TO GRANT INDEPENDEN"} {"rcid":1011,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-01","unres":"R/22/2357A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NON SELF GOV. TERRITORIES, MILITARY INSTALLATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 4 OF THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/7013) ON THE 26 TERRITORIES, WHICH PARAGRAPH REITERATES THE DECLARATION THAT ANY ATTEMPT TO DISRUPT THE NATIONAL UNITY AND TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF, OR TO ESTABLISH MILITARY LEASES IN, THE 26 T"} {"rcid":1012,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-01","unres":"R/22/2357B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOV. TERRITORIES, MILITARY INSTALLATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/7013) REITERATING THE DECLARATION AGAINST ANY DISRUPTION OF THE NATIONAL UNITY OF, OR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ANY MILITARY BASES IN, THE 26 TERRITORIES, AS SUCH ACTION WOULD BE INCOMPATIBLE WITH THE PURPOSES OF THE U.N"} {"rcid":1013,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-12-01","unres":"R/22/2359","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WORKING LANGUAGES","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7001) INVITING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO EFFECT AN EQUITABLE LINGUISTIC BALANCE AMONG THE WORKING LANGUAGES WITHIN THE U.N. SECRETARIAT AND TO INTRODUCE AN ACCELERATED LANGUAGE PROGRAM AND LANGUAGE BONUS FOR THE STAFF."} {"rcid":1014,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-06-03","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NON PROLIFERATION TREATY","descr":"TO APPROVE DRAFT RESOL. (A/7016/ADD. 1) RECOMMENDING TO ALL GOVERNMENTS, FOR THEIR SPEEDY RATIFICATION, THE NON-PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS TREATY, THE TEXT OF WHICH IS ANNEXED TO THIS RESOLUTION."} {"rcid":1015,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-06-03","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 546/REV. 1/CORR. 1) KNOWN AS \\NAMIBIA\\\\, AND CONDEMNING SOUTH AFRICA FOR REFUSING TO COMPLY WITH U.N. RESOLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO URGENTLY TAKE MEASURES TO ENSURE THE IMMEDIATE REMOVAL OF SOU\""} {"rcid":1016,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-09-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT THE U.S.S.R. PROPOSAL (A/7250) FOR THE DELETION OF SUB-ITEM 25(A) RELATING TO THE REPORT OF THE COMMISSION ON THE UNIFICATION AND REHABILITATION OF KOREA FROM THE DRAFT AGENDA."} {"rcid":1017,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-11-03","unres":"R/23/2383","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RHODESIA, SOUTH AFRICA, PORTUGAL","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7290/ADD. 1) CALLING UPON THE U.K. TO USE FORCE TO END THE \\ILLEGAL REGIME\\\\ IN SOUTHERN RHODESIA AND URGING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO WIDEN ITS SANCTIONS AGAINST THAT REGIME; ALSO URGING THE IMPOSITION OF SANCTIONS A\""} {"rcid":1018,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-11-01","unres":"R/23/2389A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L. 548 AND ADD. 1) REAFFIRMING THE VALIDITY OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY'S 1961 DECISION THAT ANY PROPOSAL TO CHANGE THE REPRESENTATION OF CHINA IN THE U.N. IS AN \\IMPORTANT QUESTION\\\\ (REQUIRING A TWO-THIRDS MAJORITY VO\""} {"rcid":1019,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-11-01","unres":"R/23/2389B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L. 549 AND ADD. 1) DECIDING TO RECOGNIZE THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA REPRESENTATION AS THE ONLY LAWFUL REPRESENTATION OF CHINA TO THE U.N. AND TO EXPEL THE CHIANG-KAI-SHEK REPRESENTATION FORTHWITH FROM THE U.N."} {"rcid":1020,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-11-01","unres":"R/23/2389C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE CAMBODIA PROPOSAL THAT DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 550) DECIDING TO ESTABLISH A STUDY COMMITTEE ON THE QUESTION OF CHINA REPRESENTATION IN THE U.N. BE CONSIDERED AN \\IMPORTANT QUESTION\\\\ REQUIRING A TWO-THIRDS MAJORITY VOTE FOR ADOPTION.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1021,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-11-01","unres":"R/23/2389D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L. 550) DECIDING TO ESTABLISH A STUDY COMMITTEE OF U.N. MEMBER-STATES TO CONSIDER THE QUESTION OF CHINESE REPRESENTATION IN THE U.N. AND MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS THEREON TO THE 24TH REGULAR SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMB"} {"rcid":1022,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-11-01","unres":"R/23/2393","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WAR CRIMES","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT CONVENTION ON NON-APPLICABILITY OF STATUTORY LIMITATIONS TO WAR CRIMES AND CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY (A/7342 AND CORR.1)."} {"rcid":1023,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-11-04","unres":"R/23/2395","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PORTUGESE TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7352 AND CORR. 1) CALLING UPON PORTUGAL TO APPLY THE PRINCIPLE OF SEL-DETERMINATION TO HER TERRITORIES AND APPEALING TO ALL STATES, ESPECIALLY THOSE IN THE N.A.T.O., TO WITHHOLD ALL ASSISTANCE THAT ENABLES PORTUGAL"} {"rcid":1024,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-06","unres":"","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT THE CANADIAN MOTION (A/L. 559) DEFERRING CONSIDERATION OF DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/C. 2/L. 1022 AND ADD. 1-3) AMENDING RESOL. (A/RES/1995(XIX)) WHICH WOULD SUSPEND SOUTH AFRICA FROM MEMBERSHIP IN THE THE U.N.C.T.A.D. \\UNTIL IT SHALL HAVE T"} {"rcid":1025,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-06","unres":"","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT THE PRESIDENT'S RULING THAT THE 2ND COMM. PROPOSAL (A/C. 2/L. 1022 AND ADD. 1-3), AMENDING DRAFT RESOL. (A/RES/1995(XIX)) WHICH WOULD SUSPEND SOUTH AFRICA FROM MEMBERSHIP IN THE U.N.C.T.A.D., IS AN \\IMPORTANT QUESTION\\\\ REQUIRING A TWO\""} {"rcid":1026,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-06","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT THE HUNGARIAN AMENDMENT (A/L. 555) INSERTING A NEW PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH AFTER PREAMBULAR PARAG. 4 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/7383) OF THE 2ND COMMITTEE WHICH WOULD AMEND RESOL. (A/RES/1995(XIX)) SEEKING TO SUSPEND SOUTH AFRICA FROM MEMBERSHIP"} {"rcid":1027,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-06","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT THE HUNGARIAN AMENDMENT (A/L. 555) REPLACING THE LAST TWO PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPHS OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/7383) ON THE U.N.C.T.A.D."} {"rcid":1028,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-06","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT THE HUNGARIAN AMENDMENT (A/L. 555) REPLACING OPERATIVE PARAGRAPHS 1 AND 2 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/7383) ON THE U.N.C.T.A.D."} {"rcid":1029,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT THE WORDS \\SHALL BE THOSE STATES WHICH ARE MEMBERS OF THE U.N. OR MEMBERS OF THE SPECIALIZED AGENCIES OR OF THE I.A.E.A.\\\\ IN OPERATIVE PARAG. 2 (STATING WHO SHALL BE MEMBERS OF THE U.N.C.T.A.D.) OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/7383) ON THE U.N.C.\""} {"rcid":1030,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-06","unres":"","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7383) AMENDING RESOL. (A/RES/1995(XIX)) WHICH WOULD SUSPEND SOUTH AFRICA FROM MEMBERSHIP IN THE U.N.C.T.A.D. \\UNTIL IT SHALL HAVE TERMINATED ITS POLICY OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION\\\\.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1031,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-02","unres":"R/23/2403","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA AND NAMIBIA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L. 556 AND ADD. 1) CONDEMNING THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA FOR ITS \\PERSISTENT DEFIANCE\\\\ OF U.N. RESOLUTIONS AND ITS REFUSAL TO WITHDRAW FROM NAMIBIA; REQUESTING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO TAKE EFFECTIVE MEASURES TO\""} {"rcid":1032,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-04","unres":"R/23/2424","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"OMAN","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7422) CALLING UPON THE U.K. TO IMPLEMENT FULLY RESOL. (A/RES/1514(XV)) AND OTHER RELEVANT RESOLUTIONS ON OMAN AND REQUESTING THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF 24 TO REPORT ON DEVELOPMENTS IN OMAN TO THE 24TH SESSION OF THE G"} {"rcid":1033,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-04","unres":"R/23/2425A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7420) SINGLING OUT THE U.K. AND PORTUGAL FOR THEIR FAILURE TO TRANSMIT INFORMATION TO THE U.N. ON THEIR NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES AS PRESCRIBED BY CHARTER ARTICLE 73E, AND AGAIN URGING THE ADMINISTRATING POWERS"} {"rcid":1034,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-04","unres":"R/23/2425B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COLONIAL RULE, EXPLOITATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7423) CONCERNING ACTIVITIES OF FOREIGN ECONOMIC AND OTHER INTERESTS IMPEDING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES, WHICH RESOLUTION CONDEMNS THE EXP"} {"rcid":1035,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-04","unres":"R/23/2425C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBULAR PARAG. 6 OF DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7424) RELATING TO IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES BY SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE"} {"rcid":1036,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-04","unres":"R/23/2425D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 4 OF DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7424) RELATING TO IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES BY SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE"} {"rcid":1037,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-04","unres":"R/23/2425E","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, PORTUGAL","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 5 OF DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7424) RELATING TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES, WHICH PARAGRAPH RECOMMENDS THE I.B.R.D. TO WITHDRAW LOANS AND OTHER CR"} {"rcid":1038,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-04","unres":"R/23/2425F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, PORTUGAL","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7424) APPEALING FOR FULL OOPERATION AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF PROGRAMS, INCLUDING THE WITHHOLDING AND WITHDRAWAL OF ECONOMIC AND OTHER ASSISTANCE FROM PORTUGAL AND SOUTH AFRICA, TO ASSIST PEOPLE UNDER COLONIAL RULE."} {"rcid":1039,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-04","unres":"R/23/2427A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NEW GUINEA AND PAUPA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7418) REAFFIRMING THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE AND CALLING UPON THE ADMINISTRATIVE POWER CONCERNED TO IMPLEMENT FULLY THE PROVISIONS OF ALL RELEV"} {"rcid":1040,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-04","unres":"R/23/2427B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NEW GUINEA AND PAUPA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7418) CALLING UPON THE ADMINISTERING POWER CONCERNED TO TRANSFER THE POWERS OF THE EXECUTIVE AND LEGISLATIVE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT TO THE ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PEOPLE OF PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA AND TO GIVE LO"} {"rcid":1041,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-04","unres":"R/23/2428","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"IFNI AND SPANISH SAHARA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/RES/2428(XXIII)) REQUESTING THE ADMINISTRATING POWER CONCERNED TO DETERMINE PROCEDURES FOR THE TRANSFER OF IFNI TO MOROCCO; ALSO THAT A REFERENDUM A A SPECIAL MISSION BE SENT TO THAT TERRITORY."} {"rcid":1042,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-04","unres":"R/23/2430A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NON SELF GOV. TERRITORIES, MILITARY INSTALLATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 4 OF DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7419) RELATING TO THE TWENTY-FOUR TERRITORIES, WHICH PARAGRAPH REITERATES THE DECLARATION THAT ANY ATTEMPT TO DISRUPT THE NATIONAL UNITY AND TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF, OR TO ESTABLISH MILITARY B"} {"rcid":1043,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-04","unres":"R/23/2430B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOV. TERRITORIES, MILITARY INSTALLATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7419) REITERATING THE DECLARATION THAT ANY ATTEMPT TO DISRUPT THE NATIONAL UNITY AND TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF THE TWENTY-FOUR TERRITORIES OR TO ESTABLISH MILITARY BASES IN SAID TERRITORIES IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH THE P"} {"rcid":1044,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-04","unres":"R/23/2431","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING PROGRAM","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7425 AND CORR. 1) APPEALING FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE U.N. EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING PROGRAM FOR SOUTHERN AFRICA; REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO ESTABLISH AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR THE PROGRAM AND BUDGETING FOR 1"} {"rcid":1045,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-04","unres":"R/23/2429","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GIBRALTAR, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7419) REQUESTING THE ADMINISTRATIVE POWER CONCERNED TO TERMINATE THE COLONIAL SITUATION IN GIBRALTAR NO LATER THAN 1 OCTOBER 1969 AND CALLING UPON THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE U.K. AND SPAIN TO BEGIN NEGOTIATIONS THEREON."} {"rcid":1046,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-06","unres":"R/23/2456A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION A OF DOCUMENT (A/7445), ENDORSING THE DECLARATION OF THE CONFERENCE OF NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES AND REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO SUBMIT A COMPREHENSIVE REPORT ON IMPLEMENTATION OF PERTINENT RESOLUTIONS AND TO P"} {"rcid":1047,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-06","unres":"R/23/2456B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION B OF DOCUMENT (A/7445), REITERATING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CONFERENCE OF NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONES AND APPEALING FOR THE NUCLEAR WEAPON POWERS TO SIGN AND RATIFY AD"} {"rcid":1048,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR ENERGY, PEACEFUL USES","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION C OF DOCUMENT (A/7445) REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO PREPARE, FOR CONSIDERATION AT THE 24TH ASSEMBLY REGULAR SESSION, A REPORT ON THE ESTABLISHMENT WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE I.A.E.A. OF AN INTERNATIONAL SERVICE"} {"rcid":1049,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION D OF DOCUMENT (A/7445), URGING THE U.S.S.R. AND THE U.S. TO ENTER EARLY INTO BILATERAL DISCUSSIONS ON THE LIMITATION OF OFFENSIVE STRATEGIC NUCLEAR-WEAPON DELIVERY SYSTEMS AND SYSTEMS OF DEFENSE AGAINST BALLISTIC MISSI"} {"rcid":1050,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-06","unres":"R/23/2466A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 3 OF DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7460) ON THE QUESTION OF KOREA, SAID PARAGRAPH CALLING FOR CO-OPERATION IN THE EASING OF TENSIONS IN THE AREA AND IN PARTICULAR FOR THE AVOIDANCE OF INCIDENTS AND ACTIVITIES IN VIOLATION OF THE"} {"rcid":1051,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-06","unres":"R/23/2466B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7460) REAFFIRMING U.N. OBJECTIVES IN KOREA; REQUESTING THE U.N. COMMISSION FOR THE UNIFICATION AND REHABILITATION OF KOREA TO CONTINUE ITS WORK, AND NOTING THAT THE GREAT PART OF U.N. FORCES HAVE ALREADY WITHDRAWN F"} {"rcid":1052,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-06","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"INDEPENDENCE COMMITTEE","descr":"TO ADOPT AMENDMENT (A/L. 563) TO OPERATIVE PARAG. 15 OF DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L. 560/REV. 1) REDUCING FROM \\NINE\\\\ TO \\\\\"SIX\\\\\" THE NUMBER OF OTHER MEMBERS TO BE INCLUDED IN IN THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE FOR THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF OF THE DECLARATIO\""} {"rcid":1053,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-06","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"INDEPENDENCE COMMITTEE","descr":"TO ADOPT AMENDMENT (A/L. 563) TO OPERATIVE PARAG. 15 OF DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L. 560/REV. 1) INSERTING AFTER THE WORDS \\PRESIDENT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY\\\\ THE WORDS \\\\\"IN CONSULTATION WITH THE CHAIRMAN OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE\\\\\"; TEXT INVOLVED RE\""} {"rcid":1054,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SEA BED, PEACEFUL USES","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION 2467-A (XXIII) ESTABLISHING A COMMITTEE ON THE PEACEFUL USES OF THE SEA-BED AND THE OCEAN FLOOR BEYOND THE LIMITS OF NATIONAL JURISDICTION. (DOCUMENT A/7477)."} {"rcid":1055,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SEA BED","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION 2467-C (XXIII) REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO STUDY THE POSSIBILITY OF ESTABLISHING INTERNATIONAL MACHINERY FOR THE EXPLORATION AND EXPLOITATION OF THE RESOURCES OF THE SEA AND REQUESTING ALSO THE COMMITTEE ON PEACE"} {"rcid":1056,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. ASSESSMENTS","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7473) RECOMMENDING THAT SPECIALIZED AGENCES APPLYING METHODS OF ASSESSMENTS SIMILAR TO THE U.N.'S AND WHOSE SCALES OF CONTRIBUTIONS SIGNIFICANTLY VARY FROM THE U.N. SCALE SHOULD HARMONIZE THEIR SCALES WITH THE U.N."} {"rcid":1057,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-07","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"PATTERN OF CONFERENCES","descr":"TO ADOPT AMENDMENT (A/L. 565) DELETING OPERATIVE PARAG. 13 OF DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7485) CONCERNING THE PATTERN OF CONFERENCES."} {"rcid":1058,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.S. BONDS, PAYMENTS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE U.K. MOTION THAT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7476) REQUESTING THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS TO STUDY THE QUESTION OF AMORTIZATION OF AND INTEREST PAYMENT ON U.N. BONDS FOR REPORT TO THE 24TH SESSION IS AN"} {"rcid":1059,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.S. BONDS, PAYMENTS","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7476) REQUESTING THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS TO STUDY THE QUESTION OF AMORTIZATION OF AND INTEREST PAYMENT ON U.N. BONDS AND REPORT THEREON TO THE 24TH REGULAR SESSION OF THE GEN"} {"rcid":1060,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"WORKING LANGUAGES, RUSSIAN","descr":"TO ADOPT THE NEW ZEALAND ORAL MOTION THAT OPERATIVE PARAG. 1 OF DRAFT RESOLUTION I (A/7472) DECIDING TO INCLUDE RUSSIAN AMONG THE WORKING LANGUAGES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AN \\IMPORTANT QUESTION\\\\ REQUIRING A 2/3 MAJORITY F\""} {"rcid":1061,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-07","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"WORKING LANGUAGES, RUSSIAN","descr":"TO ADOPT THE AMENDMENT (A/L. 564) TO PREAMBULAR PARAG. 2 OF DRAFT RESOL. I (A/7472) DECIDING TO INCLUDE RUSSIAN AMONG THE WORKING LANGUAGES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, WHICH DELETES THE PHRASE BEGINNING WITH \\AND, IN PARTICULAR, PART IV\\\\ TO THE E\""} {"rcid":1062,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-07","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"WORKING LANGUAGES, RUSSIAN, SPANISH","descr":"TO ADOPT THE AMENDMENT (A/L. 564) REPLACING OPERATIVE PARAG. 2 OF DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7472) DECIDING TO INCLUDE RUSSIAN AMONG THE WORKING LANGUAGES OF THE G.A., BY THE FOLLOWING: \\2. CONSIDERS IT DESIRABLE TO INCLUDE RUSSIAN AND SPANISH AMONG "} {"rcid":1063,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"WORKING LANGUAGES, RUSSIAN","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 1 OF DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7472), DECIDING TO INCLUDE RUSSIAN AMONG THE WORKING LANGUAGES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY."} {"rcid":1064,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-07","unres":"","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"WORKING LANGUAGES, RUSSIAN, SPANISH","descr":"TO ADOPT THE WHOLE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7472), AS AMENDED, DECIDING TO INCLUDE RUSSIAN AMONG THE WORKING LANGUAGES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND CONSIDERING IT \\DESIRABLE TO INCLUDE\\\\ RUSSIAN AND SPANISH AMONG THE WORKING LANGUAGES OF THE SECURITY\""} {"rcid":1065,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1968-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. PERSONNEL, LINGUISTIC REQUISITE","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION II (A/7472) REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO ESTABLISH A MINIMUM LINGUISTIC REQUIREMENT AT THE TIME OF RECRUITMENT OF U.N. PERSONNEL AND AS A REQUISITE FOR PROMOTION, WITH A VIEW TO ENSURING A LINGUISTIC BALANCE AMO"} {"rcid":1066,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-09-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO RETAIN THE TITLE, \\QUESTION OF KOREA\\\\, AND INCLUDE SUB-ITEM (C), \\\\\"REPORT OF THE UNCURK\\\\\", IN THE AGENDA.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1067,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-10-02","unres":"R/24/2498","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NAMIBIA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7736) CONDEMNING THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA FOR ITS PERSISTENT REFUSAL TO WITHDRAW ITS ADMINISTRATION FROM NAMIBIA AND DRAWING THE ATTENTION OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO THE DETERIORATING SITUATION RESULTING FROM SOUT"} {"rcid":1068,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-11-02","unres":"R/24/2500A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L. 567 AND ADD. 1-5) AFFIRMING AGAIN THE VALIDITY OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY'S 1961 DECISION THAT ANY PROPOSAL TO CHANGE THE REPRESENTATION OF CHINA IN THE UN IS AN \\IMPORTANT QUESTION\\\\ REQUIRING A TWO-THIRDS MAJORITY\""} {"rcid":1069,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-11-02","unres":"R/24/2500B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L. 569) DECIDING TO RECOGNIZE THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA REPRESENTATION AS THE ONLY LAWFUL REPRESENTATION OF CHINA TO THE UN AND TO EXPEL FORTHWITH THE CHIANG KAI SHEK REPRESENTATION FROM THE UN."} {"rcid":1070,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-11-03","unres":"R/24/2504A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WEST IRIAN","descr":"TO ADOPT THE GHANA MOTION THAT THE DEBATE ON WEST IRIAN (\\SECRETARY-GENERAL'S REPORT REGARDING THE ACT OF SELF-DETERMINATION\\\\) BE ADJOURNED UNTIL THE FOLLOWING DAY.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1071,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-11-03","unres":"R/24/2504B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"WEST IRIAN","descr":"TO ADOPT THE GHANA AMENDMENTS (A/L. 576) TO THE 6-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 574) REGARDING WEST IRIAN."} {"rcid":1072,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-11-03","unres":"R/24/2504C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WEST IRIAN","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 574) ACKNOWLEDGING THE FULFILLMENT OF THE TASKS ENTRUSTED TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL AND HIS REPRESENTATIVE UNDER THE AGREEMENT OF 1962 BETWEEN INDONESIA AND THE NETHERLANDS, AND APPRECIATING ANY ASSISTANCE PROVIDED IN"} {"rcid":1073,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-11-04","unres":"R/24/2506","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, RHODESIA, MANIFESTO","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 575 & CORR. 1/ADD. 1) WELCOMING THE MANIFESTO ON SOUTH AFRICA AND REITERATING THE FIRM INTENTION OF THE UN, ACTING IN COOPERATION WITH THE OAU, TO INTENSIFY ITS EFFORTS TO SOLVE THE GRAVE SITUATION IN SOUTHERN RHODES"} {"rcid":1074,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-11-05","unres":"R/24/2507","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PORTUGESE TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7768) CONDEMNING PORTUGAL'S COLONIAL POLICY; CALLING UPON PORTUGAL TO APPLY THE PRINCIPLE OF SELF-DETERMINATION IN HER TERRITORIES; APPEALING TO ALL STATES, EXPECIALLY THOSE IN NATO, TO WITHHOLD ASSISTANCE TO PORTUGAL W"} {"rcid":1075,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-11-05","unres":"R/24/2508","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN RHODESIA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7759) CALLING UPON THE UK TO TAKE EFFECTIVE MEASURES, INCLUDING THE USE OF FORCE, TO END THE ILLEGAL REGIME IN SOUTHERN RHODESIA AND FOR THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO WIDEN ITS SANCTIONS AGAINST THAT REGIME; CONDEMNING SOUTH"} {"rcid":1076,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-11-05","unres":"R/24/2511","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7774) REAFFIRMING ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 2298 (XXII) AND DECIDING TO MAINTAIN THE SEPARATE SECTION IN PART V OF THE UN BUDGET FOR THE NEEDS OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT"} {"rcid":1077,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-11-02","unres":"R/24/2516","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7781) REAFFIRMING UN OBJECTIVES IN KOREA, REQUESTING THE UNCURK TO CONTINUE ITS WORK AND NOTING THAT THE GREATER PART OF THE UN FORCES HAVE ALREADY WITHDRAWN FROM KOREA."} {"rcid":1078,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-03","unres":"R/24/2517","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NAMIBIA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7736/ADD. 1) CONDEMNING THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA FOR, AND DRAWING THE SECURITY COUNCIL'S ATTENTION TO THE NEED FOR TAKING MEASURES TO DEAL WITH, THAT GOVERNMENT'S PERSISTENT REFUSAL TO WITHDRAW ITS ADMINISTRATION"} {"rcid":1079,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-06","unres":"R/24/2521","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"COLONIAL RULE, INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 572/REV. 1) APPROVING THE REPORT OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE FOR THE 10TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES; REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO TRANSMI"} {"rcid":1080,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-05","unres":"R/24/2535A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT THE SOMALI MOTION (A/L. 584) THAT DRAFT RESOL. B RECOMMENDED BY THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE (A/7839, PARA. 13) DOES NOT COME UNDER THE CATEGORY OF \\IMPORTANT QUESTIONS\\\\ REQUIRING A 2/3 MAJORITY FOR ADOPTION, BUT RATHER, COMES WITH\""} {"rcid":1081,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-05","unres":"R/24/2535B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. B (A/7839) DRAWING SECURITY COUNCIL ATTENTION TO THE GRAVE SITUATION RESULTING FROM ISRAELI POLICIES IN OCCUPIED TERRITORIES AND REQUESTING THE SC TO TAKE EFFECTIVE MEASURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH RELEVANT PROVISIONS OF THE UN"} {"rcid":1082,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-05","unres":"R/24/2535C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST, HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. C (A/7839) REAFFIRMING GENERAL ASSEMBLY HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE RESOLUTIONS 2252 (ES-V), 2341 B (XXII) AND 2452 C (XXIII) AND ENDORSING THE CONTINUED EFFORTS OF THE COMMISSIONER-GENERAL OF THE UNRWA TO ASSIST OTHER NEEDY P"} {"rcid":1083,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-06","unres":"R/24/2546","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST, HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7826) EXPRESSING GRAVE CONCERN OVER CONTINUING REPORTS OF VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL AND URGENTLY CALLING UPON THE GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL TO COMPLY WITH THE 1949 GENEVA CONVENTION, THE UN"} {"rcid":1084,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-06","unres":"R/24/2547","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTHERN RHODESIA","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 6 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/7826) CALLING UPON THE UK TO RECONSIDER ITS REFUSAL TO INTERVENE IN SOUTHERN RHODESIA BY FORCE AND RESTORE FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOM AND THUS AMELIORATE CONDITIONS OF POLITICAL PRISONERS, DETAINEES AND C"} {"rcid":1085,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-06","unres":"R/24/2545","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO RETAIN THE WORD \\NEO-NAZI\\\\ IN OPERATIVE PARAG. 2 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/7820) ON MEASURES TO BE TAKEN AGAINST NAZISM AND RACIAL INTOLERANCE.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1086,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-07","unres":"R/24/2559","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"OMAN, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7874) REAFFIRMING THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE OF OMAN TO SELF-DETERMINATION, URGING THE UK TO IMPLEMENT FULLY ASSEMBLY RECOMMENDING THE SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND OTHER INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS TO STUDY TH"} {"rcid":1087,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-07","unres":"R/24/2558","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 4 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/7872 AND CORR. 1) DEEPLY DEPLORING THE PERSISTENT REFUSAL OF THE UK GOVERNMENT TO TRANSMIT SUCH INFORMATION ON ANTIGUA, DOMINICA, GRENADA, ST. KITTS-NEVIS-ANGUILLA AND ST. LUCIA UNDER ARTICLE 73E O"} {"rcid":1088,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SAINT VINCENT, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 5 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/7872 AND CORR. 1) ON THE TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION ON NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES; THE PARAG. CONSIDERS THAT, IN ABSENCE OF AN ASSEMBLY DECISION THAT ST. VINCENT HAS ATTAINED SELF-GOVERNMENT W"} {"rcid":1089,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7872 & CORR. 1) CONDEMNING THE GOVERNMENT OF PORTUGAL AND DEEPLY DEPLORING THE ACTIONS OF THE UK GOVERNMENT, FOR THEIR REFUSAL TO TRANSMIT SUCH INFORMATION AS PRESCRIBED BY ARTICLE 73E OF THE CHARTER AND AGAIN URGING TH"} {"rcid":1090,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COLONIAL RULE, EXPLOITATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7858) CONDEMNING THE EXPLOITATION OF COLONIAL TERRITORIES AND REQUESTING THE ADMINISTERING POWERS TO PUT AN END TO ALL SUCH PRACTICES IMPEDING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COL"} {"rcid":1091,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. AND OAU COOPERATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7871) APPEALING TO THE SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND UN-ASSOCIATED INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS FOR FULL COOPERATION, INCLUDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF RELATIONS WITH THE OAU, TO ACHIEVE UN OBJECTIVES (WITH REGARD TO IMPLEMENTATI"} {"rcid":1092,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-03","unres":"R/24/2580","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SEA BED, PEACEFUL USES","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7834) DECLARING THAT, PENDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTERNATIONAL REGIME, STATES AND PERSONS ARE BOUND TO REFRAIN FROM EXPLOITING THE RESOURCES OF OR LAYING CLAIMS TO ANY PART OF THE SEA-BED AND OCEAN FLOOR BEYOND THE"} {"rcid":1093,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-03","unres":"","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7774 AND ADD. 1), AS AMENDED, SUGGESTING THAT A SPECIAL TOP LEVEL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE UNIDO BE HELD, BUT NOT IN THE SAME YEAR AS THE 3RD UNCTAD, AND REQUESTING THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD TO MAKE THE NE"} {"rcid":1094,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-03","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7841) EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO GOVERNMENTS, UN ORGANS, SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS WHICH HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THE OBSERVANCE OF INTERNATIONAL YEAR FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND INVITING THEM TO CONTINUE TO GIVE"} {"rcid":1095,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-03","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7841) CALLING UPON ALL GOVERNMENTS TO ABIDE BY RELEVANT UN RESOLUTIONS REGARDING SELF-DETERMINATION, DECOLONIZATION AND TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY; NOTING THE EFFORTS OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL, AND THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF 24"} {"rcid":1096,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-03","unres":"R/24/2587","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"STATUS OF WOMEN","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7840 AND CORR. 1) URGING THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL TO RECONSIDER ITS DECISION OF 8 AUGUST 1969 SUCH THAT THE COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN MAY CONTINUE TO MEET ANNUALLY, PREFERABLY 3 MONTHS AFTER THE GENERAL A"} {"rcid":1097,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-04","unres":"R/24/2594","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO DELETE THE WORDS \\THE POSSIBILITY OF\\\\ IN OPERATIVE PARAG. 1 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/7889) RE THE GIVING OF HIGHEST PRIORITY TO CONSIDERATION OF THE ITEM \\\\\"CREATION OF THE POST OF UN HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS\\\\\".\\\"\""} {"rcid":1098,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-04","unres":"R/24/2595","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7889) DECIDING TO GIVE HIGHEST PRIORITY TO THE CONSIDERATION OF THE ITEM \\CREATION OF THE POST OF UN HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS\\\\ WITH A VIEW TO THE POSSIBILITY OF CONCLUDING SUCH CONSIDERATION AT THE 25TH REGUL\""} {"rcid":1099,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-04","unres":"R/24/2591","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SPANISH SAHARA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7896) AGAIN INVITING THE ADMINISTERING POWER CONCERNED TO DETERMINE PROCEDURES FOR HOLDING A REFERENDUM IN THE TERRITORY OF SPANISH SAHARA AND REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO APPOINT AND SEND A SPECIAL MISSION TO SP"} {"rcid":1100,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-04","unres":"R/24/2592","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOV. TERRITORIES, MILITARY INSTALLATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7896) REITERATING THE DECLARATION AGAINST ANY DISRUPTION OF THE NATIONAL UNITY AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF MILITARY BASES IN THE 25 TERRITORIES; STRONGLY URGING THAT THE ADMINISTERING POWERS ALLOW UN MISSIONS TO VISIT THE"} {"rcid":1101,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-04","unres":"R/24/2593","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CARIBBEAN TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/7896) DECIDING TO TRANSMIT, FOR THE CLOSE ATTENTION OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE OF 24, THE RECORDS OF THE FOURTH COMMITTEE COVERING THE DEBATE ON THE QUESTION OF THE SIX CARIBBEAN TERRITORIES, AND REQUESTING THE SPECIA"} {"rcid":1102,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-04","unres":"R/24/2590","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NEW GUINEA AND PAUPA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/7895) CALLING UPON THE ADMINISTERING POWER TO TRANSFER FULL EXECUTIVE AND LEGISLATIVE GOVERNMENTAL POWER TO THE ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PEOPLES OF NEW GUINEA AND PAPUA; TO ACCELERATE THE EDUCATION AND TECHNICAL A"} {"rcid":1103,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-04","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT DECADE","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7902) DECLARING THE 1970'S AS A DISARMAMENT DECADE; CALLING UPON ALL GOVERNMENTS TO INTENSIFY THEIR EFFORTS FOR A TREATY ON COMPLETE DISARMAMENT; REQUESTING THE CONFERENCE OF THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO CONT"} {"rcid":1104,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-04","unres":"R/24/2603","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7890) DECLARING THE USE IN INTERNATIONAL ARMED CONFLICTS OF ANY CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL AGENTS OF WARFARE AS CONTRARY TO GENERALLY RECOGNIZED RULES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AS EMBODIED IN THE GENEVA PROTOCOL."} {"rcid":1105,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-04","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR PROJECTS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7887) RECOMMENDING THE IAEA AND VARIOUS INTERNATIONAL AND REGIONAL FINANCING INSTITUTIONS TO COOPERATE IN FINANCING MERITORIOUS NUCLEAR PROJECTS, AND REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO REPORT ON THE PROGRESS IN"} {"rcid":1106,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-04","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR ENERGY, PEACEFUL USES","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7887) INVITING THE IAEA TO GIVE THE WIDEST EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION RE THE TECHNOLOGY OF PEACEFUL USES OF NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS AND REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO INCLUDE IN THE AGENDA OF THE 25TH REGULAR SESSI"} {"rcid":1107,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-05","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MAURITIUS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE MOTION FOR A PRIORITY OF VOTE ON THE DRAFT RESOLUTION CONCERNING MAURITIUS (A/L. 590)."} {"rcid":1108,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-05","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE SAUDI ARABIAN DRAFT RESOL. (A/6. 587/REV. 1) DECIDING THAT COMMEMORATIVE MEDALS BE STRUCK BEARING THE EMBLEM, \\PEACE, JUSTICE AND PROGRESS\\\\ IN HONOR OF THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE UN; THAT STAMPS WITH THE THEME, \\\\\"PEACE AND PROGRE\""} {"rcid":1109,"session":24,"importantvote":0,"date":"1969-12-05","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET INCREASES","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/7916) REGARDING THE STUDY OF THE NATURE OF THE INCREASES IN THE LEVEL OF EXPENDITURES IN THE UN REGULAR BUDGET."} {"rcid":1110,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-09-01","unres":"R/25/2668A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT THE PROPOSAL FOR THE INCLUSION OF SUB-ITEM (C), THE REPORT OF THE UNCURK - IN THE AGENDA (A/8100)."} {"rcid":1111,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-09-01","unres":"R/25/2668B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO RETAIN THE TITLE, \\QUESTION OF KOREA\\\\ (A/8100).\\\"\""} {"rcid":1112,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-10-06","unres":"R/25/2621","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, RHODESIA, PORTUGAL","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8086) SETTING THE PROGRAM OF ACTION FOR THE FULL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES."} {"rcid":1113,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-10-07","unres":"R/25/2624A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ARMS EMBARGO","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 1 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/8106) RE APARTHEID, SAID PARAGRAPH CALLING UPON ALL STATES TO TAKE IMMEDIATE STEPS TO IMPLEMENT FULLY THE PROVISIONS OF SECURITY COUNCIL RESOL. 282 (1970) CONCERNING THE STRENGTHENING OF THE ARMS E"} {"rcid":1114,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-10-07","unres":"R/25/2624B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8106) CALLING UPON ALL STATES TO TAKE IMMEDIATE STEPS TO IMPLEMENT FULLY THE THE PROVISIONS OF SECURITY COUNCIL RESOL. 282 (1970) REGARDING THE STRENGTHENING OF THE ARMS EMBARGO AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA AND REQUESTING T"} {"rcid":1115,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-10-07","unres":"","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NAMIBIA, RHODESIA, ANGOLA, MOZAMBIQUE, GUINEA","descr":"TO ADOPT THE PORTUGUESE PROPOSAL FOR A SEPARATE ROLL CALL VOTE ON THE NEW PARAGRAPH 6 OF THE \\DECLARATION ON THE OCCASION OF THE 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE UN\\\\ (A/8103/ADD.2).\\\"\""} {"rcid":1116,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-11-04","unres":"R/25/2628A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 602/REV. 2 & ADD.1) AFFIRMING THAT ACQUISITION OF TERRITORIES BY FORCE IS INADMISSIBLE; THAT RESPECT FOR THE RIGHTS OF PALESTINIANS IS INDISPENSABLE IN ESTABLISHING PEACE (IN THE MIDDLE EAST); CALLING UPON PARTIE"} {"rcid":1117,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-11-04","unres":"R/25/2628B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 604) REQUESTING THE PARTIES CONCERNED (IN THE MIDDLE EAST QUESTION) TO RESUME DISCUSSION WITH THE SECRETARY-GENERAL'S SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE IN THE MIDDLE EAST; RECOMMENDING SCRUPULOUS OBSERVANCE AND EXTENSION OF"} {"rcid":1118,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-11-06","unres":"R/25/2636","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE","descr":"TO ADOPT THE AMENDMENT (A/L. 608/REV.1) ADDING THE WORDS, \\EXCEPT WITH REGARD TO THE CREDENTIALS OF THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA\\\\, AT THE END OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/8142, PARA. 19) RE THE CREDENTIALS OF REPRESENTATIVES TO \""} {"rcid":1119,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-11-06","unres":"R/25/2642A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.599 & ADD.1) AFFIRMING AGAIN THAT THE VALIDITY OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY'S 1961 DECISION THAT ANY PROPOSAL TO CHANGE THE REPRESENTATION OF CHINA IN THE UN IS AN \\IMPORTANT QUESTION\\\\ (AND THEREFORE REQUIRING A 2/3 M\""} {"rcid":1120,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-11-06","unres":"R/25/2642B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.605) DECIDING TO RECOGNIZE THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA REPRESENTATIVES AS THE ONLY LAWFUL REPRESENTATIVES OF CHINA TO THE UN, AND TO EXPEL FORTHWITH CHIANG-KAI-SHEK'S REPRESENTATIVES FROM THE UN."} {"rcid":1121,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-11-02","unres":"R/25/2647","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/8163) CONDEMNING ALL FORMS OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION AND REAFFIRMING INTENTION TO TAKE THE OPPORTUNITY OF \\INTERNATIONAL YEAR FOR ACTION TO COMBAT RACISM\\\\ TO PROMOTE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD SOCIAL JUSTICE BASED ON ABSOLUTE\""} {"rcid":1122,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-11-02","unres":"R/25/2649","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO RETAIN THE WORDS, \\AND PALESTINE\\\\, IN OPERATIVE PARAG. 5 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/8163) RE THE IMPORTANCE OF THE UNIVERSAL REALIZATION OF SELF-DETERMINATION.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1123,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-07","unres":"R/25/2652","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RHODESIA","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8188) CONDEMNING THE UK'S FAILURE TO END THE ILLEGAL REGIME IN SOUTHERN RHODESIA AND THE INTERVENTION OF SOUTH AFRICAN ARMED FORCES IN SOUTHERN RHODESIA AND THE INTERVENTION OF SOUTH AFRICAN ARMED FORCES IN SOUTHERN"} {"rcid":1124,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2659","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N. VOLUNTEERS FOR DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 3 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/8195) RE A UN CONFERENCE ON HUMAN ENVIRONMENT; SAID PARAGRAPH RECOMMENDS THAT THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE FOR THE 1972 CONFERENCE CONSIDER FINANCING POSSIBLE ACTION TO ENSURE THAT ADDITIONAL RESOURCE"} {"rcid":1125,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2660","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, SEA-BED","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8198) RECOMMENDING THE TREATY ON PROHIBITION OF EMPLACEMENT OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND OTHER WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION ON THE SEA-BED AND ... IN SUBSOIL THEREOF (TEXT ANNEXED); REQUESTING THE DEPOSITARY GOVERNMENTS TO"} {"rcid":1126,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2663","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8198) URGING GOVERNMENTS OF NUCLEAR-WEAPON POWERS TO BRING ABOUT AN IMMEDIATE HALT TO THE NUCLEAR ARMS RACE AND TO CEASE ALL TESTING AND DEPLOYMENT OF NUCLEAR-WEAPON SYSTEMS."} {"rcid":1127,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2664","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8198) URGING THE CONFERENCE OF THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT (CCD) TO MAKE MORE INTENSIVE EFFORTS TO ACCELERATE ACHIEVEMENT OF MEASURES OF DISARMAMENT AND EXPRESSING APPRECIATION FOR IMPORT AND CONSTRUCTIVE DOCUMENTS"} {"rcid":1128,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2666","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/8181) REAFFIRMING APPEALS TO THE NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES TO SIGN AND RATIFY ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL II OF THE TREATY OF TLATELOLCO."} {"rcid":1129,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2668C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8185) REAFFIRMING UN OBJECTIVES IN KOREA, REQUESTING THE UNCURK TO CONTINUE ITS WORK AND NOTING THAT THE GREATER PART OF UN FORCES HAVE ALREADY WITHDRAWN FROM KOREA."} {"rcid":1130,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-05","unres":"R/25/2669","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL WATERCOURSES","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/8202) RECOMMENDING THAT THE INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION SHOULD, AS A FIRST STEP IN THE CODIFICATION OF RULES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW CONCERNING INTERNATIONAL WATER COURSES, STUDY THE LAW OF NON-NAVIGATIONAL USES OF INTERN"} {"rcid":1131,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-05","unres":"R/25/2671A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT THE ORAL PROPOSAL FOR A PRIORITY VOTE ON THE SOMALI PROPOSAL THAT DRAFT RESOL. C RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION X BY THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE (A/8204/ADD.1) COMES WITHIN THE CATEGORY OF \\OTHER QUESTIONS\\\\ AND REQUIRES ONLY A SIMPLE MA\""} {"rcid":1132,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-05","unres":"R/25/2671B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT THE SOMALI PROPOSAL THAT DRAFT RESOL. C RECOMMENDED FOR ADOPTION BY THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE (A/8204/ADD. 1) COMES WITHIN THE CATEGORY OF \\OTHER QUESTIONS\\\\ AND REQUIRES ONLY A SIMPLE MAJORITY FOR ADOPTION.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1133,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-05","unres":"R/25/2671C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. C (A/8204/ADD. 1) RECOMMENDED BY THE SPECIAL POLITICAL COMMITTEE; DRAFT RESOL. C RECOGNIZES THAT THE PEOPLE OF PALESTINE ARE ENTITLED TO EQUAL RIGHTS AND SELF-DETERMINATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UN CHARTER AND THAT FULL R"} {"rcid":1134,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-05","unres":"R/25/2672","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST, REFUGEES","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. D (A/8204/ADD. 1) CONSIDERING THAT THE PLIGHT OF DISPLACED PERSONS CONTINUES IN THE MIDDLE EAST; CALLING ONCE MORE UPON THE GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL TO IMMEDIATELY TAKE EFFECTIVE STEPS FOR THE RETURN OF THESE DISPLACED PERSONS"} {"rcid":1135,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-05","unres":"R/25/2671D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL (A/8106/ADD.1) REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO ENSURE THE WIDEST DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION CONCERNING THE EVILS AND DANGERS OF APARTHEID AND AUTHORIZING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO ENCOURAGE AND ASSIST ANTI-APARTHEI"} {"rcid":1136,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-05","unres":"R/25/2671E","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID, BANTUSTANS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 3 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/8106/ADD.1) RE APARTHEID; SAID PARAGRAPH CONDEMNING THE ESTABLISHMENT BY THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA OF \\BANTUSTANS\\\\ IN SO-CALLED AFRICAN RESERVES AS FRAUDULENT AND A VIOLATION OF THE PRINCIPLE\""} {"rcid":1137,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-05","unres":"R/25/2671F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, BANTUSTANS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8106/ADD.1) CONDEMNING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF \\BANTUSTANS\\\\ BY THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA; URGING ALL STATES TO TERMINATE THEIR DIPLOMATIC, MILITARY, ECONOMIC AND OTHER COOPERATION AND TO SUSPEND THEIR CULTURAL, E\""} {"rcid":1138,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-06","unres":"R/25/2677A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, ARMED CONFLICTS","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPHS 7 AND 8 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/8178) ON RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN ARMED CONFLICTS."} {"rcid":1139,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-06","unres":"R/25/2677B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, ARMED CONFLICTS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE LAST PART OF OPERATIVE PARAG. 3 OF THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8178) ON RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN ARMED CONFLICTS; THE LAST PART READS: \\.... IN SO FAR AS THEY ARE APPLICABLE, IN PARTICULAR, TO WAR CORRESPONDENTS WHO ACCOMPANY ARMED FORC"} {"rcid":1140,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-06","unres":"R/25/2677C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, ARMED CONFLICTS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE FOLLOWING WORDS IN OPERATIVE PARAG. 4 OF THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8178) ON RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN ARMED CONFLICTS: \\...AND PROVIDING, INTER ALIA, FOR THE CREATION OF A UNVIVERSALLY RECOGNIZED AND GUARANTEED IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENT."} {"rcid":1141,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-06","unres":"R/25/2677D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, ARMED CONFLICTS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE FOLLOWING WORDS IN OPERATIVE PARAG. 5 OF THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8178) ON RESPECT FOR HUMAN INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT MIGHT BE ADOPTED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OR BY SOME OTHER APPROPRIATE INTERNATIONAL BODY\\.\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t1\t0\t0"} {"rcid":1142,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-06","unres":"R/25/2677E","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, ARMED CONFLICTS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 6 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/8178) ON RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN ARMED CONFLICTS; SAID PARAGRAPH REQUESTS THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, IN CONSULTATION WITH THE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS AND OTHER APPROPRIATE INTERNAT"} {"rcid":1143,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-06","unres":"R/25/2673","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"JOURNALISTS, ARMED CONFLICT","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/8178) EXPRESSING GRAVE CONCERN OVER THE FATE OF PRESS CORRESPONDENTS IN AREAS OF ARMED CONFLICT; INVITING PARTIES TO CONFLICT TO RESPECT THE GENEVA CONVENTIONS OF 12 AUG. 1949 AND INVITING THE ECOSOC TO REQUEST THE HUMA"} {"rcid":1144,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"AGGRESSIVE WARS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8178) CONDEMNING ACTIONS OF COUNTRIES CONDUCTING AGGRESSIVE WARS IN VIOLATION OF THE UN CHARTER AND THE 1925 GENEVA PROTOCOL AND 1949 GENEVA CONVENTION; RECOGNIZING THE NEED FOR ADDITIONAL INSTRUMENTS FOR THE PROTEC"} {"rcid":1145,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-06","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PRISONERS OF WAR","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8178) CALLING UPON ALL PARTIES TO ARMED CONFLICTS TO COMPLY WITH 1949 GENEVA CONVENTION REGARDING THE TREATMENT OF PRISONERS-OF-WAR; URGING THAT COMBATANTS NOT COVERED BY ARTICLE 4 OF THE 1949 GENEVA CONVENTION BE A"} {"rcid":1146,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-06","unres":"R/25/2678B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8186) CONDEMNING THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA FOR, AND DRAWING THE SECURITY COUNCIL'S ATTENTION TO THE NEED FOR TAKING MEASURES TO DEAL WITH, THAT GOVERNMENT'S PERSISTENT REFUSAL TO WITHDRAW ITS ADMINISTRATION FRO"} {"rcid":1147,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-06","unres":"R/25/2679","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, U.N. BUDGET","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8186) DECIDING THAT A COMPREHENSIVE UN FUND FOR NAMIBIA SHOULD BE ESTABLISHED; REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO MAKE A DETAILED STUDY THEREON AND REPORT TO THE 26TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION; AUTHORIZING THE SECRE"} {"rcid":1148,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-01","unres":"R/25/2692","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"SOVEREIGNTY, NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"TO ADOPT THE AMENDMENT REPLACING PREAMBULAR PARAG. 7 OF THE COMMITTEE 2 DRAFT RESOL. ON PERMANENT SOVEREIGNTY OVER NATURAL RESOURCES BY A NEW TEXT (A/L.620 & ADD.1)."} {"rcid":1149,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRAVEL GRANTS","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/8213) AUTHORIZING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO CARRY OUT IN 1971 ACTIVITIES SPECIFIED IN HIS REPORT (A/8103 & CORR.1) AND TO PROVIDE TRAVEL GRANTS TO CERTAIN PARTICIPANTS FROM THE LESS-DEVELOPED COUNTRIES; THANKING GHANA FO"} {"rcid":1150,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHARTER REVIEW","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/8219) REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO INVITE MEMBER-STATES TO COMMUNICATE THEIR VIEWS AND SUGGESTIONS CONCERNING A REVIEW OF THE UN CHARTER BY 1 JULY 1972 AND FOR THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO REPORT THEREON TO THE 27TH"} {"rcid":1151,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2703","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"EXPLOITATION, COLONIAL TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8243) CONDEMNING THE EXPLOITATION OF COLONIAL TERRITORIES, PARTICULARLY THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CABORA BASSA PROJECT; REQUESTING ADMINISTERING POWERS TO PUT AN END TO ALL SUCH PRACTICES."} {"rcid":1152,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2707","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PORTUGESE TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/8187) CONDEMNING PORTUGAL'S COLONIAL POLICY; APPEALING TO ALL STATES, ESPECIALLY THOSE IN NATO, TO WITHHOLD THEIR ASSISTANCE TO PORTUGAL WHICH ENABLES HER TO PURSUE A COLONIAL WAR IN THE TERRITORIES; RECOMMENDING THE SE"} {"rcid":1153,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2701A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE MOTION FOR A SEPARATE VOTE ON OPERATIVE PARAG. 4 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/8241) RE THE TRANSMISSION OF INFORMATION ON NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES UNDER CHARTER ARTICLE 73E; SAID PARAGRAPH CONSIDERING THAT THE UK SHOULD CONTINUE TO TRA"} {"rcid":1154,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2701B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/8241) DEPLORING THE FAILURE OF SOME MEMBER STATES TO TRANSMIT PROPERLY THE NECESSARY INFORMATION REQUIRED UNDER CHARTER ARTICLE 73E; CONDEMNING THE GOVERNMENT OF PORTUGAL IN THIS REGARD AND AGAIN URGING ADMINISTERING PO"} {"rcid":1155,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2704","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COLONIAL RULE, INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8244) APPEALING FOR FULL COOPERATION TO ACHIEVE UN OBJECTIVES RE THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES; URGING DISCONTINUANCE OF ALL COLLABORATION WITH THE GOVERNMENTS OF"} {"rcid":1156,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2700","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NEW GUINEA AND PAUPA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/8240) CALLING UPON THE ADMINISTERING POWER OF PAPUA AND NEW GUINEA TO PRESCRIBE A SPECIFIC TIME-TABLE FOR THE FREE EXERCISE BY THE PEOPLE OF THESE TERRITORIES OF THEIR RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE, AND R"} {"rcid":1157,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2702","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"OMAN, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/8242) REAFFIRMING THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE OF OMAN TO SELF-DETERMINATION; URGING THE UK TO IMPLEMENT FULLY ASSEMBLY RESOL. 1514 (XV) AND OTHER RELEVANT RESOLUTIONS; RECOMMENDING SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND OTHE"} {"rcid":1158,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2706","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING PROGRAM","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/8228) APPEALING TO ALL STATES TO MAKE GENEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE UN EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING PROGRAM FOR SOUTHERN AFRICA, AND REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO TAKE ALL POSSIBLE MEASURES TO PROMOTE ADEQUATE CONTRIB"} {"rcid":1159,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RECOMMENDATION (A/8231) TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF THE ITEM RE CREATION OF THE POST OF UN HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS TO THE 26TH GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION."} {"rcid":1160,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2711","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SPANISH SAHARA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/8248) AGAIN INVITING THE ADMINISTERING POWER CONCERNED TO DETERMINE PROCEDURES FOR HOLDING A REFERENDUM IN THE TERRITORY OF SPANISH SAHARA; INVITING ALL STATES TO REFRAIN FROM MAKING INVESTMENTS IN THE TERRITORY; REQUES"} {"rcid":1161,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2708A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"COLONIAL RULE, INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT THE AMENDMENT (A/L.622) INSERTING THE WORDS, \\AND PEOPLES UNDER ALIEN DOMINATION\\\\ AFTER THE WORDS \\\\\"COLONIAL PEOPLES\\\\\", IN OPERATIVE PARAG. 5 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 621 & ADD. 1 & 2) RE THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE T\""} {"rcid":1162,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2708B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.621 & ADD.1 & 2) REAFFIRMING THE LEGITIMACY OF COLONIAL PEOPLES TO EXERCISE THE RIGHT OF SELF-DETERMINATION; URGING ALL STATES, SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS TO ASSIST THE NATIONAL LIBERATION MOVEMENTS"} {"rcid":1163,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2708C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO RETAIN THE WORDS, \\ANTIGUA, DOMINICA, GRENADA, ST. KITTS-NEVIS-ANGUILLA, ST. LUCIA, ST. VINCENT\\\\, IN THE TITLE AND PREAMBULAR PARAG. 1 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/8248) CONCERNING THE TWENTY-FIVE TERRITORIES.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1164,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2709","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOV. TERRITORIES, MILITARY INSTALLATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/8248) REITERATING THE DECLARATION AGAINST THE DISRUPTION OF NATIONAL UNITY AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF MILITARY BASES IN THE 25 TERRITORIES; STRONGLY URGING THAT THE ADMINISTERING POWERS CONCERNED ALLOW UN MISSIONS TO VISI"} {"rcid":1165,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-04","unres":"R/25/2710","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CARIBBEAN TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8248) NOTING THE CHAPTER OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE'S REPORT REGARDING ANTIGUA, DOMINICA, GRENADA, ST. KITTS-NEVIS-ANGUILLA, ST. LUCIA AND ST. VINCENT, AND REQUESTING THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO GIVE URGENT CONSIDERATION"} {"rcid":1166,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-05","unres":"R/25/2713A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO RETAIN THE WORD \\NEO-NAZI\\\\ IN PREAMBULAR PARAG. 5 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/8252 & CORR. 1) RE MEASURES TO BE TAKEN AGAINST NAZISM AND RACIAL INTOLERANCE.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1167,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-05","unres":"R/25/2713B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE AMENDMENT DELETING OPERATIVE PARAG. 4 OF THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8252 & CORR. 1) ON MEASURES TO BE TAKEN AGAINST NAZISM AND RACIAL INTOLERANCE; AFORESAID PARAGRAPH REQUESTS THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO PUBLISH A BROCHURE ON MEASURES TAKE A"} {"rcid":1168,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-05","unres":"R/25/2713C","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE AMENDMENT DELETING OPERATIVE PARAG. 5 OF THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8252 & CORR.1) ON MEASURES TO BE TAKEN AGAINST NAZISM AND RACIAL INTOLERANCE; AFORESAID PARAGRAPH REQUESTS THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO EXPLORE THE POSSIBILITY OF HOLDING IN"} {"rcid":1169,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-05","unres":"R/25/2713D","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE AMENDMENT TO DRAFT RESOL. (A/8252 & CORR.1) ON MEASURES TO BE TAKEN AGAINST NAZISM AND RACIAL INTOLERANCE; SAID AMENDMENT REPLACES OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 6 WITH THE WORDS, \\DECIDES TO RETAIN THIS ITEM ON THE AGENDA\\\\.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1170,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-05","unres":"R/25/2714A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/8173/ADD.1) CONDEMNING GOVERNMENTS OF SOUTH AFRICA, SOUTHERN RHODESIA AND PORTUGAL FOR THEIR INHUMAN TREATMENT OF POLITICAL PRISONERS AND DETAINEES; CONDEMNING GOVERNMENTS STILL MAINTAINING DIPLOMATIC, ECONOMIC, CULTURA"} {"rcid":1171,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-05","unres":"R/25/2727","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8237) CALLING UPON THE GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL TO IMMEDIATELY IMPLEMENT THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE ISRAELI PRACTICES RE HUMAN RIGHTS IN OCCUPIED TERRITORIES; TO COMPLY WITH THE 1949 GEN"} {"rcid":1172,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-05","unres":"R/25/2725A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 6 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/8259) RE THE UNCTAD III, WHICH PARAGRAPH REQUESTS THE TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD TO CONSIDER, IN THE LIGHT OF THE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR THE SECOND UN DEVELOPMENT DECADE, ASSEMBLY"} {"rcid":1173,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-05","unres":"R/25/2725B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/8259) DECIDING THAT UNCTAD III SHALL BE CONVENED IN APRIL/MAY 1972; RECOMMENDING THAT THE INSTITUTIONAL MACHINERY OF THE UNCTAD SHOULD BE FULLY ORIENTED TOWARD IMPLEMENTING THE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR THE"} {"rcid":1174,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-05","unres":"R/25/2725C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DRAFT RESOL. (A/8259) ENDORSING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL GROUP ON TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY OF THE UNCTAD; REQUESTING STATES MEMBERS OF THE UNCTAD TO SUPPORT FULLY THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL GROUP."} {"rcid":1175,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-07","unres":"R/25/2749A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"SEA BED COMMITTEE","descr":"TO ADOPT THE AMENDMENT TO OPERATIVE PARAG. 5 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/8097) RE A CONFERENCE ON THE LAW OF THE SEA; THE AMENDMENT WOULD ENLARGE THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE SEA-BED COMMITTEE BY 44 MEMBERS, INSTEAD OF 39 MEMBERS."} {"rcid":1176,"session":25,"importantvote":0,"date":"1970-12-07","unres":"R/25/2749B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SEA BED CONFERENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/8097) DECIDING TO CONVENE IN 1973 A CONFERENCE ON THE LAW OF THE SEA TO DEAL WITH THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTERNATIONAL REGIME FOR THE SEA-BED AND OCEAN FLOOR; ENLARGING THE SEA-BED COMMITTEE BY 44 MEMBERS, AND INSTRUC"} {"rcid":1177,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-09-06","unres":"R/26/2752","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION BAHRAIN","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. DECIDING TO ADMIT BAHRAIN TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE UN."} {"rcid":1178,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-09-06","unres":"R/26/2753","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION QATAR","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. DECIDING TO ADMIT QATAR TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE UN."} {"rcid":1179,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-09-02","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO INCLUDE OF ITEM \\THE REPRESENTATION OF CHINA IN THE UNITED NATIONS\\\\ IN THE AGENDA.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1180,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-09-02","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PUERTO RICO","descr":"TO EXCLUDE OF ITEM \\THE COLONIAL CASE OF PUERTO RICO\\\\ FROM THE AGENDA.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1181,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-09-03","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO INCLUDE OF ITEM \\WITHDRAWAL OF UNITED STATES AND ALL OTHER FOREIGN FORCES OCCUPYING SOUTH KOREA UNDER THE FLAG OF THE UNITED NATIONS\\\\ ON AGENDA OF THE TWENTY-SEVENTH SESSION. (A/PV.1939)\\\"\""} {"rcid":1182,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-10-03","unres":"R/26/2754A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION OMAN","descr":"TO INQUIRE TO THE EXTENT OF CONSENSUS IN FOURTH COMMITTEE'S REPORT DECIDING, I.A., TO CONCLUDE CONSIDERATION OF THIS ITEM BY TAKING NOTE THAT OMAN HAS ACHIEVED GOALS SET FORTH IN UN CHARTER. (A/PV.1957)"} {"rcid":1183,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-10-03","unres":"R/26/2754B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION OMAN","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL. DECIDING TO ADMIT OMAN TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE UN. (A/PV.1957)"} {"rcid":1184,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-10-07","unres":"R/26/2758A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT SAUDI ARABIA MOTION TO POSTPONE VOTING ON ALL DRAFT RESOLUTIONS UNTIL THE NEXT DAY."} {"rcid":1185,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-10-07","unres":"R/26/2758B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE US MOTION FOR PRIORITY IN VOTING ON DRAFT RES (A/L.632) DECIDING THAT ANY PROPOSAL WHICH WOULD RESULT IN DEPRIVING THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA OF REPRESENTATION IN THE UN IS AN \\IMPORTANT QUESTION\\\\ UNDER ARTICLE 18 OF THE CHARTER.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1186,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-10-07","unres":"R/26/2758C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL. DECIDING THAT ANY PROPOSAL WHICH WOULD RESULT IN DEPRIVING THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA OF REPRESENTATION IN THE UN IS AN \\IMPORTANT QUESTION\\\\ UNDER ARTICLE 18 OF THE CHARTER.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1187,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-10-07","unres":"R/26/2758D","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE AMENDMENT TO PREAMB PARA 2 OF RES (A/L.630 & CORR.1 & ADD.1 & 2)."} {"rcid":1188,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-10-07","unres":"R/26/2758E","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE AMENDMENT TO PREAMB PARA 3 OF RES (A/L.630 & CORR.1 & ADD.1 & 2)."} {"rcid":1189,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-10-07","unres":"R/26/2758F","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE US MOTION FOR SEPARATE VOTE ON EXPULSION CLAUSE IN RES (A/L. 630 & CORR.1 & ADD. 1 & 2)."} {"rcid":1190,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-10-07","unres":"R/26/2758G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL. DECIDING TO RECOGNIZE PRC REPRS AS THE ONLY LEGITIMATE REPRS OF CHINA TO THE UN, AND TO EXPEL FORTHWITH CHIANG KAI-SHEK REPRS FROM THE UN."} {"rcid":1191,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-11-03","unres":"R/26/2762","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SECURITY OF MISSIONS","descr":"TO ALLOCATE THE ITEM ON SECURITY OF MISSIONS ACCREDITED TO UN TO THE SIXTH COMMITTEE."} {"rcid":1192,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-11-04","unres":"R/26/2764","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., EXPRESSING GRAVE INDIGNATION & CONCERN OVER MALTREATMENT & TORTURE OF OPPONENTS OF APARTHEID IN SO AFRICA AND URGING ALL STATES & ORGS TO INTENSIFY EFFORTS FOR ELIMINATION OF APARTHEID & RACIAL DISCRIMINATION."} {"rcid":1193,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-11-04","unres":"R/26/2765A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN RHODESIA","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., CALLING UPON US, IN COMPLIANCE WITH SC RESOLS, TO PREVENT IMPORTATION OF CHROME INTO THE UNITED STATES FROM SOUTHERN RHODESIA."} {"rcid":1194,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-11-03","unres":"R/26/2765B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN RHODESIA","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL. REAFFIRMING PRINCIPLE THAT THERE SHOULD BE NO INDEPENDENCE BEFORE MAJORITY RULE IN SOUTHERN RHODESIA & AFFIRMING ANY SETTLEMENT RE FUTURE OF THAT TERRITORY MUST BE WORKED OUT WITH LEADERS OF ZIMBABWE & ENDORSED BY PEOPLE."} {"rcid":1195,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-11-03","unres":"R/26/2771","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WORLD SOCIAL SITUATION","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., URGING GOVTS OF DEVELOPED COUNTRIES TO IMPL INT'L DEV STRATEGY FOR 2ND UNDD, DRAWING ATTN OF STATES & UN BODIES TO RECOMMENDATIONS BASED ON 1970 RPT OF WORLD SOCIAL SITUATION, & REQ SYG TO SUBMIT NEXT SUCH RPT TO 30TH GA,"} {"rcid":1196,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-11-03","unres":"R/26/2770","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"YOUTH","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., REQ SYG TO INVITE COMMENTS FROM GOVTS ON QUESTION OF DECLARATION ON PROMOTION AMONG YOUTH OF THE IDEALS OF PEACE, MUTUAL RESPECT & UNDERSTANDING BETW PEOPLES, & DEC TO CONSIDER BY 28TH GA ITEM ON YOUTH, ITS EDUC RE HUMAN"} {"rcid":1197,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-11-03","unres":"R/26/2776","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"OUTER SPACE, PEACEFUL USE","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., COMMENDING CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL LIABILITY FOR DAMAGE CAUSED BY SPACE OBJECTS, AND REQUESTING DEPOSITORY GOVTS OPEN CONV FOR SIGNATURE & RATIFICATION AT EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE."} {"rcid":1198,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-11-03","unres":"R/26/2775A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., COMMENDING PROPOSAL FOR THE PREPARATION OF AN EDUCATIONAL KIT ON RACIAL DISCRIMINATION & APARTHEID IN SOUTHERN AFRICA, & REQ UNESCO TO PREPARE SUCH A KIT."} {"rcid":1199,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-11-03","unres":"R/26/2775B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., AUTHORIZING SPECIAL COMTE ON APARTHEID TO SEND REPRESENTATIVES TO INT'L CONF CONCERNED WITH SUBJECT, & TO HOLD CONSULTATIONS WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF OPPRESSED PEOPLES OF SO. AFRICA, AS WELL AS ANTI-APARTHEID ORGANIZATIONS"} {"rcid":1200,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-11-03","unres":"R/26/2775C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, SPORTS","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., DECLARING UNQUALIFIED SUPPORT OF OLYMPIC PRINCIPLE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION & CONDEMNING ACTIONS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA IN ENFORCING RACIAL DISCRIMINATION & SEGREGATION IN SPORTS."} {"rcid":1201,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-11-03","unres":"R/26/2775D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, BANTUSTANS","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., CONDEMNING ESTAB OF \\BANTUSTANS\\\\ BY GOVT OF SOUTH AFRICA & DECLARING UN WILL CONTINUE TO ENCOURAGE & PROMOTE A SOLUTION TO SITUATION IN SO. AFRICA THRU FULL APPLICATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS & FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1202,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-11-03","unres":"R/26/2775E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., CONDEMNING COOP BY CERTAIN STATES & FOREIGN ECON INTERESTS WITH SO. AFRICA IN MIL, ECON, POL & OTHER FIELDS, AND REQ SPECIAL COMTE ON APARTHEID TO ARRANGE FOR PUB OF PERIODIC BULLETIN ON COLLABORATION OF GOVTS & PRIVATE E"} {"rcid":1203,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-11-03","unres":"R/26/2775F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., REQ SYG TO INTENSIFY INFO ACTIVITIES IN PROMOTION OF ACTION TO ELIMINATE APARTHEID & INVITING GOVTS, SPECIALIZED AGENCIES, ET AL, TO CONTRIBUTE TO, AND COOPERATION WITH, UN IN DISSEMINATING INFO ON APARTHEID."} {"rcid":1204,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-11-03","unres":"R/26/2775G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., APPEALING TO ALL NAT'L & INT'L TRADE UNION ORGS TO INTENSIFY THEIR ACTION VS APARTHEID, & AUTHORIZING THE SPECIAL COMTE ON APARTHEID TO SEND A MISSION TO THE INT'L LABOR CONF, GENEVA, JUNE 1972, TO CONSIDER POSSIBLE ACTIO"} {"rcid":1205,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-11-03","unres":"R/26/2775H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., CALLING ON ALL GOVTS TO IMPLEMENT FULLY ARMS EMBARGO VS SO. AFRICA, & REQ SPECIAL COMTE ON APARTHEID TO UNDERTAKE A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY ON MILITARY ASSISTANCE TO SOUTH AFRICA BY GOVTS & PRIVATE ENTERPRISES, & RPT THEREON"} {"rcid":1206,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-11-03","unres":"R/26/2774","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UN TRUST FOR SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL. I.A., APPEALING TO ALL FOR CONTRIBS TO TRUST FUND & AUTHORIZING COMTE OF TRUSTEES TO SEND A REPR FROM HQTRS TO HOLD INFORMATIVE DISCUSSIONS, AS NECESSARY, WITH VOLUNTARY ORGS CONCERNED."} {"rcid":1207,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2792A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNRWA","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., DEPLORING ISRAELI ACTIONS IN GAZA STRIP OF DESTROYING REFUGEE SHELTERS & FORCIBLE REMOVAL OF THEIR OCCUPANTS AS CONTRAVENING GENEVA CONV & A/RES/2675 (XXV); & CALLING UPON ISRAEL TO DESIST FROM FURTHER DESTRUCTION & REMOV"} {"rcid":1208,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2792B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNRWA","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL. RECOGNIZING THAT THE PEOPLE OF PALESTINE ARE ENTITLED TO EQUAL RIGHTS & SELF-DETERMINATION, IN ACCORD WITH UN CHARTER, AND THAT FULL RESPECT FOR THEIR INALIENABLE RIGHTS IS AN INDISPENSABLE ELEMENT IN ESTABLISHMENT OF JUST & LAS"} {"rcid":1209,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2792C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNRWA","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., CONSIDERING THE PLIGHT OF THE DISPLACED INHABITANTS & CALLING ONCE MORE UPON THE GOVT OF ISRAEL TO TAKE STEPS WITHOUT FURTHER DELAY FOR THE RETURN OF THOSE INHABITANTS WHO HAD FLED THE AREAS SINCE THE OUTBREAK OF HOSTILIT"} {"rcid":1210,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2784A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, APARTHEID","descr":"TO RETAIN OPERATIVE PARAG. 1 OF SECTION II REAFFIRMING THAT APARTHEID IS A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY."} {"rcid":1211,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2784B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"RACISM, ELIMINATION","descr":"TO RETAIN OPERATIVE PARA 2 OF SECTION II DECLARING THAT RACIAL DISCRIM IN ALL ITS FORMS IS A CRIMINAL AFFRONT TO THE CONSCIENCE & DIGNITY OF MANKIND."} {"rcid":1212,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2784C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO RETAIN OPERATIVE PARA 3 OF SECTION II REAFFIRMING LEGITIMACY OF STRUGGLES OF OPPRESSED PEOPLES, & THOSE IN SOUTHERN AFRICA PARTICULARLY, AGAINST COLONIAL, RACIAL & ALIEN DOMINATION."} {"rcid":1213,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2784D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO RETAIN OPERATIVE PARA 4 OF SECTION II REQ A HR COMN STUDY TO LEAD TO FURTHER INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS TO DEAL WITH CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY, PARTICULARLY APARTHEID."} {"rcid":1214,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2784E","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO RETAIN OPERATIVE PARA 5 OF SECTION II CONDEMNING THOSE COUNTRIES WHICH ENCOURAGE & INCITE SO. AFRICA TO PERSIST IN ITS RACIAL POLICY."} {"rcid":1215,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2784F","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO RETAIN OPERATIVE PARA 6 OF SECTION II STRONGLY CONDEMNING ALL GOVTS THAT CONTINUE TO SUPPLY ARMS TO THE PRETORIA REGIME IN VIOLATION OF GA & SC RESOLUTIONS."} {"rcid":1216,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2783A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO RETAIN OPERATIVE PARA 1 OF SECTION III NOTING WITH APPRECIATION RPT OF COMTE ON ELIM OF RACIAL DISCRIM."} {"rcid":1217,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2783B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO RETAIN OPERATIVE PARA 5 OF SECTION III CONDEMNING GOVT OF PORTUGAL FOR PERSISTING IN ITS COLONIALIST POLICIES IN AFRICA & CONTINUING ITS WAR AGAINST PEOPLES OF TERRE UNDER ITS DOMINATION."} {"rcid":1218,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2783C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO RETAIN OPERATIVE PARA 6 OF SECTION III INVITING ECOSOC TO REQ HR COMN TO CONTINUE ITS COMPREHENSIVE STUDIES OF POLICIES & PRACTICES OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION."} {"rcid":1219,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2783D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO RETAIN PARAG. 2 OF ANNEX TO RES CONTAINING MESSAGE FROM PRES OF 26TH GA TO HEADS OF STATE OR GOVERNMENT."} {"rcid":1220,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2783E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO RETAIN ANNEX TO RES CONTAINING MESSAGE FROM PRES OF 26TH GA TO HEADS OF STATE OR GOVERNMENT."} {"rcid":1221,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2786A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., REQ GA PRES TO FORWARD ANNEX TO HEADS OF STATES; REAFFIRMING THAT APARTHEID IS A CRIME VS HUMANITY; CONDEMNING PORTUGAL'S COLONIALIST POLICIES IN AFRICA; & CALLING UPON UK TO ADOPT MEASURES, INCL USE OF FORCE, TO END ILLE"} {"rcid":1222,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2786B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., INVITING SYG TO TRANSMIT DRAFT CONV ON SUPPRESSION SION & PUNISHMENT OF CRIME OF APARTHEID TO HR COMN & REC HR COMN & ECOSOC CONSIDER THIS ITEM & SUBMIT DRAFT TEXT OF SUBJECT CONVENTION TO THE 27 G.A. SESSION."} {"rcid":1223,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2786C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, INT'L YEAR AGAINST","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., URGING ALL STATES TO IMPLEMENT PROGRAM TO IMPROVE CONDITIONS OF THOSE SUFFERING FROM EFFECTS OF RACIAL DISCRIM; DEVOTE ATTN TO EDUCATION OF YOUTH; & REQ SYG TO PURSUE PROGRAM AFTER INT'L YR TO BUILD UP PUBLIC OPINION GAIN"} {"rcid":1224,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2787A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO RETAIN THE WORDS \\AND THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE\\\\ IN PREAMBULATORY PARAG. 8 OF RESOLUTION.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1225,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2787B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO RETAIN THE WORDS \\AS WELL AS THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE\\\\ IN OPERATIVE PARAG. 1 OF THE RESOLUTION.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1226,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2787C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., CONDEMNING STATES CONTRIBUTING TO CREATION OF MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX IN SOUTHERN AFRICA AIMED AT SUPPRESSING LIBERATION MOVEMENTS & COLONIAL POWERS SUPPRESSING RIGHTS OF PEOPLES TO SELF-DETERMINATION."} {"rcid":1227,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-06","unres":"R/26/2790","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIA, PAKISTAN","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., CALLING UPON GOVTS OF INDIA & PAKISTAN TO TAKE ALL MEASURES FOR AN IMMEDIATE CEASE-FIRE & WITHDRANAL OF THEIR ARMED FORCES; TO INTENSIFY EFFORTS FACILITATING VOLUNTARY RETURN OF EAST PAKISTAN REFUGEES TO THEIR HOMES; & CA"} {"rcid":1228,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-01","unres":"R/26/2794","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION UNITED ARAB EMIRATES.","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL. DECIDING TO ADMIT UNITED ARAB EMIRATES TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE U.N."} {"rcid":1229,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-02","unres":"R/26/2795","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PORTUGUESE TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., CONDEMNING PORTUGAL'S COLONIAL POLICY & HER WAGING OF COLONIAL WAR; APPEALING TO ALL STATES, ESP THOSE IN NATO, TO WITHHOLD ASSISTANCE TO PORTUGAL, & DRAWING ATTENTION OF SECURITY COUNCIL TO URGENT NECESSITY OF SECURING F"} {"rcid":1230,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-02","unres":"R/26/2796","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN RHODESIA","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., STRONGLY DEPLORING UK'S FAILURE TO END ILLEGAL REGIME IN SR & CONDEMNING INTERVENTION OF SOUTH AFRICAN ARMED FORCES IN SR; CALLING UPON UK TO SUBMIT RPT TO SPEC COMTE ON COLONIALISM & FOR THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO WIDEN SAN"} {"rcid":1231,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2799A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"MIDDLE EAST","descr":"TO AMEND TO RES (A/L.650/REV.1) ADDING NEW PREAMB PARAG. AFTER PREAMB PARA 4."} {"rcid":1232,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2799B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"MIDDLE EAST","descr":"TO AMEND TO RES (A/L.650/REV.1) REPLACING OP PARAS 1 THRU 5 WITH OTHERS."} {"rcid":1233,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2799C","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST","descr":"TO AMEND TO RES (A/L.650/REV.1) CALLING ON THE SYG TO REACTIVATE THE MISSION OF THE SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SYG TO THE MIDDLE EAST, PURSUANT TO S/RES/242(1967)."} {"rcid":1234,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2799D","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST","descr":"TO AMEND TO RES (A/L.650/REV.1) CALLING ON THE PARTIES TO RESUME IMMEDIATELY THE CONVERSATIONS UNDER AUSPICES OF THE SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE WITH A VIEW TO CONCLUDING A PEACE AGREEMENT."} {"rcid":1235,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2799E","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"MIDDLE EAST","descr":"TO AMEND TO OPERATIVE PARA 1 OF RES (A/L.650/REV.1) DELETING WORDS \\AND THAT, CONSEQUENTLY, TERRITORIES THUS OCCUPIED MUST BE RESTORED.\\\\\"\t1\t0\t0\t0\t1\t0"} {"rcid":1236,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2799F","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"MIDDLE EAST","descr":"TO AMEND TO RES (A/L.650/REV.1) REPLACING OP PARA 4 & 5 NITH A NEW OP PARA."} {"rcid":1237,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2799G","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"MIDDLE EAST","descr":"TO AMEND TO RES (A/L.650/REV.1) DELETING OP PARA 8."} {"rcid":1238,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2799H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST","descr":"TO ADOPT THE MOTION FOR DIVISION IN VOTE ON RES CONTAINED IN A/L.650/REV.1"} {"rcid":1239,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2799I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., REAFFIRMING ACQUISITION OF TERRITORIES BY FORCE IS INADMISSIBLE & SUCH TERRITORIES MUST BE RESTORED; REQ SYG TO REACTIVATE MISSION OF HIS SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE TO THE ME; & TO RPT TO SC & GA ON PROGRESS MADE BY THE SPEC"} {"rcid":1240,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2799J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., REQ PARTIES TO RENEW NEGOTIATIONS THROUGH THE MISSION OF THE SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE & URGING PARTIES TO STUDY THE CONCILIATION PROPOSALS OF THE COMMISSION OF HEADS OF AFRICAN STATES"} {"rcid":1241,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-06","unres":"R/26/2813A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"UNDP, INCREASE IN GOV. COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT THE ORAL AMEND TO OPERATIVE PARA 1(C) OF RES (A/8563) REPLACING WORD \\SUBREGIONAL\\\\ BY WORD \\\\\"REGIONAL\\\\\".\\\"\""} {"rcid":1242,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-06","unres":"R/26/2813B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"UNDP, INCREASE IN GOV. COUNCIL","descr":"TO AMEND TO OP PARA 2 OF RES (A/8563) REPLACING PHRASE \\AT THE ORGANIZATIONAL MEETINGS OF ITS FIFTY-SECOND SESSION\\\\ BY PHRASE \\\\\"AT ITS RESUMED FIFTY-FIRST SESSION.\\\\\"\""} {"rcid":1243,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-06","unres":"R/26/2813C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"UNDP, INCREASE IN GOV. COUNCIL","descr":"TO RETAIN THE PHRASE \\TO BE ELECTED FROM AMONG STATES MEMBERS OF THE UNITED NATIONS OR MEMBERS OF THE SPECIALIZED AGENCIES OR OF THE INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY\\\\ IN OP PARA 1 OF RES (A/8563).\\\"\""} {"rcid":1244,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-06","unres":"R/26/2813D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNDP, INCREASE IN GOV. COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL. DECIDING TO ENLARGE THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE UNDP GOVERNING COUNCIL TO 48 MEMBERS - ALLOCATION OF STATES SPELLED OUT IN RES; REQ ECOSOC AT ITS RESUMED 51ST SESSION TO ELECT THE ADDITIONAL 11 MEMBERS OF THE GC."} {"rcid":1245,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-06","unres":"R/26/2814","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., WELCOMING STATEMENT OF SYG THAT DISSEMINATION OF INFO & MOBILIZATION OF PUBLIC OPINION RE PROGRESS IN IMPLEMENTATION OF GOALS & OBJECTIVES OF 2ND UNDD SHOULD BE INTENSIFIED, & URGING GOVTS TO COOP WITH SYG IN THIS MATTER."} {"rcid":1246,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-06","unres":"R/26/2816A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISASTER ASSISTANCE","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARA 3 OF RES."} {"rcid":1247,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-06","unres":"R/26/2816B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISASTER ASSISTANCE","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARA 4 OF RES."} {"rcid":1248,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-06","unres":"R/26/2816C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISASTER ASSISTANCE","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARA 10 OF RES."} {"rcid":1249,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-06","unres":"R/26/2816D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISASTER ASSISTANCE","descr":"RES, I.A., CALLING UPON SYG TO APPOINT A DISASTER RELIEF COORDINATOR, NORMALLY FOR TERM OF 5 YRS AND AT LEVEL COMPARABLE WITH THAT OF UNDER-SYG, & ENDORSING SYG'S PROPOSALS FOR PERMANENT UN OFFICE IN GENEVA TO SERVE AS FOCAL POINT IN UN SYSTEM"} {"rcid":1250,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-01","unres":"R/26/2825A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., REAFFIRMING RESPONSIBILITY OF UN IN GOAL OF ATTAINMENT OF GENERAL AND COMPLETE DISARMAMENT, AND URGING CONFERENCE OF THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT (CCD) AT ITS NEXT SESSION, TO RESUME ITS EFFORTS ALONG LINES SET FORTH"} {"rcid":1251,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-01","unres":"R/26/2825B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"RES, I.A., AFFIRMING VALUE OF HOLDING CONFERENCES OF EXPERTS & SCIENTISTS FROM VARIOUS COUNTRIES ON PROBLEMS OF ARMS RACE AND DISARMAMENT, AND SUPPORTING REQ TO SYG TO PREPARE AUTHORITATIVE RPTS ON THIS SUBJECT."} {"rcid":1252,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-01","unres":"R/26/2832A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARA 1 OF RES."} {"rcid":1253,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-01","unres":"R/26/2832B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAS 2 AND 3 OF RES."} {"rcid":1254,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-01","unres":"R/26/2832C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., DECLARING INDIAN OCEAN TO BE DESIGNATED FOR ALL TIME AS A ZONE OF PEACE; ELIMINATING FROM INDIAN OCEAN ALL BASES & MILITARY MANIFESTATIONS; AND CALLING UPON LITTORAL & HINTERLAND STATES OF INDIAN OCEAN, SC MBRS AND OTHERS"} {"rcid":1255,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-01","unres":"R/26/2828A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"REITERATING SOLEMNLY AND MOST EMPHATICALLY ITS CONDEMNATION OF ALL NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS & URGING GOVTS OF NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES TO BRING TO A HALT ALL NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS AT EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE."} {"rcid":1256,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-01","unres":"R/26/2828B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"APPEALING TO THE NUCLEAR POWERS TO DESIST FROM CARRYING OUT FURTHER NUCLEAR & THERMONUCLEAR TESTS, AND URGING THEM TO REACH AN AGREEMENT ON THE CESSATION OF ALL SUCH TESTS."} {"rcid":1257,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-01","unres":"R/26/2828C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO RETAIN THE PHRASE \\AND THAT SOME CONTINUE TO TEST IN THE ATMOSPHERE\\\\ AT END OF PREAMB PARA 5 OF RES.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1258,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-01","unres":"R/26/2828D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO RETAIN THE PHRASE \\AND MEANWHILE TO REFRAIN FROM TESTING IN THE ENVIRONMENTS COVERED BY THAT TREATY\\\\ AT END OF OPERATIVE PARA 2 OF RES.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1259,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-01","unres":"R/26/2828E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL. URGING ALL STATES TO ADHERE TO TREATY BANNING NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS, TO DEVELOP EXISTING CAPABILITIES FOR SEISMOLOGICAL IDENTIFICATION, AND REQ CCD TO CONTINUE ITS DELIBERATIONS ON A TREATY BANNING UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR WEAPON"} {"rcid":1260,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-01","unres":"R/26/2827A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL. COMMENDING CONVENTION ON PROHIBITION OF DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTION & STOCKPILING OF BACTERIOLOGICAL (BIOLOGICAL) & TOXIN WEAPONS & ON THEIR DESTRUCTION (TEXT OF CONV IN ANNEX TO RES), & REQ DEPOSITARY GOVTS TO OPEN CONV FOR SIG"} {"rcid":1261,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-01","unres":"R/26/2827B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., REQ CONF OF THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT (CCD) TO CONTINUE NEGOTIATIONS FOR EARLY AGREEMENT ON MEASURES FOR PROHIBITION OF DEVELOPMENT OF AND ELIMINATION OF SUCH WEAPONS; & CALLING FOR STRICT OBSERVANCE BY ALL STATES"} {"rcid":1262,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-01","unres":"R/26/2827C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., URGING ALL STATES TO UNDERTAKE, PENDING AGREEMENT ON THE COMPLETE PROHIBITION ON DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTION & STOCKPILING OF CHEMICAL AGENTS FOR WEAPONS PURPOSES WHICH ARE NOT USABLE FOR PEACEFUL PURPOSES."} {"rcid":1263,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-03","unres":"R/26/2841A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"UNHCR","descr":"TO ADOPT THE ORAL AMEND. TO RES REPLACING WORDS \\TWENTY-SEVENTH\\\\ BY \\\\\"TWENTY-EIGHTH\\\\\" IN OP PARA 1.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1264,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-03","unres":"R/26/2841B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNHCR","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL. DECIDING TO GIVE CONSIDERATION TO THIS ITEM AT THE 28TH GA."} {"rcid":1265,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2862A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, CREDENTIALS","descr":"TO AMEND, ADDING PHRASE \\EXCEPT WITH REGARD TO THE CREDENTIALS OF THE REPRESENTATIVES OF SOUTH AFRICA\\\\ TO RESOLUTION OF CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE (A/8625).\\\"\""} {"rcid":1266,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2862B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, CREDENTIALS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL. APPROVING THE REPORT OF THE CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE, AS AMENDED TO INCLUDE PHRASE \\EXCEPT WITH REGARD TO THE CREDENTIALS OF THE REPRESENTATIVES OF SOUTH AFRICA.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0"} {"rcid":1267,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2851","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., COMMENDING SPEC COMTE FOR ITS WORK; CALLING UPON GOVT OF ISRAEL TO COMPLY WITH 1949 GENEVA CONV; & REQ SPEC. COMTE TO CONTINUE ITS WORK & RPT TO SYG."} {"rcid":1268,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2850A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN ENVIRONMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., URGING INT'L ORGS & UN SYSTEM TO STRENGTHEN INT'L COOP IN FIELDS OF ENVIRONMENT & PRESERVATION OF ADEQUATE ECOLOGICAL BALANCE; PROVIDING GUIDELINES FOR ELABORATION OF ACTION PLANS & PROPOSALS TO BE SUBMITTED TO UN CONF ON"} {"rcid":1269,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2850B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"HUMAN ENVIRONMENT","descr":"TO AMEND OPERATIVE PARA 3 OF RESOL."} {"rcid":1270,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2850C","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"HUMAN ENVIRONMENT","descr":"TO AMEND MAKING VARIOUS CHANGES IN OP PARAS OF RESOL."} {"rcid":1271,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2850D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUMAN ENVIRONMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., APPROVING PROVISIONAL AGENDA & DRAFT RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR CONF; REQ SYG TO EXTEND INVITATIONS & CONCLUDE PREPARATIONS FOR THE CONF; & REQ SYG TO RPT RESULTS OF CONF TO 27TH GA & ALSO TO ECOSOC."} {"rcid":1272,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2847","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"ECOSOC ENLARGEMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL, I.A., AMENDING UN CHARTER TO ENLARGE COUNCIL TO 54 ELECTED MEMBERS FROM DESIGNATED GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS AND PROVIDING FOR ELECTIONS AND TERMS OF OFFICE."} {"rcid":1273,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2857","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CAPITAL PUNISHMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., AFFIRMING THAT MAIN OBJECTIVE IS TO RESTRICT NUMBER OF OFFENCES FOR WHICH CAPITAL PUNISHMENT MAY BE IMPOSED, WITH VIEW TO ABOLISHMENT OF THIS PUNISHMENT IN ALL COUNTRIES; & REQ STATES TO INFORM SYG OF THEIR LEGAL PROC"} {"rcid":1274,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2868","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NIUE & TOKELAU ISLANDS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.E., REAFFIRMING RIGHTS OF PEOPLE OF NIUE & TOKELAU ISLANDS TO SELF-DETERMINATION; CALLING UPON ADMIN POWER TO ENABLE PEOPLE OF TERRS TO EXERCISE THEIR RIGHT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE; & REQ ADMIN POWER TO RENDER ALL HELP TO VIS"} {"rcid":1275,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2873A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF PEOPLES OF TERRS TO SELF-DETERMINATION & INDEPENDENCE; DEPRECATING ESTAB OF MILITARY BASES & INSTALLATIONS AS BEING INCOMPATIBLE WITH PRINCIPLES OF UN CHARTER; & CALLING UPON ADMIN POWER TO PERMIT"} {"rcid":1276,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2874","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., REAFFIRMING LEGITIMACY OF COLONIAL PEOPLES TO EXERCISE RIGHT OF SELF-DETERMINATION; URGING ALL STATES, SPEC AGENCIES & OTHER ORGS TO ASSIST NAT'L LIBERATION MOVEMENTS & TO WITHHOLD ASSIST FROM GOVTS OF PORT, SO. AFRICA &"} {"rcid":1277,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2879","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., AFFIRMING VITAL IMPORTANCE OF DISSEMINATION OF INFO ON EVILS & DANGERS OF COLONIALISM, REQ SYG TO CONTINUE TO GIVE WIDESPREAD PUBLICITY OF WORK OF UN IN FIELD OF DECOLONIALIZATION, AND INVITES ALL STATES, SPEC AGENCIE"} {"rcid":1278,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2873B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., REITERATING APPEAL FOR FULL COOPERATION TO ACHIEVE UN OBJECTIVES; & URGING ALL IN UN SYSTEM, ESPECIALLY IBRD, TO TAKE MEASURES TO WITHHOLD FINAN, ECON, TECH & OTHER AID FROM GOVTS OF PORTUGAL & SO. AFRICA UNTIL THEY R"} {"rcid":1279,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2878","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COLONIAL COUNTRIES, EXPLOITATION","descr":"TO ADOPT RESOL., I.A., CONDEMNING EXPLOITATION OF COLONIAL TERRS & REQ. ADMIN POWERS TO PUT AN END TO ALL SUCH PRACTICES, PARTICULARLY PARTICIPATION IN GABORA BASSA & CUNENE RIVER BASIN PROJECTS."} {"rcid":1280,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2871","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., CONDEMNING GOVT OF SO. AFRICA FOR, & DRAWING SC'S ATTN TO NEED OF TAKING MEASURES TO DEAL WITH, THAT GOVT'S PERSISTENT REFUSAL TO WITHDRAW ITS ADMIN FROM NAMIBIA; REQ UN COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA TO CONTINUE TO PERFORM ITS"} {"rcid":1281,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2872","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., REAFFIRMING DECISION IN A/RES/2679(XXV) TO ESTAB A UN FUND FOR NAMIBIA BY ALLOCATING TO THE FUND THE SUM OF $50,000 FROM REGULAR 1972 UN BUDGET; AUTHORIZING SYG TO APPEAL TO THEIR NAT'L ORGS FOR VOLUNTARY CONTRIBS TO"} {"rcid":1282,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2877","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN RHODESIA","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., REJECTING THE \\PROPOSALS FOR A SETTLEMENT\\\\ AGREED UPON BY THE UK & SALISBURY REGIME; REAFFIRMING THAT SETTLEMENT MUST BE BASED ON PRINCIPLE OF \\\\\"NO INDEPENDENCE BEFORE MAJORITY RULE\\\\\" ON BASIS OF ONE MAN ONE VOTE; & \""} {"rcid":1283,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2875","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING PROGRAM","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., APPEALING TO ALL STATES, ORGS & INDIVIDUALS TO CONTRIB TO PROGRAM TO ENSURE ITS EXPANSION & CONTINUITY, & PROVIDING FOR ALLOCATION OF $100,000 UNDER SECTION 12 OF REGULAR UN BUDGET."} {"rcid":1284,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2865","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PAUPA AND NEW GUINEA","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., CALLING UPON ADMIN POWER TO PRESCRIBE SPECIFIC TIME-TABLE FOR FREE EXERCISE BY PEOPLE OF THEIR RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION & INDEPENDENCE, & REQ ADMIN POWER TO ACCELERATE EDUC, TECH, & ADMIN TRAINING OF INDIGENOUS PEO"} {"rcid":1285,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-05","unres":"R/26/2867","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SIX CARIBBEAN TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL. NOTING CHAPTER OF SPEC COMTE'S RPT RE ANTIGUA, DOMINICA, GRENADA, ST. KITTS-NEVIS-ANGUILLA, ST. LUCIA & ST. VINCENT & REQ SPEC COMTE GIVE URGENT CONSIDERATION ALL ASPECT THIS QUESTION IN ACCORD WITH A/RES/2593/(XXIV) & RPT T"} {"rcid":1286,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-06","unres":"R/26/2880","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DECLARATION ON INTERNATIONAL SECURITY","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., CALLING UPON ALL STATES TO CONTRIBUTE TONARD RESOLVING EXISTING CONFLICTS & FOR AN EARLY AGREEMENT ON A DEFINITION OF AGRESSION; DECLARING UN SHOULD EVOLVE A CONCEPT OF COLLECTIVE ECONOMIC SECURITY DESIGNED TO PROMOTE"} {"rcid":1287,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-06","unres":"R/26/2881A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"SEA BED","descr":"TO ADOPT AN AMENDMENT CHANGING THE WORDING IN OP PARA 3 OF RES (A/8623)."} {"rcid":1288,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-06","unres":"R/26/2881B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SEA BED","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., EXPRESSING SATISFACTION WITH PREPARATORY WORK OF COMTE ON PEACEFUL USES OF SEA-BED; ADDING TO MEMBERSHIP OF COMTE CHINA & 4 MEMBERS TO BE APPTD BY CHMN OF COMTE I; & REQ COMTE TO HOLD 2 SESSIONS, ONE IN NEW YORK, MARC"} {"rcid":1289,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-07","unres":"R/26/2889","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1972","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., DECIDING THAT EFFECTIVE 1 JANUARY 1972, HONORARIUM OF CHAIRMAN OF ACABQ SHALL BE $25,000 PER ANNUM, PROVIDED HE IS NOT ACTIVELY ENGAGED ON BEHALF OF HIS GOVT OR ANOTHER BODY."} {"rcid":1290,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-07","unres":"R/26/2890","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1972","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., DESIGNATING REGULATIONS GOVERNING PENSION SCHEME & EMOLUMENTS FOR MEMBERS OF INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE."} {"rcid":1291,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-07","unres":"R/26/2891","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1972","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., AUTHORIZING SYG TO CONTINUE CONSTRUCTION PROJECT OF EXTENSION OF PALAIS DES NATIONS, GENEVA, WITHIN TOTAL NEW REVISED ESTIMATED COST OF $31,186,000."} {"rcid":1292,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-07","unres":"R/26/2892","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1972","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., AUTHORIZING SYG TO CONTINUE PROGRAM OF MAJOR MAINTENANCE OF & IMPROVEMENTS TO PALAIS DES NATIONS, GENEVA, WITH PROVISIONS FOR APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS."} {"rcid":1293,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-07","unres":"R/26/2893","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1972","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., AUTHORIZING SYG TO CARRY FORWARD INTO 1972 THE UNENCUMBERED BALANCE OF 1971 FUNDS FOR PROGRAM OF MODIFICATION & IMPROVEMENT OF UN BUILDING IN SANTIAGO, CHILE."} {"rcid":1294,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-07","unres":"R/26/2894","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1972","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., AGREEING TO MODIFICATION OF SCHEDULE OF BUDGETARY PAYMENTS FOR PROJECTS ENDORSED IN A/RES/2745(XXV) & APPROVING NEW SCHEDULE OF FINANCING PROJECTS RE UN ACCOMODATION IN BANGKOK & ADDIS ABABA AS SET FORTH IN ACABQ RPT."} {"rcid":1295,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-07","unres":"R/26/2895","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1972","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., DECIDING TO DEFER QUESTION OF NEW CONSTRUCTION & ALTERATIONS AT HEADQUARTERS UNTIL 27TH GA."} {"rcid":1296,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-07","unres":"R/26/2896","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1972","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., DECIDING THAT A MURAL SHALL BE PAINTED AT UN HDQTRS TO COMMEMORATE WORLD YOUTH ASSEMBLY, TO BE FINANCED FROM SURPLUS VOLUNTARY FUNDS OF WYA, WITHIN MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF $10,000."} {"rcid":1297,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-07","unres":"R/26/2897","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1972","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., DECIDING THAT PRINCIPLES IN A/RES/13(1) & 595(VI) DO NOT NEED TO BE REVISED AND SHOULD BE APPLIED SUBJECT TO GA DIRECTIVES; & REQ SYG TO ELIMINATE SHORTCOMINGS PERSISTING IN FORMULATION OF INFO PROGRAMS & ACTIVITIES,"} {"rcid":1298,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-07","unres":"R/26/2899A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1972","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., APPROVING BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS TOTALLING $213,124,410 FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1972."} {"rcid":1299,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-07","unres":"R/26/2899B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1972","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., APPROVING ESTIMATES OF INCOME OTHER THAN ASSESSMENTS ON MEMBER STATES TOTALLING $35,921,650."} {"rcid":1300,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-07","unres":"R/26/2899C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1972","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., SETTING OUT PROVISIONS FOR FINANCING OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 1972."} {"rcid":1301,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-07","unres":"R/26/2900","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1972","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., AUTHORIZING SYG TO ENTER INTO COMMITMENTS TO MEET UNFORESEEN & EXTRAORDINARY EXPENSES IN FINANCIAL YEAR 1972 WITHIN PRESCRIBED LIMITATIONS."} {"rcid":1302,"session":26,"importantvote":0,"date":"1971-12-07","unres":"R/26/2901","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1972","descr":"TO ADOPT THE RESOL., I.A., ESTAB WORKING CAPITAL FUND FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 1972 IN AMOUNT OF $40 MILLION, AND DESCRIBING MANNER MEMBER STATES SHALL MAKE ADVANCES TO FUND AS WELL AS AUTHORIZING SYG TO MAKE ADVANCES FROM THE FUND"} {"rcid":1303,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-07","unres":"R/27/2930","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WORLD DISARMAMENT CONFERENCE","descr":"RES, I.A., ESTAB SP COMTE OF 35 MBR STATES, APPTD BY GA PRES, TO PRESENT TO 28TH GA, STUDY BASED ON CONSENSUS OF SUGGESTIONS & VIEWS OF ALL GOVT'S, & INVITING SAID GOVT'S TO CREATE ADEQUATE CONDITS FOR CONVENING CONF AT APPROPRIATE TIME."} {"rcid":1304,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-07","unres":"R/27/2932A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"RES APPEALING TO GOVT'S OF US & USSR TO EXPEDITE CONCL OF OF OFFENSIVE & DEFENSIVE STRATEGIC NUCLEAR WEAPON SYSTEMS & INVITING TWO GOVT'S TO KEEP GA INFORMED OF RESULTS OF RESULTS OF THEIR NEGOTS."} {"rcid":1305,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-07","unres":"R/27/2935A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"OPER PARA 4 OF RES DEPLORING FACT TWO NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES HAVE NOT SIGNED ADD PROTOCOL II OF TREATY."} {"rcid":1306,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-07","unres":"R/27/2935B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING EFFECTIVENESS OF ANY TREATY ENFORCED BY LEGALLY BINDING COMMITMENTS; SALUTES UK & US BECOMING PARTIES TO PROTOCOL; CHINA'S DECL OF 11/14/72; DEPLORES FAILURE OF 2 OTHER NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES TO SIGN & RATIFY PROTOCOL."} {"rcid":1307,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-07","unres":"R/27/2936","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, PEACEFUL USES","descr":"RES, DECL ON BEHALF OF MBRS OF ORG, RENUNCIATION OF USE OF OR THREAT OF FORCE IN ALL FORMS & ... IN INTL RELATIONS, IN ACCORD WITH UN CHARTER, & PERM PROHIB OF USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS; RECOMS SC TAKE PROMPT & APPROP MEASURES FOR FULL IMPL OF PRE"} {"rcid":1308,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-04","unres":"R/27/2992","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"RES, I.A., CALLING UPON LITTORAL & HINTERLAND STATES OF INDIAN OCEAN, PERM MBRS OF SC & OTHER MAJOR MARITIME USERS OF INDIAN OCEAN TO SUPPORT CONCEPT OCEAN SHD BE ZONE OF PEACE, & ESTAB AN AD HOC CONTC OF NOT MORE THAN 15 MBRS, DESIGNATED BY CH"} {"rcid":1309,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-07","unres":"R/27/2932B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"RES, I.A., WELCOMING SYG'S RPT ON NAPALM & OTHER INCENDIARY WEAPONS, TAKING NOTE OF VIEWS EXPRESSED REGARDING USE OF SUCH WEAPONS, &COMMENDS WIDE DISSEMINATION OF REPORT."} {"rcid":1310,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-07","unres":"R/27/2933","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS","descr":"RES, I.A., REAFFIRMING OBJECT OF EFFECTIVE PROHIB OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS & INVITING ALL STATES TO ACCEDE TO PROTOCOL FOR PROHIB OF USE IN WAR OF ASPHYXIATING, POISONOUS OR OTHER GASES & OF BACTERIAL METHODS OF WARFARE OF 6/17/1925 & CALLS ANEW FOR"} {"rcid":1311,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-07","unres":"R/27/2931","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES' CONVENTION","descr":"RES,EXPRESSING APPRECIATION ACTION TAKEN BY IAEA ON RECOMS OF CONF;HOPE CONTG EXPANSION RESOURCES FOR TECH COOP MADE AVAILABEL TO AGENCY; INVITES IAEA REVIEW WAYS & MEANS TO ALLOW DEVELOPING COUNTRIES BENEFIT FULLY IN NUCLEAR INDUSTRIALIZATION"} {"rcid":1312,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-07","unres":"R/27/2934A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"RES, I.A., STRESSING URGENCY OF HALTING ALL ATMOSPHERIC TESTING OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN PACIFIC & ELSEWHERE; CALLING UPON ALL NUCLEAR WEAPON STATES TO SUSPEND TESTS; & CALLING UPON CCD TO GIVE CONSID TO QUES OF TREATY BANNING ALL NUCLEAR WEAPON T"} {"rcid":1313,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-07","unres":"R/27/2934B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"RES, I.A., URGING ALL STATES TO ADHERE TO TREATY BANNING NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS, TO DEV EXISTING CAPABILITIES FOR SEISMOLOGICAL IDENTIFICATION & REQ CCD TO CONT ITS DELIBS ON A TREATY BANNING UNDERGROUND NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS."} {"rcid":1314,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-07","unres":"R/27/2934C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"RES, CONDEMING ALL NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS; REAFFIRMING CONVICT NO VALID REASON DELAYING CONCI OF COMPREHENSIVE TEST BAN CONTEMPLATE IN PREAM TO TREATY BANNING NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS; URGING GOVTS OF NUCLEAR WEAPON STATES HALT TESTS EARLIEST, IN ANY"} {"rcid":1315,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-09-05","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"INCLU OF ITEMS \\QUES OF KOREA: RPT OF UNCURK\\\\ & \\\\\"CREATION OF FAVOURABLE CONDITS TO ACCELERATE THE INDEPENDENT & PEACEFUL REUNIFICATION OF KOREA\\\\\" IN PROV'L AGENDA OF 28TH SESSION.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1316,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-04","unres":"R/27/2948A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE","descr":"AMEND TO RES (A/8921 & CORR.1) ADDING PHRASE \\EXCEPT WITH REGARD TO THE CREDENTIALS OF THE REPRS OF SOUTH AFRICA.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0"} {"rcid":1317,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-04","unres":"R/27/2948B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE","descr":"RES AS AMENDED, APPROVING RPT OF CREDENTIALS COMTE ON CREDENTIALS OF REPRS OF SO. AFRICA."} {"rcid":1318,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-04","unres":"R/27/2949A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"MIDDLE EAST","descr":"US MOTION FOR SEPARATE VOTE ON OP PARA 8 OF RES (A/L.686/REV.1)."} {"rcid":1319,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-04","unres":"R/27/2949B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST","descr":"RES, DEPLORING NON-COMPLIANCE OF ISRAEL WITH A/RES/2899 (XXVI) OUTLINING PRINS NECESSARY ESTAB OF JUST & LASTING PEACE IN ME; INVITING ISRAEL DECLARE PUBLICLY ITS ADHERENCE TO PRIN OF NON-ANNEX OF TERRS THRU FORCE; REQ SYG RPT TO SC & GA ON PRO"} {"rcid":1320,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-04","unres":"R/27/3005B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"RES, I.A., COMMENDING SPEC COMTE FOR ITS WORK; CALLING UPON GOVT OF ISRAEL TO COMPLY WITH 1949 GENEVA CONV; & REQ SPEC COMTE TO CONT ITS WORK IN CONSULT WITH ICRC & RPT TO SYG."} {"rcid":1321,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-02","unres":"R/27/2964A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNRWA","descr":"RES, I.A., DEPLORING ISRAELI ACTIONS INVOLVING PHYSICAL & DEMOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE IN GAZA STRIP AS CONTRAVENING PROVS OF GENEVA CONV RE PROTECTION OF CIVILIANS & A/RES/2675(XXV), CALLING UPON ISRAEL TO DESIST FROM SUCH MEASURES FORTHWITH, & TO RE"} {"rcid":1322,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-02","unres":"R/27/2964B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNRWA","descr":"RES, CONSIDERING THE PLIGHT OF THE DISPLACED INHABITANTS CONTS & CALLING ONCE MORE UPON GOVT OF ISRAEL TO TKE IMMEDIATE STEPS FOR RETURN OF THOSE INHABITANTS, & TO DESIST FORTHWITH FROM ALL MEASURES AFFECTING PHYSICAL, GEOGRAPHICAL & DEMOGRAPHI"} {"rcid":1323,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-02","unres":"R/27/2964C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNRWA","descr":"RES AFFIRMING THAT PEOPLE OF PALESTINE ARE ENTITLED TO EQUAL RIGHTS & SELF-DETERM, IN ACCORD WITH UN CHARTER, & THAT FULL RESPECT FOR THEIR INALIENABLE RIGHTS IS AN INDESPENSABLE ELEMENT IN THE ESTAB OF JUST & LASTING PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST."} {"rcid":1324,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-07","unres":"R/27/2932C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"OUTER SPACE, PEACEFUL USES","descr":"RES, U.A., ADVISING NECESSITY OF ELABORATING PRINS GOVERNING USE BY STATES OF SATELLITES FOR DIRECT TELEVISION BROADCAST WITH VIEW TO CONCLUDING INT'L AGREEMENT & REQ COMTE ON PEACEFUL USES TO UNDERTAKE SUCH ELABORATION SOONEST."} {"rcid":1325,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-04","unres":"R/27/2991","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SECURITY COUNCIL","descr":"RES, I.A., TAKING NOTE OF SC RPT FOR PERIOD 6/16/71 TO 6/15/72; CALLING UPON MBR STATES TO ENSURE STRICT APPLIC OF SC DEC IN ACCORD WITH ART 25 OF UN CHARTER; APPEALING TO MBR STATES TO EXPRESS VIEWS ON WAYS & MEANS OF ENHNCING EFFECTIVENESS OF"} {"rcid":1326,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-04","unres":"R/27/2993","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING PRINS OF DECL; BELIEVING COORD CONSID OF RELATED ISSUES, E.G., DISARMAMENT, PEACE-KEEPING & ... WLD ENHANCE EFFECTIVENESS OF UN, THUS FACILITATING STRENGTHENING INTL SECURITY; REQ STG SUBMIT RPT ON IMPL TO 2,TH GA, & PLACE THIS"} {"rcid":1327,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3029A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SEA BED","descr":"RES, I.A., REQ SYG PREPARE STUDY OF EXTENT & ECON SIGNIFICANCE, IN TERMS OF RESOURCES, OF INT'L AREA RESULTING FROM EACH PROPOSAL OF LIMITS OF NAT'L JURISDICTION PRESENTED SO FAR TO COMTE ON PEACEFUL USES OF SEA-BED, ITC., & SUBMIT SAID STUDY N"} {"rcid":1328,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3029B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SEA BED","descr":"RES, REQ SYG PREP STUDY OF POTENTIAL ECON SIGNIFICANCE FOR RIPARIAN STATES, IN TERMS OF RESOURCES, ON EACH OF PRPSLS ON LIMITS OF NATL JURISDICTION PRES TO SEA-BED COMTE & TO BE PRES WITH STUDY CALLED FOR IN RES B; NOTHING IN PRES RES OR STUDY"} {"rcid":1329,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3016A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOVEREIGNTY, NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"AMED TO RES (A/8963) ADDING LAST PREAMB PARA \\BEARING IN MIND THAT THE QUES OF THE LIMITS OF STATES' NAT'L JURISDICTION WILL BE DEALT WITH BY THE FORTHCOMING CONF ON THE LAW OF THE SEA.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t1"} {"rcid":1330,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3016B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOVEREIGNTY, NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"RETENTION OF WORDS \\AND IN SUPER-JACENT WATERS\\\\ IN OP PARA 1 OF RES (A/8963).\\\"\""} {"rcid":1331,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3016C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOVEREIGNTY, NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"RETENTION OF OP PARA 3 OF RES (A/8963) DECLARING THAT ATTEMPTS BY STATES AIMED AT COERCING OTHER STATES ENGAGED IN THE CHANGE OF THEIR INTERNAL STRUCTURE OR IN EXERCISE OF THEIR SOVEREIGN RIGHTS OVER THEIR NATURAL RESOURCES ARE IN VIOLATION OF"} {"rcid":1332,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3016D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOVEREIGNTY, NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"RETENTION OF OP PARA 4 OF RES (A/8963) CALLING UPON GOVT'S TO CONTINUE EFFORTS AIMED AT IN RELEVANT GA RESOLS, &, IN PARTICULAR OF PRINCIPLES ENUNCIATED IN OP PARAS 1 TO 3 OF SUBJECT RES."} {"rcid":1333,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3016E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOVEREIGNTY, NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"RES, I.A., REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF STATES TO PERMANENT SOVEREIGHNTY OVER ALL THEIR NATURAL RESOURCES, WHEREVER FOUND; REAFFIRMING DECL ON PRINS OF INT'L LAW CONCERNING FRIENDLY RELATIONS (A/RES/2625(XXV); & REQ 54TH ECOSOC TO GIVE \\HIGHEST PRIORI"} {"rcid":1334,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3019","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"U.N. POPULATION FUND","descr":"RES, AS ORALLY REV & AMENDED, I.A., DECIDING TO PLACE UN FUND FOR POP ACTS UNDER AUTHORITY OF GA; GOV COUNCIL OF UNDP SHALL BE GOV BODY OF FUND; REQ 15TH GOV COUNCIL ESTAB NECESSARY FINAN RULES & REGS; SUBMIT ANNUAL RPTS TO ESOSOC & RENEWING IN"} {"rcid":1335,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3035A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"UNCTAD, LINER CONFERENCES","descr":"RETENTION OF WORDS \\AND ADOPT A CONVENTION OR ANY OTHER MULTILATERAL LEGALLY BINDING INSTRUMENT ON\\\\ IN OP PARA 1 OF RES (A/8824/ADD.1).\\\"\""} {"rcid":1336,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3035B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"UNCTAD, LINER CONFERENCES","descr":"RETENTION OF WORDS \\A DRAFT CONVENTION OR ANY OTHER MULTI-LATERAL LEGALLY BINDING INSTRUMENT ON\\\\ IN OP PARA 3 OF RES (A/8824/ADD.1).\\\"\""} {"rcid":1337,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3035C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNCTAD, LINER CONFERENCES","descr":"REW, REQ SYG CONVENE, UNDER AUSPICES OF UNCTAD, CONF OF PLENIPOTENTS EARLY 1973 TO CONSID & ADOPT CODE; ESTABS 48-MBR PREP COMTE APPTD BU UNCTAD SYG TO PREP DRAFT CODE FOR CONF; 1ST SESS BE CONVENED SOONEST; FINAL SESS 2 MONTHS BEFORE CONF; REC"} {"rcid":1338,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3040A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"UNCTAD, TRADE AGREEMENTS","descr":"ORAL AMEND CALLING FOR DELETION OF WORDS \\AND SPECIALLY THE LAND-LOCKED COUNTRIES\\\\ FROM OP PARA 4(A) OF RES.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1339,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3040B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"UNCTAD, TRADE AGREEMENTS","descr":"ORAL AMEND CALLING FOR DELETION OF OP PARA 5(D)."} {"rcid":1340,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3040C","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"UNCTAD, TRADE AGREEMENTS","descr":"ORAL AMEND CALLING FOR DELETION OF OP PARA 11."} {"rcid":1341,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3040D","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"UNCTAD, TRADE AGREEMENTS","descr":"RES, AS AMENDED, INVITING ALL CONTRACT PARTIES OF GATT GIVE PRIORITY ATTN TO NEEDS OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES IN ALL STAGES MULTI TRADE NEGOTS; PRESCRIBES GUIDELINES OF NEGOTS; ENDORSING PART K OF UNCTAD RES 82(III), ESP WITH REGARD TO COORD BTW S"} {"rcid":1342,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3041A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"UNCTAD","descr":"RETENTION OF OP PARA 16 OF RESOLUTION."} {"rcid":1343,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3041B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"UNCTAD","descr":"RETENTION OF OP PARA 22 OF RESOLUTION."} {"rcid":1344,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3041C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNCTAD","descr":"RES, I.A., ENDORSING RESOLS & DECISIONS OF UNCTAD III; CALLING UPON ALL STATES MBRS OF UNCTAD TO TAKE NECESSARY STEPS TO GIVE EFFECTIVE IMPL TO RESOLS & DECISIONS ADOPTED AT UNCTAD III; & REQ UNCTAD SYG TO CARRY OUT WORK PROGRAM FOR 1973/74 TO"} {"rcid":1345,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3018A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"POVERTY, UNEMPLOYMENT","descr":"AMEND TO RES (A/8963) REPLACING OP PARA 4."} {"rcid":1346,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3018B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"POVERTY, UNEMPLOYMENT","descr":"RES, AS AMENDED ENDORSING E/RES/1727(LIII); INVITING DEVILOPING COUNTRIES WITH LOW PER CAPITA INCOME TO CREATE NEW EMPLOYMENT, THRU STRUCTURAL REFORMS; & INVITING DEVELOPED COUNTRIES & UN ORGANS GIVE CONSID TO INCREASED CONCESSIONARY AID TO ASS"} {"rcid":1347,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3017","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRAINED PERSONNEL","descr":"RES, I.A., INVITING SYG PREPARE STUDY IN COOP WITH UN ORGS; TO DRAFT AN ACTION PROGRAM ELABORATED BY COMTE ON SCIENCE & TECH FOR DEV, TO PUT AN END TO & REVERSE THAT PROCESS, ETC; & REGS SYG SUBMIT RPT TO 28TH GA, THRU ECOSOC, & SUBMIT GUIDELIN"} {"rcid":1348,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3036","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNCTAD, DEVELOPING COUNTRIES","descr":"RES, I.A., ENDORSING RES 62(III) OF 3RD UNCTAD; REQ SPEC AGCIES & OTHER RELEVANT UN ORGS TO ACCELERATE IMPL OF ACTION PROGRAMS IN FAVOR OF LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES; & REQ MBR STATES OF UNCTAD TO IMPL THE SPEC MEASURES CONTAINED IN RES 62 (III)"} {"rcid":1349,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3037","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNCTAD, ECON. DUTIES AND RIGHTS","descr":"RES, DECIDING TO ENLARGE COMPOSITION OF WORKING GROUP ESTAB UNDER UNCTAD RES 45(III) TO DRAW UP DRAFT CHARTER & AUTHORIZE UNCTAD SYG TO APPOINT 9 ADD MBRS, IN CONSULT WITH MBF GOVTS."} {"rcid":1350,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3038","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNCTAD, PUBLIC OPINION","descr":"RES,I.A., DECIDING TO INSTITUTE \\WORLD DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION DAY\\\\, THE DATE COINCIDING WITH 24 OCTOBER, UN DAY; & REQ TDB 5TH SPEC SESS TO OUTLINE A PROGRAM OF EVENTS FOR WDID IN 1973 & TO MAKE SPECIAL PROPOSALS.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1351,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3039A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"UNCTAD, EXTERNAL DEBT","descr":"RETENTION OF LAST PART OF OP PARA 1 OF RES (A/8824/ADD.1) READING \\INCLUDING THE DESIRABILITY & FEASIBILITY OF THE ESTAB & OPERATION OF A SPEC FUND FOR THE FINAN, AND/OR COMPENSATION OF THE INTEREST OF THAT DEBT.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t1"} {"rcid":1352,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3039B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNCTAD, EXTERNAL DEBT","descr":"RES, REQ TDB TO STUDY, THRU ITS COMTE ON INVISIBLES, 6TH SESS, PROBS DERIVING FROM BURDEN FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES REPRESENTED BY SERVICING OF THEIR EXTERNAL DEBT, ETC; & REQ UNCTAD SYG PREPARE STUDY IN COOP WITH IBRD & IMF TO PRESENT TO 6TH SE"} {"rcid":1353,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3027","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE","descr":"RES, DECIDING GIVE PRIORITY TO COMPLETION OF DECL OF ELIM OF ALL FORMS OF REL INTOLERANCE BEFORE RESUMING CONSID OF INT'6 CONV; REQ SYG TRANSMIT TO STATE MBRS & SPEC AGCIES PREL DRAFTS FOR OBS; SBMT TO 28TH GA ANALYTICAL RPT OF OBS FOR VIEW ADO"} {"rcid":1354,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3022","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"EDUCATION, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"RES, I.A., NOTING SYG'S RPT ON CHANNELS OF COMMUN WITH YOUTH & INT'L YOUTH ORGS; APPROVING SYG'S RECOM TO CONVENE AD HOC ADV GRP TO ADVISE ON ACTS TO UNDERTAKEN BY UN; REQ SYG TRANSMIT CONCLS OF GRP TO 56TH ECOSOC; & CONSIDERING UN UNIV SERVE A"} {"rcid":1355,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3032A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, ARMED CONFLICTS","descr":"RECOMMENDATION, AS AMENDED, OF COMTE 3, THAT ITEM SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN PROVISIONAL AGENDA OF 28TH GA AS A MATTER OF HIGH PRIORITY."} {"rcid":1356,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3032B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, ARMED CONFLICTS","descr":"AMEND TO RESOLUTION (A/8966) REPLACING PREAMB PARA 11."} {"rcid":1357,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3032C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, ARMED CONFLICTS","descr":"RES, URGING GOV'TS & ICRC TO ACHIEVE RAPPROCHEMENT IN POS TO ENSURE DIPLO CONF WILL ADOPT RULES ON LEGAS ISSUES; REQ SYG ENCOURAGE STUDY & TEACHING OF PRINS OF RESPECT FOR INTL HUMANITARIAN RULES RE ARMED CONFLICTS & PREP SURVEY OF EXIST RULES"} {"rcid":1358,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-09-05","unres":"R/27/3034A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM","descr":"INCLUSION OF ITEM \\MEASURES TO PREVENT INTL TERRORISM WHICH ENDANGERS ... HUMAN LIVES ... IN AN ATTEMPT TO EFFECT RADICAL CHANGE.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0"} {"rcid":1359,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-09-05","unres":"R/27/3034B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM","descr":"DEMOCRATIC YEMEN AMEND TO PARA 18 OF GENL COMTE RPT BY DELETTING WORDS \\SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN AGENDA (27TH)\\\\ & REPLACED BY \\\\\"SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN PROV AGENDA OF 28TH SESSION...\\\\\"\""} {"rcid":1360,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3034C","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM","descr":"AMEND TO REPLACE WORDS \\1 JUNE\\\\ BY \\\\\"10 APRIL\\\\\" IN OP PARA 7 OF RESOLUTION (A/8969).\\\"\""} {"rcid":1361,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3034D","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM","descr":"AMEND TO REPLACE \\FORTY MEMBERS\\\\ BY \\\\\"THIRTY-FIVE MEMBERS\\\\\" IN OP PARA 9 OF RESOLUTION (A/8969).\\\"\""} {"rcid":1362,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3034E","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM","descr":"RES, AS AMENDED, EXPRESSING CONCERN INCREASING ACTS OF VIOLENCE WHICH ENDANGER..INVITING STATES CONSID URGENTLY & SBMT TO SYG BY 4/10/73, PRPLS FOR EFFECT SOLN; ESTAB AD HOC COMTE OF 35 MBRS; APPTD BY PRES OF 27TH GA; SBMT RPT ON PRPLS TO 2,TH"} {"rcid":1363,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/2959","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISASTER ASSISTANCE","descr":"RES, DECIDING TO AUTHORIZE SYG TO DRAW ON WORKING CAPITAL FUND IN AMT OF $25,000 IN 1973 FOR ASSIST TO GOVT'S AT THEIR REQUEST, TO MEET NATURAL DISASTERS & CALLING UPON HIM TO EXPLORE MEANS, INCL SUPPORT THRU UNDP, OF MAKING SUBSEQUENT PROV FOR"} {"rcid":1364,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3009","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"EMPLOYMENT OF WOMEN","descr":"RES, AS AMENDED, NOTING WITH SATISFACTION APPT OF A WOMAN TO TO POST OF ASST SYG; REQ SYG TO GIVE ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE DATA ON EMPLOYMENT OF WOMEN IN UN SYSTEM; & CALLING UPON MBR STATES TO PROPOSE AS CANDIDATES FOR SUCH POSITIONS, QUALIFIED WO"} {"rcid":1365,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3011","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CAPITAL PUNISHMENT","descr":"RES, REQ SYG TO SUBMIT RPT TO 54TH ECOSOC UPDATING RPTS OF 1962 & 1967 AS WELL AS INFORMING COUNCIL ON PROGRESS MADE IN COLLECTING INFO REQ IN A/RES/2857(XXVI) & INVITING 54TH ECOSOC TO CONSIDER PRESENT SITUATION & TRENDS OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT."} {"rcid":1366,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3012A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NARCOTICS CONTROL","descr":"RES, I.A., DECLARING THAT MEASURES TO FIGHT DRUG ABUSE MUST BE UNIVERSALLY COORD & THAT FULFILMENT BY DEVELOPING COUNTRIES OF THEIR OBLIGATIONS UNDER SINGLE CONV ON NARCOTIC DRUGS CALLS FOR ADEQUATE TECHNICAL & FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM INT'L C"} {"rcid":1367,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3012B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"NARCOTICS CONTROL","descr":"RES, I.A., CALLING UPON ALL COUNTRIES TO ADHERE TO SINGLE CONV ON NARCOTIC DRUGS, 1961; AMENDING PROTOCOL TO 1961 CONV; & CONV ON PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES."} {"rcid":1368,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3013","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DRUG ABUSE CONTROL","descr":"RES, I.A., WELCOMING EXPENDED OPERATIONS OF UN PROGRAM FOR DRUG ABUSE CONTROL & APPEALING TO GOVTS FOR SUSTAINED SUPPORT & VOLUNTARY CONTRIBS TO UN FUND FOR DRUG ABUSE CONTROL."} {"rcid":1369,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3028","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADOPTION LAW","descr":"RES, RECALLING UN CONCERN FOR PROBS OF MINORS; COMMENDING WORLD CONF ON ADOPT & FOSTER PLACEMENT FOR CALLING ATTN TO INADEQUATE LEG RE; REQ 23RD SESS OF SOC DEV COMM CONSIDER & MAKE RECOMS TO 28TH GA RE FEASIBILITY OF AN INTL CONF FOR PURPOSE E"} {"rcid":1370,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-01","unres":"R/27/2908","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, COLONIAL COUNTRIES","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF PEOPLES OF TERRS TO SELFDETERM & INDEPENDENCE; APPROVES WORK OF C/24; URGES ALL STATES GIVE EFFECT TO RECOMS OF COMTE; URGING ALL STATES, SPECIAL AGCIES & OTHER ORGA ASSIST NATL LIBERATION MOVEMENTS; WITHHOLD ASSIST TO"} {"rcid":1371,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/2955","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"RES, REITERATING RIGHT OF PEOPLE TO SELF-DETERMIN; CONDEMNING MBRS OF NATO & OTHERS WHO ASSIST PORT & RACIST REGIMES IN SUPPRESSION OF PEOPLE'S ASPIRATIONS; REQ SYG SBMT RPT TO 28TH GA RE ASSIST PROVIDED FROM VOL FUNDS & OTHER ASSIST IN ORDER"} {"rcid":1372,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-03","unres":"R/27/2978","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"RES, I.A., DEPLORING FAILURE OF SOME MBR STATES TO TRANSMIT PROPERLY INFO UNDER ART 73E, CONDEMNING GOVT OF PORT IN THIS REGARD & AGAIN URGING ADMIN POWERS TO TRANSMIT SUCH INFO."} {"rcid":1373,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-03","unres":"R/27/2979","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"RES, CONDEMNING EXPLOITATION OF COL TERRS; REQ ADMIN POWERS PUT END TO ALL SUCH PRACTICES, PARTICULARLY PARTIC IN CABORA BASSA & CUNENE RIVER BASIN PROJECTS; TO APPLY IN EACH TERR UNIFORM SYSTEM OF WAGES WITHOUT DISCRIM."} {"rcid":1374,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-03","unres":"R/27/2980","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, COLONIAL COUNTRIES","descr":"RES, REITERATING APPEAL FOR FULL COOP WITH OAU TO PLAN PROGRAMS TO ASSIST PEOPLES OF TERRS, ASSIST REFUGEES; & URGING ALL WITHHOLD FINAN, ... AID FROM GOVTS OF PORT, SO. AFRICA, & SO. RHODESIA UNTIL THEY RENOUNCE DISCRIM POLICIES."} {"rcid":1375,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-03","unres":"R/27/2983","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SPANISH SAHARA","descr":"RES, INVITING ADMIN POWER TO DETERMINE PRODECURES FOR HOLDING REFERENDUM IN TERR; TO PERMIT RETURN OF POLITICAL EXILES TO TERR; REQ SYG TO SEND SPECIAL MISSION TO SPANISH SAHARA TO ASSIST IN IMPL OF RELEVANT GA RESOLS, ESP IN REGARD TO UN PARTI"} {"rcid":1376,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-03","unres":"R/27/2984","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, COLONIAL COUNTRIES","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF PEOPLES OF TERRS TO SELFDETERMINE & INDEPENDENCE; DEPRECATING ANY ATTEMPT TO DESTROY TERR INTEGRITY OF TERRS & ESTAB OF MIL BASES THEREIN; CALLING UPON ADMIN POWERS PERMIT ACCESS TO TERRS BY VM; DISCONT FURTHER NUCLEA"} {"rcid":1377,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-03","unres":"R/27/2985","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SEYCHELLES","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF POEPLE OF SEYCHELLES TO SELF-DETERMIN & INDEPENDENCE IN CONFORMITY WITH A/RES/1514(XV) & REQ ADMIN POWER TO RECEIVE UN SPEC MISSION ENVISAGED UNDER TERMS OF A/RES/2866(XXVI) WITH VIEW TO MAKING NECESSARY ARRANGEMENTS F"} {"rcid":1378,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-03","unres":"R/27/2986","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NIUE & TOKELAU ISLANDS","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING RIGHTS OF PEOPLES TO SELF-DETERMIN; EXPRESSING APPRECIATION OF COOP EXTENDED TO UN BY ADMIN POWER & EXPRESSING HOPE FORTHCOMING CONSTL TALKS BETW ADMIN POWER & REPRS OF PEOPLES WILL RESULT IN EARLY REALIZATION OF ASPIRATIONS OF"} {"rcid":1379,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-03","unres":"R/27/2987","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SIX CARIBBEAN COUNTRIES","descr":"RES, NOTING CHAPT OF SPECIAL COMTE'S RPT RE ANTIGUA, DOMINICA, GRENADA, ST. KITTS-NEVIS-ANGUILLA, ST. LUCIA & ST. VINCENT & REQ SPECIAL COMTE GIVE CONSID TO QUESTION IN ACCORD WITH PROVISIONS OF RELEVANT RESOLS OF GA & RPT TO 28TH GA."} {"rcid":1380,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-07","unres":"R/27/2922A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"RES, EXPRESSING GRAVE INDIGNATION & CONCERN OVER MALTREATMENT & TORTURE OF OPPONENTS OF APARTHEID IN SO. AFRICA & REQ SPECIAL COMTE FOLLOW SITUATION IN ORDER TAKE APPROPRIATE STEPS TO PROMOTE INTL COMPAIGN FOR PURPOSE OF PUTTING END TO THIS TRE"} {"rcid":1381,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-07","unres":"R/27/2922B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, UN TRUST FUND","descr":"RES, I.A., APPEALING TO ALL FOR CONTRIBS TO TRUST FUND & REQ SYG & COMTE OF TRUSTEES TO CONTINUE EFFORTS TO OBTAIN INCREASED CONTRIBS FROM GOVERNMENTAL & NON-GOVERNMENTAL SOURCES TO THE TRUST FUND."} {"rcid":1382,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-07","unres":"R/27/2922C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"RES, REQ SPECIAL COMTE ON APARTHEID HOLD CONSULTATIONS WITH MBRS OF LIBERATION MOVEMENTS RECOGNIZED BY OAU TO CONSIDER WAYS TO INTENSIFY INTL ACTION AGAINST APARTHEID & RPT TO 28TH GA ON IMPL BY STATES OF UN RESOLS ON APARTHEID."} {"rcid":1383,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-07","unres":"R/27/2922D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"RES, I.A., REQ SYG TO INTENSIFY DISSEMINATION OF INFO ON APARTHEID THRU ALL MEDIA & REQ SPECIAL AGENCIES CONCERNED, ESP UNESCO & ILO, TO COOP CLOSELY WITH OFFICE OF PUBLIC INFO & UNIT ON APARTHEID TO THIS END."} {"rcid":1384,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-07","unres":"R/27/2923A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, BANTUSTANS","descr":"RES, I.A., CONDEMNING GOVT OF SO. AFRICA FOR CONTINUING IMPL OF POLICY OF APARTHEID & ESTAB OF \\BANTUSTANS\\\\, & PROVIDING FOR ACTION BY GOVTS, UN BODIES & OTHERS TO COMBAT THIS EVIL BY OBSERVING ARMS EMBARGO, APPLICATION OF ECON & OTHER SANCTIO\""} {"rcid":1385,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-02","unres":"R/27/2923B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"RES, WELCOMING DECISION BY WORKERS' GROUP AT INT'L LABOR CONF TO CONVENE, IN GENEVA, IN 1973, AN INT'L CONF OF TRADE UNIONS TO WORK OUT COMMON PROGRAM AGAINST APARTHEID, & AUTHORIZING SYG TO REIMBURSE COSTS NECESSARY TO ENABLE PARTIC OF UP TO 5"} {"rcid":1386,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3030","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA","descr":"RES, DECIDING ALLOCATE TO UN FUND FOR NAMIBIA $100,000 FR 1973 REG UN BUDGET; INVITING GOVTS APPEAL FOR VOL CONTRIBS; URGES SYG IMPL MEASURES IN HIS RPT SOON AS FUNDS AVAILABLE; AUTHORIZES SYG MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR ADMIN & SUPERV OF FUND WITH A"} {"rcid":1387,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3031","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA","descr":"RES, CONDEMNING GOVT OF SO. AFRICA FOR CONT REFUSAL TO TERMINATE ILLEGAL OCCUPATION OF TERR, ETC; DECIDING TO ENLARGE MBRSHIP OF UN COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA WITH REQ TO GA PRES TO MAKE NOMINATIONS DURING 27TH GA."} {"rcid":1388,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-06","unres":"R/27/2918","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PORTUGESE TERRITORIES","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING RIGHTS OF PEOPLES OF PORT TERRS TO SELF-DETERMIN & NATL LIBERATION MOVEMENTS TRUE REPRS OF PEOPLES; IMPERATIVE PORT INITIATE NEGOTS WITH NLM WITH VIEW CESSATION OF COL WARS, ETC; APPEALING TO ALL STATES, ESP NATO MBRS, WITHHOLD"} {"rcid":1389,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-03","unres":"R/27/2945","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN RHODESIA","descr":"RES, I.A., REAFFIRMING PRIN THERE SHOULD BE NO INDEPENDENCE BEFORE MAJORITY RULE IN ZIMBABWE, CALLING UPON UK TO BRING ABOUT CONDITIONS NECESSARY ENABLE ZIMBABWESE EXERCISE THEIR RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMIN & SELECTION OF THEIR POL FUTURE ON BASIS O"} {"rcid":1390,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-03","unres":"R/27/2946","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN RHODESIA","descr":"RES, I.A., DEPLORING UK'S FAILURE TO END ILLEGAL REGIME IN ZIMBABWE, CONDEMNING VIOLATIONS & FAILURE OF CERTAIN STATES TO ENFORCE MANDATORY SANCTIONS, & DRAWS ATTN OF SC TO URGENT NEED TO WIDEN SCOPE OF SANCTIONS ENVISAGED UNDER ART.41 OF THE C"} {"rcid":1391,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-03","unres":"R/27/2981","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING PROGRAM","descr":"RES, AGAIN APPEALING TO ALL STATES TO MAKE GENEROUS CONTRIBS; DECIDING PROVIDE $100,000 UNDER 1973 BUDGET TO ENSURE CONTINUITY OF PROGRAM PENDING RECEIPT OF ADEQUATE VOL CONTRIBS; & APPROVING COOP BETW PROGRAM, UNHCR, SPEC AGCIES, OAU, & OTHER"} {"rcid":1392,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-07","unres":"R/27/3017","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PERSONNEL QUESTION","descr":"COSTA RICAN REQ FOR SEPARATE VOTE ON PARA 65 OF 5TH COMTE RPT (A/8980) WHICH CALLS FOR GREATER ATTN TO RECRUITMENT OF CANDIDATES FROM DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, ESP FOR SENIOR ADM POSTS WHICH DEAL DIRECTLY WITH MANAGEMENT POLICY OF UN."} {"rcid":1393,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-02","unres":"R/27/2961A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SCALE OF ASSESSMENTS","descr":"RES, RESOLVING RATES OF ASSESSMENT FOR BAHRAIN, OMAN, QATAR & UNITED ARAB EMIRATES SHALL BE 0.04%; & THAT SWITZERLAND, AS MBR OF ECE, SHALL BE CALLED UPON TO CONTRIB TO EXPENSES OF ECE FOR FINAN YRS 1972 & 73 AT RATE OF 0.84%."} {"rcid":1394,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-02","unres":"R/27/2961B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SCALE OF ASSESSMENTS","descr":"RES, DEC MAX CONTRIB OF ANY ONE MBR TO ORDINARY UN EXPENSES NOT EXCEED 25% OF TOTAL; COMTE ON CONTRIBS IMPL SOONEST UTILIZING % CONTRIBS OF NEW STATES; NORMAL TRIENNIAL INCREASE IN MBRS CONTRIBS RESULTING FROM INCREASES IN NATL INCOME & % CONTR"} {"rcid":1395,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-02","unres":"R/27/2961C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SCALE OF ASSESSMENTS","descr":"RES, REQ COMTE ON CONTRIBS, AT ITS NEXT REVIEW OF SCALE OF ASSESSMENTS, TO CHANGE ELEMENTS OF LOW PER CAPITA INCOME ALLOWANCE FORMULA SO AS TO ADJUST IT TO THE CHANGING WORLD ECONOMIC CONDITIONS."} {"rcid":1396,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-02","unres":"R/27/2961D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SCALE OF ASSESSMENTS","descr":"RES, REQ COMTE ON CONTRIBS, IN FORMULATING NEW SCALE OF ASSESSMENT, TO LOWER FLOOR FROM 0.04% TO 0.02% TO ALLOW ADJUSTMENT NECESSARY FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":1397,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1973","descr":"AMEND TO RECOMMENDATION, OF 5TH COMTE (A/8985/ADD.1, PARA 33)."} {"rcid":1398,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1973","descr":"RECOMMENDATION, AS AMENDED, DEFERRING CONSID OF QUESTION UNTIL 28TH GA, WITHOUT PREJUDICE TO SYG'S PROPOSAL RE TRANSFER OF PERSONNEL OF DIVISION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN 1973."} {"rcid":1399,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3047","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1973","descr":"RECOMMENDATION REQ SYG TO UNDERTAKE EVALUATION OF WORLD-WIDE UN LOTTERY AS POTENTIAL SOURCE OF REVENUE, SAID STUDY TO BE SUBJECT TO PROVISIONS OF PARA 11 OF ACABQ RPT (A/8708/ADD. 22)."} {"rcid":1400,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3043","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1973","descr":"RES, APPROVING ON EXPERIMENTAL BASIS NEW FORM OF PRESENTATION OF UN BUDGET & INTRO OF BIENNIAL BUDGET CYCLE; & REQ SYG TO IMPL NEW PROCEDURES FOR REG UN BUDGET, INCL ITEMS FOR WHICH ADD PROVISION IS MADE FROM EXTRA-BUDGETARY SOURCES."} {"rcid":1401,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3044A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1973","descr":"RES, APPROVING BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS TOTALLING $225,920,420 FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 1973."} {"rcid":1402,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3044B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1973","descr":"RES, APPROVING ESTIMATES OF INCOME OTHER THAN ASSESSMENTS OF MEMBER STATES TOTALLING $35,958,800."} {"rcid":1403,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3044C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1973","descr":"RES, SETTING OUT PROVISIONS FOR FINANCING OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 1973."} {"rcid":1404,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3045","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1973","descr":"RES, AUTHORIZING SYG TO ENTER INTO COMMITMENTS TO MEET UNFORSEEN & EXTRAORDINARY EXPENSES IN FINANCIAL YEAR 1973 WITHIN PRESCRIBED LIMITATIONS."} {"rcid":1405,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"R/27/3046","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1973","descr":"RES, ESTAB WORKING CAPITAL FUND FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 1973 IN AMOUNT OF $40 MILLION, & DESCRIBING MANNER MEMBER STATES SHALL MAKE ADVANCES TO FUND AS WELL AS AUTHORIZING SYG TO MAKE ADVANCES FROM THE FUND."} {"rcid":1406,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1973","descr":"RES, I.A., DECIDING THAT RECOMMENDATION OF ACABQ (A/8900/ADD .2) WITH RESPECT TO SEA TRAVEL OF STAFF ON HOME LEAVE SHOULD BE IMPLEMENTED AS FROM 1 JANUARY 1974."} {"rcid":1407,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1973","descr":"RES, URGING ALL MBR STATES TO PAY FUTURE CONTRIBS ON TIME; REQ SYG EST A SPEC ACCT UNDER REG 6.6 OF FINAN REGS FOR RECEIPT OF VOL CONTRIBS, MERGING INTO THIS ACCT UN SPEC ACCT; & REQ SYG RPT RESULTS TO 2,TH GA."} {"rcid":1408,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1973","descr":"RES, ENDORSING CONCL OF SPEC COMTE THAT SOLUTION REQUIRED FOR FINAN PROBS OF UN RESTS WITH ALL MBR STATES; REQ SYG CONT EXPLORE SOLUTION OF PROB TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION RESULTS OF STUDY BY SPEC COMTE ON FINAN SITUATION OF UN."} {"rcid":1409,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1973","descr":"RES, REQ SYG RETAIN AS OF 10/25/71 AS UNPAID ASSESSED CONTRIBS FOR REG BUDGET OF CHINA ON UN ACCTS AN AMT EQUALING A PRO RATA SHARE OF 1971 ASSESSED CONTRIBS BASED ON PERIOD 10/25/71 THRU 12/31/71; & TRANSFER UNPAID BALANCES OF ASSESSED CONTRIB"} {"rcid":1410,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-12-01","unres":"","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET ESTIMATES, 1973","descr":"CUBAN MOTION FOR VOTE AS TO WHETHER AMEND (A/L.697) TO DRAFT DECISION (A/8985/ADD.1) IS A SUBSTANTIVE PROPOSAL CONST AN \\IMPORTANT QUESTION\\\\ REQUIRING A TWO-THIRDS MAJORITY UNDER ART.18 OF UN CHARTER.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1411,"session":27,"importantvote":0,"date":"1972-11-06","unres":"R/27/2926","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION","descr":"RES, AS ORALLY AMENDED, RECOM ILC CONT WORK IN FIELDS WITH WHICH IT HAS BEEN CONCERNED; ...; INVITING STATES, SPEC AGENCIES & INTERESTED ORGS SUBMIT COMMENTS ON DRAFT ARTS PREP BY ILC ON PREVENTION & PUNISHMENT OF CRIMES AGAINST DIPLO AGENTS &"} {"rcid":1412,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-02","unres":"R/28/3184A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"RES, APPEALING TO GOVERNMENTS OF USSR & US TO KEEP IN MIND URGENCY OF AGREEMENT IN SALT & INVITING SAID GOVERNMENTS TO KEEP GA INFORMED OF RESULTS."} {"rcid":1413,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-02","unres":"R/28/3184B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"RES, ADVISING PREP COMMITTEE HAS BEEN FORMED OF PARTIES OF GOVERNORS OF IAEA OF REPR AT CONF OF COMTE ON DISARMAMENT TO REVIEW TREATY ON NON-POLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS AFTER 3/5/75 & REQ SYG TO RENDER ALL NECESSARY ASSISTANCE TO SAID PREP"} {"rcid":1414,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-02","unres":"R/28/3184C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"RES, I.A., REAFFIRMING RESP OF UN IN ACHIEVING ULTIMATE GOAL OF COMPLETE DISARMAMENT UNDER INTL CONTROL; INVITING STATES PARTIES TO SUCH NEGOTIATIONS ADOPT MEASURES STABILIZING DISARMAMENT IN ALL REGIONS; & REQ SYG TO DISSEMINATE PRESENT RES &"} {"rcid":1415,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-04","unres":"R/28/3079","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"RES, I.A., NOTING FRANCE & CHINA HAD SIGNED IN 1973; URGING USSR TO SIGN & RATIFY PROTOCOL; & DECIDING TO INCL ITEM IN 29TH GA AGENDA."} {"rcid":1416,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-04","unres":"R/28/3080","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"RES, URGING ALL STATES ACCEPT PRINS & OBJECTS IN A/RES/2832 (XXVI) AS CONTRIB TO STRENGTHENING OF REG'L & INTL SECURITY; REQ AD HOC COMTE CONTINUE ITS WORK; REQ SYG PREPARE FACTUAL STATEMENT RE GREAT POWERS' MILITARY PRESENCE, ETC., & TRANS STU"} {"rcid":1417,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-04","unres":"R/28/3077","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS","descr":"RES, I.A., REAFFIRMING OBJECT OF EFFECTIVE PROHIB OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS; REQ CONF OF COMTE ON DISARMAMENT (CCD) TO CONTINUE NEGOTIATIONS OF EARLY AGREEMENT ON MEASURES FOR PROHIB OF DEV OF & ELIM OF SUCH WEAPONS; & INVITING ALL STATES TO ACCEDE T"} {"rcid":1418,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-04","unres":"R/28/3078A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"RES, CONDEMNING NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS; REITERATING CONVICTION NO REASON FOR DELAYING CONCLUSION OF COMPREHENSIVE TEST BAN; & URGING ALL GOVERNMENTS TO BRING NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS TO HALT."} {"rcid":1419,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-04","unres":"R/28/3078B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"RES, CALLING UPON NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES SEEK END OF TESTS; URGING ADHERENCE TO TREATY BANNING NUCLEAR WEAPON TEST IN ATMOSPHERE; REQ CCD ELAB TREATY TO ACHIEVE TEST BAN & DECIDING PLACE ON 29TH GA AGENDA. \\URGENT NEED FOR CESSATION OF ... TEST"} {"rcid":1420,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3154A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ATOMIC RADIATION","descr":"RES, I.A., DEPLORING ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION BY RADIATION FROM TESTING OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS; & REQ SCIENTIFIC COMTE TO CONTINUE ITS WORK."} {"rcid":1421,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3154B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ATOMIC RADIATION","descr":"RES, I.A., COMMENDING UN SCIENTIFIC COMTE ON ITS WORK; REQUESTING COMTE TO REVIEW AT 23RD SESS, OVER-ALL EFFECTS OF RADIATION & REPORT THEREON TO 29TH GA."} {"rcid":1422,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3154C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ATOMIC RADIATION","descr":"RES, I.A., INCREASING MEMBERSHIP OF SCIENTIFIC COMTE ON EFFECTS OF ATOMIC RADIATION TO MAXIMUM OF 20 MEMBRRS; & FORMULATING GUIDELINES FOR SELECTION OF SUCH MEMBERS BY GA PRESIDENT IN CONSUL WITH CHAIRMAN OF REGIONAL GROUPS."} {"rcid":1423,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-11-03","unres":"R/28/3154D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ATOMIC RADIATION","descr":"RES, I.A., REQUESTS UN SCIENTIFIC COMTE ON EFFECTS OF ATOMIC RADIATION TO MEET AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO UPDATE CONCLUSIONS REACHED IN LATES REPORT (A/8725 & CORR.1) WITH VIEW TO SUBMITTING SAME TO PRESENT GA."} {"rcid":1424,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-10-05","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CAMBODIA REPRESENTATION","descr":"INCLUSION OF ITEM \\RESTORATION OF LAWFUL RIGHTS OF THE ROYAL GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL UNION OF CAMBODIA IN THE UNITED NATION\\\\.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1425,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-03","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CAMBODIA REPRESENTATION","descr":"LIBERIAN MOTION TO DEFER DEBATE ON AGENDA ITEM UNTIL 29TH GA."} {"rcid":1426,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-10-06","unres":"R/28/3181A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, CREDENTIALS","descr":"SOMALIAN REQUEST FOR SUSPENSION OF MEETING UNTIL REPORT OF CREDENTIALS COMTE ON VALIDITY OF CREDENTIALS OF REPRESENTATIVES OF SOUTH AFRICA IS RECEIVED."} {"rcid":1427,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-10-07","unres":"R/28/3181B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, CREDENTIALS","descr":"AMEND TO REPORT (A/9179) ADDING \\THE GA REJECTS THE CREDENTIALS OF THE REPRESENTATIVES OF SOUTH AFRICA.\\\\ AFTER PARA 14.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1428,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-01","unres":"R/28/3181C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PORTUGAL, CREDENTIALS","descr":"INSERTION OF NEW PARA APPROVING, I.A., CREDENTIALS OF REPRESENTATIVEA OF PORTUAL, ON CLEAR UNDERSTANDING THEY REPRESENT ONLY CONTINENTAL PORTUGAL, AS SECTION I OF RESOLUTION (A/9179/ADD.1 & CORR 1)."} {"rcid":1429,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-01","unres":"R/28/3181D","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"CAMBODIA, CREDENTIALS","descr":"AMEND TO RES (A/9179/ADD.1 & CORR.1) ADDING AT END THEREOF EXCEPT WITH REGARD TO THE CREDENTIALS OF THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE KHMER REPUBLIC.\\\\"} {"rcid":1430,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3092A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"RES, I.A., AFFIRMING 1949 GENEVA CONVENTION APPLIES TO ARAB TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL SINCE 1967 & CALLING UPON ISRAEL & ALL STATES PARTIES TO THAT CONVENTION TO COMPLY THEREWITH."} {"rcid":1431,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3092B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"RES, I.A., COMMENDING SPECIAL COMTE FOR ITS WORK; CALLING UPON ISRAEL TO DESIST IMMEDIATELY FROM CHANGING PHYSICAL CHARACTER, DEMOGRAPHIC COMPOSITION, ETC., OF SUCH TERRITORIES DECLARING THOSE CHANGES ALREADY MADE AS NULL & VOID; & REQ SPECIAL"} {"rcid":1432,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3089A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNRWA","descr":"RES, I.A., REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF DISPLACED PERSONS TO RETURN TO THEIR HOMES; DEPLORING REFUSAL OF ISRAEL TO PERMIT SUCH RETURN; & CALLING UPON ISRAEL TO TAKE IMMEDIATE STEPS TO COMPLY IMPLE OF PRESENT RES."} {"rcid":1433,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3089B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNRWA","descr":"RES, AFFIRMING THAT PEOPLE OF PALESTINE ARE ENTITLED TO EQUAL RIGHTS & SELF-DETERMINATION, IN ACCORD WITH UN CHARTER, & DECLARING THAT FULL RESPECT FOR THEIR INALIENABLE RIGHTS IS AN INDISPENSABLE ELEMENT IN ESTAB FOR JUST & LASTING PEACE IN MI"} {"rcid":1434,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3089C","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"UNRWA","descr":"AMENDMENT TO RES I E (A/9372) BY DELETING IN LAST PREAM PARA WORDS \\, AND IN PARTICULAR THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY,\\\\.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1435,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3089D","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"UNRWA","descr":"PREAM PARA 5, AS AMENDED, OF RESOLUTION I E (A/9372)."} {"rcid":1436,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-01","unres":"R/28/3171A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"SOVEREIGNTY, NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"U.K. ORAL AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION V (A/9400) BY REWORDING OP PARA 1."} {"rcid":1437,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-01","unres":"R/28/3171B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOVEREIGNTY, NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"OP PARA 2 OF RESOLUTION V (A/9400)."} {"rcid":1438,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-01","unres":"R/28/3171C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SOVEREIGNTY, NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"OP PARA 3 OF RESOLUTION V (A/9400)."} {"rcid":1439,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-01","unres":"R/28/3171D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOVEREIGNTY, NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF STATES TO PERM SOVEREIGNTY OVER THEIR NATURAL RESOURCES; REEMPHASIZING ATTEMPTS BY STATES AT COERCING OTHER STATES ENGAGED IN REORG OF THEIR INTERNAL STRUCTURE OR ... ARE IN VIOLATION OF CHARTER & A/RES/2625 (XXV); & R"} {"rcid":1440,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-01","unres":"R/28/3175A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NATURAL RESOURCES, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"OP PARA 4 OF RESOLUTION IX (A/9400)."} {"rcid":1441,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-01","unres":"R/28/3175B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NATURAL RESOURCES, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"RES, I.A., AFFIRMING RIGHT OF ARAB STATES & PEOPLES UNDER FOREIGN OCCUPATION TO PERMANENT SOVEREIGNTY; REAFFIRMING ISRAELI MEASURES TO EXPLOIT SUCH RESOURCES TO BE ILLEGAL; & AFFIRMING RIGHT OF STATES TO FULL COMPENSATION FOR EXPLOITATION OF ,O"} {"rcid":1442,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-04","unres":"R/28/3122","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND","descr":"RES, I.A., WELCOMING DECISION OF UNDP GOV COUNCIL FUND TO BE USED PRIMARILY TO AID L.D.C'S; REQ SYG & UNDP ADM EXPLORE MEANS FOR MORE EFFECTIVE USE OF RESOURCES; APPEALING TO MEMBER STATES TO CONTRIB SUBSTANTIALLY TO FUND; & DECIDING TO PRESERV"} {"rcid":1443,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-04","unres":"R/28/3083","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNCTAD","descr":"RES, REQ UNCTAD SYG TO PREPARE STUDY ON INDEXATION OF PRICES OF COMMODITIES OF DEVELOPED COUNTRIES, & EXAMINE WAYS OF AUTOMATICALLY LINKING UNIT PRICES OF IMPORTS FROM DEVELOPED COUNTRIES & EXPORTS FROM DEVELOPING COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":1444,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-04","unres":"R/28/3081A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. UNIVERSITY","descr":"DECISION BY 5TH COMTE APPROVING ARTS VIII & IX OF DRAFT CHARTER OF UNIVERSITY (A/9149/ADD.2) & ENDORSING ADV COMTE'S INTERPRETATION OF BUDGET ADMINISTRATION (A/9368)."} {"rcid":1445,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-04","unres":"R/28/3081B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. UNIVERSITY","descr":"RES, I.A., ADOPTING CHARTER OF UN UNIVERSITY; LOCATING UNIVERSITY CENTER IN TOKYO; RECOMMENDING AREAS OF PURSUIT FOR UNIVERSITY; & AUTHORIZING SYG, PENDING RECTOR'S INSTALLATION, TO IMPLE PROVS OF CHARTER; & DECIDING EXPENSES INVOLVED IN SUCH I"} {"rcid":1446,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3093A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"S.C. MILITARY BUDGET REDUCTION","descr":"RES, RECOM PERMANENT MEMBERS OF SC REDUCE MILITARY BUDGETS BY 10% FROM 1973 LEVEL DURING NEXT FINAN YEAR & ALLOT 10% OR RELEASED FUNDS FOR ASSIST TO DEVL COUNTRIES; & ESTAB SPECIAL COMTE FOR DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS WITH INSTRUCTIONS AS TO ITS PRO"} {"rcid":1447,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3093B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"S.C. MILITARY BUDGET REDUCTION","descr":"RES, REQ SYG TO PREPARE REPORT ON REDUCTION OF MILITARY BUDGETS OF SC PERMANENT MEMBERS, AS WELL AS OTHER STATES WITH MAJOR ECONOMIC & MILITARY POTENTIAL; ON UTILIZATION OF FUNDS IN PROVIDING ASSISTANCE; & TO REPORT TO 29TH GA."} {"rcid":1448,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-01","unres":"R/28/3167","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. RESOURCE EXPLORATION","descr":"RES, I.A., ESTAB FUND AS TRUST FUND IN CHARGE OF SYG & ADMIN BY UNDP ADMINISTRATOR; INVITING IBRD TO COOPERATE IN PROCEDURAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR FUND FOR SUBMISSION TO 18TH SES OF GOV COUNCIL; & AUTHORIZING SYG TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS FOR FUND."} {"rcid":1449,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-01","unres":"R/28/3169","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LAND-LOCKED DEVELOPMENT","descr":"RES, I.A., INVITING MEMBER STATES ET AL TO ASSIST SUCH COUNTRIES IN EXERCISE OF RIGHT OF FREE ACCESS TO & FROM SEA; & REQ SYG PURSUANT TO E/RES/1755(LIV), IN CONSULTATION WITH UNCTAD, TO STUDY ESTAB OF FUND IN FAVOR OF SUCH COUNTRIES"} {"rcid":1450,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-01","unres":"R/28/3172","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"SPECIAL SESSION OF G.A.","descr":"RES, AS AMENDED, DECIDING HOLD SPECIAL SESSION OF GA PRIOR 30TH GA FOR PURPOSE CONSIDERING DEVELOPMENT & INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC COOPERATION IN LINE WITH MAKING UN SYSTEM MORE EFFECTIVE IN IMPLE OF II DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY, REQ 57TH ECOSOC CONSID"} {"rcid":1451,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-04","unres":"R/28/3129","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. ENVIRONMENTAL PROG.","descr":"RES, I.A., CONSIDERING IT NECESSARY TO ENSURE EFFECTIVE COOPERATION BETWEEN COUNTRIES SHARING NATURAL RESOURCES BY ESTAB OF INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS & RECOM GOVERNING COUNCIL OF UNEP, IN KEEPING WITH ITS MANDATE, ADOPT MEASURES TO SET SUCH STAND"} {"rcid":1452,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-04","unres":"R/28/3128","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN SETTLEMENTS","descr":"RES, I.A., REQ SYG TO UNDERTAKE STUDY ENVISAGED IN A/RES/2998(XXVII) PROVIDING NEW CRITERIA RE LENDING & INTEREST RATES BY INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS FOR HOUSING & HUMAN SETTLEMENTS & REQ COOPERATION FROM RELEVANT UN BODIES."} {"rcid":1453,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3148","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CULTURAL VALUES, DEVELOPMENT","descr":"RES, I.A., URGING GOVERNMENTS TO MAKE CULTURAL VALUES INTEGRAL PART OF DEVELOPMENT; APPEALING TO MEMBER STATES TO RESPECT NATIONAL LEGISLATION FOR PROTECTION OF ARTISTIC HERITAGE; REQ UNESCO DIRECTOR-GENERAL TO STUDY SUCH LEGISLATION & INITIATE"} {"rcid":1454,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3149A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY","descr":"RES, REQ COMMISSION OF HUMAN RIGHTS TO GIVE PRIORITY TO CONSIDERATION OF ITEM."} {"rcid":1455,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3149B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY","descr":"SCIENTIFIC & TECH. DEV. IN INTERESTS OF PEACE & SOC. DEV. RES, RECOM ALL STATES PURSUE POLICY OF USING DEVELOPMENTS TO BENEFIT ALL SECTORS OF POPULATION; RECOG USE OF ACHIEVEMENTS IN DEFIANCE OF HUMAN RIGHTS IS FLAGRANT VIOLATION OF UN CHARTER"} {"rcid":1456,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-02","unres":"R/28/3187","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"RESTITUTION OF EXPROPRIATED ART","descr":"RES, AS AMENDED, AFFIRMING PROMPT RESTITUTION THEREOF, WITH OUT CHARGE, WILL STRENGTHEN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AS CONSTITUTING JUST REPARATION; OBLIGATION OF COUNTRIES HAVING ACCESS TO SUCH ART ONLY AS RESULT OF OCCUPATION; & REQ SYG IN CONS"} {"rcid":1457,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-11-07","unres":"R/28/3074A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"AMENDMENT TO RES B (A/9249) BY ADDITION OF WORDS \\AND OPTIONAL PROTOCOL\\\\ TO SUB-PARA (B) OR OP PARA 2.\\\"\""} {"rcid":1458,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-01","unres":"R/28/3074B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"WAR CRIMES, INT'NL COOPERATION","descr":"AMENDMENT TO RES (A/9326) ADDING NEW OP PARA 2 & RENUMBERING REMAINING PARAS ACCORDINGLY."} {"rcid":1459,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-01","unres":"R/28/3074C","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"WAR CRIMES, INT'NL COOPERATION","descr":"AMENDMENT TO RES (A/9326) ADDING NEW OP PARA 3 & RENUMBERING REMAINING PARAS ACCORDINGLY."} {"rcid":1460,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-01","unres":"R/28/3074D","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"WAR CRIMES, INT'NL COOPERATION","descr":"AMENDMENT TO RES (A/9326) REPLACING OP PARA 6 BY NEW ONE."} {"rcid":1461,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-01","unres":"R/28/3074E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WAR CRIMES, INT'NL COOPERATION","descr":"RES, DECLARING WAR CRIMES & THOSE VS HUMANITY SHALL BE SUBJECT TO PUNISHMENT AFTER DUE TRIAL CONDUCTED IN CONFORMITY WITH UN CHARTER & DECL ON FRIENDLY RELATIONS; REQ COOPERATION OF STATES IN APPREHENSION & EXTRADITION; DENYING ASYLUM TO SUCH P"} {"rcid":1462,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-03","unres":"R/28/3117A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, ARMED CONFLICTS","descr":"RES, EXPRESSING APPRECIATION TO SWISS FEDERAL COUNCIL FOR CONVOKING 1974 DIPLOMATIC CONF ON REAFFIRMATION & DEV OF INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN LAW APPLICABLE TO ARMED CONFLICTS & ICRC FOR PREP DRAFT ADDITIONAL PROTOCOLS TO 1949 GENEVA CONV; URGI"} {"rcid":1463,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-03","unres":"R/28/3117B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, ARMED CONFLICTS","descr":"RES, I.A., SETTING FORTH SIX BASIC PRINCIPLES OF LEGAL STATUS OF COMBATANTS STRUGGLING AGAINST COLONIAL & ALIEN DOMINATION & RACIST REGIMES."} {"rcid":1464,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3142","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"RES, I.A., DECIDING TO INCLUDE IN AGENDA OF 30TH GA \\ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES & WAYS & MEANS WITHIN UN SYSTEM FOR IMPROVING EFFECTIVE ENJOYMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS & FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t1\t0\t0"} {"rcid":1465,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-03","unres":"R/28/3110","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"RES, I.A., DEPLORING FAILURE OF SOME MEMBER STATES TO TRANSMIT PROPERLY INFORMATION UNDER ART 73E; CONDEMNING GOVERNMENT OF PORTUGAL IN THIS REGARD; & REITERATING REQ ADMIN POWER TRANSMIT SUCH INFORMATION WITHIN PRESCRIBED TIME LIMIT."} {"rcid":1466,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-03","unres":"R/28/3118","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, COLONIAL COUNTRIES","descr":"RES, CONDEMNING EXPLOITATION OF COLONIAL TERRITORIES; REQ STATES DISCONTINUE FUNDS & MILITARY ASSIST TO REGIMES SUPPRESSING PEOPLES OF COLONIAL TERRITORIES & THEIR LIBERATION MOVEMENTS; REQ ADMIN POWERS PARTICULARLY WITHDRAWN PARTIC IN CABORA B"} {"rcid":1467,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-03","unres":"R/28/3117","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, COLONIAL COUNTRIES","descr":"RES, REITERATING REQ SA, ESP UNDP & IBRD, INCREASE ASSISTANCE TO REFUGEES FROM COLONIAL TERRS; WITHHOLD ASSIST FROM GOVERNMENTS OF PORT, SO. AFR & SO. RHODESIA UNTIL THEY RENOUNCE DISCRIM POLICIES; REQ COOPERATION WITH OAU; REQ ECOSOC CONSIDER"} {"rcid":1468,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3156","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MILITARY INSTALLATIONS","descr":"RES, I.A., REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF PEOPLES OF TERRITORIES TO SELF-DETERM & INDEPENDENCE; DEPRECATING ANY ATTEMPT TO DESTROY TERR INTEGRITY OF TERRITORIES & ESTAB OF MILITARY BASES THEREIN; CALLING UPON ADMIN POWERS TO RECEIVE VM; & DISCONTINUE FU"} {"rcid":1469,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3164A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DECOLOIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"RES, I.A., REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF PEOPLES OF TERRITORIES TO SELF-DETERM & INDEPENDENCE; CONDEMNING COLONIAL POWERS FOR IMPOSING ARBITRARY REGIMES; & ENCOURAGING IMMIGRATION DISPLACING IDIGENOUS INHABITANTS; REQ SPECIAL COMTE TO IMPLE GA RESOLUTIO"} {"rcid":1470,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3164B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DECOLOIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"RES I.A., REAFFIRMING VITAL IMPORTANCE OF DISSEMINATION OF INFO ON EVILS OF COLONIALISM; REQ SYG TO GIVE WIDESPREAD PUBLICITY OF WORK OF UN IN FIELD OF DECOLONIZATION, & INVITES ALL STATES, SPECIAL AGENCIES, & OTHER ORGS TO UNDERTAKE LIKE DISSE"} {"rcid":1471,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3163","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, COLONIAL COUNTRIES","descr":"RES, REITERATING FIRM INTENT OF UN, IN COOPERATION WITH OAU, TO FIND SOLUTION TO SITUATION IN SOUTHERN AFRICA; NOTING SYG REPORT ON INT'L CONFERENCE ... FOR SUPPORT OF VICTIMS OF COLONIALISM & APARTHEID IN SOUTHERN AFRICA, OSLO, 4-9 APRIL 73; &"} {"rcid":1472,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3155","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NIUE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH GOVERNMENT OF NEW ZEELAND, AS ADMIN POWER, OF TIMETABLE OF EXERCISE OF THAT RIGHT; & REQ SPECIAL COMTE TO APPT SPECIAL MISSION TO NIUE IN 1974 TO OBSERVE PROCEEDINGS RE ACT OF SELF-DETERMINATION."} {"rcid":1473,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3157","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CARRIBEAN TERRITORIES","descr":"RES, I.A., REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF PEOPLES OF TERRITORIES TO SELF-DETERMINATION & INDEPENDENCE; CALLING UPON ADMIN POWERS TO ENSURE SPEEDY ATTAINMENT OF SAID RIGHTS; TO RECEIVE VM'S; & TO SAFEGUARD RIGHTS OF PEOPLE TO THEIR NATURAL RESOURCES."} {"rcid":1474,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3158","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SEYCHELLES","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF PEOPLE OF SEYCHELLES TO SELF-DETERMINATION & INDEPENDENCE IN CONFORMITY WITH A/RES/1514-(XV) & REQ ADMIN POWER TO RECEIVE UN SPECIAL MISSION ENVISAGED UNDER A/RES/2866(XXVI) WITH VIEW TO MAKING NECESSARY ARRANGEMENTS F"} {"rcid":1475,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3159","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BRUNEI, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF PEOPLE OF BRUNEI TO SELF-DETERMINATION; REQ ADMIN POWER TO FURNISH INFORMATION TO SPECIAL COMTE & PARTICIPATE IN PROCEEDINGS THEREOF; & TO RECEIVE IN TERRITORY VM."} {"rcid":1476,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3160","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FALKLAND ISLANDS","descr":"RES, I.A., URGING GOVERNMENTS OF ARGENTINA & U.K. IN ACCORDANCE WITH RELEVANT GA RESOLUTIONS, TO PROCEED, WITHOUT DELAY, WITH NEGOTIATIONS TO SOLVE CONFLICT OF SOVEREIGNTY BETWEEN THEM RE FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)."} {"rcid":1477,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3161","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COMOROS","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF PEOPLES OF COMORO TO SELF-DETERMINATION; CALLING UPON FRANCE, AS ADMIN POWER, TO TAKE NECESSARY MEASURES TO ACHIEVE INDEPENDENCE FOR PEOPLES OF COMORO; & REQ SAID POWER TO COOPERATE WITH SPECIAL COMT'S MISSION APPRAISA"} {"rcid":1478,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3162","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SPANISH SAHARA","descr":"RES, I.A., DECL CONTINUED EXISTENCE OF SITUATION IN TERRITORY ENDANGERS PEACE IN NORTH-WEST AFRICA; REPEATING INVITATION TO ADMIN POWER TO DETERM PROCEDURES FOR HOLDING REFERENDUM IN TERR; & REQ SYG TO SEND SPEC MISSION TO SPANISH SAHARA TO ASS"} {"rcid":1479,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-10-01","unres":"R/28/3055","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"RES, I.A., CONDEMNING FAILURE OF GOVERNMENT OF SO. AFRICA TO COMPLY WITH GA & SC REQUESTS FOR RELEASE OF POLITICAL PRISONERS, APPEALING TO ALL TO PUBLICIZE & SUPPORT LEGITIMATE CAUSE OF SUCH PERSONS."} {"rcid":1480,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3151A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"RES, I.A., COMMENDING RES OF INT'L CONFERENCE OF TRADE THEID & OPI TO MAKE SPECIAL EFFORT, IN COOPERATION WITH ILO TO ACQUAINT ALL TRADE UNIONS WITH SITUATION IN SO. AFRICA & PUBLICIZE ACTIVITIES OF TRADE UNION TOWARDS ERADICATION OF APARTHEID."} {"rcid":1481,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3151B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"RES, I.A., REQ SPECIAL COMTE TO INTENSIFY ITS EFFORTS IN DISCHARGE OF ITS MANDATE; AUTHORIZING SPECIAL COMTE TO HOLD SPECIAL SESSION IN EUROPE IN 1974; & URGING CONSULTATIONS WITH VIEW TO CONSIDER WAYS & MEANS OF STRENGTHENING INT'L ACTION AGAI"} {"rcid":1482,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3151C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"RES, I.A., REQ UNIT ON APARTHEID & OPI TO INTENSIFY DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION ON APARTHEID; INVITING GOVERNMENTS & NGO'S TO COOPERATE IN THIS EFFORT; REQ SYG TO ESTAB AN INFORMATION CENTER IN INDEP AFRICAN STATE BORDERING SO. AFRICA; & REQ S"} {"rcid":1483,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3151D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"RES, I.A., COMMENDING SPECIAL COMTE ON APARTHEID FOR ZEAL IN DISCHARGE OF ITS MANDATE; PRESCRIBING GUIDELINES FOR MORE INTENSIFIED COOPERATION WITH OTHER UN ORGANS; REQ SPECIFIC REPORTS FOR 29TH GA; REQ UN ORGANS TO CONSULT WITH SPECIAL COMTE"} {"rcid":1484,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3151E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"RES, I.A., CALLING ON ALL GOVERNMENTS, UN ORGS, ESPECIALLY UNESCO, OPI, & UNIT ON APARTHEID, TO INTENSIFY COORDINATION PROGRAMS AGAINST APARTHEID, IN OBSERVANCE OF DECADE FOR ACTION TO COMBAT RACISM & RACIAL DISCRIMINATION."} {"rcid":1485,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3151F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, TRUST FUND","descr":"RES, I.A., APPEALING TO ALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO TRUST FUND & REQ SYG & COMTE OF TRUSTEES TO SUBMIT REPORT TO 29TH GA ON NEEDS OF HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE WITHIN TERMS OF REFERENCE OF TRUST FUND."} {"rcid":1486,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3151G","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"AMENDMENT TO RES G (A/9232/ADD.1) ADDING ADDITIONAL PREAM PARA 7."} {"rcid":1487,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-05","unres":"R/28/3151H","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"AMENDMENT TO RES G (A/9232/ADD.1) INSERTING NEW OP PARA 5 & RENUMBERING FOLLOWING PARAS ACCORDINGLY."} {"rcid":1488,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-03","unres":"R/28/3111","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA","descr":"RES, CONDEMNING GOVT OF SO. AFRICA'S PERSISTENT REFUSAL TERMINATE ILLEGAL OCCUPATION OF TERRITORY, ETC., TERMINATES CONTACTS BTW SYG & SAID GOVT UNDER TERMS S/RES/323(72); REQ ALL STATES & UN BODIES COOPERATE WITH UN COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA IN DISC"} {"rcid":1489,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-03","unres":"R/28/3112","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA","descr":"RES. I.A., ALLOCATING TO UN FUND FOR NAMIBIA $100,000 FROM 1974 REGULAR UN BUDGET; INVITING GOVERNMENTS APPEAL FOR VOLUNTARY CONTRIBS; APPOINTS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA AS TRUSTEE OF FUND; & DECIDING, PENDING ENTRY INTO FULL OPERATION OF PROGRAM, NA"} {"rcid":1490,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-10-03","unres":"R/28/3061A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GUINEA-BISSAU","descr":"INCLUSION OF ITEM \\ILLEGAL OCCUPATION BY PORTUGUESE MILITARY FORCES OF CERTAIN SECTORS OF THE REPUBLIC OF GUINEA-BISSAU & ACTS OF AGGRESSION COMMITTED BY THEM AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF THE REPUBLIC.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t1\t0"} {"rcid":1491,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-11-03","unres":"R/28/3061B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GUINEA-BISSAU","descr":"S, I.A., WELCOMING INDEPENDENCE OF REPUBLIC; CONDEMNING POLICIES OF GOVERNMNET OF PORTUGAL; DEMANDING THAT GOVERNMENT WITHDRAW ITS ARMED FORCES FROM TERRITORIES; DRAWING ATTENTION OF SC TO SITUATION & URGING COUNCIL TO TAKE EFFECTIVE STEPS TO R"} {"rcid":1492,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-03","unres":"R/28/3113A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PORTUGESE TERRITORIES","descr":"RES, I.A., REAFFIRMING RIGHTS OF PEOPLE OF PORTUGUESE TERRITORIES TO SELF-DETERMIN & NATIONAL LIBERATION MOVEMENTS TRUE REPRS OF PEOPLES; CONDMENS PERSISTENT REFUSAL OF PORTUGAL TO COMPLY WITH GA RESOLUTIONS; APPEALING TO ALL STATES, ESP NATO"} {"rcid":1493,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-03","unres":"R/28/3113B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PORTUGESE TERRITORIES","descr":"RES, ESTAB A COMMISSION OF INQUIRY OF 5 MEMBERS TO BE APPOINTED GA PRESIDENT, TO INVESTIGATE REPORTED ATROCITIES; REPORT FINDINGS TO GA AS SOON AS POSSIBLE; & REQ PORT GOVT TO COOP WITH SAID COMMISSION."} {"rcid":1494,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-03","unres":"R/28/3115","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN RHODESIA","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING PRIM THERE BE NO INDEPENDENCE BEFORE MAJOR ITY RULE IN ZIMBABWE; CALLING UPON UK BRING ABOUT CONDITS ENABLE ZIMBABWESE EXERCISE RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION; & SELECT OF POLITICAL FUTURE ON BASIS ONE-MAN VOTE; & CALLING UPON ALL"} {"rcid":1495,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-03","unres":"R/28/3116","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN RHODESIA","descr":"RES, I.A., CONDEMNING UK'S FAILURE TO END ILLEGAL REGIME IN ZIMBABWE; CONDEMNING VIOLATIONS & FAILURE OF CERTAIN STATES TO ENFORCE MANDATORY SANCTIONS; & DRAWS ATTN OF SC TO CONSIDER IMPOSING SANCTIONS AGAINST PORTUGAL & SO. AFRICA, WITH ADD'L"} {"rcid":1496,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-03","unres":"R/28/3119","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROGRAM, SOUTHERN AFRICA","descr":"RES, I.A., AGAIN APPEALING TO ALL STATES TO MAKE GENEROUS CONTRIBS; APPROVING COOPERATION BETWEEN PROGRAM, UNHCR, SPECIAL AGENCIES, OAU & OTHERS ASSISTING PERSONS FROM SO. AFRICA; & DECIDING PROVIDE $100,000 UNDER 1974 BUDGET TO ENSURE CONTINU"} {"rcid":1497,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-02","unres":"R/28/3101","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"RES, I.A., APPROPRIATING AMOUNT OF $30 MILLION FOR ODER OF UNEF FROM 10/25/73-4/24/74 REQ SYG TO ESTABLISH SPECIAL ACCOUNT; OUTLINING FORMULA FOR APPORTIONMENT OF EXPENSES; DEFINING TERM \\ECON LESS DEV MEMBER STATES\\\\ AS USED IN RES; AUTHORIZIN\""} {"rcid":1498,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-02","unres":"R/28/3195A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROGRAM BUDGET, 1974-1975","descr":"APPROVAL OF TOTAL BUDGET APPROPRIATION FOR BIENNIUM 1974/75 IN AMOUNT OF $540,473,000."} {"rcid":1499,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-02","unres":"R/28/3195B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROGRAM BUDGET, 1974-1975","descr":"RES, SETTING OUT PROVISIONS FOR FINANCING OF APPROPRIATION FOR FINANCIAL YEAR 1974."} {"rcid":1500,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-02","unres":"R/28/3196","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROGRAM BUDGET, 1974-1975","descr":"RES, AUTHORIZING SYG TO ENTER INTO COMMITMENTS TO MEET UN FORSEEN & EXTRAORDINARY EXPENSES FOR BIENNIUM 1974/75."} {"rcid":1501,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-02","unres":"R/28/3197","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROGRAM BUDGET, 1974-1975","descr":"RES, ESTABLISHING WORKING CAPITAL FUND FOR BIENNIUM 1974/75 IN AMOUNT OF $40 MILLION; OUTLINING REQUISITES FOR MEMBER STATES MAKING ADVANCES TO FUND; AUTHORIZING SYG TO MAKE ADVANCES FROM FUND; & PROVIDING EMERGENCY MEASURES TO BE UTILIZED BY S"} {"rcid":1502,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-02","unres":"R/28/3198A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"PROGRAM BUDGET, 1974-1975","descr":"AMENDMENT TO OP PARA 1 OF RES (A/9450/ADD.1) INSERTING \\ASST SECRETARIES-GENERAL\\\\ AFTER \\\\\"UNDER SECRETARIES-GENERAL.\\\\\"\""} {"rcid":1503,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-02","unres":"R/28/3198B","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"PROGRAM BUDGET, 1974-1975","descr":"MOTION FOR ROLL-CALL VOTE ON RECONSID OF VOTE ON AMENDMENT (A/1.724/REV.1) ON USSR CONTENTION SIMPLE MAJORITY VOTE NULLIFIED UNDER RULE 84 REQ 2/3 MAJORITY ON \\BUDGETARY QUESTIONS.\\\\ (A/PV.2206) (AFTER VOTING TO RECONSIDER, MBRS VOTED 2/3 MAJOR\""} {"rcid":1504,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-02","unres":"R/28/3198C","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"PROGRAM BUDGET, 1974-1975","descr":"RES, AS AMENDED, LIMITING STAFF TRAVEL EXPENSES TO ECONOMY AIR CLASS OR ITS EQUIVALANT, EXCEPT FOR SYG, UNDER SECRETARIES-GENERAL, ASST SECRETARIES-GENERAL; EXCEPTIONS THERETO AT SYG'S DISCRETION."} {"rcid":1505,"session":28,"importantvote":0,"date":"1973-12-02","unres":"R/28/3198D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROGRAM BUDGET, 1974-1975","descr":"RES, I.A., REQ SYG IMPLEMENT 1974/75 BUDGET PROGRAM INFORM ECOSOC OF CHANGES NECESSARY TO DO SO; & PROVIDING GUIDELINES FOR REVIEW & COORDINATION OF BUDGET SYSTEM IN UNITED NATIONS ORGAN."} {"rcid":1506,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3255A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAPALM","descr":"RES, INVITING DIPL CONF ON REAFFIRMATION & DEV OF INTL HUMANITARIAN LAW TO CONT CONSID OF SUCH WEAPONS & OTHERS DEEMED TO CAUSE UNNEC SUFFERING; CONT SEARCH FOR AGREEMENT ON RULES PROHIBITING OR RESTRICTING USE OF SUCH WEAPONS; CONSID RESULTS O"} {"rcid":1507,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3255B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAPALM","descr":"RES, CONDEMNING USE OF NAPALM & OTHER INCENDIARY WEAPONS; URGING MORATORIUM ON PRODUCTION, STOCKPILING, PROLIFERATION & USE OF THESE WEAPONS, PENDING CONCL OF AGREEMENTS ON PROHIBITION THEREOF; & REQ SYG PRPR RPT ON THIS SUBJECT FOR 30TH GA."} {"rcid":1508,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3259","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"RES, URGING LITTORAL & HINTERLAND STATES OF IO, PERM MBRS OF SC & OTHER MAJOR MARITIME USERS OF IO TO SUPPORT CONCEPT OCEAN SHLD BE ZONE OF PEACE; ENDORSING RECOMS FOR FUTURE WORK OF AD HOC COMTE AS OUTLINED IN ITS RPT; & REQ LITTORAL & HINTERL"} {"rcid":1509,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3261A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"RES, SHARING DEEP CONCERN EXPRESSED BY US & USSR IN THEIR STATEMENTS TO 29TH GA RE GRAVITY OF SITUATION CREATED BY EXISTING NUCLEAR ARSENALS & ARMS RACE; URGING USSR & US TO ACCELERATE PACE OF SALT TALKS; & INVITING BOTH COUNTRIES TO KEEP GA IN"} {"rcid":1510,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3261B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"PREAM PARA 7 OF RESOLUTION D (A/9907)."} {"rcid":1511,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3261C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"PREAM PARA 9 OF RESOLUTION D (A/9907)."} {"rcid":1512,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3261D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"PREAM PARA 10 OF RESOLUTION D (A/9907)."} {"rcid":1513,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3261E","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"PREAM PARA 11 OF RESOLUTION D (A/9907)."} {"rcid":1514,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3261F","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"OP PARA 4 OF RESOLUTION D (A/9907)."} {"rcid":1515,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3261G","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"OP PARA 5 OF RESOLUTION D (A/9907)."} {"rcid":1516,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3261H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"RES, APPEALING TO ALL STATES TO EXERT EFFORTS IN ALL INTL FORUMS TO WORK OUT EFFECT MEASURES FOR CESSA OF NUCLEAR ARMS RACE; CALLING UPON CCD TO INCLU IN RPT TO 30TH GA SECT ON CONSID OF ARMS CONTROL IMPLI OF PEACEFUL NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS, ETC.,"} {"rcid":1517,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-03","unres":"R/29/3332","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING PRINS & PROVS OF 1970 DECLARATION ON STRENGTHENING OF INT'L SECURITY; APPEALING TO ALL STATES TO BROADEN SCOPE OF DETENTE TO COVER ENTIRE WORLD; TO TAKE PRACTICAL STEPS TO REDUCE ARMAMENTS; & REAFFIRMING PRINCIPLES CONTAINED IN"} {"rcid":1518,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3262A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"RES, NOTING WITH SATISFACTION ADD'L PROTOCOL II HAS ENTERED INTO FORCE FOR U.K., U.S., FRANCE & CHINA; URGING USSR TO SIGN & RATIFY PROTOCOL; & DECIDING TO KEEP ITEM ON AGENDA OF 30TH GA."} {"rcid":1519,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3261I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, AFRICA","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING CALL UPON ALL STATES TO CONSID & RESPECT AFRICA AS NUCLEAR-FREE ZONE; TO REFRAIN FROM TESTING, MANUFACTURING,...USING OR THREATENING TO USE NUCLEAR WEAPONS ON AFRICAN CONTINENT; & REQ SYG TO RENDER NECESSARY ASSIST TO OAU TOWAR"} {"rcid":1520,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3262B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"RES, NOTING WITH SATISFACTION ADD'L PROTOCOL I HAS BEEN RATIFIED BY U.K., & NETHS; & URGING OTHER 2 STATES UNDER WHICH TREATY MAY BECOME PARTIES TO ADD'L PROTOCOL I TO SIGN & RATIFY IT SOONEST, IN ORDER PEOPLE OF AREA IN QUES MAY DERIVE BENEFIT"} {"rcid":1521,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3263A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"PREAM PARAS 13 & 14 P OPER PARA 3 OF RESOL (A/9909)."} {"rcid":1522,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3263B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"RES, COMMENDING IDEA OF ESTAB OF NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE IN REGION OF ME; EXPRESSING HOPE ALL STATES, IN PARTIC NUCLEAR-WEAPONS STATES, WILL LEND FULL COOP FOR EFFECT REALIZATION OF AIMS OF RESOL; & REQ SYG TO ASCERTAIN VIEWS OF PARTIES RE IMP"} {"rcid":1523,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3265A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"RES, CONSIDERING INITIATIVE FOR CREATION OF SUCH ZONE IN APPROPRIATE REGION OF ASIA SHLD COME FROM STATES OF REGION CONCERNED."} {"rcid":1524,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3265B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"RES, INVITING STATES OF SO. ASIAN REGIONS & NEIGHBORING NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES TO INITIATE, WITHOUT DELAY, CONSUL WITH VIEW TO ESTAB SUCH A ZONE, REFRAINING IN INTERIM, FROM ACTION CONTRARY TO ACHIEVEMENT OF OBJECTIVES; & REQ SYG TO CONVENE"} {"rcid":1525,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-11-01","unres":"R/29/3213","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"IAEA","descr":"RES, RECOG IMP OF INT'L CONF ON NUCLEAR POWER & ITS FUEL CYCLE, 1977; COMMENDING IAEA ON ESTAB AN INTL SERVICE FOR NUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS FOR PEACEFUL PURPOSES; & URGING ALL RATIFY OR ACCEDE TO TREATY ON NON-PROLIF OR FINALIZE THEIR SAFEGUARD AGREE"} {"rcid":1526,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3257","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"RES, CALLING UPON ALL STATES NOT YET PARTY TO TREATY BANNING NUCLEAR WEAPONS TESTS IN ATMOSPHERE, OUTER SPACE, ETC., TO ADHERE TO IT FORTHWITH; REFRAIN FR TESTING NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN ALL ENVIR; REQ CCD GIVE HIGHEST PRIOR TO CONCLU OF COMPREHENSI"} {"rcid":1527,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-11-02","unres":"R/29/3257A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CAMBODIA REPRESENTATION","descr":"REQ FOR PRIORITY IN VOTING ON RES (A/L.737.REV.1)."} {"rcid":1528,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-11-02","unres":"R/29/3257B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"CAMBODIA REPRESENTATION","descr":"TEXT OF RES (A/L.737/REV.1) AS REVISED & AMENDED (A/L.745 & CORR.1), WITH EXCEPTION OF AMEND PROPOSED IN OP PARA 4 THEREOF, & ADDITION OF NEW OP PARA 3, ORALLY PROPOSED."} {"rcid":1529,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-11-04","unres":"R/29/3257C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CAMBODIA REPRESENTATION","descr":"PREAM PARA 5 OF RES (A/L.737/REV.2)."} {"rcid":1530,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3323C","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE, REPORT","descr":"SYRIAN ORAL AMEND TO DRAFT RESOL (A/9779/ADD.1) ADDING WORDS \\WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE CREDENTIALS OF THE REPRS OF THE SO-CALLED KHMER REPUBLIC.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0"} {"rcid":1531,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-03","unres":"R/29/3333","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING WISHES OF MBRS, AS EXPRESSED IN CONSENSUS OF 28TH GA, 11/28/73, & URGING BOTH SOUTH & NORTH KOREA TO CONTINUE DIALOGUES TO EXPEDITE PEACEFUL REUNIFICATION OF KOREA; & EXPRESSING HOPE SC WILL GIVE CONSID TO KOREAN QUES, INCLU DI"} {"rcid":1532,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-09-02","unres":"R/29/3323A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE, REPORT","descr":"ORAL RES APPROVING 1ST RPT OF CREDENTIALS COMTE WHICH I.A., ACCEPTS CREDENTIALS OF MBR STATES ... WITH EXCEPTION OF CREDENTIALS OF REPRS OF SO. AFRICA."} {"rcid":1533,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-09-02","unres":"R/29/3323B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE, REPORT","descr":"RES, I.A., CALLING UPON SC TO REVIEW RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN UN & SO. AFRICA IN LIGHT OF CONSTANT VIOLATION BY SO. AFRICA OF PRINS OF CHARTER & UNIV DECL OF HUMAN RIGHTS."} {"rcid":1534,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-11-04","unres":"R/29/3237","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE","descr":"RES, INVITING PALESTINE LIBERATION ORG TO PARTICIPATE IN CAPACITY OF OBSERVER IN SESSIONS & WORK OF GA, ALL INTL CONFS CONVENED UNDER AUSPICES OF GA, & OTHER ORGANS OF UN; & REQ SYG TO TAKE NECESSARY STEPS FOR IMPLE OF PRESENT RES."} {"rcid":1535,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-10-04","unres":"R/29/3210","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PLO","descr":"RES, I.A., INVITING PLO, THE REPR OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE, TO PARTICIPATE IN DELIBS OF GA ON QUES OF PALESTINE IN PLENARY MTGS."} {"rcid":1536,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-11-04","unres":"R/29/3236","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING RIGHTS OF PALESTINIAN PEOPLE IN PALESTINE; RECOGNIZING PALESTINIAN PEOPLE AS A PRINCIPAL PARTY IN ESTAB OF A JUST & LASTING PEACE IN MIDDLE EAST; & REQ SYG TO ESTAB CONTACTS WITH PALESTINE LIBERATION ORG ON ALL MATTERS RE QUES"} {"rcid":1537,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-11-04","unres":"R/29/3240A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"RES, COMMENDING SP COMTE'S WORK; ETC.; DECLARING NULL & VOID CHANGES IN PHY CHARACTER, DEMPGRAPHIC COMPOSITION OF SUCH TERRS; REQ SP COMTE, PENDING EARLY TERM OF ISRAELI OCCUPATION, CONT WORK IN CONSULT WITH ICRC & RPT TO SYG."} {"rcid":1538,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-11-04","unres":"R/29/3240B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING 1949 GENEVA CONV APPLIES TO ARAB TERRS OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL SINCE 1967 & CALLING UPON ISRAEL & ALL STATES PARTIES TO THAT CONV TO COMPLY THEREWITH."} {"rcid":1539,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-11-04","unres":"R/29/3240C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"RES, CONFIRMING SP. COMTE'S CONCL ISRAEL RESPONSIBLE FOR DESTRUCTION & DEVASTATION OF TOWN OF QUNEITRA; CONDEMNING ISRAEL FOR SUCH ACTS; & REQ SP. COMTE TO UNDERTAKE SURVEY OF DESTRUCTION."} {"rcid":1540,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-03","unres":"R/29/3331A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNRWA","descr":"RES, EXTENDING MANDATE OF UNRWA UNTIL 6/30/78; DIRECTING ATTN OF ALL TO UNPRECEDENTED SERIOUSNESS OF AGENCY'S FINAN POSITION; & CALLING UPON ALL GOVTS AS A MATTER OF URGENCY TO CONTRIB GENEROUSLY TO AGENCY."} {"rcid":1541,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-03","unres":"R/29/3331B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNRWA","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF DISPLACED PERSONS TO RETURN TO THEIR HOMES; CALLING UPON ISRAEL ONCE MORE TO TAKE STEPS FOR SUCH RETURN; DEPLORING ISRAELI MILITARY ATTACKS ON REFUGEE CAMPS & CALLING UPON ISRAEL IMMEDIATELY TO DESIST FROM SUCH ATTACKS"} {"rcid":1542,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-11-04","unres":"R/29/3212","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CYPRUS","descr":"RES, I.A., CALLING FOR RESPECT OF REPUBLIC'S TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY & NON-ALINGMENT; CESSATION OF INTERVENTION IN ITS AFFAIRS; RETURN OF REFUGEES TO THEIR HOMES; WITHDRAWAL OF FOREIGN FORCES; P REQ SYG TO BRING RES TO ATTN OF SC."} {"rcid":1543,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-05","unres":"R/29/3283","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PEACE AND SECURITY MAINTAINENCE","descr":"RES, DRAWING ATTN OF STATES TO ESTAB MACHINERY FOR PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT OF INTL DISPUTES; URGING STATES TO BECOME PARTIES TO INSTRUMENTS THEREFOR, PARTICULARLY JURIS OF ICJ; & REQ SYG TO PREPARE RPT ON IMPLE OF PROVISIONS OF CHARTER RELEVANT TO"} {"rcid":1544,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-03","unres":"R/29/3273","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"SOCIAL, ECONOMIC CHANGE","descr":"RES, AS AMEND, REAFFIRM EA STATE HAS SOV RIGHT TO ADOPT ECON & SOC SYSTEM DEEMED APPROP FOR ITS OWN DEVEL; REAFFIRMING FURTHER RIGHT OF EVERY STATE TO CARRY OUT CHANGES FOR PURPOSE OF SOC PROGRESS, INCLU NAT'LIZATION & MEASURES IN CONNECT WITH"} {"rcid":1545,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-03","unres":"R/29/3338","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DEVELOPING ISLAND COUNTRIES","descr":"REWORD OP PARA 3 OF RESOL (A/9886)."} {"rcid":1546,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-03","unres":"R/29/3336A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NATURAL RESOURCES, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"OP PARA 3 OF RES (A/9886)."} {"rcid":1547,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-03","unres":"R/29/3336B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NATURAL RESOURCES, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF ARAB STATES & PEOPLES UNDER ISRAELI OCCUPATION TO PERM SOV; REAFFIRMING ISRAELI MEASURES TO EXPLOIT TO BE ILLEGAL; REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF STATES TO FULL COMPEN FOR DAMAGES; REQ SYG RPT TO 30TH GA ON ADVERSE ECON EFFECTS"} {"rcid":1548,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3254","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"S.C. MILITARY BUDGET REDUCTION","descr":"RES, EXPRESSING APPREC TO SYG ET AL, RENDERING ASSIST IN PREP OF RPT REQ IN A/RES/3093(B) (XXVIII); INVITING STATES TO COMMUNI TO SYG BY 6/30/75 VIEWS ON SPEC SUBJS COVERED IN RPT; REQ SYG PRP BY 8/1/75, RPT FOR 30TH GA CONTAINING VIEWS."} {"rcid":1549,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-05","unres":"R/29/3281A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ECONOMIC RIGHTS AND DUTIES","descr":"RETENTION OF SUBPARA (0) OF CHAPT I, RESOL (A/9946 & CORR. 1)."} {"rcid":1550,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-05","unres":"R/29/3281B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ECONOMIC RIGHTS AND DUTIES","descr":"RETENTION OF ART 3 OF CHAPT II, RESOL (A/9946 & CORR.1)."} {"rcid":1551,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-05","unres":"R/29/3281C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ECONOMIC RIGHTS AND DUTIES","descr":"RES, ADOPTING & COLEMNLY PROCLAIMING CHARTER OF ECONOMIC RIGHTS & DUTIES OF STATES."} {"rcid":1552,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3264","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROHIBITION, ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCING","descr":"RES, TAKING NOTE OF DRAFT INTL \\CONV ON PROHIB OF ACTION TO INFLUENCE ENV & CLIMATE FOR MIL & OTHER PURPOSES, INCOMPATIBLE WITH MAINTENANCE OF INTL SECURITY, HUMAN WELLBEING & HEALTH\\\\ SUBMT BY USSR; NEC ADOPT MEASURES ALONG THESE LINES, REQS C\""} {"rcid":1553,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3325","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN SETTLEMENTS CONFERENCE","descr":"DECIDING THAT UN CONF-EXPO ON HUMAN SETTLEMENTS SHLD HENCEFORTH BE KNOW AS UN CONF ON HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (HABITAT); AGREEING SYG SHLD CONVENE 1ST PREP COMTE SESS AT UN HDQTRS, 1/15-24/75; REQ SYG TO TRANSMIT RPT OF SAID MTG YO 3RD SESS OF UNEP G"} {"rcid":1554,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-11-02","unres":"R/29/3216","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNCTAD","descr":"RES, I.A., REFERRING TO RES 111(XIV) OF TRADE & DEV BOARD, & E/RES/1873(LVI) & COMMISSIONING PRES OF 29TH GA & SYG TO REQ CHILEAN GOVT TO RELEASE IMMEDIATELY FROM IMPRISONMENT MR. CLODOMIRO ALMEYDA, PRES OF 3RD UNCTAD."} {"rcid":1555,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-11-02","unres":"R/29/3219","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILE","descr":"RES, EXPRESSING CONCERN RE FLAGRANT VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN CHILE: URGING CHILEAN AUTHORITIES TO RESPECT PRINS OF UNIV DECL OF HR; & ENDORSING POPM RECOM THAT \\31ST HR COMN STUDY SAID VIOLATIONS, WITH PARTIC REF TO TORTURE, ETC.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t0\t1\t0\t0"} {"rcid":1556,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-03","unres":"","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE","descr":"BULGARIAN ORAL SUB AMEND TO AMEND (A/L.753) TO RESOL (A/9893)."} {"rcid":1557,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-03","unres":"","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE","descr":"AMENDMENT REPLACING OP PARA 3 IN RESOL (A/9893)."} {"rcid":1558,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-11-04","unres":"R/29/3246","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF PEOPLE TO SELF-DETERM; WELCOMING RECOG BY PORTUGAL OF THAT RIGHT OF PEOPLE UNDER ITS COL ADMIN; CONDEMNING GOVTS NOT RECOG THAT RIGHT, ESP & OTHERS WHO ASSIST RACIST REGIMES; REQ SYG EXPLORE INTL ASSIST TO DEPENDENT TE"} {"rcid":1559,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-06","unres":"R/29/3289","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CARRIBEAN TERRITORIES","descr":"BERMUDA, BRITISH & U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS, CAYMAN ISLANDS, MONTSERRAT, TURKS, & CAICOS ISLANDS. RES, REAFFIRMING RIGHTS OF PEOPLES OF TERRS TO SELF-DETERMINATION & INDEPENDENCE; CALLING UPON ADMIN POWERS TO ENSURE SPEEDY ATTAINMENT OF SAID RIGHTS"} {"rcid":1560,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-06","unres":"R/29/3290","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PACIFIC TERRITORIES","descr":"AM SAMOA, GUAM, NEW HEBRIDES, PITCAIRN, ST. HELENA, & SOLOMAN ISLANDS. RES, REAFFIRMING RIGHTS OF PEOPLES OF TERRS TO SELF-DETERMINATION & INDEPENDENCE; CALLING UPON GOVTS OF U.S. & FRANCE, AS ADMIN POWERS TO ENSURE SPEEDY ATTAINMENT OF SAID R"} {"rcid":1561,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-06","unres":"R/29/3292","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SPANISH SAHARA","descr":"RES, DECIDING TO SEEK ADVISORY OPINION FROM ICJ RE STATUS OF TERR AT TIME OF ITS COLONIZATION BY SPAIN; & CALLING UPON SPAIN, AS WELL AS MOROCCO & MAURITANIA AS INTERESTED PARTIES, TO SBMT TO ICJ ALL INFO & DOCUMENTS AS MAY BE NEEDED TO CLARIFY"} {"rcid":1562,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-06","unres":"R/29/3293","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"RES, DEPLORING FAILUTE OF SOME MBR STATES TO TRANSMIT PROPERLY INFO UNDER ART 73E; & REQ SP. COMTE TO CONTINUE TO DISCHARGE FUNCTIONS ENTRUSTED UNDER A/RES/1970(XVIII) & RPT THEREON TO 30TH GA."} {"rcid":1563,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-06","unres":"R/29/3300","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, COLONIAL COUNTRIES","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF PEOPLES TO SELF-DETERM; CONDEMNING EXPLOITATION; REQ STATES DISCONT FUNDS & MIL ASSIST TO REGIMES SUPPRESSING PEOPLES OF COL TERRS & THEIR LIBERATION MOVEMENTS; INVITING ALL GOVTS ENSURE PERM SOV OF PEOPLE OVER THEIR N"} {"rcid":1564,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3328A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, COLONIAL COUNTRIES","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING RIGHT OF PEOPLES OF TERRITORIES TO SELF-DETERM; CONDEMNING INFLUX OF IMMIGRANTS INTO TERRS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA; CALLING UPON COLONIAL POWERS WITHDRAW IMMEDIATELY MILITARY BASES FROM TERRS; & CALLING UPON ADMIN POWERS TO RECEIVE"} {"rcid":1565,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3328B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, COLONIAL COUNTRIES","descr":"RES, APPROVING PORTIONS OF RPT OF SP. COMTE RE DISSEMINATION OF PUBLICITY FOR UN WORK IN FIELD OF DECOLONIZATION, DANGERS OF COLONIALISM & EFFORTS TO ERADICATE SAID EVIL; REQ SYG TO MAKE USE OF ALL FORMS OF PUBLICITY TO ACQUAINT PUBLIC OF UN EF"} {"rcid":1566,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3324A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"RES, REQ SC RESUME CONSID OF QUES OF RACE CONFLICT IN SO. AFRICA RESULTING FR POLICIES OF APARTHEID OF GOVT OF SO. AFR. WITH VIEW TAKING ACTION UNDER CHAPT VII OF CHARTER TO ENSURE COMPLETE CESSATION BY ALL STATES OF SUPPLY OF ANY ARMS, AMMUNIT"} {"rcid":1567,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3324B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"RES, CALLING UPON SO. AFRICAN GOVT TO GRANT UNCONDITIONAL AMNESTY TO PERSONS PUNISHED FOR THEIR OPPOSITION TO APARTHEID, REPEAL REPRESSIVE LEGIS RESTRICTING RIGHT OF PEOPLE TO STRIVE FOR END TO RACIAL DISCRIM, & ENABLE SO. AFRICAN PEOPLE TO EXE"} {"rcid":1568,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3324C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"RES, COMMENDING SP. COMTE ON APARTHEID FOR ITS WORK; PRESCRIBES GUIDELINES FOR COMTE'S WORK IN 1975, INCL ORG OF SEMINAR IN 1975; REQ UNIT ON APARTHEID & OPI, EXPAND DISSEM OF INFO AGAINST APARTHEID; DECIDING CHANGE NAME OF SP. COMTE TO \\THE SP"} {"rcid":1569,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-02","unres":"R/29/3324D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"RES, CONDEMNING SO. AFRICAN REGIME; RECOM REGIME SHLD BE EXCLUDED FR PARTICI IN ALL ACTS UNDER UN AUSPICES; SETS OUT GUIDELINES TO ISOLATE SO. AFR. & ITS COOP IN NUCLEAR & OTHER TECH RESEARCH; REQ SP. COMTE KEEP UNDER VIEW COLLAB WITH SO. AFR."} {"rcid":1570,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-11-01","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, REPRESENTATION","descr":"RULING OF PRES OF 29TH GA REFUSING TO ALLOW DELEGATION OF SOUTH AFRICA TO PARTICIPATE IN WORK OF GA."} {"rcid":1571,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-06","unres":"R/29/3396","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA","descr":"RES, CONDEMNING S. AFR GOVT'S PERSISTENT REFUSAL TERM ILLEGAL OCCUPA OF TERR, ETC.; PRESCRIBES ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY SC & OTHERS; REQS SYG PROV FOR UN RADIO TRANSMITTER IN AFR STATE; REQ GA PRES NOMI DURING 29TH GA ADDL MBRS TO UN COUNCIL FOR N"} {"rcid":1572,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-06","unres":"R/29/3397A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN RHODESIA","descr":"RES, REAFFIRMING INALIENABLE RIGHT OF PEOPLE OF ZIMBABWE TO SELF-DETERM; REAFFIRMING PRIN NO INDEPEND BEFORE MAJ RULE; CALLING UPON UK TO BRING ABOUT CONDIT ZIMBABWESE EXER RIGHT TO SELF-DETERM, & TAKE STEPS SECURE RELEASE OF ZIMBABWEANS ABDUCT"} {"rcid":1573,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-06","unres":"R/29/3397B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN RHODESIA","descr":"RES, CONDEMNING UK'S FAILURE TO END ILLEGAL REGIME; CONDEMNING VIOLATIONS & FAILURE OF CERTAIN STATES TO ENFORCE MANDATORY SANCTIONS; REITERATING CONVICTION SCOPE OF SANCTIONS VS. ILLEGAL REGIME MUST BE WIDENED TO INCL ALL MEASURES ENVISAGED UN"} {"rcid":1574,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-04","unres":"R/29/3357","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE","descr":"ALGERIAN ORAL AMEND TO ART. 2 OF RES (A/9981) REPLACING FIGURE \\13\\\\ BY \\\\\"15.\\\\\"\""} {"rcid":1575,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-11-01","unres":"R/29/3228","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SCALE OF ASSESSMENTS","descr":"RES DECIDING TO ABOLISH PER CAPITA CEILING PRINCIPLE IN FORMULATION & ESTAB OF RATES OF ASSESSMENT, COMMENCING WITH SCALE FOR 1977-79 TRIENNIUM."} {"rcid":1576,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-04","unres":"R/29/3358","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UN SALARY SYSTEM","descr":"RES, DECIDING THAT EFFECTIVE 1/1/75 NET BASE SALARIES OF PROF & HIGHER CATEGORIES SHALL BE INCREASED BY 6%; DEPENDENCY ALLOWANCE IN RESPECT OF CHILD PAYABLE TO PROF & HIGHER CATEGORIES SHALL BE INCREASED FROM $300 TO $450; & RATES OF ASSIGNMENT"} {"rcid":1577,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-04","unres":"R/29/3359","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROGRAM BUDGET, 1974-1975","descr":"RES INCREASING TOTAL APPROPRIATED BY A/RES/3195(XXVIII) BE INCREASED TO $606,033,000."} {"rcid":1578,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-11-03","unres":"","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE","descr":"PROPOSAL THAT RIGHT TO SPEAK IN DEBATE ON SUBJECT SHLD BE LIMITED TO SINGLE INTERVENTION, WITHOUT PREJUDICE TO PROVISIONS OF RULES OF PROCEDURE RE EXERCISE OF RIGHTS OF REPLY."} {"rcid":1579,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-03","unres":"R/29/3349A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"CHARTER REVIEW","descr":"AMEND TO OP PARA 2 OF RESOL (A/9950)."} {"rcid":1580,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-03","unres":"R/29/3349B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"CHARTER REVIEW","descr":"SAUDI ARABIAN ORAL AMEND TO DELETE OP PARA 3 OF RESOL (A/9950)."} {"rcid":1581,"session":29,"importantvote":0,"date":"1974-12-03","unres":"R/29/3349C","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"CHARTER REVIEW","descr":"RES, AS AMENDED, DECIDING TO ESTAB AN AD HOC COMTE ON UN CHARTER CONSISTING OF 32 MBRS TO BE APPTD BY GA PRES, WITH DUE REGARD FOR PRIN OF EQUITABLE GEO DISTRIB; & REQ AD HOC COMTE TO RPT TO 30TH GA."} {"rcid":1582,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-11-01","unres":"R/30/3375","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AND ADOPT THE NECESARY RESOLUTIONS AND MEASURES IN ORDER TO ENABLE THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE TO EXERCISE ITS INALIENABLE NATIONAL RIGHTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION."} {"rcid":1583,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-11-01","unres":"R/30/3376","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE","descr":"TO REAFFIRM ITS RESOLUTION 3236 (XXIX) OF NOVEMBER 22, 1974, AND TO EXPRESS GRAVE CONCERN THA NO PROGRESS HAS BEEN ACHIEVED TOWARDS THE EXERCISE BY THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE OF ITS INALIENABLE RIGHTS IN PALESTINE, INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO SELF-DETER"} {"rcid":1584,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-11-04","unres":"R/30/3395","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CYPRUS","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE URGENT NEED FOR CONTINUED EFFORTS FOR THE EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION IN ALL ITS PARTS OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 3212 (XXIX) OF NOVEMBER 1, 1974 AND TO CALL ONCE AGAIN UPON ALL STATES TO RESPECT THE SOVEREIGNTY, INDEPENDENCE,"} {"rcid":1585,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-07","unres":"R/30/3414","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THAT THE ACQUISITION OF TERRITORY BY FORCE IS INADMISSIBLE AND THEREFORE ALL TERRITORIES THUS OCCUPIED MUST BE RETURNED, AND TO CONDEMN ISRAEL'S CONTINUED OCCUPATION OF ARAB TERRITORIES IN VIOLATION OF THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATI"} {"rcid":1586,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-06","unres":"R/30/3481","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM ITS RESOLUTIONS 1514 (XV) OF DECEMBER 13, 1960 AND 2621 (XXV) OF OCTOBER 12, 1970 AND ALL OTHER RESOLUTIONS ON DECOLONIZATION, AND TO CALL UPON THE ADMINISTERING POWERS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THOSE RESOLUTIONS, TO TAKE ALL THE NECESSAR"} {"rcid":1587,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-06","unres":"R/30/3482","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE THE CHAPTER OF THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES RELATING TO THE QUESTION OF PUBLICITY FOR THE"} {"rcid":1588,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-11-02","unres":"R/30/3389","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. CHARTER, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO SOLEMNLY CALL UPON ALL STATES TO SEEK STRICT AND CONSISTENT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PURPOSES AND PRINCIPLES OF THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND OF ALL OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE DECLARATION ON THE STRENGTHENING OF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AS"} {"rcid":1589,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-11-02","unres":"R/30/3390A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE WISHES OF ITS MEMBERS, AS EXPRESSED IN THE CONSENSUS STATEMENT ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY ON NOVEMBER 28, 1973, AND TO URGE BOTH THE SOUTH AND THE NORTH KOREAN TO CONTINUE THEIR DIALOGUE TO EXPEDITE THE PEACEFUL REUNIFICATI"} {"rcid":1590,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-11-02","unres":"R/30/3390B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KOREA","descr":"TO CONSIDER THAT IT IS NECESSARY TO DISSOLVE THE UNITED NATIONS COMMAND AND WITHDRAW ALL THE FOREIGN TROOPS STATIONED IN SOUTH KOREA UNDER THE FLAG OF THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":1591,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-06","unres":"R/30/3463","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"S.C. MILITARY BUDGET REDUCTION","descr":"TO APPEAL TO ALL STATES, IN PARTICULAR THE STATES PERMANENT MEMBERS OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL, AS WELL AS ANY OTHER STATE WITH COMPARABLE MILITARY EXPENDITURE, TO STRIVE TO REACH AGREED REDUCTIONS OF THEIR MILITARY BUDGETS."} {"rcid":1592,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-06","unres":"R/30/3466","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO CONDEMN ALL NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS, IN WHATEVER ENVIRONMENT THEY MAY BE CONDUCTED."} {"rcid":1593,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-06","unres":"R/30/3467","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"TO AGAIN URGE THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC TO SIGN AND RATIFY ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL II OF THE TREATY FOR THE PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN LATIN AMERICA (TREATY TLATELOLCO)."} {"rcid":1594,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-06","unres":"R/30/3468","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE AD HOC COMMITTEE ON THE INDIAN OCEAN, AND IN PARTICULAR SECTION II THEREOF CONCERNING THE CONSULTATIONS ENTERED INTO BY THE LITTORAL AND HINTERLAND STATES OF THE INDIAN OCEAN IN PURSUANCE OF PARAGRAPH 4 OF GENE"} {"rcid":1595,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-06","unres":"R/30/3471","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, AFRICA","descr":"TO AGREE THAT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION OF THE AFRICAN HEADS OF STATE AND GOVERNMENT ON THE DENUCLEARIZATION OF AFRICA WILL BE A SIGNIFICANT MEASURE TO PREVENT THE PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN THE WORLD, CONDUCIVE TO COMPLETE AND"} {"rcid":1596,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-06","unres":"R/30/3472A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, CONFERENCE","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE SPECIAL REPORT OF THE CONFERENCE OF THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT CONTAINING THE COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF THE QUESTION OF NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONES IN ALL ITS ASPECTS."} {"rcid":1597,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-06","unres":"R/30/3472B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR WEAPON FREE ZONES","descr":"TO ADOPT THE DECLARATION THAT A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE SHALL, AS A GENERAL RULE, BE DEEMED TO BE ANY ZONE, RECOGNIZED AS SUCH BY THE UNITED NATIONS GENERAL ASSEMBLY, WHICH ANY GROUP OF STATES, IN THE FREE EXERCISE OF THEIR SOVEREIGNTY, HAS ES"} {"rcid":1598,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-06","unres":"R/30/3473","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"TO AGAIN URGE FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES TO SIGN AND RATIFY ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL I OF THE TREATY FOR THE PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN LATIN AMERICA (TREATY OF TLATELOLCO) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, IN ORDER THAT THE PEOPLES OF THE TERRITORIRES"} {"rcid":1599,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-06","unres":"R/30/3474","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"TO EXPRESS THE OPINION THAT THE MEMBER STATES WITH WHICH THE SECRETARY-GENERAL HAS CONSULTED THROUGH HIS NOTES VERBALES OF MARCH 10, 1975 AND JUNE 13, 1975 PURSUANT TO GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 3263 (XXIX) SHOULD EXERT EFFORTS TOWARDS THE REA"} {"rcid":1600,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-06","unres":"R/30/3477","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH PACIFIC","descr":"TO ENDORSE THE IDEA OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE IN THE SOUTH PACIFIC."} {"rcid":1601,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-06","unres":"R/30/3478","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE DRAFT TREATY ON THE COMPLETE AND GENERAL PROHIBITION OF OF NUCLEAR-WEAPON TESTS SUBMITTED TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY BY THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS, AND TO CALL UPON ALL NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATI"} {"rcid":1602,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-06","unres":"R/30/3479","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO CONSIDER IT NECESSARY TO TAKE EFFECTIVE STEPS, BY CONCLUDING AN APPROPRIATE INTERNATIONAL TREATY (OR AGREEMENT), FOR THE PROHIBITION OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND MANUFACTURE OF NEW TYPES OF WEAPONS."} {"rcid":1603,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-07","unres":"R/30/3484A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CESSATION, ARMS RACE","descr":"TO APPEAL ONCE AGAIN TO ALL STATES, IN PARTICULAR NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES, TO EXERT CONCERTED EFFORTS IN ALL THE APPROPRIATE INTERNATIONAL FORUMS WITH A VIEW TO WORKING OUT PROMPTLY EFFECTIVE MEASURES FOR THE CESSATION OF THE NUCLEAR ARMS RACE AN"} {"rcid":1604,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-07","unres":"R/30/3484B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, U.N. INVOLVMENT","descr":"TO INVITE ALL STATES TO COMMUNICATE TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, NOT LATER THAN MAY 1, 1976, THEIR VIEWS AND SUGGESTIONS ON THE STRENGTHENING OF THE ROLE OF THE UNITED NATIONS IN THE FIELD OF DISARMAMENT."} {"rcid":1605,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-07","unres":"R/30/3484C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"TO REGRET THE ABSENCE OF POSITIVE RESULTS DURING THE LAST TWO YEARS OF THE BILATERAL NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ON THE LIMITATION OF THEIR STRATEGIC NUCLEAR-W"} {"rcid":1606,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-07","unres":"R/30/3484D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, U.N. INVOLVMENT","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO TAKE APPROPRIATE STEPS FOR THE STRENGTHENING OF THE DISARMAMENT AFFAIRS DIVISION, INCLUDING THE ADDITION OF STAFF NECESSARY FOR THE EFFECTIVE CARRYING OUT OF ITS INCREASED RESPONSIBILITIES."} {"rcid":1607,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-07","unres":"R/30/3484E","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, REVIEW CONFERENCE","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO RENDER THE NECESSARY ASSISTANCE AND TO PROVIDE SUCH SERVICES, INCLUDING SUMMARY RECORDS, AS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR THE REVIEW CONFERENCE AND ITS PREPARATION."} {"rcid":1608,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-11-06","unres":"R/30/3411C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO PROCLAIM THAT THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY HAVE A SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITY TOWARDS THE OPPRESSED PEOPLE OF SOUTH AFRICA AND THEIR LIBERATION MOVEMENTS, AND TOWARDS THOSE IMPRISONED, RESTRICTED OR EXILED FOR THEIR STRUGGLE"} {"rcid":1609,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-11-06","unres":"R/30/3411D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, BANTUSTANS","descr":"TO AGAIN CONDEMN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF BANTUSTANS AS DESIGNED TO CONSOLIDATE THE INHUMAN POLICIES OF APARTHEID, TO PERPETUATE WHITE MINORITY DOMINATION AND TO DISPOSSESS THE AFRICAN PEOPLE OF SOUTH AFRICA OF THEIR INALIENABLE RIGHTS IN THEIR COU"} {"rcid":1610,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-11-06","unres":"R/30/3411F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID TO CONTINUE AND TO INTENSIFY ITS ACTIVITIES TO PROMOTE CO-ORDINATED INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGNS AGAINST APARTHEID, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RELEVANT RESOLUTIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, AND TO GIVE S"} {"rcid":1611,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-05","unres":"R/30/3411G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO AGAIN CONDEMN THE RACIST REGIME OF SOUTH AFRICA FOR ITS POLICIES AND PRACTICES OF APARTHEID, WHICH ARE A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, FOR ITS PERSISTENT AND FLAGRANT VIOLATIONS OF THE PRINCIPLES ENSHRINED IN THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND"} {"rcid":1612,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-03","unres":"R/30/3419B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES","descr":"TO NOTE WITH DEEP REGRET THAT REPATRIATION OR COMPENSATION OF THE PALESTINE REFUGEES AS PROVIDED FOR IN PARAGRAPH 11 OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 194 (III) HAS NOT BEEN EFFECTED, THAT NO SUBSTANTIAL PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE IN THE PROGRAMME END"} {"rcid":1613,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-03","unres":"R/30/3419C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE RIGHT OF THE DISPLACED INHABITANTS TO RETURN TO THEIR HOMES AND CAMPS IN THE TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL SINCE 1967."} {"rcid":1614,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-03","unres":"R/30/3525A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"TO COMMEND THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE ISRAELI PRACTICES AFFECTING THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE POPULATION OF THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES FOR ITS EFFORTS IN PERFORMING THE TASKS ASSIGNED TO IT BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND TO DEPLORE THE CONTINU"} {"rcid":1615,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-03","unres":"R/30/3525B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE GENEVA CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE PROTECTION OF CIVILIAN PERSONS IN TIME OF WAR, OF AUGUST 12, 1949, IS APPLICABLE TO ALL THE ARAB TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL SINCE 1967, INCLUDING JERUSALEM."} {"rcid":1616,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-03","unres":"R/30/3525C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE ISRAELI PRACTICES AFFECTING THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE POPULATION OF THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES TO CONTINUE ITS EFFORTS TO UNDERTAKE A SURVEY OF THE DESTRUCTION IN QUNEITRA AND TO ASSESS THE NATURE, EX"} {"rcid":1617,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-03","unres":"R/30/3525D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL","descr":"TO DECLARE ALL MEASURES TAKEN BY THE ISRAELI AUTHORITIES WITH A VIEW TO CHANGING THE INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURE AND ESTABLISHED RELIGIOUS PRACTICES IN THE SANCTUARY OF AL-IBRAHIMI MOSQUE IN THE CITY OF AL-KHALIL NULL AND VOID."} {"rcid":1618,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-07","unres":"R/30/3586","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NEW ECONOMIC ORDER","descr":"TO SOLEMNLY REITERATE THE UNITED DETERMINATION TO STRENGTHEN AND DEVELOP THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER, WHICH IS BASED ON THE DECLARATION AND THE PROGRAMME OF ACTION ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER, ADOPTED BY"} {"rcid":1619,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-03","unres":"R/30/3516","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, REPORT","descr":"TO NOTE THAT THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL IS INADEQUATE AS IT DID NOT INCORPORATE THE NECESSARY SUBSTANTIVE AND COMPREHENSIVE STUDIES REQUIRED IN CONFORMITY WITH PARAGRAPH 5 OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 3336 (XXIX) AND RELATED DOCUMENT"} {"rcid":1620,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-11-01","unres":"R/30/3377","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN AFRICA","descr":"TO CONDEMN THE INTOLERABLE CONDITIONS WHICH CONTINUE TO PREVAIL IN SOUTHERN AFRICA AND ELSEWHERE, INCLUDING THE DENIAL OF THE RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND THE INHUMANE AND ODIOUS APPLICATION OF APARTHEID AND RACIAL DISCRIMINATION."} {"rcid":1621,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-11-01","unres":"R/30/3378","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RACISM, WORLD CONFERENCE","descr":"TO NOTE WITH APPRECIATION THE OFFER OF THE GOVERNMENT OF GHANA TO ACT AS HOST TO THE WORLD CONFERENCE ENVISAGED AS A MAJOR FEATURE OF THE DECADE FOR ACTION TO COMBAT RACISM AND RACIAL DISCRIMINATION."} {"rcid":1622,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-11-01","unres":"R/30/3379","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ZIONISM AS RACISM","descr":"TO DETERMINE THAT ZIONISM IS A FORM OF RACISM AND RACIAL DISCRIMINATION."} {"rcid":1623,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-11-01","unres":"R/30/3383","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN AFRICA, RACIST REGIMES","descr":"TO CONDSIDER THAT ORGANIZATIONS AND STATES WHICH GIVE ASSISTANCE TO THE RACIST AND COLONIAL REGIMES IN SOUTHERN AFRICA ARE ACCOMPLICES OF THOSE REGIMES IN RESPECT OF THEIR INHUMAN POLICIES OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, APARTHEID AND COLONIALISM."} {"rcid":1624,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-04","unres":"R/30/3448","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILE","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS PROFOUND DISTRESS AT THE CONSTANT, FLAGRANT VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS, INCLUDING THE INSTITUTIONALIZED PRACTICE OF TORTURE, CRUEL, INHUMAN OR DEGRADING TREATMENT OR PUNISHMENT, ARBITRARY ARREST, DETENTION AND EXILE, TO WHICH THE"} {"rcid":1625,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-04","unres":"R/30/3450","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CYPRUS, MISSING PERSONS","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO EXERT EVERY EFFORT, IN CLOSE COOPERATION WITH THE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS, IN ASSISTING THE TRACING AND ACCOUNTING FOR MISSING PERSONS AS A RESULT OF ARMED CONFLICT IN CYPRUS."} {"rcid":1626,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-04","unres":"R/30/3451","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IMPROVEMENTS","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS APPRECIATION TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL FOR HIS REPORT ON ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES AND WAYS AND MEANS WITHIN THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM FOR IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVE ENJOYMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS."} {"rcid":1627,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-03","unres":"R/30/3519","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DECLARATION OF MEXICO","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE PRINCIPLES PROMULGATED IN THE DECLARATION OF MEXICO ON THE EQUALITY OF WOMEN AND THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE, 1975, AND TO REAFFIRM THAT THE STRENGTHENING INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY, CO-OPERATION AMONG ALL"} {"rcid":1628,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-03","unres":"R/30/3520","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DECADE FOR WOMEN","descr":"TO PROCLAIM THE PERIOD 1976-1985 UNITED NATIONS DECADE FOR WOMEN: EQUALITY, DEVELOPMENT AND PEACE, TO BE DEVOTED TO EFFECTIVE AND SUSTAINED NATIONAL, REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ACTION TO IMPLEMENT THE WORLD PLAN OF ACTION AND RELATED RESOLUTIO"} {"rcid":1629,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-03","unres":"R/30/3521","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WOMEN'S RIGHTS","descr":"TO CALL UPON ALL STATES THAT HAVE NOT DONE SO TO RATIFY THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTIONS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS CONCERNING THE PROTECTION OF WOMEN'S RIGHTS AND THE ELIMINATION OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN AND TO IMPLEMENT EFFECTIVELY THE PROVISI"} {"rcid":1630,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-11-05","unres":"R/30/3397","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ARTICLE 25 VIOLATIONS","descr":"TO STRONGLY CONDEMN THE POLICIES OF THE GOVERNMENTS, PARTICULARLY THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WHICH, IN VIOLATION OF THE RELEVANT RESOLUTIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND IN OPEN CONTRAVENTION OF THER SPECIFIC OBLIGATIONS UNDER ARTICLE 25 OF T"} {"rcid":1631,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-11-05","unres":"R/30/3398","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLES OF DEPENDENT TERRITORIES TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE AND TO THE ENJOYMENT OF THE NATURAL RESOURCES OF THEIR TERRITORIES AND TO CONDEM THE POLICIES OF THE COLONIAL POWERS AND OTHER STAT"} {"rcid":1632,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-03","unres":"R/30/3420","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, SPECIAL COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE THE CHAPTER OF THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES RELATING TO THE INFORMATION FROM NON-SELF-GOVE"} {"rcid":1633,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-03","unres":"R/30/3421","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, LEGITIMACY","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THAT THE RECOGNITION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, THE SECURITY COUNCIL AND OTHER UNITED NATIONS ORGANS OF THE LEGITIMACY OF THE STRUGGLE OF COLONIAL PEOPLES TO ACHIEVE FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE ENTAILS, AS A COROLLARY, THE EXTENSION BY T"} {"rcid":1634,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-03","unres":"R/30/3424","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BRUNEI, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF BRUNEI TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 1514 (XV) AND TO APPROVE THE CHAPTER OF THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE SITUATION WITH RE"} {"rcid":1635,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-03","unres":"R/30/3429","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.S. TERRITORIES, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE THE CHAPTERS OF THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES RELATING TO AMERICAN SAMOA, GUAM AND THE UNIT"} {"rcid":1636,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-03","unres":"R/30/3432","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BELIZE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF BELIZE TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE AND TO DECLARE THAT THEIR TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY MUST BE PRESERVED."} {"rcid":1637,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-03","unres":"R/30/3433","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.K. TERRITORIES, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLES OF NEW HEBRIDES, PICTCAIRN AND TUVALU TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES."} {"rcid":1638,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-05","unres":"R/30/3458A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SPANISH SAHARA","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF SPANISH SAHARA TO SELF-DETERMINATION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 1514 (XV)."} {"rcid":1639,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-05","unres":"R/30/3458B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SAHARAN POPULATIONS","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 1514 (XV), OF ALL THE SAHARAN POPULATIONS ORIGINATING IN MAURITANIA, MOROCCO AND SPAIN."} {"rcid":1640,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-06","unres":"R/30/3480","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DJIBOUTI, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM ITS UNQUALIFIED SUPPORT OF THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF SO-CALLED FRENCH SOMALILAND (DJIBOUTI) TO IMMEDIATE AND UNCONDITIONAL INDEPENDENCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 1514 (XV)."} {"rcid":1641,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-07","unres":"R/30/3485","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"EAST TIMOR, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO CALL UPON ALL STATES TO RESPECT THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF PORTUGUESE TIMOR TO SELF-DETERMINATION, FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE AND TO DETERMINE THEIR FUTURE POLITICAL STATUS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PRINCIPLES OF THE CHARTER OF THE UN"} {"rcid":1642,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-11-05","unres":"R/30/3374B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO APPROPRIATE TO THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT AND REFERRED TO IN SECTION II, PARAGRAPH 1 OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 3211 B (XXIX) THE AMOUNT OF $40 MILLION AUTHORIZED AND APPORTIONED BY SECTION II, PARAGRAPH 4, OF THE SAME RESOLUTION FOR THE OPERAT"} {"rcid":1643,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-05","unres":"R/30/3532","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISASTER TRUST FUND","descr":"TO ESTABLISH THE TWO SUBACCOUNTS, WITHIN THE EXISTING VOLUNTARY TRUST FUND ESTABLISHED PURSUANT TO GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 3243 (XXIX) OF NOVEMBER 29, 1974 ON STRENGTHENING THE OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS DISASTER RELIEF CO-ORDINATOR, WITH"} {"rcid":1644,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-05","unres":"R/30/3533","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET","descr":"TO ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGETARY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE REVISED ESTIMATES FOR THE UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION SUBMITTED BY THE SECRETARY-GENERAL IN HIS REPORT."} {"rcid":1645,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-05","unres":"R/30/3535","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. INFORMATION ACTIVITIES","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO MAKE NEW EFFORTS IN THE FIELD OF INFORMATION ACTIVITIES OF THE ORGANIZATION AND CONVEY TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC COMPREHENSIVE INFORMATION REGARDING THE POLITICAL, ECONOMIC, SOCIAL, CULTURAL AND HUMANITARIAN ACHI"} {"rcid":1646,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-05","unres":"R/30/3537","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PENSIONS, ICJ","descr":"TO DECIDE THAT, WITH EFFECT FROM JANUARY 1, 1976 AND NOTWITHSTANDING ANY PROVISION TO THE CONTRARY CONTAINED IN THE PENSION SCHEME REGULATIONS FOR MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE, THE ANNUAL VALUE OF ALL PENSIONS IN COURSE OF PAYM"} {"rcid":1647,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-05","unres":"R/30/3538","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CAPITAL FUND","descr":"TO CALL UPON ALL MEMBER STATES TO MAKE THEIR BEST EFFORTS TO OVERCOME CONSTRAINTS TO THE PROMPT PAYMENT EARLY IN EACH YEAR OF FULL ASSESSED CONTRIBUTIONS AND OF ADVANCES TO THE WORKING CAPITAL FUND."} {"rcid":1648,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-05","unres":"R/30/3539A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, BIENNIUM 1976-1977","descr":"TO APPROPRIATE $745.8 MILLION FOR THE BIENNIUM 1976-1977 FOR OVERALL POLICY-MAKING, DIRECTION AND CO-ORDINATION, POLITICAL AND PEACE-KEEPING ACTIVITIES, POLITICAL, TRUSTEESHIP AND DECOLONIALIZATION ACTIVITIES, ECONOMIC SOCIAL AND HUMANITARIAN A"} {"rcid":1649,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-05","unres":"R/30/3539C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, BIENNIUM 1976-1977","descr":"TO APPROPRIATE $US 379.4 MILLION CONSISTING OF $US 372.9 MILLION, BEING ONE HALF OF THE APPROPRIATIONS APPROVED FOR THE BIENNIUM 1976-1977, UNDER RESOLUTION A ABOVE, TOGETHER WITH SUPPLEMENTARY APPROPRIATIONS FOR 1974-1975 TOTALLING $US 6.52 MI"} {"rcid":1650,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-05","unres":"R/30/3540","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"BUDGET, BIENNIUM 1976-1977","descr":"TO AUTHORIZE THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, WITH THE PRIOR CONCURRENCE OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS AND SUBJECT TO THE FINANCIAL REGULATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE PROVISIONS OF PARAGRAPH 3, TO ENTER INTO C"} {"rcid":1651,"session":30,"importantvote":0,"date":"1975-12-05","unres":"R/30/3541","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, BIENNIUM 1976-1977","descr":"TO RESOLVE THAT THE WORKING CAPITAL FUND SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOR THE BIENNIUM 1976-1977 IN THE AMOUNT OF $US 40 MILLION."} {"rcid":1652,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-10-04","unres":"R/31/4","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COMOROS, MAYOTTE","descr":"TO CONDEMN AND CONSIDER NULL AND VOID THE REFERENDUMS OF FEBRUARY 8 AND APRIL 11, 1976 ORGANIZED IN THE COMORIAN ISLAND OF MAYOTTE BY THE GOVERNMENT OF FRANCE AND TO STRONGLY CONDEMN THE PRESENCE OF FRANCE IN MAYOTTE, WHICH CONSTITUTES A VIOLAT"} {"rcid":1653,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-04","unres":"R/31/6A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, BANTUSTANS","descr":"TO STRONGLY CONDEMN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF BANTUSTANS AS DESIGNED TO CONSOLIDATE THE INHUMAN POLICIES OF APARTHEID, TO DESTROY THE TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF THE COUNTRY, TO PERPETUATE WHITE MINORITY DOMINATION AND TO DISPOSSESS THE AFRICAN PEOPLE"} {"rcid":1654,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-04","unres":"R/31/6D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, CHAPTER VII ACTION","descr":"TO REQUEST ONCE AGAIN THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO TAKE URGENT ACTION, UNDER CHAPTER VII OF THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS, TO ENSURE THE COMPLETE CESSATION BY ALL STATES OF THE SUPPLY OF ARMS, AMMUNITION, MILITARY VEHICLES AND SPARE PARTS THEREO"} {"rcid":1655,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-04","unres":"R/31/6E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISRAEL","descr":"TO CONDEMN THE CONTINUING AND INCREASING COLLABORATION BY ISRAEL WITH THE RACIST REGIME OF SOUTH AFRICA AS A FLAGRANT VIOLATION OF THE RESOLUTIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND AS AN ENCOURAGEMENT TO THE RACIST REGIME OF SOUTH AFRICA TO PERSIST IN"} {"rcid":1656,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-04","unres":"R/31/6F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, CONVENTION","descr":"TO WELCOME THE PROPOSAL FOR AN INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION AGAINST APARTHEID IN SPORTS TO PROMOTE ADHERENCE TO THE OLYMPIC PRINCIPLE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION AND TO DISCOURAGE AND DENY SUPPORT TO SPORTING EVENTS ORGANIZED IN VIOLATION OF THAT PRINCIP"} {"rcid":1657,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-04","unres":"R/31/6G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID TO CONTINUE AND TO IDENTIFY ITS ACTIVITIES TO PROMOTE CONCERTED INTERNATIONAL ACTION AGAINST APARTHEID IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RELEVANT RESOLUTIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY."} {"rcid":1658,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-04","unres":"R/31/6H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ECONOMIC ISOLATION","descr":"TO PROCLAIM THAT ANY COLLABORATION, PARTICULARLY ECONOMIC, WITH THE RACIST REGIME OF SOUTH AFRICA CONSTITUTES A HOSTILE ACT AGAINST THE OPPRESSED PEOPLE OF SOUTH AFRICA AND A CONTEMPTUOUS DEFIANCE OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE INTERNATIONAL COM"} {"rcid":1659,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-04","unres":"R/31/6I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, LEGITIMACY","descr":"TO PROCLAIM THAT THE RACIST REGIME OF SOUTH AFRICA IS ILLEGITIMATE AND HAS NO RIGHT TO REPRESENT THE PEOPLE OF SOUTH AFRICA AND TO REAFFIRM THAT THE NATIONAL LIBERATION MOVEMENTS RECOGNIZED BY THE ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN UNITY--THE AFRICAN NATI"} {"rcid":1660,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-04","unres":"R/31/6J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, LEGITIMACY","descr":"TO COMMEND TO ALL GOVERNMENTS, ORGANIZATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS THE PROGRAMME OF ACTION AGAINST APARTHEID ANNEXED TO THE PRESENT RESOLUTION."} {"rcid":1661,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-04","unres":"R/31/6K","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, FOREIGN INVESTMENTS","descr":"TO URGE THE SECURITY COUNCIL, WHEN STUDYING THE PROBLEM OF THE CONTINUED STRUGGLE AGAINST THE APARTHEID POLICIES OF SOUTH AFRICA, TO CONSIDER STEPS TO ACHIEVE THE CESSATION OF FURTHER FOREIGN INVESTMENTS IN SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":1662,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-07","unres":"R/31/12","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CYPRUS","descr":"TO REITERATE ITS FULL SUPPORT FOR THE SOVEREIGNTY, INDEPENDENCE, TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY AND NON-ALIGNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS, AND TO CALL UPON THE CESSATION OF ALL FOREIGN INTERFERENCE IN ITS AFFAIRS."} {"rcid":1663,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-05","unres":"R/31/20","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS APPRECIATION TO THE COMMITTEE ON THE EXERCISE OF THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE FOR ITS EFFORTS IN PERFORMING THE TASKS ASSIGNED TO IT BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY."} {"rcid":1664,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-07","unres":"R/31/21","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION VIETNAM","descr":"TO CONSIDER THAT THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIET NAM SHOULD BE ADMITTED TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":1665,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-01","unres":"R/31/44","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION ANGOLA","descr":"TO ADMIT THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF ANGOLA TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":1666,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-01","unres":"R/31/61","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE","descr":"TO AFFIRM THAT THE EARLY RESUMPTION OF THE PEACE CONFERENCE ON THE MIDDLE EAST WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF ALL PARTIES CONCERNED, INCLUDING THE PALESTINIAN LIBERATION ORGANIZATION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 3375 (XXX) OF NOVE"} {"rcid":1667,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-01","unres":"R/31/62","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO RESUME CONTACTS WITH ALL THE PARTIES TO THE CONFLICT AND THE CO-CHAIRMAN OF THE PEACE CONFERENCE ON THE MIDDLE EAST, IN ACCORDANCE WITH HIS INITIATIVE OF APRIL 1, 1976, IN PREPARATION FOR THE EARLY CONVENING"} {"rcid":1668,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-02","unres":"R/31/143","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN AFRICA, RACIST REGIMES","descr":"TO CONDEMN THE CONTINUED COLONIALIST AND RACIST REPRESSION OF MILLIONS OF AFRICANS, IN NAMBIA BY THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA THROUGH ITS PERSISTENT, ILLEGAL OCCUPATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL TERRITORY, AND IN ZIMBABWE BY THE ILLEGAL RACIST MIN"} {"rcid":1669,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-02","unres":"R/31/144","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DECOLONIZATION, SPECIAL COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE THE CHAPTER OF THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES RELATING TO THE QUESTION OF PUBLICITY FOR THE"} {"rcid":1670,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-03","unres":"R/31/9","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROHIBITION, USE OF FORCE","descr":"TO INVITE MEMBER STATES TO EXAMINE FURTHER THE DRAFT WORLD TREATY ON THE NON-USE OF FORCE IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AS WELL AS OTHER PROPOSALS AND STATEMENTS MADE DURING THE CONSIDERATION OF THE ITEM ENTITLED \\CONCLUSION OF A WORLD TREATY ON T"} {"rcid":1671,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-02","unres":"R/31/66","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR TESTS, CONDEMNATION","descr":"TO CONDEMN ALL NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS, IN WHATEVER ENVIRONMENT THEY MAY BE CONDUCTED."} {"rcid":1672,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-02","unres":"R/31/67","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"TO AGAIN URGE THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS TO SIGN AND RATIFY ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL II OF THE TREATY FOR THE PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR OF WEAPONS IN LATIN AMERICA (TREATY OF TLATELOLCO)."} {"rcid":1673,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-02","unres":"R/31/70","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL CONTAINING THE VIEWS, OBSERVATION AND SUGGESTIONS ON THE SPECIAL REPORT BY THE GOVERNMENTS, THE INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY AND THE AGENCY FOR THE PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN LATI"} {"rcid":1674,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-02","unres":"R/31/71","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"TO EXPRESS THE NEED FOR FURTHER ACTION TO GENERATE MOMENTUM TOWARDS REALIZATION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND TO URGE ALL PARTIES DIRECTLY CONCERNED TO ADHERE TO THE TREATY ON NON-PROLIFERATION OF NUC"} {"rcid":1675,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-02","unres":"R/31/72","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNIQUES","descr":"TO REFER THE CONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF MILITARY OF ANY OTHER HOSTILE USE OF ENVIRONMENTAL MODIFICATION TECHNIQUES, THE TEXT OF WHICH IS ANNEXED TO THE PRESENT RESOLUTION, TO ALL STATES FOR THEIR CONSIDERATION, SIGNATURE AND RATIFICATION."} {"rcid":1676,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-02","unres":"R/31/73","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"TO REAFFIRM ITS ENDORSEMENT IN PRINCIPLE OF THE CONCEPT OF A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE IN SOUTH ASIA."} {"rcid":1677,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-02","unres":"R/31/74","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, WEAPONS OF MASS-DESTRUCTION","descr":"TO REQUEST THE CONFERENCE OF THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO CONTINUE THE NEGOTIATIONS, WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF QUALIFIED GOVERNMENTAL EXPERTS, AIMED AT WORKING OUT THE TEXT OF AN AGREEMENT ON THE PROHIBITION OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND MANUFACTURE O"} {"rcid":1678,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-02","unres":"R/31/75","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, ARMS RACE","descr":"TO URGENTLY CALL FOR DETERMINED EFFORTS BY ALL NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES, PARTICULARLY THE TWO MAJOR NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES, TO UNDERTAKE CO-OPERATIVE EFFORTS TO BRING ABOUT THE CESSATION OF THE NUCLEAR ARMS RACE, TO UNDERTAKE EFFECTIVE MEASURES IN"} {"rcid":1679,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-06","unres":"R/31/87","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"S.C. MILITARY BUDGET REDUCTION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM ITS CONVICTION OF THE URGENT NECESSITY THAT THE STATES PERMANENT MEMBERS OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL, AS WELL AS ANY OTHER STATE WITH COMPARABLE MILITARY EXPENDITURES, CARRY OUT REDUCTIONS IN THEIR MILITARY BUDGETS."} {"rcid":1680,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-06","unres":"R/31/88","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"TO REQUEST THE AD HOC COMMITTEE AND THE LITTORAL AND HINTERLAND STATES OF THE INDIAN OCEAN TO CONTINUE THEIR CONSULTATIONS WITH A VIEW TO FORMULATING A PROGRAMME OF ACTION LEADING TO THE CONVENING OF A CONFERENCE ON THE INDIAN OCEAN."} {"rcid":1681,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-06","unres":"R/31/89","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO AGAIN CALL UPON ALL NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES, IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 3478 (XXX), TO PROCEED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE WITH NEGOTIATIONS ON THE CONCLUSION OF A TREATY ON THE COMPLETE AND GENERAL PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR-WEAPON TE"} {"rcid":1682,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-06","unres":"R/31/91","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"STATE-SPONSORED MERCENARIES","descr":"TO DENOUNCE ANY FORM OF INTERFERENCE, OVERT OR COVERT, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, INCLUDING RECRUITING AND SENDING MERCENARIES, BY ONE STATE OR GROUP OF STATES AND ANY ACT OF MILITARY, POLITICAL, ECONOMIC OR OTHER FORM OF INTERVENTION IN THE INTERNAL"} {"rcid":1683,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-06","unres":"R/31/92","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOVEREIGNTY, NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THAT ANY MEASURE OR PRESSURE DIRECTED AGAINST ANY STATE WHILE EXERCISING ITS SOVEREIGN RIGHT FREELY TO DISPOSE OF ITS NATURAL RESOURCES CONSTITUTES A FLAGRANT VIOLATION OF THE RIGHT OF SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES AND THE PRINCIPLE"} {"rcid":1684,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-06","unres":"R/31/189A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"TO REGRET THE ABSENCE OF POSITIVE RESULTS DURING THE LAST THREE YEARS OF THE BILATERAL NEGOTIATIONS BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLIC AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ON THE LIMITATION OF THEIR STRATEGIC NUCLEAR"} {"rcid":1685,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-06","unres":"R/31/189C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR FREE ZONES","descr":"TO REQUEST THE NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES, AS A FIRST STEP TOWARDS A COMPLETE BAN ON THE USE OR THREAT OF USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS, TO CONSIDER UNDERTAKING, WITHOUT PREJUDICE TO THEIR OBLIGATIONS ARISING FROM TREATIES ESTABLISHING NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE"} {"rcid":1686,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-02","unres":"R/31/189D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, PEACEFUL USES","descr":"TO RECOGNIZE THAT STATES ACCEPTING EFFECTIVE NON-PROLIFERATION RESTRAINTS HAVE A RIGHT TO ENJOY FULLY THE BENEFITS OF THE PEACEFUL USES OF NUCLEAR ENERGY AND UNDERLINES THE IMPORTANCE OF INCREASED EFFORTS IN THIS FIELD, PARTICULARLY FOR THE NEE"} {"rcid":1687,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-04","unres":"R/31/15D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE RIGHT OF THE DISPLACED INHABITANTS TO RETURN TO THEIR HOMES AND CAMPS IN THE TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL SINCE 1967 AND TO DEPLORE THE CONTINUED REFUSAL OF THE ISRAELI AUTHORITIES TO TAKE STEPS FOR THE RETURN OF THE DISPLACED"} {"rcid":1688,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-04","unres":"R/31/15E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES","descr":"TO CALL ONCE MORE UPON ISRAEL TO TAKE EFFECTIVE STEPS IMMEDIATELY FOR THE RETURN OF THE REFUGEES CONCERNED TO THE CAMPS FROM WHICH THEY WERE REMOVED IN THE GAZA STRIP AND TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SHELTERS FOR THEIR ACCOMODATION."} {"rcid":1689,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-01","unres":"R/31/106A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, SETTLEMENTS","descr":"TO STRONGLY DEPLORE THE MEASURES TAKEN BY ISRAEL IN THE ARAB TERRITORIES OCCUPIED SINCE 1967 THAT ALTER THEIR DEMOGRAPHIC COMPOSITION OR GEOGRAPHICAL NATURE, AND PARTICULARLY THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SETTLEMENTS."} {"rcid":1690,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-01","unres":"R/31/106B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THAT THE GENEVA CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE PROTECTION OF CIVILIAN PERSONS IN TIME OF WAR, OF AUGUST 12, 1949, IS APPLICABLE TO ALL THE ARAB TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL SINCE 1967, INCLUDING JERUSALEM."} {"rcid":1691,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-01","unres":"R/31/106C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"TO COMMEND THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE ISRAELI PRACTICES AFFECTING THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE POPULATION OF THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES FOR ITS EFFORTS IN PERFORMING THE TASKS ASSIGNED TO IT BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY."} {"rcid":1692,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-01","unres":"R/31/106D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, QUNEITRA","descr":"TO CONDEMN THE MASSIVE, DELIBERATE DESTRUCTION OF QUNEITRA PERPETRATED DURING ISRAELI OCCUPATION AND PRIOR TO THE WITHDRAWL OF ISRAELI FORCES FROM THAT CITY IN 1974."} {"rcid":1693,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-07","unres":"R/31/14","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC COOPERATION","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS DEEP CONCERN AND DISAPPOINTMENT AT THE FAILURE OF THE CONFERENCE ON INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION TO ACHIEVE ANY CONCRETE RESULTS SO FAR AND ITS PROFOUND CONCERN AT THE ADVERSE EFFECT WHICH THE FAILURE OF THE CONFERENCE WIL"} {"rcid":1694,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-01","unres":"R/31/110","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, LIVING CONDITIONS","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, IN COLLABORATION WITH THE RELEVANT UNITED NATIONS ORGANS AND SPECIALIZED AGENCIES, TO PREPARE AND SUBMIT TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT ITS THIRTY-SECOND SESSION A REPORT ON THE LIVING CONDITIONS OF THE PALESTINIAN"} {"rcid":1695,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-06","unres":"R/31/157","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LAND-LOCKED COUNTRIES","descr":"TO CALL UPON ALL MEMBER STATES AND THE ENTIRE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY TO GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THE TRADE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAND-LOCKED DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, INCLUDING THE POSSIBLE PROVISION OF PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT OF THEIR GOODS."} {"rcid":1696,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-06","unres":"R/31/158","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NEW ECONOMIC ORDER","descr":"TO CONSIDER THAT IT IS INTEGRAL TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER TO GIVE A NEW ORIENTATION TO PROCEDURES OF REORGANIZATION OF DEBT OWED TO DEVELOPED COUNTRIES AWAY FROM THE PAST EXPERIENCE OF A PRIMARILY COMMERICAL F"} {"rcid":1697,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-06","unres":"R/31/162","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO REQUEST THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD TO INSCRIBE ON ITS AGENDA AS A REGULAR ITEM THE REDEPLOYMENT OF INDUSTRIES FROM DEVELOPED TO DEVELOPING COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":1698,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-06","unres":"R/31/174","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO REITERATE ITS APPEAL TO DEVELOPED COUNTRIES WHICH HAVE NOT YET DONE SO TO MEET THE TARGET OF .07 PER CENT OF THE GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT FOR OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE SET OUT IN THE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR THE SECOND UNIT"} {"rcid":1699,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-06","unres":"R/31/177","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"LAND-LOCKED COUNTRIES","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS APPRECIATION TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL AND THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON GRADE AND DEVELOPMENT FOR THE PREPARATION OF PROPOSALS ON THE ORGANIZATION ARRANGEMENTS OF THE UNITED NATIONS SPECIAL FUND FOR LAND-LOCKED DEVELOPING COUN"} {"rcid":1700,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-06","unres":"R/31/178","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NEW ECONOMIC ORDER","descr":"TO AFFIRM THAT ITS RESOLUTIONS ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NEW INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER REFLECT A COMMITMENT ON THE PART OF ALL COUNTRIES TO ENSURE EQUITABLE ECONOMIC RELATIONS BETWEEN DEVELOPED AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES AND A DELIBERATE, SUST"} {"rcid":1701,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-06","unres":"R/31/186","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE RIGHT OF THE ARAB STATES AND PEOPLES WHOSE TERRITORIES ARE UNDER ISRAELI OCCUPATION TO REGAIN FULL AND EFFECTIVE CONTROL OVER THEIR NATURAL AND ALL OTHER RESOURCES AND ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES, AS WELL AS THE RIGHTS OF THOSE STATES,"} {"rcid":1702,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-04","unres":"R/31/33","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ECONOMIC ISOLATION","descr":"TO STRONGLY CONDEMN THE COLLABORATION OF ALL STATES, PARTICULARLY FRANCE, THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ISRAEL AND JAPAN, AS WELL AS THOSE FOREIGN ECONOM"} {"rcid":1703,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-04","unres":"R/31/34","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN AFRICA, NATO","descr":"TO POLICIES OF THOSE MEMBERS OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC TREATY ORGANIZATION AND OTHER COUNTRIES WHOSE POLITICAL, ECONOMIC, MILITARY OR SPORTING RELATIONS WITH THE RACIST REGIMES OF SOUTHERN AFRICA AND ELSEWHERE ENCOURAGE THESE REGIMES TO PERSIST IN"} {"rcid":1704,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-05","unres":"R/31/77","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO CONDEMN THE INTOLERABLE CONDITIONS WHICH CONTINUE TO PREVAIL IN SOUTHERN AFRICA AND ELSEWHERE, INCLUDING THE DENIAL OF THE RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND THE INHUMANE AND ODIOUS APPLICATION OF APARTHEID AND RACIAL DISCRIMINA"} {"rcid":1705,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-05","unres":"R/31/78","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RACISM, WORLD CONFERENCE","descr":"TO WELCOME AGAIN WITH APPRECIATION THE OFFER OF THE GOVERNMENT OF GHANA TO ACT AS HOST TO THE WORLD CONFERENCE TO COMBAT RACISM AND RACIAL DISCRIMINATION AND TAKES NOTE OF THE MEASURES CONTEMPLATED BY THAT GOVERNMENT AIMED AT ENSURING THE SUCCE"} {"rcid":1706,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-05","unres":"R/31/80","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, REPORT","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE STATUS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE SUPPRESSION AND PUNISHMENT OF THE CRIME OF APARTHEID."} {"rcid":1707,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-05","unres":"R/31/84","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DEVELOPMENT SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE RIGHT AND RESPONSIBILITY OF EACH STATE AND PEOPLE TO DETERMINE FREELY ITS OWN OBJECTIVES OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, TO SET ITS OWN PRIORITIES AND TO DECIDE IN CONFORMITY WITH THE PRINCIPLES OF THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS THE M"} {"rcid":1708,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-01","unres":"R/31/124","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILE","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS PROFOUND INDIGNATION THAT CONSTANT AND FLAGRANT VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS HAVE TAKEN PLACE AND CONTINUE TO TAKE PLACE IN CHILE, IN PARTICULAR THE INSTITUTIONALIZED PRACTICE OF TORTURE, CRUEL, INHUMAN AND DEGRADING TREATMENT AND"} {"rcid":1709,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-01","unres":"R/31/128","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"AFFECTS OF TECHNOLOGY","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS CONCERN AT THE FACT THAT SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL ACHIEVEMENT MAY BE USED TO THE DETRIMENT OF FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS, THE DIGNITY OF THE HUMAN PERSON, INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY AND SOCIAL PROGRESS AND TO"} {"rcid":1710,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-07","unres":"R/31/7","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPEDEMENTS","descr":"TO CONDEMN THE INTENSIFIED ACTIVITIES OF THOSE FOREIGN ECONOMIC, FINANCIAL AND OTHER INTERESTS WHICH CONTINUE TO EXPLOIT THE NATURAL AND HUMAN RESOURCES OF THE COLONIAL TERRITORIES AND TO ACCUMULATE AND REPATRIATE HUGE PROFITS TO THE DETRIMENT"} {"rcid":1711,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-03","unres":"R/31/29","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO APPROVE THE CHAPTER OF THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES RELATING TO THE INFORMATION FROM NON-SELF-GOVER"} {"rcid":1712,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-11-03","unres":"R/31/30","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO APPROVE THE CHAPTER OF THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES RELATING TO THE ITEM."} {"rcid":1713,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-07","unres":"R/31/49","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FALKLAND ISLANDS","descr":"TO REQUEST THE GOVERNMENTS OF ARGENTINA AND THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND TO EXPEDITE THE NEGOTIATIONS CONCERNING THE DISPUTE OVER SOVEREIGNTY AS REQUESTED IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS 2065 (XX) AND 3160 (XXVIII)."} {"rcid":1714,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-07","unres":"R/31/50","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BELIZE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF BELIZE TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDPENDENCE."} {"rcid":1715,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-07","unres":"R/31/53","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"EAST TIMOR, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF EAST TIMOR TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE FROM ARMED INTERVENTION BY INDONESIA AND THE LEGITIMACY OF THEIR STRUGGLE TO ACHIEVE THAT RIGHT."} {"rcid":1716,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-07","unres":"R/31/56","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BRUNEI, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF BRUNEI TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES, CONTAINED IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 1514"} {"rcid":1717,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-07","unres":"R/31/58","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GUAM, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF GUAM TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES CONTAINED IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION AND TO S"} {"rcid":1718,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-07","unres":"R/31/59","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DJIBOUTI, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF SO-CALLED SOMALILAND (DJIBOUTI) TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE AND TO DEMAND THE GOVERNMENT OF FRANCE TO WITHDRAW ITS MILITARY BASE FROM THE TERRITORY WITHOUT DELAY."} {"rcid":1719,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-05","unres":"R/31/146","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO STRONGLY DEPLORE SOUTH AFRICA'S CONTINUED REFUSAL TO COMPLY WITH THE RESOLUTIONS AND DECISIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS, ITS CONTINUED ILLEGAL OCCUPATION OF NAMIBIA, ITS BRUTAL REPRESSION OF THE NAMIBIAN PEOPLE AND ITS PERSISTENT VIOLATION OF T"} {"rcid":1720,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-05","unres":"R/31/147","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE THE REPORT OF THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA, INCLUDING THE RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED THEREIN AND TO MAKE ADEQUATE FINANCIAL PROVISION FOR THEIR IMPLEMENTATION."} {"rcid":1721,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-05","unres":"R/31/148","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, ICJ","descr":"TO CALL UPON THOSE STATES WHICH HAVE NOT YET DONE SO TO COMPLY WITH THE RELEVANT PROVISIONS OF THE RESOLUTIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND THE SECURITY COUNCIL CONCERNING NAMIBIA AND THE ADVISORY OPINION OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF"} {"rcid":1722,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-05","unres":"R/31/149","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, ASSISTANCE","descr":"TO REQUEST ALL SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS WITHIN THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM TO PREPARE, IN CONSULTATION WITH THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA AND WITHIN THEIR RESPECTIVE SPHERES OF COMPETENCE, PROGRAMMES OF ASSISTANCE TO"} {"rcid":1723,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-05","unres":"R/31/150","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, INFORMATION","descr":"TO REQUEST THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA TO SEND A MISSION TO THE HEADQUARTERS OF THE SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS TO DISCUSS THE QUESTION OF DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE TO NAMIBIANS."} {"rcid":1724,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-05","unres":"R/31/152","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA","descr":"TO INVITE THE SOUTH WEST AFRICA PEOPLE'S ORGANIZATION TO PARTICIPATE IN THE SESSIONS AND THE WORK OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY IN THE CAPACITY OF OBSERVER."} {"rcid":1725,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-05","unres":"R/31/154B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CHARTER VIOLATIONS","descr":"TO STRONGLY CONDEMN THOSE GOVERNMENTS, PARTICULARLY THE RACIST REGIME OF SOUTH AFRICA, FOR THEIR POLICIES WHICH, IN VIOLATION OF THE RELEVANT RESOLUTIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND IN OPEN CONTRAVENTION OF THEIR SPECIFIC OBLIGATIONS UNDER ARTICL"} {"rcid":1726,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-07","unres":"R/31/5B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO AUTHORIZE THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO ENTER INTO COMMITMENTS FOR THE UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED $6.92 MILLION PER MONTH FOR THE PERIOD FROM OCTOBER 25 TO NOVEMBER 30, 1976 INCLUSIVE, AND FOR THE UNITED NATIONS DISENG"} {"rcid":1727,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-07","unres":"R/31/5C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO APPROPRIATE TO THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT REFERRED TO IN SECTION II, PARAGRAPH 1, OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 3211 B (XXIX) THE AMOUNT OF $76.27 MILLION FOR THE OPERATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FOREC FOR THE PERIOD FROM OCTOBER 25, 1976"} {"rcid":1728,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-07","unres":"R/31/5D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE","descr":"TO APPROPRIATE THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT REFERRED TO IN SECTION II, PARAGRAPH 1, OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 3211 B (XXIX) THE AMOUNT OF $6.15 FOR THE OPERATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE FOR THE PERIOD FROM JUNE 1 TO OCTOB"} {"rcid":1729,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-06","unres":"R/31/95A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, ASSESSMENT RATES","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THAT THE CAPACITY OF MEMBER STATES TO CONTRIBUTE TOWARDS THE PAYMENT OF THE BUDGETARY EXPENSES OF THE UNITED NATIONS IS THE FUNDAMENTAL CRITERION ON WHICH SCALES OF ASSESSMENT ARE BASED AND TO LOWER THE FLOOR FOR PURPOSES OF FORMULA"} {"rcid":1730,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-02","unres":"R/31/141","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE WITH APPRECIATION OF THE SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION AND TO APPROVE THE INTENTION OF THE COMMISSION TO ASSUME FORTHWITH ITS FUNCTIONS UNDER ARTICLE 12 OF ITS STATUTE 62 REGARDING SALARIES OF T"} {"rcid":1731,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-07","unres":"R/31/195","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, U.N. HEADQUARTERS","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORTS OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL AND THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS ON THE EXPANSION OF MEETING ROOMS AND IMPROVEMENT OF CONFERENCE SERVICING AND DELEGATE FACILITIES AT UNITED NATIONS HEADQU"} {"rcid":1732,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-07","unres":"R/31/197","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE","descr":"TO REQEST THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, IN CONSULTATION WITH THE INVESTMENTS COMMITTEE WHICH IS BEING ENLARGED AT THE CURRENT SESSION TO REFLECT WIDER AND MORE EQUITABLE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION, TO ENSURE THAT THE RESOURCES WHICH THE UNITED NATIONS"} {"rcid":1733,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-07","unres":"R/31/204","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SALARIES, ICJ","descr":"TO PROVIDE THAT THE ANNUAL SALARIES OF MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE SHALL NEXT BE REVIEWED AT ITS THIRTY-FIFTH SESSION AND THEREAFTER NORMALLY EVERY FIVE YEARS AND TO PROVIDE THAT, WITH EFFECT FROM JANUARY 1, 1977, THAT IN BETW"} {"rcid":1734,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-07","unres":"R/31/206","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, UNCTAD","descr":"TO PROVIDE THAT THE EXTENT OF THE GREATER FLEXIBILITY FOR UNCTAD IN BUDGETARY, FINANCIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS TO BE ACCORDED SHOULD BE SUCH AS TO ENABLE UNCTAD TO MAKE THE BEST USE OF ITS RESOURCES ACCORDING TO THE DEMANDS MADE OF IT."} {"rcid":1735,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-07","unres":"R/31/207A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET","descr":"TO INCREASE THE AMOUNT OF $US 745.8 MILLION APPROPRIATED BY ITS RESOLUTION 3539 (XXX) OF DECEMBER 17, 1975 BY $US 38.11 MILLION."} {"rcid":1736,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-07","unres":"R/31/207B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET","descr":"TO INCREASE BY $US 8.59 MILLION THE ESTIMATES OF INCOME OTHER THAN ASSESSMENTS ON MEMBER STATES APPROVED UNDER ITS RESOLUTION 3539 B (XXX) OF DECEMBER 17, 1975."} {"rcid":1737,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-07","unres":"R/31/207C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, 1977","descr":"TO RESOLVE THAT FOR THE YEAR 1977 BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS TOTALLING $US 410.83 MILLION CONSISTING OF $ US 372.91 MILLION, BEING ONE HALF OF THE APPROPRIATIONS APPROVED FOR THE BIENNIUM 1976-1977 UNDER GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 3539 A (XXX), AN"} {"rcid":1738,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-07","unres":"R/31/208/I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. YEARBOOK","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE YEARBOOK OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND TO CONCUR WITH THE COMMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS IN ITS REPORT."} {"rcid":1739,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-07","unres":"R/31/208/III","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DATA PROCESSING","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING AND INFORMATION SYSTEM IN THE UNITED NATIONS AND OF THE RELATED REPORT OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS."} {"rcid":1740,"session":31,"importantvote":0,"date":"1976-12-05","unres":"R/31/76","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"VIENNA CONVENTION","descr":"TO URGE STATES WHICH HAVE NOT YET DONE SO TO BECOME PARTIES TO THE VIENNA CONVENTION AT ITS SESSIONS ON THE QUESTION OF IMPLEMENTATION BY STATES OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE VIENNA CONVENTION ON DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS OF 1961."} {"rcid":1741,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-10-05","unres":"R/32/5","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, LEGAL VALIDITY OF ACTIONS","descr":"TO DETERMINE THAT ALL SUCH MEASURES AND ACTIONS TAKEN BY ISRAEL IN THE PALESTINIAN AND OTHER ARAB TERRITORIES OCCUPIED SINCE 1967 HAVE NO LEGAL VALIDITY AND CONSTITUTE A SERIOUS OBSTRUCTION OF EFFORTS AIMED AT ACHIEVING A JUST AND LASTING PEACE"} {"rcid":1742,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-11-05","unres":"R/32/7","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COMOROS, MAYOTTE","descr":"TO CALL UPON THE GOVERNMENT OF THE COMOROS AND THE GOVERNMENT OF FRANCE TO WORK OUT ITS COMMITTEE OF SEVEN ON THE QUESTION OF THE COMORIAN ISLAND OF MAYOTTE, WHICH RESPECTS THE POLITICAL UNITY AND TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF THE COMOROS, IN ACCORD"} {"rcid":1743,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-11-01","unres":"R/32/9C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, OFFICIAL MAP","descr":"TO DECIDE THAT THE UNITED NATIONS MAP OF NAMIBIA PREPARED BY THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA PURSUANT TO GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 31/150 OF DECEMBER 20, 1976 IS THE OFFICIAL UNITED NATIONS MAP OF NAMIBIA AND SUPERCEDES ANY OTHER MAP O"} {"rcid":1744,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-11-01","unres":"R/32/9D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NAMIBIA","descr":"TO STRONGLY CONDEMN SOUTH AFRICA'S CONTINUED REFUSAL TO COMPLY WITH THE RESOLUTIONS AND DECISIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS, ITS CONTINUED ILLEGAL OCCUPATION OF NAMIBIA, ITS BRUTAL REPRESSION OF THE NAMIBIAN PEOPLE AND ITS PERSISTENT VIOLATION OF T"} {"rcid":1745,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-11-01","unres":"R/32/9E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, NATIONHOOD PROGRAM","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS AND BODIES WITHIN THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM TO PARTICIPATE, IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA, IN PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE NATIONHOOD PROGRAMME FOR"} {"rcid":1746,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-11-01","unres":"R/32/9F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA","descr":"TO APPROVE THE REPORT OF THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA, INCLUDING THE RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED THEREIN, AND TO DECIDE TO MAKE ADEQUATE FINANCIAL PROVISIONS FOR THEIR IMPLEMENTATION. THIS MEASURE ALSO MANDATES THE CONTINUED EFFORT TO"} {"rcid":1747,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-11-01","unres":"R/32/9G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, RESOLUTION COMPLIANCE","descr":"TO CALL UPON THOSE STATES WHICH HAVE NOT YET DONE SO TO COMPLY WITH THE RELEVANT PROVISIONS OF THE RESOLUTIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND THE SECURITY COUNCIL CONCERNING NAMIBIA AND THE ADVISORY OPINION OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE OF"} {"rcid":1748,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-11-01","unres":"R/32/9H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, REPRESSION","descr":"TO STRONGLY CONDEMN THE ILLEGAL SOUTH AFRICAN ADMINISTRATION IN NAMIBIA FOR ITS MASSIVE REPRESSION OF THE NAMIBIAN PEOPLE AND THEIR LIBERATION MOVEMENT WITH THE INTENTION OF ESTABLISHING, AMONG OTHER THINGS, AN ATMOSPHERE OF INTIMIDATION AND TE"} {"rcid":1749,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-11-06","unres":"R/32/15","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CYPRUS","descr":"TO CALL FOR THE URGENT AND EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF RESOLUTION 3212 (XXIX), UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND ENDORSED BY THE SECURITY COUNCIL IN ITS RESOLUTION 365 (1974) OF DECEMBER 13, 1974, AS THE VALID FRAMEWORK FOR THE SO"} {"rcid":1750,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-11-01","unres":"R/32/20","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"TO CONDEMN ISRAEL'S CONTINUED OCCUPATION OF ARAB TERRITORIES, IN VIOLATION OF THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS, THE PRINCIPLES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND REPEATED RESOLUTIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS, AND TO REAFFIRM THAT A JUST AND LASTING PEACE I"} {"rcid":1751,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-03","unres":"R/32/40A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS APPRECIATION TO THE COMMITTEE ON THE EXERCISE OF THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE FOR ITS EFFORTS IN PERFORMING THE TASKS ASSIGNED TO IT BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, AND TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE AND"} {"rcid":1752,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-03","unres":"R/32/40B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO ESTABLISH WITHIN THE SECRETARIAT OF THE UNITED NATIONS A SPECIAL UNIT ON PALESTINIAN RIGHTS WHICH WOULD PREPARE, UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE EXERCISE OF THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIA"} {"rcid":1753,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/42","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM ITS RESOLUTIONS 1514 (XV) AND 2621 (XXV) AND ALL OTHER RESOLUTIONS ON DECOLONIZATION AND TO CALL UPON THE ADMINISTERING POWERS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THOSE RESOLUTIONS, TO TAKE ALL THE NECESSARY STEPS TO ENABLE THE DEPENDENT PEOPLES OF"} {"rcid":1754,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/105B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ANTI-APARTHEID YEAR","descr":"TO PROCLAIM THE YEAR BEGINNING ON MARCH 21, 1978 INTERNATIONAL ANTI-APARTHEID YEAR, AND TO ENDORSE THE PROGRAMME FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ANTI-APARTHEID YEAR RECOMMENDED BY THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID IN ITS SPECIAL REPORT, AS SET FORT"} {"rcid":1755,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/105C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, TRADE UNION CONFERENCE","descr":"TO COMMEND THE RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE SECOND INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNION CONFERENCE FOR ACTION AGAINST APARTHEID TO THE ATTENTION OF ALL GOVERNMENTS AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS."} {"rcid":1756,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/105D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISRAEL","descr":"TO AGAIN STRONGLY CONDEMN ISRAEL FOR ITS CONTINUING AND INCREASING COLLABORATION WITH THE RACIST REGIME OF SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":1757,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/105F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ECONOMIC ISOLATION","descr":"TO CALL UPON ALL GOVERNMENTS FORTHWITH TO IMPLEMENT SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 418 (1977) WITHOUT ANY RESERVATIONS AND QUALIFICATIONS WHATSOEVER AND IRRESPECTIVE OF ANY EXISTING CONTRACTS AND LICENSES ALREADY ISSUED AND TO ENSURE THAT ALL CORP"} {"rcid":1758,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/105G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECURITY COUNCIL URGENTLY TO CONSIDER MANDATORY ECONOMIC SANCTIONS AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA, AND TO CALL UPON ALL STATES TO CEASE ECONOMIC COLLABORATION WITH SOUTH AFRICA AND TAKE EFFECTIVE ACTION TO PREVENT SUCH COLLABORATION BY COR"} {"rcid":1759,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/105H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, INFORMATION","descr":"TO REQUEST ALL GOVERNMENTS TO CONTRIBUTE GENEROUSLY TO THE TRUST FUND FOR PUBLICITY AGAINST APARTHEID, AND TO REQUEST THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID AND THE CENTRE AGAINST APARTHEID TO UTILIZE THE TRUST FUND PARTICULARLY FOR THE PRODUC"} {"rcid":1760,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/105I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID","descr":"TO ENCOURAGE THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID TO INTENSIFY ITS ACTIVITES TO PROMOTE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAMME OF ACTION AGAINST APARTHEID, THE LAGOS DECLARATION FOR ACTION AGAINST APARTHEID AND ALL RELEVANT RESOLUTIONS OF THE U"} {"rcid":1761,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/105J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, INALIENABLE RIGHTS","descr":"TO STRONGLY REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF SOUTH AFRICA AS A WHOLE, IRRESPECTIVE OF RACE, COLOUR OR CREED, TO DETERMINE, ON THE BASIS OF MAJORITY RULE, THE FUTURE OF SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":1762,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/105K","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, RACIST REGIME","descr":"TO STRONGLY CONDEMN THE ILLEGITIMATE MINORITY RACIST REGIME OF SOUTH AFRICA FOR ITS CRIMINAL POLICIES AND ACTIONS, AND TO DECLARE THAT SOUTH AFRICA BELONGS TO PEOPLE, IRRESPECTIVE OF RACE, COLOUR OR CREED."} {"rcid":1763,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/105L","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, LAGOS DECLARATION","descr":"TO ENDORSE THE LAGOS DECLARATION FOR ACTION AGAINST APARTHEID AND COMMEND IT TO ALL GOVERNMENTS AND TO ALL INTERGOVERNMENTAL AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS FOR APPROPRIATE AND URGENT ACTION."} {"rcid":1764,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/105M","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, SPORTS","descr":"TO ADOPT AND PROCLAIM THE INTERNATIONAL DECLARATION AGAINST APARTHEID IN SPORTS, RECOMMENDED BY THE AD HOC COMMITTEE ON THE DRAFTING OF AN INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION AGAINST APARTHEID IN SPORTS AND ANNEXED TO THE PRESENT RESOLUTION."} {"rcid":1765,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/105N","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, BANTUSTANS","descr":"TO AGAIN DENOUNCE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF BANTUSTANS AS DESIGNED TO CONSOLIDATE THE INHUMAN POLICY OF APARTHEID, TO DESTROY THE TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF THE COUNTRY, TO PERPETUATE WHITE MINORITY DOMINATION AND TO DEPRIVE THE AFRICAN PEOPLE OF SOUT"} {"rcid":1766,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/105O","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, FOREIGN INVESTMENTS","descr":"TO URGE THE SECURITY COUNCIL, WHEN STUDYING THE PROBLEM OF THE CONTINUED STRUGGLE AGAINST THE APARTHEID POLICIES OF SOUTH AFRICA, TO CONSIDER AGAIN STEPS TO ACHIEVE, AT AN EARLY DATE, THE CESSATION OF FURTHER FOREIGN INVESTMENTS IN SOUTH AFRICA"} {"rcid":1767,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/76","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"TO NOTE WITH SATISFACTION THAT ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL I OF THE TREATY FOR THE PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN LATIN AMERICA (TREATY OF TLATELOLCO) WAS SIGNED ON MAY 26, 1977 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THAT THE GOVERNMEN"} {"rcid":1768,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/78","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO REITERATE ITS GRAVE CONCERN THAT IN SPITE OF THE REPEATED RESOLUTIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY RELATED TO NUCLEAR-WEAPONS TESTING IN ALL ENVIRONMENTS, ADOPTED BY VERY LARGE MAJORITIES, SUCH TESTING HAS CONTINUED UNBATED DURING THE PAST YEAR."} {"rcid":1769,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/79","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"TO AGAIN URGE THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS TO SIGN AND RATIFY ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL II OF THE TREATY FOR THE PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN LATIN AMERICA (TREATY OF TLATELOLCO)."} {"rcid":1770,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/80","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE DECISION OF THE DECISION OF THE CONFERENCE OF THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO SET UP AN AD HOC WORKING GROUP TO ELABORATE A COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAME FOR DISARMAMENT"} {"rcid":1771,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/81","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO STRONGLY REITERATE ITS CALL UPON ALL STATES TO CONSIDER AND RESPECT THE CONTINENT OF AFRICA, INCLUDING THE CONTINENTAL AFRICAN STATES, MADAGASCAR AND OTHER ISLANDS SURROUNDING AFRICA, AS A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE, AND TO CONDEMN ANY ATTEMPT"} {"rcid":1772,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/82","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"TO URGE ANEW ALL PARTIES DIRECTLY CONCERNED TO ADHERE TO THE TREATY ON THE NON-PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS AS A MEANS OF PROMOTING THE OBJECTIVE OF A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE IN THE MIDDLE EAST."} {"rcid":1773,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/83","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"TO REAFFIRM ITS ENDORSEMENT, IN PRINCIPLE, OF THE CONCEPT OF A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE IN SOUTH ASIA, AND TO URGE ONCE AGAIN THE STATES OF SOUTH ASIA AND SUCH OTHER NEIGHBORING NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES AS MAY BE INTERESTED TO CONTINUE TO MAKE"} {"rcid":1774,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/84A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO REQUEST THE CONFERENCE OF THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO CONTINUE NEGOTIATIONS, WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF QUALIFIED GOVERNMENTAL EXPERTS, AIMED AT WORKING OUT THE TEXT OF AN AGREEMENT ON THE PROHIBITION OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND MANUFACTURE OF NE"} {"rcid":1775,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/84B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO URGE STATES TO REFRAIN FROM DEVELOPING NEW WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION BASED ON NEW SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES."} {"rcid":1776,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/85","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, MILITARY BUDGETS","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS APPRECIATION TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL AND TO THE GROUP OF BUDGETARY EXPERTS WHICH ASSISTED IN THE REPORT ON THE REDUCTION OF MILITARY BUDGETS AND EXPENDITURES."} {"rcid":1777,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/86","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"TO RENEW ITS INVITATION TO THE GREAT POWERS AND OTHER MAJOR MARITIME USERS OF THE INDIAN OCEAN THAT HAVE NOT SO FAR SEEN THEIR WAY TO CO-OPERATING EFFECTIVELY WITH THE AD HOC COMMITTEE ON THE INDIAN OCEAN AND THE LITTORAL AND HINTERLAND STATES"} {"rcid":1778,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/87B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SECURITY, NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE PROVISIONS OF ITS RESOLUTION 31/189C, AND TO URGE THE NUCLEAR-WEAPON POWERS TO GIVE SERIOUS CONSIDERATION TO EXTENDING THE UNDERTAKING PROPOSED BY ITS RESOLUTION 31/189 C AND TO TAKE EXPEDITIOUS ACTION IN ALL RELEVANT FORUMS TO"} {"rcid":1779,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/87D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, SUGGESTIONS","descr":"TO INVITE ALL STATES TO INFORM THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, NOT LATER THAN APRIL 15, 1978, OF THEIR VIEWS AND SUGGESTIONS CONCERNING THE REGIONAL ASPECTS OF DISARMAMENT, INCLUDING MEASURES DESIGNED TO INCREASE CONFIDENCE."} {"rcid":1780,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/87F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, ARMS RACE","descr":"TO URGENTLY CALL FOR DETERMINED EFFORTS BY ALL NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES 1) TO BRING ABOUT THE CESSATION OF THE NUCLEAR ARMS RACE, 2) TO UNDERTAKE EFFECTIVE MEASURES IN THE DIRECTION OF NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT, AND 3) TO FIND AN EARLY SOLUTION TO THE R"} {"rcid":1781,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/87G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, ARMS RACE","descr":"TO NOTE WITH SATISFACTION THE STATEMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND THE PRESIDENT OF THE SUPREME SOVIET OF THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS IN REGARD TO DISARMAMENT, AND TO STRESS THE URGENCY THAT THESE TWO NATIONS IM"} {"rcid":1782,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/152","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS","descr":"TO CONVENE IN 1979 A UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE WITH A VIEW TO REACHING AGREEMENTS ON PROHIBITIONS OR RESTRICTIONS ON THE USE OF SPECIFIC CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS, INCLUDING THOSE WHICH MAY BE DEEMED TO BE EXCESSIVELY INJURIOUS OR HAVE INDISCRIMINAT"} {"rcid":1783,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/153","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"INTERFERENCE, INTERNAL AFFAIRS","descr":"TO URGE ALL STATES TO ABIDE BY THE PROVISIONS OF PARAGRAPHS 3 AND 4 OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 31/91, WHICH DENOUNCE ANY FORM OF INTERFERENCE IN THE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL AFFAIRS OF OTHER STATES AND CONDEMN ALL FORMS AND TECHNIQUES OF COERCI"} {"rcid":1784,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/154","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. PURPOSES, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO CALL UPON ALL STATES TO ADHERE FULLY TO, AND IMPLEMENT CONSISTENTLY, THE PURPOSES AND PRINCIPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND ALL THE PROVISIONS OF THE DECLARATION ON THE STRENGTHENING OF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND TO CONTRIBUTE EFFECTIVELY TO"} {"rcid":1785,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-07","unres":"R/32/196B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"OUTER SPACE, PEACEFUL USES","descr":"TO DECIDE TO EXPAND THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE PEACEFUL USES OF OUTER SPACE FROM THIRTY-SEVEN TO FORTY-SEVEN."} {"rcid":1786,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-07","unres":"R/32/90A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES","descr":"TO NOTE WITH DEEP REGRET THAT REPATRIATION OR COMPENSATION OF THE REFUGEES AS PROVIDED FOR IN PARAGRAPH 11 OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 194 (III) HAS NOT BEEN EFFECTED (WITH REGARD TO PALESTINE REFUGEES), THAT NO SUBSTANTIAL PROGRESS HAS BEEN"} {"rcid":1787,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-07","unres":"R/32/90C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES","descr":"TO CALL ONCE MORE UPON ISRAEL TO TAKE EFFECTIVE STEPS IMMEDIATELY FOR THE RETURN OF THE REFUGEES CONCERNED TO THE CAMPS FROM WHICH THEY WERE REMOVED IN THE GAZA STRIP AND TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SHELTERS FOR THEIR ACCOMMODATION."} {"rcid":1788,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-07","unres":"R/32/90E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE RIGHT OF THE DISPLACED INHABITANTS TO RETURN TO THEIR HOMES AND CAMPS IN THE TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL SINCE 1967."} {"rcid":1789,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-07","unres":"R/32/91A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THAT THE GENEVA CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE PROTECTION OF CIVILIAN PERSONS IN TIME OF WAR, OF AUGUST 12, 1949, IS APPLICABLE TO ALL THE ARAB TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL SINCE 1967, INCLUDING JERUSALEM."} {"rcid":1790,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-07","unres":"R/32/91B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS APPRECIATION OF THE THOROUGHNESS AND IMPARTIALITY WITH WHICH THE EXPERT ENGAGED BY THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE ISRAELI PRACTICES AFFECTING THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE POPULATION OF THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES DISCHARGED THE TAS"} {"rcid":1791,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-07","unres":"R/32/91C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"TO COMMEND THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE ISRAELI PRACTICES AFFECTING THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE POPULATION OF THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES FOR ITS EFFORTS IN PERFORMING THE TASKS ASSIGNED TO IT BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY."} {"rcid":1792,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-02","unres":"R/32/113","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LAND-LOCKED COUNTRIES","descr":"TO URGE MEMBER STATES AND THE ENTIRE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY TO MAKE GENEROUS VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE UNITED NATIONS SPECIAL FUND FOR LAND-LOCKED DEVELOPING COUNTRIES IN ORDER TO MAKE IT OPERATIONAL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE."} {"rcid":1793,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-02","unres":"R/32/115","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE","descr":"TO ENDORSE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2123 (LXII) OF AUGUST 4, 1977, AND TO HOLD THE CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR DEVELOPMENT AT AN APPROPRIATE TIME IN 1979, BEARING IN MIND THE DECISION CONTAINED IN PARAGRAPH 8 OF GENER"} {"rcid":1794,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/158","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WATER CONFERENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT THE REPORT OF THE UNITED NATIONS WATER CONFERENCE AND APPROVE THE MAR DEL PLATA ACTION PLAN AND THE OTHER AGREEMENTS REACHED AT THE CONFERENCE."} {"rcid":1795,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/161","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, ECONOMIC EFFECTS","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE ADVERSE ECONOMIC EFFECTS ON THE ARAB STATES AND PEOPLES RESULTING FROM REPEATED ISRAELI AGGRESSION AND CONTINUED OCCUPATION OF THEIR TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":1796,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/162","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN SETTLEMENTS","descr":"TO MAKE SOME INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION IN THE FIELD OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS."} {"rcid":1797,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/171","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, LIVING CONDITIONS","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE LIVING CONDITIONS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE IN THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES AND TO EXPRESS THE VIEW THAT THERE IS NEED FOR FURTHER ANALYSIS IN ORDER TO MEET FULLY THE OBJECTIVES OF GENERAL"} {"rcid":1798,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/191","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LAND-LOCKED COUNTRIES","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE RIGHT OF THE FREE ACCESS TO AND FROM THE SEA OF THE DEVELOPING LAND-LOCKED COUNTRIES, AS WELL AS THEIR RIGHT OF FREEDOM OF TRANSIT."} {"rcid":1799,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-06","unres":"R/32/193","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. AND COMMODITIES","descr":"TO CALL UPON THOSE COUNTRIES WHICH HAVE NOT YET DONE SO TO TAKE NECESSARY POLITICAL DECISIONS ON SUCH BASIC ELEMENTS IN ORDER TO ENABLE THE UNITED NATIONS NEGOTIATING CONFERENCE ON A COMMON FUND UNDER THE INTEGRATED PROGRAMME FOR COMMODITIES TO"} {"rcid":1800,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-11-04","unres":"R/32/12","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, SUPPRESSION","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE STATUS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE SUPPRESSION AND PUNISHMENT OF THE CRIME OF APARTHEID, AND TO EXPRESS ITS SATIFACTION WITH THE INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF STATES WHICH HAVE R"} {"rcid":1801,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-11-04","unres":"R/32/13","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, REPORT","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE WITH APPRECIATION OF THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION."} {"rcid":1802,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-11-04","unres":"R/32/14","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO CALL UPON ALL STATES TO IMPLEMENT FULLY AND FAITHFULLY THE RESOLUTIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS REGARDING THE EXERCISE OF THE RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION BY PEOPLES UNDER COLONIAL AND ALIEN DOMINATION."} {"rcid":1803,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-03","unres":"R/32/118","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILE","descr":"TO REITERATE ITS PROFOUND INDIGNATION THAT THE CHILEAN PEOPLE CONTINUE TO BE SUBJECTED TO CONSTANT AND FLAGRANT VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS, TO LACK ADEQUATE CONSTITUTIONAL AND JUDICIAL SAFEGUARDS OF THEIR RIGHTS AND LIB"} {"rcid":1804,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-03","unres":"R/32/122","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FREEDOM FIGHTERS","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS SOLIDARITY WITH THE FIGHTERS FOR NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE AND SOCIAL PROGRESS OF PEOPLES, AGAINST COLONIALISM, APARTHEID, RACISM AND FOREIGN OCCUPATION."} {"rcid":1805,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-03","unres":"R/32/124","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DRUG ABUSE CONTROL","descr":"TO INVITE THE UNITED NATIONS FUND FOR DRUG ABUSE CONTROL TO INITIATE, IN COLLABORATION WITH THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION AND OTHER APPROPRIATE AGENCIES AND BODIES OF THE UNITED NATIONS, ACTIONS TO DESIGN MODELS FOR PREVENTION, TREATMENT AND RE"} {"rcid":1806,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-03","unres":"R/32/125","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DRUG ABUSE CONTROL","descr":"TO ENDORSE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2066 (LXII) ON THE CO-ORDINATION OF TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE IN AREAS OF ILLICIT PRODUCTION OF NARCOTIC RAW MATERIALS."} {"rcid":1807,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-03","unres":"R/32/126","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DRUG TRAFFIC","descr":"TO URGE EVERY GOVERNMENT TO INTENSIFY ITS EFFORTS IN THAT RESPECT BY STRENGTHENING AND CO-ORDINATING ITS LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES RESPONSIBLE FOR INTERCEPTING THE ILLICIT TRAFIC IN NARCOTIC DRUGS AND PSYCHOTROPIC SUBSTANCES, BY PROVIDING THEM W"} {"rcid":1808,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-03","unres":"R/32/129","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RACISM, CONFERENCE IN GHANA","descr":"TO ENDORSE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2057 (LXII), AND TO REGRET THE CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH LED TO THE WITHDRAWAL BY THE GOVERNMENT OF GHANA OF ITS OFFER TO ACT AS HOST TO THE WORLD CONFERENCE TO COMBAT RACISM AND RACIAL DISCRIMINATION"} {"rcid":1809,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-03","unres":"R/32/130","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, FUTURE APPROACH","descr":"TO DECIDE THAT THE APPROACH TO THE FUTURE WORK WITHIN THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM WITH RESPECT TO HUMAN RIGHTS QUESTIONS SHOULD TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE NOTIONS THAT ALL HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS ARE INDIVISIBLE AND INTERDEPENDENT AND TH"} {"rcid":1810,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-03","unres":"R/32/142","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WOMEN'S RIGHTS","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ITS RESOLUTION 3519 (XXX), AND TO CALL UPON ALL STATES TO CONTINUE TO MAKE THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO CREATING FAVOURABLE CONDITIONS FOR THE ELIMINATION OF DISCRIMINATION A"} {"rcid":1811,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-11-04","unres":"R/32/27","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BRUNEI, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF BRUNEI TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES."} {"rcid":1812,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-11-04","unres":"R/32/32","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BELIZE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF BELIZE TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE."} {"rcid":1813,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-11-04","unres":"R/32/33","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO APPROVE THE CHAPTER OF THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES RELATING TO THE INFORMATION FROM NON-SELF-GOVE"} {"rcid":1814,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-11-04","unres":"R/32/34","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"EAST TIMOR, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF EAST TIMOR TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE AND THE LEGITIMACY OF THEIR STRUGGLE TO ACHIEVE THAT RIGHT."} {"rcid":1815,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-11-04","unres":"R/32/35","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOVEREIGNTY, NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLES OF DEPENDENT TERRITORIES TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE AND TO THE ENJOYMENT OF THE NATURAL RESOURCES OF THEIR TERRITORIES, AS WELL AS THEIR RIGHT TO DISPOSE OF THOSE RESOURCES IN THEIR B"} {"rcid":1816,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-11-04","unres":"R/32/36","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO APPROVE THE CHAPTER OF THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES RELATING TO THE ITEM."} {"rcid":1817,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-03","unres":"R/32/116B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ZIMBABWE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF ZIMBABWE TO SELF-DETERMINATION, FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE AND THE LEGITIMACY OF THEIR STRUGGLE TO SECURE BY ALL THE MEANS AT THEIR DISPOSAL THE ENJOYMENT OF THAT RIGHT AS SET FORTH IN THE CHARTE"} {"rcid":1818,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-03","unres":"R/32/4B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO APPROPRIATE TO THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT REFERRED TO IN SECTION II, PARAGRAPH 1, OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 3211 B (XXIX) THE AMOUNT OF $76.321 MILLION FOR THE OPERATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE FOR THE PERIOD FROM OCTOBER 25, 197"} {"rcid":1819,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-03","unres":"R/32/4C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE","descr":"TO APPROPRIATE TO THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT REFERRED TO IN SECTION II, PARAGRAPH 1, OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 3211 B (XXIX) THE AMOUNT OF $6.491 MILLION AUTHORIZED AND APPORTIONED BY SECTION III OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 31/5D FOR THE OPERA"} {"rcid":1820,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-03","unres":"R/32/39","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SCALE OF ASSESSMENTS","descr":"TO SET THE SCALE OF ASSESSMENTS FOR THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF MEMBER STATES TO THE UNITED NATIONS BUDGET FOR THE FINANCIAL YEARS 1978 AND 1979."} {"rcid":1821,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/198","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FIRST CLASS TRAVEL REPORT","descr":"TO NOTE THE REPORT ON FIRST-CLASS TRAVEL IN THE UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATIONS SUBMITTED BY THE JOINT INSPECTION UNIT AND THE NOTE BY THE SECRETARY-GENERAL AS WELL AS THE REPORT OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE."} {"rcid":1822,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/200","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE","descr":"TO NOTE THE ASSURANCE GIVEN THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION THAT, IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE REQUEST MADE IN SECTION I, PARAGRAPH 1, OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 31/141B OF DECEMBER 17, 1976, IT WILL CONTINUE TO KEEP UNDER CONTINUAL RE"} {"rcid":1823,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/202A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FINAL BUDGET, 1976-1977","descr":"TO ALLOCATE FINAL BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE BIENNIUM 1976-1977."} {"rcid":1824,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/204","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET REPORT","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE WITH APPRECIATION OF THE REPORTS OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL AND OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVRE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS ON THE QUESTION OF ORGANIZATIONAL NOMENCLATURE IN THE SECRETARIAT."} {"rcid":1825,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/205","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ARABIC LANGUAGE SERVICES","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE PROGRESS REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL CONCERNING ARABIC LANGUAGE SERVICES IN THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":1826,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/208","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N ACCOMMODATIONS, NAIROBI","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON UNITED NATIONS ACCOMMODATIONS AT NAIROBI AND OF THE RELATED REPORT OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS."} {"rcid":1827,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/210","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET PROPOSALS","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO ENDEAVOUR, IN PREPARING THE PROPOSED PROGRAMME BUDGET FOR THE BIENNIUM 1980-1981, TO IMPROVE ITS FORM, CONTENT AND STRUCTURE, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED AND SUGGESTIONS MADE IN THE FIFTH COMMI"} {"rcid":1828,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/212A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. HEADQUATERS, IMPROVEMENTS","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE EXPANSION OF MEETING ROOMS AND IMPROVEMENT OF CONFERENCE SERVICING AND DELEGATE FACILITIES AT UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS AND THE RELATED REPORT OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRAT"} {"rcid":1829,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/212D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. HONORARIA MEMBERS","descr":"TO DECIDE THAT THE LUMP-SUM PAYMENT PER ANNUM OF HONORARIA FOR MEMBERS OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE SHALL BE IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,500 FOR THE CHAIRMAN AND $1,000 FOR OTHER MEMBERS."} {"rcid":1830,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/213A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, BIENNIUM 1978-1979","descr":"TO APPROPRIATE $985.91 MILLION FOR THE BIENNIUM 1978-1979."} {"rcid":1831,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/213C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, 1978","descr":"TO RESOLVE THAT FOR THE YEAR 1978, BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS TOTALING $498.51 MILLION CONSISTING OF $492.96 MILLION, BEING ONE HALF OF THE APPROPRIATIONS APPROVED FOR THE BIENNIUM 1978-1979 UNDER RESOLUTION A ABOVE, TOGETHER WITH SUPPLEMENTARY APPR"} {"rcid":1832,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/214","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"BUDGET, BIENNIUM 1978-1979","descr":"TO AUTHORIZE THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, WITH THE PRIOR CONCURENCE OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS AND SUBJECT TO THE FINANCIAL REGULATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE PROVISIONS OF PARAGRAPH 3 BELOW, TO ENTER I"} {"rcid":1833,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/215","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, WORKING CAPITAL FUND","descr":"TO RESOLVE THAT THE WORKING CAPITAL FUND SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOR THE BIENNIUM 1978-1979 IN THE AMOUNT OF $40 MILLION, AND THAT MEMBER STATES SHALL MAKE ADVANCES TO THE WORKING CAPITAL FUND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SCALE ADOPTED BY THE GENERAL AS"} {"rcid":1834,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/450B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"STAFF REGULATIONS","descr":"TO AMEND PARAGRAPHS 1 AND 2 OF ANNEX I OF THE STAFF REGULATIONS."} {"rcid":1835,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/450C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, BIENNIUM 1978-1979","descr":"TO AUTHORIZE THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, WITH THE CONCURRENCE OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS, TO TRANSFER FUNCTIONS AND RELATED CREDITS BETWEEN SECTIONS OF THE PROGRAMME BUDGET FOR 1978-1979 TO GIVE EFFECT TO THE"} {"rcid":1836,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-01","unres":"R/32/452","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET REPORT","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL AND OF THE RELATED REPORT OF THE ADVISIORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS."} {"rcid":1837,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-03","unres":"R/32/147","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM","descr":"TO EXPRESS DEEP CONCERN OVER INCREASING ACTS OF INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM WHICH ENDANGER OR TAKE INNOCENT HUMAN LIVES OR JEOPARDIZE FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS, AND TO URGE STATES TO CONTINUE TO SEEK JUST AND PEACEFUL SOLUTIONS TO THE UNDERLYING CAUSES"} {"rcid":1838,"session":32,"importantvote":0,"date":"1977-12-03","unres":"R/32/150","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-USE OF FORCE, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO ESTABLISH A SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON ENHANCING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PRINCIPLE OF NON-USE OF FORCE IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, COMPOSED OF 35 MEMBER STATES TO BE APPOINTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY ON THE BASIS OF EQUITABLE GEO"} {"rcid":1839,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-11-01","unres":"R/33/15","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CYPRUS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR CYPRUS' RIGHT TO SELF GOVERNMENT WITHOUT OUTSIDE INTERFERENCE THAT CHANGES ITS DEMOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE."} {"rcid":1840,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-11-02","unres":"R/33/17","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"TO APPROVE THE CONVENING OF THE EIGHTH SESSION OF THE THIRD UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON THE LAW OF THE SEA AT GENEVA FOR THE PERIOD FROM 19 MARCH TO 27 APRIL 1979."} {"rcid":1841,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/28A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PLO PARTICIPATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR THE INVITATION OF THE PALESTINIAN LIBERATION ORGANIZATION TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL EFFORTS, DELIBERATIONS AND CONFERENCES ON THE MIDDLE EAST WHICH ARE HELD UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE UNITED NATIONS, ON AN EQUAL F"} {"rcid":1842,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/28B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, INALIENABLE RIGHTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE SECRETARY GENERAL CONTINUE TO PROVIDE THE COMMITTEE ON THE EXERCISE OF THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE WITH ALL THE NECESSARY FACILITIES FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF ITS TASKS, INCLUDING SU"} {"rcid":1843,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/28C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, INALIENABLE RIGHTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING ALL GOVERNMENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS TO LEND THEIR COOPERATION TO THE COMMITTEE ON THE EXERCISE OF THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE AND THE SPECIAL UNIT ON PALESTINIAN RIGHTS IN THE PERFORMANCE OF T"} {"rcid":1844,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/29","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, CONFLICT RESOLUTION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THE PARTIES IN CONFLICT OVER ISRAELI OCCUPIED ARAB TERRITORIES TO WORK TOWARD A LASTING SETTLEMENT OF THE ISSUE."} {"rcid":1845,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/44","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"REPRESSION OF AFRICANS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING THE CONTINUED COLONIALIST AND RACIST REPRESSION OF MILLIONS OF AFRICANS."} {"rcid":1846,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/45","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DECOLONIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING ALL STATES, AGENCIES AND ORGANIZATIONS WITHIN THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM HAVING A SPECIAL INTEREST IN DECOLONIZATION TO UNDERTAKE OR INTENSIFY THE DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION ON THE SUBJECT."} {"rcid":1847,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/182A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, SOUTH AFRICA SANCTIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING THE ACTIVITIES OF SOUTH AFRICA IN NAMIBIA AND TO APPROVE THE IMPOSITION OF CERTAIN SANCTIONS AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":1848,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/182B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, COMPLIANCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AS A MATTER OF URGENCY FURTHER APPROPRIATE ACTION UNDER THE CHARTER, IN ORDER TO SECURE SOUTH AFRICA'S COMPLIANCE WITH ITS RELEVANT RESOLUTIONS."} {"rcid":1849,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/182C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, U.N. COUNCIL","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A PROGRAM OF WORK FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE SITUATION IN NAMIBIA."} {"rcid":1850,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-05","unres":"R/33/183B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MOBILIZATION AGAINST APARTHEID","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ALL GOVERNMENTS, INTERGOVERNMENTAL AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS TO JOIN IN THE INTERNATIONAL MOBILIZATION AGAINST APARTHEID."} {"rcid":1851,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-05","unres":"R/33/183C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MEMORY OF OPPOSITION LEADERS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION WHICH PAYS TRIBUTE TO THE MEMORY OF LEADERS OF THE OPPRESSED PEOPLES IN THEIR STRUGGLES AGAINST APARTHEID, RACIAL DISCRIMINATION AND COLONIALISM AND FOR PEACE AND INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION."} {"rcid":1852,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-05","unres":"R/33/183D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISRAEL","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DEMANDING THAT ISRAEL DESIST FROM AND TERMINATE ALL FORMS OF COLLABORATION WITH SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":1853,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-05","unres":"R/33/183E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, OIL EMBARGO","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR THE ENACTMENT OF AN OIL EMBARGO AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":1854,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-05","unres":"R/33/183G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER MEASURES AIMED AT EFFECTIVELY PREVENTING SOUTH AFRICA FROM DEVELOPING NUCLEAR WEAPONS."} {"rcid":1855,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-05","unres":"R/33/183H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ECONOMIC ISOLATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ALL GOVERNMENTS CONCERNED TO SEVER LINKS WITH THE APARTHEID REGIME OF SOUTH AFRICA, TO TAKE MEASURES TO PREVENT TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS, BANKS AND ALL OTHER INSTITUTIONS FROM COLLABORATING WITH SAID REGIM"} {"rcid":1856,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-05","unres":"R/33/183I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, INFORMATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING ALL UNITED NATIONS OFFICES AND AGENCIES TO CO-OPERATE WITH THE CENTRE AGAINST APARTHEID FOR THE REGIONAL PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF UNITED NATIONS MATERIAL ON APARTHEID."} {"rcid":1857,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-05","unres":"R/33/183J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, CENTRE AGAINST","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO STRENGTHEN THE CENTRE AGAINST APARTHEID IN THE LIGHT OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE."} {"rcid":1858,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-05","unres":"R/33/183K","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ASSISTANCE TO OPPOSITION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR ASSISTANCE TO THE OPPRESSED PEOPLE OF SOUTH AFRICA AND THEIR NATIONAL LIBERATION MOVEMENT."} {"rcid":1859,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-05","unres":"R/33/183L","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, CONVENTION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT APARTHEID CONSTITUTES A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, AND APPEALING TO ALL STATES WHICH HAVE NOT YET DONE SO TO ACCEDE TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE SUPPRESSION AND PUNISHMENT OF THE CRIME OF APARTHEI"} {"rcid":1860,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-05","unres":"R/33/183M","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, MILITARY COLLABORATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ENDING ALL MILITARY AND NUCLEAR COLLABORATION WITH THE APARTHEID REGIME OF SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":1861,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-05","unres":"R/33/183N","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, SPORTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE IMPORTANCE OF EFFECTIVE MEASURES FOR A COMPLETE CESSATION OF ALL SPORTS EXCHANGES WITH SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":1862,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-05","unres":"R/33/183O","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, FOREIGN INVESTMENTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO TAKE EFFECTIVE STEPS TO ACHIEVE THE CESSATION OF FURTHER FOREIGN INVESTMENTS IN, AND FINANCIAL LOANS TO, SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":1863,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/57","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION REPORT","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO RENDER THE NECESSARY ASSISTANCE AND TO PROVIDE SUCH SERVICES, INCLUDING SUMMARY RECORDS, AS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR THE REVIEW CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE TREATY ON THE NON-PROLIFERAT"} {"rcid":1864,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/60","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THE THREE NEGOTIATING NUCLEAR-WEAPONS STATES TO EXPEDITE THEIR NEGOTIATIONS WITH A VIEW TO BRINGING THEM TO A POSITIVE CONCLUSION."} {"rcid":1865,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/63","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, AFRICA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO RENDER ALL NECESSARY ASSISTANCE TO THE ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN UNITY TOWARDS THE REALIZATION OF ITS SOLEMN DECLARATION ON THE DENUCLEARIZATION OF AFRICA."} {"rcid":1866,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/64","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION RENEWING AN INVITATION TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO CONTINUE TO EXPLORE THE POSSIBILITIES OF MAKING PROGRESS TOWARDS THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE IN THE REGION OF THE MIDDLE EAST."} {"rcid":1867,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/65","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING ONCE AGAIN THE STATES OF SOUTH ASIA AND SUCH OTHER NEIGHBOURING NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES AS MAY BE INTERESTED TO CONTINUE TO MAKE ALL POSSIBLE EFFORTS TO ESTABLISH A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE IN SOUTH ASIA AND TO"} {"rcid":1868,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/66A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, WEAPONS INNOVATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO PURSUE ITS EXAMINATION OF THE SUBJECT, WITH ANY APPROPRIATE EXPERT ASSISTANCE, WITH A VIEW TO REACHING AGREEMENT ON THE PREVENTION OF THE EMERGENCE OF NEW WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRU"} {"rcid":1869,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/66B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO ACTIVELY CONTINUE NEGOTIATIONS WITH A VIEW TO AGREEING ON THE TEXT OF AN AGREEMENT ON THE PROHIBITION OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND MANUFACTURE OF NEW TYPES OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCT"} {"rcid":1870,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/67","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MILITARY BUDGETING","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF AN AD HOC PANEL OF EXPERIENCED PRACTITIONERS IN THE FIELD OF MILITARY BUDGETING TO CARRY OUT A PRACTICAL TEST OF THE PROPOSED REPORTING INSTRUMENT WITH THE VOLUNTA"} {"rcid":1871,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/68","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THAT THE TALKS BETWEEN THE USSR AND THE US REGARDING THEIR MILITARY PRESENCE IN THE INDIAN OCEAN BE RESUMED WITHOUT DELAY, AND RENEWS ITS INVITATION TO THE GREAT POWERS AND OTHER MAJOR MARITIME USERS OF THE INDIAN"} {"rcid":1872,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/71A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, MILITARY ASSISTANCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING ALL STATES TO REFRAIN FROM ANY SUPPLY OF ARMS, AMMUNITION, MILITARY EQUIPMENT OR VEHICLES, OR SPARE PARTS THEREFOR, TO ISRAEL, WITHOUT ANY EXCEPTION."} {"rcid":1873,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/71B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS, REPORT","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING ALL STATES, PARTICULARLY NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES, TO SUBMIT TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL PROPOSALS CONCERNING THE NON-USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS, AVOIDANCE OF NUCLEAR WAR AND RELATED MATTERS."} {"rcid":1874,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/71C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COMPREHENSIVE TEST-BAN-TREATY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT A COMPREHENSIVE TEST BAN IS A MATTER OF THE HIGHEST PRIORITY, AND CALLS UPON ALL STATES, IN PARTICULAR ALL THE NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES, PENDING THE CONCLUSION OF A COMPREHENSIVE TEST-BAN TREATY TO REFRAIN"} {"rcid":1875,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/71H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SALT II TALKS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THE UNITED STATES AND THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS TO SPEED UP NEGOTIATIONS ON THE SALT II TREATY AND CALLS ON ALL NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES TO INITIATE NEGOTIATIONS TOWARDS A BALANCED REDUCTION OF NUCLEAR-"} {"rcid":1876,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/71J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE MONITORING AGENCY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO OBTAIN THE VIEWS OF MEMBER STATES ON THE PROPOSAL TO ESTABLISH AN INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE MONITORING AGENCY, AND TO CONDUCT A STUDY ON THE TECHNICAL, LEGAL AND FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS O"} {"rcid":1877,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/72A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR THREATS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO CONSIDER ALL PROPOSALS AND SUGGESTIONS CONCERNING EFFECTIVE POLITICAL AND LEGAL MEASURES AT THE INTERNATIONAL LEVEL TO ASSURE THE NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES AGAINST THE USE OR TH"} {"rcid":1878,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/72B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, EFFECTIVE AGREEMENTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THAT URGENT EFFORTS SHOULD BE MADE TO CONCLUDE EFFECTIVE ARRANGEMENTS, AS APPROPRIATE, TO ASSURE THE NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES AGAINST THE USE OR THREAT OF USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS, INCLUDING CONSIDERATION OF AN INT"} {"rcid":1879,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-04","unres":"R/33/73","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ESTABLISHMENT OF A PEACE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING ALL STATES TO GUIDE THEMSELVES IN THEIR ACTIVITIES BY THE RECOGNITION OF THE SUPREME IMPORTANCE AND NECESSITY OF ESTABLISHING, MAINTAINING AND STRENGTHENING A JUST AND DURABLE PEACE FOR PRESENT AND FUTURE GENERA"} {"rcid":1880,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-04","unres":"R/33/74","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERFERENCE, INTERNAL AFFAIRS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ONCE AGAIN TO INVITE MEMBER STATES, ESPECIALLY THOSE WHICH HAVE NOT YET DONE SO, TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON THE QUESTION OF NON-INTERFERENCE IN THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF STATES."} {"rcid":1881,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-04","unres":"R/33/75","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, CHAPTER VII","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE LEGITIMACY OF THE STRUGGLE OF PEOPLES UNDER COLONIAL AND ALIEN DOMINATION TO ACHIEVE SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE AND CALLS UPON ALL STATES TO ENSURE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROVISOS OF CHAPTER VII O"} {"rcid":1882,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-04","unres":"R/33/76","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NICARAGUA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THE CONTINUATION OF INTERNATIONAL EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE A PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT OF THE INTERNAL CONFLICT IN NICARAGUA."} {"rcid":1883,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-05","unres":"R/33/91B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONFIDENCE-BUILDING","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING TO ALL STATES TO CONSIDER ON A REGIONAL BASIS ARRANGEMENTS FOR SPECIFIC CONFIDENCE-BUILDING MEASURES, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE SPECIFIC CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF EACH REGION AND INVITING ALL STATES TO IN"} {"rcid":1884,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-05","unres":"R/33/91C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.S-SOVIET DISARMAMENT NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR THE INCREASED EFFORTS ON THE PART OF THE U.S. AND THE SOVIET UNION TO ACHIEVE A NUCLEAR ARMS LIMITATION TREATY."} {"rcid":1885,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-05","unres":"R/33/91D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS EFFECTS STUDY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF QUALIFIED EXPERTS, TO CARRY OUT VARIOUS STUDIES ON NUCLEAR WEAPONS, AND THEIR POLITICAL AND SOCIAL RAMIFICATIONS."} {"rcid":1886,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-05","unres":"R/33/91E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, REGIONAL STUDY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO UNDERTAKE A SYSTEMATIC STUDY OF ALL THE ASPECTS OF REGIONAL DISARMAMENT."} {"rcid":1887,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-05","unres":"R/33/91F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR DEPLOYMENT","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ALL NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES WHICH DO NOT HAVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS ON THEIR TERRITORY TO REFRAIN FROM ANY STEPS WHICH WOULD DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY RESULT IN THE STATIONING OF SUCH WEAPONS ON THEIR TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":1888,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-05","unres":"R/33/91G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, INFORMATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO MAKE ARRANGEMENTS FOR INTERESTED STATES NOT MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE, TO SUBMIT TO IT WRITTEN PROPOSALS OR WORKING DOCUMENTS ON MEASURES OF DISARMAMENT THAT ARE THE SUBJECT OF N"} {"rcid":1889,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-05","unres":"R/33/91H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FISSIONABLE MATERIAL","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO CONSIDER URGENTLY THE QUESTION OF AN ADEQUATELY VERIFIED CESSATION AND PROHIBITION OF THE PRODUCTION OF FISSIONABLE MATERIAL FOR NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND OTHER NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVE DEVI"} {"rcid":1890,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-05","unres":"R/33/422","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. WAR FILM","descr":"TO APPROVE THE PRODUCTION OF A UNITED NATIONS FILM ON WARS AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES AT THE COST OF APPROXIMATELY $200,000."} {"rcid":1891,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-07","unres":"R/33/112A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNRWA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ALL GOVERNMENTS AS A MATTER OF URGENCY TO MAKE THE MOST GENEROUS EFFORTS POSSIBLE TO MEET THE ANTICIPATED NEEDS OF THE UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST."} {"rcid":1892,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-07","unres":"R/33/112C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, DISPLACED PERSONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DEPLORING THE CONTINUED REFUSAL OF THE ISRAELI AUTHORITIES TO TAKE STEPS FOR THE RETURN OF THE DISPLACED INHABITANTS."} {"rcid":1893,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-07","unres":"R/33/112E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, DISPLACED PERSONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING ONCE MORE UPON ISRAEL TO TAKE EFFECTIVE STEPS IMMEDIATELY FOR THE RETURN OF THE REFUGEES TO THE CAMPS FROM WHICH THEY WERE REMOVED IN THE GAZA STRIP AND TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SHELTERS FOR THEIR ACCOMODATION."} {"rcid":1894,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-07","unres":"R/33/112F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, DISPLACED PERSONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DEPLORING THE CONTINUED REFUSAL OF THE ISRAELI AUTHORITIES TO TAKE STEPS FOR THE RETURN OF THE DISPLACED INHABITANTS."} {"rcid":1895,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-07","unres":"R/33/113A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ISRAEL TO ACKNOWLEDGE AND TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE GENEVA CONVENTION OF 12 AUGUST 1949 IN ALL THE ARAB TERRITORIES IT HAS OCCUPIED SINCE 1967, INCLUDING JERUSALEM."} {"rcid":1896,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-07","unres":"R/33/113B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, SETTLEMENTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DEPLORING THE PERSISTENCE OF ISRAEL IN CARRYING OUT MEASURES, SUCH AS ESTABLISHING SETTLEMENTS, IN THE PALESTINIAN AND OTHER OCCUPIED ARAB TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":1897,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-07","unres":"R/33/113C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, ANNEXATIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING ISRAEL FOR ANNEXATION OF PARTS OF THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, ESTABLISHMENT OF SETTLEMENTS, EVACUATION AND DISPLACEMENT OF ARAB INHABITANTS OF THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES AND OTHER VIOLATIONS OF THE GENEVA CONVENTI"} {"rcid":1898,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-07","unres":"R/33/114","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PEACEKEEPING, SUPPORT","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPEALING TO MEMBER STATES TO SUPPORT PEACEKEEPING OPERATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND STRESSING THE RESPONSIBILITY OF MEMBER STATES TO SHARE EQUITABLY THE FINANCIAL BURDENS OF SUCH OPERATIONS."} {"rcid":1899,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-01","unres":"R/33/138","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"AMENDMENTS, G.A. RULES 31, 38","descr":"TO AMEND RULES 31 AND 38 OF THE RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY REGARDING THE COMPOSITION OF THE RELEVANT ORGANS OF THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":1900,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-04","unres":"R/33/85","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LAND-LOCKED COUNTRIES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING MEMBER STATES TO MAKE IMMEDIATE AND GENEROUS CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE UNITED NATIONS SPECIAL FUND FOR LAND-LOCKED DEVELOPING COUNTRIES IN ORDER TO MAKE IT OPERATIONAL IN THE MANNER SPECIFIED IN ITS STATUTE AS SOON AS"} {"rcid":1901,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-04","unres":"R/33/89","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DESERTIFICATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A PLAN OF ACTION FOR THE COMBAT OF DESERTIFICATION, PARTICULARLY FOR THE LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":1902,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-07","unres":"R/33/110","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, ECONOMIC EFFECTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, IN COLLABORATION WITH THE RELEVANT UNITED NATIONS ORGANS AND SPECIALIZED AGENCIES, TO PREPARE AND SUBMIT TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT ITS THIRTY-FOURTH SESSION A COMPREHENSIVE AND ANALYTIC"} {"rcid":1903,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-01","unres":"R/33/136","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"REAL RESOURCES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION HELPING TO ACCELERATE THE TRANSFER OF REAL RESOURCES TO DEVELOPING COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":1904,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-01","unres":"R/33/137","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CAPITAL MARKETS, ACCESS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, IN CONSULTATION WITH OTHER ORGANIZATIONS, TO INTENSIFY EFFORTS TO EVOLVE PRACTICABLE SOLUTIONS FOR IMPROVING, BOTH FROM A QUALITATIVE AND A QUANTITATIVE POINT OF VIEW, DEVELOPING COUNTRI"} {"rcid":1905,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-01","unres":"R/33/147","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, ECONOMIC IMPROVEMENT","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON THE UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME IN CONSULTATION WITH THE SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS WITHIN THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM TO INTENSIFY THE EFFORTS TO IMPROVE THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CON"} {"rcid":1906,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/150","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LAND-LOCKED TRANSIT INFRASTRUCTURE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING ALL MEMBERS OF THE WORLD COMMUNITY AS WELL AS THE INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS CONCERNED TO PROVIDE LAND-LOCKED DEVELOPING COUNTRIES WITH APPROPRIATE FINANCIAL AID AND ASSISTANCE IN THE FORM OF CONCESSIONAL LOANS F"} {"rcid":1907,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/151","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"REVERSE TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING ALL MEMBER STATES TO GIVE AT THE FIFTH SESSION OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT URGENT CONSIDERATION TO THE ELABORATION OF MEASURES ON THE DEVELOPMENT ASPECTS OF THE REVERSE TRANSFER OF TE"} {"rcid":1908,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/155","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INFLATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT TO RECOMMEND INTERNATIONAL POLICY MEASURES TO COMBAT THE WORLD INFLATIONARY PHENOMENON, AND TO ELIMINATE THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL EFFECTS OF INTERNATIONALL"} {"rcid":1909,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/159","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DEBT PROBLEM SOLUTIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING ALL DEVELOPED COUNTRIES TO WORK TOWARDS THE ADOPTION OF ACTION-ORIENTED DECISIONS ON THE DEBT PROBLEMS FACED BY THE DEVELOPING COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":1910,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-03","unres":"R/33/196","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROTECTIONISM","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THE DEVELOPED COUNTRIES TO ELIMINATE SPEEDILY ALL FORMS OF PROTECTIONIST MEASURES AND PRACTICES AGAINST THE EXPORTS OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":1911,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-03","unres":"R/33/199","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRADE NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THE DEVELOPED COUNTRIES TO EXTEND FULL COOPERATION TO ENSURE THE SUCCESSFUL CONCLUSION OF THE CURRENT MULTILATERAL TRADE NEGOTIATIONS, GIVING FULL REGARD TO THE SPECIAL NEEDS AND CIRCUMSTANCES OF DEVELOPING COUNTR"} {"rcid":1912,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-11-07","unres":"R/33/23","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, REGIME EFFECTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION NOTING THE ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES FOR THE ENJOYMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS OF POLITICAL, MILITARY, ECONOMIC AND OTHER FORMS OF ASSISTANCE GIVEN TO COLONIAL AND RACIST REGIMES IN SOUTHERN AFRICA."} {"rcid":1913,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-11-07","unres":"R/33/24","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE IMPORTANCE OF THE UNIVERSAL REALIZATION OF THE RIGHT OF PEOPLES TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND OF THE SPEEDY GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES FOR THE EFFECTIVE GUARANTEE AND OBSERVANC"} {"rcid":1914,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/48","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"STRUCTURAL CHANGES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THE DEVELOPED COUNTRIES TO MAKE THE STRUCTURAL CHANGES INCLUDED IN THE RESOLUTIONS ON THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER AIMED AT ELIMINATING THE INEQUITIES AND IMBALANCES CHARACTERIZING INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC R"} {"rcid":1915,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/50","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ART RESTITUTION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION TO CONTINUE ITS VALUABLE EFFORTS TO FIND SUITABLE SOLUTIONS FOR THE PROBLEMS RELATING TO THE RESTITUTION AND RETURN OF CULTURAL AND ARTISTIC"} {"rcid":1916,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/53","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, MENTAL HEALTH","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS TO URGE THAT THE STUDY OF THE QUESTION OF THE PROTECTION OF THOSE DETAINED ON THE GROUNDS OF MENTAL ILL-HEALTH BE UNDERTAKEN AS A MATTER OF PRIORITY BY THE SUB-COMMISSION ON PREV"} {"rcid":1917,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-05","unres":"R/33/98","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN AFRICA, ECONOMIC ISOLATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ALL THE GOVERNMENTS WHICH HAVE NOT YET DONE SO TO TAKE LEGISLATIVE, ADMINISTRATIVE OR OTHER MEASURES IN RESPECT OF THEIR NATIONALS AND THE BODIES CORPORATE UNDER THEIR JURISDICTION THAT OWN AND OPERATE ENTER"} {"rcid":1918,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-05","unres":"R/33/99","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RACISM, ELIMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT ALL FORMS OF RACISM, RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, AND APARTHEID ARE ABHORENT TO THE CONSCIENCE AND DIGNITY OF MANKIND AND MUST BE ERADICATED BY EFFECTIVE INTERNATIONAL ACTION AND BY APPEALING TO ALL STATES TO"} {"rcid":1919,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-05","unres":"R/33/100","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RACISM, ELIMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING THAT THE ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF RACISM AND OF PREJUDICES AND DISCRIMINATION BASED ON RACE ARE A MATTER OF HIGH PRIORITY FOR THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY AND ACCORDINGLY FOR THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":1920,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-05","unres":"R/33/103","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, COMMISSION ON H.R.","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON THE COMPETENT UNITED NATIONS ORGANS TO PROVIDE THE COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS WITH INFORMATION CONCERNING THE OBSTACLES WHICH PREVENT THE EFFECTIVE SUPPRESSION AND PUNISHMENT OF THE CRIME OF APARTHEID."} {"rcid":1921,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-05","unres":"R/33/106","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS TO SUBMIT TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT ITS 34TH SESSION, A SINGLE DRAFT DECLARATION ON THE ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF INTOLERANCE AND OF DISCRIMINATION BASED ON RELIGION OR BELIEF"} {"rcid":1922,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/163","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIGRANT WORKERS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION OUTLINING A PLAN OF ACTION FOR ENSURING THE RIGHTS OF MIGRANT WORKERS AND THEIR FAMILIES."} {"rcid":1923,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/172","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CYPRUS, MISSING PERSONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INVESTIGATORY BODY TO FUNCTION IMPARTIALLY, EFFECTIVELY AND SPEEDILY SO AS TO RESOLVE THE PROBLEM OF MISSING PERSONS IN CYPRUS WITHOUT UNDUE DELAY."} {"rcid":1924,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/174","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A VOLUNTARY FUND, CALLED THE UNITED NATIONS TRUST FUND FOR CHILE, TO RECEIVE CONTRIBUTIONS AND DISTRIBUTE, THROUGH ESTABLISHED CHANNELS OF ASSISTANCE, HUMANITARIAN, LEGAL AND FINANCIAL AID TO PERSONS WHOSE H"} {"rcid":1925,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/175","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING ONCE MORE UPON THE CHILEAN AUTHORITIES TO RESTORE AND SAFEGUARD, WITHOUT DELAY, BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS AND FULLY TO RESPECT THE PROVISIONS OF THE RELEVANT INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS TO WHICH C"} {"rcid":1926,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/176","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILE, AD HOC COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING ITS GREAT APPRECIATION TO THE AD HOC WORKING GROUP ON THE SITUATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN CHILE FOR THE CAREFUL AND OBJECTIVE MANNER IN WHICH IT CARRIED OUT ITS MANDATE."} {"rcid":1927,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-03","unres":"R/33/184","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"EQUALITY OF WOMEN","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THE STATES TO TAKE THE NECESSARY MEASURES TO PROMOTE FULL EQUALITY OF WOMEN WITH MEN IN EDUCATION AND IN THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL FIELDS."} {"rcid":1928,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/31A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WESTERN SAHARA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE UNITED NATIONS' COMMITMENT TO THE PRINCIPLE OF SELF-DETERMINATION OF THE PEOPLE OF WESTERN SAHARA."} {"rcid":1929,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/31B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WESTERN SAHARA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPEALING TO ALL STATES IN THE REGION TO REFRAIN FROM ANY ACTION THAT MIGHT IMPEDE THE EFFORTS OF THE ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN UNITY TO ARRIVE AT A JUST AND PEACEFUL SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM OF THE DECOLONIZATION OF WESTER"} {"rcid":1930,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/36","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BELIZE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF BELIZE TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE AND OUTLINING A PLAN OF ACTION FOR THE PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT OF THE QUESTION OF BELIZE."} {"rcid":1931,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/37","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE ADMINISTERING POWERS OF NON-SELF- GOVERNING TERRITORIES TO TRANSMIT, OR CONTINUE TO TRANSMIT, THE FULLEST POSSIBLE INFORMATION ON POLITICAL AND CONSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENTS IN THE TERRITORIES CONCERNED."} {"rcid":1932,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/38A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN RHODESIA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR AN END TO THE RACIST MINORITY REGIME IN SOUTHERN RHODESIA AND CONDEMNING ANY AND ALL STATES WHO SUPPORT, EITHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, THIS REGIME."} {"rcid":1933,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/38B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN RHODESIA, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION SPECIFICALLY IMPOSING ECONOMIC SANCTIONS ON THE REGIME IN SOUTHERN RHODESIA, SUCH AS ELIMINATING THE SUPPLY OF PETROLEUM, INVAIDATING PASSPORTS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS FOR TRAVEL TO THE TERRITORY, ETC."} {"rcid":1934,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/39","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"EAST TIMOR, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF EAST TIMOR TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND OUTLINING A PLAN OF ACTION FOR THEM TO ACHIEVE THAT RIGHT."} {"rcid":1935,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/40","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION STRONGLY CONDEMNING THE COLLUSION OF ALL STATES WHICH COLLABORATE POLITICALLY, DIPLOMATICALLY, ECONOMICALLY, AND MILITARILY WITH SOUTH AFRICA, AND STRONGLY CONDEMNING SOUTH AFRICA FOR THE EXPLOITATION AND PLUNDERING OF T"} {"rcid":1936,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/41","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION TO HELP IMPLEMENT THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES BY THE SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":1937,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-04","unres":"R/33/13B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO ENTER INTO COMMITMENTS FOR THE UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE AND FOR THE UNITED NATIONS DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE."} {"rcid":1938,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-04","unres":"R/33/13C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY ACTION TO ENSURE THAT THE UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE IS CONDUCTED WITH A MAXIMUM OF EFFICIENCY AND ECONOMY."} {"rcid":1939,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-04","unres":"R/33/13D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FUNDING, PEACEKEEPING","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING ON THE APPORTIONMENT OF THE FUNDING OF THE UN PEACEKEEPING FORCES."} {"rcid":1940,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/13E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING THAT CERTAIN REGULATIONS BE SUSPENDED TEMPORARILY IN ORDER TO HELP MEET FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS TOWARD THE UN DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCES AND THE UN EMERGENCY FORCE."} {"rcid":1941,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/13F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION OUTLINING CERTAIN FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS TO BE MADE CONCERNING THE UN EMERGENCY FORCE AND THE UN DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCES."} {"rcid":1942,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-11-02","unres":"R/33/14","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION OUTLINING THE FINANCING OF THE UNITED NATIONS INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON."} {"rcid":1943,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-01","unres":"R/33/116A/I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ORGANIZATIONAL NOMENCLATURE REOFRMS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE GENERAL DIRECTION OF THE SECRETARY- GENERAL'S POLICY AND THE MEASURES INDICATED IN HIS REPORT AND ENCOURAGES THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO PROCEED WITH THE REFORMS IN ORGANIZATIONAL NOMENCLATURE."} {"rcid":1944,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-01","unres":"R/33/116A/IV","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. FINANCIAL REGULATIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION OUTLINING REVISIONS OF THE FINANCIAL REGULATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":1945,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-01","unres":"R/33/116A/VI","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL COMPUTING CENTER","descr":"TO APPROVE THE 1979 BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL COMPUTING CENTRE IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,068,900."} {"rcid":1946,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/116B/VII","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COMPENSATION, U.N. OFFICIALS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION SETTING THE CONDITIONS OF SERVICE AND COMPENSATION FOR OFFICIALS, OTHER THAN SECRETARIAT OFFICIALS, SERVING THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY."} {"rcid":1947,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/116B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CALEDAR OF CONFERENCES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMITTEE ON CONFERENCES, ON A PRIORITY BASIS, TO STUDY THE POSSIBILITY OF REARRANGING THE CALENDAR OF CONFERENCES IN SUCH A WAY AS TO ENABLE THE DISARMAMENT COMMISSION AND ITS COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE TO HO"} {"rcid":1948,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-03","unres":"R/33/116C/II","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. SHORTWAVE BROADCASTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMITTEE TO REVIEW UNITED NATIONS PUBLIC INFORMATION POLICIES AND ACTIVITIES TO MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS AS TO THE MOST EFFECTIVE MEANS OF CONTINUING THE SHORT-WAVE BROADCASTS."} {"rcid":1949,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-03","unres":"R/33/116C/VI","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HONORARIA MEMBERS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO POSTPONE ACTION CONCERNING THE COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF THE QUESTION OF HONORARIA PAYABLE TO MEMBERS OF ORGANS AND SUBSIDIARY ORGANS OF THE UNITED NATIONS UNTIL ITS THIRTY-FOURTH SESSION."} {"rcid":1950,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-03","unres":"R/33/116C/VII","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"UPGRADING OF POSITIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE THE RECOMMENDATION IN PARAGRAPH 7 OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL'S REPORT INVOLVING THE UP-GRADING OF THE POST OF ASSISTANT SEDRETARY-GENERAL TO THE LEVEL OF UNDER-SECRETARY-GENERAL AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE POST IN THE OFFICE FOR SPECI"} {"rcid":1951,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-03","unres":"R/33/116C/X","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONSULTANT EXPENDITURE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION OUTLINING EXCEPTIONS TO THE PROVISIONS OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 32/209, RELATING TO EXPENDITURE WITH RESPECT TO EXPERTS AND CONSULTANTS IN THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":1952,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-01","unres":"R/33/118","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MEDIUM-TERM COURSE OF ACTION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION OUTLINING A GENERAL MEDIUM-TERM COURSE OF ACTION FOR THE PERIOD 1980-1983."} {"rcid":1953,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-01","unres":"R/33/119","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PENSIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION'S INTENTION TO MAKE A COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION OF THE FUNCTIONING, METHODS OF ESTABLISHMENT AND ADJUSTMENT AND APPROPRIATE LEVEL OF PENSIONABLE REMUNERATION OF UN STAFF."} {"rcid":1954,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-01","unres":"R/33/120","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BENEFITS IN PAYMENT","descr":"TO APPROVE A DECISION TO REVISE THE SYSTEM OF ADJUSTMENT OF BENEFITS IN PAYMENT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS JOINT STAFF PENSION BOARD."} {"rcid":1955,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-01","unres":"R/33/121A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PENSIONS, CORPORATIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION OUTLINING PROCEDURES CONCERNING THE INVESTMENT OF THE UNITED NATIONS JOINT STAFF PENSION FUND IN TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":1956,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-02","unres":"R/33/143","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELECTION OF PERSONNEL","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION OUTLINING REFORMS IN THE SELECTION OF PERSONNEL TO BE ADOPTED, INCLUDING PUTTING AN END TO DISCRIMINATION BASED ON RACE, RELIGION, AND SEX."} {"rcid":1957,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/180A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, 1978-1979","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION OUTLINING BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE BIENNIUM 1978-1979."} {"rcid":1958,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/180C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, 1978-1979","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING MEMBER STATES, PENDING ITS DECISION AT ITS RESUMED 33RD SESSION ON THE TOTAL REVISED APPROPRIATIONS AND ESTIMATES OF INCOME FOR THE BIENNIUM 1978-1979, TO MAKE ADVANCE PAYMENTS TOWARDS THE EXPENSES OF THE ORGA"} {"rcid":1959,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/181","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"VIENNA INTERNATIONAL CENTER","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION OUTLINING THE TERMS OF USE OF THE VIENNA INTERNATIONAL CENTRE."} {"rcid":1960,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-03","unres":"R/33/204","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"OBSOLETE ACTIVITIES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION OUTLINING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL'S RESPONSIBILITY TO BRING TO THE ATTENTION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY ACTIVITIES THAT HAVE BEEN COMPLETED, ARE OBSOLETE, OF MARGINAL USEFULNESS OR INEFFECTIVE."} {"rcid":1961,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-03","unres":"R/33/205A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, 1978-1979","descr":"TO APPROVE A REVISION OF THE BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE BIENNIUM 1978-79."} {"rcid":1962,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-03","unres":"R/33/205B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, 1978-1979","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REVISING INCOME ESTIMATES FOR THE BIENNIUM 1978-1979."} {"rcid":1963,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-01-03","unres":"R/33/205C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, 1979","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION OUTLINING THE FINANCING OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE YEAR 1979."} {"rcid":1964,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-11-02","unres":"R/33/405","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"TO CONTINUE THE EXISTING ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE THIRD UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON THE LAW OF THE SEA FOR THE YEAR 1979."} {"rcid":1965,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-01","unres":"R/33/429","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISASTER RELIEF","descr":"TO APPROVE A MEDIUM-TERM PLAN FOR THE PERIOD 1980-83, WITH RESPECT TO THE OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS DISASTER RELIEF CO-ORDINATOR."} {"rcid":1966,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/439","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN SETTLEMENTS","descr":"TO APPROVE THE ALLOCATION FROM THE RESOURCES OF THE UNITED NATIONS HABITAT AND HUMAN SETTLEMENTS FOUNDATION OF $394,900 FOR PROGRAMME SUPPORT COSTS OF THE FOUNDATION FOR THE PERIOD FROM 1 JANUARY TO 30 JUNE 1979."} {"rcid":1967,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/440","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COMMODITIES, PROGRAM","descr":"TO APPROVE THE CONTINUATION OF THE EXPENDITURE FOR THE INTEGRATED PROGRAMME FOR COMMODITIES DURING JANUARY 1979."} {"rcid":1968,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-03","unres":"R/33/442","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DELEGATE FACILITIES","descr":"TO APPROVE THE EXPANSION OF MEETING ROOMS AND IMPROVEMENT OF CONFERENCE SERVICING AND DELEGATE FACILITIES AT UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS."} {"rcid":1969,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-05","unres":"R/33/96","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-USE OF FORCE","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE NEED FOR UNIVERSAL AND EFFECTIVE APPLICATION OF THE PRINCIPLE OF THE NON-USE OF FORCE IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS."} {"rcid":1970,"session":33,"importantvote":0,"date":"1978-12-05","unres":"R/33/97","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-USE OF FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO INVITE MEMBER STATES AND RELEVANT INTERNATIONAL INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGAINZATIONS TO SUBMIT THEIR COMMENTS AND OBSERVATIONS ON THE DRAFT CODE OF OFFENCES AGAINST THE PEACE AND SECURITY"} {"rcid":1971,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-09-05","unres":"R/34/2A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE, REPORT","descr":"TO APPROVE THE FIRST REPORT OF THE CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE."} {"rcid":1972,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-01","unres":"R/34/22","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KAMPUCHEA, HUMANITARIAN RELIEF","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPEALING FOR HUMANITARIAN RELIEF FOR KAMPUCHEA AND CALLING FOR THE IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWL OF ALL FOREIGN FORCES FROM KAMPUCHEA."} {"rcid":1973,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-07","unres":"R/34/30","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CYPRUS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DEMANDING THE IMMEDIATE WIHDRAWL OF ALL FOREIGN ARMED FORCES AND FOREIGN MILITARY PRESENCE FROM CYPRUS."} {"rcid":1974,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-02","unres":"R/34/65A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT A JUST AND LASTING PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST MUST REALIZE THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE AND CALLING FOR THE PALESTINE LIBERATION ORGANIZATION TO PARTICIPATE IN ALL CONFERENCES ON THE MI"} {"rcid":1975,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-02","unres":"R/34/65B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CAMP DAVID ACCORDS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REJECTING PROVISIONS OF THE CAMP DAVID ACCORDS WHICH IGNORE OR DENY THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE AND WHICH CONDONE CON- TINUED ISRAELI OCCUPATION OF THE PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":1976,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/65C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, INALIENABLE RIGHTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMITTEE ON THE EXERCISE OF THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE TO CONTINUE TO PROMOTE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ITS RECOMMENDATIONS."} {"rcid":1977,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/65D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, INALIENABLE RIGHTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR THE DIVISION OF PALESTINIAN RIGHTS TO CONTINUE TO DISCHARGE ITS TASKS AND INVITING ALL GOVERNMENTS TO COOPERATE WITH THE COMMITTEE ON THE EXERCISE OF THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE."} {"rcid":1978,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/69","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COMOROS, MAYOTTE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE FEDERAL ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF THE COMOROS OVER THE ISLAND OF MAYOTTE AND APPEALING TO FRANCE TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE COMOROS ON THE QUESTION OF THE ISLAND OF MAYOTTE."} {"rcid":1979,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/70","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRIROTIES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING ISRAEL'S CONTINUED OCCUPATION OF PALESTINIAN AND OTHER ARAB TERRITORIES AND CONDEMNING ALL PARTIAL AGREEMENTS AND SEPARATE TREATIES WHICH VIOLATE THE RECOGNIZED RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE."} {"rcid":1980,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/92A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING THAT THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA SHALL DENOUNCE ALL FRAUDULENT CONSTITUTIONAL OR POLITICAL SCHEMES THROUGH WHICH SOUTH AFRICA ATTEMPTS TO PERPETUATE ITS SYSTEM OF COLONIAL OPPRESSION AND DECIDING TO F"} {"rcid":1981,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/92B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING STATES WHICH HAVE NOT DONE SO TO BREAK OFF ECONOMIC RELATIONS WITH SOUTH AFRICA THAT CONCERN NAMIBIA."} {"rcid":1982,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/92C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, U.N. MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING ALL SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS AND CONFERENCES WITHIN THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM TO GRANT FULL MEMBERSHIP TO THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA AND TO GRANT IT A WAIVER OF ASSESSMENT."} {"rcid":1983,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/92F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INFORMATION TO CONTINUE TO GENERATE PUBLICITY TO MOBILIZE PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR THE INDEPENDENCE OF NAMIBIA."} {"rcid":1984,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/92G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT THE CONTINUED ILLEAGAL OCCUPATION OF NAMIBIA BY SOUTH AFRICA CONSTITUTES AN ACT OF AGGRESSION AGAINST NAMIBIA AND THE UNITED NATIONS, WHICH HAS DIRECT RESPONSIBILITY OVER THE TERRITORY UNTIL INDEPENDENCE."} {"rcid":1985,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/93A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, RACIST REGIME","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION STRONGLY CONDEMNING THE ILLEGITIMATE MINORITY RACIST REGIME OF SOUTH AFRICA FOR ITS CRIMINAL POLICIES AND ACTIONS AND PROCLAIMING FULL SUPPORT FOR THE NATIONAL LIBERATION MOVEMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":1986,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/93C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ORGANIZING, IN COOPERATION WITH THE ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN UNITY, AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SANCTIONS AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA IN 1980."} {"rcid":1987,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/93D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, MILITARY COLLABORATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO DECLARE THAT ANY MILITARY OR NUCLEAR COLLABORATION WITH SOUTH AFRICA CONSTITUTES A THREAT TO INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY."} {"rcid":1988,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/93E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NUCLEAR COLLABORATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON FRANCE, WEST GERMANY, THE UNITED KINGDOM, AND THE UNITED STATES TO CEASE ALL COLLABORATION WITH SOUTH AFRICA IN THE NUCLEAR FIELD."} {"rcid":1989,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/93F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, OIL EMBARGO","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING ALL STATES TO ENACT LEGISLATION TO PROHIBIT THE SUPPLY OF PETROLEUM TO ANY PERSON OR BODY IN SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":1990,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/93I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, AID","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPLEALING TO ALL STATES TO PROVIDE HUMANITARIAN, EDUCATIONAL, ECONOMIC AND OTHER FORMS OF ASSISTANCE TO THE OPPRESSED PEOPLE OF SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":1991,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/93J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, INFORMATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING ALL GOVERNMENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS TO COOPERATE WITH THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID TO EXPAND DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION ON APARTHEID."} {"rcid":1992,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/93L","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, INFORMATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING ALL STATES TO USE EFFECTIVELY ALL MASS MEDIA TO MOBILIZE PUBLIC OPINION TO ELIMINATE THE CRIMINAL SYSTEM OF RACIAL DOMINATION PURSUED BY SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":1993,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/93N","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, SPORTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION COMMENDING GOVERNMENTS, SPORTS BODIES AND SPORTSMEN WHICH HAVE TAKEN ACTION TO ENSURE AN END TO ALL SPORTS EXCHANGES WITH SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":1994,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/93P","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISRAEL","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION STRONGLY CONDEMNING ISRAEL'S CONTINUING COLLABORATION WITH SOUTH AFRICA AND DEMANDING THAT ISRAEL TERMINATE SUCH COLLABORATION."} {"rcid":1995,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/93Q","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, FOREIGN INVESTMENTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER EFFECTIVE STEPS TO ACHIEVE THE CESSATION OF FOREIGN INVESTMENTS IN SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":1996,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-01","unres":"R/34/93R","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID AND REQUESTING THE COMMITTEE TO CONTINUE AND TO INTESIFY ITS ACTIVITIES."} {"rcid":1997,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/94","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING THE CONTINUING ACTIVITIES WHICH IMPEDE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES AND FURTHER CONDEMNING ALL COLLABORATION WITH SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":1998,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/95","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DECOLONIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE IMPORTANCE OF EFFECTING THE WIDEST POSSIBLE DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION ON THE EVILS AND DANGERS OF COLONIALISM."} {"rcid":1999,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/192","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN RHODESIA, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT MANDATORY SANCTIONS AGAINST SOUTHERN RHODESIA CAN ONLY BE REVOKED BY A DECISION OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL, NOT UNILATERALLY, AND REQUESTING ALL STATES GIVE MATERIAL ASSISTANCE TO ANGOLA, BOTSWANA, MOZAMBIQUE"} {"rcid":2000,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/73","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE CONVICTION THAT A TREATY TO ACHIEVE THE PROHIBITION OF ALL NUCLEAR TEST EXPLOSIONS IS A MATTER OF THE HIGHEST PRIORITY."} {"rcid":2001,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/76A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING THE REPORTED EXPLOSION OF A NUCLEAR DEVICE BY SOUTH AFRICA AND CONDEMNING ANY NUCLEAR COLLABORATION WITH SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2002,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/77","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING ALL PARTIES CONCERNED TO CONSIDER THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND INVITING MIDDLE EASTERN STATES TO REFRAIN FROM PRODUCING, ACQUIRING OR POSSESSING NUCLEAR WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2003,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/78","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ENDORSING, IN PRINCIPLE, THE CONCEPT OF A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE IN SOUTH ASIA AND URGING STATES OF THE REGION TO REFRAIN FROM ACTION CONTRARY TO THIS OBJECTIVE."} {"rcid":2004,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/80A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THAT TALKS BETWEEN THE SOVIET UNION AND THE UNITED STATES REGARDING THEIR MILITARY PRESENCE IN THE INDIAN OCEAN BE RESUMED WITHOUT DELAY."} {"rcid":2005,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/80B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDIAN OCEAN, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ENLARGING THE AD HOC COMMITTEE ON THE INDIAN OCEAN BY THE ADDITION OF NEW MEMBERS TO BE APPOINTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY."} {"rcid":2006,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/83B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, PRIORITY QUESTIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO PROCEED TO SUBSTANTIVE NEGOTIATIONS ON THE PRIORITY QUESTIONS OF DISARMAMENT AND INVITING STATES INVOLVED IN SEPARATE NEGOTIATIONS TO ACHIEVE POSITIVE CONCLUSIONS WITHOUT DELAY."} {"rcid":2007,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/83E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE MONITORING AGENCY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY- GENERAL TO SUBMIT A COMPREHENSIVE REPORT ON THE QUESTION OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INTERNATIONAL SATELLITE MONITORING AGENCY TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY."} {"rcid":2008,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/83G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR NON-USE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO SUBMIT TO THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT THE VIEWS OF STATES CONCERNING THE NON-USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS, AVOIDANCE OF NUCLEAR WAR, AND RELATED MATTERS."} {"rcid":2009,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/83J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CESSATION, ARMS RACE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO INITIATE NEGOTIATTIONS, WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF ALL NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES, ON THE QUESTION OF THE CESSATION OF THE NUCLEAR ARMS RACE AND NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT."} {"rcid":2010,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/84","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION WELCOMING THE CONCLUSION OF THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT THAT IT IS URGENT TO REACH AGREEMENT ON EFFECTIVE INTERNATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS TO ASSURE NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES AGAINST THE USE OR THREAT OF USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPON"} {"rcid":2011,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/85","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING THAT THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT SHOULD CONCLUDE DURING ITS 1980 SESSION EFFECTIVE INTERNATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS TO ASSURE NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES AGAINST THE USE OR THREAT OF USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2012,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/86","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION NOTING THE STATEMENTS THAT THE NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES HAVE MADE ON ASSURANCES TO NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES WITH RESPECT TO THE USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND WELCOMING THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT REGARDING THE"} {"rcid":2013,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/87C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR DEPLOYMENT","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE BELIEF THAT IT IS NECESSARY TO EXAMINE POSSIBILITIES FOR AN INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT ON THE NON-STATIONING OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS ON THE TERRITORIES OF STATES WHERE THERE ARE NO SUCH WEAPONS AT THE PRESENT."} {"rcid":2014,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/87D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FISSIONABLE MATERIAL","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THAT THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT PURSUE ITS CONSIDERATION OF THE QUESTION OF ADEQUATELY VERIFIED CESSATION AND PROHIBITION OF THE PRODUCTION OF FISSIONABLE MATERIAL FOR NUCLEAR WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2015,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/87E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY- GENERAL TO CARRY OUT A STUDY ASSESSING PRESENT INSTITUTIONAL REQUIREMENTS AND FUTURE ESTIMATED NEEDS IN THE UNITED NATIONS MANAGEMENT OF DISARMAMENTS AFFAIRS."} {"rcid":2016,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/88","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS STATES, RESPONSIBILITY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION STRESSING THAT THE GOVERNMENTS OF ALL COUNTRIES, PARTICULARLY OF NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES, BEAR A HISTORIC RESPONSIBILITY FOR ELIMINATING WAR PRIMARILY THROUGH THE ACHIEVEMENT OF GENERAL AND COMPLETE DISARMAMENT AND DECLARI"} {"rcid":2017,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/89","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, NUCLEAR ARMAMENTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPEALING TO ALL STATES TO PUT AN END TO ANY COOPERATION WITH ISRAEL WHICH MAY ASSIST IT IN ACQUIRING AND DEVLOPING NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND CALLING UPON ISRAEL TO SUBMIT ALL ITS NUCLEAR FACILITIES TO INSPECTION BY THE INTERN"} {"rcid":2018,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-05","unres":"R/34/100","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOVEREIGNTY, THREATS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING OPPOSITION TO ANY THREAT OR USE OF FORCE, INTERVENTION AND INTERFERENCE, AGGRESSION, FOREIGN OCCUPATION OR MEASURES OF POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC COERCION WHICH ATTEMPT TO VIOLATE THE SOVEREIGNTY, TERRITORIAL INT"} {"rcid":2019,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-05","unres":"R/34/101","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERVENTION, INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION NOTING THAT IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE TO CONCLUDE NEGOTIATIONS ON THE DRAFT DECLARATION ON THE INABMISSIBILITY OF INTERVENTION AND INTERFERENCE IN INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF STATES DURING THE 34TH SESSION, AND EXPRESSING THE HOPE THA"} {"rcid":2020,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-05","unres":"R/34/103","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONDEMNATION, REPRESSIVE ACTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION RESOLUTELY CONDEMNING IMPERIALISM, COLONIALISM, NEO-COLONIALISM, APARTHEID, RACISM INCLUDING ZIONISM AND ALL OTHER FORMS OF FOREIGN AGGRESSION, OCCUPATION, DOMINATION AND INTERFERENCE AND CONDEMNING HEGEMONISM IN ALL ITS"} {"rcid":2021,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-03","unres":"R/34/29","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, DEPORTATION ORDERS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ISRAEL TO RESCIND THE DEPORTATION ORDER OF THE MAYOR OF NABLUS."} {"rcid":2022,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-03","unres":"R/34/52A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ALL GOVERNMENTS TO MAKE THE MOST GENEROUS EFFORTS POSSIBLE TO MEET THE ANTICIPATED NEEDS OF THE UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORK AGENCY FOR PALESTINIAN REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST."} {"rcid":2023,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-03","unres":"R/34/52C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPEALING TO ALL STATES, SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS TO AUGMENT THE SPECIAL ALLOCATIONS FOR SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS TO PALESTINIAN REFUGEES."} {"rcid":2024,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-03","unres":"R/34/52E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, REFUGEE RETURN","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ISRAEL TO TAKE IMMEDIATE STEPS FOR THE RETURN OF ALL DISPLACED INHABITANTS AND TO DESIST FROM ALL MEASURES THAT OBSTRUCT THEIR RETURN."} {"rcid":2025,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-03","unres":"R/34/52F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GAZA STRIP, REFUGEES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ISRAEL TO DESIST FROM REMOVAL AND RESETTLEMENT OF PALESTINIAN REFUGEES IN THE GAZA STRIP AND FROM DESTRUCTION OF THEIR SHELTERS."} {"rcid":2026,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/90A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING ISRAEL'S CONTINUED AND PERSISTENT VIOLATION OF THE GENEVA CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE PROTECTION OF CIVILIAN PERSONS IN TIME OF WAR AND REAFFIRMING THAT MEASURES TAKEN BY ISRAEL TO CHANGE THE PHYSICAL CHARACTER"} {"rcid":2027,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/90B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ISRAEL TO ACKNOWLEDGE AND TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE GENEVA CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE PROTECTION OF CIVILIAN PERSONS IN TIME OF WAR IN PALESTINIAN AND OTHER ARAB TERRITORIES, INCLUDING JERUSALEM,"} {"rcid":2028,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/90C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, VALIDITY OF ACTIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT MEASURES AND ACTIONS TAKEN BY ISRAEL DESIGNED TO CHANGE THE LEGAL STATUS, GEOGRAPHIC NATURE AND DEMOGRAPHIC COMPOSITION OF ALL THE ARAB TERRITORIES OCCUPIED SINCE 1967 HAVE NO LEGAL VALIDITY AND CONSTITU"} {"rcid":2029,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/91","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"MADAGASCAR, DISPUTED ISLANDS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING THE GOVERNMENT OF FRANCE TO INITIATE NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF MADAGASCAR FOR THE REINTEGRATION OF THE ISLANDS OF GLORIEUSES, JUAN DE NOVA, EUROPA AND BASSAS DA INDIA, WHICH WERE ARBITRARILY SEPARATED"} {"rcid":2030,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-02","unres":"R/34/55","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISASTER RELIEF FUND","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING ALL GOVERNMENTS TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE TRUST FUND OF THE OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS DISASTER RELIEF COORDINATOR."} {"rcid":2031,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-05","unres":"R/34/113","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, LIVING CONDITIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION TAKING NOTE THAT THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE LIVING CONDITIONS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE IN THE OCCUPIED ARAB TERRITORIES IS NOT SUFFICIENTLY ANALYTICAL, REQUESTS THE SECRETARY- GENERAL PREPARE A NEW REPOR"} {"rcid":2032,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-05","unres":"R/34/133","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RESOLUTION IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THE RELEVANT AGENCIES AND ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS TO TAKE STEPS FOR THE FULL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2026 (LXI) AND 2100 (LXII) (PERTAINING TO ASSISTANCE TO THE PAL"} {"rcid":2033,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-05","unres":"R/34/136","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RESOURCES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION EMPHASIZING THE RIGHT OF THE ARAB STATES AND PEOPLES WHOSE TERRITORIES ARE UNDER ISRAELI OCCUPATION TO FULL AND EFFECTIVE PERMANENT SOVEREIGNTY AND CONTROL OVER THEIR NATURAL AND ALL OTHER RESOURCES."} {"rcid":2034,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/184","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DESERTIFICATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON DONOR GOVERNMENTS AND FINANCING ORGANIZATIONS TO CONTRIBUTE GENEROUSLY TO AID THE ACCELERATION OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN OF ACTION TO COMBAT DESERTIFICATION."} {"rcid":2035,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/197","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INFLATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A REOLUTION AFFIRMING THE URGENT NEED FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF POLICIES, PARTICULARLY BY INDUSTRIAL COUNTRIES, TO CONTROL INFLATION BY SUCH MEASURES AS ELIMINATION OF PROTECTIONISM, FISCAL AND MONETARY POLICIES AND ACCELERATION OF T"} {"rcid":2036,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/198","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LAND-LOCKED COUNTRIES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE RIGHT OF LAND-LOCKED DEVELOPING COUNTRIES TO FREE ACCESS TO AND FROM THE SEA AND THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF TRANSIT."} {"rcid":2037,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/199","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TARIFF BARRIERS, ELIMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REITERATING THE NEED FOR NEGOTIATIONS ON A SYSTEMATIC BASIS FOR THE ELIMINATION OF QUANTITATIVE RESTRICTIONS AND OTHER NON-TARIFF AS WELL AS TARIFF BARRIERS AGAINST THE EXPORTS OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES AND THE NEED FOR PR"} {"rcid":2038,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/209","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LAND-LOCKED COUNTRIES, FUND","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPEALING TO ALL MEMBER STATES, IN PARTICULAR DEVELOPED COUNTRIES, TO CONTRIBUTE GENEROUSLY TO THE UNITED NATIONS SPECIAL FUND FOR LAND-LOCKED DEVELOPING COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":2039,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/211","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT THE NEW INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY SHOULD ADDRESS ITSELF TO INCREASING SUBSTANTIALLY THE FLOW OF RESOURCES TO THE DEVLOPING COUNTRIES ON A PREDICTABLE, CONTINUOUS AND INCREASINGLY ASSURED BASIS."} {"rcid":2040,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/216","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MONETARY SYSTEM REFORM","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION RECOGNIZING THE NEED FOR COMPREHENSIVE REFORM OF THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY SYSTEM, WITH A VIEW TO MAKING IT MORE RESPONSIVE TO THE NEEDS AND INTERESTS OF THE DEVELOPING COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":2041,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-02","unres":"R/34/24","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN AFRICA, ECONOMIC ISOLATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON THE GOVERNMENTS WHICH HAVE NOT DONE SO TO TAKE LEGISLATIVE, ADMINISTRATIVE AND OTHER MEASURES TO PUT AN END TO ENTERPRISES IN SOUTHERN AFRICA. (THIS RESOLUTION ALSO INCLUDES AN ANNEX, \\PROGRAMME OF ACTIVITIE"} {"rcid":2042,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-02","unres":"R/34/27","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, CONVENTION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPEALING TO ALL STATES WHICH HAVE NOT BECOME PARTIES TO THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE SUPPRESSION AND PUNISHMENT OF THE CRIME OF APARTHEID TO RATIFY IT OR ACCEDE TO IT WITHOUT DELAY."} {"rcid":2043,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-03","unres":"R/34/44","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE LEGITIMACY OF THE STRUGGLES OF PEOPLES FOR INDEPENDENCE, TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY, NATIONAL UNITY AND LIBERATION FROM COLONIAL AND FOREIGN DOMINATION BY ALL AVAILABLE MEANS, INCLUDING ARMED STRUGGLE, AND REA"} {"rcid":2044,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-03","unres":"R/34/46","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REITERATING THE CONVICTION THAT ALL HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDEMENTAL FREEDOMS ARE INDIVISIBLE AND THAT EQUAL ATTENTION AND CONSIDERATION SHOULD BE GIVEN TO THE IMPLEMENTATION, PROMOTION AND PROTECTION OF BOTH CIVIL AND POLIT"} {"rcid":2045,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-03","unres":"R/34/47","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CENTER ON HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY- GENERAL TO CONSIDER THE REDESIGNATION OF THE DIVISION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AS A CENTER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS."} {"rcid":2046,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-03","unres":"R/34/48","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, HIGH COMMISSIONER","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION TO CONSIDER AT THE 35TH SESSION THE QUESTION OF THE CREATION OF A POST OF UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR HUMAN RIGHTS."} {"rcid":2047,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-01","unres":"R/34/158","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"STATUS OF WOMEN","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URING THE COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN TO CONSIDER A DRAFT DECLARATION ON THE PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN IN THE STRUGGLE FOR THE STRENGTHENING OF INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY AGAINST COLONIALISM, RACISM, RACIAL DISC"} {"rcid":2048,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-01","unres":"R/34/160","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINIAN WOMEN","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO INCLUDE IN THE PROVISIONAL AGENDA OF THE WORLD CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED NATIONS DECADE FOR WOMEN AN ITEM ON THE PALESTINIAN WOMEN ENTITLED \\EFFECTS OF ISRAELI OCCUPATION ON PALESTINIAN WOMEN INSIDE AND OUTSID"} {"rcid":2049,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-01","unres":"R/34/172","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIGRANT WORKERS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO CREATE AT THE 35TH SESSION A WORKING GROUP OPEN TO ALL MEMBER STATES TO ELABORATE AN INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE PROTECTION OF THE RIGHTS OF MIGRANT WORKERS AND THEIR FAMILIES."} {"rcid":2050,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-01","unres":"R/34/176","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHILE, TRUST FUND","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPEALING TO MEMBER STATES TO RESPOND FAVORABLY TO THE REQUEST FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE UNITED NATIONS TRUST FUND FOR CHILE."} {"rcid":2051,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-01","unres":"R/34/179","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REITERATING INDIGNATION AT THE CONTINUED VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS IN CHILE AND INVITING THE COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS TO CONTINUE TO GIVE CLOSE ATTENTION TO THE SITUATION IN CHILE."} {"rcid":2052,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/180","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND OPENING FOR SIGNATURE, RATIFICATION AND ACCESSION THE CONVENTION ON THE ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN."} {"rcid":2053,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-01","unres":"R/34/33","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT, IN THE ABSENCE OF A DECISION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY THAT A NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORY HAS ATTAINED SELF- GOVERNMENT, THE ADMINISTRATING POWER CONCERNED SHOULD CONTINUE TO TRANSMIT INFORMATION UNDER A"} {"rcid":2054,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-01","unres":"R/34/37","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WESTERN SAHARA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DEEPLY DEPLORING THE AGGREVATION OF THE SITUATION IN WESTERN SAHARA RESULTING FROM THE CONTINUED OCCUPATION BY MOROCCO AND THE EXTENSION OF THAT OCCUPATION TO THE TERRITORY RECENTLY EVACUATED BY MAURITANIA."} {"rcid":2055,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-01","unres":"R/34/38","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BELIZE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THE UNITED KINGDOM, ACTING IN CLOSE CONSULTATION WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF BELIZE AND THE GOVERNMENT OF GUATEMALA, TO CONTINUE THEIR EFFORTS TO CONCLUDE THEIR NEGOTIATIONS AND CALLING UPON THE PARTIES CONCERNED TO RE"} {"rcid":2056,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-01","unres":"R/34/40","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"EAST TIMOR, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT THE PEOPLE OF EAST TIMOR MUST BE ENABLED FREELY TO DETERMINE THEIR OWN FUTURE, UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":2057,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-01","unres":"R/34/41","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REITERATING THAT ANY ADMINISTERING OR OCCUPYING POWER WHICH DERPIVES THE COLONIAL PEOPLES OF THE EXERCISE OF THEIR LEGITIMATE RIGHTS OVER THEIR NATURAL RESOURCES OR SUBORDINATES THE RIGHTS AND INTERESTS OF THOSE PEOPLES"} {"rcid":2058,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-01","unres":"R/34/42","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FREEDOM FIGHTERS, ASSISTANCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT THE RECOGNITION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, THE SECURITY COUNCIL AND OTHER UNITED NATIONS ORGANS OF THE LEGITIMACY OF THE STRUGGLE OF COLONIAL PEOPLES TO ACHIEVE FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE ENTAILS THE EXTENSI"} {"rcid":2059,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-10-06","unres":"R/34/6A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SCALE OF ASSESSMENTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE SCALE OF ASSESSMENTS FOR THE CONTRIBUTION ON MEMBER STATES TO THE UNITED NATIONS BUDGET."} {"rcid":2060,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-10-06","unres":"R/34/7A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO AUTHORIZE THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO ENTER INTO COMMITMENTS FOR THE UNITED NATIONS DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED $1,682,833 PER MONTH FOR THE PERIOD OCTOBER 25 THROUGH NOVEMBER 30,1979."} {"rcid":2061,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-01","unres":"R/34/7B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO APPROPRIATE TO THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT THE AMOUNT OF $18,202,000 FOR THE OPERATION OF LIQUIDATING THE UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE AS FROM JULY 25,1979."} {"rcid":2062,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-01","unres":"R/34/7C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO APPROPRIATE TO THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT THE AMOUNT OF $8,034,170 FOR THE OPERATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE FOR THE PERIOD DECEMBER 1,1979 THROUGH MAY 31,1980."} {"rcid":2063,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-01","unres":"R/34/7D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GAOR-33-13E PROVISIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING THAT THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION 33/13E SHALL REMAIN IN FORCE UNTIL A FURTHER DECISION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY."} {"rcid":2064,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-01","unres":"R/34/9B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO APPROPRIATE TO THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT $51,906,000 FOR THE OPERATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON FROM JANUARY 18 THROUGH"} {"rcid":2065,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-01","unres":"R/34/9C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPROVING SPECIAL FUNDING ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE UNITED NATIONS INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON."} {"rcid":2066,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-01","unres":"R/34/9D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION RENEWING AN INVITATION TO MEMBER STATES TO MAKE VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE UNITED NATIONS INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON."} {"rcid":2067,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-01","unres":"R/34/9E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO SUSPEND CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE FINANCIAL REGULATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS IN ORDER TO PROVIDE THE UNITED NATIONS INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON WITH THE NECESSARY FINANCIAL RESOURCES."} {"rcid":2068,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-01","unres":"R/34/165","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE GRADING EQUIVALENCY RECOMMENDED BY THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION TO BE USED IN COMPARING UNITED STATES AND UNITED NATIONS REMUNERATION."} {"rcid":2069,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-01","unres":"R/34/166","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GOVERNMENT REIMBURSEMENT","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY- GENERAL TO STUDY THE EXISTING STANDARD RATES OF REIMBURSEMENT TO THE GOVERNMENTS OF STATES WHICH CONTRIBUTE TROOPS TO THE UNITED NATIONS DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE AND THE UNITED NATIONS INTER"} {"rcid":2070,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/219","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PERSONNEL REPRESENTATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY- GENERAL TO SUBMIT TO THE 35TH SESSION A SERIES OF ALTERNATIVE TABLES OF DESIRABLE PERSONNEL REPRESENTATION FOR ALL MEMBER STATES SO TO REDUCE THE WEIGHT GIVEN TO PERCENTAGE CONTRIBUTION WHILE MA"} {"rcid":2071,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/220","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"STAFF PARTICIPATION REPORT","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY- GENERAL TO SUBMIT TO THE 35TH SESSION A REPORT ON THE VARIOUS FORMS OF PARTICIPATION OF STAFF IN CONSULTATIVE BODIES OF THE UNITED NATIONS SECRETARIAT AND WITHIN THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM."} {"rcid":2072,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/221","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"U.N. JOINT PENSION FUND","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING THAT THE REGULATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS JOINT STAFF PENSION FUND SHALL BE AMENDED FROM JULY 1,1980."} {"rcid":2073,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/222A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. JOINT PENSION FUND","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION RENEWING A REQUEST TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL THAT HE ACT TO ENSURE THAT UNITED NATIONS JOINT PENSION FUND INVESTMENTS IN TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS ARE REINVESTED IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":2074,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/222C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. JOINT PENSION FUND","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY- GENERAL TO CONTINUE TO DIVERSIFY THE INVESTMENTS OF THE UNITED NATIONS JOINT STAFF PENSION FUND IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":2075,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/223A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GAOR-33-205A APPROPROATIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECREASING BY $5,927,300 THE AMOUNT APPROPRIATED BY RESOLUTION 33/205A."} {"rcid":2076,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/223B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INCOME ESTIMATES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION RESOLVING THAT THE ESTIMATES OF INCOME OTHER THAN ASSESSMENTS ON MEMBER STATES BE DECREASED BY $4,863,000."} {"rcid":2077,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/227","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, 1980-1981","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION EMPHASIZING THAT THE PROGRAM BUDGET PROPOSALS FOR THE UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION IN THE BIENNIUM 1980-1981 SHOULD REFLECT THE PRIORITIES ENDORSED BY THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL."} {"rcid":2078,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/229","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN SETTLEMENTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY- GENERAL TO ENSURE THE AVAILABILITY OF ADDITIONAL RESOURCES NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE WORK PROGRAM OF THE UNITED NATIONS CENTER FOR HUMAN SETTLEMENTS."} {"rcid":2079,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/230A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. BUDGET, 1980-1981","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING $1,247,793,200 FOR THE UNITED NATIONS BUDGET FOR 1980-1981."} {"rcid":2080,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/230C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. BUDGET, 1980","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ALLOCATING $617,969,300 FOR THE UNITED NATIONS BUDGET FOR 1980."} {"rcid":2081,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/231","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. BUDGET, 1980-1981","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SECRETARY- GENERAL TO ENTER INTO COMMITMENTS IN 1980-1981 TO MEET UNFORESEEN AND EXTRAORDINARY EXPENSES, PROVIDED THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS CONCURS."} {"rcid":2082,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/232","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WORKING CAPITAL FUND","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION RESOLVING THAT THE WORKING CAPITAL FUND SHALL BE $40 MILLION FOR 1980-1981 AND THAT THE MEMBER STATES SHALL MAKE ADVANCES TO THE FUND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SCALE ADOPTED BY TE GENERAL ASSEMBLY FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE B"} {"rcid":2083,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/233/I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INFORMATION SYSTEM","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING THAT THE PILOT OPERATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM OF THE INFORMATION SYSTEMS UNIT BE EXTENDED FOR A FURTHER YEAR."} {"rcid":2084,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/233/IX","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO GRANT THE UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL $3,515,000 AND TO REQUEST THE BOARD OF AUDITORS TO EXAMINE THE ACCOUNTS OF THE SCHOOL AND THE ACCUMULATED DEBT."} {"rcid":2085,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/233/XI","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. ACCOMODATION, NAIROBI","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONSTRUCTION OF 2,001 SQUARE METERS NET USABLE SPACE AT THE UNITED NATIONS ACCOMODATION AT NAIROBI."} {"rcid":2086,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/233/XII","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION RECALLING SECTION VIII, PARAGRAPH 6, OF RESOLUTION 33/116B GOVERNING THE ADJUSTMENT OF THE LEVEL OF COMPENSATION OF THE CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION AND THE CHAIRMAN OF THE ADV"} {"rcid":2087,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-04","unres":"R/34/233/XIV","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRAVEL, REPRESENTITIVES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING $100,000 FOR 1980-1981 FOR THE TRAVEL OF REPRESENTATIVES OF LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES TO PARTICIPATE IN CONSULTATION MEETINGS OF THE UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION."} {"rcid":2088,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-11-03","unres":"R/34/13","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROHIBITION, USE OF FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING THAT THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON ENHANCING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PRINCIPLE OF THE NON-USE OF FORCE IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS SHALL CONTINUE TOWARDS THE DRAFTING OF A WORLD TREATY ON THE NON-USE OF FORCE IN INTE"} {"rcid":2089,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-01","unres":"R/34/145","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RACIST REGIMES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING THE CONTINUATION OF REPRESSIVE AND TERRORIST ACTS BY COLONIAL, RACIST, AND ALIEN REGIMES IN DENYING PEOPLES THEIR LEGITIMATE RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE AND INVITING ALL STATES TO TAKE APPROPR"} {"rcid":2090,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-01","unres":"R/34/147","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHARTER COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION TAKING NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND ON THE STRENGTHENING OF THE ROLE OF THE ORGANIZATION AND DECIDING THAT THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE SHOULD CONTINUE ITS WORK."} {"rcid":2091,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-01","unres":"R/34/150","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY- GENERAL TO STUDY THE QUESTION OF THE CONSOLIDATION AND PROGRESSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRINCIPLES AND NORMS OF INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC LAW RELATING TO THE LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE NEW INTERNATIONAL EC"} {"rcid":2092,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-02","unres":"R/34/422","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COMPREHENSIVE TEST-BAN-TREATY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY- GENERAL TO PREPARE A STUDY ON THE QUESTION OF A COMPREHENSIVE NUCLEAR-TEST BAN AS RECOMMENDED BY THE ADVISORY BOARD ON DISARMAMENT STUDIES AND BY THE SECRETARY-GENERAL HIMSELF."} {"rcid":2093,"session":34,"importantvote":0,"date":"1979-12-03","unres":"R/34/449","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"TRAVEL ASSISTANCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION EXPLORING WAYS AND MEANS OF PROVIDING ASSISTANCE FOR TRAVEL AND PER DIEM EXPENSES TO ENABLE DELEGATIONS OF THE LEAST DEVELOPED COUNTRIES TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETINGS OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE FOR THE UNITED NATIONS"} {"rcid":2094,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-10-07","unres":"R/35/6","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KAMPUCHEA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A CONFERENCE TO NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT REACHING A TOTAL WITHDRAWL OF FOREIGN TROOPS FROM KAMPUCHEA AND URGING THE COUNTRIES OF SOUTHEAST ASIA TO ESTABLISH A ZONE OF PEACE, FREEDOM, AND NEUTRALITY IN THE AREA."} {"rcid":2095,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-10-01","unres":"R/35/8","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PRESERVING NATURE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON STATES TO DEMONSTRATE DUE CONCERN AND TAKE THE MEASURES NECESSARY FOR PRESERVING NATURE, AND REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO PREPARE A REPORT ON THE PERNICIOUS EFFECTS OF THE ARMS RACE ON NATURE."} {"rcid":2096,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-11-04","unres":"R/35/37","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"AFGHANISTAN, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE RIGHT OF THE AFGHAN PEOPLE TO DETERMINE THEIR OWN FORM OF GOVERNMENT AND TO CHOOSE THEIR ECONOMIC, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SYSTEM FREE FROM OUTSIDE INTERVENTION AND CALLING FOR THE IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWL OF FOR"} {"rcid":2097,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-11-05","unres":"R/35/43","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COMOROS, MAYOTTE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE ISLAMIC FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF THE COMOROS OVER THE ISLAND OF MAYOTTE."} {"rcid":2098,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-06","unres":"R/35/118","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, LEGALITY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT THE POLICY OF APARTHEID OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN REGIME AND ITS ILLEGAL OCCUPATION OF NAMIBIA VIOLATE THE PRINCIPLES ENSHRINED IN THE UNITED NATIONS CHARTER AND CONSTITUTE A THREAT TO INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND"} {"rcid":2099,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-06","unres":"R/35/119","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COLONIZATION, LEGALITY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THAT THE CONTINUATION OF COLONIALISM IN ALL ITS FORMS- INCLUDING RACISM AND APARTHEID- IS INCOMPATABLE WITH THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND POSES A SERIOUS THREAT TO INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY AND S"} {"rcid":2100,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-06","unres":"R/35/120","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DECOLONIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO CONTINUE TO TAKE CONCRETE MEASURES TO GIVE WIDESPREAD AND CONTINUOUS PUBLICITY TO THE WORK OF THE UNITED NATIONS IN THE FIELD OF DECOLONIZATION."} {"rcid":2101,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/159","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERFERENCE, INTERNAL AFFAIRS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE AD HOC WORKING GROUP OF THE FIRST COMMITTEE ON THE DECLARATION ON INADMISSIBILITY OF INTERVENTION AND INTERFERENCE IN THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF STATES TO CONTINUE ITS DISCUSSIONS AND NEGOTIATIONS AT THE 36TH"} {"rcid":2102,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-03","unres":"R/35/169A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT A JUST AND LASTING PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST CANNOT BE ESTABLISHED WITHOUT THE ACHIEVEMENT OF A JUST SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM OF PALESTINE ON THE BASIS OF ATTAINMEMNT OF THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PALES"} {"rcid":2103,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-03","unres":"R/35/169B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT ALL PARTIAL AGREEMENTS AND SEPARATE TREATIES WHICH IGNORE, INFRINGE, VIOLATE OR DENY THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE HAVE NO VALIDITY IN SO FAR AS THEY PURPORT TO DETERMINE THE FUTURE OF T"} {"rcid":2104,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-03","unres":"R/35/169C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMITTEE ON THE EXERCISE OF THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE TO KEEP THE SITUATION RELATING TO THE QUESTION OF PALESTINE UNDER REVIEW AND TO REPORT AND MAKE SUGGESTIONS TO THE GENERAL ASSE"} {"rcid":2105,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-03","unres":"R/35/169D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO ENSURE THAT THE SPECIAL UNIT ON PALESTINIAN RIGHTS CONTINUES TO DISCHARGE ITS TASKS AS OUTLINED IN RESOLUTIONS 32/40 B AND 34/65 D."} {"rcid":2106,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-03","unres":"R/35/169E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT ALL LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES AND ACTIONS TAKEN BY ISRAEL WHICH HAVE ALTERED OR PURPORT TO ALTER THE CHARACTER AND STATUS OF JERUSALEM, IN PARTICULAR THE \\BASIC LAW\\\\ ON JERUSALEM, ARE NULL\""} {"rcid":2107,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-04","unres":"R/35/206A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, OPPRESSED PEOPLE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE LEGITIMACY OF THE STRUGGLE OF THE OPPRESSED PEOPLE OF SOUTH AFRICA AND THEIR NATIONAL LIBERATION MOVEMENT BY ALL AVAILABLE MEANS, INCLUDING ARMED STRUGGLE, AND CONDEMNING THE COLLABORATION OF CERTAIN WEST"} {"rcid":2108,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-04","unres":"R/35/206B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR COLLABORATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING ALL STATES WHICH VIOLATE THE ARMS EMBARGO AND CONTINUE TO COLLABORATE WITH SOUTH AFRICA IN THE MILITARY AND NUCLEAR FIELDS, IN PARTICULAR CERTAIN WESTERN STATES AND ISRAEL."} {"rcid":2109,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-04","unres":"R/35/206C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SEVERING OF TIES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION AGAIN CONDEMNING THE CONTINUED ECONOMIC AND OTHER COLLABORATION BY CERTAIN WESTERN AND OTHER STATES WITH SOUTH AFRICA AND CALLING UPON GOVERNMENTS WHICH HAVE NOT DONE SO TO SEVER DIPLOMATIC, MILITARY, NUCLEAR, ECONOMIC,"} {"rcid":2110,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-04","unres":"R/35/206D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, OIL EMBARGO","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING STATES TO TAKE EFFECTIVE LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MEASURES TO ENSURE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AN OIL EMBARGO AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2111,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-04","unres":"R/35/206E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SEVERING OF TIES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING ALL STATES TO TAKE STEPS TO PREVENT ALL CULTURAL, ACADEMIC, SPORTING AND OTHER EXCHANGES WITH SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2112,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-04","unres":"R/35/206F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ECONOMIC ISOLATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING ALL GOVERNMENTS TO PROHIBIT ALL COLLABORATION WITH SOUTH AFRICA BY TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS WITHIN THEIR JURISDICTION."} {"rcid":2113,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-04","unres":"R/35/206G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CAMPAIGN AGAINST APARTHEID","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID TO TAKE EFFECTIVE MEASURES TO PROMOTE INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGNS AGAINST APARTHEID."} {"rcid":2114,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-04","unres":"R/35/206H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISRAEL","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION STRONGLY CONDEMNING THE CONTINUING AND INCREASING COLLABORATION BY ISRAEL WITH SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2115,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-04","unres":"R/35/206I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS CONFERENCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY STEPS, IN COOPERATION WITH THE ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN UNITY, FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SANCTIONS AGAINST SOUTH AFRI"} {"rcid":2116,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-04","unres":"R/35/206J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ASSISTANCE TO OPPOSITION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPEALING TO ALL STATES TO PROVIDE HUMANITARIAN, EDUCATIONAL, FINANCIAL AND OTHER ASSISTANCE TO THE OPPRESSED PEOPLE OF SOUTH AFRICA, AS WELL AS DIRECT ASSISTANCE TO THE LIBERATION MOVEMENTS IN THEIR LEGITIMATE STRUGGLE."} {"rcid":2117,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-04","unres":"R/35/206M","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, SPORTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING THOSE SPORTS ORGANIZATIONS, SPORTSMEN AND PROMOTERS OF SPORTS EVENTS THAT HAVE COLLABORATED WITH SOUTH AFRICA IN VIOLATION OF THE RESOLUTIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY."} {"rcid":2118,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-04","unres":"R/35/206N","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ASSISTANCE TO OPPOSITION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPEALING TO ALL GOVERNMENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS TO SUPPORT THE VARIOUS PROJECTS OF THE LIBERATION MOVEMENTS DESIGNED TO ASSIST REFUGEES, WOMEN AND CHILDREN, FROM SOUTH AFRICA AND NAMIBIA."} {"rcid":2119,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-04","unres":"R/35/206O","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, S.C. SANCTIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO IMPOSE IMMEDIATE AND TOTAL MANDATORY SANCTIONS ON SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2120,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-04","unres":"R/35/206P","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID TO SEND MISSIONS TO MEMBER STATES AND INTERGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS TO PROMOTE INTERNATIONAL ACTION AGAINST APARTHEID."} {"rcid":2121,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-04","unres":"R/35/206Q","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ECONOMIC ISOLATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER TAKING EFFECTIVE STEPS TO ACHIEVE THE CESSATION OF FURTHER FOREIGN INVESTMENTS IN, AND FINANCIAL LOANS TO, SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2122,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-04","unres":"R/35/207","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRIROTIES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING ISRAEL'S CONTINUED OCCUPATION OF PALESTINIAN AND OTHER ARAB TERRITORIES, RENEWING THE CALL FOR IMMEDIATE, UNCONDITIONAL AND TOTAL WITHDRAWL OF ISRAEL FROM ALL THESE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, AND REJECTING ALL PART"} {"rcid":2123,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/142B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MILITARY EXPENDITURE REPORTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING THAT ALL MEMBER STATES SHOULD MAKE USE OF A PROPOSED REPORTING INSTRUMENT AND REPORT ANNUALLY TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL THEIR MILITARY EXPENDITURES OF THE LATEST FISCAL YEAR."} {"rcid":2124,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/143","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REGRETTING THAT THE SIGNATURES OF THE UNITED STATES AND OF FRANCE ON THE ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL I OF THE TREATY FOR THE PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN LATIN AMERICA HAVE NOT YET BEEN FOLLOWED BY THE CORRESPONDING RATIFIC"} {"rcid":2125,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/144C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ALL STATES PARTIES TO THE 1925 PROTOCOL FOR THE PROHIBITION OF THE USE IN WAR OF ASPHYXIATING, POISONOUS, OR OTHER GASES, AND OF BACTERIOLOGICAL METHODS OF WARFARE, TO REAFFIRM THEIR DETERMINATION STRICTLY T"} {"rcid":2126,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/145A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT A TREATY TO ACHIEVE THE PROHIBITION OF ALL NUCLEAR-TEST EXPLOSIONS BY ALL STATES FOR ALL TIME IS A MATTER OF THE HIGHEST PRIORITY, AND URGING ALL STATES WHICH HAVE NOT DONE SO TO ADHERE TO THE TREATY BAN"} {"rcid":2127,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/145B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REITERATING THE GRAVE CONCERN THAT NUCLEAR-WEAPON TESTING CONTINUES UNABATED AGAINST THE EXPRESS WISHES OF THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF MEMBER STATES."} {"rcid":2128,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/146A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO PROHIBIT ALL FORMS OF COOPERATION AND COLLABORATION WITH SOUTH AFRICA IN THE NUCLEAR FIELD, AND DEMANDING THAT SOUTH AFRICA SUBMIT ALL ITS NUCLEAR INSTALLATIONS TO INSPECTION BY THE INT"} {"rcid":2129,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/146B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, AFRICA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REITERATING THE CALL TO ALL STATES TO CONSIDER AND RESPECT THE CONTINENT OF AFRICA AS A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE AND THEREFORE CALLING UPON STATES AND OTHER ACTORS TO TERMINATE NUCLEAR COLLABORATION WITH SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2130,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/148","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ENDORSING, IN PRINCIPLE, THE CONCEPT OF A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE IN SOUTH ASIA."} {"rcid":2131,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/149","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"WEAPONS OF MASS-DESTRUCTION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO CONTINUE NEGOTIATIONS TOWARD THE PREPARATION OF A DRAFT COMPREHENSIVE AGREEMENT ON THE PROHIBITION OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND MANUFACTURE OF NEW TYPES OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION"} {"rcid":2132,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/152B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, ARMS RACE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO UNDERTAKE CONSULTATIONS TO CONSIDER THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN AD HOC WORKING GROUP ON THE CESSATION OF THE NUCLEAR-ARMS RACE AND OF NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT."} {"rcid":2133,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/152C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, ARMS RACE COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO ESTABLISH AN AD HOC WORKING GROUP ON THE ITEM ENTITLED \\CESSATION OF THE NUCLEAR ARMS RACE AND NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT.\\\\\"\t0\t1\t1\t0\t0\t0"} {"rcid":2134,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/152D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR NON-USE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT THE USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS WOULD BE A VIOLATION OF THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY AND THEREFORE THE USE OR THREAT OF USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS SHOULD BE PROHIBITED."} {"rcid":2135,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/152G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ARMAMENT LIMITATIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON THE STATES PERMANENT MEMBERS OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL AND THE COUNTRIES WHICH HAVE MILITARY AGREEMENTS WITH THEM TO RESOLVE NOT TO INCREASE THEIR ARMED FORCES AND CONVENTIONAL ARMAMENTS, EFFECTIVE FROM AN AGR"} {"rcid":2136,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/152I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO CARRY OUT A STUDY ON THE ORGANIZATION AND FINANCING OF A WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":2137,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/152J","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING THE MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT INVOLVED IN SEPARATE NEGOTIATIONS ON QUESTIONS OF DISARMAMENT TO INTENSIFY THEIR EFFORTS TO ACHIEVE A POSITIVE CONCLUSION TO THOSE NEGOTIATIONS AND TO SUBMIT THE RESUL"} {"rcid":2138,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/154","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR NON-USE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ALL NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES TO MAKE SOLEMN DECLARATIONS, IDENTICAL IN SUBSTANCE, CONCERNING THE NON-USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS AGAINST NON-NUCLEAR STATES HAVING NO SUCH WEAPONS ON THEIR TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":2139,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/155","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR NON-USE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE URGENT NEED TO REACH AGREEMENT ON EFFECTIVE INTERNATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS TO ASSURE NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES AGAINST THE USE OR THREAT OF USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2140,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/156A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, ARMS RACE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CARRYING OUT OF A STUDY ON ALL ASPECTS OF THE CONVENTIONAL ARMS RACE AND ON DISARMAMENT RELATING TO CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS AND ARMED FORCES."} {"rcid":2141,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/156C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR DEPLOYMENT","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO PROCEED WITHOUT DELAY TO TALKS ELABORATING AN INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT ON THE NON-STATIONING OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS ON THE TERRITORIES OF STATES WHERE THERE ARE NO SUCH WEAPONS AT PR"} {"rcid":2142,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/156F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ARMS RACE, DANGERS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION WHICH, CONSIDERING THE REPORT OF THE DISARMAMENT COMMITTEE WHICH RECOMMENDED THAT INFORMATION ORGANS OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND MEMBER STATES SHOULD UNDERTAKE FURTHER PROGRAMS OF INFORMATION RELATING TO THE DANGERS OF THE"} {"rcid":2143,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/156H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FISSIONABLE MATERIAL","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO PURSUE ITS CONSIDERATION OF THE QUESTION OF ADEQUATELY VERIFIED CESSATION OF THE PRODUCTION OF FISSIONABLE MATERIAL FOR THE PRODUCTION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2144,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/156I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT STATES NOT MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE ON DIASARMAMENT SHOULD BE INVITED, UPON THEIR REQUEST, TO PARTICIPATE IN THE WORK OF THE COMMITTEE."} {"rcid":2145,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/157","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, ARMAMENT","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO INCLUDE IN THE PROVISIONAL AGENDA OF THE THIRTY-SIXTH SESSION AN ITEM ENTITLED \\ISRAELI NUCLEAR ARMAMENT.\\\\\"\t1\t1\t0\t0\t0\t0"} {"rcid":2146,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/158","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERFERENCE, INTERNAL AFFAIRS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION AGAIN INVITING ALL STATES TO REJECT ANY SUPPORT FOR OR ENCOURAGEMENT OF ANY FORM OF INTERVENTION OR INTERFERENCE IN THE INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL AFFAIRS OF STATES FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER AND TO REFUSE RECOGNITION OF SITUAT"} {"rcid":2147,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-11-01","unres":"R/35/13A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RELIEF","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ALL GOVERNMENTS AS A MATTER OF URGENCY TO MAKE THE MOST GENEROUS EFFORTS POSSIBLE TO MEET THE ANTICIPATED NEEDS OF THE UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST."} {"rcid":2148,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-11-01","unres":"R/35/13B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION STRONGLY APPEALING TO ALL STATES, SPECILIZED AGENCIES AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS TO AUGMENT THE SPECIAL ALLOCATION FOR SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS TO PALESTINE REFUGEES."} {"rcid":2149,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-11-01","unres":"R/35/13E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF ALL DISPLACED INHABITANTS TO RETURN TO THEIR HOMES IN THE TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL SINCE 1967, AND DEPLORING THE CONTINUED REFUSAL BY ISRAEL TO TAKE STEPS FOR THE RETURN OF DIS"} {"rcid":2150,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-11-01","unres":"R/35/13F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GAZA STRIP, REFUGEES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING ONCE MORE UPON ISRAEL TO DESIST FROM REMOVAL AND RESETTLEMENT OF PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE GAZA STRIP AND FROM DESTRUCTION OF THEIR SHELTERS."} {"rcid":2151,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-06","unres":"R/35/122A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION STRONGLY DEPLORING ISRAEL'S FAILURE TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE APPLICABILITY OF THE GENEVA CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE PROTECTION OF CIVILIAN PERSONS IN TIME OF WAR TO THE PALESTINIAN AND OTHER ARAB TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL"} {"rcid":2152,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-06","unres":"R/35/122B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, CHANGES IN STATUS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT MEASURES AND ACTIONS TAKEN BY THE GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL DESIGNED TO CHANGE THE LEGAL STATUS, GEOGRAPHIC NATURE AND DEMOGRAPHIC COMPOSITION IN THE PALESTINIAN AND OTHER ARAB TERRITORIES OCCUPIED SINCE 1967"} {"rcid":2153,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-06","unres":"R/35/122C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DEPLORING THE CONTINUED REFUSAL BY ISRAEL TO ALLOW THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE ISRAELI PRACTICES AFFECTING THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE POPULATION OF THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES ACCESS TO THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":2154,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-06","unres":"R/35/122D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HEBRON, SHARIA JUDGE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON THE GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL TO RESCIND THE ILLEGAL MEASURES TAKEN IN EXPELLING AND IMPRISONING THE MAYORS OF HEBRON AND HALHUL AND IN EXPELLING THE SHARIA JUDGE OF HEBRON."} {"rcid":2155,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-06","unres":"R/35/122E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GOLAN HEIGHTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DETERMING THAT ALL LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES AND ACTIONS WHICH MIGHT BE TAKEN BY ISRAEL THAT PURPORT TO ALTER THE CHARACTER AND STATUS OF THE SYRIAN ARAB GOLAN HEIGHTS ARE NULL AND VOID, CONSTITUTE A FLAGRA"} {"rcid":2156,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-06","unres":"R/35/122F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DEMANDING THAT ISRAEL COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE FOURTH GENEVA CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE PROTECTION OF CIVILIAN PERSONS IN TIME OF WAR AND RESCIND ALL ACTIONS AND MEASURES AGAINST ALL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS."} {"rcid":2157,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-06","unres":"R/35/123","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MADAGASCAR, DISPUTED ISLANDS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING THE GOVERNEMNT OF FRANCE TO INITIATE NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF MADAGASCAR WITH OF VIEW OF SETTLING THE QUESTION OF THE MALAGASY ISLANDS OF GLORIEUSES, JUAN DE NOVA, EUROPA AND BASSAS DA INDIA."} {"rcid":2158,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-06","unres":"R/35/124","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RACIST REGIMES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION STRONGLY CONDEMNING ALL POLICIES AND PRACTICES OF OPPRESSIVE AND RACIST REGIMES AS WELL AS AGGRESSION, ALIEN DOMINATION, AND FOREIGN OCCUPATION, WHICH ARE PRIMARILY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MASSIVE FLOWS OF REFUGEES THROUGHOU"} {"rcid":2159,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/57","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING MEMBER STATES TO TAKE ALL APPROPRIATE MEASURES FOR THE LAUNCHING AND SUCCESSFUL CONCLUSION OF THE ROUND OF GLOBAL NEGOTIATIONS AND THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR THE THIRD UNITED"} {"rcid":2160,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/58","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LAND LOCKED COUNTRIES, TRANSIT","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING THE TRANSIT COUNTRIES TO COOPERATE EFFECTIVELY WITH THE LAND-LOCKED DEVELOPING COUNTRIES IN HARMONIZING TRANSPORT PLANNING AND PROMOTING OTHER JOINT VENTURES IN THE FIELD OF TRANSPORTATION."} {"rcid":2161,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/60","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRANSPORTATION, GOODS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION NOTING WITH SATISFACTION THE ADOPTION OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON INTERNATIONAL MULTIMODAL TRANSPORT OF GOODS AND URGING ALL GOVERNMENTS TO CONSIDER SIGNING THE CONVENTION."} {"rcid":2162,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-07","unres":"R/35/75","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, LIVING CONDITIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING ISRAELI POLICY RESULTING IN THE DETERIORATION OF THE LIVING CONDITIONS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE IN THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":2163,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-11-02","unres":"R/35/39","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, CONVENTION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION STRONGLY APPEALLING TO THOSE STATES WHICH HAVE NOT BECOME PARTIES OT THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE SUPPRESSION AND PUNISHMENT OF THE CRIME OF APARTHEID TO RATIFY IT OR TO ACCEDE TO IT WITHOUT DELAY."} {"rcid":2164,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-06","unres":"R/35/130A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"USE OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION STRESSING THE IMPORTANCE OF IMPLEMENTING THE PROVISIONS AND PRINCIPLES CONTAINED IN THE DECLARATION ON THE USE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS IN THE INTERESTS OF PEACE AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF MANKIND."} {"rcid":2165,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-06","unres":"R/35/130B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MENTAL HEALTH","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL TO CONSIDER THE DRAFT GUIDELINES RELATED TO PROCEDURES FOR DETERMINING WHETHER ADEQUATE GROUNDS EXIST FOR DETAINING PERSONS ON THE GROUND OF M"} {"rcid":2166,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-06","unres":"R/35/136","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WOMEN, DECADE FOR","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING GOVERNMENTS TO TAKE APPROPRIATE MEASURES TO IMPLEMENT THE PROGRAMME OF ACTION FOR THE SECOND HALF OF THE UNITED NATIONS DECADE FOR WOMEN AND OTHER RELEVANT RESOLUTIONS AND DECISIONS AT THE NATIONAL, REGIONAL, AND"} {"rcid":2167,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-03","unres":"R/35/174","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION EMPHASIZING THE NECESSITY OF ESTABLISHING THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER TO ENSURE THE PROMOTION AND FULL ENJOYMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS FOR ALL AND AFFIRMING THAT THE EFFORTS OF THE UNITED NATI"} {"rcid":2168,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-03","unres":"R/35/185","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, BOLIVIA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING BOLIVIAN AUTHORITIES TO ENSURE RESPECT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS, INCLUDING FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION AND TRADE UNION RIGHTS."} {"rcid":2169,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-03","unres":"R/35/188","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHILE, POLITICAL DISAPPEARENCES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THE CHILEAN AUTHORITIES TO INVESTIGATE AND CLARIFY THE FATE OF PERSONS WHO HAVE DISAPPEARED FOR POLITICAL REASONS, TO INFORM RELATIVES OF THE OUTCOME AND TO INSTITUTE CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS AGAINST THOSE RESPONSIBLE"} {"rcid":2170,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-03","unres":"R/35/190","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHILE, TRUST FUND","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO REQUEST THE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION TO STUDY THE POSSIBILITY OF EXTENDING THE MANDATE OF THE UNITED NATIONS TRUST FUND FOR CHILE CONCERNING THE DISTRIBUTION OF HUMANITARIAN, LEGAL AND FINANCIAL AID TO PERSONS"} {"rcid":2171,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-03","unres":"R/35/192","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, EL SALVADOR","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING DEEP CONCERN AT THE GRAVE VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS IN EL SALVADOR."} {"rcid":2172,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-03","unres":"R/35/198","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIGRANT WORKERS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO COMMUNICATE TO GOVERNMENTS THE REPORT OF THE CHAIRMAN OF THE WORKING GROUP (TO ELABORATE AN INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE PROTECTION OF THE RIGHTS OF ALL MIGRANT WORKERS AND THEIR FAMI"} {"rcid":2173,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-03","unres":"R/35/200","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RACIAL INTOLERANCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING ALL FORMS OF TOTALITARIAN IDEOLOGIES OR PRACTICES BASED ON RACIAL INTOLERANCE, HATRED AND TERROR, INCLUDING NAZI, FACIST AND NEO-FACIST ACTIVITIES, AND THOSE BASED ON SYSTEMATIC DENIAL OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUDA"} {"rcid":2174,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-11-02","unres":"R/35/20","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BELIZE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF BELIZE TO SELF-DETERMINATION, INDEPENDENCE AND TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY, AND URGING ALL STATES TO RENDER ALL PRACTICAL ASSISTANCE NECESSARY FOR THE SECURE AND EARLY EXERCIS"} {"rcid":2175,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-11-02","unres":"R/35/26","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRANSFER OF POWER, TRUST TERRITORIES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT, IN THE ABSENCE OF A DECISION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY THAT A NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORY HAS ATTAINED A FULL MEASURE OF SELF-GOVERNMENT, THE ADMINISTERING POWER CONCERNED SHOULD CONTINUE TO TRANSMIT INF"} {"rcid":2176,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-11-02","unres":"R/35/27","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"EAST TIMOR, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFRIMING THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF EAST TIMOR TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES."} {"rcid":2177,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-11-02","unres":"R/35/28","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ECONOMIC ISOLATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION STRONGLY CONDEMNING THOSE WESTERN COUNTRIES AND OTHER STATES WHICH CONTINUE THEIR INVESTMENTS IN, AND SUPPLY OF ARMAMENTS AND OIL AND NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY TO, THE RACIST SOUTH AFRICAN REGIME."} {"rcid":2178,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-11-02","unres":"R/35/29","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE MOVEMENTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT RECOGNITION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, THE SECURITY COUNCIL, AND OTHER UNITED NATIONS ORGANS OF THE LEGITIMACY OF THE STRUGGLE OF COLONIAL PEOPLES TO ACHIEVE FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE ENTAILS THE EXTENSION"} {"rcid":2179,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-11-01","unres":"R/35/10B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SUBSIDARY ORGANS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE APPLICABILITY OF RESOLUTION 34/50 IN RESPECT TO SUMMARY RECORDS FOR ALL THE SUBSIDARY ORGANS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY FOR WHICH THE PROVISION OF SUMMARY RECORDS WAS DISCONTINUED."} {"rcid":2180,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-03","unres":"R/35/44","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TROOP CONTRIBUTION PAYMENTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO ESTABLISH NEW STANDARD RATES OF REIMBURSEMENT TO THE GOVERNMENTS OF TROOP-CONTRIBUTING STATES OF $950 PER MAN PER MONTH FOR ALL RANKS PLUS $280 PER MAN PER MONTH FOR A LIMITED NUMBER OF SPECIALISTS."} {"rcid":2181,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-03","unres":"R/35/45A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO APPROPRIATE TO THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT $14,959,250 FOR THE OPERATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE FOR THE PERIOD FROM 1 DECEMBER, 1980 THROUGH 31 MAY,1981."} {"rcid":2182,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-03","unres":"R/35/45B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING THAT THE PROVISIONS OF REGULATIONS 5.2 (B), 5.2 (D), 4.3 AND 4.4 OF THE FINANCIAL REGULATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS SHALL BE SUSPENDED IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,825,999, TO BE ENTERED INTO THE ACCOUNT OF THE UNITED NA"} {"rcid":2183,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-05","unres":"R/35/113","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. FINANCES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING MEMBER STATES TO EXERT ALL POSSIBLE EFFORTS TO REACH A COMPREHENSIVE ACCORD AND PLACE THE FINANCES OF THE UNITED NATIONS ON A SOUND FOOTING."} {"rcid":2184,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-05","unres":"R/35/115A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO APPROPRIATE $64,602,996 FOR THE OPERATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON."} {"rcid":2185,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-05","unres":"R/35/115B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING THAT PROVISIONS OF REGULATIONS 5.2 (B), 5.2 (D), 4.3 AND 4.4 OF THE FINANCIAL REGULATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS SHALL BE SUSPENDED IN THE AMONT OF $2,173,113 TO BE ENTERED INTO THE ACCOUNT OF THE UNITED NATIONS"} {"rcid":2186,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-05","unres":"R/35/213","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING THAT A DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE FEDERATION OF INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVANTS ASSOCIATION MAY MAKE AN ORAL PRESENTATION TO THE FIFTH COMMITTEE."} {"rcid":2187,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-05","unres":"R/35/214A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, THE SECRETARY-GENERAL AND THE HEADS OF ORGANIZATIONS WHICH HAVE ACCEPTED THE COMMISSION'S STATUTE TO COOPERATE FULLY IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COMMON STANDARDS OF J"} {"rcid":2188,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-05","unres":"R/35/217/XV","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ACCOMODATION, SANTIAGO","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO UNDERTAKE AN ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING STUDY ON A UNITED NATIONS ACCOMODATION AT SANTIAGO."} {"rcid":2189,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-05","unres":"R/35/218","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HONORARIA PAYMENTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING UPON REVISED RATES OF HONORARIA PAYABLE TO MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION, THE INTERNATIONAL NARCOTICS CONTROL BOARD, THE UNITED NATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL AND THE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE."} {"rcid":2190,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-05","unres":"R/35/220","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ICJ, SALARY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING THAT, EFFECTIVE 1 JANUARY,1981, THE ANNUAL SALARY OF THE MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE SHALL BE $70,000."} {"rcid":2191,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-05","unres":"R/35/222","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ACCOMODATION, NAIROBI","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO PROCEED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE UNITED NATIONS ACCOMODATION AT NAIROBI."} {"rcid":2192,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-05","unres":"R/35/225","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LANGUAGE POSTS, RECLASSIFICATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PROPOSALS OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL AIMED AT RECLASSIFYING LANGUAGE POSTS."} {"rcid":2193,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-06","unres":"R/35/50","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-USE OF FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON ENHANCING EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PRINCIPLE OF NON-USE OF FORCE IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS TO DRAFT A WORLD TREATY ON THE SUBJECT AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE."} {"rcid":2194,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-03","unres":"R/35/164","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHARTER COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING THAT THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND ON THE STRENGTHENING OF THE ROLE OF THE ORGANIZATION SHALL CONTINUE ITS WORK."} {"rcid":2195,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-03","unres":"R/35/166","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PRINCIPLES, NORMS, INTERNATIONAL LAW","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE UNITED NATIONS INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND RESEARCH TO PREPARE A LIST OF THE EXISTING PRINCIPLES AND NORMS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW RELATING TO THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER."} {"rcid":2196,"session":35,"importantvote":0,"date":"1980-12-03","unres":"R/35/167","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LIBERATION MOVEMENTS, DELEGATIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON STATES TO ACCORD TO THE DELEGATIONS OF THE NATIONAL LIBERATION MOVEMENTS RECOGNIZED BY THE ORGANIZATION FOR AFRICAN UNITY AND/OR BY THE LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES NECESSARY FOR THE PERFO"} {"rcid":2197,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-09-01","unres":"R/36/3","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ADMISSION BELIZE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO ADMIT BELIZE TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":2198,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-10-01","unres":"R/36/5","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KAMPUCHEA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REITERATING THE CONVICTION THAT THE WITHDRAWL OF ALL FOREIGN FORCES FROM KAMPUCHEA, THE RESTORATION AND PRESERVATION OF ITS INDEPENDENCE, SOVEREIGNTY AND TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY AND THE COMMITMENT BY ALL STATES TO NON-INTE"} {"rcid":2199,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-10-07","unres":"R/36/7","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, ARMS RACE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO PREPARE A REPORT CONTAINING RECOMMENDATIONS OF SPECIFIC OBLIGATIONS AND MEASURES RELATING TO THE PROTECTION OF NATURE FROM THE PERNICIOUS EFFECTS OF THE ARMS RACE, AND TO THE LIMITATIO"} {"rcid":2200,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-11-04","unres":"R/36/25","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-INTERFERENCE, NUCLEAR SITES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ALL STATES TO RESPECT FULLY THEIR OBLIGATINS UNDER THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND TO REFRAIN FROM THE THREAT OR USE OF FORCE AGAINST THE TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OR POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE OF ANY STATE, I"} {"rcid":2201,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-11-06","unres":"R/36/27","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, ACTION AGAINST IRAQ","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION STRONGLY CONDEMNING ISRAEL FOR ITS PREMEDITATED AND UNPRECEDENTED ACT OF AGGRESSION AGAINST IRAQ IN VIOLATION OF THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE NORMS OF INTERNATIONAL CONDUCT, AND REITERATING A REQUEST TO THE"} {"rcid":2202,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-11-04","unres":"R/36/34","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"AFGHANISTAN, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE RIGHT OF THE AFGHAN PEOPLE TO DETERMINE THEIR OWN FORM OF GOVERNMENT AND TO CHOOSE THEIR ECONOMIC, POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SYSTEM FREE FROM OUTSIDE INTERVENTION, SUBVERSION, COERCION OR CONSTRAINT OF ANY KIN"} {"rcid":2203,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-11-04","unres":"R/36/39","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ENLARGING THE INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION TO 34 MEMBERS, TO BE ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: 8 NATIONALS FROM AFRICAN STATES; 7 NATIONALS FROM ASIAN STATES; 3 NATIONALS FROM EASTERN EUROPEAN STATES; 6 NATIONALS FROM LATIN AMERI"} {"rcid":2204,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-05","unres":"R/36/68","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, STRUGGLE FOR","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THE RECOGNITION OF THE LEGITIMACY OF THE STRUGGLE OF THE PEOPLES UNDER COLONIAL AND ALIEN DOMINATION TO EXERCISE THEIR RIGHT OF SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE BY ALL THE NECESSARY MEANS AT THEIR DISPOSAL."} {"rcid":2205,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-05","unres":"R/36/69","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DECOLONIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO CONTINUE TO TAKE CONCRETE MEASURES THROUGH ALL THE MEDIA AT HIS DISPOSAL TO GIVE WIDESPREAD AND CONTINUOUS PUBLICITY TO THE WORK OF THE UNITED NATIONS IN THE FIELD OF DECOLONIZATION."} {"rcid":2206,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/105","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COMOROS, MAYOTTE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE ISLAMIC FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF THE COMOROS OVER THE ISLAND OF MAYOTTE."} {"rcid":2207,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/120A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COMMITTEE ON THE EXERCISE OF THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE TO CONTINUE TO EXERT ALL EFFORTS TO PROMOTE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ITS RECOMMENDATIONS AND TO SEND DELEGATIONS TO INTERNATIONAL"} {"rcid":2208,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/120B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING ALL GOVERNMENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS TO LEND THEIR COOPERATION TO THE COMMITTEE ON THE EXERCISE OF THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE AND THE SPECIAL UNIT ON PALESTINIAN RIGHTS IN THE PERFORMANCE OF"} {"rcid":2209,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/120C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, CONFERENCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO CONVENE AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE QUESTION OF PALESTINE NOT LATER THAN 1984."} {"rcid":2210,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/120D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT A COMPREHENSIVE, JUST AND LASTING PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST CANNOT BE ESTABLISHED WITHOUT THE WITHDRAWL OF ISRAEL FROM ALL THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN AND OTHER ARAB TERRITORIES, INCLUDING JERUSALEM, AND WIT"} {"rcid":2211,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/120E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT ALL LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES AND ACTIONS TAKEN BY ISRAEL WHICH HAVE ALTERED OR PURPORT TO ALTER THE CHARACTER AND STATUS OF JERUSALEM, IN PARTICULAR THE PROCLAMATION OF JERUSALEM AS THE CA"} {"rcid":2212,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/120F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PLO PARTICIPATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING THAT NO STATE HAS THE RIGHT TO UNDERTAKE ANY ACTIONS, MEASURES OR NEGOTIATIONS THAT COULD EFFECT THE FUTURE OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE WITHOUT THE PARTICIPATION OF THE PALESTINE LIBERATION ORGANIZATION."} {"rcid":2213,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/121A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REITERATING THAT NAMIBIA IS THE DIRECT RESPONSIBILITY OF THE UNITED NATIONS UNTIL GENUINE SELF-DETERMINATION AND NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE ARE ACHIEVED, AND REAFFIRMING THAT THE SOUTH WEST AFRICAN PEOPLE'S ORGANIZATION IS TH"} {"rcid":2214,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/121B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING ALL STATES TO PREVENT THE IMPORT INTO THEIR TERRITORIES ALL COMMODITIES AND PRODUCTS ORIGINATING IN SOUTH AFRICA OR ILLEGALLY OCCUPIED NAMIBIA AND THE SALE OR SUPPLY OF ANY COMMODITIES OR PRODUCTS TO ANY PERSO"} {"rcid":2215,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/121C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING THAT THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA SHALL CONTINUE TO MOBILIZE INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT TO PRESS FOR THE WITHDRAWL OF THE ILLEGAL SOUTH AFRICAN ADMINISTRATION FROM NAMIBIA."} {"rcid":2216,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/121D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, U.N. MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING ALL SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS AND CONFERENCES WITHIN THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM TO GRANT FULL MEMBERSHIP TO NAMIBIA, REPRESENTED BY THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA, AND TO GRANT A WAIV"} {"rcid":2217,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/121E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, INFORMATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING MEMBER STATES TO BROADCAST PROGRAMS AND TO PUBLISH MATERIAL INFORMING THEIR POPULATIONS ABOUT THE SITUATION IN NAMIBIA."} {"rcid":2218,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/121F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, FUND","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO ALLOCATE TO THE UNITED NATIONS FUND FOR NAMIBIA $1,000,000 FROM THE REGULAR BUDGET OF THE UNITED NATIONS FOR 1982."} {"rcid":2219,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/172A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, AGGRESSION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REITERATING THE FIRM CONVICTION THAT THE SOUTH AFRICAN REGIME HAS BEEN ENCOURAGED TO TAKE ACTS OF AGGRESSION, SUBVERSION AND TERRORISM AGAINST INDEPENDENT AFRICAN STATES BY THE PROTECTION AFFORDED BY MAJOR WESTERN POWERS"} {"rcid":2220,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/172B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, PARIS DECLARATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE PARIS DECLARATION ON SANCTIONS AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA AND COMMENDING IT TO THE ATTENTION OF ALL GOVERNMENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS."} {"rcid":2221,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/172C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, AGGRESSION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING THE UNPROVOKED ACTS OF AGGRESSION COMMITTED BY SOUTH AFRICA AGAINST ANGOLA, SEYCHELLES AND OTHER INDEPENDENT NATIONS, DEMANDING THE IMMEDIATE AND UNCONDITIONAL WITHDRAWL OF ALL TROOPS OF SOUTH AFRICA FROM ANGO"} {"rcid":2222,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/172D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS CONFERENCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER URGENTLY THE DECLARATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SANCTIONS AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA WITH A VIEW TO THE IMPOSITION OF COMPREHENSIVE AND MANDATORY SANCTIONS AGAINST SOUTH"} {"rcid":2223,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/172E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NUCLEAR COLLABORATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION STRONGLY CONDEMNING THE COLLUSION BY THE GOVERNMENTS OF CERTAIN WESTERN COUNTRIES, AND IN PARTICULAR THOSE OF THE UNITED STATES, THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, AND ISRAEL, WITH SOUTH AFRICA IN THE NUCLEAR FIELD, AND CA"} {"rcid":2224,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/172F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, CESSASION OF RELATIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ALL STATES TO TAKE EFFECTIVE MEASURES TO ENSURE THAT GOVERNMENTAL AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS WITHIN THEIR JURISDICTION CEASE ANY RELATIONS WITH THE MILITARY AND POLICE FORCES, MILITARY INDUSTRY AND M"} {"rcid":2225,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/172G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, OIL EMBARGO","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING ALL STATES WHICH HAVE NOT YET DONE SO TO TAKE EFFECTIVE LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MEASURES TO ENSURE THE EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION OF AN OIL EMBARGO AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2226,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/172H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING AND AUTHORIZING THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY STEPS, IN COOPERATION WITH APPROPRIATE OTHER ORGANIZATIONS, TO ORGANIZE IN 1982 AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF TRADE UNIONS ON SANC"} {"rcid":2227,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/172I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, SPORTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING THOSE SPORTS ORGANIZATIONS, SPORTSMEN, AND PROMOTERS OF SPORTS EVENTS WHO HAVE COLLABORATED WITH SOUTH AFRICA IN VIOLATION OF THE RESOLUTIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY."} {"rcid":2228,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/172K","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, WOMEN AND CHILDREN","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING THE COOPERATION OF ALL GOVERNMENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS WITH THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID IN PROMOTING SOLIDARITY WITH AND ASSISTANCE TO THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN OF SOUTH AFRICA IN THEIR STRUGGLE FOR LIBER"} {"rcid":2229,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/172L","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NGO COLLABORATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO LEND HIS COOPERATION TO THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID IN INVESTIGATING AND PUBLICIZING THE COLLABORATION OF CERTAIN NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS WITH SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2230,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/172M","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISRAEL","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION STRONGLY CONDEMNING THE INCREASING AND CONTINUING COLLABORATION OF ISRAEL WITH SOUTH AFRICA, ESPECIALLY IN THE MILITARY AND NUCLEAR FIELDS."} {"rcid":2231,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/172N","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE MANDATE OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID FOR THE PROMOTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN AGAINST APARTHEID."} {"rcid":2232,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/172O","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ECONOMIC ISOLATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO ONSIDER TAKING EFFECTIVE STEPS TO ACHIEVE A CESSATION OF FURTHER FOREIGN INVESTMENTS IN, AND FINANCIAL LOANS TO, SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2233,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/226A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LEBANON, ISRAELI BOMBING","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION STRONGLY CONDEMNING ISRAEL'S AGGRESSION AGAINST LEBANON AND THE CONTINUOUS BOMBARDMENT AND DESTRUCTION OF ITS CITIES AND VILLAGES, AND ALSO CONDEMNING ISRAEL'S ANNEXATIONIST POLICIES AND PRACTICES IN THE OCCUPIED SYRIAN"} {"rcid":2234,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/226B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GOLAN HEIGHTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT ISRAEL'S DECISION TO APPLY ISRAELI LAW TO THE OCCUPIED SYRIAN GOLAN HEIGHTS IS NULL AND VOID AND HAS NO LEGAL VALIDITY WHATSOEVER."} {"rcid":2235,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/84","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON STATES DEPOSTITORIES OF THE TREATY BANNING NUCLEAR WEAPONS TESTS IN THE ATMOSPHERE, IN OUTER SPACE AND UNDER WATER AND THE TREATY ON THE NON-PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS TO BRING TO A HALT ALL NUCLEAR-TE"} {"rcid":2236,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/86A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A REOLUTION CALLING UPON ALL STATES, CORPORATIONS, INSTITUTIONS AND INDIVIDUALS TO TERMINATE FORTHWITH ALL MILITARY AND NULCEAR COLLABORATION WITH SOUTH AFRICA, AND DEMANDING THAT SOUTH AFRICA SUBMIT ALL ITS NUCLEAR INSTALLATIONS TO"} {"rcid":2237,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/86B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, AFRICA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REITERATING THE CALL TO ALL STATES TO CONSIDER THE CONTINENT OF AFRICA AS A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE, AND REAFFIRMING THAT THE NUCLEAR-WEAPON PROGRAM OF SOUTH AFRICA CONSTITUTES A VERY GRAVE DANGER TO INTERNATIONAL PEACE"} {"rcid":2238,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/87B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONSIDERING THE ISRAELI ATTACK ON THE NUCLEAR INSTALLATION IN IRAQ TO AFFECT ADVERSELY THE PROSPECTS OF THE ESTABISHMENT OF A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE IN THE MIDDLE EAST, AND DECLARING IT IMPERATIVE THAT ISRAEL PLACE ITS"} {"rcid":2239,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/88","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE ENDORSEMENT, IN PRINCIPLE, OF A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE IN SOUTH ASIA."} {"rcid":2240,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/89","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WEAPONS OF MASS-DESTRUCTION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON STATES TO MAKE DECLARATIONS, IDENTICAL IN SUBSTANCE, CONCERNING THE REFUSAL TO CREATE NEW TYPES OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION AND NEW SYSTEMS OF SUCH WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2241,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/92C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION NOTING WITH SATISFACTION THE CONTENTS OF THE STUDY ON THE WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN AND COMMENDING ITS CONCLUSIONS."} {"rcid":2242,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/92D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NEGOTIATION HINDERANCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON MEMBER STATES TO REFRAIN FROM ANY ACTION THAT COULD HAMPER, COMPLICATE OR RENDER IMPOSSIBLE THE DISARMAMENT NEGOTIATIONS WHICH ARE UNDER WAY, AND, IN PARTICULAR, NOT TO HINDER PROGRESS BY THE DISCUSSION OF U"} {"rcid":2243,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/92E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CESSATION, NUCLEAR PRODUCTION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DEEMING IT NECESSARY TO INITIATE NEGOTIATIONS ON THE CESSATION OF THE PRODUCTION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND ON THE GRADUAL REDUCTIN OF THEIR STOCKPILES UP TO AND INCLUDING THEIR TOTAL DESTRUCTION."} {"rcid":2244,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/92F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO COMPLETE THE ELABORATION OF A COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM OF DISARMAMENT AND TO SUBMIT THE PROGRAM IN TIME FOR CONSIDERATION AND ADOPTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT ITS SECOND SPECIAL"} {"rcid":2245,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/92H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, UNIVERSALITY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE IMPORTANCE OF PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE QUESTION OF THE UNIVERSALITY OF MULTILATERAL DISARMAMENT AGREEMENTS CONTAINED IN THE FINAL DOCUMENT OF THE TENTH SPECIAL SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY."} {"rcid":2246,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/92I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, CHARTER VIOLATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECLARING ONCE AGAIN THAT THE USE OF NULCEAR WEAPONS WOULD BE A VIOLATION OF THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, AND THE USE OR THREAT OF USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS SHOULD THEREFORE BE PROHIBITED."} {"rcid":2247,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/92J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, WORLD VIEWS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING MEMBER STATES TO COMMUNICATE TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL THEIR VIEWS AND SUGGESTIONS CONCERNING WORLD-WIDE ACTION FOR COLLECTING SIGNATURES IN SUPPORT OF MEASURES TO PREVENT NUCLEAR WAR, TO CURB THE ARMS RACE AND F"} {"rcid":2248,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/92K","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO START WITHOUT DELAY NEGOTIATIONS IN AN APPROPRIATE ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK WITH A VIEW TO CONCLUDING A CONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION, STOCKPILING, DEPLOYMENT AND USE OF NUCLEAR"} {"rcid":2249,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/94","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION WELCOMING THE CONCLUSION OF THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT THAT THERE IS RECOGNITION OF THE URGENT NEED TO REACH AGREEMENT ON EFFECTIVE INTERNATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS TO ASSURE NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES AGAINST THE USE OR THRE"} {"rcid":2250,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/95","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE URGENT NEED TO REACH AGREEMENT ON EFFECTIVE INTERNATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS TO ASSURE NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES AGAINST THE USE OR THREAT OF USE OF NULCEAR WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2251,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/96A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, CHEMICAL WEAPONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING REGRET THAT AN AGREEMENT ON THE COMPLETE AND EFFECTIVE PROHIBITION OF THE DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTION AND STOCKPILING OF ALL CHEMICAL WEAPONS AND ON THEIR DESTRUCTION HAS NOT YET BEEN ELABORATED."} {"rcid":2252,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/96B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, CHEMICAL WEAPONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE NECESSITY OF THE EARLIEST ELABORATION AND CONCLUSION OF A CONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF THE DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTION AND STOCKPILING OF ALL CHEMICAL WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2253,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/96C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, CHEMICAL WEAPONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO CONTINUE HIS INVESTIGATION OF ALLEGATIONS OF THE USE OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS AND TO REPORT TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT ITS 37TH SESSION."} {"rcid":2254,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/97A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, ARMS RACE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE DISARMAMENT COMMISSION AT ITS SUBSTANTIVE SESSION IN 1982 TO COMPLETE ITS CONSIDERATION OF THE GENERAL APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF ALL ASPECTS OF THE CONVENTIONAL ARMS RACE AND ON DISARMAMENT RELATING TO CONV"} {"rcid":2255,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/97C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING ALL STATES, IN PARTICULAR THOSE WITH MAJOR SPACE CAPABILITIES, TO CONTRIBUTE ACTIVELY TO THE GOAL OF PREVENTING AN ARMS RACE IN OUTER SPACE AND TO REFRAIN FROM ANY ACTION CONTRARY TO THAT AIM."} {"rcid":2256,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/97E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR DEPLOYMENT","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO PROCEED WITHOUT DELAY TO TALKS WITH A VIEW TO ELABORATING AN INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT ON THE NON-STATIONING OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS ON THE TERRITORIES OF STATES WHERE THERE ARE NO SUC"} {"rcid":2257,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/97G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FISSIONABLE MATERIAL","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONSIDERING THAT THE CESSATION OF THE PRODUCTION OF FISSIONABLE MATERIAL FOR WEAPONS PURPOSES AND THE PROGRESSIVE CONVERSION AND TRANSFERS OF STOCKS TO PEACEFUL USES WOULD BE A SIGNIFICANT STEP TOWARDS HALTING AND REVERS"} {"rcid":2258,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/97J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT STATES NOT MEMBERS OF THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT SHOULD UPON THEIR REQUEST CONTINUE TO BE INVITED BY IT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE WORK OF THE COMMITTEE."} {"rcid":2259,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/97K","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, DETERRENCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE CONVICTION THAT THE ARMS RACE CANNOT BE STOPPED AS LONG AS THE CONCEPTS OF BALANCE OF WEAPONS OR OF DETERRENCE CONTINUE TO BE REGARDED AS THE SOLE MEASURES FOR THE SECURITY OF NATIONS, AND REQUESTING THE S"} {"rcid":2260,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/98","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, ACTION AGAINST IRAQ","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT ISRAEL'S ATTACK ON THE IRAQI NUCLEAR FACILITIES AND ISRAEL'S NUCLEAR CAPABILITIES CONSTITUTE A SERIOUS DESTABLIZING FACTOR AND A GRAVE DANGER TO INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY, AND CALLING UPON ALL STA"} {"rcid":2261,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/99","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONSIDERING IT NECESSARY TO TAKE EFFECTIVE STEPS, BY CONCLUDING AN APPROPRIATE INTERNATIONAL TREATY, TO PREVENT THE SPREAD OF NUCLEAR ARMS TO SPACE."} {"rcid":2262,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/100","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, FIRST USE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING THAT ANY DOCTRINE ALLOWING THE FIRST USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND ANY ACTIONS PUSHING THE WORLD TOWARDS A CATASTROPHE ARE INCOMPATIBLE WITH THE MORAL STANDARDS AND THE LOFTY IDEALS OF THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":2263,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/102","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, D?ëTENTE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING ALL STATES, IN PARTICULAR THE PERMANENT MEMBERS OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL, TO UNDERTAKE ALL NECESSARY MEASURES TO PREVENT THE FURTHER AGGREVATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL SITUATION AND DISRUPTION OF THE PROCESS OF DETEN"} {"rcid":2264,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/103","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERFERENCE, INTERNAL AFFAIRS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE DECLARATION ON THE INADMISSABILITY OF INTERVENTION AND INTERFERENCE IN THE INTERNAL AFFAIRS OF STATES."} {"rcid":2265,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/104","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PEACE DECLARATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING ALL STATES TO INTENSIFY THEIR EFFORTS TOWARDS THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE PREPARATION OF SOCIETIES FOR LIFE IN PEACE BY STRICTLY OBSERVING THE PRINCIPLES ENSHRINED IN THE DECLARATION AND TAKING"} {"rcid":2266,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-10-01","unres":"R/36/15","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DEMANDING THAT ISRAEL DESIST FORTHWITH FROM ALL EXCAVATIONS AND TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE HISTORICAL, CULTURAL AND RELIGIOUS SITES OF JERUSALEM, PARTICULARLY BENEATH AND AROUND THE MOSLEM HOLY SANCTUARY OF AL-HARAM AL-SHARI"} {"rcid":2267,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/146A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DEMANDING THAT ISRAEL DESIST FROM REMOVAL OR RESETTLEMENT OF PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE GAZA STRIP AND FROM DESTRUCTION OF THEIR SHELTERS."} {"rcid":2268,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/146B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RIGHT OF RETURN","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF ALL DISPLACED INHABITANTS TO RETURN TO THEIR HOMES IN THE TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL SINCE 1967, DECLARING THAT THE RESTRICTION OF THE EXERCISE OF THOSE RIGHTS IS INADMISSIBLE, A"} {"rcid":2269,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/146C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, ARAB PROPERTY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO TAKE ALL APPROPRIATE STEPS FOR THE PROTECTION AND ADMINISTRATION OF ARAB PROPERTY, ASSETS AND PROPERTY RIGHTS IN ISRAEL, AND TO ESTABLISH A FUND FOR THE RECEIPT OF INCOME DERIVED THERE"} {"rcid":2270,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/146F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ALL GOVERNMENTS AS A MATTER OF URGENCY TO MAKE THE MOST GENEROUS EFFORTS POSSIBLE TO MEET THE ANTICIPATED NEEDS OF THE UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST."} {"rcid":2271,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/146G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ISRAEL TO DESIST FROM OBSTRUCTING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RESOLUTION 35/13 OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND TO REMOVE THE OBSTACLES WHICH IT HAS PUT IN THE WAY OF ESTABLISHING A UNIVERSITY IN JERUSALEM FOR PALESTIN"} {"rcid":2272,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/146H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION STRONGLY APPEALLING TO ALL STATES, SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS TO AUGMENT SPECIAL ALLOCATIONS FOR SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS TO PALESTINE REFUGEES."} {"rcid":2273,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/147A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT THE GENEVA CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE PROTECTION OF CIVILIAN PERSONS IN TIME OF WAR IS APPLICABLE TO PALESTINIAN AND OTHER ARAB TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL SINCE 1967, INCLUDING JERUSALEM."} {"rcid":2274,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/147B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DETERMINING THAT MEASURES AND ACTIONS TAKEN BY ISRAEL DESIGNED TO CHANGE THE LEGAL STATUS, GEOGRAPHICAL NATURE AND DEMOGRAPHIC COMPOSITION OF THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN AND OTHER ARAB TERRITORIES ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE GE"} {"rcid":2275,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/147C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, RECOGNITION OF ACTIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REITERATING THE CALL TO STATES AND TO INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND SPECIALIZED AGENCIES NOT TO RECOGNIZE ANY CHANGES CARRIED OUT BY ISRAEL IN THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES AND TO AVOID ACTIONS, INCLUDING THOSE IN THE FIELD"} {"rcid":2276,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/147D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, HEBRON, HALHUL","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DEMANDING THAT THE GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL RESCIND THE ILLEGAL MEASURES TAKEN BY THE ISRAELI MILITARY OCCUPATION AUTHORITIES IN EXPELLING AND IMPRISONING THE MAYORS OF HEBRON AND HALHUL AND IN EXPELLING THE SHARIA JUDGE OF"} {"rcid":2277,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/147E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GOLAN HEIGHTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING THE PERSISTENCE OF ISRAEL IN CHANGING THE PHYSICAL CHARACTER, DEMOGRAPHIC COMPOSITION, INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURE AND LEGAL STATUS OF THE OCCUPIED SYRIAN ARAB GOLAN HEIGHTS."} {"rcid":2278,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/147F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, VIOLENCE AGAINST STUDENTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING ISRAELI POLICIES AND PRACTICES AGAINST PALESTINIAN STUDENTS AND FACULTY IN SCHOOLS, UNIVERSITIES AND OTHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES, ESPECIALLY THE POLICY OF OPENING FIR"} {"rcid":2279,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/147G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DEMANDING THAT ISRAEL INFORM THE SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE RESULTS OF THE INVESTIGATIONS RELEVANT TO THE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS AGAINST THE MAYORS OF NABLUS, RAMALLAH AND AL BEIREH."} {"rcid":2280,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/149B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NEW WORLD COMMUNICATION ORDER","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON INFORMATION AND ITS RECOMMENDATIONS AND AFFIRMING STRONG SUPPORT FOR THE UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION AND FOR ITS EFFORTS TO PROMOTE THE ESTABL"} {"rcid":2281,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/150","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, CANAL PROJECT","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DEMANDING THAT ISRAEL CEASE FORTHWITH IMPLEMENTATION OF ITS CANAL PROJECT LINKING THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA AND THE DEAD SEA."} {"rcid":2282,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-01","unres":"R/36/73","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DENOUNCING ISRAEL FOR REFUSING TO ALLOW THE GROUP OF EXPERTS ON THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPACT OF THE ISRAELI OCCUPATION ON THE LIVING CONDITIONS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE IN THE OCCUPIED ARAB TERRITORIES TO VISIT THE OC"} {"rcid":2283,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/145","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TERMS OF TRADE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE IMPORTANCE OF THE GENERALIZED, NON-RECIPROCAL AND NON-DISCRIMINATORY SYSTEM OF PREFERENCES FOR EXPANSION AND DIVERSIFICATION OF THE EXPORT TRADE OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES AND FOR ACCELERATION OF THE RATES O"} {"rcid":2284,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/173","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION EMPHASIZING THE RIGHT OF THE ARAB STATES AND PEOPLES WHOSE TERRITORIES ARE UNDER ISRAELI OCCUPATION TO FULL AND EFFECTIVE PERMANENT SOVEREIGNTY AND CONTROL OVER THEIR NATURAL RESOURCES, AND REAFFIRMING THAT ALL MEASURES"} {"rcid":2285,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/175","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LAND LOCKED COUNTRIES, TRANSIT","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THE RIGHT OF LAND-LOCKED DEVELOPING COUNTRIES TO FREE ACCESS TO AND FROM THE SEA AND THEIR RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF PASSAGE."} {"rcid":2286,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/188","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MINES, AFFECTS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REITERATING SUPPORT FOR THE DEMAND F THE STATES AFFECTED BY THE IMPLANTATION OF MINES AND THE PRESENCE OF OTHER REMNANTS OF WAR ON THEIR LANDS FOR COMPENSATION FOR THE LOSSES INCURRED FROM THE STATES RESPONSIBLE FOR THOS"} {"rcid":2287,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/210","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHAD, ASSISTANCE","descr":"TO ADOPT AN AMMENDMENT ON A RESOLUTION APPEALLING TO ALL MEMBER STATES TO PROVIDE THE NECESSARY ASSISTANCE TO THE GOVERNMENT OF CHAD TO ENABLE IT TO COME TO THE AID OF THE PEOPLE AFFECTED BY THE CIVIL WAR."} {"rcid":2288,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/225","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISASTER RELIEF","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO CONTINUE TO TAKE THE NECESSARY STEPS TO STRENGTHEN THE MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS OF THE OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS DISASTER RELIEF CO-ORDINATOR, AND CALLING UPON ALL STATES TO RESPOND PO"} {"rcid":2289,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-10-01","unres":"R/36/8","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISRAEL","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION VIGOROUSLY CONDEMNING THE COLLABORATION OF CERTAIN WESTERN COUNTRIES, ISRAEL AND OTHER STATES WITH THE RACIST REGIME OF SOUTH AFRICA, PARTICULARLY IN THE POLITICAL, ECONOMIC, MILITARY AND NUCLEAR FIELDS, CONDEMNING THE R"} {"rcid":2290,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-10-01","unres":"R/36/12","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, CONDEMNATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION STRONGLY CONDEMNING THE POLICY OF APARTHEID IN SOUTH AFRICA AND NAMIBIA AS THE MOST ABHORRENT FORM OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, AND CALLING UPON ALL MEMBER STATES TO ADOPT EFFECTIVE LEGISLATIVE, SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND OTHER NEC"} {"rcid":2291,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-10-01","unres":"R/36/13","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, CONVENTION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ALL STATES TO IMPLEMENT FULLY ARTICLE IV OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE SUPPRESSION AND PUNISHMENT OF THE CRIME OF APARTHEID BY ADOPTING LEGISLATIVE, JUDICIAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES TO PROSECUTE"} {"rcid":2292,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-11-02","unres":"R/36/18","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WELL-BEING OF POPULATIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING THE REGIONAL COMMISSIONS AND AGENCIES CONCERNED TO MAKE FURTHER EFFORTS WITH A VIEW TO PROMOTING THE COOPERATIVE MOVEMENT AS AN EFFECTIVE INSTRUMEMNT FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE WELL-BEING OF THE POPULATION."} {"rcid":2293,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-11-02","unres":"R/36/19","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WELL-BEING OF POPULATIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING MEMBER STATES TO GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION IN THEIR NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANS AND PROGRAMS TO THE SOCIAL ASPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT WITH A VIEW TO INCREASING THE WELL-BEING OF THE POPULATION ON THE BASIS OF ITS FULL P"} {"rcid":2294,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-11-02","unres":"R/36/21","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING MEMBER STATES TO INTENSIFY EFFORTS TO MAKE THEIR CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMS MORE RESPONSIVE TO CHANGING SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONDITIONS, THROUGH THE APPROPRIATE DEVELOPMENT OF INDIGENOUS FORMS OF SOCIAL CONTROL."} {"rcid":2295,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-11-06","unres":"R/36/29","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, YOUTH","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON STATES TO ADOPT APPROPRIATE LEGISLATIVE, ADMINISTRATIVE AND OTHER MEASURES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION AND THE ENJOYMENT BY YOUTH OF HUMAN RIGHTS, PARTICULARLY THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION AND TO WORK AIMED AT SOLVING"} {"rcid":2296,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-11-04","unres":"R/36/56A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"USE OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION STRESSING THE IMPORTANCE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION BY ALL STATES OF THE PROVISIONS AND PRINCIPLES CONTAINED IN THE DECLARATION ON THE USE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS IN THE INTERESTS OF PEACE AND FOR THE BENEFIT"} {"rcid":2297,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-04","unres":"R/36/133","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, PROMOTION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT IT IS OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE FOR THE PROMOTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDEMENTAL FREEDOMS THAT MEMBER STATES SHOULD UNDETAKE SPECIFIC OBLIGATIONS THROUGH ACCESSION TO, OR RATIFICATION OF, INTERNATIONAL IN"} {"rcid":2298,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/151","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHILE, TRUST FUND","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO EXTEND THE MANDATE OF THE UNITED NATIONS TRUST FUND FOR CHILE IN ORDER TO MAKE IT CAPABLE OF RECEIVING VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS FOR DISTRIBUTION AS HUMANITARIAN, LEGAL AND FINANCIAL AID TO INDIVIDUALS WHOSE HU"} {"rcid":2299,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/155","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"EL SALVADOR, INTERNAL INTERVENTION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REITERATING AN APPEAL TO ALL STATES TO ABSTAIN FROM INTERVENING IN THE INTERNAL SITUATION IN EL SALVADOR AND TO SUSPEND ALL SUPPLIES OF ARMS AND ANY TYPE OF MILITARY SUPPORT, SO AS TO ALLOW THE POLITICAL FORCES IN THAT C"} {"rcid":2300,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/157","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REITERATING GRAVE CONCERN AT THE PERSISTENCE AND, IN SOME RESPECTS, THE DETERIORATION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATION IN CHILE."} {"rcid":2301,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-11-03","unres":"R/36/46","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"WESTERN SAHARA, NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION URGING MOROCCO AND THE FRENTE POPULAR PARA LA LIBERACION DE SANGUIA EL-HAMRA Y DE RIO DE ORO TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH A VIEW TO ESTABLISHING AN IMMEDIATE CEASE-FIRE AND CONCLUDING A PEACE AGREEMENT PERMITTING THE"} {"rcid":2302,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-11-03","unres":"R/36/49","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING THAT, IN THE ABSENCE OF A DECISION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY THAT A NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORY HAS ATTAINED A FULL MEASURE OF SELF-GOVERNMENT, THE ADMINISTERING POWER SHOULD CONTINUE TO TRANSMIT INFORMATION U"} {"rcid":2303,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-11-03","unres":"R/36/50","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"EAST TIMOR, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON PORTUGAL, AS THE ADMINISTERING POWER, AND THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE EAST TIMORESE PEOPLE, AS WELL AS INDONESIA, TO COOPERATE FULLY WITH THE UNITED NATIONS WITH A VIEW TO GUARANTEEING THE FULL EXERCISE OF TH"} {"rcid":2304,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-11-03","unres":"R/36/51","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISOLATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION CALLING UPON ALL STATES, PARTICULARLY THE UNITED KINGDOM, THE UNITED STATES, THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY, FRANCE, JAPAN, BELGIUM, ISRAEL AND ITALY, TO TAKE URGENT, EFFECTIVE MEASURES TO TERMINATE ALL COLLABORATION W"} {"rcid":2305,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-11-03","unres":"R/36/52","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, IMF COLLABORATION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DEEPLY DEPLORING THE PERSISTENT COLLABORATION BETWEEN THE INTERNATINAL MONETARY FUND AND SOUTH AFRICA, CALLING UPON THE IMF TO PUT AN END TO SUCH COLLABORATION, AND URGING THE SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS"} {"rcid":2306,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-11-02","unres":"R/36/66A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO APPROPRIATE TO THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT $15,974,000 FOR THE OPERATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE FOR THE PERIOD FROM 1 DECEMBER,1981 THROUGH 31 MAY,1982."} {"rcid":2307,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-11-02","unres":"R/36/66B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING THAT PROVISIONS OF REGULATIONS 5.2(B), 5.2(D), 4.3 AND 4.4 OF THE FINACIAL REGULATIONS FOF THE UNITED NATIONS SHALL BE SUSPENDED IN RESPECT OF THE AMOUNT OF $2,694,446, TO BE USED TO SUPPORT THE UNITED NATIONS E"} {"rcid":2308,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/116A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHINESE CONTRIBUTION, FORCE IN LEBANON","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION WELCOMING THE UNDERSTANDING THAT AS FROM 1 JULY, 1982 CHINA WILL CONTRIBUTE ITS SHARE OF ASSUMED EXPENSES FOR THE UNITED NATIONS DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE AND THE UNITED NATIONS INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON."} {"rcid":2309,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/116B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WORKING CAPITAL FUND, 1982-1983","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO ACCEPT THE RECOMMENDATINS OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETRAY QUESTIONS THAT THE WORKING CAPITAL FUND FOR THE BIENNIUM 1982-1983 BE ESTABLISHED AT $100 MILLION."} {"rcid":2310,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-01","unres":"R/36/231A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONTRIBUTIONS","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE COMMITTEE ON CONTRIBUTIONS TO SUBMIT TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY A THOROUGH STUDY ON ALTERNATIVE METHODS TO ASSESS THE REAL CAPACITY TO PAY OF MEMBER STATES THAT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT THE CONTINUING DISPARITIES BE"} {"rcid":2311,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-01","unres":"R/36/232","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ARREST OF U.N. STAFF","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPEALLING TO ANY MEMBER STATE WHICH HAS PLACED UNDER ARREST ANY STAFF MEMBER OF THE UNITED NATIONS TO ENABLE THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO APPRISE HIMSELF OF THE GROUNDS FOR THE ARREST OR DETENTION, INCLUDING THE MAIN FACTS"} {"rcid":2312,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-01","unres":"R/36/234A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FINAL BUDGET, 1980-1981","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION RESOLVING THAT THE FINAL BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE BIENNIUM 1980-1981 SHALL BE INCREASED BY $2,553,100 TO $1,341,704,300."} {"rcid":2313,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-01","unres":"R/36/234B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INCOME ESTIMATES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION RESOLVING THAT THE ESTIMATES OF INCOME OTHER THAN ASSESSMENTS ON MEMBER STATES SHALL BE INCREASED BY $8,480,900 TO $246,814,000."} {"rcid":2314,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-01","unres":"R/36/235/IV","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SECURITY SPENDING","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO SPEND NOT MORE THAN $300,000 IN ANY ONE BIENNIUM ON SECURITY-RELATED MATTERS."} {"rcid":2315,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-01","unres":"R/36/235/VI","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRANSLATOR TRAINING PROGRAM","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING THAT THE FOURTH TRAINING PROGRAM FOR ENGLISH AND FRENCH TRANSLATORS AT THE ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA SHOULD BE PURSUED, FINANCED FROM THE REGULAR BUDGET OF THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":2316,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-01","unres":"R/36/235/IX","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. ACCOMODATION, NAIROBI","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE REVISED CONSTRUCTION PROJECT AT THE UNITED NATIONS ACCOMMODATION AT NAIROBI."} {"rcid":2317,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-01","unres":"R/36/235/XII","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. HIGH COMMISSIONER, REFUGEES","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO COMPLETE THE ONGOING JOINT REVIEW OF THE FINANCING OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS OF THE OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR REFUGEES."} {"rcid":2318,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-01","unres":"R/36/235/XVI","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LANGUAGE TRAINING PROGRAM","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO TAKE STEPS TO ENABLE THE STAFF OF PERMANENT MISSIONS TO PARTICPATE FREE OF CHARGE IN THE LANGUAGE TRAINING PROGRAM."} {"rcid":2319,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-01","unres":"R/36/237","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INFORMATION SYSTEM UNIT","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO CONTINUE THE INFORMATIONS SYSTEMS UNIT BY ABSORBING THE COST OF THE UNIT FROM THE RESOURCES PROPOSED THROUGH SAVINGS, ECONOMICS AND REDEPLOYMENT."} {"rcid":2320,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-01","unres":"R/36/240A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, 1982-1983","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION RESOLVING THAT FOR THE BIENNIUM 1982-1983 BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS WILL TOTAL $1,506,241,800"} {"rcid":2321,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-01","unres":"R/36/240C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, 1982","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING THAT BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FOR 1982 SHALL BE FINANCED IN ACCORDANCE WITH REGULATIONS 5.1 AND 5.2 OF THE FINANCIAL REGULATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":2322,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-01","unres":"R/36/241","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, PEACE AND SECURITY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO ENTER INTO COMMITMENTS NOT EXCEEDING $2 MILLION IN ANY ONE YEAR OF THE 1982-1983 BIENNIUM TO MEET UNFORESEEN AND EXTRAORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCES RELATING TO THE MAINTENANCE OF PEACE AND S"} {"rcid":2323,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-01","unres":"R/36/242","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WORKING CAPITAL FUND, 1982-1983","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION RESOLVING THAT THE WORKING CAPITAL FUND SHALL BE ESTABLISHED FOR THE BIENNIUM 1982-1983 AT $100 MILLION."} {"rcid":2324,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-11-06","unres":"R/36/31","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-USE OF FORCE, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING THAT THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON ENHANCING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PRINCIPLE OF NON-USE OF FORCE IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS SHALL CONTINUE ITS WORK WITH THE GOAL OF DRAFTING A WORLD TREATY ON THE SUBJECT."} {"rcid":2325,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/106","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL LAW, COMMISSION","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION INVITING THE INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION TO RESUME ITS WORK WITH A VIEW TO ELABORATING THE DRAFT CODE OF OFFENCES AGAINST THE PEACE AND SECURITY OF MANKIND, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE RESULTS ACHIEVED BY THE PROGRESSIVE DE"} {"rcid":2326,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/107","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL LAW, STUDY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE UNITED NATIONS INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND RESEARCH TO PREPARE A STUDY ENTITLED \\LIST OF EXISTING AND EVOLVING PRINCIPLES AND NORMS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW RELATING TO THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER\\\\ AN\""} {"rcid":2327,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-07","unres":"R/36/112","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"METHODS OF TREATY MAKING","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION DECIDING TO FORM A WORKING GROUP OF THE SIXTH COMMITTEE TO ASSESS THE METHODS OF MULTILATERAL TREATY-MAKING USED IN THE UNITED NATIONS AND CONFERENCES HELD UNDER ITS AUSPICES TO DETERMINE IF CURRENT METHODS OF MULTILATER"} {"rcid":2328,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-01","unres":"R/36/122","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"QUESTIONS OF PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND ON THE STRENGTHENING OF THE ROLE OF THE ORGANIZATION TO CONTINUE ITS WORK ON THE PROPOSALS REGARDING THE QUESTION OF THE MAINTENANCE OF INTERNATIO"} {"rcid":2329,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-01","unres":"R/36/324","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION APPOINTING FIVE MEMBERS TO THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION FOR A FOUR-YEAR TERM BEGINNING 1 JANUARY,1982."} {"rcid":2330,"session":36,"importantvote":0,"date":"1981-12-06","unres":"R/36/435","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, GUATEMALA","descr":"TO APPROVE A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO CONTINUE HIS EFFORTS TO ESTABLISH DIRECT CONTACTS WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF GUATEMALA REGARDING THE HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATION IN THAT COUNTRY."} {"rcid":2331,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-10-04","unres":"R/37/1","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, DEATH SENTENCES","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SOUTH AFRICAN AUTHORITIES NOT TO PROCEED WITH THE EXECUTION OF THREE MEMBERS OF THE AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS OF SOUTH AFRICA, AND TO COMMUTE THE DEATH SENTENCES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE."} {"rcid":2332,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-10-03","unres":"R/37/2","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, IMF COLLABORATION","descr":"TO REQUEST THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND TO REFRAIN FROM GRANTING ANY CREDITS OR ASSISTANCE TO SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2333,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-10-04","unres":"R/37/3","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISPUTE SETTLEMENT, INTERNATIONAL LAW","descr":"TO AFFIRM THE NECESSITY OF ACHIEVING AN IMMEDIATE CEASE-FIRE AND WITHDRAWAL OF FORCES TO INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED BOUNDARIES AS A PRELIMINARY STEP TOWARDS THE SETTLEMENT OF THE DISPUTE BY PEACEFUL MEANS IN CONFORMITY WITH THE PRINCIPLES OF JU"} {"rcid":2334,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-10-03","unres":"R/37/6","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KAMPUCHEA","descr":"TO REAFFIRM ADOPTED RESOLUTIONS AND THEIR IMPLEMENTATION WITH REGARD TO THE INDEPENDENCE AND SOVEREIGNTY OF KAMPUCHEA, AND TO REITERATE ITS CONVICTION THAT THE WITHDRAWAL OF ALL FOREIGN FORCES FROM KAMPUCHEA, THE RESTORATION AND PRESERVATION OF"} {"rcid":2335,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-10-03","unres":"R/37/7","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WORLD CHARTER FOR NATURE","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS GRATITUDE TO THE AD HOC GROUP OF EXPERTS WHICH, THROUGH ITS WORK, HAS ASSEMBLED THE NECESSARY ELEMENTS FOR THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO BE ABLE TO COMPLETE THE CONSIDERATION OF AND ADOPT THE REVISED DRAFT WORLD CHARTER FOR NATURE AT I"} {"rcid":2336,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-11-06","unres":"R/37/9","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FALKLAND ISLANDS","descr":"TO REQUEST THE GOVERNMENTS OF ARGENTINA AND THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND TO RESUME NEGOTIATIONS IN ORDER TO FIND AS SOON AS POSSIBLE A PEACEFUL SOLUTION TO THE SOVEREIGNTY DISPUTE RELATING TO THE QUESTION OF THE FALK"} {"rcid":2337,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-11-06","unres":"R/37/18","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, ACTION AGAINST IRAQ","descr":"TO CONDEMN ATTACKS ON NUCLEAR FACILITIES BY ISRAEL OR ANY OTHER STATE, AND TO ENSURE AGAINST THE REPETITION OF SUCH AN ATTACK BY ISRAEL OR ANY OTHER STATE."} {"rcid":2338,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-11-06","unres":"R/37/19","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"IMPLEMENTATION, IAEA WORK","descr":"TO URGE ALL STATES TO STRIVE FOR EFFECTIVE AND HARMONIOUS INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION IN CARRYING OUT THE WORK OF THE INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY AND TO IMPLEMENT STRICTLY THE MANDATE OF ITS STATUTE, IN PROMOTING THE USE OF NUCLEAR ENERGY"} {"rcid":2339,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-11-04","unres":"R/37/35","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM ITS RESOLUTIONS 1514 (XV), 2621 (XXV) AND 36/68 AND ALL OTHER RESOLUTIONS ON DECOLONIZATION AND CALLS UPON THE ADMINISTERING POWERS, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THOSE RESOLUTIONS, TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY STEPS TO ENABLE THE DEPENDENT PEOPLES O"} {"rcid":2340,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-11-07","unres":"R/37/36","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO APPROVE THE CHAPTER OF THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES RELATING TO THE QUESTION OF DISSEMINATI"} {"rcid":2341,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-11-04","unres":"R/37/37","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"AFGHANISTAN, SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"TO REITERATE THAT THE PRESERVATION OF THE SOVEREIGNTY, TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY, POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE AND NON-ALIGNED CHARACTER OF AFGHANISTAN IS ESSENTIAL FOR A PEACEFUL SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM."} {"rcid":2342,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-11-03","unres":"R/37/65","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COMOROS, MAYOTTE","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE ISLAMIC FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF THE COMOROS OVER THE ISLAND OF MAYOTTE."} {"rcid":2343,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/66","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"TO WELCOME THE ADOPTION OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON THE LAW OF THE SEA AND THE RELATED RESOLUTIONS, AND CALLS UPON ALL STATES TO CONSIDER SIGNING AND RATIFYING THE CONVENTION AT THE EARLIEST POSSIBLE DATE TO ALLOW THE EFFECTIVE ENTRY I"} {"rcid":2344,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/68","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, DEATH SENTENCES","descr":"TO CALL UPON THE SOUTH AFRICAN AUTHORITIES NOT TO PROCEED WITH THE EXECUTION OF SIX MEMBERS OF THE AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS OF SOUTH AFRICA, AND TO COMMUTE THE DEATH SENTENCES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE."} {"rcid":2345,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/69A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, REGIME ACTIONS","descr":"TO STRONGLY CONDEMN THE APARTHEID REGIME OF SOUTH AFRICA FOR ITS BRUTAL REPRESSION AND INDISCRIMINATE TORTURE AND KILLINGS OF WORKERS, SCHOOLCHILDREN AND OTHER OPPONENTS OF APARTHEID, AND THE IMPOSITION OF DEATH SENTENCES ON FREEDOM FIGHTERS."} {"rcid":2346,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/69B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, ELIMINATION","descr":"TO APPEAL TO ALL STATES AND ORGANIZATIONS TO CO-OPERATE IN EFFECTIVE INTERNATIONAL ACTION TO ELIMINATE APARTHEID IN SOUTH AFRICA, TO PROMOTE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY IN WHICH ALL THE PEOPLE OF THAT COUNTRY WILL ENJOY HUMAN AND"} {"rcid":2347,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/69C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO REQUEST ALL GOVERNMENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS TO CONTINUE ACTIVITIES IN IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAMME FOR THE INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF MOBILIZATION FOR SANCTIONS AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA BEYOND 1982, AND TO REQUEST ALL STATES, ESPECIALLY WESTERN STAT"} {"rcid":2348,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/69D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, CHAPTER VII ISOLATION","descr":"TO URGE THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO TAKE MANDATORY DECISIONS, UNDER CHAPTER VII OF THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS, TO ENSURE THE TOTAL CESSATION OF ALL CO-OPERATION WITH THE RACIST REGIME OF SOUTH AFRICA IN MILITARY AND NUCLEAR FIELDS BY GOVERNM"} {"rcid":2349,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/69E","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"APARTHEID, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO ENDORSE THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID, IN PARTICULAR THE RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED IN PARAGRAPHS 465 TO 488 ON THE PROGRAMME OF WORK OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AND SERVICES BY THE CENTRE AGAINST APARTHEID AND OTHER UNIT"} {"rcid":2350,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/69F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISRAEL","descr":"TO AGAIN STRONGLY CONDEMN THE CONTINUING AND INCREASING COLLABORATION BY ISRAEL WITH THE RACIST REGIME OF SOUTH AFRICA, ESPECIALLY IN THE MILITARY AND NUCLEAR FIELDS."} {"rcid":2351,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/69G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, SPORTS","descr":"TO REQUEST THE AD HOC COMMITTEE ON THE DRAFTING OF AN INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION AGAINST APARTHEID IN SPORTS TO CONTINUE ITS WORK WITH A VIEW TO SUBMITTING A DRAFT CONVENTION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE."} {"rcid":2352,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/69H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ECONOMIC ISOLATION","descr":"TO AGAIN URGE THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER AT AN EARLY DATE THE ISSUE OF FOREIGN COLLABORATION WITH SOUTH AFRICA WITH A VIEW TO TAKING EFFECTIVE STEPS TO ACHIEVE THE CESSATION OF FURTHER FOREIGN INVESTMENTS IN, AND FINANCIAL LOANS TO, SOUTH"} {"rcid":2353,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/69J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, OIL EMBARGO","descr":"TO AUTHORIZE THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID TO APPOINT A GROUP OF EXPERTS NOMINATED BY GOVERNMENTS TO PREPARE A THOROUGH STUDY, AND REPORT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, ON ALL ASPECTS OF THE QUESTION OF THE SUPPLY OF OIL AND OIL PRODUCTS AS A B"} {"rcid":2354,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/86A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS APPRECIATION TO THE COMMITTEE ON THE EXERCISE OF THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE FOR ITS EFFORTS IN PERFORMING THE TASKS ASSIGNED TO IT BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY."} {"rcid":2355,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/86B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DIVISION FOR PALESTINIAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO ENSURE THAT THE DIVISION FOR PALESTINIAN RIGHTS OF THE SECRETARIAT CONTINUES TO DISCHARGE THE TASKS DETAILED IN PARAGRAPH 1 OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 32/40 B, PARAGRAPH 2 (B) OF ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 34/65"} {"rcid":2356,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/86C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE","descr":"TO REITERATE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE UNITED NATIONS TO STRIVE FOR A LASTING PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST THROUGH A JUST SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM OF PALESTINE, AND TO ENDORSE THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE FOR THE INTERNATIONAL CO"} {"rcid":2357,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/86D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PLO PARTICIPATION","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE DECLARATION OF THE PALESTINE LIBERATION ORGANIZATION OF APRIL 19, 1981 TO PURSUE ITS ROLE IN THE SOLUTION OF THE QUESTION OF PALESTINE ON THE BASIS OF THE ATTAINMENT IN PALESTINE OF THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN"} {"rcid":2358,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/86E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE LEGITIMATE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE, INCLUDING THE RIGHT OF SELF-DETERMINATION AND THE RIGHT TO ESTABLISH, ONCE IT SO WISHES, ITS INDEPENDENT STATE IN PALESTINE, AND TO DECLARE THAT ALL ISRAELI POLICIES AND P"} {"rcid":2359,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/123A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, RESOLUTION COMPLIANCE","descr":"TO STRONGLY CONDEMN ISRAEL FOR ITS FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 197 (1981) AND GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTIONS 36/226 B AND ES-9/1, AND TO DECLARE THAT ALL OF ISRAEL'S POLICES AND PRACTICES OF, OR AIMED AT, ANNEXATION OF THE"} {"rcid":2360,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/123B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, CULTURAL PROPERTY","descr":"TO CONDEMN THOSE ACTS OF PLUNDERING THE PALESTINIAN CULTURAL HERITAGE, AND TO CALL UPON THE GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL TO MAKE FULL RESTITUTION THROUGHT THE UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION, OF ALL THE CULTURAL PROPERT"} {"rcid":2361,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/123C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS, JERUSALEM","descr":"TO DEPLORE THE TRANSFER BY SOME STATES OF THEIR DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS TO JERUSALEM IN VIOLATION OF SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 478 (1980)."} {"rcid":2362,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/123D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, GENOCIDE","descr":"TO CONDEMN IN THE STRONGEST TERMS THE LARGE-SCALE MASSACRE OF PALESTINIAN CIVILIANS IN THE SABRA AND SHATILA REFUGEE CAMPS, TERMING IT AN ACT OF GENOCIDE."} {"rcid":2363,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/123E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LEBANON, TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY","descr":"TO CALL FOR STRICT RESPECT OF THE TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY, SOVEREIGNTY, UNITY AND POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE OF LEBANON AND TO SUPPORT THE EFFORTS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF LEBANON, WITH REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ENDORSEMENT, TO RESTORE THE EXCLUSIVE AUT"} {"rcid":2364,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/123F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRIROTIES","descr":"TO CONDEMN ISRAEL'S CONTINUED OCCUPATION OF THE PALESTINIAN AND OTHER ARAB TERRITORIES, INCLUDING JERUSALEM, IN VIOLATION OF THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS, THE PRINCIPLES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND THE RELEVANT RESOLUTIONS OF THE UNITED NATIO"} {"rcid":2365,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/167","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"NUCLEAR ENERGY, PEACEFUL USES","descr":"TO DECIDE THAT THE PREPARATORY COMMITTEE FOR THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE FOR PROMOTION OF INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION IN THE PEACEFUL USES OF NUCLEAR SHALL MEET TWICE DURING 1983, ONCE EARLY IN THE YEAR FOR TEN WORKING DAYS IN NEW YORK AND, SU"} {"rcid":2366,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/233A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO APPROVE THE REPORT OF THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA, AND TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF NAMIBIA TO SELF-DETERMINATION, FREEDOM AND NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE IN A UNITED NAMIBIA, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHARTER OF THE"} {"rcid":2367,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/233B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE DIRECT RESPONSIBILITY OF THE UNITED NATIONS FOR NAMIBIA PENDING ITS ACHIEVEMENT OF GENUINE SELF-DETERMINATION AND NATIONAL INDEPENDENCE."} {"rcid":2368,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/233C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, REPORT","descr":"TO APPROVE THE REPORT OF THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA, INCLUDING THE RECOMMENDATIONS CONTAINED THEREIN, AND DECIDE TO MAKE ADEQUATE FINANCIAL PROVISION FOR THEIR IMPLEMENTATIONS."} {"rcid":2369,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/233D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, INFORMATION","descr":"TO REQUEST THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA, IN PURSUANCE OF ITS INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN IN SUPPORT OF NAMIBIA, TO CONTINUE TO CONSIDER WAYS AND MEANS OF INCREASING THE DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION RELATING TO NAMIBIA."} {"rcid":2370,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/233E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS APPRECIATION TO ALL STATES, SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM, GOVERNMENTAL AND NON-GOVERNMENAL ORGANIZATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS THAT HAVE VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE UNITED NATIONS FUND FO"} {"rcid":2371,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/71","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROTOCAL I, FRANCE","descr":"TO EXPRESS REGRET THAT THE SIGNATURE OF ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL I BY FRANCE, WHICH TOOK PLACE ON MARCH 2, 1979, HAS NOT YET BEEN FOLLOWED BY THE CORRESPONDING RATIFICATION, NOTWITHSTANDING THE TIME ALREADY ELAPSED AND THE PRESSING INVITATIONS WHIC"} {"rcid":2372,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/72","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO REITERATE ONCE AGAIN ITS GRAVE CONCERN THAT THE NUCLEAR-WEAPON TESTING CONTINUES UNABATED AGAINST THE WISHES OF THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF MEMBER STATES, AND TO REAFFIRM ITS CONVICTION THAT A TREATY TO ACHIEVE THE PROHIBITION OF ALL NUCLEA"} {"rcid":2373,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/73","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO REITERATE ITS GRAVE CONCERN THAT, DESPITE THE EXPRESS WISHES OF THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF MEMBER STATES, NUCLEAR-WEAPON TESTING CONTINUES UNABATED."} {"rcid":2374,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/74A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, AFRICA","descr":"TO ONCE AGAIN REITERATE ITS CALL UPON ALL STATES TO CONSIDER AND RESPECT THE CONTINENT OF AFRICA AND ITS SURROUNDING AREAS AS A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE, AND TO CONDEMN ALL FORMS OF NUCLEAR COLLABORATION BY ANY STATE, CORPORATION, INSTITUTION OR IND"} {"rcid":2375,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/74B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"TO DEPLORE THE MASSIVE BUILDUP OF SOUTH AFRICA'S MILITARY MACHINE, INCLUDING ITS FRENZIED ACQUISITION OF A NUCLEAR-WEAPON CAPABILITY FOR REPRESSIVE AND AGGRESSIVE PURPOSES AND AS AN INSTRUMENT OF BLACKMAIL."} {"rcid":2376,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/76","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"TO REAFFIRM ITS ENDORSEMENT, IN PRINCIPLE, OF THE CONCEPT OF A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE IN SOUTH ASIA."} {"rcid":2377,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/77A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO REQUEST THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT, IN THE LIGHT OF ITS EXISTING PRIORITIES, TO INTENSIFY NEGOTIATIONS, WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF QUALIFIED GOVERNMENTAL EXPERTS, WITH A VIEW TO PREPARING A DRAFT COMPREHENSIVE AGREEMENT ON THE PROHIBITION OF T"} {"rcid":2378,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/77B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TECHNOLOGY, PEACEFUL PURPOSES","descr":"TO CALL UPON ALL STATES TO UNDERTAKE EFFORTS TO ENSURE THAT ULTIMATELY SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL ACHEIVEMENTS MAY BE USED SOLELY FOR PEACEFUL PURPOSES."} {"rcid":2379,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/78A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"US-USSR, NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"TO REQUEST THE GOVERNMENTS OF THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO TRANSMIT TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, NOT LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 1, 1983, A JOINT REPORT OR TWO SEPARATE REPORTS ON THE STAGE REACHED IN THEIR"} {"rcid":2380,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/78B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO CALL UPON ALL STATES, IN IMPLEMENTING THE FINAL DOCUMENT OF THE TENTH SPECIAL SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, THE FIRST SPECIAL SESSION DEVOTED TO DISARMAMENT, TO MAKE ACTIVE USE OF THE PRINCIPLES AND IDEAS CONTAINED IN THE DECLARATION ON I"} {"rcid":2381,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/78C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CESSATION, ARMS RACE","descr":"TO CALL UPON THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO PROCEED WITHOUT DELAY TO NEGOTIATIONS ON THE CESSATION OF THE NUCLEAR ARMS RACE AND ON NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH PARAGRAPH 50 OF THE FINAL DOCUMENT OF THE TENTH SPECIAL SESSION OF THE GE"} {"rcid":2382,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/78E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, CONVENTION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM ITS REQUEST TO THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO START WITHOUT DELAY NEGOTIATIONS WITHIN AN APPROPRIATE ORGANIZATIONAL FRAMEWORK WITH A VIEW TO CONCLUDING A CONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF THE DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTION, STOCKPILING, DE"} {"rcid":2383,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/78F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ARMS RACE, INTENSIFICATION","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS DEEP CONCERN OVER THE CONSTANT DETERIORATION OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, AS WELL AS THE INTENSIFICATION OF THE ARMS RACE, PARTICULARLY THE NUCLEAR-ARMS RACE, WHICH DIRECTLY THREATENS INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY AND INCREASES"} {"rcid":2384,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/78G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"TO URGE THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO CONTINUE OR UNDERTAKE, DURING ITS SESSION TO BE HELD IN 1983, SUBSTANTIVE NEGOTIATIONS ON THE PRIORITY QUESTIONS OF DISARMAMENT ON ITS AGENDA."} {"rcid":2385,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/78I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR WAR, PREVENTION","descr":"TO REQUEST THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO UNDERTAKE, AS A MATTER OF THE HIGHEST PRIORITY, NEGOTIATIONS WITH A VIEW TO ACHIEVING AGREEMENT ON APPROPRIATE AND PRACTICAL MEASURES FOR THE PREVENTION OF A NUCLEAR WAR, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE DOCUME"} {"rcid":2386,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/78J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR FIRST-USE","descr":"TO CONSIDER THAT THE SOLEMN DECLARATIONS BY TWO NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES MADE OR REITERATED AT THE TWELFTH SPECIAL SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, THE SECOND SPECIAL SESSION DEVOTED TO DISARMAMENT, CONCERNING THEIR RESPECTIVE OBLIGATIONS NOT TO B"} {"rcid":2387,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/78K","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, MONITORING SYSTEM","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT AND STUDY ON THE IMPLICATIONS OF ESTABLISHING AN INTERNATIONAL MONITORING SYSTEM TO IMPLEMENT DISARMAMENT AGREEMENTS AND TO STRENGTHEN INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND CONFIDENCE."} {"rcid":2388,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/80","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SECURITY STRENGTHENING","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE CONTINUED NEED TO TAKE EFFECTIVE MEASURES FOR THE STRENGTHENING OF THE SECURITY OF STATES AND FOR THE PREVENTION OF NUCLEAR CONFLAGRATION."} {"rcid":2389,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/81","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE URGENT NEED TO REACH AGREEMENT ON EFFECTIVE INTERNATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS TO ASSURE NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES AGAINST THE USE OR THREAT OF USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS, AND TO NOTE WITH SATISFACTION THAT IN THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT T"} {"rcid":2390,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/82","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, NUCLEAR ARMAMENT","descr":"TO REAFFIRM ITS DEMAND THAT ISRAEL RENOUNCE, WITHOUT DELAY, ANY POSSESSION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND PLACE ALL ITS NUCLEAR ACTIVITIES UNDER INTERNATIONAL SAFEGUARDS, AND TO CALL AGAIN UPON ALL STATES AND OTHER PARTIES AND INSTITUTIONS TO TERMINATE"} {"rcid":2391,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/83","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"OUTER SPACE, PEACEFUL USES","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE WILL OF ALL STATES THAT OUTER SPACE SHALL BE USED EXCLUSIVELY FOR PEACEFUL PURSPOSES AND THAT IT SHALL NOT BECOME AN ARENA FOR AN ARMS RACE."} {"rcid":2392,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/84","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO TAKE APPROPRIATE ADMINISTRATTIVE ACTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE GROUP OF GOVERNMENTAL EXPERTS ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DISARMAMENT AND DEVELOPMENT, AS SPECIFIED IN CHAPTER VII OF THE"} {"rcid":2393,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/85","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE BASIC PROVISIONS OF A TREATY ON THE COMPLETE AND GENERAL PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR-WEAPON TESTS, SUBMITTED BY THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS AT THE CURRENT SESSION, THE TEXT OF WHICH IS ANNEXED TO THE PRESENT RESOLUTIO"} {"rcid":2394,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/95B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ARMS EXPENDITURES","descr":"TO STRESS THE NEED FOR INCREASING THE NUMBER OF REPORTING STATES WITH A VIEW TO THE BROADEST POSSIBLE PARTICIPATION FROM DIFFERENT GEOGRAPHIC REGIONS AND REPRESENTING DIFFERENT BUDGETING SYSTEMS, AND TO REQUEST THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO INVITE M"} {"rcid":2395,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/98A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, CHEMICAL WEAPONS","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE NECESSITY OF THE EARLIEST ELABORATION AND CONCLUSION OF A CONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF THE DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTION AND STOCKPILING OF ALL CHEMICAL WEAPONS AND ON THEIR DESTRUCTION."} {"rcid":2396,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/98C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS","descr":"TO REAFFIRM ONCE AGAIN ITS RESOLUTION 2662 (XXV) ON THE QUESTION OF CHEMICAL AND BACTERIOLOGICAL (BIOLOGICAL) WEAPONS, AND TO RECOMMEND THAT THE STATES PARTIES SHOULD HOLD A SPECIAL CONFERENCE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO ESTABLISH A FLEXIBLE, OBJECT"} {"rcid":2397,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/98D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BIOLOGICAL, GAS WEAPONS","descr":"TO CALL UPON ALL STATES THAT HAVE NOT YET DONE SO TO ACCEDE TO THE 1925 PROTOCOL FOR THE USE IN WAR OF ASPHYXIATING, POSIONOUS OR OTHER GASES, AND OF BACTERIOLOGICAL METHODS OF WARFARE."} {"rcid":2398,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/98E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHEMICAL WEAPON USE","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL AND EXPRESS APPRECIATION TO THE GROUP OF EXPERTS TO INVESTIGATE REPORTS ON THE ALLEGED USE OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS FOR THE WORK IT HAS ACCOMPLISHED AS WELL AS TO THE MEMBER STATES THAT CO-OPERATED"} {"rcid":2399,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/99A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR DEPLOYMENT","descr":"TO REQUEST ONCE AGAIN THAT THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO PROCEED WITHOUT DELAY TO TALKS WITH A VIEW TO ELABORATING AN INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT ON THE NON-STATIONING OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS ON THE TERRITORIES OF STATES WHERE THERE ARE NO SUCH WEAPON"} {"rcid":2400,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/99D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THAT FURTHER EFFECTIVE MEASURES TO PREVENT AN ARMS RACE IN OUTER SPACE SHOULD BE ADOPTED BY THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY."} {"rcid":2401,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/99E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FISSIONABLE MATERIAL","descr":"TO REQUEST THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT, AT AN APPROPRIATE STAGE OF ITS WORK ON THE ITEM ENTITLED \\NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN ALL ASPECTS\\\\, TO PURSUE ITS CONSIDERATION OF THE QUESTION OF ADEQUATELY VERIFIED CESSATION AND PROHIBITION OF THE PRODUCTION \""} {"rcid":2402,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/99F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZED ZONES","descr":"TO DECIDE THAT A STUDY SHOULD BE UNDERTAKEN TO REVIEW AND SUPPLEMENT THE COMPREHENSIVE STUDY OF THE QUESTION OF NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONES IN ALL ITS ASPECTS IN THE LIGHT OF INFORMATION AND EXPERIENCE ACCUMULATED SINCE 1975."} {"rcid":2403,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/99G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ASSESSMENTS, MILITARY CAPABILITIES","descr":"TO CALL UPON ALL STATES, IN PARTICULAR NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES AND OTHER MILITARILY SIGNIFICANT STATES, TO CONSIDER ADDITIONAL MEASURES TO FACILITATE OBJECTIVE INFORMATION ON, AS WELL AS OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENTS OF, MILITARY CAPABILITIES."} {"rcid":2404,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/99I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ENVIRONMENTAL MODIFICATION","descr":"TO NOTE THAT THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, AS DEPOSITARY OF THE CONVENTION, INTENDS TO CONVENE THE REVIEW CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF MILITARY OR ANY OTHER HOSTILE USE OF ENVIRONMENTAL MODIFICATION TECHNIQUES CALL"} {"rcid":2405,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/99J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ARMS RACE, QUALITATIVE","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF QUALIFIED GOVERNMENTAL EXPERTS, TO CARRY OUT A COMPREHENSIVE STUDY ON THE SCOPE, ROLE AND DIRECTION OF THE MILITARY USE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT WITH A VIEW TO PREVENTING A QUALITATIVE"} {"rcid":2406,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/100A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, PRODUCTION","descr":"TO CALL UPON ALL NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES TO AGREE TO A FREEZE ON NUCLEAR WEAPONS, WHICH WOULD, INTER ALIA, PROVIDE FOR A SIMULTANEOUS TOTAL STOPPAGE OF ANY FURTHER PRODUCTION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND A COMPLETE CUT-OFF IN THE PRODUCTION OF FISSIONA"} {"rcid":2407,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/100B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"TO URGE THE UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AS THE TWO MAJOR NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES, TO PROCLAIM, EITHER THROUGH SIMULTANEOUS UNILATERAL DECLARATIONS OR THROUGH A JOINT DECLARATION, AN IMMEDIATE NUCLEAR ARMS"} {"rcid":2408,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/100C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR THREATS","descr":"TO REQUEST THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT TO UNDERTAKE, ON A PRIORITY BASIS, NEGOTIATIONS WITH A VIEW TO ACHIEVING AGREEMENT ON AN INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION PROHIBITING THE USE OR THREAT OF USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, TAKING AS"} {"rcid":2409,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/100E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHARTER STRENGTHENING, SECURITY","descr":"TO CALL UPON ALL STATES TO TAKE PROMPT ACTION FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 36/97K AND TO CO-OPERATE TOWARDS MAKING MORE EFFECTIVE THE SYSTEM OF SECURITY AS PROVIDED FOR IN THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS, THUS EFFECTI"} {"rcid":2410,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/100H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN","descr":"TO INVITE MEMBER STATES, IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN, TO TAKE INTO ACCOUNT VARIOUS VIEWS AND OPINIONS EXPRESSED AT THE TWELFTH SPECIAL SESSION, INCLUDING THE PROPOSAL ON LAUNCHI"} {"rcid":2411,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/118","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHARTER, BASIS FOR RELATIONS","descr":"TO REAFFIRM ONCE MORE THE UNIVERSAL AND UNCONDITIONAL VALIDITY OF THE PURPOSES AND PRINCIPLES OF THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS AS THE FIRM BASIS OF RELATIONS AMONG ALL STATES, IRRESPECTIVE OF SIZE, GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION, LEVEL OF DEVELOPMENT"} {"rcid":2412,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/88A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THAT THE GENEVA CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE PROTECTION OF CIVILIAN PERSONS IN TIME OF WAR, OF AUGUST 12, 1949 IS APPLICABLE TO PALESTINIAN AND OTHER ARAB TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL SINCE 1967, INCLUDING JERUSALEM."} {"rcid":2413,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/88B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"TO DETERMINE THAT ALL SUCH MEASURES AND ACTIONS TAKEN BY ISRAEL IN THE PALESTINIAN AND OTHER ARAB TERRITORIES OCCUPIED SINCE 1967, INCLUDING JERUSALEM, ARE IN VIOLATION OF THE RELEVANT PROVISIONS OF THE GENEVA CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE PROTECT"} {"rcid":2414,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/88C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"TO COMMEND THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE ISRAELI PRACTICES AFFECTING THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE POPULATION OF THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES FOR ITS EFFORTS IN PERFORMING THE TASKS ASSIGNED TO IT BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND FOR ITS THOROUGHNESS A"} {"rcid":2415,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/88D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, HEBRON, HALHUL","descr":"TO DEMAND ONCE MORE THAT THE GOVERNMENT OF ISRAEL, THE OCCUPYING POWER, RESCIND THE ILLEGAL MEASURES TAKEN BY THE ISRAELI MILITARY OCCUPATION AUTHORITIES IN EXPELLING AND IMPRISONING THE MAYORS OF HEBRON AND HALHUL AND IN EXPELLING THE SHARIA J"} {"rcid":2416,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/88E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GOLAN HEIGHTS","descr":"TO STRONGLY CONDEMN ISRAEL, THE OCCUPYING POWER, FOR ITS REFUSAL TO COMPLY WITH THE RELEVANT RESOLUTIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND THE SECURITY COUNCIL, PARTICULARLY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 497 (1981), IN WHICH THE COUNCIL, INTER ALIA, DECIDED THA"} {"rcid":2417,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/88F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE APPLICABILITY OF THE GENEVA CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE PROTECTION OF CIVILIAN PERSONS IN TIME OF WAR, OF AUGUST 12, 1949, TO THE PALESTINIAN AND OTHER ARAB TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL SINCE 1967, INCLUDING JERUSALEM, AND TO C"} {"rcid":2418,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/88G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS","descr":"TO EXPRESS DEEP CONCERN THAT ISRAEL HAS FAILED FOR TWO YEARS TO APPREHEND AND PROSECUTE THE PERPETRATORS OF THE 1980 ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT AGAINST THE MAYORS OF NABLUS, RAMALLAH, AND AL BIREH."} {"rcid":2419,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/92","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SATELLITE BROADCASTS","descr":"TO ADOPT THE PRINCIPLES GOVERNING THE USE BY STATES OF ARTIFICIAL EARTH SATELLITES FOR INTERNATIONAL DIRECT TELEVISION BROADCASTING SET FORTH IN THE ANNEX TO THE PRESENT RESOLUTION."} {"rcid":2420,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/94B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INFORMATION COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON INFORMATION AND ALL ITS RECOMMENDATIONS AND URGE THEIR FULL IMPLEMENTATION."} {"rcid":2421,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/120C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES","descr":"TO COMMEND THE CONSTRUCTIVE EFFORTS MADE BY THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, THE COMMISSIONS-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST, THE COUNCIL OF THE UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY AND THE UNITED NATION"} {"rcid":2422,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/120D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, EDUCATION","descr":"TO URGE ALL STATES TO RESPOND TO THE APPEAL CONTAINED IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 32/90 F OF DECEMBER 13, 1977 IN A MANNER COMMENSURATE WITH THE NEEDS OF THE PALESTINE REFUGEES FOR HIGHER EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING."} {"rcid":2423,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/120E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RESETTLEMENT","descr":"TO REITERATE ITS DEMAND THAT ISRAEL DESIST FROM THE REMOVAL AND RESETTLEMENT OF PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE GAZA STRIP AND FROM THE DESTRUCTION OF THEIR SHELTERS."} {"rcid":2424,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/120F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RELIEF WORKS","descr":"TO CALL UPON ALL GOVERNMENTS, AS A MATTER OF URGENCY, TO MAKE THE MOST GENEROUS EFFORTS POSSIBLE TO MEET THE INTERRUPTED NEEDS OF THE UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST, PARTICULARLY IN THE LIGHT OF T"} {"rcid":2425,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/120G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RIGHT OF RETURN","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF ALL DISPLACED INHABITANTS TO RETURN TO THEIR HOMES OR FORMER PLACES OF RESIDENCE IN THE TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL SINCE 1967 AND TO DECLARE ONCE MORE THAT ANY ATTEMPT TO RESTRICT, OR TO ATTACH CONDITION"} {"rcid":2426,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/120H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROTECTION, ARAB PROPERTY","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO TAKE ALL APPROPRIATE STEPS, IN CONSULTATION WITH THE UNITED NATIONS CONCILIATION COMMISSION FOR PALESTINE, FOR THE PROTECTION AND ADMINISTRATION OF ARAB PROPERTY, ASSETS AND PROPERTY RIGHTS IN ISRAEL, AND TO"} {"rcid":2427,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/120I","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, IDENTIFICATION CARDS","descr":"TO REITERATE ITS REGRET THAT PARAGRAPH 11 OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 194 (III) REGARDING SPECIAL IDENTIFICATION CARDS TO ALL PALESTINE REFUGEES, HAS NOT SO FAR BEEN IMPLEMENTED."} {"rcid":2428,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/120J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, SAFTEY, SECURITY","descr":"TO URGE THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, IN CONSULTATION WITH THE UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST, AND PENDING THE WITHDRAWAL OF ISRAELI FORCES FROM THE PALESTINIAN AND OTHER ARAB TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISR"} {"rcid":2429,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/120K","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"REFUGEES, REPATRIATION","descr":"TO NOTE WITH REGRET THAT REPATRIATION OR COMPENSATION OF THE REFUGEES AS PROVIDED FOR IN PARAGRAPH 11 OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 194 (III) HAS NOT BEEN EFFECTED, THAT NO SUBSTANTIAL PROGRESS HAS BEEN MADE IN THE PROGRAMME ENDORSED BY THE AS"} {"rcid":2430,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/122","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, CANAL PROJECT","descr":"TO DEPLORE ISRAEL'S NON-COMPLIANCE WITH ITS RESOLUTION 36/150 WHICH PROVIDES THAT ISRAELI CONSTRUCTION OF A CANAL WHICH RUNS PARTLY THROUGH THE GAZA STRIP, A PALESTINIAN TERRITORY OCCUPIED IN 1967, WOULD VIOLATE THE PRINCIPLES OF INTERNATIONAL"} {"rcid":2431,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/134","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, LEBANON INVASION","descr":"TO CONDEMN ISRAEL FOR ITS INVASION OF LEBANON, WHICH INFLICTED SEVERE DAMAGE ON CIVILIAN PALESTINIANS, INCLUDING HEAVY LOSSES OF HUMAN LIVES, INTOLERABLE SUFFERINGS AND MASSIVE MATERIAL DESTRUCTION."} {"rcid":2432,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/135","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, RESOURCE EXPLOITATION","descr":"TO CONDEMN ISRAEL FOR ITS EXPLOITATION OF THE NATIONAL RESOURCES OF THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN AND OTHER ARAB TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":2433,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/137","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL SALE OF GOODS","descr":"TO AGREE THAT PRODUCTS THAT HAVE BEEN BANNED FROM DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION AND/OR SALE BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN JUDGED TO ENDANGER HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT SHOULD BE SOLD ABROAD BY COMPANIES, CORPORATIONS OR INDIVIDUALS ONLY WHEN A REQUEST FOR SUCH"} {"rcid":2434,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/138","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"AFRICA, ECONOMIC COMMISSION","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE WITH APPRECIATION OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE FINANCING OF MULTINATIONAL PROGRAMMING AND OPERATIONAL CENTRES OF THE ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA ON AN ESTABLISHING BASIS."} {"rcid":2435,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/140","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"AFRICA, TRANSPORT/COMMUNICATIONS","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS DECADE IN AFRICA."} {"rcid":2436,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/142","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. TRAINING/RESEARCH INSTITUTE","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE WITH APPRECIATION THE REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE UNITED NATIONS INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND RESEARCH AND OF HIS INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT ON OCTOBER 5, 1982."} {"rcid":2437,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/144","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISASTER RELIEF","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE WITH APPRECIATION THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE WORK OF THE OFFICE OF THE UNITED NATIONS DISASTER RELIEF CO-ORDINATOR AND OF THE STATEMENT MADE BY THE CO-ORDINATOR BEFORE THE SECOND COMMITTEE ON NOVEMBER 2, 1982."} {"rcid":2438,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/204","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ECONOMIC RIGHTS, REVIEW","descr":"TO CONDUCT AT ITS THIRTY-NINTH SESSION, ON THE OCCASION OF THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ADOPTION OF THE CHARTER OF ECONOMIC RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF STATES, A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW OF ITS IMPLEMENTATION, AS PROVIDED FOR IN ARTICLE 34, AND TO REQUEST"} {"rcid":2439,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/207","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"REVERSE TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY","descr":"TO RECOMMEND THAT THE MEMBER STATES CONCERNED AND THE COMPETENT INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS SHOULD, AS A MATTER OF URGENCY, GIVE DUE CONSIDERATION TO THE FORMULATION OF POLICIES WITH A VIEW TO MITIGATING THE ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES OF THE REVERSE"} {"rcid":2440,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/212","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDUSTRIALIZATION, DEVELOPING COUNTRIES","descr":"TO COMMEND THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION FOR HIS EFFORTS TO ENHANCE THE ROLE OF THE ORGANIZATION IN PROMOTING THE INDUSTRIALIZATION OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES AS DESCRIBED IN HIS ANNUAL REPORT TO"} {"rcid":2441,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/215","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"REMNANTS OF WAR","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE PROBLEMS OF REMANTS OF WAR, AND TO EXPRESS REGRET THAT NO REAL MEASURES HAVE BEEN TAKEN TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM OF REMNANTS OF WAR DESPITE THE VARIOUS RESOLUTIONS AND DECISIONS ADOPTED THE"} {"rcid":2442,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/222","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, LIVING CONDITIONS","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE LIVING CONDITIONS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE IN THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES, AND TO EXPRESS ALARM AT THE DETERIORATION IN THE LIVING CONDITIONS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE LIVING"} {"rcid":2443,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/230","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LAND LOCKED COUNTRIES","descr":"TO URGE ALL MEMBER STATES TO GIVE DUE CONSIDERATION TO THE SPECIAL CONSTRAINTS AFFECTING THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF LAND-LOCKED DEVELOPING COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":2444,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-06","unres":"R/37/244","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, FINANCING","descr":"TO DECIDE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 36/183, THE LONG-TERM FINANCIAL AND INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE UNITED NATIONS FINANCING SYSTEM FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR DEVELOPMENT."} {"rcid":2445,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-06","unres":"R/37/250","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RENEWABLE ENERGY, NAIROBI PROGRAMME","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE SIGNIFICANCE AND THE IMPORTANCE OF THE NAIROBI PROGRAMME OF ACTION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT AND UTILIZATION OF NEW AND RENEWAWABLE SOURCES OF ENERGY IN THE FIELD OF NEW AND RENEWABLE SOURCES OF ENERGY AND TO CALL FOR THE EARLY AND EF"} {"rcid":2446,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-06","unres":"R/37/251","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"THIRD U.N. DEVELOPMENT DECADE","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO PREPARE, WITHIN THE CONTEXT OF THE INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR THE THIRD UNITED NATIONS DEVELOPMENT DECADE, A COMPREHENSIVE REPORT ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENERGY RESOURCES OF THE DEVELOPING COUNT"} {"rcid":2447,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-06","unres":"R/37/252","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ECONOMIC PROBLEMS","descr":"TO AGREE THAT THE CONCRETE IMMEDIATE ACTION TO BENEFIT ALL DEVELOPING COUNTRIES SHOULD BE TAKEN ON THE PRESSING ECONOMIC PROBLEMS WHICH PRESENT A SHORT-TERM THREAT TO THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY."} {"rcid":2448,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/39","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN AFRICA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE OPPRESSED PEOPLES OF SOUTHERN AFRICA TO SELF-DETERMINATION, INDEPENDENCE AND THE ENJOYMENT OF THE NATURAL RESOURCES OF THEIR TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":2449,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/40","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RACISM, ELIMINATION","descr":"TO PROCLAIM THAT THE ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF RACISM AND OF THE DISCRIMINATION BASED ON RACE AND THE ATTAINMENT OF THE OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME FOR THE DECADE FOR ACTION TO COMBAT RACISM AND RACIAL DISCRIMINATION AND OF THE PROGRAMME OF A"} {"rcid":2450,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/43","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO CALL UPON ALL STATES TO IMPLEMENT FULLY AND FAITHFULLY THE RESOLUTIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS REGARDING THE EXERCISE OF THE RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE BY PEOPLES UNDER COLONIAL AND FOREIGN DOMINATION."} {"rcid":2451,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/46","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RACISM, ELIMINATION COMMITTEE","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE WITH APPRECIATION THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION ON ITS TWENTY-FIFTH AND TWENTY-SIXTH SESSIONS."} {"rcid":2452,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/47","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, SUPPRESSION","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE STATUS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE SUPPRESSION AND PUNISHMENT OF THE CRIME OF APARTHEID."} {"rcid":2453,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/51","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WORLD ASSEMBLY ON AGING","descr":"TO ENDORSE THE VIENNA INTERNATIONAL PLAN OF ACTION ON AGING CONTAINED IN THE REPORT AND ADOPTED BY CONSENSUS AT THE WORLD ASSEMBLY ON AGING."} {"rcid":2454,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/183","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILE","descr":"TO COMMEND THE SPECIAL RAPPORTEUR FOR HIS REPORT ON THE HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATION IN CHILE, SUBMITTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS RESOLUTION 1982/25."} {"rcid":2455,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/184","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, GUATEMALA","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS DEEP CONCERN AT THE SERIOUS VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHTS REPORTED TO TAKE PLACE IN GUATEMALA, PARTICULARLY THOSE REPORTS OF WIDESPREAD REPRESSION, KILLING AND MASSIVE DISPLACEMENT OF RURAL AND INDIGENOUS POPULATION."} {"rcid":2456,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/185","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, EL SALVADOR","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS DEEPEST CONCERN AT THE CONTINUED AND UNBRIDLED VIOLATIONS OF HUMAN RIGHT AND AT THE RESULTING SUFFERING OF THE SALVADORIAN PEOPLE, AND ITS REGRETS THAT THE APPEALS FOR THE CESSATION OF VIOLENCE MADE BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY, THE C"} {"rcid":2457,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-03","unres":"R/37/189A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RIGHT TO LIFE","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS FIRM CONVICTION THAT ALL PEOPLES AND ALL INDIVIDUALS HAVE AN INHERRENT RIGHT TO LIFE, AND THAT THE SAFEGUARD OF THIS FOREMOST RIGHT IS AN ESSENTIAL CONDITION FOR THE ENJOYMENT OF THE ENTIRE RANGE OF ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL,"} {"rcid":2458,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-03","unres":"R/37/189B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, USE OF","descr":"TO STRESS THE IMPORTANCE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION BY ALL STATES OF THE PROVISIONS AND PRINCIPLES CONTAINED IN THE DECLARATION ON THE USE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS IN THE INTERESTS OF PEACE AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF MANDKIND IN ORDER TO"} {"rcid":2459,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-03","unres":"R/37/199","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO REITERATE ITS REQUEST THAT THE COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS CONTINUE ITS CURRENT WORK ON THE OVER-ALL ANALYSIS WITH A VIEW TO FURTHER PROMOTING AND IMPROVING HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS, INCLUDING THE QUESTION OF THE COMMISSIONS'S PR"} {"rcid":2460,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-03","unres":"R/37/200","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, PURPOSE OF","descr":"TO AFFIRM THAT THE PRIMARY AIM OF INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION IN THE FIELD OF HUMAN RIGHTS IS A LIFE OF FREEDOM AND DIGNITY FOR EACH HUMAN BEING, THAT ALL HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS ARE INDIVISIBLE AND INTERRELATED AND THAT THE PROMOT"} {"rcid":2461,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-11-04","unres":"R/37/28","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WESTERN SAHARA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF WESTERN SAHARA TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS, THE CHARTER OF THE ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN UNITY AND THE OBJECTIVES OF GENERAL ASSEMB"} {"rcid":2462,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-11-04","unres":"R/37/29","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO APPROVE THE CHAPTER OF THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION OF THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES RELATING TO THE INFORMATION FROM NON-SELF-GOVE"} {"rcid":2463,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-11-04","unres":"R/37/30","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"EAST TIMOR, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO INITIATE CONSULTATIONS WITH ALL PARTIES DIRECTLY CONCERNED, WITH A VIEW TO EXPLORING AVENUES FOR ACHIEVING A COMPREHENSIVE SETTLEMENT OF THE PROBLEM REGARDING THE INDEPENDENCE OF EAST TIMOR AND TO REPORT THER"} {"rcid":2464,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-11-04","unres":"R/37/31","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RIGHT OF SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLES OF DEPENDENT TERRITORIES TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE AND TO THE ENJOYMENT OF THE NATURAL RESOURCES OF THEIR TERRITORIES, AS WELL AS THEIR RIGHT TO DISPOSE OF THOSE RESORCES IN THEIR BE"} {"rcid":2465,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-11-04","unres":"R/37/32","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, IMPLEMENTATION CHARTER","descr":"TO APPROVE THE CHAPTER OF THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":2466,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-11-04","unres":"R/37/13","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES, SOLUTION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM ITS COMMITMENT TO SEEK A COMPREHENSIVE AND LASTING SOLUTION TO THE FINANCIAL PROBLEMS OF THE UNITED NATIONS, BASED ON THE PRINCIPLE OF COLLECTIVE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF MEMBER STATES."} {"rcid":2467,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-11-04","unres":"R/37/38A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE","descr":"TO APPROPRIATE TO THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT REFERRED TO IN SECTION II, PARAGRAPH 1, OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 3211 B (XXIX) THE AMOUNT OF $15.974 MILLION GROSS ($15,785) AUTHORIZED AND APPORTIONED BY SECTION III OF ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 36/66 A FO"} {"rcid":2468,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-11-04","unres":"R/37/38B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FINANCIAL REGULATIONS","descr":"TO DECIDE THAT THE PROVISIONS OF REGULATIONS 5.2 (B), 5.2 (D), 4.3 AND 4.4 OF THE FINANCIAL REGULATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS SHALL BE SUSPENDED IN RESPECT OF THE AMOUNT OF $7.404 MILLION, WHICH OTHERWISE WOULD HAVE TO BE SURRENDERED PURSUANT T"} {"rcid":2469,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-11-04","unres":"R/37/125A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SCALE OF ASSESSMENTS, 1983-1985","descr":"TO SET THE SCALE OF ASSESSMENTS FOR THE CONTRIBUTION OF MEMBER STATES TO THE UNITED NATIONS BUDGET FOR THE FINANCIAL YEARS 1983, 1984, AND 1985."} {"rcid":2470,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/126","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE CURRENT STATUS OF THE COMPARISON OF TOTAL COMPENSATION BETWEEN COMPARATOR CIVIL SERVICE AND THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM, AND TO CALL TO THE ATTENTION OF MEMBER STATES THAT THE PRACTICE OF SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS OR DEDUCTIONS I"} {"rcid":2471,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/127A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"TO APPROPRIATE TO THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT REFERRED TO IN SECTION I, PARAGRAPH 1, OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION S-8/2 AN AMOUNT OF $89.725 MILLION GROSS ($88.887 MILLION NET), BEING THE AMOUNT AUTHORIZED AND APPORTIONED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECT"} {"rcid":2472,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/127B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FINANCIAL REGULATIONS","descr":"TO DECIDE THAT THE PROVISIONS OF REGULATIONS 5.2, (B), 5.2 (D), 4.3 AND 4.4 OF THE FINANCIAL REGULATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS SHALL BE SUSPENDED IN RESPECT OF THE AMOUNT OF $5.939 MILLION, WHICH OTHERWISE WOULD HAVE TO BE SURRENDERED PURSUANT"} {"rcid":2473,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/130","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. BUDGET, EFFECTS OF INFLATION","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE IMPACT OF INFLATION AND MONETARY INSTABILITY ON THE REGULAR BUDGET OF THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":2474,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/131","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"RETIREMENT AGE","descr":"TO REQUEST THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, IN CO-OPERATION WITH THE UNITED NATIONS JOINT STAFF PENSION BOARD, TO UNDERTAKE THE STUDY OF THE AGE OF SEPARATION AND OF RETIREMENT IN ALL MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS AND TO ADMIT THE EUROPEAN AN"} {"rcid":2475,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-02","unres":"R/37/235C","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"STAFF REGULATIONS","descr":"TO AMEND ARTICLE VIII OF THE STAFF REGULATIONS AS SHOWN IN PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE ANNEX TO THE PRESENT RESOLUTION."} {"rcid":2476,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-06","unres":"R/37/236B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST RELIEF OFFICIALS","descr":"TO CALL UPON THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO TAKE MEASURES WITHOUT DELAY TO ESTABLISH THE WHEREABOUTS, TO FIND OUT THE CHARGES MADE AND TO ARRANGE A MEETING WITH THE OFFICIALS OF THE UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE"} {"rcid":2477,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-06","unres":"R/37/237/II","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ECOSOC 82-29, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO AUTHORIZE, AS AN EXCEPTION TO THE PROVISIONS OF PARAGRAPH 2 (B) OF ITS RESOLUTION 1798 (XVII) OF DECEMBER 11, 1962, THE NECESSARY RESOURCES FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF PARAGRAPH 10 OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1982/29 OF MAY 4, 19"} {"rcid":2478,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-06","unres":"R/37/237/XI","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONFERENCE FACILITIES, ADDIS ABABA","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE ADEQUACY OF THE CONFERENCE FACILITIES OF THE ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA AT ADDIS ABABA AND OF THE RELATED REPORT OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS."} {"rcid":2479,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-06","unres":"R/37/237/XII","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RECLASSIFICATION OF POSTS","descr":"TO APPROVE, WITH EFFECT FROM JANUARY 1, 1983, THE FOLLOWING RECLASSIFICATIONS: A) TO THE LEVEL OF UNDER-SECRETARY-GENERAL, THE POSTS OF: I) DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS OFFICE AT VIENNA; II) COMMISSIONIONER-GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATI"} {"rcid":2480,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-06","unres":"R/37/238","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRANSFERS OF POSTS","descr":"TO ENDORSE THE OPINION OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS THAT THE SECRETARY-GENERAL'S PROPOSALS FOR TRANSFER OF POSTS SHOULD BE TAKEN ON A CASE-BY-CASE BASIS IN THE CONTEXT OF HIS PROPOSED PROGRAMME BUDGETS FOR"} {"rcid":2481,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-06","unres":"R/37/243A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET 36-240","descr":"TO RESOLVE THAT FOR THE BIENNIUM 1982-1983 THE AMOUNT OF $US 1.506 BILLION APPROPRIATED BY ITS RESOLUTION 36/240 A OF DECEMBER 18, 1981 SHALL BE DECREASED BY $US 33.280 MILLION."} {"rcid":2482,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-06","unres":"R/37/243C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET FINANCING","descr":"TO RESOLVE THAT FOR THE YEAR 1983, THE BUDGETARY APPROPRIATIONS IN A TOTAL AMOUNT OF $US 719.8 MILLION CONSISTING OF $US 753.1 MILLION, BEING ONE HALF OF THE APPROPRIATIONS INITIALLY APPROVED FOR THE BIENNIUM 1982-1983 BY GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOL"} {"rcid":2483,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-11-03","unres":"R/37/11","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONFERENCE, STATE SUCCESSION","descr":"TO DECIDE THAT THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON SUCCESSION OF STATES IN RESPECT OF STATE PROPERTY, ARCHIVES AND DEBTS, REFERRED TO IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 36/113, SHALL BE HELD FROM MARCH 1, 1983 TO APRIL 8, 1983 AT VIENNA."} {"rcid":2484,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-01","unres":"R/37/102","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION","descr":"TO INVITE THE INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION TO CONTINUE ITS WORK WITH A VIEW TO ELABORATING THE DRAFT CODE OF OFFENCES AGAINST THE PEACE AND SECURITY OF MANKIND, IN CONFORMITY WITH PARAGRAPH 1, OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION 36/106, AND TAKING I"} {"rcid":2485,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-06","unres":"R/37/103","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND RESEARCH","descr":"TO REQUEST THE UNITED NATIONS INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND RESEARCH TO PREPARE THE THIRD AND FINAL PHASE OF THE ANALYTICAL STUDY AND TO COMPLETE IT IN TIME FOR THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AT ITS THIRTY-EIGHTH SESSION. V/158"} {"rcid":2486,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-06","unres":"R/37/104","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"VIENNA CONVENTION ON CONVENTIONS","descr":"TO INVITE ALL STATES THAT HAVE NOT DONE SO, IN PARTICULAR THOSE WHICH ARE HOSTS TO INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS OR TO CONFERENCES CONVENED BY, OR HELD UNDER THE AUSPICES OF, INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS OF A UNIVERSAL CHARACTER, TO CONSIDER AS S"} {"rcid":2487,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-06","unres":"R/37/105","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-USE OF FORCE, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON ENHANCING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PRINCIPLE OF NON-USE OF FORCE IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS."} {"rcid":2488,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-06","unres":"R/37/114","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"STRENGTHENING THE U.N.","descr":"TO TAKE NOTE OF THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE CHARACTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND ON THE STRENGTHENING OF THE ROLE OF THE ORGANIZATION."} {"rcid":2489,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-11-04","unres":"R/37/420","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"COLONIZATION, MILITARY INSTALLATIONS","descr":"TO DEPLORE, IN REACTION TO THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FOURTH COMMITTEE, THE FACT THAT THE COLONIAL POWERS CONCERNED HAVE TAKEN NO STEPS TO IMPLEMENT THE REQUEST REPEATEDLY ADDRESSED TO THEM BY THE ASSEMBLY, MOST RECENTLY IN PARAGRAPH 10 OF ITS R"} {"rcid":2490,"session":37,"importantvote":0,"date":"1982-12-05","unres":"R/37/408","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SACLE OF ASSESSMENTS","descr":"TO REQUEST THE COMMITTEE ON CONTRIBUTIONS TO RE-EXAMINE THE PROPOSED SCALE OF ASSESSMENTS FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF THE EXPENSES OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONTAINED IN ITS REPORT 52 AND, BEARING IN MIND THE DISCUSSIONS ON THIS AGENDA ITEM AT THE CURRE"} {"rcid":2491,"session":38,"importantvote":1,"date":"1983-10-04","unres":"R/38/3","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KAMPUCHEA","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE NEED FOR WITHDRAWAL OF ALL FOREIGN FORCES FROM KAMPUCHEA, TO EXPRESS APPRECIATION TO DONOR COUNTRIES AND ORGANIZATIONS THAT HAVE CONTRIBUTED RELIEF ASSISTANCE TO THE PEOPLE OF KAMPUCHEA, AND TO ENCOURAGE THE COUNTRIES OF SOUTH-E"} {"rcid":2492,"session":38,"importantvote":1,"date":"1983-11-06","unres":"R/38/7","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GRENADA, FOREIGN TROOPS","descr":"TO DEMAND THAT FOREIGN TROOPS WITHDRAW IMMEDIATELY FROM GRENADA AND URGE THAT FREE ELECTIONS BE HELD AS SOON AS POSSIBLE TO PERMIT THE PEOPLE OF GRENADA TO ELECT A GOVERNMENT DEMOCRATICALLY."} {"rcid":2493,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-11-07","unres":"R/38/9","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, THREATS","descr":"TO INSIST THAT ISRAEL DROP ITS THREAT TO ATTACK NUCLEAR FACILITIES IN IRAQ AND TO REITERATE THE NECESSITY FOR INTERNATIONAL CONSIDERATION OF LEGAL MEASURES THAT WOULD PROHIBIT ARMED ATTACKS ON NUCLEAR FACILITIES."} {"rcid":2494,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-11-05","unres":"R/38/11","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, CONSTITUTIONAL PROPOSALS","descr":"TO CONDEMN THE \\CONSTITUTIONAL PROPOSALS\\\\ ENDORSED BY THE WHITE ELECTORATE OF SOUTH AFRICA AS A FURTHER EXTENSION OF APARTHEID, TO EXPRESS THE BELIEF THAT THE SITUATION IN SOUTH AFRICA CAN BE RESOLVED ONLY THROUGH THE ABOLITION OF APARTHEID AN\""} {"rcid":2495,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-11-06","unres":"R/38/12","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FALKLAND ISLANDS","descr":"TO ASK AGAIN THAT THE GOVERNMENTS OF ARGENTINA AND THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND ACT TO SETTLE THE SOVEREIGNTY DISPUTE REGARDING THE FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)."} {"rcid":2496,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-11-04","unres":"R/38/13","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COMOROS, MAYOTTE","descr":"TO REASSERT THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE ISLAMIC FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF THE COMOROS OVER THE ISLAND OF MAYOTTE AND TO REQUEST THE GOVERNMENT OF FRANCE TO INITIATE NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF THE COMOROS TO FACILITATE THE PROMPT RETURN OF THE ISL"} {"rcid":2497,"session":38,"importantvote":1,"date":"1983-11-06","unres":"R/38/29","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"AFGHANISTAN","descr":"TO DEMAND THE WITHDRAWAL OF FOREIGN FORCES FROM AFGHANISTAN, TO DECLARE ONCE AGAIN THE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE OF AFGHANISTAN TO POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE, AND TO EXTEND A PLEA FOR RELIEF ASSISTANCE FOR AFGHAN REFUGEES."} {"rcid":2498,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-11-01","unres":"R/38/34","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CULTURAL PROPERTY","descr":"TO REITERATE THE IMPORTANCE OF RESTITUTION TO OWNER COUNTRIES OF THEIR CULTURAL PROPERTY, TO ENCOURAGE THE MASS MEDIA AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS TO WORK TOWARD THE GOAL OF RESTORING CULTURAL MATERIAL TO COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN, AND TO REQUEST MEMBER ST"} {"rcid":2499,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-03","unres":"R/38/36A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REASSERT THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF NAMIBIA TO POLITICAL IN-DEPENDENCE, TO RECOGNIZE THE SOUTH WEST AFRICA PEOPLE'S ORGANIZATION AS THE ONLY OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE NAMIBIAN PEOPLE, TO DENOUNCE THE OCCUPATION OF NAMIBIA BY THE REGIME"} {"rcid":2500,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-03","unres":"R/38/36B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO PRESS FOR THE IMPOSITION OF MANDATORY SANCTIONS AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA BY THE SECURITY COUNCIL."} {"rcid":2501,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-03","unres":"R/38/36C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, U.N. MEMBERSHIP","descr":"TO AGREE TO THE REPORT OF THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA AND PROVIDE FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO IMPLEMENT THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE REPORT, TO CONFIRM THAT NAMIBIA, AS REPRESENTED BY THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA, HAS THE RIGHT TO P"} {"rcid":2502,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-03","unres":"R/38/36D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ASK THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA ACTIVELY TO ENCOURAGE THE SPREADING OF INFORMATION AND PUBLICITY RELATING TO THE SITUATION IN NAMIBIA AND TO THE CONNECTIONS BETWEEN SOUTH AFRICA AND OTHER MEMBER STATES AND TO CALL FOR A SYMPOSIUM"} {"rcid":2503,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-03","unres":"R/38/36E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, FUND","descr":"TO ASK ALL GOVERNMENTS TO CONTRIBUTE FUNDS TO SUPPORT THE UNITED NATIONS FUND FOR NAMIBIA AND TO REQUEST THE COUNCIL TO PUBLISH A REFERENCE BOOK AND DEMOGRAPHIC STUDY ON NAMIBIA."} {"rcid":2504,"session":38,"importantvote":1,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/39A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, RESISTANCE MOVEMENTS","descr":"TO ASSERT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE UNITED NATIONS FOR ASSISTING OPPRESSED PEOPLE IN SOUTH AFRICA IN THEIR STRUGGLES TOWARD LIBERATION AND THE ABOLITION OF APARTHEID AND TO ENLIST THE AID OF ALL GOVERNMENTS IN THIS CAUSE."} {"rcid":2505,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/39B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, ACTION AGAINST","descr":"TO APPROVE THE PROGRAMME OF ACTION AGAINST APARTHEID AND TO CALL FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION WITH THIS PROGRAMME."} {"rcid":2506,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/39C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, AGGRESSION","descr":"TO DENOUNCE THE AGGRESSIVE ACTS BY THE REGIME OF SOUTH AFRICA AGAINST ANGOLA, LESOTHO, AND MOZAMBIQUE, TO SUPPORT THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE GOVERNMENTS OF ANGOLA AND MOZAMBIQUE, AND TO CALL FOR COMPENSATION TO INDEPENDENT AFRICAN STATES FOR DAMAGE"} {"rcid":2507,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/39D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO ASK AGAIN FOR THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO ADOPT MANDATORY AND COMPREHENSIVE SANCTIONS AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2508,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/39E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID, TO AUTHORIZE THE COMMITTEE TO HOLD CONFERENCES AND OTHER EVENTS TO FURTHER THEIR CAUSE, AND TO ALLOCATE $400,000 TO THE COMMITTEE FOR SPECIAL PROJECTS IN 1984."} {"rcid":2509,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/39F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISRAEL","descr":"TO CONDEMN ISRAEL FOR MAINTAINING TIES WITH THE REGIME OF SOUTH AFRICA, PARTICULARLY IN THE MILITARY AND NUCLEAR AREAS, AND TO CALL FOR THE SEVERING OF ALL CONNECTIONS BETWEEN ISRAEL AND SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2510,"session":38,"importantvote":1,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/39G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, MILITARY COLLABORATION","descr":"TO RECOMMEND THAT THE SECURITY COUNCIL TAKE STEPS TO MAKE CERTAIN THAT ALL STATES TERMINATE MILITARY AND NUCLEAR COOPERATION WITH THE REGIME OF SOUTH AFRICA AND TO DENOUNCE THOSE STATES THAT CONTINUE SUCH COOPERATION."} {"rcid":2511,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/39I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, FOREIGN INVESTMENTS","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO MOVE TOWARD ADOPTION OF A POLICY THAT WOULD PROHIBIT FOREIGN INVESTMENTS IN SOUTH AFRICA AND, IN ADDITION, BAR ANY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2512,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/39J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, OIL EMBARGO","descr":"TO URGE THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO INSTITUTE A MANDATORY OIL EMBARGO AGAINST SOUTH AFRICA, TO REQUEST ALL STATES TO OBSERVE THE EMBARGO, AND TO AUTHORIZE THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO ESTABLISH AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AN OIL EMBARGO AGAINST SOUT"} {"rcid":2513,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/39K","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, SPORTS","descr":"TO CALL FOR THE AD HOC COMMITTEE ON THE DRAFTING OF AN INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION AGAINST APARTHEID IN SPORTS TO MAINTAIN COMMUNICATION WITH GOVERNMENTS CONCERNED AND WITH EXPERTS ON APARTHEID IN SPORTS."} {"rcid":2514,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-01","unres":"R/38/54","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COLONIALISM, ELIMINATION","descr":"TO DECLARE ONCE AGAIN THE NEED FOR THE ELIMINATION OF COLONIALISM AND THE WITHDRAWAL OF ALL COLONIAL POWERS FROM TERRITORIES IN ORDER TO ALLOW PEOPLE OF THOSE TERRITORIES TO ESTABLISH INDEPENDENCE AND TO CALL FOR INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION TO TH"} {"rcid":2515,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-01","unres":"R/38/55","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DECOLONIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"TO REQUEST THAT THE EFFORT TO DISSEMINATE INFORMATION ON COLONIALISM BE INTENSIFIED ON AN INTERNATIONAL SCALE."} {"rcid":2516,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/58A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"TO COMMEND THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE EXERCISE OF THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE, TO CALL FOR THE COMMITTEE TO TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION TO ENSURE IMPLEMENTATION OF ITS RECOMMENDATIONS, AND TO ASK THE COMMITTEE TO CONTIN"} {"rcid":2517,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/58B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO ASK THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO ASSIST THE DIVISION FOR PALESTINIAN RIGHTS IN ACHIEVING ITS GOALS AND IN ENLISTING SUPPORT FOR ITS PROGRAMME OF ACTION."} {"rcid":2518,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/58C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ORGANIZE AN INTERNATIONAL PEACE CONFERENCE ON THE MIDDLE EAST, TO WHICH ALL PARTIES TO THE ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT SHALL BE INVITED. THE CONFERENCE WILL WORK TOWARD THE RESTORATION TO THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE OF THEIR RIGHTS TO SELF-DETERMINATIO"} {"rcid":2519,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/58D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, CONFERENCE","descr":"TO ASK PARTICIPANTS IN THE 1984 CONFERENCE ON PALESTINE TO REVIEW THE FINDINGS OF THE FIVE PREPARATORY MEETINGS ON THIS ISSUE AND THEN WORK TOWARD ESTABLISHING A PROGRAMME OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE FOR PALESTINE."} {"rcid":2520,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/58E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"TO ENCOURAGE THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INFORMATION OF THE SECRETARIAT TO STEP UP EFFORTS TO PUBLICIZE THE EXISTING SITUATION IN PALESTINE."} {"rcid":2521,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-01","unres":"R/38/59A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"TO CALL ATTENTION TO THE IMPORTANCE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON THE LAW OF THE SEA AND TO REQUEST THOSE STATES THAT HAVE NOT YET SIGNED THE CONVENTION TO DO SO."} {"rcid":2522,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/180A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GOLAN HEIGHTS","descr":"TO CONDEMN ISRAEL'S OCCUPATION OF THE SYRIAN GOLAN HEIGHTS AS AN ACT OF AGGRESSION, TO DEMAND THE IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWAL OF ISRAELI FORCES FROM THIS AREA, AND TO REQUEST ALL STATES TO CEASE COOPERATION WITH ISRAEL."} {"rcid":2523,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/180B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, BEIRUT OCCUPATION","descr":"TO DENOUNCE THE ACTIONS OF THE ISRAELI ARMY, DURING ITS OCCUPATION OF BEIRUT, WHICH RESULTED IN THE SEIZING OF PALESTINIAN CULTURAL PROPERTY AND TO ORDER ISRAEL TO MAKE FULL COMPENSATION."} {"rcid":2524,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/180C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"TO REASSERT THAT ISRAEL'S IMPOSITION OF ITS LAWS UPON JERUSALEM IS ILLEGAL AND THUS NOT VALID AND TO OBJECT TO THE TRANSFER OF DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS TO JERUSALEM BY SOME STATES BECAUSE SUCH ACTION RUNS COUNTER TO THE SECURITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION 4"} {"rcid":2525,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/180D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE","descr":"TO RESTATE THE BELIEF THAT THE ISSUE OF PALESTINE IS AT THE ROOT OF THE CONFLICT IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND THAT PEACE WILL NOT BE ACHIEVED UNTIL PALESTINE IS GIVEN POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE AND ISRAEL HAS WITHDRAWN ITS FORCES AND TO CALL UPON ALL STA"} {"rcid":2526,"session":38,"importantvote":1,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/180E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, ISOLATION","descr":"TO ORDER ALL STATES TO TERMINATE MILITARY AND ECONOMIC SUPPORT ISRAEL."} {"rcid":2527,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/61","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"TO URGE FRANCE TO RATIFY ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL I OF THE TREATY FOR THE PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN LATIN AMERICA."} {"rcid":2528,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/62","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO REASSERT THE IMPORTANCE OF A TREATY BANNING NUCLEAR TESTING WHICH WOULD HELP END THE NUCLEAR ARMS RACE AND TO ASK THAT ALL STATES COMPLY WITH THE TREATY BANNING NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS IN THE ATMOSPHERE."} {"rcid":2529,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/63","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COMPREHENSIVE TEST BAN TREATY","descr":"TO ASK THE CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT TO RECOMMENCE ITS EXPLORATION OF MATTERS RELATING TO A COMPREHENSIVE NUCLEAR TEST BAN, WORK TOWARD NEGOTIATION OF A TREATY, AND STUDY THE ISSUE OF A MONITORING NETWORK FOR VERIFICATION."} {"rcid":2530,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/65","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"TO CONVEY AGAIN APPROVAL, IN PRINCIPLE, OF A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE IN SOUTH ASIA AND TO REQUEST THE COOPERATION OF SOUTH ASIAN STATES TO THIS END."} {"rcid":2531,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/67","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"TO CALL FOR THE CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT TO CONTINUE IN ITS EXAMINATION OF THE DIFFICULTIES INVOLVED IN NEGOTIATIONS TOWARD AN ARRANGEMENT THAT WOULD SAFEGUARD STATES WITH NO NUCLEAR CAPACITIES FROM THE THREAT OF NUCLEAR WEAPON USE."} {"rcid":2532,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/68","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES, THREATS","descr":"TO URGE ALL STATES TO COOPERATE IN THE SEARCH FOR A COMMON FORMULA TO PROTECT NON-NUCLEAR STATES FROM NUCLEAR THREAT."} {"rcid":2533,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/69","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, NUCLEAR ARMAMENTS","descr":"TO DENOUNCE ISRAEL FOR FAILING TO TAKE STEPS TOWARD NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT AND FOR THREATENING TO REPEAT ITS ARMED ATTACK ON NUCLEAR FACILITIES IN IRAQ AND TO ASK THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO ENCOURAGE ISRAEL TO PLACE ITS NUCLEAR INSTALLATIONS UNDER IN"} {"rcid":2534,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/70","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"TO REASSERT THE CONVICTION THAT OUTER SPACE SHALL BE EXPLORED FOR PEACEFUL PURPOSES ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE A FOCUS FOR AN ARMS RACE."} {"rcid":2535,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/71A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO NOTE THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL REGARDING STEPS TAKEN WITHIN THE UNITED NATIONS TO IMPLEMENT THE RESOLUTION DEALING WITH THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN DISARMAMENT AND DEVELOPMENT."} {"rcid":2536,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/72","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NEGOTIATIONS, TESTING BAN","descr":"TO PRESS FOR ALL STATES TO BEGIN NEGOTIATIONS ON A MULTILATERAL TREATY PROHIBITING NUCLEAR-WEAPON TESTS."} {"rcid":2537,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/73B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"TO REQUEST THAT ALL STATES CONCUR ON A NUCLEAR WEAPONS FREEZE."} {"rcid":2538,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/73E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"TO URGE THAT THE UNITED STATES AND THE USSR--THE STATES POSSESSING THE GREATEST NUCLEAR CAPACITIES--DECLARE A NUCLEAR-ARMS FREEZE BANNING TESTING, MANUFACTURE, AND DEPLOYMENT OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS FOR AN INITIAL FIVE-YEAR PERIOD. THE FREEZE WOULD"} {"rcid":2539,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/73F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN","descr":"TO ENCOURAGE ACTIONS AND ACTIVITIES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OBJECTIVES OF THE WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN AND TO ENLIST THE COOPERATION OF MEMBER STATES IN PUBLICIZING ACCURATE INFORMATION ABOUT DISARMAMENT."} {"rcid":2540,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/73G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, CONFERENCE","descr":"TO ASK AGAIN FOR THE CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT TO BEGIN NEGOTIATIONS ON AN INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION BANNING USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS, EMPLOYING FOR A BASIS THE DRAFT CONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF THE USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2541,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/73H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ARMS RACE, SECURITY COUNCIL","descr":"TO ASK THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO HASTEN THE COMPLETION OF AGREEMENTS MAKING AVAILABLE TO THE SECURITY COUNCIL ARMED FORCES WHOSE FUNCTION WILL BE TO ENFORCE THE COLLECTIVE SECURITY SYSTEM PROVIDED FOR IN THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND THUS"} {"rcid":2542,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/74","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-PROLIFERATION TREATY, REVIEW","descr":"TO ASK FOR HELP FROM THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, IF NECESSARY, TO FACILITATE THE WORK OF THE THIRD REVIEW CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE TREATY ON THE NON-PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2543,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/75","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR WAR, CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY","descr":"TO CONDEMN RESOLUTELY NUCLEAR WAR AS THE MOST HEINOUS CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY AND TO DEPLORE THE DISSEMINATION OF PROPAGANDA CONDONING IT."} {"rcid":2544,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/76","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"TO REQUEST ALL NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES TO PLACE A FREEZE ON ALL NUCLEAR WEAPONS WITH A SPECIAL REQUEST TO THE USSR AND THE UNITED STATES TO FREEZE THEIR NUCLEAR ARSENALS AND THUS SET AN EXAMPLE TO OTHER NUCLEAR STATES."} {"rcid":2545,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/181A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, AFRICA","descr":"TO REPEAT THE REQUEST TO ALL STATES TO CONSIDER THE CONTINENT OF AFRICA AS A NUCLEAR-FREE ZONE, TO REITERATE THAT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE DENUCLEARIZATION OF AFRICA BY AFRICAN HEADS OF STATE AND GOVERNMENT WOULD FOSTER THE CAUS"} {"rcid":2546,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/181B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"TO CONDEMN THE EXPANSION OF THE MILITARY CAPACITIES OF SOUTH AFRICA, TO AUTHORIZE THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO TAKE APPROPRIATE STEPS TO PROHIBIT ANY REGIME CONSIDERED TO BE RACIST FROM OBTAINING ARMS, AND TO DENOUNCE ALL FORMS OF NUCLEAR COOPERATIO"} {"rcid":2547,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/182","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO CALL FOR THE CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT TO STEP UP NEGOTIATIONS TOWARD THE PREPARATION OF AN AGREEMENT ON THE PROHIBITION OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND MANUFACTURE OF NEW WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION."} {"rcid":2548,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/183A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"US-USSR DISARMAMENT NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"TO RECOMMEND THAT THE USSR AND THE UNITED STATES ENDEAVOR TO COME TO AGREEMENT AT THEIR BILATERAL NEGOTIATIONS AT GENEVA OR AT LEAST TO CONCUR THAT NO MEDIUM-RANGE MISSILES WILL BE DEPLOYED AND THE EXISTING NUMBERS DECREASED."} {"rcid":2549,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/183B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR NON-USE","descr":"TO STATE THAT THE ASSERTIONS MADE BY TWO NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES AT THE SECOND SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY DEVOTED TO DISARMAMENT REGARDING THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES NOT TO BE THE FIRST TO USE NUCLEAR WEAPONS REPRESENT A POSITIVE EXAMPLE THAT OT"} {"rcid":2550,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/183C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO ENCOURAGE THE CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT TO BEGIN NEGOTIATIONS TOWARD A CONVENTION BANNING THE DEVELOPMENT AND USE OF NUCLEAR NEUTRON WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2551,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/183D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"TO URGE THE CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT TO PROCEED TO NEGOTIATIONS TOWARD NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT, TO WORK OUT A DISARMAMENT PROGRAMME, AND TO CREATE AN AD HOC GROUP TO STUDY THIS ISSUE."} {"rcid":2552,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/183F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, COOPERATION","descr":"TO CALL UPON ALL STATES TO PUT INTO PRACTICE THE PRINCIPLES OUTLINED IN THE DECLARATION ON INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION FOR DISARMAMENT AND TO UNDERSCORE THE IMPORTANCE OF STRENGTHENING THE UNITED NATIONS IN ORDER THAT IT MAY FULFILL ITS DUTY OF M"} {"rcid":2553,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/183G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR WAR, PREVENTION","descr":"TO ASK AGAIN FOR THE CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT TO BEGIN NEGOTIATIONS TOWARD AN AGREEMENT TO PREVENT NUCLEAR WAR AND TO CREATE AN AD HOC GROUP TO STUDY THE ISSUE."} {"rcid":2554,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/183H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ARMS RACE, ESCALATION","descr":"TO EXPRESS CONCERN OVER THE ESCALATION OF THE ARMS RACE AND THE HEIGHTENING OF INTERNATIONAL TENSIONS AND TO URGE ALL STATES TO COMPLY WITH RECOMMENDATIONS INCLUDED IN THE FINAL DOCUMENT OF THE FIRST SPECIAL SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY DEVO"} {"rcid":2555,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/183I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO EXPRESS REGRET THAT THE COMMITTEE ON DISARMAMENT HAS NOT YET REACHED AGREEMENT ON DISARMAMENT ISSUES DESPITE THE HIGH PRIORITY ASSIGNED TO THEM, TO ASK THE COMMITTEE TO RENEW ITS EFFORTS IN THIS AREA AND TO ESTABLISH AD HOC WORKING GROUPS TO"} {"rcid":2556,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/183J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, UNILATERAL","descr":"TO CALL FOR THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO SUBMIT A REPORT ON METHODS OF ENCOURAGING UNILATERAL NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT MEASURES WHICH WOULD COMPLEMENT BILATERAL AND MULTILATERAL NEGOTIATIONS IN THIS AREA."} {"rcid":2557,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/183L","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT WEEK","descr":"TO NOTE WITH APPRECIATION THE SUPPORT GIVEN TO DISARMAMENT WEEK BY ALL STATES AND TO ASK FOR CONTINUED SUPPORT IN CARRYING OUT THE OBJECTIVES."} {"rcid":2558,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/183M","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR WAR, PREVENTION","descr":"TO REITERATE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES TO TAKE STEPS TO ELIMINATE THE POSSIBILITY OF NUCLEAR WAR AND TO STOP THE ARMS RACE AND TO REAFFIRM THE MAJOR ROLE OF THE UNITED NATIONS IN THE AREA OF DISARMAMENT."} {"rcid":2559,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/183N","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TACTICAL NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"TO ASK THE USSR AND THE UNITED STATES TO EXPLORE THE POSSIBILITY OF MERGING INTO A SINGLE FORUM THE TWO SERIES OF NEGOTIATIONS IN WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN ENGAGED AND OF EXTENDING TALKS TO INCLUDE THE \\TACTICAL\\\\ OR \\\\\"BATTLEFIELD\\\\\" NUCLEAR WEAPONS.\""} {"rcid":2560,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/183P","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"US-USSR BILATERAL NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"TO CALL FOR THE USSR AND THE UNITED STATES TO CONTINUE TO PURSUE BILATERAL NEGOTIATIONS IN GENEVA UNTIL POSITIVE RESULTS ENSUE."} {"rcid":2561,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/184B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MILITARY EXPENDITURE REPORTS","descr":"TO STRESS THE NEED FOR STATES TO REPORT MILITARY EXPENDITURES TO THE SECRETARY GENERAL."} {"rcid":2562,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/187A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, CHEMICAL WEAPONS","descr":"TO REASSERT THE NEED FOR A CONVENTION ON THE BANNING OF THE DEVELOPMENT, MANUFACTURE, AND STOCKPILING OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS AND ON THEIR DESTRUCTION AS WELL."} {"rcid":2563,"session":38,"importantvote":1,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/187C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS","descr":"TO NOTE THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RESOLUTION 37/98D DEALING WITH CHEMICAL AND BACTERIOLOGICAL WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2564,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/188A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONVENTIONAL ARMS RACE","descr":"TO NOTE THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL INCLUDING A LETTER FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE GROUP OF EXPERTS ON ALL ASPECTS OF THE CONVENTIONAL ARMS RACE AND ON DISARMAMENT RELATING TO CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS AND ARMED FORCES STATING THAT THE GROUP NE"} {"rcid":2565,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/188C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MILITARY CAPABILITIES","descr":"TO REQUEST ALL STATES, PARTICULARLY THOSE WITH NUCLEAR CAPACITIES, TO EXAMINE MEASURES TO PROVIDE OBJECTIVE INFORMATION ON AND OBJECTIVE ASSESSMENTS OF MILITARY CAPABILITIES."} {"rcid":2566,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/188E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FISSIONABLE MATERIAL","descr":"TO ASK THE CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT TO CONTINUE TO EXPLORE THE ISSUE OF VERIFIED CESSATION AND PROHIBITION OF FISSIONABLE MATERIAL FOR NUCLEAR WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2567,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/188F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAVAL DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE NEED FOR MAJOR NAVAL POWERS TO PURSUE NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE GOAL OF LIMITING NAVAL ARMAMENTS."} {"rcid":2568,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/188G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAVAL DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO AUTHORIZE THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO UNDERTAKE A REPORT ON THE NAVAL ARMS RACE, INCLUDING NAVAL NUCLEAR-WEAPONS SYSTEMS, AND TO EXAMINE THE RAMIFICATIONS FOR INTERNATIONAL SECURITY."} {"rcid":2569,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/188H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COMMISSION ON DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO NOTE THE REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT COMMISSION ON DISARMAMENT AND SECURITY ISSUES AS A POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION TO INTERNATIONAL DISARMAMENT EFFORTS AND TO ASK THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO STUDY SECURITY POLICIES WHICH STRESS COOPERATION AND ENHANCE"} {"rcid":2570,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/188I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR FREE ZONES","descr":"TO CALL FOR THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO SUBMIT TO THE GROUP OF GOVERNMENTAL EXPERTS ON NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONES ALL RELEVANT DOCUMENTS AND INFORMATION."} {"rcid":2571,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/188J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ARMS LIMITATIONS","descr":"TO REQUEST UNITED NATIONS AGENCIES AND INSTITUTIONS TO INTENSIFY THEIR CONCENTRATION ON THE AREA OF ARMS LIMITATIONS."} {"rcid":2572,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/190","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"TO RECOGNIZE AGAIN THE IMPORTANCE OF THE DECLARATION ON THE STRENGTHENING OF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, TO ASK ALL STATES TO TAKE STEPS TO PROMOTE COLLECTIVE SECURITY SUCH AS HALTING THE ARMS RACE, TO STRESS THE NEED FOR AN EFFECTIVE SECURITY COUN"} {"rcid":2573,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/191","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHARTER, COLLECTIVE SECURITY","descr":"TO RESOLVE TO CREATE AN AD HOC COMMITTEE ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE COLLECTIVE SECURITY PROVISIONS OF THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS TO STUDY MEANS OF IMPLEMENTING THE PROVISIONS."} {"rcid":2574,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/79A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, PRISONER RELEASE","descr":"TO ORDER THE RELEASE BY ISRAEL OF ZIYAD ABU EIN AND OTHER PRISONERS TO ALGIERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AGREEMENT REACHED THROUGH THE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE RED CROSS."} {"rcid":2575,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/79B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"TO CONFIRM THAT THE GENEVA CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE PROTECTION OF CIVILIAN PERSONS IN TIME OF WAR (AUGUST 12, 1949) APPLIES TO PALESTINIAN AND OTHER ARAB TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL SINCE 1967, INCLUDING JERUSALEM, AND TO DENOUNCE ISRAEL"} {"rcid":2576,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/79C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE","descr":"TO DECLARE ISRAELI ACTIONS IN ARAB TERRITORIES IN VIOLATION OF THE PERTINENT PROVISIONS OF THE GENEVA CONVENTION AND A SERIOUS THREAT TO LASTING PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST."} {"rcid":2577,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/79D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ORDER ISRAEL TO PERMIT THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE ISRAELI PRACTICES AFFECTING THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF THE POPULATION OF THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES ACCESS TO THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, TO CONDEMN ISRAELI PRACTICES SUCH AS CONFISCATION OF P"} {"rcid":2578,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/79E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, HEBRON, HALHUL","descr":"TO CALL FOR ISRAEL TO RESCIND THE ILLEGAL EXPULSION AND IMPRISONMENT OF THE MAYORS OF HEBRON AND HALHUL AND THE EXPULSION OF THE SHARIA JUDGE OF HEBRON AND TO RETURN THE EXPELLED PALESTINIAN LEADERS AT ONCE."} {"rcid":2579,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/79F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GOLAN HEIGHTS","descr":"TO CONDEMN ISRAELI ACTIVITIES IN THE SYRIAN GOLAN HEIGHTS AND TO DECLARE ALL LAWS IMPOSED NULL AND VOID."} {"rcid":2580,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/79G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, PALESTINIAN STUDENTS","descr":"TO DENOUNCE ISRAELI PRACTICES AGAINST PALESTINIAN STUDENTS AND FACULTY AND TO CONDEMN THE RESTRICTIONS IMPOSED BY ISRAEL ON ACADEMIC FREEDOMS IN OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN ISRAEL."} {"rcid":2581,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/79H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS","descr":"TO DEMAND THAT ISRAEL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO PROSECUTE THOSE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS AGAINST THE MAYORS OF NABLUS, RAMALLAH AND AL BIREH."} {"rcid":2582,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/80","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"OUTER SPACE, PEACEFUL USES","descr":"TO EXPRESS APPROVAL OF THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE PEACEFUL USES OF OUTER SPACE, TO REQUEST THE LEGAL SUB-COMMITTEE TO EXAMINE LEGAL IMPLICATIONS OF REMOTE SENSING OF THE EARTH FROM SPACE AND TO SET UP A WORKING GROUP TO STUDY ASPECTS OF"} {"rcid":2583,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/81","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PEACEKEEPING","descr":"TO STATE THE CONVICTION THAT THE PEACE-KEEPING FUNCTION OF THE UNITED NATIONS IS AN ESSENTIAL COMPONENT OF ITS ROLE IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, THOUGH NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES, AND TO ASK THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON PEACE"} {"rcid":2584,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/82B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WORLD INFORMATION ORDER","descr":"TO CALL FOR THE COMMITTEE ON INFORMATION TO ENCOURAGE THE CREATION OF A NEW, MORE EFFECTIVE WORLD INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION ORDER WITH THE HELP OF OTHER UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATIONS AND TO REAFFIRM THE IMPORTANCE OF THE ROLE OF UN PUBLIC IN"} {"rcid":2585,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/83A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES","descr":"TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT REPATRIATION OF PALESTINE REFUGEES HAS NOT YET BEEN IMPLEMENTED, TO STRESS THE SERIOUS FINANCIAL SITUATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST, AND TO ASK ALL STATES FOR FINA"} {"rcid":2586,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/83D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS","descr":"TO APPEAL TO ALL STATES FOR FINANCIAL AID TO PALESTINE REFUGEES TO BE USED FOR GRANTS, SCHOLARSHIPS, AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTERS."} {"rcid":2587,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/83E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GAZA STRIP, REFUGEES","descr":"TO ORDER AGAIN THAT ISRAEL STOP REMOVING AND RESETTLING PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE GAZA STRIP."} {"rcid":2588,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/83F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNRWA","descr":"TO ASK ALL STATES TO MAKE CONTRIBUTIONS TO MEET THE INTERRUPTED NEEDS OF THE UN RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES AND TO URGE THE COMMISSIONER-GENERAL OF THE AGENCY TO RESUME THE INTERRUPTED GENERAL RATION DISTRIBUTION TO PALESTINE"} {"rcid":2589,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/83G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRIROTIES","descr":"TO CALL UPON ISRAEL TO ALLOW ALL DISPLACED INHABITANTS IN THEIR OCCUPIED TERRITORIES TO RETURN HOME AND TO CEASE ACTIONS THAT INFRINGE UPON THE RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS OF THOSE INHABITANTS."} {"rcid":2590,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/83H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, ARAB PROPERTY","descr":"TO AUTHORIZE THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO TAKE MEASURES DESIGNED TO PROTECT ARAB PROPERTY, ASSETS AND PROPERTY RIGHTS IN ISRAEL AND TO CREATE A FUND FROM THE DERIVED INCOME FOR THE RIGHTFUL OWNERS."} {"rcid":2591,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/83I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, REFUGEES","descr":"TO ASK ISRAEL AGAIN TO RELEASE ALL DETAINED PALESTINE REFUGEES, TO ASK THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO SAFEGUARD THE RIGHTS OF THOSE REFUGEES, TO ORDER ISRAEL TO ALLOW REFUGEES IN LEBANON TO RETURN TO THEIR CAMPS AND TO PERMIT THE ADMINISTRATION OF HE"} {"rcid":2592,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/83J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, RESETTLEMENT","descr":"TO URGE ISRAEL NOT TO REMOVE OR RESETTLE PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE WEST BANK NOR TO DESTROY THEIR CAMPS AND TO ASK THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO REPORT ON THIS MATTER."} {"rcid":2593,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/83K","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, PALESTINIAN STUDENTS","descr":"TO STRESS THE NECESSITY OF STRENGTHENING THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN ARAB TERRITORIES, INCLUDING JERUSALEM, OCCUPIED SINCE 1967, TO ASK THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO UNDERTAKE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM, AND TO CAUTION ISRAEL NOT"} {"rcid":2594,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-02","unres":"R/38/85","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, CANAL PROJECT","descr":"TO DEMAND THAT ISRAEL NOT CONSTRUCT THE PROPOSED CANAL LINKING THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA TO THE DEAD SEA AS IT WOULD CONSTITUTE A VIOLATION OF INTERNATIONAL LAW."} {"rcid":2595,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/144","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"TO UNDERSCORE THE RIGHT OF THE PALESTINIAN AND OTHER ARAB COUNTRIES UNDER ISRAELI OCCUPATION TO CONTROL THEIR OWN NATURAL RESOURCES, TO DENOUNCE ISRAEL FOR EXPLOITING THESE RESOURCES, AND TO DEMAND RESTITUTION FOR LOSS OF THEM."} {"rcid":2596,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/145","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"TO ENDORSE A PROGRAMME OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL ASSISTANCE TO BENEFIT THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE, TO CONVENE A MEETING IN 1984 TO COORDINATE THIS PROGRAMME TO WHICH THE PALESTINE LIBERATION ORGANIZATION AND ARAB HOST COUNTRIES SHALL BE INVITED."} {"rcid":2597,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/150","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"AFRICA, TRANSPORT/COMMUNICATIONS","descr":"TO NOTE THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS DECADE IN AFRICA AND TO ASK THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY OF THE ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA TO SECURE FINANCES FOR IMPLEMENTING THE PROGRAMME FOR THE DECADE."} {"rcid":2598,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/154","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY","descr":"TO CALL FOR THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO CREATE AN INTER-AGENCY GROUP OF REPRESENTATIVES FROM APPROPRIATE ORGANIZATIONS WITHIN THE UNITED NATIONS TO STUDY THE ISSUE OF REVERSE TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY."} {"rcid":2599,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/162","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"REMNANTS OF WAR","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO ENCOURAGE STATES TO HOLD BILATERAL CONSULTATIONS IN ORDER TO COME TO AGREEMENTS ON THE QUESTION OF REMNANTS OF WAR."} {"rcid":2600,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/166","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, LIVING CONDITIONS","descr":"TO NOTE THE EFFECTS OF ISRAELI OCCUPATION ON THE LIVING CONDITIONS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE AND TO REQUEST ISRAEL TO GIVE THE UNITED NATIONS ACCESS TO THE OCCUPIED TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":2601,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/174","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LAND LOCKED COUNTRIES","descr":"TO REQUEST ALL STATES TO CONSIDER THE SPECIAL PROBLEMS FACING LAND-LOCKED DEVELOPING COUNTRIES IN THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL AREAS."} {"rcid":2602,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/177","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND RESEARCH","descr":"TO COMMEND THE EMPHASIS OF THE UNITED NATIONS INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND RESEARCH ON ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING AND TO ASK ALL STATES TO CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE INSTITUTE FINANCIALLY."} {"rcid":2603,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/196","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC COOPERATION","descr":"TO ASK THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO CONSULT WITH ALL STATES AND UN ORGANIZATIONS, ESPECIALLY THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT, ON WAYS TO BUILD CONFIDENCE WHICH WOULD LEAD TO INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC COOPERATION."} {"rcid":2604,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/197","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ECONOMIC COERCION","descr":"TO DENOUNCE THE USE BY DEVELOPED COUNTRIES OF ECONOMIC COERCION SUCH AS BLOCKADES AND EMBARGOES AGAINST DEVELOPING NATIONS."} {"rcid":2605,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/202","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISASTER PREPAREDNESS","descr":"TO ACCEPT THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON BUILDING THE CAPACITY OF THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM TO REACT TO NATURAL DISASTERS AND OTHER DISASTER SITUATIONS, TO ACKNOWLEDGE THE IMPORTANCE OF DISASTER PREPAREDNESS AND PREVENTION, AND TO SET T"} {"rcid":2606,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-11-05","unres":"R/38/17","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO CONDEMN THE OCCUPYING POWERS THAT CONTINUE TO DOMINATE STATES STRUGGLING FOR TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY AND INDEPENDENCE, TO REASSERT THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OF NAMIBIA AND PALESTINE TO PURSUE SELF-DETERMINATION, TO DENOUNCE ACTS OF AGGRESSION CA"} {"rcid":2607,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-11-05","unres":"R/38/19","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, CONVENTION","descr":"TO NOTE THE REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE SUPPRESSION AND PUNISHMENT OF THE CRIME OF APARTHEID AND TO ASK ALL STATES WHO HAVE NOT YET RATIFIED THE CONVENTION TO DO SO."} {"rcid":2608,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-11-05","unres":"R/38/25","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ACCEPT THE SECRETARY-GENERAL'S REPORT ON NATIONAL EXPERIENCE IN ACHIEVING FAR-REACHING SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CHANGES FOR THE PURPOSE OF SOCIAL PROGRESS AND TO ASSERT THE RIGHT OF PEOPLE IN ALL STATES TO CHOOSE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SYSTEMS FREEL"} {"rcid":2609,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-03","unres":"R/38/100","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, GUATEMALA","descr":"TO EXPRESS CONCERN OVER THE SITUATION IN GUATEMALA AND TO CALL FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF GUATEMALA TO CEASE ITS VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND ITS COERCIVE PRACTICES."} {"rcid":2610,"session":38,"importantvote":1,"date":"1983-12-03","unres":"R/38/101","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, EL SALVADOR","descr":"TO EXPRESS CONCERN THAT INFRINGEMENTS OF HUMAN RIGHTS ARE CONTINUING IN EL SALVADOR, TO SUGGEST THAT NECESSARY ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL REFORMS BE IMPLEMENTED TO RESOLVE THE BASIC INTERNAL CONFLICT THERE, TO URGE THE GOVERNMENT TO PROCEED TOWARD A C"} {"rcid":2611,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-03","unres":"R/38/102","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILE","descr":"TO REITERATE THE CONVICTION THAT HUMAN RIGHTS ARE BEING VIOLATED IN CHILE AND TO APPEAL TO CHILEAN AUTHORITIES TO REMEDY THE SITUATION."} {"rcid":2612,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-03","unres":"R/38/107","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROSTITUTION","descr":"TO CALL FOR MEMBER STATES TO TAKE APPROPRIATE STEPS TO END PROSTITUTION AND ALL FORMS OF TRAFFIC IN PERSONS AND TO ASK CONCERNED ORGANIZATIONS WITHIN THE UNITED NATIONS TO FOCUS ON THIS PROBLEM."} {"rcid":2613,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-03","unres":"R/38/108","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DECADE FOR WOMEN","descr":"TO ACCEPT THE OFFER OF THE GOVERNMENT OF KENYA TO HOLD AT NAIROBI IN 1985 THE WORLD CONFERENCE TO REVIEW AND APPRAISE THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE UNITED NATIONS DECADE FOR WOMEN, AND TO ASK FOR ATTENTION TO BE DEVOTED TO THE PROBLEMS OF WOMEN IN TE"} {"rcid":2614,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-03","unres":"R/38/112","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PEACE, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY","descr":"TO UNDERSCORE THE IMPORTANCE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE USE OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS IN THE INTERESTS OF PEACE AND FOR THE BENEFIT OF MANKIND AND TO REQUEST ALL STATES TO USE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL DIS"} {"rcid":2615,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-03","unres":"R/38/113","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RIGHT TO LIFE","descr":"TO STATE THE CONVICTION THAT ALL PEOPLE HAVE AN INALIENABLE RIGHT TO LIFE AND THAT PRESERVING THAT RIGHT IS ESSENTIAL AND TO EMPHASIZE THE NEED TO ELIMINATE THE THREAT OF WAR AND TO MAKE PEACEFUL USE OF TECHNOLOGY."} {"rcid":2616,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-03","unres":"R/38/124","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS SITUATIONS","descr":"TO ASK THE COMMISSION ON HUMAN RIGHTS TO PURSUE ITS AIM OF FOSTERING HUMAN RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS AND TO EXPRESS CONCERN OVER THE DISPARITY BETWEEN THE PRINCIPLES OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE ACTUAL SITUATIONS IN VARIOUS PARTS OF THE WORLD."} {"rcid":2617,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-01","unres":"R/38/49","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES","descr":"TO ACCEPT THE CHAPTER RELATING TO NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES IN THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON THE SITUATION WITH REGARD TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES REPORT AND TO ASK"} {"rcid":2618,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-01","unres":"R/38/50","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DEPENDENT TERRITORIES, EXPLOITATION","descr":"TO CONDEMN GOVERNMENTS THAT CONTINUE TO EXPLOIT PEOPLES OF DEPENDENT TERRITORIES, TO DENOUNCE GOVERNMENTS THAT COLLABORATE WITH SOUTH AFRICA, PARTICULARLY IN THE AREA OF NUCLEAR ASSISTANCE, AND TO EXPRESS CONCERN ABOUT THE CURTAILMENT OF HUMAN"} {"rcid":2619,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-01","unres":"R/38/51","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"TO REASSERT THE IMPORTANCE OF COOPERATION IN IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES, TO DENOUNCE THE TIES BETWEEN THE INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND AND SOUTH AFRICA, AND TO URGE APPROPR"} {"rcid":2620,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-03","unres":"R/38/35A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE","descr":"TO SET ASIDE $17 MILLION FOR THE OPERATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE FROM JUNE 1 TO NOVEMBER 30, 1983 AND THE SAME AMOUNT FROM DECEMBER 1, 1983 TO MAY 31, 1984 AND TO UNDERSCORE THE NEED FOR VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS TO T"} {"rcid":2621,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-03","unres":"R/38/35B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO SUSPEND PROVISIONS OF THE FINANCIAL REGULATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS TO EASE THE PRESSING FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES OF THE UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE AND THE UNITED NATIONS DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE."} {"rcid":2622,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/38","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"TO APPROPRIATE MONIES FOR FINANCING THE UNITED NATIONS INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON."} {"rcid":2623,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/226","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, 1982-1983","descr":"TO APPROVE THE PROGRAMME BUDGET FOR THE BIENNIUM 1982-1983."} {"rcid":2624,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/228A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"POSTAGE STAMPS","descr":"TO RESOLVE TO SET ASIDE ONE HALF OF THE NET INCOME FROM THE SALE OF POSTAGE STAMPS ON THE CONSERVATION AND PROTECTION OF NATURE FOR THE UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME TO FUND PROJECTS DEALING WITH CONSERVATION AND PROTECTION OF ENDANGERED"} {"rcid":2625,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/232","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE","descr":"TO ASK ALL ORGANIZATIONS CONCERNED TO IMPLEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION, TO CALL FOR ALL ORGANIZATIONS WITHIN THE COMMON SYSTEM TO TRANSMIT TO THE COMMISSION ISSUES CONCERNED WITH SALARIES, ALLOWANCES, BENE"} {"rcid":2626,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/233","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PENSIONS","descr":"TO CALL FOR THE UNITED NATIONS JOINT STAFF PENSION BOARD TO MOVE TOWARD REDUCING OR ELIMINATING THE ACTUARIAL IMBALANCE OF THE PENSION FUND, TO SCHEDULE A REVIEW OF PENSIONABLE REMUNERATION FOR PROFESSIONAL AND HIGHER CATEGORIES, AND TO APPROVE"} {"rcid":2627,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/234/XII","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LANGUAGE TEACHERS","descr":"TO APPROVE THE PROPOSALS OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE CONTRACTUAL STATUS OF LANGUAGE TEACHERS."} {"rcid":2628,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/235","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HEALTH INSURANCE","descr":"TO DECIDE THAT FOR DETERMINING HEALTH INSURANCE CONTRIBUTIONS A MAXIMUM RATIO OF 2 TO 1 BETWEEN THE SHARE OF THE ORGANIZATION AND THE CONTRIBUTOR WILL BE USED EXPERIMENTALLY UNTIL THE REPORT OF THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ON THIS"} {"rcid":2629,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/236A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, 1984-1985","descr":"TO APPROVE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE PROGRAMME BUDGET FOR THE BIENNIUM 1984-1985."} {"rcid":2630,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/236C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, 1984","descr":"TO APPROVE FINANCING OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE YEAR 1984."} {"rcid":2631,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/237","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, 1984-1985","descr":"TO EMPOWER THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO MAKE COMMITMENTS IN THE BIENNIUM 1984-1985 TO MEET UNFORESEEN AND EXTRAORDINARY EXPENSES OCCURRING DURING OR SUBSEQUENT TO THAT BIENNIUM AND TO ASK THAT A REPORT ON ALL SUCH COMMITMENTS BE SUBMITTED TO THE GE"} {"rcid":2632,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/238","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WORKING CAPITAL FUND, 1984","descr":"TO ESTABLISH THE WORKING CAPITAL FUND FOR 1984-1985 AT $US 100 MILLION AND TO REQUEST MEMBER STATES TO MAKE ADVANCES TO THE FUND ACCORDING TO THE SCALE ADOPTED FOR CONTRIBUTIONS OF MEMBER STATES TO THE BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1984."} {"rcid":2633,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/239","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"PENSION, ICJ","descr":"TO AMEND THE PENSION SCHEME REGULATIONS FOR MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE."} {"rcid":2634,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/128","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND RESEARCH","descr":"TO CALL FOR THE UNITED NATIONS INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND RESEARCH TO PREPARE THE FINAL PHASE OF ITS ANALYTICAL STUDY ON THE PROGRESSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRINCIPLES AND NORMS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW RELATING TO THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORD"} {"rcid":2635,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/132","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION","descr":"TO REQUEST THE INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION TO PURSUE ITS WORK ON THE DRAFT CODE OF OFFENCES AGAINST THE PEACE AND SECURITY OF MANKIND."} {"rcid":2636,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-06","unres":"R/38/133","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-USE OF FORCE","descr":"TO REVIEW THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON ENHANCING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PRINCIPLE OF NON-USE OF FORCE IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND TO REQUEST THE COMMITTEE TO DRAFT A TREATY ON THE NON-USE OF FORCE."} {"rcid":2637,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-01","unres":"R/38/416","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SAINT HELENA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT A DECISION ON THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE FOURTH COMMITTEE THAT THE PEOPLE OF ST. HELENA HAVE AN INALIENABLE RIGHT TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE."} {"rcid":2638,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-01","unres":"R/38/419","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE","descr":"TO DENOUNCE THE COLONIAL POWERS FOR MILITARY ACIVITIES AND ARRANGEMENTS WHICH HINDER THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES AND TO DEMAND THE IMMEDIATE TERMINATION OF THE ACTS OF"} {"rcid":2639,"session":38,"importantvote":0,"date":"1983-12-07","unres":"R/38/451","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE","descr":"TO AMEND AN ARTICLE OF THE STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION TO STATE THAT NO MEMBER OF THE COMMISSION MAY PARTICIPATE IN ANOTHER ORGANIZATION OR AGENCY ON A MATTER WITHIN THE COMPETENCE OF THE COMMISSION WITHOUT PERMISSION."} {"rcid":2640,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-09-05","unres":"R/39/2","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SITUATION","descr":"TO REVIEW THE SITUATION IN SOUTH AFRICA, REJECT THE SO-CALLED \\NEW CONSTITUTION\\\\, CONDEMN THE SOUTH AFRICAN GOVERNMENT FOR DEFYING UN RESOLUTIONS, AND TO URGE ALL GOVERNMENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS TO TAKE APPROPRIATE ACTION IN ASSISTING THE PEOPLE\""} {"rcid":2641,"session":39,"importantvote":1,"date":"1984-10-04","unres":"R/39/5","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"KAMPUCHEA","descr":"TO REVIEW THE SITUATION IN KAMPUCHEA AND REAFFIRM THE CONVICTION THAT THE WITHDRAWL OF ALL FOREIGN FORCES FROM KAMPUCHEA IS NEEDED."} {"rcid":2642,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-11-02","unres":"R/39/6","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FALKLAND ISLANDS","descr":"TO REVIEW THE QUESTION OF THE FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS) AND REQUEST THE GOVERNMENTS OF ARGENTINA AND THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND TO REACH A PEACEFUL SOLUTION TO THE DISPUTE."} {"rcid":2643,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-11-02","unres":"R/39/9","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N., LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES","descr":"TO STRENGTHEN CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE UNITED NATIONS AND THE LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES."} {"rcid":2644,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-11-06","unres":"R/39/11","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RIGHT OF PEOPLES TO PEACE","descr":"TO APPROVE THE DECLARATION OF THE RIGHT OF PEOPLES TO PEACE AND REQUEST WIDE DISSEMINATION OF THE DECLARATION TO GOVERNMENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS."} {"rcid":2645,"session":39,"importantvote":1,"date":"1984-11-02","unres":"R/39/13","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"AFGHANISTAN","descr":"TO REVIEW THE SITUATION IN AFGHANISTAN AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY."} {"rcid":2646,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-11-03","unres":"R/39/14","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, ACTIONS AGAINST IRAQ","descr":"TO CONDEMN ARMED ISRAELI AGGRESSION AGAINST THE IRAQI NUCLEAR INSTALLATIONS AND NOTE ITS GRAVE CONSEQUENCES FOR THE ESTABLISHED INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM CONCERNING THE PEACEFUL USES OF NUCLEAR ENERGY, THE NON-PROLIFERATION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND IN"} {"rcid":2647,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/48","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COMOROS, MAYOTTE","descr":"TO REVIEW THE QUESTION OF THE COMORIAN ISLAND OF MAYOTTE AND REAFFIRM THE SOVEREIGNTY OF THE ISLAMIC FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF THE COMOROS OVER THE ISLAND OF MAYOTTE."} {"rcid":2648,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/49A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO ENDORSE THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE EXERCISE OF THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF THE PALESTINIAN RIGHTS."} {"rcid":2649,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/49B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO REQUEST THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO ENSURE THE CONTINUED CO-OPERATION OF ITS UNITS WITH THE DIVISION OF PALESTINIAN RIGHTS, INVITE ALL GOVERNMENTS AND ORGANIZATIONS TO LEND THEIR CO-OPERATION AND APPRECIATE ACTIONS BY MEMBER STATES TO OBSERVE A"} {"rcid":2650,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/49C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"TO REQUEST THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC INFORMATION DISSEMINATE ALL INFORMATION ON THE ACTIVITIES OF THE UN SYSTEMS RELATING TO PALESTINE, EXPAND AND UPDATE MATERIALS RELEASED ABOUT THE FACTS PERTAINING TO PALESTINE, PUBLISH ARTICLES ABOUT ISRAELI"} {"rcid":2651,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/49D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE","descr":"TO REAFFIRM ITS ENDORSEMENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL PEACE CONFERENCE ON THE MIDDLE EAST AND EXPRESS REGRET THAT THE GOVERNMENTS OF ISRAEL AND THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ARE NOT WILLING TO PARTICIPATE."} {"rcid":2652,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/50A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, OCCUPATION","descr":"TO CONDEMN THE ILLEGAL OCCUPATION OF NAMIBIA BY SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2653,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/50B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SECURITY COUNCIL","descr":"TO DEMAND THAT THE SOUTH AFRICAN GOVERNMENT FULLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY COMPLY WITH THE RESOLUTIONS OF THE SECURITY COUNCIL AND REQUESTS THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO EXERCISE ITS AUTHORITY WITH REGARD TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ITS RESOLUTIONS."} {"rcid":2654,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/50C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, U.N. COUNCIL","descr":"TO SUPPORT THE REPORT OF THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA AND REQUEST ALL MEMBER-STATES TO CO-OPERATE FULLY."} {"rcid":2655,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/50D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, INFORMATION","descr":"TO REQUEST DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION AND MOBILIZATION OF INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC OPINION IN SUPPORT OF NAMIBIA."} {"rcid":2656,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/50E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAMIBIA, U.N. COUNCIL","descr":"TO ALLOW THE UNITED NATIONS COUNCIL FOR NAMIBIA TO REMAIN IN CHARGE OF THE UNITED NATIONS FUND FOR NAMIBIA, INVITE NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AND INSTITUTIONS TO MAKE VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE FUND AND EXPRESS APPRECIATION FOR CONTRIBUTIONS RE"} {"rcid":2657,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-04","unres":"R/39/72A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"TO CALL FOR COMPREHENSIVE SANCTIONS AGAINST THE POLICY OF APARTHEID AND SUPPORT OF THE LIBERATION STRUGGLE IN SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2658,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-04","unres":"R/39/72B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, COMMITTEE","descr":"TO ENDORSE THE RECOMMENDATIONS IN THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE AGAINST APARTHEID, ALLOCATE MONEY TO THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE FOR THE COST OF SPECIAL PROJECTS TO PROMOTE AN INTERNATIONAL CAMPAIGN AGAINST APARTHEID AND REQUEST VOLUNTARY CONTR"} {"rcid":2659,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-04","unres":"R/39/72C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISRAEL","descr":"TO CONDEMN THE CONTINUING AND INCREASING COLLABORATION OF ISRAEL WITH SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2660,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-04","unres":"R/39/72D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, SPORTS CONVENTION","descr":"TO AUTHORIZE THE DRAFTING OF AN INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION AGAINST APARTHEID IN SPORTS."} {"rcid":2661,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-04","unres":"R/39/72E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, PUBLIC OPINION","descr":"TO ENCOURAGE ACTIVITIES DESIGNED TO INFORM WORLD PUBLIC OPINION OF THE SITUATION IN SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2662,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-04","unres":"R/39/72G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, ELIMINATION","descr":"TO CALL FOR CONCERTED INTERNATIONAL ACTION FOR THE ELIMINATION OF APARTHIED."} {"rcid":2663,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-04","unres":"R/39/73","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"TO CALL UPON ALL STATES TO RATIFY THE UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON THE LAW OF THE SEA AS SOON AS POSSIBLE."} {"rcid":2664,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/91","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO IMPLEMENT THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES."} {"rcid":2665,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/92","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DECOLONIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"TO REQUEST THE DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION ON DECOLONIZATION."} {"rcid":2666,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/93","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, ANNIVERSARY","descr":"TO APPROVE THE PROGRAMME OF ACTIVITIES IN OBSERVANCE OF THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES."} {"rcid":2667,"session":39,"importantvote":1,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/146A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRIROTIES","descr":"TO CONDEMN ISRAEL'S FAILURE TO WITHDRAW FROM PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":2668,"session":39,"importantvote":1,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/146B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRIROTIES","descr":"TO DECLARE ISRAELI POLICIES ON THE OCCCUPATION OF ARAB TERRITORIES ILLEGAL AND URGE NATIONS TO SEVER RELATIONS WITH ISRAEL."} {"rcid":2669,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/146C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MIDDLE EAST, RESOLUTIONS","descr":"TO CALL UPON STATES TO ABIDE BY UN RESOLUTIONS REGARDING THE MIDDLE EAST."} {"rcid":2670,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/161B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N., 40TH ANNIVERSARY","descr":"TO OBSERVE THE FORTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":2671,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/51","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"TO IMPLEMENT THE RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE SIGNATURE AND RATIFICATION OF ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL I OF THE TREATY FOR THE PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS IN LATIN AMERICA (TREATY OF TLATELOLCO)."} {"rcid":2672,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/52","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CESSATION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO URGE ALL TEST EXPLOSIONS OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS TO CEASE."} {"rcid":2673,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/53","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COMPREHENSIVE TEST-BAN-TREATY","descr":"TO EXPRESS THE URGENT NEED FOR A COMPREHENSIVE NUCLEAR-TEST-BAN TREATY."} {"rcid":2674,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/55","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"TO CALL FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE IN SOUTH ASIA."} {"rcid":2675,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/57","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"TO CALL FOR THE CONCLUSION OF AN INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE STRENGTHENING OF THE SECURITY OF NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES AGAINST THE USE OR THREAT OF USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2676,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/58","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"TO CALL FOR THE CONCLUSION OF EFFECTIVE INTERNATIONAL ARRANGEMENTS TO ASSURE NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES AGAINST THE USE OR THREAT OF USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2677,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/59","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"TO REQUEST A CONFERENCE TO CONSIDER THE PREVENTION OF AN ARMS RACE IN OUTER SPACE."} {"rcid":2678,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/60","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CESSATION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"TO IMPLEMENT A RESOLUTION ON THE IMMEDIATE CESSATION AND PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR-WEAPON TESTS."} {"rcid":2679,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/61A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, AFRICA","descr":"TO IMPLEMENT THE DECLARATION ON THE DENUCLEARIZATION OF AFRICA."} {"rcid":2680,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/61B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"TO CONDEMN THE NUCLEAR CAPABILITY OF SOUTH AFRICA AND EXPRESS SUPPORT FOR THE AFRICAN STATES FACED WITH THE DANGER OF SOUTH AFRICA'S NUCLEAR CAPABILITY."} {"rcid":2681,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/62","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WEAPONS OF MASS-DESTRUCTION","descr":"TO PROHIBIT THE DEVELOPMENT AND MANUFACTURE OF NEW TYPES OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION AND NEW SYSTEMS OF SUCH WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2682,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/63A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE IMPORTANCE OF THE WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN."} {"rcid":2683,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/63C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"TO URGE A NUCLEAR-WEAPONS FREEZE BETWEEN THE USSR AND THE US."} {"rcid":2684,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/63D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN","descr":"TO COMMEND THE WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN AND THE WIDE DISSEMINATION ON QUESTIONS OF ARMS LIMITATION AND DISARMAMENT."} {"rcid":2685,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/63G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"TO URGE ALL NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES TO AGREE TO A FREEZE ON NUCLEAR WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2686,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/63H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR USE","descr":"TO REQUEST A CONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF THE USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2687,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/63K","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT, INTERNATIONAL SECURITY","descr":"TO CALL UPON THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO CALL FOR DISARMAMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL SECURITY."} {"rcid":2688,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/64B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MILITARY BUDGETS, REDUCTIONS","descr":"TO STRESS THE REDUCTION OF MILITARY BUDGETS AND RECOMMEND THAT ALL MEMBER STATES REPORT ANNUALLY THEIR MILITARY EXPENDITURES FOR THE LATEST FISCAL YEAR."} {"rcid":2689,"session":39,"importantvote":1,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/65A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS","descr":"TO CALL FOR STRICT OBSERVANCE OF PROHIBITIONS ON CHEMICAL AND BACTERIOLOGICAL (BIOLOGICAL) WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2690,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/65B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS CONFERENCE","descr":"TO CALL FOR THE CONCLUSION OF A CONFERENCE ON THE PROHIBITION CHEMICAL AND BACTERIOLOGICAL WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2691,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/65E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS","descr":"TO APPROVE THE IMPLEMENTATION OF RESOLUTIONS REGARDING CHEMICAL AND BACTERIOLOGICAL WEAPONS."} {"rcid":2692,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/147","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, NUCLEAR ARMAMENTS","descr":"TO CONDEMN ISRAELI NUCLEAR ARMAMENT AND REQUEST THAT URGENT AND EFFECTIVE MEASURES BE TAKEN TO ENSURE THAT ISRAEL PLACES ALL ITS NUCLEAR FACILITIES UNDER INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY SAFEGUARDS."} {"rcid":2693,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/148A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"UNILATERAL NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO NOTE WITH SATISFACTION THE STUDY ON UNILATERAL NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT MEASURES."} {"rcid":2694,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/148B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"US-USSR, NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"TO URGE THE USSR AND THE US TO RESUME BILATERAL NUCLEAR ARMS NEGOTIATIONS."} {"rcid":2695,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/148C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CESSATION, ARMS RACE","descr":"TO STRESS THE SERIOUS THREAT OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS TO MANKIND AND CALL FOR NEGOTIATIONS ON THE CESSATION OF THE NUCLEAR ARMS RACE."} {"rcid":2696,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/148D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR NON-USE","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE NON-USE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND THE PREVENTION OF NUCLEAR WAR (AN ARCTIC NUCLEAR WINTER)."} {"rcid":2697,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/148E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION","descr":"TO REQUEST THE PROHIBITION OF THE DEVELOPMENT, PRODUCTION, STOCKPILING, DEPLOYMENT AND USE OF THE NUCLEAR NEUTRON WEAPON."} {"rcid":2698,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/148F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR WAR, CLIMATE","descr":"TO RECOGNIZE THE CLIMATIC EFFECTS OF NUCLEAR WAR."} {"rcid":2699,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/148G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"US-USSR, NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"TO URGE AGAIN THE USSR AND THE US CONSIDER BILATERAL NUCLEAR-ARMS NEGOTIATIONS."} {"rcid":2700,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/148H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT RESEARCH","descr":"TO APPROVE THE STATUTE OF THE UNITED NATIONS INSTITUTE FOR DISARMAMENT RESEARCH."} {"rcid":2701,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/148J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT WEEK","descr":"TO EXPRESS ITS APPRECIATION TO ALL STATES FOR THEIR PARTICIPATION IN DISARMAMENT WEEK."} {"rcid":2702,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/148K","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CESSATION, ARMS RACE","descr":"TO CALL FOR THE CESSATION OF THE NUCLEAR-ARMS RACE AND NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT."} {"rcid":2703,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/148L","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TENTH SPECIAL SESSION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO IMPLEMENT THE RECOMMENDATIONS AND DECISIONS OF THE TENTH SPECIAL SESSION."} {"rcid":2704,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/148M","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"TO CALL FOR INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION FOR DISARMAMENT AND STRESS THE IMPORTANCE OF THE UN IN MAINTAINING INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY."} {"rcid":2705,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/148N","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT CONFERENCE","descr":"TO CALL UPON THE CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT TO INTENSIFY ITS WORK."} {"rcid":2706,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/148O","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TENTH SPECIAL SESSION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO IMPLEMENT THE RECOMMENDATIONS AND DECISIONS OF THE TENTH SPECIAL SESSION."} {"rcid":2707,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/148P","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISARMAMENT CONFERENCE, MANDATE","descr":"TO REQUEST THE CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT TO CONSIDER THE PREVENTION OF NUCLEAR WAR ITS HIGHEST PRIORITY."} {"rcid":2708,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/151A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ENVIRONMENTAL MODIFICATION","descr":"TO REVIEW THE CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIES TO THE CONVENTION ON THE PROHIBITION OF MILITARY OR ANY OTHER HOSTILE USE OF ENVIRONMENTAL MODIFICATION TECHNIQUES."} {"rcid":2709,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/151B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NUCLEAR WEAPON FREE ZONES","descr":"TO REQUEST THE STUDY OF THE QUESTION OF NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONES IN ALL ITS ASPECTS."} {"rcid":2710,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/151D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"TO URGE ONCE AGAIN THE USSR AND THE US TO NEGOTIATE A NUCLEAR-WEAPON FREEZE."} {"rcid":2711,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/151E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ARMS LIMITATIONS","descr":"TO CALL FOR THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM TO THE CAUSE OF ARMS LIMITATION AND DISARMAMENT."} {"rcid":2712,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/151F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MILITARY RESEARCH, STUDY","descr":"TO REQUEST THE FINAL REPORT ON THE STUDY OF MILITARY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT."} {"rcid":2713,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/151H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FISSIONABLE MATERIAL","descr":"TO CONSIDER THE PROHIBITION OF THE PRODUCTION OF FISSIONABLE MATERIAL FOR WEAPONS PURPOSES."} {"rcid":2714,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/151I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NAVAL DISARMAMENT","descr":"TO URGE THE LIMITATION AND REDUCTION OF NAVAL ARMAMENTS AND EXTENSION OF CONFIDENCE-BUILDING MEASURES TO SEAS AND OCEANS."} {"rcid":2715,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/155","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL SECURITY","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE DECLARATION ON THE STRENGTHENING OF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND TO URGE ALL STATES TO ABIDE BY THEIR COMMITMENT TO THE UN CHARTER IN THEIR RELATIONS WITH OTHER COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":2716,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/157","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"LIFE IN PEACE","descr":"TO IMPLEMENT THE DECLARATION ON THE PREPARATION OF SOCIETIES FOR LIFE IN PEACE."} {"rcid":2717,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/158","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COLLECTIVE SECURITY, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO IMPLEMENT THE COLLECTIVE SECURITY PROVISIONS OF THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF INTERNATIONAL PEACE AND SECURITY."} {"rcid":2718,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/159","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"STATE TERRORISM","descr":"TO CONDEMN THE POLICY OF STATE TERRORISM AND ANY ACTIONS BY STATES AIMED AT UNDERMINING THE SOCIO-POLITICAL SYSTEM IN OTHER SOVEREIGN STATES."} {"rcid":2719,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/95A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, PRISONER RELEASE","descr":"TO DEMAND THE IMMEDIATE RELEASE OF ALL PRISONERS HELD BY ISRAEL."} {"rcid":2720,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/95B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"TO DEMAND ISRAEL ACKNOWLEDGE AND COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS OF GENEVA CONVENTION RELATIVE TO THE PROTECTION OF CIVILIZED PERSONS IN TIME OF WAR."} {"rcid":2721,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/95C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRIROTIES","descr":"TO DEMAND THAT ISRAEL DESIST FROM TAKING ANY ACTION WHICH WOULD CHANGE THE LEGAL STATUS, GEOGRAPHICAL NATURE OR DEMOGRAPHIC COMPOSITION OF THE ARAB TERRITORIES IT OCCUPIES."} {"rcid":2722,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/95D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRIROTIES","descr":"TO CONDEMN ISRAELI POLICIES AND PRACTICES RELATING TO OCCUPIED ARAB TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":2723,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/95E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, EXPELLED PALESTINIAN LEADERS","descr":"TO DEMAND THE IMMEDIATE RETURN, BY ISRAEL, OF EXPELLED PALESTINIAN LEADERS FROM ARAB TERRITORIES NOW OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL."} {"rcid":2724,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/95F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, SYRIA","descr":"TO STRONGLY CONDEMN ISRAEL FOR REFUSAL TO COMPLY WITH UN RESOLUTIONS, FOR ISRAEL'S ATTEMPTS TO IMPOSE ISRAELI CITIZENSHIP ON SYRIAN CITIZENS, AND FOR CHANGING THE STRUCTURE OF THE OCCUPIED TERRITORY."} {"rcid":2725,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/95G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, PALESTINIAN STUDENTS","descr":"TO CONDEMN ISRAELI POLICIES AGAINST PALESTINIAN STUDENTS AND FACULTIES IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":2726,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/95H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS","descr":"TO DEMAND ISRAEL REPORT THE RESULTS OF ITS INVESTIGATION INTO THE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS AGAINST EXPELLED PALESTINIAN LEADERS."} {"rcid":2727,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/98A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INFORMATION COMMITTEE","descr":"TO APPROVE OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THE COMMITTEE ON INFORMATION."} {"rcid":2728,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/98B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MASS MEDIA, COMMUNICATION","descr":"TO APPEAL TO MASS MEDIA ALL OVER THE WORLD TO EXPLORE ALL POSSIBLE AVENUES FOR MORE EQUITABLE INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION IN THE FIELD OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION."} {"rcid":2729,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/99A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES","descr":"TO REQUEST ASSISTANCE FOR PALESTINIAN REFUGEES AND DIRECT ATTENTION TO THE INSUFFICIENT FUNDS OF THE UN RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE NEAR EAST."} {"rcid":2730,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/99D","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS","descr":"TO REQUEST GRANTS AND SCHOLARSHIPS FOR HIGHER EDUCATION, INCLUDING VOCATIONAL TRAINING, FOR THE PALESTINIAN REFUGEES."} {"rcid":2731,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/99E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"GAZA STRIP, REFUGEES","descr":"TO DEMAND ISRAEL TO DESIST FROM THE REMOVAL AND RESETTLEMENT OF PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE GAZA STRIP AND FROM THE DESTRUCTION OF THEIR SHELTERS."} {"rcid":2732,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/99F","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, CONTRIBUTIONS","descr":"TO RESUME THE DISTRIBUTION OF RATIONS TO PALESTINE REFUGEES AND CALL UPON GOVERNMENTS TO CONTRIBUTE REGULARLY."} {"rcid":2733,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/99G","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, RIGHT OF RETURN","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHT OF ALL DISPLACED INHABITANTS TO RETURN TO THEIR HOMES IN THE TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL SINCE 1967."} {"rcid":2734,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/99H","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEE PROPERTY","descr":"TO ESTABLISH A FUND FOR THE RECEIPT OF REVENUES DERIVED FROM PALESTINE REFUGEE PROPERTIES ON THE BEHALF OF THE RIGHTFUL OWNERS."} {"rcid":2735,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/99I","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, SOUTH LEBANON","descr":"TO CALL FOR THE PROTECTION OF PALESTINE REFUGEES AND HOLD ISRAEL RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SECURITY OF THE PALESTINIAN REFUGEES IN OCCUPIED SOUTHERN LEBANON."} {"rcid":2736,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/99J","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, WEST BANK RESETTLEMENT","descr":"TO CALL UPON ISRAEL TO REFRAIN FROM THE REMOVAL AND RESETTLEMENT OF PALESTINE REFUGEES IN THE WEST BANK."} {"rcid":2737,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/99K","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"TO REQUEST THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF JERUSALEM FOR PALESTINE REFUGEES."} {"rcid":2738,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/101","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, CANAL PROJECT","descr":"TO DEMAND THAT ISRAEL NOT BUILD A CANAL LINKING THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA TO THE DEAD SEA."} {"rcid":2739,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/163","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ECONOMIC RIGHTS, REVIEW","descr":"TO REVIEW THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CHARTER OF ECONOMIC RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF STATES."} {"rcid":2740,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/167","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"REMNANTS OF WAR","descr":"TO NOTE THE REPORT ON THE PROBLEM OF REMNANTS OF WAR AND REITERATE SUPPORT OF DEVELOPING COUNTRIES AFFECTED BY THE PRESENCE OF REMNANTS OF WAR IN THEIR TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":2741,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/169","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, LIVING CONDITIONS","descr":"TO NOTE WITH CONCERN THE LIVING CONDITIONS OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE IN THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":2742,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/177","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND RESEARCH","descr":"TO REQUEST A STUDY ON THE LONG-TERM FINANCING AND THE FUTURE ROLE OF THE UNITED NATIONS INSTITUTE FOR TRAINING AND RESEARCH."} {"rcid":2743,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/210","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ECONOMIC COERCION","descr":"TO EXPRESS GRAVE CONCERN ABOUT ECONOMIC MEASURES AS A MEANS OF POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC COERCION AGAINST DEVOLOPING COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":2744,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/211","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TRANFER OF TECHNOLOGY","descr":"TO REQUEST A CONFERENCE TO CONVENE ON THE REVERSE TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY."} {"rcid":2745,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/218","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, ECONOMIES","descr":"TO REQUEST VIEWS ON EXPANDING INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION IN THE FIELDS OF MONEY, FINANCE, DEBT AND RESOURCE FLOWS, WITH SPECIAL INTERESTS TO DEVELOPING COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":2746,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/221","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LAND-LOCKED COUNTRIES, FUND","descr":"TO APPEAL FOR RESOURCES FOR THE UNITED NATIONS SPECIAL FUND FOR LAND-LOCKED DEVELOPING COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":2747,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/223","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO ENCOURAGE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS IN THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":2748,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/224","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"TO DRAW THE ATTENTION OF ORGANIZATIONS TO THE NEED TO DISBURSE THEIR AID TO THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES ONLY IN THE BENEFIT OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE."} {"rcid":2749,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/226","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS","descr":"TO INVITE VIEWS ON CONFIDENCE-BUILDING IN INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC RELATIONS."} {"rcid":2750,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/229","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PRODUCT RESTRICTIONS","descr":"TO REVIEW ASPECTS OF THE ISSUE OF THE CONSOLIDATED LIST OF PRODUCTS WHOSE CONSUMPTION AND/OR SALE HAVE BEEN BANNED, WITHDRAWN, SEVERELY RESTRICTED OR, IN THE CASE OF PHARMACEUTICALS, NOT APPROVED BY GOVERNMENTS."} {"rcid":2751,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/230","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"AFRICA, TRANSPORT/COMMUNICATIONS","descr":"TO ENDORSE THE PROGRAMME OF THE TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS DECADE IN AFRICA."} {"rcid":2752,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/232","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ECONOMIC COERCION","descr":"TO EXPRESS CONCERN ABOUT THE CONTINUING NEGATIVE IMPACT OF THE WORLD ECONOMIC CRISIS ON THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND INDUSTRIALIZATION OF THE DEVELOPING COUNTRIES."} {"rcid":2753,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/233","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"AFRICA, INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO NOTE THE PROGRESS ON THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT DECADE FOR AFRICA."} {"rcid":2754,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-11-03","unres":"R/39/15","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE INALIENABLE RIGHTS OF OPPRESSED PERSONS IN SOUTH AFRICA TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE AND TO CONDEMN THE COLLABORATION OF CERTAIN WESTERN STATES WITH THE GOVERNMENT OF SOUTH AFRICA."} {"rcid":2755,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-11-03","unres":"R/39/17","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE IMPORTANCE OF THE UNIVERSAL REALIZATION OF THE RIGHT OF PEOPLES TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND OF THE SPEEDY GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES FOR THE EFFECTIVE GUARANTEE AND OBSERVANCE OF HUMAN RIGHTS."} {"rcid":2756,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-11-03","unres":"R/39/19","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"APARTHEID, CONVENTION","descr":"TO NOTE THE STATUS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON THE SUPPRESSION AND PUNISHMENT OF THE CRIME OF APARTHEID."} {"rcid":2757,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-11-03","unres":"R/39/21","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, ELIMINATION","descr":"TO CONSIDER THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE ELIMINATION OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION."} {"rcid":2758,"session":39,"importantvote":1,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/119","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, EL SALVADOR","descr":"TO NOTE THE SITUATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS IN EL SALVADOR."} {"rcid":2759,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/120","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, GUATEMALA","descr":"TO NOTE THE SITUATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS IN GUATEMALA."} {"rcid":2760,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/121","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILE","descr":"TO NOTE THE SITUATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS IN CHILE."} {"rcid":2761,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/127","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WOMEN'S PROGRAM OFFICES","descr":"TO NOTE THE SITUATION OF SENIOR WOMEN'S PROGRAMME OFFICERS POSTS AT THE REGIONAL COMMISSIONS."} {"rcid":2762,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/130","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN","descr":"TO NOTE THE INCREASING NUMBER OF MEMBER STATES THAT HAVE RATIFIED THE CONVENTION ON THE ELIMINATION OF ALL FORMS OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST WOMEN."} {"rcid":2763,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/133","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT","descr":"TO CALL UPON ALL STATES TO USE THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN ORDER TO PROMOTE PEACEFUL SOCIAL, ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS."} {"rcid":2764,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/134","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"RIGHT TO LIFE","descr":"TO STRESS THE URGENT NEED FOR THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY TO STRENGTHEN PEACE AND REMOVE THE THREAT OF WAR, THUS CONTRIBUTING TO ENSURING THE RIGHT TO LIFE."} {"rcid":2765,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/137","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CIVIL, POLITICAL RIGHTS","descr":"TO REQUEST CONSIDERATION OF THE IDEA OF ELABORATING A SECOND OPTION PROTOCOL TO THE INTERNATIONAL COVENANT ON CIVIL AND POLITICAL RIGHTS, AIMING AT THE ABOLITION OF THE DEATH PENALTY."} {"rcid":2766,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-05","unres":"R/39/145","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"TO REQUEST CONSIDERATION OF ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES AND WAYS AND MEANS WITHIN THE UNITED NATIONS SYSTEM FOR IMPROVING THE EFFECTIVE ENJOYMENT OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS."} {"rcid":2767,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/40","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WESTERN SAHARA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REQUEST NEGOTIATIONS TO BRING A PEACEFUL AND FAIR REFERENDUM FOR SELF-DETERMINATION OF THE PEOPLE OF WESTERN SAHARA."} {"rcid":2768,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/41","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"TO APPROVE OF INFORMATION FROM NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES TRANSMITTED UNDER ARTICLE 73E OF THE CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":2769,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/42","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTHERN AFRICA","descr":"TO REVIEW ACTIVITIES OF FOREIGN ECONOMIC AND OTHER INTERESTS WHICH ARE IMPEDING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES IN NAMBIA AND IN ALL OTHER TERRITORIES UNDER COLONIAL DOMINA"} {"rcid":2770,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/43","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INDEPENDENCE, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"TO IMPLEMENT THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES BY THE SPECIALIZED AGENCIES AND INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":2771,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-04","unres":"R/39/70","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE","descr":"TO DETERMINE PROPER REIMBURSEMENT TO STATES WHICH CONTRIBUTE TROOPS TO THE UNITED NATIONS DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE AND THE UNITED NATIONS INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON."} {"rcid":2772,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-04","unres":"R/39/71","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"TO APPROPRIATE FUNDING FOR THE UNITED NATIONS INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON FOR THE PERIOD APRIL THROUGH MID-DECEMBER 1984. THE ASSEMBLY INVITED MEMBER STATES TO MAKE VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE FORM OF CASH AND SUPPLIES TO THE INTERIM FORCE IN L"} {"rcid":2773,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/236/II","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PARKING, U.N. HEADQUARTERS","descr":"TO REVIEW PARKING IN THE UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS GARAGE."} {"rcid":2774,"session":39,"importantvote":1,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/236/III","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONFERENCE FACILITIES, ADDIS ABABA","descr":"TO APPROVE CONFERENCE FACILITIES OF THE ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA AT ADDIS ABABA."} {"rcid":2775,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/236/XI","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONFERENCE FACILITIES, BANGKOK","descr":"TO APPROVE EXPANSION OF THE CONFERENCE FACILITIES OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMISSION FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC AT BANGKOK."} {"rcid":2776,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/236/XIV","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. OFFICE, NAIROBI","descr":"TO WELCOME THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF A UNITED NATIONS OFFICE AT NAIROBI."} {"rcid":2777,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/237A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"BUDGET, 1984-1985","descr":"TO REVISE BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE BIENNIUM 1984-1985."} {"rcid":2778,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/237B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"INCOME ESTIMATES, 1984-1985","descr":"TO REVISE INCOME ESTIMATES FOR THE BIENNIUM 1984-1985."} {"rcid":2779,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/237C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"FINANCING, 1985","descr":"TO REVIEW THE FINANCING OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE YEAR 1985."} {"rcid":2780,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/240","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. BUDGET, EFFECTS OF INFLATION","descr":"TO CONSIDER THE IMPACT OF INFLATION AND MONETARY INSTABILITY ON THE REGULAR BUDGET OF THE UNITED NATIONS."} {"rcid":2781,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/243","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"WESTERN ASIA, ECONOMIC COMMISSION","descr":"TO RECOGNIZE STAFF AND ADMINISTRATIVE QUESTIONS OF THE ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR WESTERN ASIA."} {"rcid":2782,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-04","unres":"R/39/75","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NEW ECONOMIC ORDER","descr":"TO RECOGNIZE THE NEED FOR PROGRESSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRINCIPLES AND NORMS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW RELATING TO THE NEW INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER."} {"rcid":2783,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-04","unres":"R/39/76","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NATIONAL LIBERATION MOVEMENTS","descr":"TO CALL UPON THE STATES ACCORDED OBSERVER STATUS OF NATIONAL LIBERATION MOVEMENTS RECOGNIZED BY THE OGRANIZATION OF AFRICAN UNITY AND/OR BY THE LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES TO PROVIDE THE FACILITIES, PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES NECESSARY FOR THE PERFORM"} {"rcid":2784,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-04","unres":"R/39/80","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"MANKIND, PEACE AND SECURITY","descr":"TO REQUEST CONTINUATION OF THE WORK ON THE DRAFT CODE OF OFFENSES AGAINST THE PEACE AND SECURITY OF MANKIND."} {"rcid":2785,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-04","unres":"R/39/81","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"NON-USE OF FORCE","descr":"TO NOTE THE REPORT OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON ENHANCING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE PRINCIPLE OF NON-USE OF FORCE IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS."} {"rcid":2786,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-04","unres":"R/39/90","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TREATY-MAKING PROCESS","descr":"TO REVIEW THE MULTILATERAL TREATY-MAKING PROCESS."} {"rcid":2787,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-01","unres":"R/39/423","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"DETERRENCE, STUDY","descr":"TO REQUEST A STUDY ENTITLED \\DETERRENCE: ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR DISARMAMENT AND THE ARMS RACE, NEGOTIATED ARMS REDUCTIONS AND INTERNATIONAL SECURITY AND OTHER RELATED MATTERS.\\\\\"\t0\t0\t1\t0\t0\t0"} {"rcid":2788,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-02","unres":"R/39/442","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, ECONOMIC PRACTICES STUDY","descr":"TO REQUEST A STUDY ON THE ISRAELI ECONOMIC PRACTICES IN THE OCCUPIED PALESTINIAN AND OTHER ARAB TERRITORIES."} {"rcid":2789,"session":39,"importantvote":0,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/411","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SAINT HELENA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"TO REAFFIRM THE RIGHT OF ST. HELENA TO SELF-DETERMINATION AND INDEPENDENCE IN CONFORMITY WITH THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES."} {"rcid":2790,"session":39,"importantvote":1,"date":"1984-12-03","unres":"R/39/412","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"COLONIAL POWERS, MILITARY ACTIVITIES","descr":"TO REVIEW MILITARY ACTIVITIES AND ARRANGEMENTS BY COLONIAL POWERS IN TERRITORIES UNDER THEIR ADMINISTRATION WHICH MIGHT BE IMPEDING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE DECLARATION ON THE GRANTING OF INDEPENDENCE TO COLONIAL COUNTRIES AND PEOPLES."} {"rcid":2791,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-10-06","unres":"R/40/5","short":"U.N., LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES","descr":"Cooperation between the UN and the League of Arab States"} {"rcid":2792,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-11-06","unres":"R/40/6","short":"ISRAEL, ACTION AGAINST IRAQ","descr":"Armed Israeli aggression against Iraqi nuclear Installations and its grave consequences for the established International system concerning the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, the non proliferation of nuclear weapons and international peace an"} {"rcid":2793,"session":40,"importantvote":1,"date":"1985-11-03","unres":"R/40/7","short":"KAMPUCHEA","descr":"The situation In Kampuchea"} {"rcid":2794,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-11-02","unres":"R/40/11","short":"RIGHT TO PEACE","descr":"Right of peoples to peace"} {"rcid":2795,"session":40,"importantvote":1,"date":"1985-11-04","unres":"R/40/12","short":"AFGHANISTAN","descr":"The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for International peace and security"} {"rcid":2796,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-11-02","unres":"R/40/18","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"Calls upon the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Government of the United States of America to spare no effort in seeking the attainment of their agreed objectives in the negotiations, in accordance with the security"} {"rcid":2797,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-11-05","unres":"R/40/19","short":"CULTURAL PROPERTY, RESTITUTION","descr":"Return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin"} {"rcid":2798,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-11-04","unres":"R/40/21","short":"FALKLAND ISLANDS","descr":"Question of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"} {"rcid":2799,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-11-06","unres":"R/40/23","short":"SOCIAL, ECONOMIC CHANGE","descr":"National experience In achieving far reaching social and economic changes for the purpose of social progress"} {"rcid":2800,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-11-06","unres":"R/40/25","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"Importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self determination and of the speedy granting of Independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights"} {"rcid":2801,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-11-06","unres":"R/40/27","short":"APARTHEID, CONVENTION","descr":"Status of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid"} {"rcid":2802,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-11-06","unres":"R/40/28","short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, ELIMINATION","descr":"Report of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination"} {"rcid":2803,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/50","short":"WESTERN SAHARA","descr":"Requests that the two parties to the conflict, the Kingdom of Morocco and the Frente Popular para la Liberacion de Saguia el-Hamra y de Rio de Oro, to undertake direct negotiations, in the shortest possible time, with a view to bringing about a"} {"rcid":2804,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/51","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the UN"} {"rcid":2805,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/52","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"Activities of foreign economic and other Interests which are Impeding the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Namibia and In all other Territories under colonial domination and"} {"rcid":2806,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/53","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the Specialized Agencies and the International Institutions associated with the UN of Non Self Governing Territories."} {"rcid":2807,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/56","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ANNIVERSARY","descr":"25th anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples."} {"rcid":2808,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/57","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples."} {"rcid":2809,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/58","short":"DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE","descr":"Financing of the UN Disengagement Observer Force"} {"rcid":2810,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/59A","short":"DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE","descr":"Appropriations and apportionments for the financing of the UN Disengagement Observer Force."} {"rcid":2811,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/59B","short":"DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE","descr":"Suspension of UN Financial Regulations In respect of UN Disengagement Observer Force."} {"rcid":2812,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/62","short":"COMOROS, MAYOTTE","descr":"Question of the Comorlan Island of Mayotte"} {"rcid":2813,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/63","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Calls upon all States that have not done so to become parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and to ratify, confirm formally or accede to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Conv"} {"rcid":2814,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/64A","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"Calls upon the Security Council urgently to take action under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations with a view to applying comprehensive and mandatory sanctions against South Africa and urges the Governments of the United States of"} {"rcid":2815,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/64B","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, LIBERATION MOVEMENTS","descr":"Reaffirms its full support to the people of South Africa in their struggle, under the leadership of their national liberation movements, to eradicate apartheid totally"} {"rcid":2816,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/64C","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, CONFERENCE","descr":"World Conference on Sanctions agains Racist South Africa."} {"rcid":2817,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/64D","short":"APARTHEID, INFORMATION","descr":"Public information and public action against apartheid."} {"rcid":2818,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/64E","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISRAEL","descr":"strongly condemns the continuing and increasing collaboration of Israel with the racist regime of South Africa, especially in the economic, military and nuclear fields;"} {"rcid":2819,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/64F","short":"APARTHEID, COMMITTEE","descr":"Programme of work of the Special Committee against Apartheid"} {"rcid":2820,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/64G","short":"APARTHEID, SPORTS","descr":"Support for the work of the Commission against Apartheid in Sports"} {"rcid":2821,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/64I","short":"APARTHEID, ELIMINATION","descr":"Concerted International action for the elimination of apartheid"} {"rcid":2822,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/67","short":"INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER","descr":"Progressive development of the principles and norms of International law relating to the new International economic order"} {"rcid":2823,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/69","short":"PEACE AND SECURITY: DRAFT CODE","descr":"Draft Code of Offences against the Peace and Security of Mankind"} {"rcid":2824,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/70","short":"NON-USE OF FORCE","descr":"Report of the Special Committee on Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Principle of Non Use of Force In International Relations"} {"rcid":2825,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/79","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"Implementation of General Assembly resolution 39/51 concerning the signature and ratification of Additional Protocol I of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons In Latin America (Treaty of Tlatelolco)"} {"rcid":2826,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/80A","short":"CESSATION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Treaty to achieve the prohibition of all nuclear test explosions"} {"rcid":2827,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/80B","short":"CESSATION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Conversion of the partial nuclear test ban treaty Into a comprehensive test ban treaty"} {"rcid":2828,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/81","short":"COMPREHENSIVE TEST BAN TREATY","descr":"Urgent need for a comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty"} {"rcid":2829,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/83","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia"} {"rcid":2830,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/85","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of an International convention on the strengthening of the security of non nuclear weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":2831,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/86","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective International arrangements to assure non nuclear weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":2832,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/87","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race In outer space"} {"rcid":2833,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/88","short":"CESSATION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Implementation of General Assembly resolution 39/60 on the Immediate cessation and prohibition of nuclear weapon tests"} {"rcid":2834,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/89A","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, AFRICA","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Denuclearization of Africa"} {"rcid":2835,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/89B","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Condemns South Africa's continued pursuit of a nuclear capability and all forms of nuclear collaboration by any State, corporation, institution or individual with the racist regime that enable it to frustrate the objective of the Declaration wh"} {"rcid":2836,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/90","short":"WEAPONS DEVELOPMENT, MANUFACTURE","descr":"Prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons"} {"rcid":2837,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/91B","short":"MILITARY BUDGET REDUCTIONS","descr":"Welcomes the work of the Disarmament Commission on the identification and elaboration of a set of principles that should govern further action of States in the field of the freezing and reduction of military budgets"} {"rcid":2838,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/92A","short":"CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS","descr":"Prohibition of chemical and bacteriological weapons"} {"rcid":2839,"session":40,"importantvote":1,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/92C","short":"CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS","descr":"Chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons"} {"rcid":2840,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/93","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"Calls upon Israel to become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to accede to it without further delay, and not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons and to renounce possession of nuclear weap"} {"rcid":2841,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/94A","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONVENTIONAL","descr":"Conventional disarmament an a regional scale"} {"rcid":2842,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/94F","short":"NAVAL ARMS RACE","descr":"Study on the naval arms race"} {"rcid":2843,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/94G","short":"FISSIONABLE MATERIALS","descr":"Prohibition of the production of fissionable material for weapons purposes"} {"rcid":2844,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/94H","short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Nuclear weapon freeze"} {"rcid":2845,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/94I","short":"NAVAL ARMS RACE","descr":"Curbing the naval arms race: limitation and reduction of naval armaments and extension of confidence building measures to seas and oceans"} {"rcid":2846,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/94K","short":"MILITARY MATTERS, INFORMATION","descr":"Encourages Member States to ensure a better flow of information with regard to the various aspects of disarmament to avoid dissemination of false and tendentious information concerning armaments and to concentrate on the danger of escalation of"} {"rcid":2847,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/94L","short":"DISARMAMENT: ARMS LIMITATION","descr":"General and complete disarmament : compliance with arms limitation and disarmament agreements"} {"rcid":2848,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/94M","short":"NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION","descr":"3rd Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":2849,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/94N","short":"DISARMAMENT, INTERNATIONAL SECURITY","descr":"Disarmament and the maintenance of International peace and security"} {"rcid":2850,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/96A","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Implementation of the recommendations of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People In A/40/35"} {"rcid":2851,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/96B","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Work programme of the Division for Palestinian Rights"} {"rcid":2852,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/96C","short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"Requests the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to assist in the worldwide dissemination of 'accurate and comprehensive information' in support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people'"} {"rcid":2853,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-05","unres":"R/40/96D","short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE CONFERENCE","descr":"Calls for the convening of the International Peace Conference on the Middle East, under the auspices of the United Nations, with the participation of all parties to the conflict, including the Palestine Liberation Organization, on an equal foot"} {"rcid":2854,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-06","unres":"R/40/97A","short":"NAMIBIA, OCCUPATION","descr":"Situation In Namibia resulting from the Illegal occupation of the territory by South Africa"} {"rcid":2855,"session":40,"importantvote":1,"date":"1985-12-06","unres":"R/40/97B","short":"NAMIBIA, S.C. 435","descr":"Implementation of Security Council resolution 435 (1978)"} {"rcid":2856,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-06","unres":"R/40/97C","short":"NAMIBIA, U.N. COUNCIL","descr":"Programme of work of the UN Council for Namibia"} {"rcid":2857,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-06","unres":"R/40/97D","short":"NAMIBIA, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of Information and mobilization of International public opinion In support of Namibia"} {"rcid":2858,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-06","unres":"R/40/97E","short":"NAMIBIA, LIN FUND","descr":"LIN Fund for Namibia"} {"rcid":2859,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-06","unres":"R/40/97F","short":"NAMIBIA, SPECIAL SESSION","descr":"Special session of the General Assembly on the question of Namibia"} {"rcid":2860,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-06","unres":"R/40/100","short":"WORLD SOCIAL SITUATION","descr":"Notes with deep concern the continuing deterioration of the economic and social situation of the world, in particular in the developing countries, whose position has been further worsened by sharp fluctuations in exchange rates, high real rates"} {"rcid":2861,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-06","unres":"R/40/111","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY","descr":"Human rights and use of scientific and technological developments"} {"rcid":2862,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-06","unres":"R/40/112","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY","descr":"Human rights and scientific and technological developments"} {"rcid":2863,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-06","unres":"R/40/114","short":"SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, POLITICAL RIGHTS","descr":"Indivisibility and Independence of economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights"} {"rcid":2864,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-06","unres":"R/40/124","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, U.N. SYSTEM","descr":"Alternative approaches and ways and means within the UN System for Improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms"} {"rcid":2865,"session":40,"importantvote":1,"date":"1985-12-06","unres":"R/40/137","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, AFGHANISTAN","descr":"Question of human rights and fundamental freedom In Afghanistan"} {"rcid":2866,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-06","unres":"R/40/139","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, EL SALVADOR","descr":"Situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms In El Salvador"} {"rcid":2867,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-06","unres":"R/40/140","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, GUATEMALA","descr":"Situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms In Guatemala"} {"rcid":2868,"session":40,"importantvote":1,"date":"1985-12-06","unres":"R/40/141","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAN","descr":"Situation of human rights In the Islamic Republic of Iran"} {"rcid":2869,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-06","unres":"R/40/145","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILE","descr":"Situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms In Chile"} {"rcid":2870,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-06","unres":"R/40/148","short":"NEO-FASCISM, NAZISM","descr":"Measures to be taken against Nazi, Fascist and 116th neo Fascist activities and all other forms of totalitarian Ideologies and practices based on racial Intolerance, hatred and terror"} {"rcid":2871,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/150","short":"ARMS RACE, ECONOMIC, SOCIAL ISSUES","descr":"Economic and social consequences of the armaments race and Its extremely harmful effects on world peace and security"} {"rcid":2872,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/151A","short":"DISARMAMENT, INTERNATIONAL SECURITY","descr":"Disarmament and International security"} {"rcid":2873,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/151B","short":"WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN","descr":"World Disarmament Campaign: actions and activities"} {"rcid":2874,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/151C","short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Nuclear weapon freeze"} {"rcid":2875,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/151D","short":"WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN","descr":"World Disarmament Campaign: actions and activities"} {"rcid":2876,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/151E","short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Nuclear weapon freeze"} {"rcid":2877,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/151F","short":"NUCLEAR NON-USE","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":2878,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/151H","short":"DISARMAMENT, FELLOWSHIPS","descr":"LIN programmes of fellowships on disarmament"} {"rcid":2879,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/152A","short":"NUCLEAR NON-USE","descr":"Requests the Conference on Disarmament to commence negotiations on the item Prevention of nuclear war of its agenda and to consider, inter#alia, the elaboration of an international instrument of a legally binding character laying down the oblig"} {"rcid":2880,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/152B","short":"BILATERAL ARMS RACE","descr":"Bilateral nuclear?arms and space?arms negotiations"} {"rcid":2881,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/152C","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Review of the implementation of the recommendations and decisions adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th special session"} {"rcid":2882,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/152E","short":"DISARMAMENT WEEK","descr":"Disarmament Week"} {"rcid":2883,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/152G","short":"NUCLEAR WAR, CLIMACTIC EFFECTS","descr":"Climatic effects of nuclear war, Including nuclear winter"} {"rcid":2884,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/152H","short":"DISARMAMENT, NEUTRON WEAPONS","descr":"Prohibition of the nuclear neutron weapon"} {"rcid":2885,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/152I","short":"DISARMAMENT, COOPERATION","descr":"International cooperation for disarmament"} {"rcid":2886,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/152J","short":"DISARMAMENT, 10TH SPECIAL SESSION","descr":"Implementation of the recommendations and decisions of the 10th special session"} {"rcid":2887,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/152M","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONFERENCE","descr":"Report of the Conference on Disarmament"} {"rcid":2888,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/152N","short":"DISARMAMENT, 10TH SPECIAL SESSION","descr":"Implementation of the recommendations and decisions of the 10th special session"} {"rcid":2889,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/152P","short":"CESSATION, ARMS RACE","descr":"Cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament and prevention of nuclear war"} {"rcid":2890,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/152Q","short":"NUCLEAR WAR, PREVENTION","descr":"Prevention of nuclear war"} {"rcid":2891,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/156A","short":"ANTARCTICA","descr":"Study on the question of Antarctica"} {"rcid":2892,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/156B","short":"ANTARCTICA, MINERAL RESOURCES","descr":"Antarctic mineral resources"} {"rcid":2893,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/156C","short":"ANTARCTICA, SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"Expresses concern with South Africa's participation in the Antarctica Treaty System"} {"rcid":2894,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/158","short":"INTERNATIONAL PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"Review of the Implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security"} {"rcid":2895,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/159","short":"INTERNATIONAL PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"Implementation of the collective security provisions of the Charter of the UN for the maintenance of International peace and security"} {"rcid":2896,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/161A","short":"PALESTINE, DETENTIONS","descr":"Arbitrary detention of Palestinians In the occupied territories"} {"rcid":2897,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/161B","short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons In Tine of War (12 Aug. 1949), to the territories occupied by Israel"} {"rcid":2898,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/161C","short":"PALESTINE, LEGAL STATUS","descr":"Israeli measures threatening the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the occupied territories"} {"rcid":2899,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/161D","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Violation of a human rights of the civilian population of the territories occupied by Israel"} {"rcid":2900,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/161E","short":"PALESTINE, LEADERS","descr":"Demands that the Government of Israel, the occupying Power, rescind the illegal measures taken by the Israeli military occupation authorities in expelling the Mayor of Halhul, the Sharia Judge of Hebron and, in 1985, other Palestinians and that"} {"rcid":2901,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/161F","short":"ISRAEL, GOLAN HEIGHTS","descr":"Affirms the illegality of Israel's occupation and transformation of the Golan heights"} {"rcid":2902,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/161G","short":"ISRAEL, PALESTINIAN STUDENTS","descr":"Israeli actions against Palestinian educational institutions"} {"rcid":2903,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/164A","short":"INFORMATION COMMITTEE","descr":"Report of the Committee an Information"} {"rcid":2904,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/164B","short":"UNESCO","descr":"Report of the Director-General of Unesco"} {"rcid":2905,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/165A","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Urges all Member States to extend and expedite aid and assistance to the relief agency. Notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees, as provided for in paragraph 11 of its resolution 194 (III), has not yet been effected"} {"rcid":2906,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/165D","short":"PALESTINE, GRANTS AND SCHOLARSHIPS","descr":"Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education.Including vocational training. for Palestine refugees"} {"rcid":2907,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/165E","short":"GAZA STRIP, REFUGEES","descr":"Palestine refugees In the Gaza Strip"} {"rcid":2908,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/165F","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, RELIEF","descr":"Calls upon all Governments, as a matter of urgency, to make the most generous efforts possible to meet the anticipated needs of the the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East"} {"rcid":2909,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/165G","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, RETURN","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":2910,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/165H","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROPERTIES","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":2911,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/165I","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROTECTION","descr":"Protection of Palestinian students and educational institutions and safeguarding of the security of the facilities of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East in the occupied Palestinian territory"} {"rcid":2912,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/165J","short":"WEST BANK, REFUGEES","descr":"Calls upon Israel to abandon its plans and to refrain from the removal, and from any action that may lead to the removal and resettlement, of Palestine refugees in the West Bank and from the destruction of their camps;."} {"rcid":2913,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/165K","short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"Emphasizes the need for strengthening the educational system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 5 June 1967, including Jerusalem, and specifically the need for the establishment of the proposed university and Requests the Sec"} {"rcid":2914,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/167","short":"ISRAEL, CANAL PROJECT","descr":"Israel's decision to build a canal linking the Mediterranean sea to the Dead sea"} {"rcid":2915,"session":40,"importantvote":1,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/168A","short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE CONDITIONS","descr":"Declares that peace in the Middle East is indivisible and must be based on a comprehensive, just and lasting solution of the Middle East problem, under the auspices of the United Nations and on the basis of its relevant resolutions, which ensur"} {"rcid":2916,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/168B","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Illegality of Israeli measures threatening the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the occupied territories"} {"rcid":2917,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-02","unres":"R/40/168C","short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called Basic Law"} {"rcid":2918,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/169","short":"PALESTINE, ECONOMIC PROJECTS","descr":"Economic development projects In the occupied Palestinian territories"} {"rcid":2919,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/170","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Requests the relevant programmes, organizations, agencies, funds and organs of the United Nations system to intensify their efforts, in co-operation with the Palestine Liberation Organization, to provide economic and social assistance to the Pa"} {"rcid":2920,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/173","short":"INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC SECURITY","descr":"International economic security"} {"rcid":2921,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/182","short":"ECONOMIC RIGHTS AND DUTIES","descr":"Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States"} {"rcid":2922,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/183","short":"LAND-LOCKED COUNTRIES","descr":"Specific action related to the particular needs and problems of land locked developing countries"} {"rcid":2923,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/185","short":"ECONOMICS, DEVELOPING COUNTRIES","descr":"Economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries"} {"rcid":2924,"session":40,"importantvote":1,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/188","short":"NICARAGUA, EMBARGO","descr":"Regrets the unilateral trade embargo and other measures imposed against Nicaragua and requests that those measures be immediately revoked"} {"rcid":2925,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/191","short":"TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER","descr":"Reverse transfer of technology"} {"rcid":2926,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/197","short":"REMNANTS OF WAR","descr":"Requests the Secretary-General, in co-operation with the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, to continue his efforts with the countries responsible for planting the mines and the affected developing countries in orde"} {"rcid":2927,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/200","short":"ENVIRONMENTAL COOPERATION","descr":"International co?operation In the field of the environment"} {"rcid":2928,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/201","short":"PALESTINE, LIVING CONDITIONS","descr":"Living conditions of the Palestinian people In the occupied Palestinian territories"} {"rcid":2929,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-03","unres":"R/40/207","short":"ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, LONG-TERM","descr":"Long?term trends In economic development"} {"rcid":2930,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/239","short":"BUDGET, 1984-1985","descr":"Programme budget for the biennium 1984-1985"} {"rcid":2931,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/241B","short":"U.N. FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES","descr":"Solutions to the UN financial difficulties"} {"rcid":2932,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/243I","short":"UN AGENDA: CONFERENCES","descr":"Pattern of conferences. - UN--CALENDAR OF MEETINGS (1985-1986) -"} {"rcid":2933,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/246A","short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"Appropriations and apportionments for the financing of UN Interim Force In Lebanon"} {"rcid":2934,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/246B","short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"Suspension of UN Financial Regulations In respect of LIN Interim Force In Lebanon"} {"rcid":2935,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/247","short":"TROOP REIMBURSEMENT","descr":"Review of to rates of reimbursement to the Governments of troop contributing states"} {"rcid":2936,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/248","short":"SCALE OF ASSESSMENTS","descr":"Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the UN"} {"rcid":2937,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/252","short":"UN OFFICE IN NAIROBI","descr":"UN Office in Nairobi, Proposed programme budget for the biennium 1986-1987"} {"rcid":2938,"session":40,"importantvote":1,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/253A","short":"BUDGET, 1986-1987","descr":"Budget appropriations for the biennium 1986 1987"} {"rcid":2939,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/253B","short":"BUDGET, 1986-1987","descr":"Income estimates for the biennium 1986 1987"} {"rcid":2940,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/253C","short":"APPROPRIATIONS, 1986","descr":"Financing of appropriations for the year 1986"} {"rcid":2941,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/254","short":"UNFORESEEN EXPENSES, 1986-1987","descr":"Unforeseen and extraordinary expenses for the biennium 1986 1987"} {"rcid":2942,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/255","short":"WORKING CAPITAL FUND","descr":"Working Capital Fund for the biennium 1986 1987"} {"rcid":2943,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/257A","short":"ICJ, EMOLUMENTS","descr":"International Court of Justice, Emoluments"} {"rcid":2944,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/257B","short":"ICJ, PENSION SCHEME","descr":"International Court of Justice. Pension scheme"} {"rcid":2945,"session":40,"importantvote":0,"date":"1985-12-04","unres":"R/40/257C","short":"ICJ, CONDITIONS OF SERVICE","descr":"International Court of Justice, Conditions of service"} {"rcid":2947,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-10-06","unres":"R/41/4","short":"U.N., LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES","descr":"Cooperation between UN and the League of Arab States"} {"rcid":2948,"session":41,"importantvote":1,"date":"1986-10-03","unres":"R/41/6","short":"KAMPUCHEA","descr":"The situation in Kampuchea"} {"rcid":2949,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-10-06","unres":"R/41/10","short":"RIGHT TO PEACE","descr":"Right of peoples to peace"} {"rcid":2950,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-10-02","unres":"R/41/11","short":"SOUTH ATLANTIC, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Declaration of a zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic"} {"rcid":2951,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-10-03","unres":"R/41/12","short":"IRAQ, ISRAELI AGGRESSION","descr":"Armed Israeli aggression against the Iraqi nuclear installation and its grave consequences for the established international system concerning the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, the non proliferation of nuclear weapons and international peace"} {"rcid":2952,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-10-06","unres":"R/41/13","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the UN"} {"rcid":2953,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-10-06","unres":"R/41/14","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"Activities of foreign economic and other interests which are impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Namibia and in all other Territories under colonial domination and"} {"rcid":2954,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-10-06","unres":"R/41/15","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the UN"} {"rcid":2955,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-10-06","unres":"R/41/16","short":"WESTERN SAHARA","descr":"Requests that the two parties to the conflict, the Kingdom of Morocco and the Frente Popular para la Liberacion de Saguia el-Hamra y de Rio de Oro, to undertake direct negotiations, in the shortest possible time, with a view to bringing about a"} {"rcid":2956,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-11-02","unres":"R/41/30","short":"COMOROS, MAYOTTE","descr":"Question of the Comorian island of Mayotte"} {"rcid":2957,"session":41,"importantvote":1,"date":"1986-11-02","unres":"R/41/31","short":"NICARAGUA, ICJ RULING","descr":"Urgently calls for full and immediate compliance with the Judgment of the International Court of Justice of 27 June 1986 in the case of Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua in conformity with the relevant provisions of"} {"rcid":2958,"session":41,"importantvote":1,"date":"1986-11-04","unres":"R/41/33","short":"AFGHANISTAN","descr":"The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security"} {"rcid":2959,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-11-04","unres":"R/41/34","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Calls upon all States that have not done so to become parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and to ratify, confirm formally or accede to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Conv"} {"rcid":2960,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-11-02","unres":"R/41/35A","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, LIBERATION MOVEMENTS","descr":"Reaffirms its full support to the people of South Africa in their struggle, under the leadership of their national liberation movements, to eradicate apartheid totally"} {"rcid":2961,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-11-02","unres":"R/41/35B","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"Calls upon the Security Council urgently to take action under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations with a view to applying comprehensive and mandatory sanctions against South Africa and urges the Governments of the United States of"} {"rcid":2962,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-11-02","unres":"R/41/35C","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISRAEL","descr":"strongly condemns the continuing and increasing collaboration of Israel with the racist regime of South Africa, especially in the economic, military and nuclear fields;"} {"rcid":2963,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-11-02","unres":"R/41/35D","short":"APARTHEID, COMMITTEE","descr":"Programme of work of the Special Committee against Apartheid"} {"rcid":2964,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-11-02","unres":"R/41/35E","short":"APARTHEID, SPORTS","descr":"Support for the work of the Commission against Apartheid in Sports"} {"rcid":2965,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-11-02","unres":"R/41/35F","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, OIL EMBARGO","descr":"Requests all States concerned, pending a decision by the Security Council, to adopt effective measures and/or legislation to broaden the scope of the oil embargo in order to ensure the complete cessation of the supply and shipping of oil and pe"} {"rcid":2966,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-11-02","unres":"R/41/35H","short":"APARTHEID, ELIMINATION","descr":"Concerted international action for the elimination of apartheid"} {"rcid":2967,"session":41,"importantvote":1,"date":"1986-11-05","unres":"R/41/38","short":"LIBYA, U.S. AGGRESSION","descr":"Declaration of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the OAU on the aerial and naval military attack against the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya by the present United States Administration in Apr. 1986"} {"rcid":2968,"session":41,"importantvote":1,"date":"1986-11-05","unres":"R/41/39A","short":"NAMIBIA, OCCUPATION","descr":"Situation in Namibia resulting from the illegal occupation of the territory by South Africa"} {"rcid":2969,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-11-05","unres":"R/41/39B","short":"NAMIBIA, S.C. RESOLUTION 435","descr":"Implementation of Security Council resolution 435 (1978)"} {"rcid":2970,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-11-05","unres":"R/41/39C","short":"NAMIBIA, U.N. COUNCIL","descr":"Programme of work of the UN Council for Namibia"} {"rcid":2971,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-11-05","unres":"R/41/39D","short":"NAMIBIA, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information and mobilization of international public opinion in support of the immediate independence of Namibia"} {"rcid":2972,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-11-05","unres":"R/41/39E","short":"NAMIBIA, U.N. FUND","descr":"UN Fund for Namibia"} {"rcid":2973,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-11-03","unres":"R/41/40","short":"FALKLAND ISLANDS","descr":"Question of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"} {"rcid":2974,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-03","unres":"R/41/41A","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples"} {"rcid":2975,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-03","unres":"R/41/41B","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples"} {"rcid":2976,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-03","unres":"R/41/42","short":"INFORMATION, DECOLONIZATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization"} {"rcid":2977,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-03","unres":"R/41/43A","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Implementation of the recommendations of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People in A/40/35"} {"rcid":2978,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-03","unres":"R/41/43B","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Work programme of the Division for Palestinian Rights"} {"rcid":2979,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-03","unres":"R/41/43C","short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"Requests the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to assist in the worldwide dissemination of 'accurate and comprehensive information' in support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people'"} {"rcid":2980,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-03","unres":"R/41/43D","short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE CONFERENCE","descr":"Calls for the convening of the International Peace Conference on the Middle East, under the auspices of the United Nations, with the participation of all parties to the conflict, including the Palestine Liberation Organization, on an equal foot"} {"rcid":2981,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/44A","short":"DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE","descr":"Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force"} {"rcid":2982,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/44B","short":"DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE","descr":"Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force"} {"rcid":2983,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/45","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"Implementation of General Assembly resolution 40/79 concerning the signature and ratification of Additional Protocol I of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (Treaty of Tlatelolco)"} {"rcid":2984,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/46A","short":"CESSATION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Cessation of all nuclear-test explosions"} {"rcid":2985,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/46B","short":"CESSATION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Cessation of all nuclear-test explosions"} {"rcid":2986,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/47","short":"COMPREHENSIVE TEST-BAN-TREATY","descr":"Urgent need for a comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty :"} {"rcid":2987,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/49","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia"} {"rcid":2988,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/51","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements on the strengthening of the security of non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":2989,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/52","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":2990,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/53","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space"} {"rcid":2991,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/54","short":"CESSATION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Implementation of General Assembly resolution 40/88 on the immediate cessation and prohibiton of nuclear-weapon tests"} {"rcid":2992,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/55A","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, AFRICA","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Denuclearization of Africa"} {"rcid":2993,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/55B","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, AFRICA","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Denuclearization of Africa"} {"rcid":2994,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/56","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, MANUFACTURING","descr":"Prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons"} {"rcid":2995,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/58B","short":"CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS","descr":"Prohibition of chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons"} {"rcid":2996,"session":41,"importantvote":1,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/58C","short":"CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS","descr":"Prohibition of chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons"} {"rcid":2997,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/59B","short":"GENERAL, COMPLETE DISARMAMENT","descr":"Objective information on military matters"} {"rcid":2998,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/59D","short":"GENERAL, COMPLETE DISARMAMENT","descr":"Contribution of the specialized agencies and other organizations and programmes of the United Nations system to the cause of arms limitation and disarmament"} {"rcid":2999,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/59E","short":"GENERAL, COMPLETE DISARMAMENT","descr":"Confidence-building and security-building measures and conventional disarmament"} {"rcid":3000,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/59G","short":"GENERAL, COMPLETE DISARMAMENT","descr":"Conventional-weapon disarmament"} {"rcid":3001,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/59H","short":"GENERAL, COMPLETE DISARMAMENT","descr":"Comprehensive study on the military use of research and development"} {"rcid":3002,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/59I","short":"GENERAL, COMPLETE DISARMAMENT","descr":"Prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of radiological weapons."} {"rcid":3003,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/59K","short":"NAVAL DISARMAMENT","descr":"Naval armaments and disarmament"} {"rcid":3004,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/59L","short":"FISSIONABLE MATERIAL","descr":"Prohibition of the production of fissionable material for weapons purposes"} {"rcid":3005,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/59M","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONVENTIONAL","descr":"Conventional disarmament on a regional scale"} {"rcid":3006,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/59N","short":"NOTIFCATION OF NUCLEAR TESTS","descr":"Notification of nuclear tests"} {"rcid":3007,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/60A","short":"WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN","descr":"World Disarmament Campaign: actions and activities"} {"rcid":3008,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/60B","short":"WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN","descr":"World Disarmament Campaign: actions and activities"} {"rcid":3009,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/60C","short":"CONFIDENCE-BUILDING","descr":"Consideration of guidelines for confidence-building measures"} {"rcid":3010,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/60E","short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Nuclear weapon freeze"} {"rcid":3011,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/60F","short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR USE","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":3012,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/60H","short":"DISARMAMENT FELLOWSHIPS","descr":"UN programme of fellowships on disarmament"} {"rcid":3013,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/60I","short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Implementation of General Assembly resolution 40/151C on a nuclear arms freeze."} {"rcid":3014,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/63A","short":"PALESTINE, DETENTIONS","descr":"Calls upon Israel to release all Arabs arbitrarily detained or imprisoned as a result of their struggle for self-determination and for the liberation of their territories;"} {"rcid":3015,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/63B","short":"PALESTINE, DETENTIONS","descr":"Reaffirms that the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, is applicable to the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem"} {"rcid":3016,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/63C","short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (12 Aug. 1949)"} {"rcid":3017,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/63D","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Illegality of Israeli measures threatening the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the occupied territories"} {"rcid":3018,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/63E","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Violation of the human rights of the civilian population of the territories occupied by Israel"} {"rcid":3019,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/63F","short":"PALESTINE, LEADERS","descr":"Demands that the Government of Israel, the occupying Power, rescind the illegal measures taken by the Israeli military occupation authorities in expelling the Mayor of Halhul, the Sharia Judge of Hebron and, in 1985, other Palestinians and that"} {"rcid":3020,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/63G","short":"ISRAEL, GOLAN HEIGHTS","descr":"Affirms the illegality of Israel's occupation and transformation of the Golan heights"} {"rcid":3021,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/68A","short":"INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION ORDER","descr":"INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATION ORDER"} {"rcid":3022,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/68B","short":"NEW INFORMATION ORDER","descr":"Information dissemination, role UNESCO"} {"rcid":3023,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/68E","short":"UNESCO","descr":"40th anniversary of Unesco"} {"rcid":3024,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/69A","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Urges all Member States to extend and expedite aid and assistance to the relief agency. Notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees, as provided for in paragraph 11 of its resolution 194 (III), has not yet been effected"} {"rcid":3025,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/69D","short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS","descr":"Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees"} {"rcid":3026,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/69E","short":"GAZA STRIP, REFUGEES","descr":"Palestine refugees in the Gaza Strip"} {"rcid":3027,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/69F","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, RELIEF","descr":"Calls upon all Governments, as a matter of urgency, to make the most generous efforts possible to meet the anticipated needs of the the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East"} {"rcid":3028,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/69G","short":"PALESTINE, DISPLACED PERSONS","descr":"Reaffirms the inalienable right of all displaced inhabitants to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967"} {"rcid":3029,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/69H","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROPERTIES","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":3030,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/69I","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROTECTION","descr":"Holds Israel responsible for the security of the Palestine refugees in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, and calls upon it to fulfil its obligations as the occupyi"} {"rcid":3031,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/69J","short":"WEST BANK, REFUGEES","descr":"Calls upon Israel to abandon its plans and to refrain from the removal, and from any action that may lead to the removal and resettlement, of Palestine refugees in the West Bank and from the destruction of their camps;."} {"rcid":3032,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/69K","short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"Emphasizes the need for strengthening the educational system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 5 June 1967, including Jerusalem, and specifically the need for the establishment of the proposed university and Requests the Sec"} {"rcid":3033,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/71","short":"LIBERATION MOVEMENTS, OBSERVER STATUS","descr":"Observer status of national liberation movements recognized by OAU and/or by the League of Arab States"} {"rcid":3034,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/73","short":"INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER","descr":"Progressive development of the principles and norms of international law relating to the new international economic order"} {"rcid":3035,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-04","unres":"R/41/75","short":"PEACE AND SECURITY","descr":"Draft Code of Offences against the Peace and Security of Mankind"} {"rcid":3036,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/86A","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"Calls upon the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Government of the United States of America to spare no effort in seeking the attainment of their agreed objectives in the negotiations, in accordance with the security"} {"rcid":3037,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/86B","short":"NUCLEAR NON-USE","descr":"Requests the Conference on Disarmament to commence negotiations on the item Prevention of nuclear war of its agenda and to consider, inter#alia, the elaboration of an international instrument of a legally binding character laying down the oblig"} {"rcid":3038,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/86D","short":"DISARMAMENT WEEK","descr":"Disarmament Week"} {"rcid":3039,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/86F","short":"CESSATION, ARMS RACE","descr":"Cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament and prevention of nuclear war"} {"rcid":3040,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/86G","short":"NUCLEAR WAR, PREVENTION","descr":"Prevention of nuclear war"} {"rcid":3041,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/86H","short":"NUCLEAR WAR, CLIMACTIC EFFECTS","descr":"Climatic effects of nuclear war, including nuclear winter"} {"rcid":3042,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/86I","short":"DISARMAMENT, 10TH SPECIAL SESSION","descr":"Review of the implementation of the recommendations and decisions adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th special session"} {"rcid":3043,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/86J","short":"DISARMAMENT, 10TH SPECIAL SESSION","descr":"Review of the implementation of the recommendations and decisions adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th special session"} {"rcid":3044,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/86K","short":"DISARMAMENT, COOPERATION","descr":"International cooperation for disarmament"} {"rcid":3045,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/86M","short":"DISARMAMENT CONFERENCE","descr":"Report of the Conference on Disarmament"} {"rcid":3046,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/86N","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"Bilateral nuclear arms negotiations"} {"rcid":3047,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/86O","short":"DISARMAMENT, 10TH SPECIAL SESSION","descr":"Implementation of the recommendations and decisions of the 10th special session"} {"rcid":3048,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/86P","short":"DISARMAMENT CONFERENCE","descr":"Report of the Conference on Disarmament"} {"rcid":3049,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/88A","short":"ANTARCTICA","descr":"Information on the question of Antarctica"} {"rcid":3050,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/88B","short":"ANTARCTICA, MINERAL RESOURCES","descr":"Antarctic mineral resources"} {"rcid":3051,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/88C","short":"ANTARCTICA, SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"Expresses concern with South Africa's participation in the Antarctica Treaty System"} {"rcid":3052,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/90","short":"INTERNATIONAL PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"Review of the Implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security"} {"rcid":3053,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/91","short":"POLITICAL DIALOGUE","descr":"Calls upon States to make a consistent effort to observe fully the provisions set forth in the Charter of the United Nations in order to strengthen international peace and security"} {"rcid":3054,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/92","short":"INTERNATIONAL PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"Establishment of a comprehensive system of international peace and security"} {"rcid":3055,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/93","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"Calls upon Israel to become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to accede to it without further delay, and not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons and to renounce possession of nuclear weap"} {"rcid":3056,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/95","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISOLATION","descr":"Adverse consequences for the enjoyment of human rights of political, military, economic and other forms of assistance given to the racist and colonialist regime of South Africa"} {"rcid":3057,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/101","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Importance of the universal realization of the rights of peoples to self determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights"} {"rcid":3058,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/102","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, MERCENARIES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means to violate human rights and to impede the exercise of the right of peoples to self determination"} {"rcid":3059,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/103","short":"APARTHEID, CONVENTION","descr":"Status of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the crime of Apartheid"} {"rcid":3060,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/113","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY","descr":"Human rights and use of scientific and technological developments"} {"rcid":3061,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/115","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY","descr":"Human rights and use of scientific and technological developments"} {"rcid":3062,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/117","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Indivisibility and interdependence of economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights"} {"rcid":3063,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/123","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NAMIBIA, REFUGEES","descr":"Measures of assistance provided to South African and Namibian refugee women and children"} {"rcid":3064,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/128","short":"RIGHT TO DEVELOPMENT","descr":"Declaration on the Right to Development"} {"rcid":3065,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/131","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, U.N. SYSTEM","descr":"Alternative approaches and ways and means within the UN system for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms"} {"rcid":3066,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/132","short":"RIGHT TO PROPERTY","descr":"Respect for the right of everyone to own property alone as well as in association with others and its contribution to the economic and social development of Member States"} {"rcid":3067,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/133","short":"RIGHT TO DEVELOPMENT","descr":"Right to development"} {"rcid":3068,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/141","short":"ETHIOPIA, DISPLACED PERSONS","descr":"Assistance to displaced persons in Ethiopia"} {"rcid":3069,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/143","short":"PROTECTION, MINORITIES","descr":"SubCommission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities"} {"rcid":3070,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/146","short":"RIGHT TO HOUSING","descr":"Realization of the right to adequate housing"} {"rcid":3071,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/151","short":"MIGRANT WORKERS, RIGHTS","descr":"Takes note with satisfaction of the report of the Working Group on the Drafting of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families and, in particular, of the progress made by the Working Gro"} {"rcid":3072,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/155","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, COOPERATION","descr":"Strengthening of international cooperation in the field of human rights"} {"rcid":3073,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/156","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, GUATEMALA","descr":"Situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Guatemala"} {"rcid":3074,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/157","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, EL SALVADOR","descr":"Question of human rights and fundamental freedoms in El Salvador"} {"rcid":3075,"session":41,"importantvote":1,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/158","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, AFGHANISTAN","descr":"Question of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Afghanistan"} {"rcid":3076,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/159","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAN","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran"} {"rcid":3077,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/161","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILE","descr":"Situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Chile"} {"rcid":3078,"session":41,"importantvote":1,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/162A","short":"MIDDLE EAST, PEACE CONDITIONS","descr":"Reaffirms its conviction that the question of Palestine is the core of the conflict in the Middle East and that no comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the region will be achieved without the full exercise by the Palestinian people of its i"} {"rcid":3079,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/162B","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Illegality of Israeli measures threatening the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the occupied territories"} {"rcid":3080,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/162C","short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called Basic Law"} {"rcid":3081,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-06","unres":"R/41/164","short":"NICARAGUA, EMBARGO","descr":"Regrets the unilateral trade embargo and other measures imposed against Nicaragua and requests that those measures be immediately revoked"} {"rcid":3082,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-06","unres":"R/41/165","short":"ECONOMIC COERCION","descr":"Economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries"} {"rcid":3083,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-06","unres":"R/41/179A","short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"Financing of the United Nations Interm Force in Lebanon"} {"rcid":3084,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-06","unres":"R/41/179B","short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"Financing of the United Nations Interm Force in Lebanon"} {"rcid":3085,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-02","unres":"R/41/180","short":"RESOURCE TRANSFER","descr":"Net transfer of resources from developing to developed countries"} {"rcid":3086,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-02","unres":"R/41/181","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Requests the relevant programmes, organizations, agencies, funds and organs of the United Nations system to intensify their efforts, in co-operation with the Palestine Liberation Organization, to provide economic and social assistance to the Pa"} {"rcid":3087,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-02","unres":"R/41/184","short":"INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC SECURITY","descr":"Report of the Secretary General on implementation of General Assembly resolution 40/173"} {"rcid":3088,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-02","unres":"R/41/187","short":"CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT","descr":"Proclamation of the World Decade for Cultural Development"} {"rcid":3089,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-02","unres":"R/41/195","short":"UGANDA, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Assistance to Uganda"} {"rcid":3090,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-02","unres":"R/41/197","short":"MOZAMBIQUE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Assistance to Mozambique"} {"rcid":3091,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-02","unres":"R/41/199","short":"FRONT LINE STATES, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Special assistance to frontline States [Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe]"} {"rcid":3092,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-02","unres":"R/41/200","short":"IMPOVERISHED COUNTRIES, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Assistance to Benin, the Central African Republic, the Comoros, Democratic Yemen, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, the Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Madagascar, Nicaragua, Sierra Leone and Vanuatu"} {"rcid":3093,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/209C","short":"HEALTH INSURANCE","descr":"Health insurance coverage for locally recruited staff in the General Service and related categories at designated duty stations"} {"rcid":3094,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/209E","short":"POLITICAL, SECURITY AFFAIRS","descr":"News Service of the Department of Political and Security Council Affairs"} {"rcid":3095,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/209F","short":"LOAN TO UNIDO","descr":"Loan to UNIDO"} {"rcid":3096,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/209H","short":"JUDGEMENT 370","descr":"Judgement No. 370 of the UN Administrative Tribunal related to the suspension of class 12 post adjustment in New York"} {"rcid":3097,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/209I","short":"GENERAL SERVICE, JOBS","descr":"Job classification of the General Service and related categories"} {"rcid":3098,"session":41,"importantvote":1,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/211A","short":"BUDGET, 1986-1987","descr":"Revised budget for the biennium 1986-1987"} {"rcid":3099,"session":41,"importantvote":1,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/211B","short":"BUDGET, 1986-1987","descr":"Revised income estimates for the biennium 1986 1987"} {"rcid":3100,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/211C","short":"APPROPRIATIONS, 1987","descr":"Financing of appropriations for the year 1987"} {"rcid":3101,"session":41,"importantvote":0,"date":"1986-12-05","unres":"R/41/212B","short":"NUCLEAR ENERGY, PEACEFUL USES","descr":"United Nations Conference for the Promotion of International Co-operation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy"} {"rcid":3102,"session":42,"importantvote":1,"date":"1987-10-04","unres":"R/42/3","short":"KAMPUCHEA","descr":"The situation in Kampuchea"} {"rcid":3103,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-10-05","unres":"R/42/5","short":"U.N., LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES","descr":"Cooperation between UN and the League of Arab States"} {"rcid":3104,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-10-05","unres":"R/42/7","short":"CULTURAL PROPERTY, RESTITUTION","descr":"Return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin"} {"rcid":3105,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-06","unres":"R/42/14A","short":"NAMIBIA, OCCUPATION","descr":"Situation in Namibia resulting from the illegal occupation of the territory by South Africa"} {"rcid":3106,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-06","unres":"R/42/14B","short":"S.C. 435, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of Security Council resolution 435 (1978)"} {"rcid":3107,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-06","unres":"R/42/14C","short":"NAMIBIA, U.N. COUNCIL","descr":"Programme of work of the UN Council for Namibia"} {"rcid":3108,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-06","unres":"R/42/14D","short":"NAMIBIA, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information and mobilization of international public opinion in support of the immediate independence of Namibia"} {"rcid":3109,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-06","unres":"R/42/14E","short":"NAMIBIA, FUND","descr":"UN Fund for Namibia"} {"rcid":3110,"session":42,"importantvote":1,"date":"1987-11-03","unres":"R/42/15","short":"AFGHANISTAN","descr":"The situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security"} {"rcid":3111,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-03","unres":"R/42/16","short":"SOUTH ATLANTIC, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic"} {"rcid":3112,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-04","unres":"R/42/17","short":"COMOROS, MAYOTTE","descr":"Question of the Comorian island of Mayotte"} {"rcid":3113,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-05","unres":"R/42/18","short":"NICARAGUA, ICJ RULING","descr":"Urgently calls for full and immediate compliance with the Judgment of the International Court of Justice of 27 June 1986 in the case of Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua in conformity with the relevant provisions of"} {"rcid":3114,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-03","unres":"R/42/19","short":"FALKLAND ISLANDS","descr":"Question of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"} {"rcid":3115,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-04","unres":"R/42/20","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Calls upon all States that have not done so to become parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and to ratify, confirm formally or accede to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Conv"} {"rcid":3116,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-06","unres":"R/42/23A","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, LIBERATION MOVEMENTS","descr":"Reaffirms its full support to the people of South Africa in their struggle, under the leadership of their national liberation movements, to eradicate apartheid totally"} {"rcid":3117,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-06","unres":"R/42/23B","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, MEASURES AGAINST","descr":"Application of coordinated and strictly monitored measures against South Africa"} {"rcid":3118,"session":42,"importantvote":1,"date":"1987-11-06","unres":"R/42/23C","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"Calls upon the Security Council urgently to take action under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations with a view to applying comprehensive and mandatory sanctions against South Africa and urges the Governments of the United States of"} {"rcid":3119,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-06","unres":"R/42/23D","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISRAEL","descr":"strongly condemns the continuing and increasing collaboration of Israel with the racist regime of South Africa, especially in the economic, military and nuclear fields;"} {"rcid":3120,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-06","unres":"R/42/23E","short":"ARAPTHEID, SPECIAL COMMITTEE","descr":"Programme of work of the Special Committee against Apartheid"} {"rcid":3121,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-06","unres":"R/42/23F","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, OIL EMBARGO","descr":"Requests all States concerned, pending a decision by the Security Council, to adopt effective measures and/or legislation to broaden the scope of the oil embargo in order to ensure the complete cessation of the supply and shipping of oil and pe"} {"rcid":3122,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-06","unres":"R/42/23G","short":"APARTHEID, ELIMINATION","descr":"Concerted international action for the elimination of apartheid"} {"rcid":3123,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/25","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"Implementation of General Assembly resolution 41/45 concerning the signature and ratification of Additional Protocol I of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (Treaty of Tlatelolco)"} {"rcid":3124,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/26A","short":"CESSATION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Cessation of all nuclear test explosions"} {"rcid":3125,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/26B","short":"CESSATION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Cessation of all nuclear test explosions"} {"rcid":3126,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/27","short":"COMPREHENSIVE TEST-BAN-TREATY","descr":"Urgent need for a comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty :"} {"rcid":3127,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/29","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia"} {"rcid":3128,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/31","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements on the strengthening of the security of non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3129,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/32","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non nuclear weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3130,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/33","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space"} {"rcid":3131,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/34A","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, AFRICA","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration"} {"rcid":3132,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/34B","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, AFRICA","descr":"Nuclear capability of South Africa"} {"rcid":3133,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/35","short":"WEAPONS DEVELOPMENT, MANUFACTURE","descr":"Prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons"} {"rcid":3134,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/38A","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"Calls upon the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Government of the United States of America to spare no effort in seeking the attainment of their agreed objectives in the negotiations, in accordance with the security"} {"rcid":3135,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/38C","short":"NOTIFCATION OF NUCLEAR TESTS","descr":"Notification of nuclear tests"} {"rcid":3136,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/38D","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"Bilateral nuclear arms negotiations"} {"rcid":3137,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/38F","short":"WEAPONS DEVELOPMENT, MANUFACTURE","descr":"Prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of radiological weapons."} {"rcid":3138,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/38I","short":"INFORMATION, MILITARY MATTERS","descr":"Objective information on military matters"} {"rcid":3139,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/38J","short":"DISARMAMENT, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of General Assembly resolutions in the field of disarmament"} {"rcid":3140,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/38K","short":"NAVAL DISARMAMENT","descr":"Naval armaments and disarmament"} {"rcid":3141,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/38L","short":"FISSIONABLE MATERIAL","descr":"Prohibition of the production of fissionable material for weapons purposes"} {"rcid":3142,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/38N","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONVENTIONAL","descr":"Conventional disarmament on a regional scale"} {"rcid":3143,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/39A","short":"DISARMAMENT, 12TH SPECIAL SESSION","descr":"Review and implementation of the Concluding Document of the 12th Special Session of the General Assembly"} {"rcid":3144,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/39B","short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Freeze on nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3145,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/39C","short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR USE","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":3146,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/39G","short":"WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN","descr":"World Disarmament Campaign: actions and activities"} {"rcid":3147,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/39H","short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Implementation of General Assembly resolution 41/601 on a nuclear arms freeze"} {"rcid":3148,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/39I","short":"DISARMAMENT, FELLOWSHIPS","descr":"UN programme of fellowships on disarmament"} {"rcid":3149,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/42A","short":"NUCLEAR NON-USE","descr":"Requests the Conference on Disarmament to commence negotiations on the item Prevention of nuclear war of its agenda and to consider, inter#alia, the elaboration of an international instrument of a legally binding character laying down the oblig"} {"rcid":3150,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/42B","short":"DISARMAMENT, 10TH SPECIAL SESSION","descr":"Review of the implementation of the recommendations and decisions adopted by the General Assembly at its 10th special session"} {"rcid":3151,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/42C","short":"CESSATION, ARMS RACE","descr":"Cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament and prevention of nuclear war"} {"rcid":3152,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/42D","short":"NUCLEAR WAR, PREVENTION","descr":"Prevention of nuclear war"} {"rcid":3153,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/42E","short":"DISARMAMENT, COOPERATION","descr":"International cooperation for disarmament"} {"rcid":3154,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/42H","short":"DISARMAMENT WEEK","descr":"Disarmament Week"} {"rcid":3155,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/42K","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONFERENCE","descr":"Report of the Conference on Disarmament"} {"rcid":3156,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/42L","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONFERENCE","descr":"Report of the Conference on Disarmament"} {"rcid":3157,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/42M","short":"DISARMAMENT, 10TH SPECIAL SESSION","descr":"Implementation of the recommendations and decisions of the 10th special session"} {"rcid":3158,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/42N","short":"1ST COMMITTEE, RATIONALIZATION","descr":"Rationalization of the work of the 1st Committee"} {"rcid":3159,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/44","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"Calls upon Israel to become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to accede to it without further delay, and not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons and to renounce possession of nuclear weap"} {"rcid":3160,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/46A","short":"ANTARCTICA","descr":"Question of Antarctica"} {"rcid":3161,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/46B","short":"ANTARCTICA, SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"Expresses concern with South Africa's participation in the Antarctica Treaty System"} {"rcid":3162,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/50","short":"SOCIAL, ECONOMIC CHANGE","descr":"National experience in achieving far?reaching social and economic changes for the purpose of social progress"} {"rcid":3163,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/52","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Efforts and measures for securing the implementation by States and the enjoyment by youth of human rights in conditions of peace, particularly the right to education and to work"} {"rcid":3164,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-11-02","unres":"R/42/56","short":"APARTHEID, CONVENTION","descr":"Status of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the crime of Apartheid"} {"rcid":3165,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-04","unres":"R/42/66A","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"The programme of work of the Palestinian Rights Committee"} {"rcid":3166,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-04","unres":"R/42/66B","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Implementation of the recommendations of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People in A/40/35"} {"rcid":3167,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-04","unres":"R/42/66C","short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"Requests the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to assist in the worldwide dissemination of 'accurate and comprehensive information' in support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people'"} {"rcid":3168,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-04","unres":"R/42/66D","short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE CONFERENCE","descr":"Calls for the convening of the International Peace Conference on the Middle East, under the auspices of the United Nations, with the participation of all parties to the conflict, including the Palestine Liberation Organization, on an equal foot"} {"rcid":3169,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-04","unres":"R/42/69A","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Urges all Member States to extend and expedite aid and assistance to the relief agency. Notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees, as provided for in paragraph 11 of its resolution 194 (III), has not yet been effected"} {"rcid":3170,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-04","unres":"R/42/69D","short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS","descr":"Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees"} {"rcid":3171,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-04","unres":"R/42/69E","short":"GAZA STRIP, REFUGEES","descr":"Palestine refugees in the Gaza Strip"} {"rcid":3172,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-04","unres":"R/42/69F","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, RELIEF","descr":"Calls once again upon all Governments, as a matter of urgency, to make the most generous efforts possible and to offer the necessary resources to meet the needs of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near Ea"} {"rcid":3173,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-04","unres":"R/42/69G","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, RETURN","descr":"Reaffirms the inalienable right of all displaced inhabitants to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967"} {"rcid":3174,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-04","unres":"R/42/69H","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROPERTIES","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":3175,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-04","unres":"R/42/69I","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROTECTION","descr":"Protection of Palestinian students and educational institutions and safeguarding of the security of the facilities of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East in the occupied Palestinian territory"} {"rcid":3176,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-04","unres":"R/42/69J","short":"WEST BANK, REFUGEES","descr":"Calls upon Israel to abandon its plans and to refrain from the removal, and from any action that may lead to the removal and resettlement, of Palestine refugees in the West Bank and from the destruction of their camps;."} {"rcid":3177,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-04","unres":"R/42/69K","short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"Emphasizes the need for strengthening the educational system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 5 June 1967, including Jerusalem, and specifically the need for the establishment of the proposed university and Requests the Sec"} {"rcid":3178,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-05","unres":"R/42/70/A","short":"DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE","descr":"Financing of the UN Disengagement Observer Force"} {"rcid":3179,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-05","unres":"R/42/70/B","short":"DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE","descr":"Financing of the UN Disengagement Observer Force"} {"rcid":3180,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/71","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples"} {"rcid":3181,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/72","short":"DECOLONIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information and decolonization"} {"rcid":3182,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/73","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the UN"} {"rcid":3183,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/74","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"Activities of foreign economic and other interests which are impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples of Namibia and in all other Territories under colonial domination and"} {"rcid":3184,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/75","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the UN"} {"rcid":3185,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/78","short":"WESTERN SAHARA","descr":"Requests that the two parties to the conflict, the Kingdom of Morocco and the Frente Popular para la Liberacion de Saguia el-Hamra y de Rio de Oro, to undertake direct negotiations, in the shortest possible time, with a view to bringing about a"} {"rcid":3186,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/79","short":"NEW CALEDONIA","descr":"Question of New Caledonia"} {"rcid":3187,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/91","short":"LIFE IN PEACE","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Preparation of Societies for Life in Peace"} {"rcid":3188,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/92","short":"INTERNATIONAL PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"Review of the Implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security"} {"rcid":3189,"session":42,"importantvote":1,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/93","short":"INTERNATIONAL PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"Comprehensive system of international peace and security"} {"rcid":3190,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/95","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"Importance of the universal realization of the rights of peoples to self determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights"} {"rcid":3191,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/96","short":"MERCENARIES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means to violate human rights and to impede the exercise of the right of peoples to self determination"} {"rcid":3192,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/99","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY","descr":"Human rights and use of scientific and technological developments"} {"rcid":3193,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/100","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY","descr":"Human rights and use of scientific and technological developments"} {"rcid":3194,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/101","short":"RIGHTS OF THE CHILD, CONVENTION","descr":"Question of a convention on the rights of the child"} {"rcid":3195,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/102","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Indivisibility and interdependence of economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights"} {"rcid":3196,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/115","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, PROPERTY","descr":"The impact of property on the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms"} {"rcid":3197,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/119","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, U.N. SYSTEM","descr":"Alternative approaches and ways and means within the UN system for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms"} {"rcid":3198,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/134","short":"PROTECTION OF THE FAMILY","descr":"Calls upon all States to ensure that no radioactive waste is dumped in the territory of other States in infringement of their sovereignty. Expresses profound concern regarding practices of dumping nuclear and industrial wastes in Africa, which"} {"rcid":3199,"session":42,"importantvote":1,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/135","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, AFGHANISTAN","descr":"Question of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Afghanistan"} {"rcid":3200,"session":42,"importantvote":1,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/136","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAN","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran"} {"rcid":3201,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/139","short":"ETHIOPIA, DISPLACED PERSONS","descr":"Assistance to displaced persons in Ethiopia"} {"rcid":3202,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/140","short":"MIGRANT WORKERS, RIGHTS","descr":"Takes note with satisfaction of the report of the Working Group on the Drafting of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families and, in particular, of the progress made by the Working Gro"} {"rcid":3203,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/145","short":"WORLD SOCIAL SITUATION","descr":"Notes with deep concern the continuing deterioration of the economic and social situation of the world, in particular in the developing countries, whose position has been further worsened by sharp fluctuations in exchange rates, high real rates"} {"rcid":3204,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/146","short":"RIGHT TO HOUSING","descr":"Realization of the right to adequate housing"} {"rcid":3205,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/147","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILE","descr":"Situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Chile"} {"rcid":3206,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/149","short":"INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER","descr":"Progressive development of the principles and norms of international law relating to the new international economic order"} {"rcid":3207,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/150","short":"PEACEFUL SETTLEMENTS OF DISPUTES","descr":"urges all States to observe and promote in good faith the provisions of the Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes in the settlement of their international disputes"} {"rcid":3208,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/151","short":"CRIMES AGAINST PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"Draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind"} {"rcid":3209,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/153","short":"BILLS OF EXCHANGE, CONVENTION","descr":"Draft Convention on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes"} {"rcid":3210,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/158","short":"GOOD NEIGHBORLINESS","descr":"Development and strengthening of goodneighbourliness between States"} {"rcid":3211,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/159","short":"INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM","descr":"Measures to prevent international terrorism which endangers or takes innocent human lives or jeopardizes fundamental freedoms and study of the underlying causes of those forms of terrorism and acts of violence which lie in misery, frustration,"} {"rcid":3212,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-03","unres":"R/42/160A","short":"PALESTINE, DETENTIONS","descr":"Deplores the arbitrary detention or imprisonment by Israel of thousands of Palestinians as a result of their resistance to occupation in order to attain self-determination, Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to release all Palestinians and"} {"rcid":3213,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-03","unres":"R/42/160B","short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"Requests Israel to respect the Geneva convention pretaining to persons in times of war"} {"rcid":3214,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-03","unres":"R/42/160C","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Illegality of Israeli measures threatening the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the occupied territories"} {"rcid":3215,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-03","unres":"R/42/160D","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Israeli actions in the occupied territories"} {"rcid":3216,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-03","unres":"R/42/160E","short":"ISRAEL, HEBRON, HALHUL","descr":"Denounces the arrest of the mayor of Halhul and the arrest of the Sharia judge of Herbon"} {"rcid":3217,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-03","unres":"R/42/160F","short":"ISRAEL, GOLAN HEIGHTS","descr":"Affirms the illegality of Israel's occupation and transformation of the Golan heights"} {"rcid":3218,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-03","unres":"R/42/160G","short":"ISRAEL, EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS","descr":"Delpores the continued actions by Israel against Palestinian students and educational institutions"} {"rcid":3219,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-03","unres":"R/42/162A","short":"NEW INFORMATION ORDER","descr":"Balance in the dissemination of information, the establishment of a new world information and communication order"} {"rcid":3220,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-03","unres":"R/42/162B","short":"INFORMATION, MASS-MEDIA","descr":"Balance in the dissemination of information, the establishment of a new world information and communication order"} {"rcid":3221,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/165","short":"INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC SECURITY","descr":"International economic security"} {"rcid":3222,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/166","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Requests the relevant programmes, organizations, agencies, funds and organs of the United Nations system to intensify their efforts, in co-operation with the Palestine Liberation Organization, to provide economic and social assistance to the Pa"} {"rcid":3223,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/173","short":"ECONOMIC COERCION","descr":"Economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries"} {"rcid":3224,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/174","short":"LAND-LOCKED COUNTRIES","descr":"Specific action related to the particular needs and problems of land locked developing countries"} {"rcid":3225,"session":42,"importantvote":1,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/176","short":"NICARAGUA, EMBARGO","descr":"Regrets the unilateral trade embargo and other measures imposed against Nicaragua and requests that those measures be immediately revoked"} {"rcid":3226,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/184","short":"ENVIRONMENT, COOPERATION","descr":"International co?operation in the field of the environment"} {"rcid":3227,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/190","short":"PALESTINE, LIVING CONDITIONS","descr":"Living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territories"} {"rcid":3228,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/198","short":"DEBT PROBLEM SOLUTIONS","descr":"Enhanced international cooperation towards a durable solution to the external debt problems of developing countries"} {"rcid":3229,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/199","short":"LEBANON, AID","descr":"Assistance for the reconstruction and development of Lebanon"} {"rcid":3230,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/200","short":"ECONOMIC AID, CHAD","descr":"Special economic assistance to Chad"} {"rcid":3231,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/201","short":"ECONOMIC AID, FRONT-LINE STATES","descr":"Special assistance to front?line States"} {"rcid":3232,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/202","short":"MALDIVES, AID","descr":"Special assistance to Maldives for disaster relief and the strengthening of its coastal defense"} {"rcid":3233,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/203","short":"EL SALVADOR, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Assistance to El Salvador"} {"rcid":3234,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/204","short":"ECONOMIC ASSISTANCE, CENTRAL AMERICA","descr":"Special economic assistance to Central America"} {"rcid":3235,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/205","short":"EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE","descr":"Emergency assistance to Benin, the Central African Republic, Democratic Yemen, Djibouti, Ecuador, the Gambia, Madagascar, Nicaragua and Vanuatu due to climatic catastrophe"} {"rcid":3236,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/209/A","short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE CONFERENCE","descr":"Calls for the convening of the International Peace Conference on the Middle East, under the auspices of the United Nations, with the participation of all parties to the conflict, including the Palestine Liberation Organization, on an equal foot"} {"rcid":3237,"session":42,"importantvote":1,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/209/B","short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE PROCESS","descr":"Reaffirms its conviction that the question of Palestine is the core of the conflict in the Middle East and that no comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the region will be achieved without the full exercise by the Palestinian people of its i"} {"rcid":3238,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/209/C","short":"ISRAEL, ACTIONS AGAINST","descr":"Deplores Israel's continued ignoring of UN resolutions; calls for the severing of ties with Israel"} {"rcid":3239,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-06","unres":"R/42/209/D","short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called Basic Law"} {"rcid":3240,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-05","unres":"R/42/210B","short":"HOST COUNTRY, RELATIONS","descr":"Relations between the UN Permanent HQ country and the PLO"} {"rcid":3241,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/223","short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"Financing of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon"} {"rcid":3242,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/224","short":"TROOP REIMBURSEMENT","descr":"Review of the rates of reimbursement to the Governments of troop contributing States"} {"rcid":3243,"session":42,"importantvote":1,"date":"1987-12-02","unres":"R/42/226A","short":"BUDGET, 1988-1989","descr":"Budget appropriations for the biennium 1988-1989"} {"rcid":3244,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-03-04","unres":"R/42/229A","short":"HOST COUNTRY, RELATIONS","descr":"Relations between the UN Permanent HQ country and the PLO"} {"rcid":3245,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-03-04","unres":"R/42/229B","short":"HOST COUNTRY, RELATIONS","descr":"Settlement of disputes between the delegations and the host countries."} {"rcid":3246,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-03-04","unres":"R/42/230","short":"REPORT, RELATIONS WITH HOST COUNTRY","descr":"Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country"} {"rcid":3247,"session":42,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-05-06","unres":"R/42/232","short":"REPORT, RELATIONS WITH HOST COUNTRY","descr":"Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country"} {"rcid":3248,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-10-02","unres":"R/43/3","short":"U.N., LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES","descr":"Cooperation between UN and the League of Arab States"} {"rcid":3249,"session":43,"importantvote":1,"date":"1988-10-03","unres":"R/43/11","short":"NICARAGUA, ICJ RULING","descr":"Urgently calls for full and immediate compliance with the Judgment of the International Court of Justice of 27 June 1986 in the case of Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua in conformity with the relevant provisions of"} {"rcid":3250,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-10-03","unres":"R/43/12","short":"COOPERATION, U.N. AND OAU","descr":"Cooperation between the UN and the OAU"} {"rcid":3251,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-10-04","unres":"R/43/13","short":"PRETORIA, RACIAL ELECTION","descr":"Declares that the municipal elections are contrary to the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and that the enforcement of the municipal elections and their results will inevitably aggravate tension and conflict in South Africa"} {"rcid":3252,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-10-04","unres":"R/43/14","short":"COMOROS, MAYOTTE","descr":"Question of the Comorian island of Mayotte"} {"rcid":3253,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-11-03","unres":"R/43/18","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Calls upon all States that have not done so to become parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and to ratify, confirm formally or accede to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Conv"} {"rcid":3254,"session":43,"importantvote":1,"date":"1988-11-05","unres":"R/43/19","short":"KAMPUCHEA","descr":"The situation in Kampuchea"} {"rcid":3255,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-11-05","unres":"R/43/21","short":"PALESTINE, INTIFADAH","descr":"Condemns those policies and practices of Israel, the occupying Power, which violate the human rights wof the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and, in particular, such acts as the opening of fire by"} {"rcid":3256,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-11-06","unres":"R/43/22","short":"RIGHT TO PEACE","descr":"Right of peoples to peace"} {"rcid":3257,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-11-02","unres":"R/43/23","short":"SOUTH ATLANTIC, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic"} {"rcid":3258,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-11-05","unres":"R/43/25","short":"FALKLAND ISLANDS","descr":"Question of the Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"} {"rcid":3259,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-11-05","unres":"R/43/26A","short":"NAMIBIA, SITUATION","descr":"Situation in Namibia resulting from illegal occupation of the Territory by South Africa"} {"rcid":3260,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-11-05","unres":"R/43/26B","short":"NAMIBIA, S.C. RESOLUTION 435","descr":"Implementation of Security Council resolution 435 (1978)"} {"rcid":3261,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-11-05","unres":"R/43/26C","short":"NAMIBIA, U.N. COUNCIL","descr":"Programme of work of the UN Council for Namibia"} {"rcid":3262,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-11-05","unres":"R/43/26D","short":"NAMIBIA, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information and mobilization of international public opinion in support of the immediate independence of Namibia"} {"rcid":3263,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-11-05","unres":"R/43/26E","short":"NAMIBIA, U.N. FUND","descr":"UN Fund for Namibia"} {"rcid":3264,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-11-03","unres":"R/43/28","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the UN"} {"rcid":3265,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-11-03","unres":"R/43/29","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"Activities of foreign economic and other interests which are impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Namibia and in all other Territories under colonial domination and"} {"rcid":3266,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-11-03","unres":"R/43/30","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the UN"} {"rcid":3267,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-11-03","unres":"R/43/33","short":"WESTERN SAHARA","descr":"Requests that the two parties to the conflict, the Kingdom of Morocco and the Frente Popular para la Liberacion de Saguia el-Hamra y de Rio de Oro, to undertake direct negotiations, in the shortest possible time, with a view to bringing about a"} {"rcid":3268,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-11-03","unres":"R/43/45","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples"} {"rcid":3269,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-11-03","unres":"R/43/46","short":"DECOLONIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization"} {"rcid":3270,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-11-03","unres":"R/43/47","short":"DECOLONIZATION DECADE","descr":"International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism"} {"rcid":3271,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-11-04","unres":"R/43/48","short":"HOST COUNTRY, RELATIONS","descr":"Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country"} {"rcid":3272,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-06","unres":"R/43/49","short":"HOST COUNTRY, RELATIONS","descr":"Report of the Committee on Relations with the Host Country"} {"rcid":3273,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-02","unres":"R/43/50A","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, LIBERATION MOVEMENTS","descr":"Reaffirms its full support to the people of South Africa in their struggle, under the leadership of their national liberation movements, to eradicate apartheid totally"} {"rcid":3274,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-02","unres":"R/43/50B","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, MILITARY COLLABORATION","descr":"Strongly deplores the actions of those States and organizations which directly or indirectly continue to violate the arms embargo and collaborate with South Africa in the military, nuclear, intelligence and technology fields"} {"rcid":3275,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-02","unres":"R/43/50C","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"Calls upon the Security Council urgently to take action under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations with a view to applying comprehensive and mandatory sanctions against South Africa and urges the Governments of the United States of"} {"rcid":3276,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-02","unres":"R/43/50D","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISOLATION","descr":"Imposition, coordination and strict monitoring of measures against racist South Africa"} {"rcid":3277,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-02","unres":"R/43/50E","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISRAEL","descr":"strongly condemns the continuing and increasing collaboration of Israel with the racist regime of South Africa, especially in the economic, military and nuclear fields;"} {"rcid":3278,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-02","unres":"R/43/50F","short":"APARTHEID, COMMITTEE","descr":"Programme of work of the Special Committee against Apartheid"} {"rcid":3279,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-02","unres":"R/43/50H","short":"APARTHEID, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information against the policies of apartheid of the regime of racist South Africa"} {"rcid":3280,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-02","unres":"R/43/50J","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, OIL EMBARGO","descr":"Requests all States concerned, pending a decision by the Security Council, to adopt effective measures and/or legislation to broaden the scope of the oil embargo in order to ensure the complete cessation of the supply and shipping of oil and pe"} {"rcid":3281,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-02","unres":"R/43/50K","short":"APARTHEID, ELIMINATION","descr":"Concerted international action for the elimination of apartheid"} {"rcid":3282,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/54A","short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE PROCESS","descr":"Reaffirms its conviction that the question of Palestine is the core of the conflict in the Middle East and that no comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the region will be achieved without the full exercise by the Palestinian people of its i"} {"rcid":3283,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/54B","short":"ISRAEL, ACTIONS AGAINST","descr":"Deplores Israel's continued ignoring of UN resolutions; calls for the severing of ties with Israel"} {"rcid":3284,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/54C","short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called Basic Law"} {"rcid":3285,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/57A","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Urges all Member States to extend and expedite aid and assistance to the relief agency. Notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees, as provided for in paragraph 11 of its resolution 194 (III), has not yet been effected"} {"rcid":3286,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/57D","short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS","descr":"Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees"} {"rcid":3287,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/57E","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES RESETTLEMENT","descr":"Strongly reiterates its demand that Israel desist from the removal and resettlement of Palestine refugees in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 1967 and from the destruction of their shelters"} {"rcid":3288,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/57F","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, RELIEF","descr":"Calls once again upon all Governments, as a matter of urgency, to make the most generous efforts possible and to offer the necessary resources to meet the needs of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near Ea"} {"rcid":3289,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/57G","short":"PALESTINE, DISPLACED PERSONS","descr":"Reaffirms the inalienable right of all displaced inhabitants to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967"} {"rcid":3290,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/57H","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROPERTIES","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":3291,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/57I","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROTECTION","descr":"Holds Israel responsible for the security of the Palestine refugees in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, and calls upon it to fulfil its obligations as the occupyi"} {"rcid":3292,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/57J","short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"Emphasizes the need for strengthening the educational system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 5 June 1967, including Jerusalem, and specifically the need for the establishment of the proposed university and Requests the Sec"} {"rcid":3293,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/58A","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"the Special Committee, pending complete termination of the Israeli occupation, to continue to investigate Israeli policies and practices in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel s"} {"rcid":3294,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/58B","short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"Requests Israel to respect the Geneva convention pretaining to persons in times of war"} {"rcid":3295,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/58C","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Illegality of Israeli measures threatening the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the occupied territories"} {"rcid":3296,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/58D","short":"PALESTINE, DETENTIONS","descr":"Deplores the arbitrary detention or imprisonment by Israel of thousands of Palestinians as a result of their resistance to occupation in order to attain self-determination, Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to release all Palestinians and"} {"rcid":3297,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/58E","short":"ISRAEL, RESOLUTION COMPLIANCE","descr":"Demands that Israel come into compliance with previous UN resolutions"} {"rcid":3298,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/58F","short":"ISRAEL, GOLAN HEIGHTS","descr":"Affirms the illegality of Israel's occupation and transformation of the Golan heights"} {"rcid":3299,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/58G","short":"ISRAEL, PALESTINIAN STUDENTS","descr":"Delpores the continued actions by Israel against Palestinian students and educational institutions"} {"rcid":3300,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/60A","short":"NEW INFORMATION ORDER","descr":"Balance in the dissemination of information, the establishment of a new world information and communication order"} {"rcid":3301,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/60B","short":"NEW INFORMATION ORDER","descr":"Balance in the dissemination of information, the establishment of a new world information and communication order"} {"rcid":3303,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/63A","short":"CESSATION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Cessation of all nuclear test explosions"} {"rcid":3304,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/63B","short":"CESSATION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Cessation of all nuclear test explosions"} {"rcid":3305,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/64","short":"COMPREHENSIVE TEST-BAN-TREATY","descr":"Urgent need for a comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty :"} {"rcid":3306,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/66","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia"} {"rcid":3307,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/68","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements on the strengthening of the security of non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3308,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/69","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non nuclear weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3309,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/70","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space"} {"rcid":3310,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/71A","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, AFRICA","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Denuclearization of Africa"} {"rcid":3311,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/71B","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Condemns South Africa's continued pursuit of a nuclear capability and all forms of nuclear collaboration by any State, corporation, institution or individual with the racist regime that enable it to frustrate the objective of the Declaration wh"} {"rcid":3312,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/72","short":"WEAPONS DEVELOPMENT, MANUFACTURE","descr":"Prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons"} {"rcid":3313,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/75A","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"Calls upon the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Government of the United States of America to spare no effort in seeking the attainment of their agreed objectives in the negotiations, in accordance with the security"} {"rcid":3314,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/75G","short":"MILITARY MATTERS, INFORMATION","descr":"Encourages Member States to ensure a better flow of information with regard to the various aspects of disarmament to avoid dissemination of false and tendentious information concerning armaments and to concentrate on the danger of escalation of"} {"rcid":3315,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/75H","short":"DISARMAMENT, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of General Assembly resolutions in the field of disarmament"} {"rcid":3316,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/75I","short":"ARMS TRANSFERS","descr":"International arms transfers"} {"rcid":3317,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/75J","short":"WEAPONS DEVELOPMENT, MANUFACTURE","descr":"Prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of radiological weapons."} {"rcid":3318,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/75K","short":"FISSIONABLE MATERIAL","descr":"Prohibition of the production of fissionable material for weapons purposes"} {"rcid":3319,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/75L","short":"NAVAL DISARMAMENT","descr":"Naval armaments and disarmament"} {"rcid":3320,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/75N","short":"DISARMAMENT, U.N. STUDY","descr":"Comprehensive UN study on nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3321,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/75O","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"Bilateral nuclear arms negotiations"} {"rcid":3322,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/75Q","short":"HOSTILE RADIOACTIVE WASTE DUMPING","descr":"Prohibition of the dumping of radioactive wastes for hostile purposes"} {"rcid":3323,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/75S","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONVENTIONAL","descr":"Conventional disarmament on a regional scale"} {"rcid":3324,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/75T","short":"PROHIBITION, RADIOACTIVE DUMPING","descr":"Calls upon all States to ensure that no radioactive waste is dumped in the territory of other States in infringement of their sovereignty. Expresses profound concern regarding practices of dumping nuclear and industrial wastes in Africa, which"} {"rcid":3325,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/76A","short":"DISARMAMENT, INTERNATIONAL SECURITY","descr":"Disarmament and international security"} {"rcid":3326,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/76B","short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Nuclear arms freeze"} {"rcid":3327,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/76C","short":"WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN","descr":"World Disarmament Campaign: actions and activities"} {"rcid":3328,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/76E","short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR USE","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":3329,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/77A","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, SECURITY","descr":"Scientific and technological developments and their impact on international security"} {"rcid":3330,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/77B","short":"3RD SPECIAL SESSION","descr":"3rd special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament"} {"rcid":3331,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/78B","short":"NUCLEAR NON-USE","descr":"Requests the Conference on Disarmament to commence negotiations on the item Prevention of nuclear war of its agenda and to consider, inter#alia, the elaboration of an international instrument of a legally binding character laying down the oblig"} {"rcid":3332,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/78C","short":"DISARMAMENT, COOPERATION","descr":"International cooperation for disarmament"} {"rcid":3333,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/78D","short":"NUCLEAR WAR, CLIMACTIC EFFECTS","descr":"Climatic effects of nuclear war, including nuclear winter: report of the Secretary General"} {"rcid":3334,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/78E","short":"CESSATION, ARMS RACE","descr":"Cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament and prevention of nuclear war"} {"rcid":3335,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/78F","short":"NUCLEAR WAR, PREVENTION","descr":"Prevention of nuclear war"} {"rcid":3336,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/78I","short":"DISARMAMENT CONFERENCE","descr":"Report of the Conference on Disarmament"} {"rcid":3337,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/78J","short":"ECONOMIC, SOCIAL CONSEQUENCE, ARMS RACE","descr":"Economic and social consequences of the armaments race and its extremely harmful effects on world peace and security"} {"rcid":3338,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/78M","short":"DISARMAMENT CONFERENCE","descr":"Report of the Conference on Disarmament"} {"rcid":3339,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/80","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"Calls upon Israel to become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to accede to it without further delay, and not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons and to renounce possession of nuclear weap"} {"rcid":3340,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/81B","short":"STUDY, U.N. VERIFICATION","descr":"Study on the role of the UN in the field of verification"} {"rcid":3341,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/82","short":"NON PROLIFERATION TREATY","descr":"Implementation of the conclusions of the 3rd Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and establishment of a Preparatory Committee for the 4th Review Conference"} {"rcid":3342,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/83A","short":"ANTARCTICA","descr":"Question of Antarctica"} {"rcid":3343,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/83B","short":"ANTARCTICA, SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"Expresses concern with South Africa's participation in the Antarctica Treaty System"} {"rcid":3344,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/86","short":"POLITICAL DIALOGUE","descr":"Calls upon States to make a consistent effort to observe fully the provisions set forth in the Charter of the United Nations in order to strengthen international peace and security"} {"rcid":3345,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/87","short":"LIFE IN PEACE","descr":"10th anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration on the Preparation of Societies for Life in Peace"} {"rcid":3346,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/88","short":"INTERNATIONAL PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"Review of the Implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security"} {"rcid":3347,"session":43,"importantvote":1,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/89","short":"INTERNATIONAL SECURITY, U.N. CHARTER","descr":"Comprehensive approach to strengthening international peace and security in accordance with the Charter of the UN"} {"rcid":3348,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/92","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Adverse consequences for the enjoyment of human rights of political, military, economic and other forms of assistance given to the racist and colonialist regime of South Africa"} {"rcid":3349,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/97","short":"APARTHEID, SUPPRESSION","descr":"Action on the suppression of Apartheid"} {"rcid":3350,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/106","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"Importance of the universal realization of the rights of peoples to self determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights"} {"rcid":3351,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/107","short":"MERCENARIES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means to violate human rights and to impede the exercise of the right of peoples to self determination"} {"rcid":3352,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/110","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY","descr":"Human rights and scientific and technological developments"} {"rcid":3353,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/113","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Indivisibility and interdependence of economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights"} {"rcid":3354,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/124","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, PROPERTY","descr":"The impact of property on the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms"} {"rcid":3355,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/125","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, U.N. SYSTEM","descr":"Alternative approaches and ways and means within the UN system for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms"} {"rcid":3356,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/126","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, U.N. SYSTEM","descr":"Alternative approaches and ways and means within the UN system for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms"} {"rcid":3357,"session":43,"importantvote":1,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/137","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAN","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran"} {"rcid":3358,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/146","short":"MIGRANT WORKERS, RIGHTS","descr":"Takes note with satisfaction of the report of the Working Group on the Drafting of an International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Their Families and, in particular, of the progress made by the Working Gro"} {"rcid":3359,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/156","short":"WORLD SOCIAL SITUATION","descr":"Notes with deep concern the continuing deterioration of the economic and social situation of the world, in particular in the developing countries, whose position has been further worsened by sharp fluctuations in exchange rates, high real rates"} {"rcid":3360,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/158","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILE","descr":"Situation of human rights and fundamental freedoms in Chile"} {"rcid":3361,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-06","unres":"R/43/160A","short":"PLO, STATUS","descr":"Decides that the Palestine Liberation Organization and the South West Africa People's Organization are entitled to have their communications relating to the sessions and work of the General Assembly issued and circulated directly, and without"} {"rcid":3362,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-06","unres":"R/43/160B","short":"NATIONAL LIBERATION MOVEMENTS","descr":"Observer status of national liberation movements recognized by the OAU and/or by the League of Arab States"} {"rcid":3363,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-06","unres":"R/43/162","short":"INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER","descr":"Progressive development of the principles and norms of international law relating to the new international economic order"} {"rcid":3364,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-06","unres":"R/43/163","short":"PEACEFUL SETTLEMENTS OF DISPUTES","descr":"urges all States to observe and promote in good faith the provisions of the Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes in the settlement of their international disputes"} {"rcid":3365,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-06","unres":"R/43/164","short":"CRIMES AGAINST PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"Draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind"} {"rcid":3366,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-06","unres":"R/43/171A","short":"GOOD NEIGHBORLINESS","descr":"Development and strengthening of good neighbourliness between States"} {"rcid":3367,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-06","unres":"R/43/171B","short":"GOOD NEIGHBORLINESS","descr":"Development and strengthening of good neighbourliness between States"} {"rcid":3368,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/175A","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Affirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and sets the programme of work for the Committee on Palestinian rights"} {"rcid":3369,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/175B","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Sets the programme of work for the committee on Palestinian rights"} {"rcid":3370,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/175C","short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"Requests the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to assist in the worldwide dissemination of 'accurate and comprehensive information' in support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people'"} {"rcid":3371,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/176","short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE CONFERENCE","descr":"Calls for the convening of the International Peace Conference on the Middle East, under the auspices of the United Nations, with the participation of all parties to the conflict, including the Palestine Liberation Organization, on an equal foot"} {"rcid":3372,"session":43,"importantvote":1,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/177","short":"PALESTINE, STATE","descr":"Acknowledges the proclamation of the State of Palestine by the Palestine National Council on 15 November 1988, Decides that, effective as of 15 December 1988, the designation Palestine should be used in place of the designation Palestine Libera"} {"rcid":3373,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-05","unres":"R/43/178","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Requests the relevant programmes, organizations, agencies, funds and organs of the United Nations system to intensify their efforts, in co-operation with the Palestine Liberation Organization, to provide economic and social assistance to the Pa"} {"rcid":3374,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/182","short":"4TH DECADE OF DEVELOPMENT","descr":"Preparation of an international development"} {"rcid":3375,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/185","short":"NICARAGUA, EMBARGO","descr":"Regrets the unilateral trade embargo and other measures imposed against Nicaragua and requests that those measures be immediately revoked"} {"rcid":3376,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/187","short":"INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CONFERENCE","descr":"International conference on money and finance"} {"rcid":3377,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/195","short":"POVERTY, ERADICATION","descr":"International cooperation for the eradication of poverty in developing countries"} {"rcid":3378,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/197","short":"DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE","descr":"Fulfillment of the target for official development assistance"} {"rcid":3379,"session":43,"importantvote":1,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/198","short":"DEBT PROBLEM SOLUTIONS","descr":"Enhanced international cooperation towards a durable solution to the external debt problems of developing countries"} {"rcid":3380,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-03","unres":"R/43/209","short":"FRONT-LINE STATES, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Special assistance to frontline States"} {"rcid":3381,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/222B","short":"CONFERENCES, COMMITTEE","descr":"Status of the Committee on Conferences"} {"rcid":3382,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/228","short":"DISENGAGEMENT OBSERVER FORCE","descr":"Financing of the UN Disengagement Observer Force"} {"rcid":3383,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1988-12-04","unres":"R/43/229","short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"Financing of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon"} {"rcid":3384,"session":43,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-04-05","unres":"R/43/233","short":"PALESTINE, INTIFADAH","descr":"Condemns those policies and practices of Israel, the occupying Power, which violate the human rights of the Palestinian people in the occupied territory, including the right of freedom of worship, and, in particular, the opening of fire by Isra"} {"rcid":3385,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-09-05","unres":"R/44/1","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, EXECUTION","descr":"Asks South-African government to commute death sentence passed on Mangena Jeffrey Boesman, a member of the African National Congress of South Africa"} {"rcid":3386,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-10-06","unres":"R/44/2","short":"PALESTINE, INTIFADAH","descr":"Condemns those policies and practices of Israel, the occupying Power, which violate the human rights wof the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and, in particular, such acts as the opening of fire by"} {"rcid":3387,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-10-03","unres":"R/44/7","short":"U.N., LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES","descr":"Cooperation between UN and the League of Arab States"} {"rcid":3388,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-10-04","unres":"R/44/9","short":"COMOROS, MAYOTTE","descr":"Question of the Comorian island of Mayotte"} {"rcid":3389,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-11-02","unres":"R/44/18","short":"CULTURAL PROPERTY, RESTITUTION","descr":"Return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin"} {"rcid":3390,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-11-03","unres":"R/44/20","short":"SOUTH ATLANTIC, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic"} {"rcid":3391,"session":44,"importantvote":1,"date":"1989-11-05","unres":"R/44/22","short":"KAMPUCHEA","descr":"The situation in Kampuchea"} {"rcid":3392,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-11-06","unres":"R/44/24","short":"STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENT, ALTERNATIVE","descr":"African Alternative Framework to Structural Adjustment Programmes for Socio Economic Recovery and Transformation"} {"rcid":3393,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-11-02","unres":"R/44/26","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Calls upon all States that have not done so to become parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and to ratify, confirm formally or accede to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Conv"} {"rcid":3394,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-11-04","unres":"R/44/27A","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, LIBERATION MOVEMENTS","descr":"Reaffirms its full support to the people of South Africa in their struggle, under the leadership of their national liberation movements, to eradicate apartheid totally"} {"rcid":3395,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-11-04","unres":"R/44/27C","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, SANCTIONS","descr":"Calls upon the Security Council urgently to take action under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations with a view to applying comprehensive and mandatory sanctions against South Africa and urges the Governments of the United States of"} {"rcid":3396,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-11-04","unres":"R/44/27D","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, REGIME MONITORING","descr":"Imposition, co?ordination and strict monitoring of measures against racist South Africa"} {"rcid":3397,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-11-04","unres":"R/44/27E","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, FINANCIAL PRESSURE","descr":"International financial pressure on the apartheid economy of South Africa"} {"rcid":3398,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-11-04","unres":"R/44/27F","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISRAEL","descr":"strongly condemns the continuing and increasing collaboration of Israel with the racist regime of South Africa, especially in the economic, military and nuclear fields;"} {"rcid":3399,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-11-04","unres":"R/44/27G","short":"APARTHEID, COMMITTEE","descr":"Programme of work of the Special Committee against Apartheid"} {"rcid":3400,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-11-04","unres":"R/44/27H","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, OIL EMBARGO","descr":"Requests all States concerned, pending a decision by the Security Council, to adopt effective measures and/or legislation to broaden the scope of the oil embargo in order to ensure the complete cessation of the supply and shipping of oil and pe"} {"rcid":3401,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-11-04","unres":"R/44/27I","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, MILITARY COLLABORATION","descr":"Strongly deplores the actions of those States and organizations which directly or indirectly continue to violate the arms embargo and collaborate with South Africa in the military, nuclear, intelligence and technology fields. Mentions Israel, F"} {"rcid":3402,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-11-04","unres":"R/44/27K","short":"APARTHEID, ELIMINATION","descr":"Concerted international action for the elimination of apartheid"} {"rcid":3403,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-11-04","unres":"R/44/27L","short":"APARTHEID, SPORTS","descr":"Support for the work of the Commission against Apartheid in Sports"} {"rcid":3404,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-02","unres":"R/44/30","short":"INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER","descr":"Progressive development of the principles and norms of international law relating to the new international economic order"} {"rcid":3405,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-02","unres":"R/44/31","short":"PEACEFUL SETTLEMENTS OF DISPUTES","descr":"urges all States to observe and promote in good faith the provisions of the Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes in the settlement of their international disputes"} {"rcid":3406,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-02","unres":"R/44/32","short":"CRIMES AGAINST PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"Draft Code of Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind"} {"rcid":3407,"session":44,"importantvote":1,"date":"1989-12-02","unres":"R/44/40A","short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE PROCESS","descr":"Reaffirms its conviction that the question of Palestine is the core of the conflict in the Middle East and that no comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the region will be achieved without the full exercise by the Palestinian people of its i"} {"rcid":3408,"session":44,"importantvote":1,"date":"1989-12-02","unres":"R/44/40B","short":"ISRAEL, ACTIONS AGAINST","descr":"Deplores Israel's continued ignoring of UN resolutions; calls for the severing of ties with Israel"} {"rcid":3409,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-02","unres":"R/44/40C","short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called Basic Law"} {"rcid":3410,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-04","unres":"R/44/41A","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Affirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and sets the programme of work for the Committee on Palestinian rights"} {"rcid":3411,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-04","unres":"R/44/41B","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Sets the programme of work for the committee on Palestinian rights"} {"rcid":3412,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-04","unres":"R/44/41C","short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"Requests the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to assist in the worldwide dissemination of 'accurate and comprehensive information' in support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people'"} {"rcid":3413,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-04","unres":"R/44/42","short":"PALESTINE","descr":"Question of Palestine"} {"rcid":3414,"session":44,"importantvote":1,"date":"1989-12-05","unres":"R/44/43","short":"NICARAGUA, ICJ RULING","descr":"Urgently calls for full and immediate compliance with the Judgment of the International Court of Justice of 27 June 1986 in the case of Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua in conformity with the relevant provisions of"} {"rcid":3415,"session":44,"importantvote":1,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/47A","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Urges all Member States to extend and expedite aid and assistance to the relief agency. Notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees, as provided for in paragraph 11 of its resolution 194 (III), has not yet been effected"} {"rcid":3416,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/47D","short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS","descr":"Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees"} {"rcid":3417,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/47E","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES RESETTLEMENT","descr":"Strongly reiterates its demand that Israel desist from the removal and resettlement of Palestine refugees in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 1967 and from the destruction of their shelters"} {"rcid":3418,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/47F","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, RELIEF","descr":"Calls once again upon all Governments, as a matter of urgency, to make the most generous efforts possible and to offer the necessary resources to meet the needs of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near Ea"} {"rcid":3419,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/47G","short":"PALESTINE, DISPLACED PERSONS","descr":"Reaffirms the inalienable right of all displaced inhabitants to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967"} {"rcid":3420,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/47H","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROPERTIES","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":3421,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/47I","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROTECTION","descr":"Holds Israel responsible for the security of the Palestine refugees in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, and calls upon it to fulfil its obligations as the occupyi"} {"rcid":3422,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/47J","short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"Emphasizes the need for strengthening the educational system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 5 June 1967, including Jerusalem, and specifically the need for the establishment of the proposed university and Requests the Sec"} {"rcid":3423,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/47K","short":"ISRAEL, PALESTINIAN STUDENTS","descr":"Protection of Palestinian students and educational institutions and safeguarding of the security of the facilities of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East in the occupied Palestinian territory"} {"rcid":3424,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/48A","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"the Special Committee, pending complete termination of the Israeli occupation, to continue to investigate Israeli policies and practices in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel s"} {"rcid":3425,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/48B","short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"Requests Israel to respect the Geneva convention pretaining to persons in times of war"} {"rcid":3426,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/48C","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Illegality of Israeli measures threatening the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the occupied territories"} {"rcid":3427,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/48D","short":"PALESTINE, DETENTIONS","descr":"Deplores the arbitrary detention or imprisonment by Israel of thousands of Palestinians as a result of their resistance to occupation in order to attain self-determination, Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to release all Palestinians and"} {"rcid":3428,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/48E","short":"ISRAEL, RESOLUTION COMPLIANCE","descr":"Demands that Israel come into compliance with previous UN resolutions"} {"rcid":3429,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/48F","short":"ISRAEL, GOLAN HEIGHTS","descr":"Affirms the illegality of Israel's occupation and transformation of the Golan heights"} {"rcid":3430,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/48G","short":"ISRAEL, PALESTINIAN STUDENTS","descr":"Delpores the continued actions by Israel against Palestinian students and educational institutions"} {"rcid":3431,"session":44,"importantvote":1,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/50","short":"NEW INFORMATION ORDER","descr":"Balance in the dissemination of information, the establishment of a new world information and communication order"} {"rcid":3432,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/56","short":"WORLD SOCIAL SITUATION","descr":"Notes with deep concern the continuing deterioration of the economic and social situation of the world, in particular in the developing countries, whose position has been further worsened by sharp fluctuations in exchange rates, high real rates"} {"rcid":3433,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/63","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, U.N. SYSTEM","descr":"Alternative approaches and ways and means within the UN system for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms"} {"rcid":3434,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/69","short":"APARTHEID, CONVENTION","descr":"Status of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the crime of Apartheid"} {"rcid":3435,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/79","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"Importance of the universal realization of the rights of peoples to self determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights"} {"rcid":3436,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/81","short":"MERCENARIES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means to violate human rights and to impede the exercise of the right of peoples to self determination"} {"rcid":3437,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-02","unres":"R/44/83","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the UN"} {"rcid":3438,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-02","unres":"R/44/84","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"Activities of foreign economic and other interests which are impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Namibia and in all other Territories under colonial domination and"} {"rcid":3439,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-02","unres":"R/44/85","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the UN"} {"rcid":3440,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-02","unres":"R/44/100","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, 30TH ANNIVERSARY","descr":"Programme of Activities in Observance of the 30th Anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples"} {"rcid":3441,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-02","unres":"R/44/101","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the UN"} {"rcid":3442,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-02","unres":"R/44/102","short":"INFORMATION, DECOLONIZATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization"} {"rcid":3443,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/104","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"Implementation of General Assembly resolution 43/62 concerning the signature and ratification of Additional Protocol I of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (Treaty of Tlatelolco)"} {"rcid":3444,"session":44,"importantvote":1,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/105","short":"CESSATION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Cessation of all nuclear test explosions"} {"rcid":3445,"session":44,"importantvote":1,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/106","short":"BAN, AIR, WATER AND OUTER SPACE NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Amendment of the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and under Water"} {"rcid":3446,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/107","short":"COMPREHENSIVE TEST-BAN-TREATY","descr":"Urgent need for a comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty :"} {"rcid":3447,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/109","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia"} {"rcid":3448,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/110","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements on the strengthening of the security of non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3449,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/111","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements on the strengthening of the security of non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3450,"session":44,"importantvote":1,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/112","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space"} {"rcid":3451,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/113A","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, AFRICA","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the denuclearization of Africa"} {"rcid":3452,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/113B","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Condemns South Africa's continued pursuit of a nuclear capability and all forms of nuclear collaboration by any State, corporation, institution or individual with the racist regime that enable it to frustrate the objective of the Declaration wh"} {"rcid":3453,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/114A","short":"MILITARY BUDGETS, REDUCTION","descr":"Welcomes the work of the Disarmament Commission on the identification and elaboration of a set of principles that should govern further action of States in the field of the freezing and reduction of military budgets"} {"rcid":3454,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/114B","short":"MILITARY BUDGETS, REDUCTION","descr":"Welcomes the work of the Disarmament Commission on the identification and elaboration of a set of principles that should govern further action of States in the field of the freezing and reduction of military budgets"} {"rcid":3455,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/116A","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, MANUFACTURING","descr":"Prohibition of the development, production, stockpiling and use of radiological weapons."} {"rcid":3456,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/116B","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"Calls upon the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Government of the United States of America to spare no effort in seeking the attainment of their agreed objectives in the negotiations, in accordance with the security"} {"rcid":3457,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/116E","short":"MILITARY MATTERS, INFORMATION","descr":"Encourages Member States to ensure a better flow of information with regard to the various aspects of disarmament to avoid dissemination of false and tendentious information concerning armaments and to concentrate on the danger of escalation of"} {"rcid":3458,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/116G","short":"DISARMAMEMT, RESOLUTION IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of General Assembly resolutions in the field of disarmament"} {"rcid":3459,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/116H","short":"FISSIONABLE MATERIAL","descr":"Prohibition of the production of fissionable material for weapons purposes"} {"rcid":3460,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/116J","short":"MILITARY RESOURCES, CONVERSION","descr":"Conversion of military resources"} {"rcid":3461,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/116K","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"Bilateral nuclear arms negotiations"} {"rcid":3462,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/116M","short":"NAVAL DISARMAMENT","descr":"Naval armaments and disarmament"} {"rcid":3463,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/116N","short":"INTERNATIONAL ARMS TRANSFERS","descr":"International arms transfers"} {"rcid":3464,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/116P","short":"DEFENSIVE POLITICS","descr":"Defensive security concepts and policies"} {"rcid":3465,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/116R","short":"PROHIBITION, RADIOACTIVE DUMPING","descr":"Calls upon all States to ensure that no radioactive waste is dumped in the territory of other States in infringement of their sovereignty. Expresses profound concern regarding practices of dumping nuclear and industrial wastes in Africa, which"} {"rcid":3466,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/116S","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONVENTIONAL","descr":"Conventional disarmament on a regional scale"} {"rcid":3467,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/117A","short":"WORLD DISARMAMENT CAMPAIGN","descr":"World Disarmament Campaign: actions and activities"} {"rcid":3468,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/117C","short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR USE","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":3469,"session":44,"importantvote":1,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/117D","short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Nuclear arms freeze"} {"rcid":3470,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/117F","short":"U.N. DISARMAMENT CENTERS","descr":"UN regional centres for peace and disarmament in Africa and Asia and the UN Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean"} {"rcid":3471,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/118A","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, SECURITY","descr":"Scientific and technological developments and their impact on international security"} {"rcid":3472,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/118B","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, DISARMAMENT","descr":"Science and technology for disarmament"} {"rcid":3473,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/119A","short":"DISARMAMENT, COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM","descr":"Comprehensive programme of disarmament"} {"rcid":3474,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/119B","short":"NUCLEAR NON-USE","descr":"Requests the Conference on Disarmament to commence negotiations on the item Prevention of nuclear war of its agenda and to consider, inter#alia, the elaboration of an international instrument of a legally binding character laying down the oblig"} {"rcid":3475,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/119D","short":"DISARMAMENT, COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM","descr":"Comprehensive programme of disarmament"} {"rcid":3476,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/119E","short":"CESSATION, ARMS RACE","descr":"Cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament and prevention of nuclear war"} {"rcid":3477,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/119F","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH PACIFIC","descr":"South Pacific Nuclear Free Zone Treaty"} {"rcid":3478,"session":44,"importantvote":1,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/120","short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace"} {"rcid":3479,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/121","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"Calls upon Israel to become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to accede to it without further delay, and not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons and to renounce possession of nuclear weap"} {"rcid":3480,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/123","short":"DISARMAMENT, INFORMATION","descr":"Education and information for disarmament"} {"rcid":3481,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/124A","short":"ANTARCITCA","descr":"Question of Antarctica"} {"rcid":3482,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/124B","short":"ANTARCTICA, SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"Expresses concern with South Africa's participation in the Antarctica Treaty System"} {"rcid":3483,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/126","short":"INTERNATIONAL PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"Review of the Implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security"} {"rcid":3484,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/128","short":"DEATH PENALTY","descr":"Elaboration of a 2nd optional protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty"} {"rcid":3485,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/130","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Indivisibility and interdependence of economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights"} {"rcid":3486,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/147","short":"ELECTORAL SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"Respect for the principles of national sovereignty and non interference in the internal affairs of States in their electoral processes"} {"rcid":3487,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/166","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHILE","descr":"Situation of human rights in Chile"} {"rcid":3488,"session":44,"importantvote":1,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/167","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION, ENLARGEMENT","descr":"Enlargement of the Commission on Human Rights and the further promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms"} {"rcid":3489,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/168","short":"ANGOLA","descr":"International assistance for the economic rehabilitation of Angola"} {"rcid":3490,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-03","unres":"R/44/170","short":"ECONOMIC RIGHTS AND DUTIES","descr":"Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States"} {"rcid":3491,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-03","unres":"R/44/174","short":"PALESTINE, LIVING CONDITIONS","descr":"Living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory"} {"rcid":3492,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-03","unres":"R/44/181","short":"FRONT-LINE STATES, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Special assistance to frontline States"} {"rcid":3493,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/205","short":"DEBT PROBLEM SOLUTIONS","descr":"Enhanced international cooperation towards a durable solution to the external debt problems of developing countries"} {"rcid":3494,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/214","short":"LAND-LOCKED COUNTRIES","descr":"Specific action related to the particular needs and problems of land locked developing countries"} {"rcid":3495,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/215","short":"ECONOMIC COERCION","descr":"Economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries"} {"rcid":3496,"session":44,"importantvote":1,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/217","short":"NICARAGUA, EMBARGO","descr":"Regrets the unilateral trade embargo and other measures imposed against Nicaragua and requests that those measures be immediately revoked"} {"rcid":3497,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/218","short":"COMMODITIES","descr":"Urges all parties involved to meet agreed commitments and work for a balanced approach to the multilateral trade negotiations within the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations, so as to ensure that their successful conclusion brings a"} {"rcid":3498,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/232","short":"RESOURCES, TRANSFER","descr":"Trends in the transfer of resources to and from the developing countries and their impact on the economic growth and sustained development of those countries"} {"rcid":3499,"session":44,"importantvote":0,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/235","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Requests the relevant programmes, organizations, agencies, funds and organs of the United Nations system to intensify their efforts, in co-operation with the Palestine Liberation Organization, to provide economic and social assistance to the Pa"} {"rcid":3500,"session":44,"importantvote":1,"date":"1989-12-06","unres":"R/44/240","short":"U.S., PANAMA, MILITARY INTERVENTION","descr":"Strongly deplores the intervention in Panama by the armed forces of the United States of America. Demands the immediate cessation of the intervention and the withdrawal from Panama"} {"rcid":3501,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-11-05","unres":"R/45/11","short":"COMOROS, MAYOTTE","descr":"Question of the Comorian island of Mayotte"} {"rcid":3502,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-11-03","unres":"R/45/16","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the UN"} {"rcid":3503,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-11-03","unres":"R/45/17","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"Activities of foreign economic and other interests which are Impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Territories under colonial domination and efforts to eliminate colo"} {"rcid":3504,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-11-03","unres":"R/45/18","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the UN"} {"rcid":3505,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-11-03","unres":"R/45/32","short":"GUAM, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"Question of Guam"} {"rcid":3506,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-11-03","unres":"R/45/33","short":"30TH ANNIVERSARY, INDEPENDENCE","descr":"30th Anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples"} {"rcid":3507,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-11-03","unres":"R/45/34","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples"} {"rcid":3508,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-11-03","unres":"R/45/35","short":"DECOLOIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization"} {"rcid":3509,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-11-03","unres":"R/45/36","short":"SOUTH ATLANTIC, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic"} {"rcid":3510,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-11-04","unres":"R/45/37","short":"LIBERATION MOVEMENTS, OBSERVER STATUS","descr":"Observer status of national liberation movements recognized by the OAU and/or by the League of Arab States"} {"rcid":3511,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-11-04","unres":"R/45/39","short":"DIPLOMATS, SECURITY","descr":"Consideration of effective measures to enhance the protection, security and safety of diplomatic and consular missions and representatives"} {"rcid":3512,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-11-04","unres":"R/45/44","short":"U.N. STRENGTHENING","descr":"Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of UN and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization"} {"rcid":3513,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-11-04","unres":"R/45/45","short":"U.N. PROCEDURES, RATIONALIZATION","descr":"Rationalization of existing UN procedures"} {"rcid":3514,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/48","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, LATIN AMERICA","descr":"Implementation of General Assembly resolution 44/104 concerning the signature and ratification of Additional Protocol I of the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco)"} {"rcid":3515,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/49","short":"CESSATION, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Cessation of all nuclear test explosions"} {"rcid":3516,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/50","short":"BAN, AIR, WATER AND OUTER SPACE NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Amendment of the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and under Water"} {"rcid":3517,"session":45,"importantvote":1,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/51","short":"COMPREHENSIVE TEST-BAN-TREATY","descr":"Urgent need for a comprehensive nuclear-test-ban treaty :"} {"rcid":3518,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/53","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia"} {"rcid":3519,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/54","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non nuclear weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3520,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/55A","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space"} {"rcid":3521,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/55B","short":"OUTER SPACE, CONFIDENCE BUILDING","descr":"Confidencebuilding measures In outer space"} {"rcid":3522,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/56A","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, AFRICA","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Denuclearization of Africa"} {"rcid":3523,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/56B","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Condemns South Africa's continued pursuit of a nuclear capability and all forms of nuclear collaboration by any State, corporation, institution or individual with the racist regime that enable it to frustrate the objective of the Declaration wh"} {"rcid":3524,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/58B","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"Calls upon the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Government of the United States of America to spare no effort in seeking the attainment of their agreed objectives in the negotiations, in accordance with the security"} {"rcid":3525,"session":45,"importantvote":1,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/58H","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"Bilateral nuclear arms negotiations"} {"rcid":3526,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/58J","short":"NUCLEAR FACILITIES, ATTACKS","descr":"Prohibition of attacks on nuclear facilities"} {"rcid":3527,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/58K","short":"PROHIBITION, RADIOACTIVE DUMPING","descr":"Calls upon all States to ensure that no radioactive waste is dumped in the territory of other States in infringement of their sovereignty. Expresses profound concern regarding practices of dumping nuclear and industrial wastes in Africa, which"} {"rcid":3528,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/58L","short":"FISSIONABLE MATERIAL","descr":"Prohibition of the production of fissionable material for weapons purposes"} {"rcid":3529,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/58N","short":"MILITARY ACTIVITIES, ENVIRONMENT","descr":"Charting potential uses of resources allocated to military activities for civilian endeavours to protect the environment"} {"rcid":3530,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/58O","short":"DEFENSIVE POLITICS","descr":"Defensive security concepts and policies"} {"rcid":3531,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/58P","short":"DISARMAMENT, REGIONAL","descr":"Regional disarmament"} {"rcid":3532,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/59B","short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR USE","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":3533,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/59D","short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Nuclear arms freeze"} {"rcid":3534,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/60","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, SECURITY","descr":"Scientific and technological developments and their impact on international security"} {"rcid":3535,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/62C","short":"CESSATION, ARMS RACE","descr":"Cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament and prevention of nuclear war"} {"rcid":3536,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/62D","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONFERENCE","descr":"Report of the Conference on Disarmament"} {"rcid":3537,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/62E","short":"DISARMAMENT, COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM","descr":"Comprehensive Programme on Disarmament"} {"rcid":3538,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/63","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"Calls upon Israel to become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to accede to it without further delay, and not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons and to renounce possession of nuclear weap"} {"rcid":3539,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-05","unres":"R/45/67A","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Affirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and sets the programme of work for the Committee on Palestinian rights"} {"rcid":3540,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-05","unres":"R/45/67B","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Sets the programme of work for the committee on Palestinian rights"} {"rcid":3541,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-05","unres":"R/45/67C","short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"Requests the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to assist in the worldwide dissemination of 'accurate and comprehensive information' in support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people'"} {"rcid":3542,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-05","unres":"R/45/68","short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE CONFERENCE","descr":"Calls for the convening of the International Peace Conference on the Middle East, under the auspices of the United Nations, with the participation of all parties to the conflict, including the Palestine Liberation Organization, on an equal foot"} {"rcid":3543,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-05","unres":"R/45/69","short":"PALESTINE, INTIFADAH","descr":"Condemns those policies and practices of Israel, the occupying Power, which violate the human rights wof the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and, in particular, such acts as the opening of fire by"} {"rcid":3544,"session":45,"importantvote":1,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/73A","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Urges all Member States to extend and expedite aid and assistance to the relief agency. Notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees, as provided for in paragraph 11 of its resolution 194 (III), has not yet been effected"} {"rcid":3545,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/73D","short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS","descr":"Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees"} {"rcid":3546,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/73E","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES RESETTLEMENT","descr":"Strongly reiterates its demand that Israel desist from the removal and resettlement of Palestine refugees in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 1967 and from the destruction of their shelters"} {"rcid":3547,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/73F","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, RELIEF","descr":"Calls once again upon all Governments, as a matter of urgency, to make the most generous efforts possible and to offer the necessary resources to meet the needs of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near Ea"} {"rcid":3548,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/73G","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, RETURN","descr":"Reaffirms the inalienable right of all displaced inhabitants to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967, and declares once more that any attempt to restrict, or to attach conditions t"} {"rcid":3549,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/73H","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROPERTIES","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":3550,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/73I","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROTECTION","descr":"Holds Israel responsible for the security of the Palestine refugees in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, and calls upon it to fulfil its obligations as the occupyi"} {"rcid":3551,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/73J","short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"Emphasizes the need for strengthening the educational system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 5 June 1967, including Jerusalem, and specifically the need for the establishment of the proposed university and Requests the Sec"} {"rcid":3552,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/73K","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROTECTION","descr":"Protection of Palestinian students and educational institutions and safeguarding of the security of the facilities of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East in the occupied Palestinian territory"} {"rcid":3553,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/74A","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"the Special Committee, pending complete termination of the Israeli occupation, to continue to investigate Israeli policies and practices in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel s"} {"rcid":3554,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/74B","short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"Requests Israel to respect the Geneva convention pretaining to persons in times of war"} {"rcid":3555,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/74C","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Illegality of Israeli measures threatening the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the occupied territories"} {"rcid":3556,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/74D","short":"PALESTINE, DETENTIONS","descr":"Deplores the arbitrary detention or imprisonment by Israel of thousands of Palestinians as a result of their resistance to occupation in order to attain self-determination, Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to release all Palestinians and"} {"rcid":3557,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/74E","short":"ISRAEL, RESOLUTION COMPLIANCE","descr":"Demands that Israel come into compliance with previous UN resolutions"} {"rcid":3558,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/74F","short":"ISRAEL, GOLAN HEIGHTS","descr":"Affirms the illegality of Israel's occupation and transformation of the Golan heights"} {"rcid":3559,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/74G","short":"ISRAEL, PALESTINIAN STUDENTS","descr":"Delpores the continued actions by Israel against Palestinian students and educational institutions"} {"rcid":3560,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-04","unres":"R/45/77","short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace"} {"rcid":3561,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-04","unres":"R/45/78A","short":"ANTARCTICA","descr":"Question Of Antarctica"} {"rcid":3562,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-04","unres":"R/45/78B","short":"ANTARCTICA, SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"Expresses concern with South Africa's participation in the Antarctica Treaty System"} {"rcid":3563,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-04","unres":"R/45/80","short":"INTERNATIONAL PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"Review of the Implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security"} {"rcid":3564,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-05","unres":"R/45/82","short":"U.N., LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES","descr":"Cooperation between UN and the League of Arab States"} {"rcid":3565,"session":45,"importantvote":1,"date":"1990-12-05","unres":"R/45/83A","short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE PROCESS","descr":"Reaffirms its conviction that the question of Palestine is the core of the conflict in the Middle East and that no comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the region will be achieved without the full exercise by the Palestinian people of its i"} {"rcid":3566,"session":45,"importantvote":1,"date":"1990-12-05","unres":"R/45/83B","short":"ISRAEL, ACTIONS AGAINST","descr":"Deplores Israel's continued ignoring of UN resolutions; calls for the severing of ties with Israel"} {"rcid":3567,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-05","unres":"R/45/83C","short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called Basic Law"} {"rcid":3568,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-06","unres":"R/45/84","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Adverse consequences for the enjoyment of human rights of political, military, economic and other forms of assistance given to the racist and colonialist regime of South Africa"} {"rcid":3569,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-06","unres":"R/45/87","short":"WORLD SOCIAL SITUATION","descr":"Notes with deep concern the continuing deterioration of the economic and social situation of the world, in particular in the developing countries, whose position has been further worsened by sharp fluctuations in exchange rates, high real rates"} {"rcid":3570,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-06","unres":"R/45/90","short":"APARTHEID, CONVENTION","descr":"Status of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the crime of Apartheid"} {"rcid":3571,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-06","unres":"R/45/96","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, U.N. SYSTEM","descr":"Alternative approaches and ways and means within the UN system for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms"} {"rcid":3572,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-06","unres":"R/45/130","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"Importance of the universal realization of the rights of peoples to self determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights"} {"rcid":3573,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-06","unres":"R/45/132","short":"MERCENARIES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means to violate human rights and to impede the exercise of the right of peoples to self determination"} {"rcid":3574,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-06","unres":"R/45/145","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Calls upon all States that have not done so to become parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and to ratify, confirm formally or accede to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Conv"} {"rcid":3575,"session":45,"importantvote":1,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/150","short":"ELECTIONS, EFFECTIVENESS","descr":"Enhancing the effectiveness of the principle of periodic and genuine elections"} {"rcid":3576,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/151","short":"ELECTORAL SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"Respect for the principles of national sovereignty and non interference in the internal affairs of States in their electoral processes"} {"rcid":3577,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-03","unres":"R/45/164","short":"INDIGENOUS PEOPLES, YEAR FOR","descr":"International Year for the World's Indigenous People"} {"rcid":3578,"session":45,"importantvote":1,"date":"1990-12-04","unres":"R/45/170","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED KUWAIT","descr":"The situation of human rights in occupied Kuwait"} {"rcid":3579,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-04","unres":"R/45/176B","short":"APARTHEID, ELIMINATION","descr":"Concerted and effective measures aimed at eradicating apartheid"} {"rcid":3580,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-04","unres":"R/45/176C","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, MILITARY COLLABORATION","descr":"Strongly deplores the actions of those States and organizations which directly or indirectly continue to violate the arms embargo and collaborate with South Africa in the military, nuclear, intelligence and technology fields"} {"rcid":3581,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-04","unres":"R/45/176D","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISRAEL","descr":"strongly condemns the continuing and increasing collaboration of Israel with the racist regime of South Africa, especially in the economic, military and nuclear fields;"} {"rcid":3582,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-04","unres":"R/45/176E","short":"APARTHEID, COMMITTEE","descr":"Programme of work of the Special Committee against Apartheid"} {"rcid":3583,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-04","unres":"R/45/176F","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, OIL EMBARGO","descr":"Requests all States concerned, pending a decision by the Security Council, to adopt effective measures and/or legislation to broaden the scope of the oil embargo in order to ensure the complete cessation of the supply and shipping of oil and pe"} {"rcid":3584,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-04","unres":"R/45/176G","short":"APARTHEID, SPORTS","descr":"Support for the work of the Commission against Apartheid in Sports"} {"rcid":3585,"session":45,"importantvote":0,"date":"1990-12-06","unres":"R/45/183","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Requests the relevant programmes, organizations, agencies, funds and organs of the United Nations system to intensify their efforts, in co-operation with the Palestine Liberation Organization, to provide economic and social assistance to the Pa"} {"rcid":3586,"session":45,"importantvote":1,"date":"1990-12-06","unres":"R/45/188","short":"ENTREPENEURSHIP","descr":"Entrepreneurship"} {"rcid":3587,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-10-04","unres":"R/46/9","short":"COMOROS, MAYOTTE","descr":"Question of the Comorian island of Mayotte"} {"rcid":3588,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-10-03","unres":"R/46/10","short":"CULTURAL PROPERTY, RESTITUTION","descr":"Return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin"} {"rcid":3589,"session":46,"importantvote":1,"date":"1991-11-04","unres":"R/46/16","short":"IAEA, REPORT","descr":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency"} {"rcid":3590,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-11-02","unres":"R/46/19","short":"SOUTH ATLANTIC, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic"} {"rcid":3592,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-05","unres":"R/46/24","short":"U.N., LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES","descr":"Cooperation between UN and the League of Arab States"} {"rcid":3593,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/28","short":"BAN, AIR, WATER AND OUTER SPACE NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Amendment of the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and under Water"} {"rcid":3594,"session":46,"importantvote":1,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/29","short":"COMPREHENSIVE TEST-BAN-TREATY","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty"} {"rcid":3595,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/31","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia"} {"rcid":3596,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/32","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non nuclear weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3597,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/33","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space"} {"rcid":3598,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/34A","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Condemns South Africa's continued pursuit of a nuclear capability and all forms of nuclear collaboration by any State, corporation, institution or individual with the racist regime that enable it to frustrate the objective of the Declaration wh"} {"rcid":3599,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/36D","short":"FISSIONABLE MATERIAL","descr":"Prohibition of the production of fissionable material for weapons purposes"} {"rcid":3600,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/36I","short":"DISARMAMENT, REGIONAL","descr":"Regional disarmament"} {"rcid":3601,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/36J","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"Bilateral nuclear arms negotiations"} {"rcid":3602,"session":46,"importantvote":1,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/36L","short":"ARMAMENTS, TRANSPARENCY","descr":"Reaffirms its determination to ensure the effective operation of the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms"} {"rcid":3603,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/37C","short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Nuclear arms freeze"} {"rcid":3604,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/37D","short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR USE","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":3605,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/37F","short":"U.N. DISARMAMENT CENTERS","descr":"UN Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa, UN Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific and UN Regional Centre for Peace, Disarmament and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean"} {"rcid":3606,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/38B","short":"DISARMAMENT, COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM","descr":"Comprehensive programme of disarmament"} {"rcid":3607,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/38C","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONFERENCE","descr":"Report of the Conference on Disarmament"} {"rcid":3608,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/39","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"Calls upon Israel to become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to accede to it without further delay, and not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons and to renounce possession of nuclear weap"} {"rcid":3609,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/41A","short":"ANTARCITCA","descr":"Question of Antarctica"} {"rcid":3610,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/41B","short":"ANTARCTICA, SOUTH AFRICA","descr":"Expresses concern with South Africa's participation in the Antarctica Treaty System"} {"rcid":3611,"session":46,"importantvote":1,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/46A","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Urges all Member States to extend and expedite aid and assistance to the relief agency. Notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees, as provided for in paragraph 11 of its resolution 194 (III), has not yet been effected"} {"rcid":3612,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/46D","short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS","descr":"Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees"} {"rcid":3613,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/46E","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES RESETTLEMENT","descr":"Strongly reiterates its demand that Israel desist from the removal and resettlement of Palestine refugees in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 1967 and from the destruction of their shelters"} {"rcid":3614,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/46F","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, RELIEF","descr":"Calls once again upon all Governments, as a matter of urgency, to make the most generous efforts possible and to offer the necessary resources to meet the needs of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near Ea"} {"rcid":3615,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/46G","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, RETURN","descr":"Reaffirms the inalienable right of all displaced inhabitants to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967, and declares once more that any attempt to restrict, or to attach conditions t"} {"rcid":3616,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/46H","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROPERTIES","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":3617,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/46I","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROTECTION","descr":"Holds Israel responsible for the security of the Palestine refugees in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, and calls upon it to fulfil its obligations as the occupyi"} {"rcid":3618,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/46J","short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"Emphasizes the need for strengthening the educational system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 5 June 1967, including Jerusalem, and specifically the need for the establishment of the proposed university and Requests the Sec"} {"rcid":3619,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/46K","short":"ISRAEL, PALESTINIAN STUDENTS","descr":"Protection of Palestinian students and educational institutions and safeguarding of the security of the facilities of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East in the occupied Palestinian territory"} {"rcid":3620,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/47A","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"the Special Committee, pending complete termination of the Israeli occupation, to continue to investigate Israeli policies and practices in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel s"} {"rcid":3621,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/47B","short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"Requests Israel to respect the Geneva convention pretaining to persons in times of war"} {"rcid":3622,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/47C","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Illegality of Israeli measures threatening the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the occupied territories"} {"rcid":3623,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/47D","short":"PALESTINE, DETENTIONS","descr":"Deplores the arbitrary detention or imprisonment by Israel of thousands of Palestinians as a result of their resistance to occupation in order to attain self-determination, Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to release all Palestinians and"} {"rcid":3624,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/47E","short":"ISRAEL, RESOLUTION COMPLIANCE","descr":"Demands that Israel come into compliance with previous UN resolutions"} {"rcid":3625,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/47F","short":"ISRAEL, GOLAN HEIGHTS","descr":"Affirms the illegality of Israel's occupation and transformation of the Golan heights"} {"rcid":3626,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/47G","short":"ISRAEL, PALESTINIAN STUDENTS","descr":"Delpores the continued actions by Israel against Palestinian students and educational institutions"} {"rcid":3627,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/49","short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace"} {"rcid":3628,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/52","short":"INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC ORDER","descr":"Progressive development of the principles and norms of international law relating to the new international economic order"} {"rcid":3629,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-04","unres":"R/46/63","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the UN"} {"rcid":3630,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-04","unres":"R/46/64","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"Activities of foreign economic and other interests which are Impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Territories under colonial domination and efforts to eliminate colo"} {"rcid":3631,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-04","unres":"R/46/65","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the UN"} {"rcid":3632,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-04","unres":"R/46/71","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples"} {"rcid":3633,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-04","unres":"R/46/72","short":"DECOLOIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization"} {"rcid":3634,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-04","unres":"R/46/74A","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Affirms the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and sets the programme of work for the Committee on Palestinian rights"} {"rcid":3635,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-04","unres":"R/46/74B","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Sets the programme of work for the committee on Palestinian rights"} {"rcid":3636,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-04","unres":"R/46/74C","short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"Requests the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to assist in the worldwide dissemination of 'accurate and comprehensive information' in support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people'"} {"rcid":3637,"session":46,"importantvote":1,"date":"1991-12-04","unres":"R/46/75","short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE CONFERENCE","descr":"Calls for the convening of the International Peace Conference on the Middle East, under the auspices of the United Nations, with the participation of all parties to the conflict, including the Palestine Liberation Organization, on an equal foot"} {"rcid":3638,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-04","unres":"R/46/76","short":"PALESTINE, INTIFADAH","descr":"Condemns those policies and practices of Israel, the occupying Power, which violate the human rights wof the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and, in particular, such acts as the opening of fire by"} {"rcid":3639,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-05","unres":"R/46/78","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Calls upon all States that have not done so to become parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and to ratify, confirm formally or accede to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Conv"} {"rcid":3640,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/79B","short":"APARTHEID, COMMITTEE","descr":"Programme of work of the Special Committee against Apartheid"} {"rcid":3641,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/79C","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, MILITARY COLLABORATION","descr":"Strongly deplores the actions of those States and organizations which directly or indirectly continue to violate the arms embargo and collaborate with South Africa in the military, nuclear, intelligence and technology fields"} {"rcid":3642,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/79D","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISRAEL","descr":"strongly condemns the continuing and increasing collaboration of Israel with the racist regime of South Africa, especially in the economic, military and nuclear fields;"} {"rcid":3643,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/79E","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, OIL EMBARGO","descr":"Requests all States concerned, pending a decision by the Security Council, to adopt effective measures and/or legislation to broaden the scope of the oil embargo in order to ensure the complete cessation of the supply and shipping of oil and pe"} {"rcid":3644,"session":46,"importantvote":1,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/82A","short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE PROCESS","descr":"Reaffirms its conviction that the question of Palestine is the core of the conflict in the Middle East and that no comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the region will be achieved without the full exercise by the Palestinian people of its i"} {"rcid":3645,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/82B","short":"ISRAEL, ACTIONS AGAINST","descr":"Deplores Israel's continued ignoring of UN resolutions; calls for the severing of ties with Israel"} {"rcid":3646,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/84","short":"APARTHEID, CONVENTION","descr":"Status of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the crime of Apartheid"} {"rcid":3647,"session":46,"importantvote":1,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/86","short":"ZIONISM AND RACISM, ELIMINATION","descr":"Revokes earlier determination of resolution 3379 that equates zionism with racism"} {"rcid":3648,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/87","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"Importance of the universal realization of the rights of peoples to self determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights"} {"rcid":3649,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/89","short":"MERCENARIES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means to violate human rights and to impede the exercise of the right of peoples to self determination"} {"rcid":3650,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-02","unres":"R/46/95","short":"WORLD SOCIAL SITUATION","descr":"Notes with deep concern the continuing deterioration of the economic and social situation of the world, in particular in the developing countries, whose position has been further worsened by sharp fluctuations in exchange rates, high real rates"} {"rcid":3651,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-03","unres":"R/46/117","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, U.N. SYSTEM","descr":"Alternative approaches and ways and means within the UN system for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms"} {"rcid":3652,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-03","unres":"R/46/130","short":"INTERFERENCE, INTERNAL AFFAIRS","descr":"Respect for the principles of national sovereignty and non interference in the internal affairs of States in their electoral processes"} {"rcid":3653,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-03","unres":"R/46/134","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAQ","descr":"Situation of human rights in Iraq"} {"rcid":3654,"session":46,"importantvote":1,"date":"1991-12-03","unres":"R/46/135","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED KUWAIT","descr":"Situation of human rights in Kuwait under Iraqi occupation"} {"rcid":3655,"session":46,"importantvote":1,"date":"1991-12-03","unres":"R/46/137","short":"ELECTIONS, EFFECTIVENESS","descr":"Enhancing the effectiveness of the principle of periodic and genuine elections"} {"rcid":3656,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-04","unres":"R/46/153","short":"U.N. AFRICAN CRIME INSTITUTE","descr":"UN African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders"} {"rcid":3657,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-05","unres":"R/46/162","short":"PALESTINE, LIVING CONDITIONS","descr":"Living conditions of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory"} {"rcid":3658,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/199","short":"ISRAEL, SETTLEMENTS","descr":"Adverse economic effects of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied since 1967"} {"rcid":3659,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/201","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Requests the relevant programmes, organizations, agencies, funds and organs of the United Nations system to intensify their efforts, in co-operation with the Palestine Liberation Organization, to provide economic and social assistance to the Pa"} {"rcid":3660,"session":46,"importantvote":1,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/210","short":"ECONOMIC COERCION","descr":"Economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries"} {"rcid":3661,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1991-12-06","unres":"R/46/216","short":"KUWAIT, ENVIRONMENT","descr":"International cooperation to mitigate the environmental consequences on Kuwait and other countries in the region resulting from the situation between Iraq and Kuwait"} {"rcid":3662,"session":46,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-08-03","unres":"R/46/242","short":"BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA","descr":"The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina"} {"rcid":3663,"session":47,"importantvote":1,"date":"1992-09-03","unres":"R/47/1","short":"ADMISSION, YUGOSLAVIA","descr":"Membership of the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in UN"} {"rcid":3664,"session":47,"importantvote":1,"date":"1992-10-05","unres":"R/47/8","short":"IAEA, REPORT","descr":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency"} {"rcid":3665,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-10-03","unres":"R/47/9","short":"COMOROS, MAYOTTE","descr":"Question of the Comorian island of Mayotte"} {"rcid":3666,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-10-05","unres":"R/47/12","short":"U.N., LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES","descr":"Cooperation between UN and the League of Arab States"} {"rcid":3667,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-11-02","unres":"R/47/14","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the UN"} {"rcid":3668,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-11-02","unres":"R/47/15","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"Activities of those foreign economic and other interests which impede the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Territories under colonial domination and efforts to eliminate colo"} {"rcid":3669,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-11-02","unres":"R/47/16","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the UN"} {"rcid":3670,"session":47,"importantvote":1,"date":"1992-11-03","unres":"R/47/19","short":"CUBA, U.S. EMBARGO","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States against Cuba"} {"rcid":3671,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-11-04","unres":"R/47/23","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples"} {"rcid":3672,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-11-04","unres":"R/47/24","short":"DECOLOIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization"} {"rcid":3673,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-11-04","unres":"R/47/29","short":"LIBERATION MOVEMENTS, OBSERVER STATUS","descr":"Observer status of national liberation movements recognized by the OAU and/or by the League of Arab States"} {"rcid":3674,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/43","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, SECURITY","descr":"Scientific and technological development and their impact on international security"} {"rcid":3675,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/46","short":"BAN, AIR, WATER AND OUTER SPACE NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Amendment of the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and Under Water"} {"rcid":3676,"session":47,"importantvote":1,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/47","short":"COMPREHENSIVE TEST-BAN-TREATY","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty"} {"rcid":3677,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/49","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia"} {"rcid":3678,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/50","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non nuclear weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3679,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/51","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space"} {"rcid":3680,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/52A","short":"NON-PROLIFERATION TREATY","descr":"Treaty on the Non?Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons: 1995 Conference and its Preparatory Committee"} {"rcid":3681,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/52C","short":"FISSIONABLE MATERIAL","descr":"Prohibition of the production of fissionable material for weapons purposes"} {"rcid":3682,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/52J","short":"DISARMAMENT, REGIONAL","descr":"Regional disarmament"} {"rcid":3683,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/53C","short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR USE","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":3684,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/53E","short":"FREEZE, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Nuclear arms freeze"} {"rcid":3685,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/53F","short":"CONFIDENCE-BUILDING","descr":"Consideration of guidelines for confidence-building measures"} {"rcid":3686,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/54F","short":"DISARMAMENT RESEARCH","descr":"UN Institute for Disarmament Research"} {"rcid":3687,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/55","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"Calls upon Israel to become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to accede to it without further delay, and not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons and to renounce possession of nuclear weap"} {"rcid":3688,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/57","short":"ANTARCTICA","descr":"Question of Antarctica"} {"rcid":3689,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/59","short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace"} {"rcid":3690,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/60A","short":"INTERNATIONAL PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"Review of the Implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security"} {"rcid":3691,"session":47,"importantvote":1,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/60B","short":"INTERNATIONAL PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"Maintenance of international security"} {"rcid":3692,"session":47,"importantvote":1,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/63A","short":"ISRAEL, GOLAN HEIGHTS","descr":"Affirms Israeli actions in the Occupied Territories, especially the Golan Heights are illegal"} {"rcid":3693,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/63B","short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called Basic Law"} {"rcid":3694,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/64A","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, COMMITTEE","descr":"Programme of work, Committee on Palestinian rights"} {"rcid":3695,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/64B","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Encourages all member states to lend assistance to the committee on Palestinian rights"} {"rcid":3696,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/64C","short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"Requests the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to assist in the worldwide dissemination of 'accurate and comprehensive information' in support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people'"} {"rcid":3697,"session":47,"importantvote":1,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/64D","short":"MIDDLE EAST, PEACE PROCESS","descr":"Welcomes the peace process started at Madrid, and supports the subsequent bilateral negotiations"} {"rcid":3698,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/64E","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Determines that Israel's actions in the occupied territories are against the principles of the UN"} {"rcid":3699,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/65","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Calls upon all States that have not done so to become parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and to ratify, confirm formally or accede to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Conv"} {"rcid":3700,"session":47,"importantvote":1,"date":"1992-12-02","unres":"R/47/69A","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Urges all Member States to extend and expedite aid and assistance to the relief agency. Notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees, as provided for in paragraph 11 of its resolution 194 (III), has not yet been effected"} {"rcid":3701,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-02","unres":"R/47/69D","short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS","descr":"Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees"} {"rcid":3702,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-02","unres":"R/47/69E","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES RESETTLEMENT","descr":"Strongly reiterates its demand that Israel desist from the removal and resettlement of Palestine refugees in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 1967 and from the destruction of their shelters"} {"rcid":3703,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-02","unres":"R/47/69F","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, RELIEF","descr":"Calls once again upon all Governments, as a matter of urgency, to make the most generous efforts possible and to offer the necessary resources to meet the needs of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near Ea"} {"rcid":3704,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-02","unres":"R/47/69G","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, RETURN","descr":"Reaffirms the inalienable right of all displaced inhabitants to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967, and declares once more that any attempt to restrict, or to attach conditions t"} {"rcid":3705,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-02","unres":"R/47/69H","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROPERTIES","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":3706,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-02","unres":"R/47/69I","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROTECTION","descr":"Holds Israel responsible for the security of the Palestine refugees in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, and calls upon it to fulfil its obligations as the occupyi"} {"rcid":3707,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-02","unres":"R/47/69J","short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"Emphasizes the need for strengthening the educational system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 5 June 1967, including Jerusalem, and specifically the need for the establishment of the proposed university and Requests the Sec"} {"rcid":3708,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-02","unres":"R/47/69K","short":"ISRAEL, PALESTINIAN STUDENTS","descr":"Protection of Palestinian students and educational institutions and safeguarding of the security of the facilities of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East in the occupied Palestinian territory"} {"rcid":3709,"session":47,"importantvote":1,"date":"1992-12-02","unres":"R/47/70A","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"the Special Committee, pending complete termination of the Israeli occupation, to continue to investigate Israeli policies and practices in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel s"} {"rcid":3710,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-02","unres":"R/47/70B","short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"Requests Israel to respect the Geneva convention pretaining to persons in times of war"} {"rcid":3711,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-02","unres":"R/47/70C","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Illegality of Israeli measures threatening the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the occupied territories"} {"rcid":3712,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-02","unres":"R/47/70D","short":"PALESTINE, DETENTIONS","descr":"Deplores the arbitrary detention or imprisonment by Israel of thousands of Palestinians as a result of their resistance to occupation in order to attain self-determination, Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to release all Palestinians and"} {"rcid":3713,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-02","unres":"R/47/70E","short":"ISRAEL, RESOLUTION COMPLIANCE","descr":"Demands that Israel come into compliance with previous UN resolutions"} {"rcid":3714,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-02","unres":"R/47/70F","short":"ISRAEL, GOLAN HEIGHTS","descr":"Affirms the illegality of Israel's occupation and transformation of the Golan heights"} {"rcid":3715,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-02","unres":"R/47/70G","short":"ISRAEL, PALESTINIAN STUDENTS","descr":"Delpores the continued actions by Israel against Palestinian students and educational institutions"} {"rcid":3716,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/74","short":"SOUTH ATLANTIC, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Zone of peace and cooperation of the south Atlantic"} {"rcid":3717,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/81","short":"APARTHEID, CONVENTION","descr":"Status of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the crime of Apartheid"} {"rcid":3718,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/82","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"Importance of the universal realization of the rights of peoples to self determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights"} {"rcid":3719,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/84","short":"MERCENARIES","descr":"Use of mercernaries as a means to violate human rights and to impede the exercise of the right of peoples to self determination United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders"} {"rcid":3720,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-04","unres":"R/47/89","short":"U.N. AFRICAN CRIME INSTITUTE","descr":"UN African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders"} {"rcid":3721,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/116D","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, EMBARGO","descr":"The embargo against South Africa"} {"rcid":3722,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/116E","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, MILITARY COLLABORATION","descr":"Strongly deplores the actions of those States and organizations which directly or indirectly continue to violate the arms embargo and collaborate with South Africa in the military, nuclear, intelligence and technology fields"} {"rcid":3723,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/116F","short":"SOUTH AFRICA, ISRAEL","descr":"strongly condemns the continuing and increasing collaboration of Israel with the racist regime of South Africa, especially in the economic, military and nuclear fields;"} {"rcid":3724,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/116G","short":"APARTHEID, SPORTS","descr":"Support for the work of the Commission against Apartheid in Sports"} {"rcid":3725,"session":47,"importantvote":1,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/121","short":"BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA","descr":"The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina"} {"rcid":3726,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/130","short":"ELECTORAL SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"Respect for the principles of national sovereignty and non interference in the internal affairs of States in their electoral processes"} {"rcid":3727,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/137","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, U.N. SYSTEM","descr":"Alternative approaches and ways and means within the UN system for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms"} {"rcid":3728,"session":47,"importantvote":1,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/138","short":"ELECTIONS, EFFECTIVENESS","descr":"Enhancing the effectiveness of the principle of periodic and genuine elections"} {"rcid":3729,"session":47,"importantvote":1,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/139","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CUBA","descr":"Situation of human rights in Cuba"} {"rcid":3730,"session":47,"importantvote":1,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/142","short":"SUDAN","descr":"Expresses deep concern at the situation in the Sudan, in particular the human rights violations"} {"rcid":3731,"session":47,"importantvote":1,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/145","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAQ","descr":"Situation of human rights in Iraq"} {"rcid":3732,"session":47,"importantvote":1,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/146","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAN","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran"} {"rcid":3733,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-06","unres":"R/47/151","short":"KUWAIT, ENVIRONMENT","descr":"International cooperation to mitigate the environmental consequences on Kuwait and other countries in the region resulting from the situation between Iraq and Kuwait"} {"rcid":3734,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-03","unres":"R/47/170","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Requests the relevant programmes, organizations, agencies, funds and organs of the United Nations system to intensify their efforts, in co-operation with the Palestine Liberation Organization, to provide economic and social assistance to the Pa"} {"rcid":3735,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1992-12-03","unres":"R/47/172","short":"ISRAEL, SETTLEMENTS","descr":"Economic and social repercussions of the Israeli settlements on the Palestinian people in the Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, occupied since 1967, and on the Arab population of the Syrian Golan"} {"rcid":3736,"session":47,"importantvote":1,"date":"1992-12-03","unres":"R/47/198","short":"DEBT PROBLEM SOLUTIONS","descr":"Enhanced international cooperation towards a durable solution to the external debt problems of developing countries"} {"rcid":3737,"session":47,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-04-05","unres":"R/47/229","short":"YUGOSLAVIA, PARTICIPATION ECOSOC","descr":"Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) shall not participate in the work of the Economic and Social Council,"} {"rcid":3739,"session":48,"importantvote":1,"date":"1993-11-02","unres":"R/48/14","short":"IAEA REPORT","descr":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency"} {"rcid":3740,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-11-03","unres":"R/48/15","short":"CULTURAL PROPERTY, RESTITUTION","descr":"Return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin"} {"rcid":3741,"session":48,"importantvote":1,"date":"1993-11-04","unres":"R/48/16","short":"CUBA, U.S. EMBARGO","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States against Cuba"} {"rcid":3742,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-11-04","unres":"R/48/23","short":"SOUTH ATLANTIC, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic"} {"rcid":3743,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/28","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Calls upon all States that have not done so to become parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and to ratify, confirm formally or accede to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Conv"} {"rcid":3744,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-06","unres":"R/48/40A","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Urges all Member States to extend and expedite aid and assistance to the relief agency. Notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees, as provided for in paragraph 11 of its resolution 194 (III), has not yet been effected"} {"rcid":3745,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-06","unres":"R/48/40D","short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS","descr":"Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees"} {"rcid":3746,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-06","unres":"R/48/40E","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES RESETTLEMENT","descr":"Strongly reiterates its demand that Israel desist from the removal and resettlement of Palestine refugees in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 1967 and from the destruction of their shelters"} {"rcid":3747,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-06","unres":"R/48/40F","short":"PALESTINE, DISPLACED PERSONS","descr":"Reaffirms the right of all persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967"} {"rcid":3748,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-06","unres":"R/48/40G","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROPERTIES","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":3749,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-06","unres":"R/48/40H","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROTECTION","descr":"Holds Israel responsible for the security of the Palestine refugees in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, and calls upon it to fulfil its obligations as the occupyi"} {"rcid":3750,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-06","unres":"R/48/40I","short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"Emphasizes the need for strengthening the educational system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 5 June 1967, including Jerusalem, and specifically the need for the establishment of the proposed university and Requests the Sec"} {"rcid":3751,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-06","unres":"R/48/40J","short":"ISRAEL, PALESTINIAN STUDENTS","descr":"Protection of Palestinian students and educational institutions and safeguarding of the security of the facilities of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East in the occupied Palestinian territory"} {"rcid":3752,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-06","unres":"R/48/41A","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"the Special Committee, pending complete termination of the Israeli occupation, to continue to investigate Israeli policies and practices in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel s"} {"rcid":3753,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-06","unres":"R/48/41B","short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"Requests Israel to respect the Geneva convention pretaining to persons in times of war"} {"rcid":3754,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-06","unres":"R/48/41C","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Illegality of Israeli measures threatening the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the occupied territories"} {"rcid":3755,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-06","unres":"R/48/41D","short":"ISRAEL, GOLAN HEIGHTS","descr":"Denounces Israel's actions in the Syrian Golan; draws attention to Israel's violation of the Geneva Convention"} {"rcid":3756,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-06","unres":"R/48/45","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the UN"} {"rcid":3757,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-06","unres":"R/48/46","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"Activities of foreign economic and other interests which are Impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in Territories under colonial domination"} {"rcid":3758,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-06","unres":"R/48/47","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the UN"} {"rcid":3759,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-06","unres":"R/48/52","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples"} {"rcid":3760,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-06","unres":"R/48/53","short":"DECOLOIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization"} {"rcid":3761,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-02","unres":"R/48/56","short":"COMOROS, MAYOTTE","descr":"Question of the Comorian Island of Mayotte"} {"rcid":3762,"session":48,"importantvote":1,"date":"1993-12-03","unres":"R/48/58","short":"MIDDLE EAST, PEACE PROCESS","descr":"Expresses its full support for the achievements of the peace process thus far, in particular the Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements signed by the State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization, and the"} {"rcid":3763,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-03","unres":"R/48/59A","short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called Basic Law"} {"rcid":3764,"session":48,"importantvote":1,"date":"1993-12-03","unres":"R/48/59B","short":"SYRIAN GOLAN","descr":"Declares that that the Israeli decision of 14 December 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan is null and void and has no validity whatsoever, as confirmed by the Security Council in its resolution"} {"rcid":3765,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/66","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, SECURITY","descr":"Scientific and technological developments and their impact on international security"} {"rcid":3766,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/67","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, SECURITY","descr":"The role of science and technology in the context of international security, disarmament and other related fields"} {"rcid":3767,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/68","short":"U.N. VERIFICATION","descr":"Verification in all its aspects, including the role of UN in the field of verification"} {"rcid":3768,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/69","short":"BAN, AIR, WATER AND OUTER SPACE NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Amendment of the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and under Water"} {"rcid":3769,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/72","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia"} {"rcid":3770,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/73","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non nuclear weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3771,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/74A","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space"} {"rcid":3772,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/75C","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL, COMPLETE","descr":"General and complete disarmament"} {"rcid":3773,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/75H","short":"ILLICIT SMALL-ARMS TRAFFIC","descr":"Assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and collecting them"} {"rcid":3774,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/75I","short":"DISARMAMENT, REGIONAL","descr":"Regional disarmament"} {"rcid":3775,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/75J","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONVENTIONAL","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels"} {"rcid":3776,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/76A","short":"CONFIDENCE-BUILDING","descr":"Consideration of guidelines for confidence-building measures"} {"rcid":3777,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/76B","short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR USE","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":3778,"session":48,"importantvote":1,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/78","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"Calls upon Israel to become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to accede to it without further delay, and not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons and to renounce possession of nuclear weap"} {"rcid":3779,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/79","short":"INDISCRIMINATORY WEAPONS","descr":"Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects"} {"rcid":3780,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/80","short":"ANTARCTICA","descr":"Question of Antarctica"} {"rcid":3781,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/82","short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace"} {"rcid":3782,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/83","short":"INTERNATIONAL PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"Review of the Implementation of the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security"} {"rcid":3783,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-05","unres":"R/48/84A","short":"INTERNATIONAL PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"Maintenance of international security"} {"rcid":3784,"session":48,"importantvote":1,"date":"1993-12-02","unres":"R/48/88","short":"BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA","descr":"The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina"} {"rcid":3785,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-02","unres":"R/48/89","short":"APARTHEID, CONVENTION","descr":"Status of the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the crime of Apartheid"} {"rcid":3786,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-02","unres":"R/48/92","short":"MERCENARIES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means to violate human rights and to impede the exercise of the right of peoples to self determination"} {"rcid":3787,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-02","unres":"R/48/94","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"Importance of the universal realization of the rights of peoples to self determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights"} {"rcid":3788,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-02","unres":"R/48/101","short":"U.N. AFRICAN CRIME INSTITUTE","descr":"UN African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders"} {"rcid":3789,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-02","unres":"R/48/123","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, U.N. SYSTEM","descr":"Alternative approaches and ways and means within the UN system for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms"} {"rcid":3790,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-02","unres":"R/48/124","short":"ELECTORAL SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"Respect for the principles of national sovereignty and non interference in the internal affairs of States in their electoral processes"} {"rcid":3791,"session":48,"importantvote":1,"date":"1993-12-02","unres":"R/48/131","short":"ELECTIONS, EFFECTIVENESS","descr":"Enhancing the effectiveness of the principle of periodic and genuine elections"} {"rcid":3792,"session":48,"importantvote":1,"date":"1993-12-02","unres":"R/48/142","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CUBA","descr":"Situation of human rights in Cuba"} {"rcid":3793,"session":48,"importantvote":1,"date":"1993-12-02","unres":"R/48/144","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAQ","descr":"Situation of human rights in Iraq"} {"rcid":3794,"session":48,"importantvote":1,"date":"1993-12-02","unres":"R/48/145","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAN","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran"} {"rcid":3795,"session":48,"importantvote":1,"date":"1993-12-02","unres":"R/48/147","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, SUDAN","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Sudan"} {"rcid":3796,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-02","unres":"R/48/158A","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People"} {"rcid":3797,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-02","unres":"R/48/158B","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, SECRETARIAT","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat"} {"rcid":3798,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-02","unres":"R/48/158C","short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"Requests the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to assist in the worldwide dissemination of 'accurate and comprehensive information' in support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people'"} {"rcid":3799,"session":48,"importantvote":1,"date":"1993-12-02","unres":"R/48/158D","short":"PALESTINE, PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT","descr":"Expresses its full support for the ongoing peace process which began in Madrid. Stresses the necessity for commitment to the principle of land for peace"} {"rcid":3800,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-03","unres":"R/48/168","short":"ECONOMIC COERCION","descr":"Economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries"} {"rcid":3801,"session":48,"importantvote":1,"date":"1993-12-03","unres":"R/48/182","short":"DEBT PROBLEM SOLUTIONS","descr":"Enhanced international cooperation towards a durable solution to the external debt problems of developing countries"} {"rcid":3802,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1993-12-03","unres":"R/48/212","short":"ISRAEL, SETTLEMENTS","descr":"Economic and social repercussions of the Israeli settlements on the Palestinian people in the Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, occupied since 1967, and on the Arab population of the Syrian Golan"} {"rcid":3803,"session":48,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-07-06","unres":"R/48/263","short":"LAW OF THE SEA, AGREEMENT","descr":"Agreement relating to the Implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982"} {"rcid":3804,"session":49,"importantvote":1,"date":"1994-10-04","unres":"R/49/9","short":"CUBA, U.S. EMBARGO","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States against Cuba"} {"rcid":3805,"session":49,"importantvote":1,"date":"1994-11-05","unres":"R/49/10","short":"BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA","descr":"The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina"} {"rcid":3806,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-11-02","unres":"R/49/18","short":"COMOROS, MAYOTTE","descr":"Question of the Comorian Island of Mayotte"} {"rcid":3807,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/26","short":"SOUTH ATLANTIC, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Zone of peace and cooperation of the south Atlantic"} {"rcid":3808,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-03","unres":"R/49/28","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Calls upon all States that have not done so to become parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and to ratify, confirm formally or accede to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Conv"} {"rcid":3809,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/33","short":"PEACEFUL USES OF OUTER SPACE COMMITTEE","descr":"Enlargement of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space"} {"rcid":3810,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/35A","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Urges all Member States to extend and expedite aid and assistance to the relief agency. Notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees, as provided for in paragraph 11 of its resolution 194 (III), has not yet been effected"} {"rcid":3811,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/35C","short":"PALESTINE, DISPLACED PERSONS","descr":"Reaffirms the right of all persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967"} {"rcid":3812,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/35D","short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS","descr":"Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees"} {"rcid":3813,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/35E","short":"UNRWA","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East"} {"rcid":3814,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/35F","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROPERTIES","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":3815,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/35G","short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"Emphasizes the need for strengthening the educational system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 5 June 1967, including Jerusalem, and specifically the need for the establishment of the proposed university and Requests the Sec"} {"rcid":3816,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/36A","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"the Special Committee, pending complete termination of the Israeli occupation, to continue to investigate Israeli policies and practices in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel s"} {"rcid":3817,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/36B","short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"Requests Israel to respect the Geneva convention pretaining to persons in times of war"} {"rcid":3818,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/36C","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Illegality of Israeli measures threatening the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the occupied territories"} {"rcid":3819,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/36D","short":"ISRAEL, GOLAN HEIGHTS","descr":"Denounces Israel's actions in the Syrian Golan; draws attention to Israel's violation of the Geneva Convention"} {"rcid":3820,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/39","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the UN"} {"rcid":3821,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/40","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"Activities of foreign economic and other interests which impede the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in territories under colonial Domination"} {"rcid":3822,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/41","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the UN"} {"rcid":3823,"session":49,"importantvote":1,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/43","short":"CROATIA, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"The situation in the occupied territories of Croatia"} {"rcid":3824,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/52","short":"WATERCOURSES","descr":"Draft articles on the law of the non-navigational uses of international watercourses"} {"rcid":3825,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/58","short":"U.N. STRENGTHENING","descr":"Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of UN and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization"} {"rcid":3826,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-04","unres":"R/49/62A","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People"} {"rcid":3827,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-04","unres":"R/49/62B","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, SECRETARIAT","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat"} {"rcid":3828,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-04","unres":"R/49/62C","short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"Requests the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to assist in the worldwide dissemination of 'accurate and comprehensive information' in support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people'"} {"rcid":3829,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-04","unres":"R/49/62D","short":"PALESTINE, PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT","descr":"Expresses its full support for the ongoing peace process which began in Madrid. Stresses the necessity for commitment to the principle of land for peace"} {"rcid":3830,"session":49,"importantvote":1,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/65","short":"IAEA REPORT","descr":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency"} {"rcid":3831,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/67","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, SECURITY","descr":"Scientific and technological developments and their impact on international security"} {"rcid":3832,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/68","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, SECURITY","descr":"The role of science and technology in the context of international security, disarmament and other related fields"} {"rcid":3833,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/69","short":"BAN, AIR, WATER AND OUTER SPACE NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Amendment of the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and under Water"} {"rcid":3834,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/72","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia"} {"rcid":3835,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/73","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non nuclear weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3836,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/74","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space"} {"rcid":3837,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/75B","short":"DISARMAMENT DECADE","descr":"Review of the Declaration of the 1990s as the 3rd Disarmament Decade"} {"rcid":3838,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/75C","short":"ARMAMENTS, TRANSPARENCY","descr":"Reaffirms its determination to ensure the effective operation of the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms"} {"rcid":3839,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/75E","short":"REDUCTION, NUCLEAR THREAT","descr":"Step by step reduction of the nuclear threat"} {"rcid":3840,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/75F","short":"REVIEW, NON-PROLIFERATION TREATY","descr":"1995 Review and Extension Conference of States Parties to the Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":3841,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/75G","short":"ILLICIT SMALL-ARMS TRAFFIC","descr":"Assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and collecting them"} {"rcid":3842,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/75H","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR ELIMINATION","descr":"Nuclear disarmament with a view to the ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3843,"session":49,"importantvote":1,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/75K","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, LEGALITY","descr":"Request for an advisory opinion from ICJ on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3844,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/75N","short":"DISARMAMENT, REGIONAL","descr":"Regional disarmament"} {"rcid":3845,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/75O","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONVENTIONAL","descr":"Conventional arm control at the regional and subregional levels"} {"rcid":3846,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/75P","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"Bilateral nuclear arms negotiations and nuclear disarmament"} {"rcid":3847,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/76E","short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR USE","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":3848,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/77D","short":"CONFIDENCE-BUILDING","descr":"Implementation of the guidelines for appropriate types of confidence building measures"} {"rcid":3849,"session":49,"importantvote":1,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/78","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"Calls upon Israel to become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to accede to it without further delay, and not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons and to renounce possession of nuclear weap"} {"rcid":3850,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/82","short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace"} {"rcid":3851,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-05","unres":"R/49/84","short":"SOUTH ATLANTIC, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic"} {"rcid":3852,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/87A","short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called Basic Law"} {"rcid":3853,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/87B","short":"SYRIAN GOLAN","descr":"Declares that that the Israeli decision of 14 December 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan is null and void and has no validity whatsoever, as confirmed by the Security Council in its resolution"} {"rcid":3854,"session":49,"importantvote":1,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/88","short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE PROCESS","descr":"Welcomes the peace process started at Madrid, and supports the subsequent bilateral negotiations"} {"rcid":3855,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/89","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples"} {"rcid":3856,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/90","short":"DECOLOIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization"} {"rcid":3857,"session":49,"importantvote":1,"date":"1994-12-02","unres":"R/49/132","short":"ISRAEL, SETTLEMENTS","descr":"Economic and social repercussions of the Israeli settlements on the Palestinian people in the Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, occupied since 1967, and on the Arab population of the Syrian Golan"} {"rcid":3858,"session":49,"importantvote":1,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/149","short":"PAKISTAN, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"The right of the Palestinian people to self determination"} {"rcid":3859,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/150","short":"MERCENARIES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means to violate human rights and to impede the exercise of the right of peoples to self determination"} {"rcid":3860,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/151","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"Importance of the universal realization of the rights of peoples to self determination and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples for the effective guarantee and observance of human rights"} {"rcid":3861,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/180","short":"ELECTORAL SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"Respect for the principles of national sovereignty and non interference in the internal affairs of States in their electoral processes"} {"rcid":3862,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/182","short":"FREEDOM OF TRAVEL","descr":"Respect for the universal freedom of travel and the vital importance of family reunification"} {"rcid":3863,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/186","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, U.N. SYSTEM","descr":"Alternative approaches and ways and means within the UN system for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms"} {"rcid":3864,"session":49,"importantvote":1,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/190","short":"ELECTIONS, EFFECTIVENESS","descr":"Strengthening the role of UN in enhancing periodic and genuine elections and the promotion of democratization"} {"rcid":3865,"session":49,"importantvote":1,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/196","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, BOSNIA, CROATIA, YUGOSLAVIA","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and Yugoslavia"} {"rcid":3866,"session":49,"importantvote":1,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/198","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, SUDAN","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Sudan"} {"rcid":3867,"session":49,"importantvote":1,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/200","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CUBA","descr":"Situation of human rights in Cuba"} {"rcid":3868,"session":49,"importantvote":1,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/202","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAN","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran"} {"rcid":3869,"session":49,"importantvote":1,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/203","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAQ","descr":"Situation of human rights in Iraq"} {"rcid":3870,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1994-12-06","unres":"R/49/204","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, KOSOVO","descr":"Situation of human rights in Kosovo"} {"rcid":3873,"session":49,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-04-03","unres":"R/49/243","short":"WORLD CONFERENCE ON WOMEN","descr":"Accreditation of non-governmental organizations to the 4th World Conference on Women: Action for Equality, Development and Peace"} {"rcid":3875,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-11-04","unres":"R/50/9","short":"IAEA, REPORT","descr":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency"} {"rcid":3876,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-11-05","unres":"R/50/10","short":"CUBA, U.S. EMBARGO","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States against Cuba"} {"rcid":3877,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-11-05","unres":"R/50/11","short":"MULTILINGUALISM","descr":"Multilingualism"} {"rcid":3878,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-11-02","unres":"R/50/18","short":"SOUTH ATLANTIC, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Zone of peace and cooperation of the south Atlantic"} {"rcid":3879,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-02","unres":"R/50/21","short":"MIDDLE EAST, PEACE PROCESS","descr":"Welcomes the peace process started at Madrid, and supports the subsequent bilateral negotiations"} {"rcid":3880,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-02","unres":"R/50/22A","short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called Basic Law"} {"rcid":3881,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-02","unres":"R/50/22B","short":"SYRIAN GOLAN","descr":"Declares that that the Israeli decision of 14 December 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan is null and void and has no validity whatsoever, as confirmed by the Security Council in its resolution"} {"rcid":3882,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-04-05","unres":"R/50/22C","short":"ISRAEL,. ATTACKS AGAINST LEBANON","descr":"The Israeli military attacks against Lebanon and their consequences"} {"rcid":3883,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/23","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Calls upon all States that have not done so to become parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and to ratify, confirm formally or accede to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Conv"} {"rcid":3884,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/28A","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Urges all Member States to extend and expedite aid and assistance to the relief agency. Notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees, as provided for in paragraph 11 of its resolution 194 (III), has not yet been effected"} {"rcid":3885,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/28C","short":"PALESTINE, DISPLACED PERSONS","descr":"Reaffirms the right of all persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967"} {"rcid":3886,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/28D","short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS","descr":"Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees"} {"rcid":3887,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/28E","short":"UNRWA","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East"} {"rcid":3888,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/28F","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROPERTIES","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":3889,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/28G","short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"Emphasizes the need for strengthening the educational system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 5 June 1967, including Jerusalem, and specifically the need for the establishment of the proposed university and Requests the Sec"} {"rcid":3890,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/29A","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"the Special Committee, pending complete termination of the Israeli occupation, to continue to investigate Israeli policies and practices in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel s"} {"rcid":3891,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/29B","short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"Requests Israel to respect the Geneva convention pretaining to persons in times of war"} {"rcid":3892,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/29C","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Illegality of Israeli measures threatening the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the occupied territories"} {"rcid":3893,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/29D","short":"ISRAEL, GOLAN HEIGHTS","descr":"Denounces Israel's actions in the Syrian Golan; draws attention to Israel's violation of the Geneva Convention"} {"rcid":3894,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/32","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the UN"} {"rcid":3895,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/33","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"Activities of foreign economic and other interests which impede the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in territories under colonial Domination"} {"rcid":3896,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/34","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the UN"} {"rcid":3897,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/38A","short":"NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES, STATUS","descr":"Questions of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, St. Helena, Tokelau, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands"} {"rcid":3898,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/38B/I","short":"AMERICAN SAMOA","descr":"American Samoa"} {"rcid":3899,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/38B/II","short":"ANGUILLA","descr":"Requests the administering Power to carry out, at the earliest possible date, an exercise to ascertain the wishes of the people of Anguilla regarding the future status of the Territory"} {"rcid":3900,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/38B/III","short":"BERMUDA","descr":"Bermuda"} {"rcid":3901,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/38B/IV","short":"BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS","descr":"British Virgin Islands"} {"rcid":3902,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/38B/V","short":"CAYMAN ISLANDS","descr":"Cayman Islands"} {"rcid":3903,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/38B/VI","short":"GUAM, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"Guam"} {"rcid":3904,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/38B/VII","short":"MONTSERRAT","descr":"Montserrat"} {"rcid":3905,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/38B/VIII","short":"PITCAIRN","descr":"Pitcairn"} {"rcid":3906,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/38B/IX","short":"SAINT HELENA, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"Requests the administering Power to conduct the constitutional review in st. Helena, taking into account the wishes of its population"} {"rcid":3907,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/38B/X","short":"TOKELAU","descr":"Tokelau"} {"rcid":3908,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/38B/XI","short":"TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS","descr":"Turks and Caicos Islands"} {"rcid":3909,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/38B/XII","short":"U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS","descr":"United States Virgin Islands"} {"rcid":3910,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/39","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples"} {"rcid":3911,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/40","short":"DECOLOIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization"} {"rcid":3917,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-02","unres":"R/50/52","short":"U.N. STRENGTHENING","descr":"Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of UN and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization"} {"rcid":3920,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-02","unres":"R/50/56","short":"CULTURAL PROPERTY, RESTITUTION","descr":"Return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin"} {"rcid":3921,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/61","short":"U.N. VERIFICATION","descr":"Verification in all its aspects, including the role of UN in the field of verification"} {"rcid":3922,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/62","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, SECURITY","descr":"The role of science and technology in the context of international security, disarmament and other related fields"} {"rcid":3923,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/63","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, SECURITY","descr":"The role of science and technology in the context of international security, disarmament and other related fields"} {"rcid":3924,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/64","short":"BAN, AIR, WATER AND OUTER SPACE NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Amendment of the Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere, in Outer Space and under Water"} {"rcid":3925,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/67","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia"} {"rcid":3926,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/68","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non nuclear weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3927,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/69","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space"} {"rcid":3928,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/70A","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Nuclear testing"} {"rcid":3929,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/70B","short":"DISARMAMENT, SMALL ARMS","descr":"Small arms"} {"rcid":3930,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/70C","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR ELIMINATION","descr":"Nuclear disarmament with a view to the ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3931,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/70D","short":"ARMAMENTS, TRANSPARENCY","descr":"Reaffirms its determination to ensure the effective operation of the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms"} {"rcid":3932,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/70F","short":"DISARMAMENT, SPECIAL SESSION","descr":"Convening of the 4th special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament"} {"rcid":3933,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/70I","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"Bilateral nuclear arms negotiations and nuclear disarmament"} {"rcid":3934,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/70K","short":"DISARMAMENT, REGIONAL","descr":"Regional disarmament"} {"rcid":3935,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/70L","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONVENTIONAL","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels"} {"rcid":3936,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/70M","short":"DISARMAMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL NORMS","descr":"Observance of environmental norms in the drafting and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control"} {"rcid":3937,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/70N","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"Bilateral nuclear arms negotiations and nuclear disarmament"} {"rcid":3938,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/70P","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"Nuclear disarmament"} {"rcid":3939,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/70Q","short":"REVIEW, NON-PROLIFERATION TREATY","descr":"1995 Review and Extension Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":3940,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/71E","short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR USE","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":3941,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/73","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"Calls upon Israel to become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to accede to it without further delay, and not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons and to renounce possession of nuclear weap"} {"rcid":3942,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-03","unres":"R/50/76","short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace"} {"rcid":3943,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-06","unres":"R/50/84A","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People"} {"rcid":3944,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-06","unres":"R/50/84B","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, SECRETARIAT","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat"} {"rcid":3945,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-06","unres":"R/50/84C","short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"Requests the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to assist in the worldwide dissemination of 'accurate and comprehensive information' in support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people'"} {"rcid":3946,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-06","unres":"R/50/84D","short":"PALESTINE, PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT","descr":"Expresses its full support for the ongoing peace process which began in Madrid. Stresses the necessity for commitment to the principle of land for peace"} {"rcid":3947,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-06-06","unres":"R/50/89B","short":"UNEM, FINANCING","descr":"Financing of UNEM"} {"rcid":3948,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/96","short":"ECONOMIC COERCION","descr":"Economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries"} {"rcid":3949,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-04","unres":"R/50/129","short":"ISRAEL, SETTLEMENTS","descr":"Economic and social repercussions of the Israeli settlements on the Palestinian people in the Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, occupied since 1967, and on the Arab population of the Syrian Golan"} {"rcid":3950,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-05","unres":"R/50/138","short":"MERCENARIES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means to violate human rights and to impede the exercise of the right of peoples to self determination"} {"rcid":3951,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-05","unres":"R/50/140","short":"PALESTINE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination"} {"rcid":3952,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-06","unres":"R/50/172","short":"ELECTORAL SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"Respect for the principles of national sovereignty and non interference in the internal affairs of States in their electoral processes"} {"rcid":3953,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-06","unres":"R/50/175","short":"FREEDOM OF TRAVEL","descr":"Respect for the right to universal freedom of travel and the vital importance of family reunification"} {"rcid":3954,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-06","unres":"R/50/185","short":"ELECTIONS, EFFECTIVENESS","descr":"Strengthening the role of UN in enhancing the effectiveness of the principle of periodic and genuine elections and the promotion of democratization"} {"rcid":3955,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-06","unres":"R/50/188","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAN","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran"} {"rcid":3956,"session":50,"importantvote":0,"date":"1995-12-06","unres":"R/50/190","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, KOSOVO","descr":"Situation of human rights in Kosovo"} {"rcid":3957,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-06","unres":"R/50/191","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAQ","descr":"Situation of human rights in Iraq"} {"rcid":3958,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-06","unres":"R/50/193","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, BOSNIA, CROATIA, YUGOSLAVIA","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and Yugoslavia"} {"rcid":3959,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-06","unres":"R/50/197","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, SUDAN","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Sudan"} {"rcid":3960,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-06","unres":"R/50/198","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CUBA","descr":"Situation of human rights in Cuba"} {"rcid":3961,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1995-12-06","unres":"R/50/199","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, NIGERIA","descr":"Situation of human rights in Nigeria"} {"rcid":3962,"session":50,"importantvote":1,"date":"1996-09-03","unres":"R/50/245","short":"COMPREHENSIVE TEST-BAN-TREATY","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty"} {"rcid":3963,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-10-03","unres":"R/51/10","short":"IAEA REPORT","descr":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency"} {"rcid":3964,"session":51,"importantvote":1,"date":"1996-11-03","unres":"R/51/17","short":"CUBA, U.S. EMBARGO","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States against Cuba"} {"rcid":3965,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-07","unres":"R/51/19","short":"SOUTH ATLANTIC, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Zone of peace and cooperation of the south Atlantic"} {"rcid":3966,"session":51,"importantvote":1,"date":"1996-11-04","unres":"R/51/22","short":"ECONOMIC COERCION","descr":"Elimination of coercive economic measures as a means of political and economic compulsion"} {"rcid":3967,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-04","unres":"R/51/23","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People"} {"rcid":3968,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-04","unres":"R/51/24","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, SECRETARIAT","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat"} {"rcid":3969,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-04","unres":"R/51/25","short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"Requests the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to assist in the worldwide dissemination of 'accurate and comprehensive information' in support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people'"} {"rcid":3970,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-04","unres":"R/51/26","short":"PALESTINE, PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT","descr":"Expresses its full support for the ongoing peace process which began in Madrid. Stresses the necessity for commitment to the principle of land for peace"} {"rcid":3971,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-04","unres":"R/51/27","short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called Basic Law"} {"rcid":3972,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-04","unres":"R/51/28","short":"SYRIAN GOLAN","descr":"Declares that that the Israeli decision of 14 December 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan is null and void and has no validity whatsoever, as confirmed by the Security Council in its resolution"} {"rcid":3973,"session":51,"importantvote":1,"date":"1996-12-04","unres":"R/51/29","short":"MIDDLE EAST PEACE PROCESS","descr":"Welcomes the peace process started at Madrid, and supports the subsequent bilateral negotiations"} {"rcid":3974,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-04","unres":"R/51/30I","short":"SUADN, EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE","descr":"Emergency assistance to the Sudan"} {"rcid":3975,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/34","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Calls upon all States that have not done so to become parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and to ratify, confirm formally or accede to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Conv"} {"rcid":3976,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-02","unres":"R/51/39","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, SECURITY","descr":"The role of science and technology in the context of international security, disarmament and other related fields"} {"rcid":3977,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/40","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, SECURITY","descr":"The role of science and technology in the context of international security, disarmament and other related fields"} {"rcid":3978,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/42","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia"} {"rcid":3979,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/43","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non nuclear weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3980,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/44","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space"} {"rcid":3981,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/45A","short":"NON-PROLIFERATION TREATY, 2000 REVIEW","descr":"Treaty on the Non?Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons : 2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and its Preparatory Committee"} {"rcid":3982,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/45B","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas"} {"rcid":3983,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/45C","short":"DISARMAMENT, 4TH SPECIAL SESSION","descr":"Convening of the 4th special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament"} {"rcid":3984,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/45E","short":"DISARMAMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL NORMS","descr":"Observance of environmental norms in the drafting and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control"} {"rcid":3985,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/45G","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR ELIMINATION","descr":"Nuclear disarmament with a view to the ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3986,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/45H","short":"ARMAMENTS, TRANSPARENCY","descr":"Reaffirms its determination to ensure the effective operation of the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms"} {"rcid":3987,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/45I","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"Bilateral nuclear arms negotiations and nuclear disarmament"} {"rcid":3988,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/45K","short":"DISARMAMENT, REGIONAL","descr":"Regional disarmament"} {"rcid":3989,"session":51,"importantvote":1,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/45M","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, LEGALITY","descr":"Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":3990,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/45O","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"Nuclear disarmament"} {"rcid":3991,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/45P","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENEVA PROTOCOL","descr":"Measures to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol"} {"rcid":3992,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/45Q","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONVENTIONAL","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels"} {"rcid":3993,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/45R","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"Bilateral nuclear arms negotiations and nuclear disarmament"} {"rcid":3994,"session":51,"importantvote":1,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/45S","short":"BAN, LAND MINES","descr":"An international agreement to ban anti?personnel landmines"} {"rcid":3995,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/46D","short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR USE","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":3996,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/47A","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONFERENCE","descr":"Expansion of the membership of the Conference on Disarmament"} {"rcid":3997,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/48","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"Calls upon Israel to become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to accede to it without further delay, and not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons and to renounce possession of nuclear weap"} {"rcid":3998,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/51","short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace"} {"rcid":3999,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/55","short":"INTERNATIONAL PEACE, SECURITY","descr":"The maintenance of international security prevention of the violent disintegration of States"} {"rcid":4000,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-05","unres":"R/51/57","short":"COOPERATION, U.N. AND OSCE","descr":"Cooperation between UN and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe"} {"rcid":4001,"session":51,"importantvote":1,"date":"1996-12-05","unres":"R/51/82","short":"PALESTINE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination"} {"rcid":4002,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-05","unres":"R/51/83","short":"MERCENARIES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self determination"} {"rcid":4003,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-05","unres":"R/51/89","short":"FREEDOM OF TRAVEL","descr":"Respect for the right to universal freedom of travel and the vital importance of family reunification"} {"rcid":4004,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-05","unres":"R/51/100","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION","descr":"Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights"} {"rcid":4005,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-05","unres":"R/51/103","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, COERCIVE MEASURES","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures"} {"rcid":4006,"session":51,"importantvote":1,"date":"1996-12-05","unres":"R/51/106","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAQ","descr":"Situation of human rights in Iraq"} {"rcid":4007,"session":51,"importantvote":1,"date":"1996-12-05","unres":"R/51/107","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAN","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran"} {"rcid":4008,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-05","unres":"R/51/109","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, NIGERIA","descr":"Situation of human rights in Nigeria"} {"rcid":4009,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-05","unres":"R/51/111","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, KOSOVO","descr":"Situation of human rights in Kosovo"} {"rcid":4010,"session":51,"importantvote":1,"date":"1996-12-05","unres":"R/51/112","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, SUDAN","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Sudan"} {"rcid":4011,"session":51,"importantvote":1,"date":"1996-12-05","unres":"R/51/113","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CUBA","descr":"Situation of human rights in Cuba"} {"rcid":4012,"session":51,"importantvote":1,"date":"1996-12-05","unres":"R/51/116","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, BOSNIA, CROATIA, YUGOSLAVIA","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and Yugoslavia"} {"rcid":4013,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-06","unres":"R/51/124","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Urges all Member States to extend and expedite aid and assistance to the relief agency. Notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees, as provided for in paragraph 11 of its resolution 194 (III), has not yet been effected"} {"rcid":4014,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-06","unres":"R/51/126","short":"PALESTINE, DISPLACED PERSONS","descr":"Reaffirms the right of all persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967"} {"rcid":4015,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-06","unres":"R/51/127","short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS","descr":"Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees"} {"rcid":4016,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-06","unres":"R/51/128","short":"UNRWA","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East"} {"rcid":4017,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-06","unres":"R/51/129","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROPERTIES","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":4018,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-06","unres":"R/51/130","short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"Emphasizes the need for strengthening the educational system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 5 June 1967, including Jerusalem, and specifically the need for the establishment of the proposed university and Requests the Sec"} {"rcid":4019,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-06","unres":"R/51/131","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"the Special Committee, pending complete termination of the Israeli occupation, to continue to investigate Israeli policies and practices in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and other Arab territories occupied by Israel s"} {"rcid":4020,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-06","unres":"R/51/132","short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"Requests Israel to respect the Geneva convention pretaining to persons in times of war"} {"rcid":4021,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-06","unres":"R/51/133","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Illegality of Israeli measures threatening the legal status, geographical nature and demographic composition of the occupied territories"} {"rcid":4022,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-06","unres":"R/51/134","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories, including Jerusalem"} {"rcid":4023,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-06","unres":"R/51/135","short":"SYRIAN GOLAN","descr":"Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to comply with the relevant resolutions on the occupied Syrian Golan. Also calls upon Israel to desist from the establishment of settlements;"} {"rcid":4024,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-06","unres":"R/51/136","short":"PEACEKEEPING REVIEW","descr":"Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects"} {"rcid":4025,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-06","unres":"R/51/138B","short":"U.N. INFORMATION POLICIES","descr":"UN public information policies and activities"} {"rcid":4026,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-06","unres":"R/51/139","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the UN"} {"rcid":4027,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-06","unres":"R/51/140","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"Activities of foreign economic and other interests which impede the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples in territories under colonial Domination"} {"rcid":4028,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-06","unres":"R/51/141","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the UN"} {"rcid":4029,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-06","unres":"R/51/146","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples"} {"rcid":4030,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-06","unres":"R/51/147","short":"DECOLOIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization"} {"rcid":4031,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-02","unres":"R/51/190","short":"PALESTINE, SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources"} {"rcid":4032,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/193","short":"SECURITY COUNCIL, REPORT","descr":"Calls upon the Security Council to include information on the consultations of the whole undertaken prior to action or deliberation; To include the decisions, recommendations or progress of work of the subsidiary organs of the Council, in parti"} {"rcid":4033,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/203","short":"BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA","descr":"The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina"} {"rcid":4034,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-03","unres":"R/51/205","short":"WORLD TELEVISION DAY","descr":"Proclamation of 21 Nov. as World Television Day"} {"rcid":4035,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1996-12-04","unres":"R/51/217","short":"U.N. PENSION SYSTEM","descr":"UN pension system"} {"rcid":4036,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-03-05","unres":"R/51/223","short":"ISRAEL, SETTLEMENTS","descr":"Israeli settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, in particular in occupied East Jerusalem"} {"rcid":4037,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-05-04","unres":"R/51/229","short":"WATERCOURSES","descr":"Convention on the Law of the Non-Navigational Uses of International Watercourses"} {"rcid":4038,"session":51,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-06-06","unres":"R/51/233","short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"Financing of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNEFEL)"} {"rcid":4039,"session":52,"importantvote":1,"date":"1997-11-04","unres":"R/52/10","short":"CUBA, U.S. EMBARGO","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States against Cuba"} {"rcid":4040,"session":52,"importantvote":1,"date":"1997-11-04","unres":"R/52/11","short":"IAEA REPORT","descr":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency"} {"rcid":4041,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-11-05","unres":"R/52/14","short":"SOUTH ATLANTIC, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic"} {"rcid":4042,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-11-03","unres":"R/52/22","short":"U.N., OSCE, COOPERATION","descr":"Cooperation between the UN and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe"} {"rcid":4043,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-11-03","unres":"R/52/24","short":"CULTURAL PROPERTY, RESTITUTION","descr":"Return or restitution of cultural property to the countries of origin"} {"rcid":4044,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-11-04","unres":"R/52/26","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Calls upon all States that have not done so to become parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and to ratify, confirm formally or accede to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Conv"} {"rcid":4045,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/33","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, SECURITY","descr":"The role of science and technology in the context of international security, disarmament and other related fields"} {"rcid":4046,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/35","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTH ASIA","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free zone in South Asia"} {"rcid":4047,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/36","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective International arrangements to assure non nuclear weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":4048,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/37","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space"} {"rcid":4049,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/38A","short":"LAND MINES, CONVENTION","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction"} {"rcid":4050,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/38B","short":"ARMAMENTS, TRANSPARENCY","descr":"Reaffirms its determination to ensure the effective operation of the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms"} {"rcid":4051,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/38E","short":"DISARMAMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL NORMS","descr":"Environmental norms in drafting disarmament agreements"} {"rcid":4052,"session":52,"importantvote":1,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/38H","short":"BAN, LAND MINES","descr":"Banning anti-personnel landmines"} {"rcid":4053,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/38J","short":"SMALL ARMS","descr":"Endorses the recommendations contained in the report on small arms,"} {"rcid":4054,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/38K","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR ELIMINATION","descr":"Nuclear disarmament with a view to the ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":4055,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/38L","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"Agenda: General and complete nuclear disarmament."} {"rcid":4056,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/38M","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTITATIONS","descr":"Bilateral nuclear arms negotiations and nuclear disarmament"} {"rcid":4057,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/38N","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas"} {"rcid":4058,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/38O","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, LEGALITY","descr":"ICJ advisory opinion on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":4059,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/38Q","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONVENTIONAL","descr":"Conventional arms control at regional and subregional levels"} {"rcid":4060,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/38R","short":"ARMAMENTS, TRANSPARENCY","descr":"Reaffirms its determination to ensure the effective operation of the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms"} {"rcid":4061,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/39C","short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Nuclear weapons prohibition convention (draft text)"} {"rcid":4062,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/40C","short":"DISARMAMENT, U.N. INVOLVMENT","descr":"Role of the UN in disarmament"} {"rcid":4063,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/41","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"Calls upon Israel to become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to accede to it without further delay, and not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons and to renounce possession of nuclear weap"} {"rcid":4064,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/44","short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace"} {"rcid":4065,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/49","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, COMMITTEE","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People"} {"rcid":4066,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/50","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, SECRETARIAT","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat"} {"rcid":4067,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/51","short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"Requests the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to assist in the worldwide dissemination of 'accurate and comprehensive information' in support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people'"} {"rcid":4068,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/52","short":"PALESTINE, PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT","descr":"Expresses its full support for the ongoing peace process which began in Madrid. Stresses the necessity for commitment to the principle of land for peace"} {"rcid":4069,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/53","short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called Basic Law"} {"rcid":4070,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/54","short":"SYRIAN GOLAN","descr":"Declares that that the Israeli decision of 14 December 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan is null and void and has no validity whatsoever, as confirmed by the Security Council in its resolution"} {"rcid":4071,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-04","unres":"R/52/57","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Urges all Member States to extend and expedite aid and assistance to the relief agency. Notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees, as provided for in paragraph 11 of its resolution 194 (III), has not yet been effected"} {"rcid":4072,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-04","unres":"R/52/59","short":"PALESTINE, DISPLACED PERSONS","descr":"Reaffirms the right of all persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967"} {"rcid":4073,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-04","unres":"R/52/60","short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS","descr":"Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees"} {"rcid":4074,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-04","unres":"R/52/61","short":"UNRWA","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East"} {"rcid":4075,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-04","unres":"R/52/62","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROPERTIES","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":4076,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-04","unres":"R/52/63","short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"Emphasizes the need for strengthening the educational system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 5 June 1967, including Jerusalem, and specifically the need for the establishment of the proposed university and Requests the Sec"} {"rcid":4077,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-04","unres":"R/52/64","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, COMMITTEE","descr":"Work of the Special Committee to investigate Israeli practices in the occupied territories"} {"rcid":4078,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-04","unres":"R/52/65","short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention of 12 Aug. 1949 relative to the occupied Palestinian and other Arab territories"} {"rcid":4079,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-04","unres":"R/52/66","short":"ISRAEL, SETTLEMENTS","descr":"Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan"} {"rcid":4080,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-04","unres":"R/52/67","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory, including Jerusalem"} {"rcid":4081,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-04","unres":"R/52/68","short":"SYRIAN GOLAN","descr":"Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to comply with the relevant resolutions on the occupied Syrian Golan. Also calls upon Israel to desist from the establishment of settlements;"} {"rcid":4082,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-04","unres":"R/52/71","short":"NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES","descr":"Non-Self-Governing Territories"} {"rcid":4083,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-04","unres":"R/52/72","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"Economic and other activities affecting the interests of the peoples of Non-Self-Governing territories"} {"rcid":4084,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-04","unres":"R/52/73","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the decolonization declaration by the specialized agencies and international institutions associated with the UN"} {"rcid":4085,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-04","unres":"R/52/78","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the decolonization declaration"} {"rcid":4086,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-04","unres":"R/52/79","short":"DECOLONIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization"} {"rcid":4087,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-06","unres":"R/52/112","short":"MERCENARIES","descr":"Use of mercenaries to violate human rights"} {"rcid":4088,"session":52,"importantvote":1,"date":"1997-12-06","unres":"R/52/114","short":"PALESTINE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"Right of the Palestinian people to self-determination"} {"rcid":4089,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-06","unres":"R/52/119","short":"ELECTORAL SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"Respect for the principles of national sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of States in their electoral processes"} {"rcid":4090,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-06","unres":"R/52/120","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, COERCIVE MEASURES","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures"} {"rcid":4091,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-06","unres":"R/52/121","short":"FREEDOM OF TRAVEL","descr":"Right to universal freedom of travel and the importance of family reunification"} {"rcid":4092,"session":52,"importantvote":1,"date":"1997-12-06","unres":"R/52/129","short":"ELECTIONS, EFFECTIVENESS","descr":"UN role in enhancing elections and promoting democratization"} {"rcid":4093,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-06","unres":"R/52/131","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION","descr":"UN promotion of human rights through international cooperation and the importance of non-selectivity, impartiality and objectivity"} {"rcid":4094,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-06","unres":"R/52/133","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, TERRORISM","descr":"Human rights and terrorism"} {"rcid":4095,"session":52,"importantvote":1,"date":"1997-12-06","unres":"R/52/136","short":"RIGHT TO DEVELOPMENT","descr":"Right to development"} {"rcid":4096,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-06","unres":"R/52/139","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, KOSOVO","descr":"Human rights situation in Kosovo"} {"rcid":4097,"session":52,"importantvote":1,"date":"1997-12-06","unres":"R/52/140","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, SUDAN","descr":"Human rights situation in the Sudan"} {"rcid":4098,"session":52,"importantvote":1,"date":"1997-12-06","unres":"R/52/141","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAQ","descr":"Human rights situation in Iraq"} {"rcid":4099,"session":52,"importantvote":1,"date":"1997-12-06","unres":"R/52/142","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAN","descr":"Human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran"} {"rcid":4100,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-06","unres":"R/52/143","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CUBA","descr":"Human rights situation in Cuba"} {"rcid":4101,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-06","unres":"R/52/144","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, NIGERIA","descr":"Human rights situation in Nigeria"} {"rcid":4102,"session":52,"importantvote":1,"date":"1997-12-06","unres":"R/52/147","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, BOSNIA, CROATIA, YUGOSLAVIA","descr":"Human rights situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)"} {"rcid":4103,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-03","unres":"R/52/169F","short":"SUDAN, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Assistance to the Sudan"} {"rcid":4104,"session":52,"importantvote":1,"date":"1997-12-05","unres":"R/52/181","short":"ECONOMIC COERSION","descr":"Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries"} {"rcid":4105,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1997-12-05","unres":"R/52/207","short":"PALESTINE, SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people over their natural resources"} {"rcid":4106,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-06-06","unres":"R/52/237","short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"Financing of UNIFIL (Lebanon mission)"} {"rcid":4107,"session":52,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-07-03","unres":"R/52/250","short":"PALESTINE, U.N. PARTICIPATION","descr":"Decides to confer upon Palestine, in its capacity as observer, and as contained in the annex to the present resolution, additional rights and privileges of participation in the sessions and work of the General Assembly and the international con"} {"rcid":4108,"session":53,"importantvote":1,"date":"1998-10-04","unres":"R/53/4","short":"CUBA, U.S. EMBARGO","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States against Cuba"} {"rcid":4109,"session":53,"importantvote":1,"date":"1998-10-02","unres":"R/53/10","short":"ECONOMIC COERSION","descr":"Elimination of coercive economic measures as a means of political and economic compulsion"} {"rcid":4110,"session":53,"importantvote":1,"date":"1998-11-02","unres":"R/53/21","short":"IAEA REPORT","descr":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency"} {"rcid":4111,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-11-03","unres":"R/53/32","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Calls upon all States that have not done so to become parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and to ratify, confirm formally or accede to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Conv"} {"rcid":4112,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-11-04","unres":"R/53/34","short":"SOUTH ATLANTIC, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic"} {"rcid":4113,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/37","short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called Basic Law"} {"rcid":4114,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/38","short":"SYRIAN GOLAN","descr":"Declares that that the Israeli decision of 14 December 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan is null and void and has no validity whatsoever, as confirmed by the Security Council in its resolution"} {"rcid":4115,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/39","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, COMMITTEE","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People"} {"rcid":4116,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/40","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights"} {"rcid":4117,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/41","short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"Requests the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to assist in the worldwide dissemination of 'accurate and comprehensive information' in support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people'"} {"rcid":4118,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/42","short":"PALESTINE, PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT","descr":"Expresses its full support for the ongoing peace process which began in Madrid. Stresses the necessity for commitment to the principle of land for peace"} {"rcid":4119,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-05","unres":"R/53/46","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Urges all Member States to extend and expedite aid and assistance to the relief agency. Notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees, as provided for in paragraph 11 of its resolution 194 (III), has not yet been effected"} {"rcid":4120,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-05","unres":"R/53/48","short":"PALESTINE, DISPLACED PERSONS","descr":"Reaffirms the right of all persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967"} {"rcid":4121,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-05","unres":"R/53/49","short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS","descr":"Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees"} {"rcid":4122,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-05","unres":"R/53/50","short":"UNRWA","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East"} {"rcid":4123,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-05","unres":"R/53/51","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROPERTIES","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":4124,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-05","unres":"R/53/52","short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"Emphasizes the need for strengthening the educational system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 5 June 1967, including Jerusalem, and specifically the need for the establishment of the proposed university and Requests the Sec"} {"rcid":4125,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-05","unres":"R/53/53","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, COMMITTEE","descr":"Special Committee to investigate Israeli practices in the occupied territories"} {"rcid":4126,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-05","unres":"R/53/54","short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"Applicability of Geneva Convention of 12 Aug. 1949 to the occupied Palestinian and other territories, including Jerusalem"} {"rcid":4127,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-05","unres":"R/53/55","short":"ISRAEL, SETTLEMENTS","descr":"Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian and other territories"} {"rcid":4128,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-05","unres":"R/53/56","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Human rights of Palestinians in the occupied territories"} {"rcid":4129,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-05","unres":"R/53/57","short":"SYRIAN GOLAN","descr":"Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to comply with the relevant resolutions on the occupied Syrian Golan. Also calls upon Israel to desist from the establishment of settlements;"} {"rcid":4130,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-05","unres":"R/53/60","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories"} {"rcid":4131,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-05","unres":"R/53/61","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"Economic and other activities affecting peoples of Non-Self-Governing Territories"} {"rcid":4132,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-05","unres":"R/53/62","short":"DECOLONIZATION, DECLARATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples"} {"rcid":4133,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-05","unres":"R/53/68","short":"DECOLONIZATION, DECLARATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples"} {"rcid":4134,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-05","unres":"R/53/69","short":"DECOLONIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization"} {"rcid":4135,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/71","short":"STATE DISINTEGRATION","descr":"Violent disintegration of States: prevention"} {"rcid":4136,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/73","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, DISARMAMENT","descr":"Disarmament: role of science and technology"} {"rcid":4137,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/75","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective International arrangements to assure non nuclear weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":4138,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/76","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Arms race prevention in outer space"} {"rcid":4139,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/77E","short":"SMALL ARMS","descr":"Endorses the recommendations contained in the report on small arms,"} {"rcid":4140,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/77F","short":"NUCLEAR DANGER","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger"} {"rcid":4141,"session":53,"importantvote":1,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/77G","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR TESTING","descr":"Nuclear testing"} {"rcid":4142,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/77H","short":"DISARMAMENT, REGIONAL","descr":"Regional disarmament"} {"rcid":4143,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/77J","short":"DISARMAMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL NORMS","descr":"Agreements on disarmament and arms control: environmental norms"} {"rcid":4144,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/77L","short":"GENEVA PROTOCOL","descr":"Measures to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol"} {"rcid":4145,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/77N","short":"LAND MINES, CONVENTION","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction"} {"rcid":4146,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/77P","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONVENTIONAL","descr":"Conventional arms control at regional and subregional levels"} {"rcid":4147,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/77Q","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas"} {"rcid":4148,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/77S","short":"ARMAMENTS, TRANSPARENCY","descr":"Reaffirms its determination to ensure the effective operation of the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms"} {"rcid":4149,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/77U","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR ELIMINATION","descr":"Ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":4150,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/77V","short":"CONVENTIONAL ARMAMENTS, TRANSPARENCY","descr":"Transparency in armaments (participation in the Register of Conventional Arms)"} {"rcid":4151,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/77W","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, LEGALITY","descr":"ICJ advisory opinion on the legality (threat or use) of nuclear weapons: follow-up"} {"rcid":4152,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/77X","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"Nuclear disarmament, general and complete disarmament"} {"rcid":4153,"session":53,"importantvote":1,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/77Y","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPON-FREE WORLD","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free world: need for a new agenda"} {"rcid":4154,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/77Z","short":"BILATERAL ARMS NEGOTITATIONS","descr":"Bilateral nuclear arms negotiations"} {"rcid":4155,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/78D","short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Nuclear Weapons Prohibition Convention"} {"rcid":4156,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/80","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"Calls upon Israel to become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to accede to it without further delay, and not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons and to renounce possession of nuclear weap"} {"rcid":4157,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-06","unres":"R/53/85","short":"U.N., OSCE, COOPERATION","descr":"Cooperation between the UN and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe"} {"rcid":4158,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/135","short":"MERCENARIES","descr":"Use of mercenaries"} {"rcid":4159,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/136","short":"PALESTINE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"Right of the Palestinian people to self-determination"} {"rcid":4160,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/141","short":"COERCIVE MEASURES","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures"} {"rcid":4161,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/143","short":"FREEDOM OF TRAVEL","descr":"Freedom of travel and family reunification"} {"rcid":4162,"session":53,"importantvote":1,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/155","short":"RIGHT TO DEVELOPMENT","descr":"Right to development"} {"rcid":4163,"session":53,"importantvote":1,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/157","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAQ","descr":"Human rights in Iraq"} {"rcid":4164,"session":53,"importantvote":1,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/158","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAN","descr":"Human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran"} {"rcid":4165,"session":53,"importantvote":1,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/163","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, BOSNIA, CROATIA, YUGOSLAVIA","descr":"Human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Croatia, Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)"} {"rcid":4166,"session":53,"importantvote":1,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/164","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, KOSOVO","descr":"Human rights in Kosovo"} {"rcid":4167,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1998-12-03","unres":"R/53/196","short":"PALESTINE, SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the occupied territories over their natural resources"} {"rcid":4168,"session":53,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-06-03","unres":"R/53/227","short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"Financing of UNIFIL (Lebanon mission)"} {"rcid":4169,"session":54,"importantvote":1,"date":"1999-11-03","unres":"R/54/21","short":"CUBA, U.S. EMBARGO","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States against Cuba"} {"rcid":4170,"session":54,"importantvote":1,"date":"1999-11-02","unres":"R/54/26","short":"IAEA REPORT","descr":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency"} {"rcid":4171,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-11-04","unres":"R/54/35","short":"SOUTH ATLANTIC, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic"} {"rcid":4172,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/37","short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called Basic Law"} {"rcid":4173,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/38","short":"SYRIAN GOLAN","descr":"Declares that that the Israeli decision of 14 December 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan is null and void and has no validity whatsoever, as confirmed by the Security Council in its resolution"} {"rcid":4174,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/39","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, COMMITTEE","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People"} {"rcid":4175,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/40","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, SECRETARIAT","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat"} {"rcid":4176,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/41","short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"Requests the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to assist in the worldwide dissemination of 'accurate and comprehensive information' in support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people'"} {"rcid":4177,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/42","short":"PALESTINE, PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT","descr":"Expresses its full support for the ongoing peace process which began in Madrid. Stresses the necessity for commitment to the principle of land for peace"} {"rcid":4178,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/47","short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace"} {"rcid":4179,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/50","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, SECURITY","descr":"Role of science and technology in the context of international security and disarmament"} {"rcid":4180,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/52","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":4181,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/53","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space"} {"rcid":4182,"session":54,"importantvote":1,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/54A","short":"ANTI-BALLISTIC MISSILE TREATY COMPLIANCE","descr":"Preservation of and compliance with the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems"} {"rcid":4183,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/54B","short":"LAND MINES, CONVENTION","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction"} {"rcid":4184,"session":54,"importantvote":1,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/54D","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR ELIMINATION","descr":"Nuclear disarmament with a view to the ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":4185,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/54F","short":"DISARMAMENT, MISSILES","descr":"Missiles, A/54/251 Item: 76 - General and complete disarmament"} {"rcid":4186,"session":54,"importantvote":1,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/54G","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPON-FREE WORLD","descr":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: the need for a new agenda"} {"rcid":4187,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/54I","short":"ARMAMENTS, TRANSPARENCY","descr":"Reaffirms its determination to ensure the effective operation of the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms"} {"rcid":4188,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/54K","short":"NUCLEAR DANGER","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger"} {"rcid":4189,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/54L","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas"} {"rcid":4190,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/54M","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONVENTIONAL","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels"} {"rcid":4191,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/54O","short":"ARMAMENTS, TRANSPARENCY","descr":"Reaffirms its determination to ensure the effective operation of the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms"} {"rcid":4192,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/54P","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"Nuclear disarmament, general and complete disarmament"} {"rcid":4193,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/54Q","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, LEGALITY","descr":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":4194,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/54S","short":"DISARMAMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL NORMS","descr":"Observance of environmental norms in the drafting and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control"} {"rcid":4195,"session":54,"importantvote":1,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/54V","short":"SMALL ARMS","descr":"Endorses the recommendations contained in the report on small arms,"} {"rcid":4196,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/55D","short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":4197,"session":54,"importantvote":1,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/57","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"Calls upon Israel to become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to accede to it without further delay, and not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons and to renounce possession of nuclear weap"} {"rcid":4199,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/62","short":"SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE","descr":"Maintenance of international security-stability and development of South-Eastern Europe"} {"rcid":4200,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/63","short":"COMPREHENSIVE TEST BAN TREATY","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty"} {"rcid":4201,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-02","unres":"R/54/69","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Urges all Member States to extend and expedite aid and assistance to the relief agency. Notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees, as provided for in paragraph 11 of its resolution 194 (III), has not yet been effected"} {"rcid":4202,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-02","unres":"R/54/71","short":"PALESTINE, DISPLACED PERSONS","descr":"Reaffirms the right of all persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967"} {"rcid":4203,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-02","unres":"R/54/72","short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS","descr":"Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees"} {"rcid":4204,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-02","unres":"R/54/73","short":"UNRWA","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East"} {"rcid":4205,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-02","unres":"R/54/74","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROPERTIES","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":4206,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-02","unres":"R/54/75","short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"Emphasizes the need for strengthening the educational system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 5 June 1967, including Jerusalem, and specifically the need for the establishment of the proposed university and Requests the Sec"} {"rcid":4207,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-02","unres":"R/54/76","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, COMMITTEE","descr":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories"} {"rcid":4208,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-02","unres":"R/54/77","short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories"} {"rcid":4209,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-02","unres":"R/54/78","short":"ISRAEL, SETTLEMENTS","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan"} {"rcid":4210,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-02","unres":"R/54/79","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem"} {"rcid":4211,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-02","unres":"R/54/80","short":"SYRIAN GOLAN","descr":"Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to comply with the relevant resolutions on the occupied Syrian Golan. Also calls upon Israel to desist from the establishment of settlements;"} {"rcid":4212,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-02","unres":"R/54/83","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations"} {"rcid":4213,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-02","unres":"R/54/84","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories"} {"rcid":4214,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-02","unres":"R/54/85","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations"} {"rcid":4215,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-02","unres":"R/54/91","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples"} {"rcid":4216,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-02","unres":"R/54/92","short":"DECOLONIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization"} {"rcid":4217,"session":54,"importantvote":1,"date":"1999-12-05","unres":"R/54/110","short":"INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM","descr":"Measures to eliminate international terrorism"} {"rcid":4218,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/117","short":"U.N., OSCE, COOPERATION","descr":"Cooperation between the UN and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe"} {"rcid":4219,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-06","unres":"R/54/151","short":"MERCENARIES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination"} {"rcid":4220,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-06","unres":"R/54/152","short":"PALESTINE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination"} {"rcid":4221,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-06","unres":"R/54/164","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, TERRORISM","descr":"Human rights and terrorism"} {"rcid":4222,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-06","unres":"R/54/165","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, GLOBALIZATION","descr":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights"} {"rcid":4223,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-06","unres":"R/54/168","short":"ELECTORAL SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"Respect for the principles of national sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of States in their electoral processes"} {"rcid":4224,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-06","unres":"R/54/169","short":"FREEDOM OF TRAVEL","descr":"Respect for the right to universal freedom of travel and the vital importance of family reunification"} {"rcid":4225,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-06","unres":"R/54/172","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, COERCIVE MEASURES","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures"} {"rcid":4226,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-06","unres":"R/54/173","short":"ELECTIONS, EFFECTIVENESS","descr":"Strengthening the role of the UN in enhancing the effectiveness of the principle of periodic and genuine elections and the promotion of democratization"} {"rcid":4227,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-06","unres":"R/54/175","short":"RIGHT TO DEVELOPMENT","descr":"The right of development"} {"rcid":4228,"session":54,"importantvote":1,"date":"1999-12-06","unres":"R/54/177","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAN","descr":"Human rights situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran"} {"rcid":4229,"session":54,"importantvote":1,"date":"1999-12-06","unres":"R/54/178","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAQ","descr":"Human rights situation in Iraq"} {"rcid":4230,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-06","unres":"R/54/179","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, DEMOCRATIC CONGO","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo"} {"rcid":4231,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-06","unres":"R/54/182","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, SUDAN","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Sudan"} {"rcid":4232,"session":54,"importantvote":1,"date":"1999-12-06","unres":"R/54/183","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, KOSOVO","descr":"Situation of human rights in Kosovo"} {"rcid":4233,"session":54,"importantvote":1,"date":"1999-12-06","unres":"R/54/184","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, BOSNIA, CROATIA, YUGOSLAVIA","descr":"Situation of human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro)"} {"rcid":4234,"session":54,"importantvote":1,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/197","short":"INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM","descr":"Towards a stable international financial system, responsive to the challenges of development, especially in the developing countries"} {"rcid":4235,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/200","short":"ECONOMIC COERSION","descr":"Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries"} {"rcid":4236,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"1999-12-04","unres":"R/54/230","short":"PALESTINE, SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the occupied Palestinian territory and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources"} {"rcid":4237,"session":54,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-06-06","unres":"R/54/267","short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"Financing of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon"} {"rcid":4238,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-10-05","unres":"R/55/6","short":"COERCIVE MEASURES","descr":"Elimination of coercive economic measures as a means of political and economic compulsion"} {"rcid":4239,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-10-03","unres":"R/55/7","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Calls upon all States that have not done so to become parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and to ratify, confirm formally or accede to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Conv"} {"rcid":4240,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-10-03","unres":"R/55/8","short":"DRIFT-NET FISHING","descr":"Large-scale pelagic drift-net fishing"} {"rcid":4241,"session":55,"importantvote":1,"date":"2000-11-06","unres":"R/55/20","short":"CUBA, U.S. EMBARGO","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States against Cuba"} {"rcid":4242,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/29","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, SECURITY","descr":"The role of science and technology in the context of international security, disarmament and other related fields"} {"rcid":4243,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/31","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":4244,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/32","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space"} {"rcid":4245,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/33A","short":"DISARMAMENT, MISSILES","descr":"Missiles, General and complete disarmament"} {"rcid":4246,"session":55,"importantvote":1,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/33B","short":"ANTI-BALLISTIC MISSILE TREATY COMPLIANCE","descr":"Preservation of and compliance with the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems"} {"rcid":4247,"session":55,"importantvote":1,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/33C","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPON-FREE WORLD","descr":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: the need for a new agenda"} {"rcid":4248,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/33D","short":"NON-PROLIFERATION TREATY, 2000 REVIEW","descr":"2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":4249,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/33I","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas"} {"rcid":4250,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/33J","short":"GENEVA PROTOCOL","descr":"Measures to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol"} {"rcid":4251,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/33K","short":"DISARMAMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL NORMS","descr":"Observance of environmental norms in the drafting and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control"} {"rcid":4252,"session":55,"importantvote":1,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/33N","short":"NUCLEAR DANGER","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger"} {"rcid":4253,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/33P","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONVENTIONAL","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels"} {"rcid":4254,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/33R","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR ELIMINATION","descr":"A path to the total elimination of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":4255,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/33T","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"Nuclear disarmament, general and complete disarmament"} {"rcid":4256,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/33U","short":"ARMAMENTS, TRANSPARENCY","descr":"Reaffirms its determination to ensure the effective operation of the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms"} {"rcid":4257,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/33V","short":"LAND MINES, CONVENTION","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction"} {"rcid":4258,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/33X","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, LEGALITY","descr":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the ICJ on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":4259,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/34G","short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":4260,"session":55,"importantvote":1,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/36","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"Calls upon Israel to become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to accede to it without further delay, and not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons and to renounce possession of nuclear weap"} {"rcid":4261,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-11-03","unres":"R/55/41","short":"COMPREHENSIVE TEST BAN TREATY","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty"} {"rcid":4262,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-11-05","unres":"R/55/49","short":"SOUTH ATLANTIC, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Atlantic"} {"rcid":4263,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/50","short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called Basic Law"} {"rcid":4264,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/51","short":"SYRIAN GOLAN","descr":"Declares that that the Israeli decision of 14 December 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan is null and void and has no validity whatsoever, as confirmed by the Security Council in its resolution"} {"rcid":4265,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/52","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, COMMITTEE","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People"} {"rcid":4266,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/53","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, SECRETARIAT","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat"} {"rcid":4267,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/54","short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"Requests the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to assist in the worldwide dissemination of 'accurate and comprehensive information' in support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people'"} {"rcid":4268,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/55","short":"PALESTINE, PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT","descr":"Expresses its full support for the ongoing peace process which began in Madrid. Stresses the necessity for commitment to the principle of land for peace"} {"rcid":4269,"session":55,"importantvote":1,"date":"2000-12-03","unres":"R/55/66","short":"CRIMES AGAINST WOMEN","descr":"Elimination of crimes against women committed in the name of honour"} {"rcid":4270,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-03","unres":"R/55/86","short":"MERCENARIES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination"} {"rcid":4271,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-03","unres":"R/55/87","short":"PALESTINE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination"} {"rcid":4272,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-03","unres":"R/55/92","short":"MIGRANT WORKERS","descr":"Requests all Member States, in conformity with their respective constitutional systems, effectively to promote and protect the human rights of all migrants, in conformity with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights1 and the international ins"} {"rcid":4273,"session":55,"importantvote":1,"date":"2000-12-03","unres":"R/55/96","short":"DEMOCRACY","descr":"Promoting and consolidating democracy"} {"rcid":4274,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-03","unres":"R/55/100","short":"FREEDOM OF TRAVEL","descr":"Respect for the right to universal freedom of travel and the vital importance of family reunification"} {"rcid":4275,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-03","unres":"R/55/101","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHARTER PRINCIPLES","descr":"Respect for the purposes and principles contained in the Charter of the UN to achieve international cooperation in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights"} {"rcid":4276,"session":55,"importantvote":1,"date":"2000-12-03","unres":"R/55/102","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, GLOBALIZATION","descr":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights"} {"rcid":4277,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-03","unres":"R/55/107","short":"DEMOCRATIC ORDER","descr":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order"} {"rcid":4278,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-03","unres":"R/55/110","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, COERCIVE MEASURES","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures"} {"rcid":4279,"session":55,"importantvote":1,"date":"2000-12-03","unres":"R/55/114","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAN","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran"} {"rcid":4280,"session":55,"importantvote":1,"date":"2000-12-03","unres":"R/55/115","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAQ","descr":"Human rights situation in Iraq"} {"rcid":4281,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-03","unres":"R/55/116","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, SUDAN","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Sudan"} {"rcid":4282,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-03","unres":"R/55/117","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, DEMOCRATIC CONGO","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo"} {"rcid":4283,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/123","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Urges all Member States to extend and expedite aid and assistance to the relief agency. Notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees, as provided for in paragraph 11 of its resolution 194 (III), has not yet been effected"} {"rcid":4284,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/125","short":"PALESTINE, DISPLACED PERSONS","descr":"Reaffirms the right of all persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967"} {"rcid":4285,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/126","short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS","descr":"Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees"} {"rcid":4286,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/127","short":"UNRWA","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East"} {"rcid":4287,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/128","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROPERTIES","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":4288,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/129","short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"Emphasizes the need for strengthening the educational system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 5 June 1967, including Jerusalem, and specifically the need for the establishment of the proposed university and Requests the Sec"} {"rcid":4289,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/130","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, COMMITTEE","descr":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories"} {"rcid":4290,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/131","short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the occupied Palestinian territory, including Arab territories"} {"rcid":4291,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/132","short":"ISRAEL, SETTLEMENTS","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan"} {"rcid":4292,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/133","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Israeli Practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem"} {"rcid":4293,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/134","short":"SYRIAN GOLAN","descr":"Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to comply with the relevant resolutions on the occupied Syrian Golan. Also calls upon Israel to desist from the establishment of settlements;"} {"rcid":4294,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/137","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the"} {"rcid":4295,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/138","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"Economic and other activities which affect the interest of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories"} {"rcid":4296,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/139","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the UN"} {"rcid":4297,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/145","short":"DECOLONIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization"} {"rcid":4298,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/146","short":"DECADE FOR ELIMINATION OF COLONIALISM","descr":"2nd International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism"} {"rcid":4299,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-07","unres":"R/55/147","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples"} {"rcid":4300,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-04","unres":"R/55/158","short":"INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM","descr":"Measures to eliminate international terrorism"} {"rcid":4301,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-04","unres":"R/55/179","short":"U.N., OSCE, COOPERATION","descr":"Cooperation between the UN and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe"} {"rcid":4302,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-04","unres":"R/55/180A","short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"Financing of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon"} {"rcid":4303,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-06-06","unres":"R/55/180B","short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"Financing of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon"} {"rcid":4304,"session":55,"importantvote":0,"date":"2000-12-05","unres":"R/55/209","short":"PALESTINE, SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources"} {"rcid":4305,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-11-05","unres":"R/56/7","short":"SOUTH ATLANTIC, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Zone of peace and cooperation of the South Altantic"} {"rcid":4306,"session":56,"importantvote":1,"date":"2001-11-04","unres":"R/56/9","short":"CUBA, U.S. EMBARGO","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States against Cuba"} {"rcid":4307,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-11-05","unres":"R/56/12","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Calls upon all States that have not done so to become parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and to ratify, confirm formally or accede to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Conv"} {"rcid":4308,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-11-06","unres":"R/56/16","short":"INDIAN OCEAN, ZONE OF PEACE","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace"} {"rcid":4309,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-11-06","unres":"R/56/20","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, SECURITY","descr":"The role of science and technology in the context of international security, disarmament and other related fields"} {"rcid":4310,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-11-06","unres":"R/56/22","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":4311,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-11-06","unres":"R/56/23","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space"} {"rcid":4312,"session":56,"importantvote":1,"date":"2001-11-06","unres":"R/56/24A","short":"ANTI-BALLISTIC MISSILE TREATY COMPLIANCE","descr":"Preservation of and compliance with the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems"} {"rcid":4313,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-11-06","unres":"R/56/24B","short":"DISARMAMENT, MISSILES","descr":"Missiles, General and complete disarmament"} {"rcid":4314,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-11-06","unres":"R/56/24C","short":"NUCLEAR DANGER","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger"} {"rcid":4315,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-11-06","unres":"R/56/24F","short":"DISARMAMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL NORMS","descr":"Observance of environmental norms in the drafting and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control"} {"rcid":4316,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-11-06","unres":"R/56/24G","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas"} {"rcid":4317,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-11-06","unres":"R/56/24I","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONVENTIONAL","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels"} {"rcid":4318,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-11-06","unres":"R/56/24M","short":"LAND MINES, CONVENTION","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction"} {"rcid":4319,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-11-06","unres":"R/56/24N","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR ELIMINATION","descr":"A path to the total elimination of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":4320,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-11-06","unres":"R/56/24O","short":"NON-PROLIFERATION TREATY, 2005 REVIEW","descr":"2005 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and its Preparatory Committee"} {"rcid":4321,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-11-06","unres":"R/56/24Q","short":"ARMAMENTS, TRANSPARENCY","descr":"Reaffirms its determination to ensure the effective operation of the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms"} {"rcid":4322,"session":56,"importantvote":1,"date":"2001-11-06","unres":"R/56/24R","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"Nuclear disarmament, general and complete disarmament"} {"rcid":4323,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-11-06","unres":"R/56/24S","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, LEGALITY","descr":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the ICJ on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":4324,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-11-06","unres":"R/56/25B","short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":4325,"session":56,"importantvote":1,"date":"2001-11-06","unres":"R/56/27","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"Calls upon Israel to become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to accede to it without further delay, and not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons and to renounce possession of nuclear weap"} {"rcid":4326,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/31","short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called Basic Law"} {"rcid":4327,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/32","short":"SYRIAN GOLAN","descr":"Declares that that the Israeli decision of 14 December 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan is null and void and has no validity whatsoever, as confirmed by the Security Council in its resolution"} {"rcid":4328,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/33","short":"PALESTINE RIGHTS, COMMITTEE","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People"} {"rcid":4329,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/34","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, SECRETARIAT","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat"} {"rcid":4330,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/35","short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"Requests the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to assist in the worldwide dissemination of 'accurate and comprehensive information' in support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people'"} {"rcid":4331,"session":56,"importantvote":1,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/36","short":"PALESTINE, PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT","descr":"Expresses its full support for the ongoing peace process which began in Madrid. Stresses the necessity for commitment to the principle of land for peace"} {"rcid":4332,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-07","unres":"R/56/49","short":"U.N., TEST BAN TREATY ORGANIZATION","descr":"Cooperation between the UN and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization"} {"rcid":4333,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/52","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Urges all Member States to extend and expedite aid and assistance to the relief agency. Notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees, as provided for in paragraph 11 of its resolution 194 (III), has not yet been effected"} {"rcid":4334,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/54","short":"PALESTINE, DISPLACED PERSONS","descr":"Reaffirms the right of all persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967"} {"rcid":4335,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/55","short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS","descr":"Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestinian refugees"} {"rcid":4336,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/56","short":"UNRWA","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East"} {"rcid":4337,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/57","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROPERTIES","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":4338,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/58","short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"Emphasizes the need for strengthening the educational system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 5 June 1967, including Jerusalem, and specifically the need for the establishment of the proposed university and Requests the Sec"} {"rcid":4339,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/59","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, COMMITTEE","descr":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories"} {"rcid":4340,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/60","short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories"} {"rcid":4341,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/61","short":"ISRAEL, SETTLEMENTS","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan"} {"rcid":4342,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/62","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem"} {"rcid":4343,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/63","short":"SYRIAN GOLAN","descr":"Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to comply with the relevant resolutions on the occupied Syrian Golan. Also calls upon Israel to desist from the establishment of settlements;"} {"rcid":4344,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/65","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the UN"} {"rcid":4345,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/66","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories"} {"rcid":4346,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/67","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the UN"} {"rcid":4347,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/73","short":"DECOLONIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization"} {"rcid":4348,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/74","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples"} {"rcid":4349,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-07","unres":"R/56/94","short":"IAEA REPORT","descr":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency"} {"rcid":4350,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-05","unres":"R/56/142","short":"PALESTINE, SELF-DETERMINATION","descr":"The right of Palestinian people to self-determination"} {"rcid":4351,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-05","unres":"R/56/146","short":"GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION, HUMAN RIGHTS COMMITTEE","descr":"Equitable geographical distribution of the membership of the human rights treaty bodies"} {"rcid":4352,"session":56,"importantvote":1,"date":"2001-12-05","unres":"R/56/148","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, COERCIVE MEASURES","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures"} {"rcid":4353,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-05","unres":"R/56/150","short":"RIGHT TO DEVELOPMENT","descr":"The right to development"} {"rcid":4354,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-05","unres":"R/56/151","short":"DEMOCRATIC ORDER","descr":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order"} {"rcid":4355,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-05","unres":"R/56/152","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHARTER PRINCIPLES","descr":"Respect for the purposes and principles contained in the Charter of the UN to achieve international cooperation in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms and in solving international problems of a humani"} {"rcid":4356,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-05","unres":"R/56/154","short":"ELECTORAL SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"Respect for the principles of national sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of States in electoral processes as an important element for the promotion and protection of human rights"} {"rcid":4357,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-05","unres":"R/56/155","short":"RIGHT TO FOOD","descr":"The right to food"} {"rcid":4358,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-05","unres":"R/56/159","short":"ELECTIONS, EFFECTIVENESS","descr":"Strengthening the role of the UN in enhancing the effectiveness of the principle of periodic and genuine elections and promotion of democratization"} {"rcid":4359,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-05","unres":"R/56/160","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, TERRORISM","descr":"Human rights and terrorism"} {"rcid":4360,"session":56,"importantvote":1,"date":"2001-12-05","unres":"R/56/165","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, GLOBALIZATION","descr":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights"} {"rcid":4361,"session":56,"importantvote":1,"date":"2001-12-05","unres":"R/56/171","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAN","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran"} {"rcid":4362,"session":56,"importantvote":1,"date":"2001-12-05","unres":"R/56/173","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, DEMOCRATIC CONGO","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo"} {"rcid":4363,"session":56,"importantvote":1,"date":"2001-12-05","unres":"R/56/174","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAQ","descr":"Situation of human rights in Iraq"} {"rcid":4364,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-05","unres":"R/56/175","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, SUDAN","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Sudan"} {"rcid":4365,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-07","unres":"R/56/179","short":"ECONOMIC COERSION","descr":"Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries"} {"rcid":4366,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-07","unres":"R/56/204","short":"PALESTINE, SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources"} {"rcid":4367,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-07","unres":"R/56/214A","short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"Financing of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon"} {"rcid":4368,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-07","unres":"R/56/214B","short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"Financing of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon"} {"rcid":4369,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-07","unres":"R/56/216","short":"U.N., OSCE, COOPERATION","descr":"Cooperation between the UN and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe"} {"rcid":4370,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2001-12-03","unres":"R/56/232","short":"MERCENARIES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination"} {"rcid":4371,"session":56,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-03-05","unres":"R/56/266","short":"RACISM, WORLD CONFERENCE","descr":"Comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance"} {"rcid":4372,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-09-03","unres":"R/57/5","short":"ECONOMIC COERSION","descr":"Elimination of unilateral extraterritorial coercive economic measures as a means of political and economic compulsion"} {"rcid":4373,"session":57,"importantvote":1,"date":"2002-11-03","unres":"R/57/9","short":"IAEA REPORT","descr":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency"} {"rcid":4374,"session":57,"importantvote":1,"date":"2002-11-04","unres":"R/57/11","short":"CUBA, U.S. EMBARGO","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States against Cuba"} {"rcid":4375,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-06","unres":"R/57/49","short":"U.N., TEST BAN TREATY ORGANIZATION","descr":"Cooperation between the United Nations and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization"} {"rcid":4376,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/54","short":"SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, SECURITY","descr":"The role of science and technology in the context of international security and disarmament"} {"rcid":4377,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/56","short":"NON-NUCLEAR STATES","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":4378,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/57","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space"} {"rcid":4379,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/58","short":"NON-STRATIGIC NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Reduction of non-strategic nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":4380,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/59","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPON-FREE WORLD","descr":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: the need for a new agenda"} {"rcid":4381,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/62","short":"GENEVA PROTOCOL","descr":"Measures to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol"} {"rcid":4382,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/63","short":"NON-PROLIFERATION, MULTILATERALISM","descr":"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation"} {"rcid":4383,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/64","short":"DISARMAMENT, ENVIRONMENTAL NORMS","descr":"Observance of environmental norms in the drafting and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control"} {"rcid":4384,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/65","short":"DISARMAMENT, DEVELOPMENT","descr":"Relationship between disarmament and development"} {"rcid":4385,"session":57,"importantvote":1,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/66","short":"ARMS TRANSFERS, LEGISLATION","descr":"National legislation on transfer of arms, military equipment and dual-use goods and technology"} {"rcid":4386,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/71","short":"DISARMAMENT, MISSILES","descr":"Missiles, General and complete disarmament"} {"rcid":4387,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/73","short":"DENUCLEARIZATION, SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas"} {"rcid":4388,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/74","short":"LAND MINES, CONVENTION","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction"} {"rcid":4389,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/75","short":"ARMAMENTS, TRANSPARENCY","descr":"Reaffirms its determination to ensure the effective operation of the United Nations Register of Conventional Arms"} {"rcid":4390,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/77","short":"DISARMAMENT, CONVENTIONAL","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels"} {"rcid":4391,"session":57,"importantvote":1,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/78","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR ELIMINATION","descr":"A path to the total elimination of nuclear weapons"} {"rcid":4392,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/79","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR","descr":"Nuclear disarmament, general and complete disarmament"} {"rcid":4393,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/84","short":"NUCLEAR DANGER","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger"} {"rcid":4394,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/85","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, LEGALITY","descr":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":4395,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/94","short":"PROHIBITION, NUCLEAR WEAPONS","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons"} {"rcid":4396,"session":57,"importantvote":1,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/97","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"Calls upon Israel to become party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons to accede to it without further delay, and not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons and to renounce possession of nuclear weap"} {"rcid":4397,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-11-07","unres":"R/57/100","short":"COMPREHENSIVE TEST BAN TREATY","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty"} {"rcid":4398,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-04","unres":"R/57/107","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, COMMITTEE","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People"} {"rcid":4399,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-04","unres":"R/57/108","short":"PALESTINE, RIGHTS, SECRETARIAT","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat"} {"rcid":4400,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-04","unres":"R/57/109","short":"PALESTINE, INFORMATION","descr":"Requests the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat to assist in the worldwide dissemination of 'accurate and comprehensive information' in support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people'"} {"rcid":4401,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-04","unres":"R/57/110","short":"PALESTINE, PEACEFUL SETTLEMENT","descr":"Expresses its full support for the ongoing peace process which began in Madrid. Stresses the necessity for commitment to the principle of land for peace"} {"rcid":4402,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-04","unres":"R/57/111","short":"JERUSALEM","descr":"Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, which have altered or purported to alter the character and status of the Holy City of Jerusalem, in particular the so-called Basic Law"} {"rcid":4403,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-04","unres":"R/57/112","short":"SYRIAN GOLAN","descr":"Declares that that the Israeli decision of 14 December 1981 to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the occupied Syrian Golan is null and void and has no validity whatsoever, as confirmed by the Security Council in its resolution"} {"rcid":4404,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/117","short":"PALESTINE, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Urges all Member States to extend and expedite aid and assistance to the relief agency. Notes with regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees, as provided for in paragraph 11 of its resolution 194 (III), has not yet been effected"} {"rcid":4405,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/119","short":"PALESTINE, DISPLACED PERSONS","descr":"Reaffirms the right of all persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities to return to their homes or former places of residence in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967"} {"rcid":4406,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/120","short":"PALESTINE, SCHOLARSHIPS, GRANTS","descr":"Offers by Member States of grants and scholarships for higher education, including vocational training, for Palestine refugees"} {"rcid":4407,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/121","short":"UNRWA","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East"} {"rcid":4408,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/122","short":"PALESTINE, REFUGEES, PROPERTIES","descr":"Reaffirms that the Palestine Arab refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of justice and equity"} {"rcid":4409,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/123","short":"JERUSALEM, UNIVERSITY","descr":"Emphasizes the need for strengthening the educational system in the Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 5 June 1967, including Jerusalem, and specifically the need for the establishment of the proposed university and Requests the Sec"} {"rcid":4410,"session":57,"importantvote":1,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/124","short":"ISRAEL, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES, COMMITTEE","descr":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories"} {"rcid":4411,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/125","short":"ISRAEL, GENEVA CONVENTION","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied territories."} {"rcid":4412,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/126","short":"ISRAEL, SETTLEMENTS","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan"} {"rcid":4413,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/127","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES","descr":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem"} {"rcid":4414,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/128","short":"SYRIAN GOLAN","descr":"Calls upon Israel, the occupying Power, to comply with the relevant resolutions on the occupied Syrian Golan. Also calls upon Israel to desist from the establishment of settlements;"} {"rcid":4415,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/131","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, INFORMATION","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations"} {"rcid":4416,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/132","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, ECONOMIC IMPEDIMENTS","descr":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories"} {"rcid":4417,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/133","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations"} {"rcid":4418,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/139","short":"DECOLONIZATION, INFORMATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization"} {"rcid":4419,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/140","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and peoples."} {"rcid":4420,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-06","unres":"R/57/141","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Calls upon all States that have not done so to become parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and to ratify, confirm formally or accede to the Agreement relating to the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Conv"} {"rcid":4421,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-03","unres":"R/57/156","short":"U.N., COUNCIL OF EUROPE, COOPERATION","descr":"Cooperation between the United Nations and the Council of Europe"} {"rcid":4422,"session":57,"importantvote":1,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/175","short":"ADVANCEMENT OF WOMEN, INSTITUTE","descr":"Future operation of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women"} {"rcid":4423,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/188","short":"PALESTINE, CHILDREN","descr":"Situation of and assistance to Palestinian children"} {"rcid":4424,"session":57,"importantvote":1,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/190","short":"RIGHTS OF THE CHILD","descr":"Rights of the child"} {"rcid":4425,"session":57,"importantvote":1,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/195","short":"RACISM, FIGHT AGAINST","descr":"The fight against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action"} {"rcid":4426,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/196","short":"MERCENARIES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination"} {"rcid":4427,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/198","short":"PALESTINE, SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources"} {"rcid":4428,"session":57,"importantvote":1,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/199","short":"TORTURE","descr":"Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment"} {"rcid":4429,"session":57,"importantvote":1,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/205","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, GLOBALIZATION","descr":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights"} {"rcid":4430,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/213","short":"DEMOCRATIC ORDER","descr":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order"} {"rcid":4431,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/214","short":"EXECUTIONS, ARBITRARY","descr":"Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions"} {"rcid":4432,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/216","short":"RIGHT TO PEACE","descr":"Promotion of the right of peoples to peace"} {"rcid":4433,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/217","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, CHARTER PRINCIPLES","descr":"Respect for the purposes and principles contained in the Charter of the United Nations to achieve international cooperation in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms and in solving international problems"} {"rcid":4434,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/222","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, COERCIVE MEASURES","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures"} {"rcid":4435,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/223","short":"RIGHT TO DEVELOPMENT","descr":"The right to development"} {"rcid":4436,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/226","short":"RIGHT TO FOOD","descr":"The right to food"} {"rcid":4437,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/227","short":"FREEDOM OF TRAVEL","descr":"Respect for the right to universal freedom of travel and the vital importance of family reunification"} {"rcid":4438,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/228","short":"KHMER ROUGE TRIALS","descr":"Requests the Secretary-General to resume negotiations, without delay, to conclude an agreement with the Government of Cambodia, Recommends that the Extraordinary Chambers should have subject-matter jurisdiction consistent with that set forth in"} {"rcid":4439,"session":57,"importantvote":1,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/230","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, SUDAN","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Sudan"} {"rcid":4440,"session":57,"importantvote":1,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/232","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, IRAQ","descr":"Situation of human rights in Iraq"} {"rcid":4441,"session":57,"importantvote":1,"date":"2002-12-05","unres":"R/57/233","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, DEMOCRATIC CONGO","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo"} {"rcid":4442,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-07","unres":"R/57/269","short":"PALESTINE, SOVEREIGNTY","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources"} {"rcid":4443,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2002-12-07","unres":"R/57/298","short":"U.N., OSCE, COOPERATION","descr":"Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe"} {"rcid":4444,"session":57,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-06-05","unres":"R/57/325","short":"LEBANON, INTERM FORCE","descr":"Financing of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon"} {"rcid":4445,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-08-05","unres":"R/58/317","short":"Reaffirming the cental role of the United Nations in the mai","descr":"Reaffirming the cental role of the United Nations in the maintenance of international peace and security and the promotion of international cooperation"} {"rcid":4446,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-06-18","unres":"R/58/307","short":"Financing of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon : resolution /","descr":"Financing of the UN Interim Force in Lebanon : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4447,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-05-06","unres":"R/58/292","short":"Status of the Occupied Territory, including East Jerusalem :","descr":"Status of the Occupied Territory, including East Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4448,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-23","unres":"R/58/245","short":"Office of the Special Representative for Children and Armed","descr":"Office of the Special Representative for Children and Armed conflict : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4449,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-23","unres":"R/58/244","short":"Future operation of the International Research and Training","descr":"Future operation of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4450,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-23","unres":"R/58/240","short":"Oceans and the Law of the Sea : resolution / adopted by the","descr":"Oceans and the Law of the Sea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4451,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-23","unres":"R/58/229","short":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occup","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4452,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-23","unres":"R/58/198","short":"Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and eco","descr":"Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4453,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/160","short":"Global efforts for the total elimination of racism, racial d","descr":"Global efforts for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action : resolution / adopted by the"} {"rcid":4454,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/163","short":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination :","descr":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4455,"session":58,"importantvote":1,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/196","short":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4456,"session":58,"importantvote":1,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/195","short":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran :","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4457,"session":58,"importantvote":1,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/194","short":"Situation of human rights in Turkmenistan : resolution / ado","descr":"Situation of human rights in Turkmenistan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4458,"session":58,"importantvote":1,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/193","short":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all hu","descr":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4459,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/192","short":"Promotion of peace as a vital requirement for the full enjoy","descr":"Promotion of peace as a vital requirement for the full enjoyment of all human rights by all : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4460,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/189","short":"Respect for the principles of national sovereignty and diver","descr":"Respect for the principles of national sovereignty and diversity of democratic systems in electoral processes as an important element for the promotion and protection of human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4461,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/188","short":"Respect for the purposes and principles contained in the Cha","descr":"Respect for the purposes and principles contained in the Charter of the UN to achieve international cooperation in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms and in solving international problems of a humani"} {"rcid":4462,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/187","short":"Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while co","descr":"Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4463,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/186","short":"The right to food : resolution / adopted by the General Asse","descr":"The right to food : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4464,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/184","short":"Elimination of all forms of religious intolerance : resoluti","descr":"Elimination of all forms of religious intolerance : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4465,"session":58,"importantvote":1,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/180","short":"Strengthening the role of the UN in enchancing the effective","descr":"Strengthening the role of the UN in enchancing the effectiveness of the principle of periodic and genuine elections and the promotion of democratization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4466,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/179","short":"Access to medication in the context of pandemics such as HIV","descr":"Access to medication in the context of pandemics such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4467,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/174","short":"Human rights and terrorism : resolution / adopted by the Gen","descr":"Human rights and terrorism : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4468,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/173","short":"The right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attain","descr":"The right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4469,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/172","short":"The right to development : resolution / adopted by the Gener","descr":"The right to development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4470,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/171","short":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : resolution /","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4471,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/162","short":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4472,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/161","short":"Universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determ","descr":"Universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4473,"session":58,"importantvote":1,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/157","short":"Rights of the child : resolution / adopted by the General As","descr":"Rights of the child : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4474,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/155","short":"Situation of and assistance to Palestinian children : resolu","descr":"Situation of and assistance to Palestinian children : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4475,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-17","unres":"R/58/123","short":"Special assistance for the economic recovery and reconstruct","descr":"Special assistance for the economic recovery and reconstruction of the Democratic Republic of the Congo : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4476,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-17","unres":"R/58/113","short":"Assistance to the Palestinian people : resolution / adopted","descr":"Assistance to the Palestinian people : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4477,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-09","unres":"R/58/111","short":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Indepen","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4478,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-09","unres":"R/58/110","short":"Dissemination of information on decolonization : resolution","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4479,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-09","unres":"R/58/104","short":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Indepen","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4480,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-09","unres":"R/58/100","short":"The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the Gene","descr":"The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4481,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-09","unres":"R/58/103","short":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of","descr":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4482,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-09","unres":"R/58/98","short":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, i","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4483,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-09","unres":"R/58/97","short":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Prote","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : resolution / ado"} {"rcid":4484,"session":58,"importantvote":1,"date":"2003-12-09","unres":"R/58/96","short":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practic","descr":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4485,"session":58,"importantvote":1,"date":"2003-12-09","unres":"R/58/95","short":"Assistance to Palestine refugees and support for the UN Reli","descr":"Assistance to Palestine refugees and support for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4486,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-09","unres":"R/58/94","short":"Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : resoluti","descr":"Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4487,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-09","unres":"R/58/93","short":"Operations of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine R","descr":"Operations of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4488,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-09","unres":"R/58/99","short":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestin","descr":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4489,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-09","unres":"R/58/102","short":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4490,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-09","unres":"R/58/91","short":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by t","descr":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4491,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-09","unres":"R/58/92","short":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequen","descr":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4492,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/47","short":"Reducing nuclear danger : resolution / adopted by the Genera","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4493,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/49","short":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas :","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4494,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/50","short":"Reduction of non-strategic nuclear weapons : resolution / ad","descr":"Reduction of non-strategic nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4495,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/53","short":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the U","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4496,"session":58,"importantvote":1,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/54","short":"Transparency in armaments : resolution / adopted by the Gene","descr":"Transparency in armaments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4497,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/56","short":"Nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General As","descr":"Nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4498,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/45","short":"Observance of environmental norms in the drafting and implem","descr":"Observance of environmental norms in the drafting and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4499,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/71","short":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : resolution / adopted","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4500,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/29","short":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Z","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4501,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/44","short":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Z","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4502,"session":58,"importantvote":1,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/43","short":"Confidence-building measures in the regional and subregional","descr":"Confidence-building measures in the regional and subregional context : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4503,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/59","short":"A path to total elimination of nuclear weapons : resolution","descr":"A path to total elimination of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4504,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/39","short":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional le","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4505,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/37","short":"Missiles : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"Missiles : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4506,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/64","short":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4507,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/36","short":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space : resolution / ado","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4508,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/33","short":"Role of science and technology in the context of internation","descr":"Role of science and technology in the context of international security and disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4509,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/68","short":"The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : resol","descr":"The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4510,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/51","short":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world : a new agenda : resolut","descr":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world : a new agenda : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4511,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/46","short":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court","descr":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4512,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-03","unres":"R/58/23","short":"The Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assem","descr":"The Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4513,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-03","unres":"R/58/22","short":"Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4514,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-03","unres":"R/58/21","short":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : resolutio","descr":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4515,"session":58,"importantvote":1,"date":"2003-12-03","unres":"R/58/18","short":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the P","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4516,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-03","unres":"R/58/20","short":"Special information programme on the question of Palestine o","descr":"Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4517,"session":58,"importantvote":1,"date":"2003-12-03","unres":"R/58/19","short":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : resolut","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4518,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-11-05","unres":"R/58/8","short":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency : resolutio","descr":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4519,"session":58,"importantvote":1,"date":"2003-11-04","unres":"R/58/7","short":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial e","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4520,"session":58,"importantvote":0,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/35","short":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4521,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/59/307","short":"Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon : r","descr":"Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4522,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-03-08","unres":"R/59/280","short":"United Nations declaration on human cloning : resolution / a","descr":"United Nations declaration on human cloning : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4523,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-23","unres":"R/59/261","short":"Rights of the child : resolution / adopted by the General As","descr":"Rights of the child : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4524,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-23","unres":"R/59/260","short":"Future Operation of the International Research and Training","descr":"Future Operation of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4525,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-22","unres":"R/59/251","short":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occup","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4526,"session":59,"importantvote":1,"date":"2004-12-22","unres":"R/59/221","short":"International trade and development : resolution / adopted b","descr":"International trade and development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4527,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/207","short":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo : resolution / adopted by the General Assemly"} {"rcid":4528,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/206","short":"Situation of human rights in Turkmenistan : resolution / ado","descr":"Situation of human rights in Turkmenistan : resolution / adopted by the General Assemly"} {"rcid":4529,"session":59,"importantvote":1,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/205","short":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran :","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran : resolution / adopted by the General Assemly"} {"rcid":4530,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/204","short":"Respect for the purposes and principles contained in the Cha","descr":"Respect for the purposes and principles contained in the Charter of the United Nations to achieve international cooperation in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms and in solving international problems"} {"rcid":4531,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/203","short":"Respect for the right to universal freedom of travel and the","descr":"Respect for the right to universal freedom of travel and the vital importance of family reunification : resolution / adopted by the General Assemly"} {"rcid":4532,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/202","short":"The right to food : resolution / adopted by the General Asse","descr":"The right to food : resolution / adopted by the General Assemly"} {"rcid":4533,"session":59,"importantvote":1,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/201","short":"Enhancing the role of regional, subregional and other organi","descr":"Enhancing the role of regional, subregional and other organizations and arrangements in promoting and consolidating democracy : resolution / adopted by the General Assemly"} {"rcid":4534,"session":59,"importantvote":1,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/199","short":"Elimination of all forms of religious intolerance : resoluti","descr":"Elimination of all forms of religious intolerance : resolution / adopted by the General Assemly"} {"rcid":4535,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/197","short":"Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions : resolution","descr":"Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions : resolution / adopted by the General Assemly"} {"rcid":4536,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/188","short":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : resolution /","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : resolution / adopted by the General Assemly"} {"rcid":4537,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/195","short":"Human rights and terrorism : resolution / adopted by the Gen","descr":"Human rights and terrorism : resolution / adopted by the General Assemly"} {"rcid":4538,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/193","short":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order","descr":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order : resolution / adopted by the General Assemly"} {"rcid":4539,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/185","short":"The right to development : resolution / adopted by the Gener","descr":"The right to development : resolution / adopted by the General Assemly"} {"rcid":4540,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/184","short":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all hu","descr":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4541,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/181","short":"Equitable geographical distribution in the membership of the","descr":"Equitable geographical distribution in the membership of the human rights treaty bodies : resolution / adopted by the General Assemly"} {"rcid":4542,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/179","short":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination :","descr":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assemly"} {"rcid":4543,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/178","short":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination : resolultion / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4544,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/177","short":"Global efforts for the total elimination of racism, racial d","descr":"Global efforts for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action : resolution / adopted by the"} {"rcid":4545,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/173","short":"The situation of and assistance to Palestinian children : re","descr":"The situation of and assistance to Palestinian children : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4546,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-10","unres":"R/59/136","short":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Indepen","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4547,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-10","unres":"R/59/135","short":"Dissemination of information on decolonization : resolution","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4548,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-10","unres":"R/59/131","short":"Question of Western Sahara : resolution / adopted by the Gen","descr":"Question of Western Sahara : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4549,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-10","unres":"R/59/129","short":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Indepen","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and People by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4550,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-10","unres":"R/59/127","short":"Information from Non-Self Governing Territories transmitted","descr":"Information from Non-Self Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4551,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-10","unres":"R/59/128","short":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of","descr":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4552,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-10","unres":"R/59/125","short":"The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the Gene","descr":"The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4553,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-10","unres":"R/59/124","short":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestin","descr":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : resolution / submitted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4554,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-10","unres":"R/59/123","short":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, i","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem and the Occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4555,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-10","unres":"R/59/122","short":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Prote","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : resolution / ado"} {"rcid":4556,"session":59,"importantvote":1,"date":"2004-12-10","unres":"R/59/121","short":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practic","descr":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4557,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-10","unres":"R/59/120","short":"Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : resoluti","descr":"Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4558,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-10","unres":"R/59/119","short":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4559,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-10","unres":"R/59/118","short":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequen","descr":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4560,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-10","unres":"R/59/117","short":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by t","descr":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4561,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/77","short":"Nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General As","descr":"Nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4562,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/78","short":"Relationship between disarmament and development : resolutio","descr":"Relationship between disarmament and development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4563,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/79","short":"Reducing nuclear danger : resolution / adopted by the Genera","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4564,"session":59,"importantvote":1,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/81","short":"The Conference on Disarmament decision (CD/1547) of 11 Augus","descr":"The Conference on Disarmament decision (CD/1547) of 11 August 1998 to establish, under item 1 of its agenda entitled \\Cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament\\\\, an ad hoc committee to negotiate, on the basis of the report of \""} {"rcid":4565,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/83","short":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court","descr":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4566,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/84","short":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the U","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4567,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/75","short":"Accelerating implementation of nuclear disarmament commitmen","descr":"Accelerating implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4568,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/88","short":"Conventional arms control at regional and subregional levels","descr":"Conventional arms control at regional and subregional levels : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4569,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/91","short":"The Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Prolifer","descr":"The Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4570,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/102","short":"Convention on the Prohibition of Use of Nuclear Weapons : re","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4571,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/106","short":"Risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : resolutio","descr":"Risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4572,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/109","short":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : resolution / adopted","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4573,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/76","short":"A path to the total elimination of nuclear weapons : resolut","descr":"A path to the total elimination of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4574,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/70","short":"Measures to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol","descr":"Measures to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4575,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/69","short":"Promotion of multilateralism in area of disarmament and non-","descr":"Promotion of multilateralism in area of disarmament and non-proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4576,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/62","short":"Role of science and technology in the context of internation","descr":"Role of science and technology in the context of international security and disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4577,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/68","short":"Observance of environmental norms in the drafting and implem","descr":"Observance of environmental norms in the drafting and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4578,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/67","short":"Missiles : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"Missiles : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4579,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/65","short":"Prevention of arms race in outer space : resolution / adopte","descr":"Prevention of arms race in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4580,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/64","short":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4581,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/85","short":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas :","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4582,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-01","unres":"R/59/30","short":"Special information programme on the question of Palestine o","descr":"Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4583,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-01","unres":"R/59/33","short":"The Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assem","descr":"The Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4584,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-01","unres":"R/59/32","short":"Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4585,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-12-01","unres":"R/59/31","short":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : resolutio","descr":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4586,"session":59,"importantvote":1,"date":"2004-12-01","unres":"R/59/29","short":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : resolut","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4587,"session":59,"importantvote":1,"date":"2004-12-01","unres":"R/59/28","short":"Committee on the Exercise of Inalienable Rights of the Pales","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4588,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-11-17","unres":"R/59/24","short":"Oceans and law of the sea : resolution / adopted by the Gene","descr":"Oceans and law of the sea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4589,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-11-01","unres":"R/59/18","short":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency : resolutio","descr":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4590,"session":59,"importantvote":1,"date":"2004-10-28","unres":"R/59/11","short":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial e","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the Unites States of America against Cuba : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4591,"session":59,"importantvote":0,"date":"2004-10-22","unres":"R/59/6","short":"Cooperation between the United Nations and the Preparatory C","descr":"Cooperation between the United Nations and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4592,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-05-08","unres":"R/60/260","short":"Investing in the United Nations: for a stronger Organization","descr":"Investing in the United Nations: for a stronger Organization worldwide : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4593,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-03-15","unres":"R/60/251","short":"Human Rights Council : resolution / adopted by the General A","descr":"Human Rights Council : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4594,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-23","unres":"R/60/231","short":"Rights of the child : resolution / adopted by the General As","descr":"Rights of the child : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4595,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-23","unres":"R/60/230","short":"Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination","descr":"Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4596,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-23","unres":"R/60/229","short":"Future operation of the International Research and Training","descr":"Future operation of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4597,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-23","unres":"R/60/226","short":"Transparency in armaments : resolution / adopted by the Gene","descr":"Transparency in armaments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4598,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-22","unres":"R/60/200","short":"International Year of Deserts and Desertification, 2006 : re","descr":"International Year of Deserts and Desertification, 2006 : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4599,"session":60,"importantvote":1,"date":"2005-12-22","unres":"R/60/185","short":"Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and eco","descr":"Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4600,"session":60,"importantvote":1,"date":"2005-12-22","unres":"R/60/184","short":"International trade and development : resolution / adopted b","descr":"International trade and development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4601,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-22","unres":"R/60/183","short":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occup","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4602,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/170","short":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4603,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/174","short":"Situation of human rights in Uzbekistan : resolution / adopt","descr":"Situation of human rights in Uzbekistan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4604,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/173","short":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic People?Æs Republi","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic People?Æs Republic of Korea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4605,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/172","short":"Situation of human rights in Turkmenistan : resolution / ado","descr":"Situation of human rights in Turkmenistan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4606,"session":60,"importantvote":1,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/171","short":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran :","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4607,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/165","short":"The right to food : resolution / adopted by the General Asse","descr":"The right to food : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4608,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/164","short":"Respect for the principles of national sovereignty and diver","descr":"Respect for the principles of national sovereignty and diversity of democratic systems in electoral processes as an important element for the promotion and protection of human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4609,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/163","short":"Promotion of peace as a vital requirement for the full enjoy","descr":"Promotion of peace as a vital requirement for the full enjoyment of all human rights by all : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4610,"session":60,"importantvote":1,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/162","short":"Strengthening the role of the United Nations in enhancing th","descr":"Strengthening the role of the United Nations in enhancing the effectiveness of the principle of periodic and genuine elections and the promotion of democratization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4611,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/157","short":"The right to development : resolution / adopted by the Gener","descr":"The right to development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4612,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/155","short":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : resolution /","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4613,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/152","short":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all hu","descr":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4614,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/150","short":"Combating defamation of religions : resolution / adopted by","descr":"Combating defamation of religions : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4615,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/146","short":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination :","descr":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4616,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/144","short":"Global efforts for the total elimination of racism, racial d","descr":"Global efforts for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action : resolution / adopted by the"} {"rcid":4617,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/143","short":"Inadmissibility of certain practices that contribute to fuel","descr":"Inadmissibility of certain practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4618,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/45","short":"Developments in the field of information and telecommunicati","descr":"Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4619,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/46","short":"Prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types","descr":"Prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons : report of the Conference on Disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4620,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/48","short":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Z","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4621,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/51","short":"Role of science and technology in the context of internation","descr":"Role of science and technology in the context of international security and disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4622,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/53","short":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4623,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/54","short":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space : resolution / ado","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4624,"session":60,"importantvote":1,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/55","short":"Compliance with non-proliferation, arms limitation and disar","descr":"Compliance with non-proliferation, arms limitation and disarmament agreements : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4625,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/58","short":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas :","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas : accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4626,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/59","short":"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and","descr":"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4627,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/60","short":"Observance of environmental norms in the draftign and implem","descr":"Observance of environmental norms in the draftign and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4628,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/61","short":"Relationship between disarmament and development : resolutio","descr":"Relationship between disarmament and development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4629,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/62","short":"The Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Prolifer","descr":"The Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4630,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/65","short":"Renewed determination towards the total elimination of nucle","descr":"Renewed determination towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4631,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/66","short":"Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space","descr":"Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4632,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/68","short":"Addressing the negative humanitarian and development impact","descr":"Addressing the negative humanitarian and development impact of the illicit manufacture, transfer and circulation of small arms and light weapons and their excessive accumulation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4633,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/70","short":"Nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General As","descr":"Nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4634,"session":60,"importantvote":1,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/72","short":"Follow-up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at th","descr":"Follow-up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at the 1995 and 2000 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4635,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/75","short":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional le","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4636,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/76","short":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court","descr":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4637,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/56","short":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world : accelerating the imple","descr":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world : accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4638,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/80","short":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the U","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4639,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/88","short":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4640,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/92","short":"The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : resol","descr":"The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4641,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/95","short":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : resolution / adopted","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4642,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/100","short":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by t","descr":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4643,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/101","short":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequen","descr":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4644,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/103","short":"Palestine Refugees' properties and their revenues : resoluti","descr":"Palestine Refugees' properties and their revenues : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4645,"session":60,"importantvote":1,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/104","short":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practic","descr":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4646,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/105","short":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Prote","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : resolution / ado"} {"rcid":4647,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/106","short":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, i","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4648,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/107","short":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestin","descr":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4649,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/108","short":"The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the Gene","descr":"The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4650,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/110","short":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4651,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/111","short":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of","descr":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-self-Governing Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4652,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/112","short":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Indepen","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the internatinal institutions associated with the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4653,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/118","short":"Dissemination of information on decolonization : resolution","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4654,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/119","short":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Indepen","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4655,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/120","short":"Second International Decade for the Eradication of Coloniali","descr":"Second International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4656,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/79","short":"Reducing nuclear danger : resolution / adopted by the Genera","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4657,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/102","short":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4658,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-01","unres":"R/60/41","short":"Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4659,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-01","unres":"R/60/39","short":"Peaceful settlement of the Question of Palestine : resolutio","descr":"Peaceful settlement of the Question of Palestine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4660,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-12-01","unres":"R/60/38","short":"Special Information Programme on the Question of Palestine o","descr":"Special Information Programme on the Question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4661,"session":60,"importantvote":1,"date":"2005-12-01","unres":"R/60/37","short":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : resolut","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4662,"session":60,"importantvote":1,"date":"2005-12-01","unres":"R/60/36","short":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the P","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4663,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-11-29","unres":"R/60/30","short":"Oceans and the law of the sea : resolution / adopted by the","descr":"Oceans and the law of the sea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4664,"session":60,"importantvote":1,"date":"2005-11-08","unres":"R/60/12","short":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial e","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4665,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2005-10-31","unres":"R/60/6","short":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency : resolutio","descr":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4666,"session":60,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-06-30","unres":"R/60/278","short":"UN INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON, FINANCING","descr":"Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4667,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-10-30","unres":"R/61/8","short":"IAEA, REPORTS (2005)","descr":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4668,"session":61,"importantvote":1,"date":"2006-11-08","unres":"R/61/11","short":"CUBA, UNITED STATES","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4669,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-01","unres":"R/61/27","short":"MIDDLE EAST SITUATION","descr":"Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4670,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-01","unres":"R/61/25","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4671,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-01","unres":"R/61/26","short":"MIDDLE EAST SITUATION, PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4672,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-01","unres":"R/61/24","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Special information programme on question of Palestine of the Departement of Public Information of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4673,"session":61,"importantvote":1,"date":"2006-12-01","unres":"R/61/23","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4674,"session":61,"importantvote":1,"date":"2006-12-01","unres":"R/61/22","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4675,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-04","unres":"R/61/47","short":"NUCLEAR TEST-BAN-TREATY, COMMISSION","descr":"Cooperation between the United Nations and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4676,"session":61,"importantvote":1,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/89","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Towards an arms treaty : establishing common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4677,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/97","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE, TREATIES (DRAFT)","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4678,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/77","short":"ARMS TRANSFERS, TRANSPARENCY","descr":"Transparency in armaments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4679,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/78","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT","descr":"Nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4680,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/88","short":"NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE-ZONES, CENTRAL ASIA","descr":"Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Central Asia : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4681,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/85","short":"NUCLEAR NON-POLIFERATION","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4682,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/84","short":"LANDMINES, TREATIES (1997)","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpilling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4683,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/82","short":"CONVENTIONAL ARMS, REGIONAL PROGRAMMES","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional level : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4684,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/83","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE - ICJ OPINION","descr":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4685,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/75","short":"OUTER SPACE, CONFIDENCE BUILDING","descr":"Transparency and confindence-building measures in outer space activities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4686,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/72","short":"CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS","descr":"Problems arising from the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in surplus : adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4687,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/74","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR AND GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Renewed determination towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4688,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/67","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Declaration of a 4th disarmament decade : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4689,"session":61,"importantvote":1,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/66","short":"SMALL ARMS, ILLICIT TRAFFIC","descr":"The illicit trade in small arms and lights weapons in all its aspects : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4690,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/70","short":"DISARMAMENT, NUCLEAR NON-POLIFERATION","descr":"2010 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Poliferation of Nuclear Weapons and its Preparatory Comittee : resolution / adopted by General Assembly"} {"rcid":4691,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/65","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT, TREATY COMPLIANCE","descr":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world : accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4692,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/64","short":"DISARMEMENT-DEVELOPMENT LINK","descr":"Relationship between disarmament and development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4693,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/63","short":"DISARMAMENT AGREEMENTS, ENVIRONMENT","descr":"Observance of environmental norms in the drafting and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4694,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/62","short":"MULTILATERALISM, DISARMAMENT","descr":"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-poliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4695,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/60","short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"Convening of the 4th special session of the General Assembly devoted to dismarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4696,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/59","short":"BALLISTIC MISSILES","descr":"Missiles : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4697,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/58","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4698,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/57","short":"NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES, SECURITY","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4699,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/55","short":"SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, INTERNATIONAL SECURITY","descr":"Role of science and technology in the context of international security and disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4700,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/54","short":"INFORMATION, INTERNATIONAL SECURITY","descr":"Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4701,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/69","short":"NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE-ZONES, SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4702,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/76","short":"PEACE, CONVENTIONAL DISARMAMENT","descr":"Consolidation of peace through practical disarmament measures : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4703,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/104","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS, TREATIES","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4704,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/103","short":"NUCLEAR POLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"The risk of nuclear poliferation in the Middle East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4705,"session":61,"importantvote":1,"date":"2006-12-14","unres":"R/61/116","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Work of the Special Comittee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4706,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-14","unres":"R/61/128B","short":"DECOLONIALIZATION","descr":"Individual territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4707,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-14","unres":"R/61/128A","short":"DECOLONIALIZATION","descr":"Question of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, Saint Helena, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands : resolution / adopted by the General Ass"} {"rcid":4708,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-14","unres":"R/61/114","short":"UNRWA, ACTIVITIES","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4709,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-14","unres":"R/61/115","short":"UNRWA, ACTIVITIES","descr":"Palestines refugee's properties and their revenues : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4710,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-14","unres":"R/61/135","short":"PALESTINIANS, ASSISTANCE","descr":"Assistance to the Palestinian people : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4711,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-14","unres":"R/61/130","short":"DECOLONIALIZATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4712,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-14","unres":"R/61/129","short":"DECOLONIALIZATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonialization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4713,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-14","unres":"R/61/128AB","short":"DECOLONIALIZATION","descr":"Question of American Samoa, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Guam, Montserrat, Pitcairn, Saint Helena, the Turks and Caicos Islands and the United States Virgin Islands : resolution / adopted by the General Ass"} {"rcid":4714,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-14","unres":"R/61/125","short":"DECOLONIALIZATION","descr":"Question of Western Sahara : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4715,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-14","unres":"R/61/112","short":"UNRWA, ACTIVITIES","descr":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4716,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-14","unres":"R/61/113","short":"UNRWA, ACTIVITIES","descr":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4717,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-14","unres":"R/61/117","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and other occupied Arab territories : resolution / adopted"} {"rcid":4718,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-14","unres":"R/61/118","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4719,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-14","unres":"R/61/119","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4720,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-14","unres":"R/61/120","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIES BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4721,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-14","unres":"R/61/122","short":"NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES, REPORTS","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4722,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-14","unres":"R/61/123","short":"NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES, ECONOMIC INTERESTS","descr":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4723,"session":61,"importantvote":1,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/176","short":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran: r","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4724,"session":61,"importantvote":1,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/175","short":"Situation of human rights in Belarus: resolution","descr":"Situation of human rights in Belarus: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4725,"session":61,"importantvote":1,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/174","short":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republi","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4726,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/173","short":"Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrari executions: resolution","descr":"Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrari executions: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4727,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/170","short":"Human rights an unilateral coercive measures: resolution","descr":"Human rights an unilateral coercive measures: resolution / adupted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4728,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/169","short":"The right of development: resolution","descr":"The right of development: resolution /adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4729,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/166","short":"Promotion of equitable and mutually resprcted dialogue on hu","descr":"Promotion of equitable and mutually resprcted dialogue on human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4730,"session":61,"importantvote":1,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/164","short":"Combating defamation of religions: resolution","descr":"Combating defamation of religions: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4731,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/163","short":"The right to food: resolution","descr":"The right to food: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4732,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/162","short":"Respect for the right of universal freedom of travel and the","descr":"Respect for the right of universal freedom of travel and the vital importance of family reunification : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4733,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/160","short":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order:","descr":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4734,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/159","short":"Composition for the staff of the Office of the UN High Commi","descr":"Composition for the staff of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4735,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/156","short":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all hu","descr":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4736,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/154","short":"The human rights situation arising from the recent Israeli m","descr":"The human rights situation arising from the recent Israeli military operations in Lebanon : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4737,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/152","short":"The right of the palestine people to self-determination: res","descr":"The right of the palestine people to self-determination: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4738,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/151","short":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the excercise of the right of peoples to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4739,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/149","short":"Global efforts for the total elemination of racism, racial d","descr":"Global efforts for the total elemination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of action : resolution / adopted by the"} {"rcid":4740,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/147","short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, ELIMINATION","descr":"Inadmissibility of certain practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4741,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/146","short":"CHILDRENS RIGHTS","descr":"Rights of the child : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4742,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-20","unres":"R/61/222","short":"Oceans and the law of the sea: resolution","descr":"Oceans and the law of sea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4743,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-20","unres":"R/61/201","short":"Protectoion of global climate for present and future generat","descr":"Protecting of global climate for present and future generations of mankind : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4744,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-20","unres":"R/61/194","short":"Oil slick on Libanon shores: resolution","descr":"Oil slick on Libanese shores : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4745,"session":61,"importantvote":1,"date":"2006-12-20","unres":"R/61/186","short":"International trade and development: resolution","descr":"International trade and development : resolution / adopted by the General assembly"} {"rcid":4746,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-20","unres":"R/61/184","short":"Permanent souvereignity of the Palestine people in the occup","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, icluding East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Goland over their natural resources : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4747,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-20","unres":"R/61/178","short":"Working group on the Commission on Human rights","descr":"Working Group of the Commission on Human Rights to elaborate a draft declaration in accordance with paragraph 5 of General Assembly resolution 49/214 of 23 December 1994 : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4748,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-22","unres":"R/61/250A","short":"Financing the United Nations Interim Force: resolution","descr":"Financing the United Nations Interim Force: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4749,"session":61,"importantvote":1,"date":"2006-12-22","unres":"R/61/232","short":"Situation on Human Rights in Myanmar: resolution","descr":"Situation on human rights in Myanmar: resolution / adopted by the General Assemby"} {"rcid":4750,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2006-12-22","unres":"R/61/231","short":"Implementation of the Declaration on Granting of Indepencenc","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4751,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-04-02","unres":"R/61/250B","short":"UN INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON, FINANCING","descr":"Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4752,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-06-29","unres":"R/61/250C","short":"UN INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON, FINANCING","descr":"Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4753,"session":61,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-09-13","unres":"R/61/295","short":"UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL, REPORTS","descr":"United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4754,"session":62,"importantvote":1,"date":"2007-10-30","unres":"R/62/3","short":"CUBA, UNITED STATES","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4755,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/19","short":"NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES, SECURITY","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons: resolution / adopted by the General Assemby"} {"rcid":4756,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/32","short":"NUCLEAR NON-POLIFERATION","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger: resolution / adopted by the General Assemby"} {"rcid":4757,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/20","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4758,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/41","short":"LANDMINES, TREATIES (1997)","descr":"Implementation of the convention to the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpilling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4759,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/39","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE, ICJ OPINION","descr":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons: resolution / adopted by the General assembly"} {"rcid":4760,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/44","short":"CONVENTIONAL ARMS, REGIONAL PROGRAMMES","descr":"Convention arms control at the regional and subregional levels: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4761,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/42","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT","descr":"Nuclear disarmament: resolution / adopted by the General Assemby"} {"rcid":4762,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/47","short":"SMALL ARMS, ILLICIT TRAFFIC","descr":"The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4763,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/28","short":"DISARMAMENT AGREEMENTS, ENVIRONMENT","descr":"Observance of environmental norms in the drafting and implementation of agreements on disarmament and arms control: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4764,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/43","short":"OUTER SPACE, CONFIDENCE-BUILDING","descr":"Transparancy and confindence-building measures in outer space activities: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4765,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/24","short":"NUCLEAR NON-POLIFERATION, INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS","descr":"Follow-up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at the 1995 and 2000 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non Poliferation of Nuclear Weapons: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4766,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/25","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT, TREATY COMPLIANCE","descr":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: accelerating the implementationof nuclear disarmament commitments: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4767,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/14","short":"ZONES OF PEACE, INDIAN OCEAN","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4768,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/35","short":"NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE-ZONES, SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4769,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/27","short":"MULTILATERALISM, DISARMAMENT","descr":"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-poliferation: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4770,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/17","short":"INFORMATION, INTERNATIONAL SECURITY","descr":"Developments in the field of information and telecommunication in the context of international security: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4771,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/30","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Effects of the use of armaments and ammunitions containing depleted uranium: resolution / adopted by the Genetal Assembly"} {"rcid":4772,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/31","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Treaty pn the South-East Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (Bangkok Treaty): resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4773,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/36","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Decreasing the operational readiness of nuclear weapons systems: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4774,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/48","short":"DISARMAMENT-DEVELOPMENT LINK","descr":"Relationship between disarmament and development: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4775,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/29","short":"DISARMAMENT, UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY","descr":"Convening of the 4th special session of the General Assembly devotet to disarmament: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4776,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/59","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPON TEST, TREATY (1996)","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4777,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/51","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE, TREATY (DRAFT)","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4778,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/56","short":"NUCLEAR POLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"The risk of nuclear poliferation in the Middle East: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4779,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-10","unres":"R/62/84","short":"MIDDLE EAST SITUATION, PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Jerusalem: resolution / adopted by the General Assemby"} {"rcid":4780,"session":62,"importantvote":1,"date":"2007-12-10","unres":"R/62/80","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Commitee on the Exercice of Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4781,"session":62,"importantvote":1,"date":"2007-12-10","unres":"R/62/81","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Division for Palestine Rights of the Secretariat: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4782,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-10","unres":"R/62/83","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4783,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-10","unres":"R/62/85","short":"MIDDLE EAST SITUATION","descr":"The Syrian Golan: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4784,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-10","unres":"R/62/82","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Special infomation programme on the question of Palestine of the Departement of Public Information of the Secretariat: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4785,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-17","unres":"R/62/119","short":"DECOLONIZATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4786,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-17","unres":"R/62/120","short":"DECOLONIZATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4787,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-17","unres":"R/62/113","short":"NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES, ECONOMIC INTERESTS","descr":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4788,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-17","unres":"R/62/112","short":"NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES, REPORTS","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4789,"session":62,"importantvote":1,"date":"2007-12-17","unres":"R/62/106","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4790,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-17","unres":"R/62/107","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and other occupied Arab territories : resolution / adopted"} {"rcid":4791,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-17","unres":"R/62/103","short":"UNRWA, ACTIVITIES, PALESTINE","descr":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4792,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-17","unres":"R/62/105","short":"UNRWA, ACTIVITIES, PALESTINE","descr":"Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4793,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-17","unres":"R/62/114","short":"DECOLONIZATION, UN-SYSTEM","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Coloniam Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4794,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-17","unres":"R/62/102","short":"UNRWA, ACTIVITIES, PALESTINE","descr":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4795,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-17","unres":"R/62/108","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupies Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4796,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-17","unres":"R/62/110","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4797,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-17","unres":"R/62/104","short":"UNRWA, ACTIVITIES, PALESTINE","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4798,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/142","short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, ELIMINATION","descr":"Inadmissibility of certain practices that contribute to fuelling contemporaty forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4799,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/143","short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATIOM","descr":"Report of the Human Rights Council on the preparations for the Durban Review Conference : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4800,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/162","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT, SANCTIONS, INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4801,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/149","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT, CAPITAL PUNISHMENT","descr":"Moratorium on the use of the death penalty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4802,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/163","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Promotion of peace as a vital requirement for the full enhoyment of all human rights by all : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4803,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/154","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT, RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE","descr":"Combating defamation of religions : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4804,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/164","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT, RIGHT TO FOOD","descr":"The right to food : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4805,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/151","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT, GLOBALIZATION","descr":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4806,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/150","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT, ELECTION VERIFICATION, UN","descr":"Strengthening the role of the United Nations in enhancing the effectiveness of the principle of periodic and genuine elections and the promotion of democratization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4807,"session":62,"importantvote":1,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/169","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, REPORTS, BELARUS","descr":"Situation of the human rights in Belarus : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4808,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/146","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES, PALESTINIAN PEOPLE","descr":"The right of the Palestinian People to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4809,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/145","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4810,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/161","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT, HUMAN RIGHTS DEVELOPMENT","descr":"The right to development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4811,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/166","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Respect for the purposes and principles contained in the Charter of the United Nations to achieve internationlal cooperation in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and in solvin ternational problem in a h"} {"rcid":4812,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/141","short":"RIGHTS OF THE CHILD","descr":"Rights of the child : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4813,"session":62,"importantvote":1,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/167","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, REPORTS, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4814,"session":62,"importantvote":1,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/168","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, REPORTS, IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4815,"session":62,"importantvote":1,"date":"2007-12-19","unres":"R/62/184","short":"INTERNATIONAL TRADE","descr":"International trade and development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4816,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-19","unres":"R/62/183","short":"INTERNATIONAL TRADE","descr":"Unilateral economic measures as a means pf political and economic coercion against developing countries : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4817,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-19","unres":"R/62/181","short":"TERRITPRIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"Permanent souvereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : resolution / adopted by the General Assembl"} {"rcid":4818,"session":62,"importantvote":1,"date":"2007-12-19","unres":"R/62/190","short":"ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, CONFERENCES","descr":"Agricultural technology for development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4819,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-19","unres":"R/62/188","short":"SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT","descr":"Oil slick on Libanese shores : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4820,"session":62,"importantvote":1,"date":"2007-12-22","unres":"R/62/222","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, MYANMAR, REPORTS","descr":"Situation of human rights in Myanmar : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4821,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-22","unres":"R/62/241","short":"UN-BUDGET","descr":"Questions related to the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4822,"session":62,"importantvote":1,"date":"2007-12-22","unres":"R/62/236","short":"UN-BUDGET","descr":"Questions relating to the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2008-2009 : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4823,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-22","unres":"R/62/218","short":"WOMAN'S ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Convention on the Elemination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4824,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-22","unres":"R/62/215","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Oceans and the law of the sea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4825,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-22","unres":"R/62/220","short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Global efforts for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action : resolution / adopted by the"} {"rcid":4826,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2007-12-22","unres":"R/62/216","short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"United Nations Regional Center for Peace and Disarmament in Africa : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4827,"session":62,"importantvote":1,"date":"2007-12-22","unres":"R/62/219","short":"UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL, REPORTS","descr":"Report of the Human Rights Council : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4828,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-03-14","unres":"R/62/243","short":"AZERBAIJAN SITUATION","descr":"The Situation in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4829,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-04-14","unres":"R/62/249","short":"ORGANIZATION FOR DEMOCRACY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, GUAM","descr":"Status of internally displaced persons and refugees from Abkhazia, Georgia : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4830,"session":62,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-06-30","unres":"R/62/270","short":"MILLENIUM SUMMIT, FOLLOW UP","descr":"Global Forum on Migration and Development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4831,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-10-08","unres":"R/63/3","short":"KOSOVO, ICJ OPINION","descr":"Request for an advisoryopinion of the International Court of Justice on whether the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo is in accordance with international law : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4833,"session":63,"importantvote":1,"date":"2008-10-29","unres":"R/63/7","short":"CUBA, UNITED STATES","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4834,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-11-03","unres":"R/63/13","short":"NUCLEAR-TEST-BAN-TREATY ORGANIZATION, UN","descr":"Cooperation between the United Nations and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4835,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-11-26","unres":"R/63/31","short":"MIDDLE EAST SITUATION","descr":"The Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4836,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-11-26","unres":"R/63/30","short":"MIDDLE EAST SITUATION","descr":"Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4837,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-11-26","unres":"R/63/29","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4838,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-11-26","unres":"R/63/28","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Departement of Public Information of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4839,"session":63,"importantvote":1,"date":"2008-11-26","unres":"R/63/27","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4840,"session":63,"importantvote":1,"date":"2008-11-26","unres":"R/63/26","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Committee on the Excercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4841,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/69","short":"ARMS TRANSFERS, TRANSPARENCY","descr":"Transparancy in armaments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4842,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/72","short":"SMALL ARMS, ILLICIT TRAFFIC","descr":"The illicit trade in small arms and lights weapons in all its aspects : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4843,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/73","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Renewed determination towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4844,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/53","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Measures to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4845,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/84","short":"NUCLEAR POLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"The risk of nuclear poliferation in the Middle East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4846,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/87","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS, TREATIES","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4847,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/68","short":"OUTER SPACE, CONFIDENCE BUILDING MEASURES","descr":"Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4848,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/65","short":"NUCLEAR-WEAPONS-FREE-ZONES, SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4849,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/64","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"The Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Poliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4850,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/50","short":"MULTILATERALISM, DISARMAMENT","descr":"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non poliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4851,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/63","short":"NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONES, CENTRAL ASIA","descr":"Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Central Asia: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4852,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/62","short":"PEACE, CONVENTIONAL DISARMAMENT","descr":"Consolidation of peace through practical disarmament measures : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4853,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/59","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Compliance with non-proliferation, arms limitation and disarmaments and commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4854,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/58","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT, TREATY COMPLIANCE","descr":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4855,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/54","short":"DEPLETED URANIUM","descr":"Effects of the use of armaments and ammunitions containing depleted uranium : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4856,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/49","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE, ICJ OPINION","descr":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4857,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/46","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT","descr":"Nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4858,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/47","short":"NUCLEAR NON-POLIFERATION","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4859,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/44","short":"CONVENTIONAL ARMS, REGIONAL PROGRAMMES","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4860,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/42","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production, and Transfer of Anti-personnal Mines and on their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4861,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/41","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Decreasing the operational readiness of nuclear weapons systems : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4862,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/40","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4863,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/39","short":"NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES, SECURITY","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons: resolution / adoopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4864,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/37","short":"INFORMATION, INTERNATIONAL SECURITY","descr":"Developments in the fieln of information and telecommunications in the context of international security : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4865,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/36","short":"ARMS LIMITATION, CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT","descr":"Prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons: report of the Conference on Disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4866,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/75","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE, TREATIES (DRAFT)","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4867,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-05","unres":"R/63/91","short":"UNRWA, ACTIVITIES, PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4868,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-05","unres":"R/63/101","short":"NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES, REPORT","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4869,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-05","unres":"R/63/110","short":"DECOLONIALIZATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and People : resolution / adoptes by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4870,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-05","unres":"R/63/109","short":"DECOLONIALIZATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonialozation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4871,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-05","unres":"R/63/103","short":"DECOLONIALIZATION, UN SYSTEM","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4872,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-05","unres":"R/63/102","short":"NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES, ECONOMIC INTERESTS","descr":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4873,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-05","unres":"R/63/111","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Oceans and the law of the sea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4874,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-05","unres":"R/63/99","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4875,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-05","unres":"R/63/98","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : resolution / adoptef by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4876,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-05","unres":"R/63/92","short":"UNRWA, ACTIVITIES, PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Person displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4877,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-05","unres":"R/63/94","short":"UNRWA, ACTIVITIES, PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4878,"session":63,"importantvote":1,"date":"2008-12-05","unres":"R/63/95","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Work of the Special Comittee to Investigate Israel Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : resolution / adopted gy the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4879,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-05","unres":"R/63/93","short":"UNRWA, ACTIVITIES, PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4880,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-05","unres":"R/63/96","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Applicabiliity of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1249, to the Ocuupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : resolution / ad"} {"rcid":4881,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-05","unres":"R/63/97","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4882,"session":63,"importantvote":1,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/190","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, REPORTS","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4883,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/189","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4884,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/188","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Respect for the universal freedom of travel and the vital importance of family reunification : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4885,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/187","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"The right to food: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4886,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/182","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4887,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/179","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4888,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/178","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"The right to development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4889,"session":63,"importantvote":1,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/191","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, REPORTS","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4890,"session":63,"importantvote":1,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/168","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Moratorium on the use of the death penalty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4891,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/167","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, TREATIES, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Equitable geographical distribution in the membership of the human rights treaty bodies : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4892,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/165","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES","descr":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4893,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/164","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the rights of self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4894,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/162","short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, ELIMINATION","descr":"Inadmissibility of certain practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4895,"session":63,"importantvote":1,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/160","short":"UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL, REPORTS","descr":"Report of the Human Rights Council : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4896,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/176","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Globalization and its impact on the full employment of all human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4897,"session":63,"importantvote":1,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/171","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Combating defamation of religions : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4898,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-19","unres":"R/63/201","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources: resolution / adopted by the General Assembl"} {"rcid":4899,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-19","unres":"R/63/211","short":"SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT","descr":"Oil slick on Libanese shores: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4900,"session":63,"importantvote":1,"date":"2008-12-19","unres":"R/63/224","short":"GLOBALIZATION","descr":"Towards a New International Economic Order: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4901,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-24","unres":"R/63/240","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Towards an arms trade treaty: establishing common internationl standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4902,"session":63,"importantvote":1,"date":"2008-12-24","unres":"R/63/245","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, REPORTS","descr":"Situation of human rights in Myanmar: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4903,"session":63,"importantvote":1,"date":"2008-12-24","unres":"R/63/242","short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION","descr":"Global efforts for the elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia, and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action: resolution / adopted by the Genera"} {"rcid":4904,"session":63,"importantvote":0,"date":"2008-12-24","unres":"R/63/241","short":"RIGHTS OF THE CHILD","descr":"Rights of the child: resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4979,"session":64,"importantvote":1,"date":"2009-10-28","unres":"R/64/6","short":"CUBA, UNITED STATES","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4980,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-11-05","unres":"R/64/10","short":"UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL, REPORTS","descr":"Follow-up to the report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4981,"session":64,"importantvote":1,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/16","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4982,"session":64,"importantvote":1,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/17","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4983,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/18","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4984,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/19","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4985,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/20","short":"MIDDLE EAST SITUATION","descr":"Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4986,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/21","short":"MIDDLE EAST SITUATION","descr":"The Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4987,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/23","short":"ZONE OF PEACE, INDIAN OCEAN","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4988,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/28","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4989,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/31","short":"NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION, INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS","descr":"Follow-up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at the 1995 and 2000 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4990,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/34","short":"MULTILATERALISM, DISARMAMENT","descr":"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4991,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/37","short":"NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4992,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/39","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPON FREE ZONE, SOUTH EAST ASIA","descr":"Treaty on the South-East Asia Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (Bangkok Treaty) : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4993,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/42","short":"CONVENTIONAL ARMS, REGIONAL PROGRAMMES","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4994,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/44","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPON FREE ZONE, SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4995,"session":64,"importantvote":1,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/47","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, ELIMINATION","descr":"Renewed determination towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4996,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/48","short":"ARMS TRANSFERS, INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS","descr":"The Arms Trade Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4997,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/50","short":"SMALL ARMS, ILLICIT TRAFFIC","descr":"The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4998,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/52","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Second Conference of States Parties and Signatories to Treaties that Establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones and Mongolia : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":4999,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/53","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT","descr":"Nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5000,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/54","short":"ARMS TRANSFERS, TRANSPARENCY","descr":"Transparency in armaments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5001,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/55","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE, ICJ OPINION","descr":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5002,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/56","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5003,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/57","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT, TREATY COMPLIANCE","descr":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world : accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5004,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/59","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE, TREATY (DRAFT)","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5005,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/66","short":"NUCLEAR POLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5006,"session":64,"importantvote":1,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/69","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS, TREATY","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5007,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/27","short":"NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES, SECURITY","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5008,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-04","unres":"R/64/71","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Oceans and the law of the sea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5009,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-10","unres":"R/64/89","short":"UNRWA, ACTIVITIES","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5010,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-10","unres":"R/64/90","short":"UNRWA, ACTIVITIES","descr":"Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5011,"session":64,"importantvote":1,"date":"2009-12-10","unres":"R/64/91","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israel Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5012,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-10","unres":"R/64/93","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5013,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-10","unres":"R/64/94","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5014,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-10","unres":"R/64/98","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, ECONOMIC INTERESTS","descr":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5015,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-10","unres":"R/64/99","short":"DECOLONIZATION, UN SYSTEM","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5016,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-10","unres":"R/64/105","short":"DECOLONIZATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5017,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-10","unres":"R/64/88","short":"UNRWA, ACTIVITIES","descr":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5018,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-10","unres":"R/64/106","short":"DECOLONIZATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5019,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-10","unres":"R/64/87","short":"UNRWA, ACTIVITIES","descr":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5020,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-10","unres":"R/64/92","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : resolution / ado"} {"rcid":5021,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-10","unres":"R/64/95","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5022,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-10","unres":"R/64/97","short":"NON SELF GOVERNING TERRITORIES, REPORTS","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73e of the Charter of the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5023,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-18","unres":"R/64/147","short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, ELIMINATION","descr":"Inadmissibility of certain practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5024,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-18","unres":"R/64/160","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT, GLOBALIZATION, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5025,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-18","unres":"R/64/170","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT, SANCTIONS, INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS","descr":"Human Rights and unilateral coercive measures : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5026,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-18","unres":"R/64/172","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT, RIGHT TO DEVELOPMENT","descr":"The right to development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5027,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-18","unres":"R/64/173","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Promotion of equitable geographical distribution in the membership of the human rights treaty bodies : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5028,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-18","unres":"R/64/174","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Human rights and cultural diversity : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5029,"session":64,"importantvote":1,"date":"2009-12-18","unres":"R/64/175","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, REPORTS, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic People?Æs Republic of Korea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5030,"session":64,"importantvote":1,"date":"2009-12-18","unres":"R/64/176","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, REPORTS, IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5031,"session":64,"importantvote":1,"date":"2009-12-18","unres":"R/64/148","short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Global efforts for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action : resolution / adopted by the"} {"rcid":5032,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-18","unres":"R/64/150","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES","descr":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5033,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-18","unres":"R/64/151","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES, MERCENARIES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5034,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-18","unres":"R/64/152","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, TREATIES, IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"International Covenants on Human Rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5035,"session":64,"importantvote":1,"date":"2009-12-18","unres":"R/64/156","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT, RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE","descr":"Combating defamation of religions : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5036,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-18","unres":"R/64/157","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5037,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-21","unres":"R/64/195","short":"SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT","descr":"Oil slick on Lebanese shores : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5038,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-21","unres":"R/64/185","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5039,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-21","unres":"R/64/188","short":"INTERNATIONAL TRADE","descr":"International trade and development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5040,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-21","unres":"R/64/209","short":"GLOBALIZATION, UN","descr":"Towards a new international economic order : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5041,"session":64,"importantvote":1,"date":"2009-12-21","unres":"R/64/197","short":"AGENDA 21, PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Agricultural technology for development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5042,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2009-12-21","unres":"R/64/189","short":"INTERNATIONAL TRADE","descr":"Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5043,"session":64,"importantvote":1,"date":"2009-12-24","unres":"R/64/238","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, REPORTS, MYANMAR","descr":"Situation of human rights in Myanmar : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5044,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-02-26","unres":"R/64/254","short":"UN HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL, REPORTS","descr":"Second follow-up to the report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5045,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-06-24","unres":"R/64/282","short":"UN INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON, FINANCING","descr":"Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5046,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-07-28","unres":"R/64/292","short":"UN CONFERENCES, FOLLOW-UP","descr":"The human right to water and sanitation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5047,"session":64,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-09-07","unres":"R/64/296","short":"ORGANIZATION FOR DEMOCRACY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, GUAM","descr":"Status of internally displaced persons and refugees from Abkhazia, Georgia, and the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia, Georgia : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5049,"session":65,"importantvote":1,"date":"2010-10-26","unres":"R/65/6","short":"CUBA, UNITED STATES","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5050,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-11-30","unres":"R/65/16","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5051,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-11-30","unres":"R/65/15","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5052,"session":65,"importantvote":1,"date":"2010-11-30","unres":"R/65/13","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5053,"session":65,"importantvote":1,"date":"2010-11-30","unres":"R/65/14","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5054,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-11-30","unres":"R/65/18","short":"MIDDLE EAST SITUATION","descr":"The Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5055,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-11-30","unres":"R/65/17","short":"MIDDLE EAST SITUATION","descr":"Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5056,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-07","unres":"R/65/37","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Oceans and the law of the sea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5057,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/43","short":"NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES, SECURITY","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5058,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/44","short":"ARMS RACE, OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5059,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/46","short":"CONVENTIONAL ARMS--REGIONAL PROGRAMMES","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5060,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/48","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5061,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/49","short":"NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE, CENTRAL ASIA","descr":"Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5062,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/51","short":"CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE--TREATY (1925)","descr":"Measures to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5063,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/66","short":"DISARMAMENT","descr":"Convening of the 4th special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5064,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/68","short":"OUTER SPACE, CONFIDENCE-BUILDING MEASURES","descr":"Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5065,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/71","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Decreasing the operational readiness of nuclear weapons systems : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5066,"session":65,"importantvote":1,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/73","short":"DISARMAMENT, GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"The Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5067,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/75","short":"ILLICIT TRAFFIC","descr":"Preventing and combating illicit brokering activities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5068,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/76","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE, ICJ OPINION","descr":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5069,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/88","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, MIDDLE EAST","descr":"The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5070,"session":65,"importantvote":1,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/91","short":"LEAR WEAPON TESTS, TREATY","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5071,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/54","short":"MULTILATERALISM, DISARMAMENT","descr":"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5072,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/55","short":"DEPLETED URANIUM","descr":"Effects of the use of armaments and ammunitions containing depleted uranium : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5073,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/56","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT","descr":"Nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5074,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/58","short":"NUCLEAR-WEAPON, FREE ZONE, SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5075,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/59","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT, TREATY COMPLIANCE","descr":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world : accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5076,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/60","short":"NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5077,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/65","short":"FISSIONABLE MATERIALS, TREATY (PROPOSED)","descr":"Treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5078,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/80","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE, TREATY (DRAFT)","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5079,"session":65,"importantvote":1,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/72","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS, ELIMINATION","descr":"United action towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5080,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/100","short":"UNRWA--ACTIVITIES","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5081,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-10","unres":"R/65/101","short":"UNRWA--ACTIVITIES","descr":"Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5082,"session":65,"importantvote":1,"date":"2010-12-10","unres":"R/65/102","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5083,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-10","unres":"R/65/103","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : resolution / ado"} {"rcid":5084,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-10","unres":"R/65/104","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5085,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-10","unres":"R/65/105","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5086,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-10","unres":"R/65/106","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL, HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5087,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-10","unres":"R/65/109","short":"NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES, ECONOMIC INTERESTS","descr":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5088,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-10","unres":"R/65/110","short":"DECOLONIZATION, UN SYSTEM","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5089,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-10","unres":"R/65/116","short":"DECOLONIZATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5090,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-10","unres":"R/65/117","short":"DECOLONIZATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5091,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-10","unres":"R/65/118","short":"DECOLONIZATION","descr":"Fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5092,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-10","unres":"R/65/119","short":"DECOLONIZATION","descr":"Third International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5093,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-10","unres":"R/65/99","short":"UNRWA, ACTIVITIES","descr":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5094,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-10","unres":"R/65/98","short":"UNRWA, ACTIVITIES","descr":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5095,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-20","unres":"R/65/147","short":"SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT","descr":"Oil slick on Lebanese shores : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5096,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-20","unres":"R/65/142","short":"INTERNATIONAL TRADE","descr":"International trade and development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5097,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-21","unres":"R/65/202","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES","descr":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5098,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-21","unres":"R/65/203","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination :resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5099,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-21","unres":"R/65/199","short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION, ELIMINATION","descr":"Inadmissibility of certain practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5100,"session":65,"importantvote":1,"date":"2010-12-21","unres":"R/65/206","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Moratorium on the use of the death penalty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5101,"session":65,"importantvote":1,"date":"2010-12-21","unres":"R/65/208","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5102,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-21","unres":"R/65/216","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5103,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-21","unres":"R/65/217","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5104,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-21","unres":"R/65/219","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"The right to development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5105,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-21","unres":"R/65/222","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Promotion of peace as a vital requirement for the full enjoyment of all human rights by all : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5106,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2010-12-21","unres":"R/65/223","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5107,"session":65,"importantvote":1,"date":"2010-12-21","unres":"R/65/224","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Combating defamation of religions : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5108,"session":65,"importantvote":1,"date":"2010-12-21","unres":"R/65/225","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5109,"session":65,"importantvote":1,"date":"2010-12-21","unres":"R/65/195","short":"UN. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL, REPORTS","descr":"Report of the Human Rights Council : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5110,"session":65,"importantvote":1,"date":"2010-12-21","unres":"R/65/226","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS--IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5111,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-04-18","unres":"R/65/272","short":"UNRWA--ACTIVITIES","descr":"Report of the Secretary-General on the strengthening of the management capacity of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5112,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-05-03","unres":"R/65/276","short":"UN SYSTEM--STRENGTHENING","descr":"Participation of the European Union in the work of the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5113,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-06-17","unres":"R/65/281","short":"UN CONFERENCES--FOLLOW-UP","descr":"Review of the Human Rights Council : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5114,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-06-29","unres":"R/65/287","short":"ORGANIZATION FOR DEMOCRACY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT--GUAM","descr":"Status of internally displaced persons and refugees from Abkhazia, Georgia, and the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia, Georgia : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5115,"session":65,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-06-30","unres":"R/65/303","short":"UN INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON--FINANCING","descr":"Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5116,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-11-18","unres":"R/66/11","short":"UN RESOLUTIONS--IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Restoration of the rights of membership of Libya in the Human Rights Council : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5117,"session":66,"importantvote":1,"date":"2011-11-18","unres":"R/66/12","short":"COUNTER-TERRORISM","descr":"Terrorist attacks on internationally protected persons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5118,"session":66,"importantvote":1,"date":"2011-12-19","unres":"R/66/136","short":"UN. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL--REPORTS","descr":"Report of the Human Rights Council : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5119,"session":66,"importantvote":1,"date":"2011-11-30","unres":"R/66/14","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5120,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-19","unres":"R/66/143","short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION--ELIMINATION","descr":"Inadmissibility of certain practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5121,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-19","unres":"R/66/144","short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION--PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION","descr":"Global efforts for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action : resolution / adopted by the"} {"rcid":5122,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-19","unres":"R/66/146","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES","descr":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5123,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-19","unres":"R/66/147","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5124,"session":66,"importantvote":1,"date":"2011-11-30","unres":"R/66/15","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Division for Palestininan Rights of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5125,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-19","unres":"R/66/153","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Promotion of equitable geographical distribution in the membership of the human rights treaty bodies : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5126,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-19","unres":"R/66/154","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Human rights and cultural diversity : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5127,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-19","unres":"R/66/155","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"The right to development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5128,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-19","unres":"R/66/156","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENTS","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5129,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-19","unres":"R/66/159","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5130,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-11-30","unres":"R/66/16","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5131,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-19","unres":"R/66/161","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5132,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-11-30","unres":"R/66/17","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5133,"session":66,"importantvote":1,"date":"2011-12-19","unres":"R/66/174","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5134,"session":66,"importantvote":1,"date":"2011-12-19","unres":"R/66/175","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5135,"session":66,"importantvote":1,"date":"2011-12-19","unres":"R/66/176","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5136,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-11-30","unres":"R/66/18","short":"MIDDLE EAST SITUATION","descr":"Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5137,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-22","unres":"R/66/186","short":"?áINTERNATIONAL TRADE","descr":"Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5138,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-11-30","unres":"R/66/19","short":"MIDDLE EAST SITUATION","descr":"The Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5139,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-22","unres":"R/66/192","short":"SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT","descr":"Oil slick on Lebanese shores : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5140,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-22","unres":"R/66/195","short":"SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT","descr":"Agricultural technology for development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5141,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-09-16","unres":"R/66/1A","short":"CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE--REPORTS","descr":"Credentials of representatives to the 66th session of the General Assembly : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5142,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/21","short":"CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT--REPORTS","descr":"Prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons : report of the Conference on Disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5143,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/22","short":"ZONE OF PEACE--INDIAN OCEAN","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5144,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-22","unres":"R/66/225","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5145,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-24","unres":"R/66/230","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS","descr":"Situation of human rights in Myanmar : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5146,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-24","unres":"R/66/231","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Oceans and the law of the sea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5147,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/26","short":"NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES--SECURITY","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5148,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/27","short":"ARMS RACE--OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5149,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/28","short":"NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION--INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS","descr":"Follow-up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at the 1995, 2000 and 2010 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5150,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/29","short":"DISARMAMENT--GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5151,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/32","short":"MULTILATERALISM--DISARMAMENT","descr":"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5152,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/33","short":"DISARMAMENT--GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"2015 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and its Preparatory Committee : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5153,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/37","short":"CONVENTIONAL ARMS--REGIONAL PROGRAMMES","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5154,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/39","short":"ARMS TRANSFERS--TRANSPARENCY","descr":"Transparency in armaments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5155,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/40","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT--TREATY COMPLIANCE","descr":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world : accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5156,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/44","short":"FISSIONABLE MATERIALS--TREATY (PROPOSED)","descr":"Treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5157,"session":66,"importantvote":1,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/45","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS--ELIMINATION","descr":"United action towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5158,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/46","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE--ICJ OPINION","descr":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5159,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/48","short":"NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5160,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/49","short":"DISARMAMENT--GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Compliance with non-proliferation, arms limitation and disarmament agreements and commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5161,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/51","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT","descr":"Nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5162,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/57","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE--TREATY (DRAFT)","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5163,"session":66,"importantvote":1,"date":"2011-10-25","unres":"R/66/6","short":"CUBA--UNITED STATES","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5164,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/61","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION--MIDDLE EAST","descr":"The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5165,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/64","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS--TREATY","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5166,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-09","unres":"R/66/72","short":"UNRWA--ACTIVITIES","descr":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5167,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-09","unres":"R/66/73","short":"UNRWA--ACTIVITIES","descr":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5168,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-09","unres":"R/66/74","short":"UNRWA--ACTIVITIES","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5169,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-09","unres":"R/66/75","short":"UNRWA--ACTIVITIES","descr":"Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5170,"session":66,"importantvote":1,"date":"2011-12-09","unres":"R/66/76","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5171,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-09","unres":"R/66/77","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied PalestinianTerritory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : resolution / adop"} {"rcid":5172,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-09","unres":"R/66/78","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5173,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-09","unres":"R/66/79","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5174,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-09","unres":"R/66/80","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5175,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-09","unres":"R/66/82","short":"NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES--REPORTS","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5176,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-09","unres":"R/66/83","short":"NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES--ECONOMIC INTERESTS","descr":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5177,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-09","unres":"R/66/84","short":"DECOLONIZATION--UN SYSTEM","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5178,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2011-12-09","unres":"R/66/90","short":"DECOLONIZATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5179,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-04-09","unres":"R/66/257","short":"UN--ADMINISTRATION","descr":"Progress towards an accountability system in the United Nations Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5180,"session":66,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-02-16","unres":"R/66/253","short":"ARMED CONFLICTS PREVENTION","descr":"The situation in the Syrian Arab Republic : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5181,"session":67,"importantvote":1,"date":"2012-11-13","unres":"R/67/4","short":"CUBA--UNITED STATES","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5182,"session":67,"importantvote":1,"date":"2012-11-29","unres":"R/67/19","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Status of Palestine in the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5183,"session":67,"importantvote":1,"date":"2012-11-30","unres":"R/67/20","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5184,"session":67,"importantvote":1,"date":"2012-11-30","unres":"R/67/21","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5185,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-11-30","unres":"R/67/22","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5186,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-11-30","unres":"R/67/23","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5187,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-11-30","unres":"R/67/24","short":"MIDDLE EAST SITUATION","descr":"Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5188,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-11-30","unres":"R/67/25","short":"MIDDLE EAST SITUATION","descr":"The Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5189,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/29","short":"NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES--SECURITY","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5190,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/30","short":"ARMS RACE--OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5191,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/31","short":"NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE--CENTRAL ASIA","descr":"Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5192,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/32","short":"DISARMAMENT--GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5193,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/33","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE--ICJ OPINION","descr":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5194,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/34","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT--TREATY COMPLIANCE","descr":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world : accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5195,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/35","short":"CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE--TREATY (1925)","descr":"Measures to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5196,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/36","short":"DEPLETED URANIUM","descr":"Effects of the use of armaments and ammunitions containing depleted uranium : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5197,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/38","short":"MULTILATERALISM--DISARMAMENT","descr":"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5198,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/39","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT","descr":"High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5199,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/42","short":"BALLISTIC MISSILES--CODES OF CONDUCT","descr":"The Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5200,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/43","short":"ILLICIT TRAFFIC","descr":"Preventing and combating illicit brokering activities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5201,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/45","short":"NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5202,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/46","short":"DISARMAMENT--GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Decreasing the operational readiness of nuclear weapons systems : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5203,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/53","short":"FISSIONABLE MATERIALS--TREATY (PROPOSED)","descr":"Treaty Banning the Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5204,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/55","short":"NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE--SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5205,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/56","short":"DISARMAMENT--GENERAL AND COMPLETE","descr":"Taking forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5206,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/59","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS--ELIMINATION","descr":"United action towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5207,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/60","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT","descr":"Nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5208,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/62","short":"CONVENTIONAL ARMS--REGIONAL PROGRAMMES","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5209,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/64","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE--TREATY (DRAFT)","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5210,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/73","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION--MIDDLE EAST","descr":"The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5211,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/76","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS--TREATY","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5212,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-11","unres":"R/67/78","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Oceans and the law of the sea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5213,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-18","unres":"R/67/114","short":"UNRWA--ACTIVITIES","descr":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5214,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-18","unres":"R/67/115","short":"UNRWA--ACTIVITIES","descr":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5215,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-18","unres":"R/67/116","short":"UNRWA--ACTIVITIES","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5216,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-18","unres":"R/67/117","short":"UNRWA--ACTIVITIES","descr":"Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5217,"session":67,"importantvote":1,"date":"2012-12-18","unres":"R/67/118","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5218,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-18","unres":"R/67/119","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : resolution / ado"} {"rcid":5219,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-18","unres":"R/67/120","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5220,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-18","unres":"R/67/121","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5221,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-18","unres":"R/67/122","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5222,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-18","unres":"R/67/125","short":"NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES--REPORTS","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5223,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-18","unres":"R/67/126","short":"NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES--ECONOMIC INTERESTS","descr":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5224,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-18","unres":"R/67/127","short":"DECOLONIZATION--UN SYSTEM","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5225,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-18","unres":"R/67/133","short":"DECOLONIZATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5226,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-18","unres":"R/67/134","short":"DECOLONIZATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5227,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-20","unres":"R/67/139","short":"SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT","descr":"Towards a comprehensive and integral international legal instrument to promote and protect the rights and dignity of older persons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5228,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-20","unres":"R/67/154","short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION--ELIMINATION","descr":"Glorification of Nazism : inadmissibility of certain practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5229,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-20","unres":"R/67/155","short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION--ELIMINATION","descr":"Global efforts for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action : resolution / adopted by the "} {"rcid":5230,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-20","unres":"R/67/158","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES","descr":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5231,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-20","unres":"R/67/159","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5232,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-20","unres":"R/67/162","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5233,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-20","unres":"R/67/165","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5234,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-20","unres":"R/67/168","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5235,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-20","unres":"R/67/170","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5236,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-20","unres":"R/67/171","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"The right to development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5237,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-20","unres":"R/67/173","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Promotion of peace as a vital requirement for the full enjoyment of all human rights by all : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5238,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-20","unres":"R/67/175","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5239,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-20","unres":"R/67/176","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Moratorium on the use of the death penalty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5240,"session":67,"importantvote":1,"date":"2012-12-20","unres":"R/67/182","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5241,"session":67,"importantvote":1,"date":"2012-12-20","unres":"R/67/183","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5242,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-21","unres":"R/67/201","short":"SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT","descr":"Oil slick on Lebanese shores : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5243,"session":67,"importantvote":1,"date":"2012-12-21","unres":"R/67/202","short":"SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT","descr":"Entrepreneurship for development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5244,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-21","unres":"R/67/217","short":"GLOBALIZATION--INTERDEPENDENCE","descr":"Towards a new international economic order : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5245,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-21","unres":"R/67/219","short":"MIGRATION","descr":"International migration and development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5246,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-21","unres":"R/67/229","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5247,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-24","unres":"R/67/234","short":"ARMS TRANSFERS--INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS","descr":"The Arms Trade Treaty "} {"rcid":5248,"session":67,"importantvote":0,"date":"2012-12-24","unres":"R/67/243","short":"INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL--FORMER YUGOSLAVIA--FINANCING","descr":"Financing of the International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991 : resolution / adopted by the General Ass"} {"rcid":5249,"session":68,"importantvote":1,"date":"2013-10-29","unres":"R/68/8","short":"CUBA--UNITED STATES","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5250,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-11-26","unres":"R/68/17","short":"MIDDLE EAST SITUATION","descr":"The Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5251,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-11-26","unres":"R/68/16","short":"MIDDLE EAST SITUATION","descr":"Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5252,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-11-26","unres":"R/68/15","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5253,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-11-26","unres":"R/68/14","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5254,"session":68,"importantvote":1,"date":"2013-11-26","unres":"R/68/13","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5255,"session":68,"importantvote":1,"date":"2013-11-26","unres":"R/68/12","short":"PALESTINE QUESTION","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5256,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/24","short":"ZONE OF PEACE--INDIAN OCEAN","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5257,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/28","short":"NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES--SECURITY","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5258,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/29","short":"ARMS RACE--OUTER SPACE","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5259,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/30","short":"LANDMINES--TREATIES (1997)","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5260,"session":68,"importantvote":1,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/31","short":"ARMS TRANSFERS--INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS","descr":"The Arms Trade Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5261,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/32","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT","descr":"Follow-up to the 2013 High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5262,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/35","short":"NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION--INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS","descr":"Follow-up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at the 1995, 2000 and 2010 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5263,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/38","short":"MULTILATERALISM--DISARMAMENT","descr":"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5264,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/39","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT--TREATY COMPLIANCE","descr":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world : accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5265,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/40","short":"NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5266,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/42","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE--ICJ OPINION","descr":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5267,"session":68,"importantvote":1,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/43","short":"ARMS TRANSFERS--TRANSPARENCY","descr":"Transparency in armaments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5268,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/44","short":"ARMS TRANSFERS--LAWS AND REGULATIONS","descr":"National legislation on transfer of arms, military equipment and dual-use goods and technology : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5269,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/46","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT NEGOTIATIONS","descr":"Taking forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5270,"session":68,"importantvote":1,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/51","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS--ELIMINATION","descr":"United action towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5271,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/56","short":"CONVENTIONAL ARMS--REGIONAL PROGRAMMES","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5272,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/58","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE--TREATY (DRAFT)","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5273,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/65","short":"NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION--MIDDLE EAST","descr":"The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5274,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/68","short":"NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS--TREATY","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5275,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-05","unres":"R/68/47","short":"NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT","descr":"Nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5276,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-09","unres":"R/68/70","short":"LAW OF THE SEA","descr":"Oceans and the law of the sea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5277,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-11","unres":"R/68/88","short":"NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES--ECONOMIC INTERESTS","descr":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5278,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-11","unres":"R/68/97","short":"DECOLONIZATION","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5279,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-11","unres":"R/68/96","short":"DECOLONIZATION","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5280,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-11","unres":"R/68/89","short":"DECOLONIZATION--UN SYSTEM","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5281,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-11","unres":"R/68/83","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5282,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-11","unres":"R/68/82","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5283,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-11","unres":"R/68/81","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5284,"session":68,"importantvote":1,"date":"2013-12-11","unres":"R/68/80","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5285,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-11","unres":"R/68/76","short":"UNRWA--ACTIVITIES","descr":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5286,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-11","unres":"R/68/79","short":"UNRWA--ACTIVITIES","descr":"Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5287,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-11","unres":"R/68/84","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS","descr":"The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5288,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-11","unres":"R/68/87","short":"NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES--REPORTS","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5289,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-11","unres":"R/68/78","short":"UNRWA--ACTIVITIES","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5290,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-11","unres":"R/68/77","short":"UNRWA--ACTIVITIES","descr":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5291,"session":68,"importantvote":1,"date":"2013-12-18","unres":"R/68/182","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5292,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-18","unres":"R/68/175","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5293,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-18","unres":"R/68/168","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5294,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-18","unres":"R/68/161","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Promotion of equitable geographical distribution in the membership of the human rights treaty bodies : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5295,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-18","unres":"R/68/162","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5296,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-18","unres":"R/68/158","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"The right to development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5297,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-18","unres":"R/68/159","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"Human rights and cultural diversity : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5298,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-18","unres":"R/68/154","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES","descr":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5299,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-18","unres":"R/68/152","short":"SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5300,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-18","unres":"R/68/151","short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION--ELIMINATION","descr":"Global efforts for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5301,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-18","unres":"R/68/150","short":"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION--ELIMINATION","descr":"Combating glorification of Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5302,"session":68,"importantvote":1,"date":"2013-12-18","unres":"R/68/144","short":"UN. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL--REPORTS","descr":"Report of the Human Rights Council : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5303,"session":68,"importantvote":1,"date":"2013-12-18","unres":"R/68/184","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5304,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-20","unres":"R/68/200","short":"INTERNATIONAL TRADE","descr":"Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5305,"session":68,"importantvote":1,"date":"2013-12-20","unres":"R/68/209","short":"SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT","descr":"Agricultural technology for development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5306,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-20","unres":"R/68/235","short":"TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--NATURAL RESOURCES","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5307,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-20","unres":"R/68/206","short":"SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT","descr":"Oil slick on Lebanese shores : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5308,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2013-12-27","unres":"R/68/241","short":"HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT","descr":"United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5309,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-03-27","unres":"R/68/262","short":"ARMED CONFLICTS PREVENTION--MEDIATION","descr":"Territorial integrity of Ukraine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5310,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-06-05","unres":"R/68/274","short":"ORGANIZATION FOR DEMOCRACY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT--GUAM","descr":"Status of internally displaced persons and refugees from Abkhazia, Georgia, and the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia, Georgia : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5311,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-06-30","unres":"R/68/292","short":"UN INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON--FINANCING","descr":"Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5312,"session":68,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-09-09","unres":"R/68/304","short":"UN CONFERENCES--FOLLOW-UP","descr":"Towards the establishment of a multilateral legal framework for sovereign debt restructuring processes : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5313,"session":69,"importantvote":1,"date":"2014-10-28","unres":"R/69/5","short":"","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5314,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-11-11","unres":"R/69/14","short":"","descr":"Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5315,"session":69,"importantvote":1,"date":"2014-11-25","unres":"R/69/20","short":"","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5316,"session":69,"importantvote":1,"date":"2014-11-25","unres":"R/69/21","short":"","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5317,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-11-25","unres":"R/69/22","short":"","descr":"Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5318,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-11-25","unres":"R/69/23","short":"","descr":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5319,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-11-25","unres":"R/69/24","short":"","descr":"Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5320,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-11-25","unres":"R/69/25","short":"","descr":"The Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5321,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/27","short":"","descr":"Prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons : report of the Conference on Disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5322,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/30","short":"","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5323,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/31","short":"","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5324,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/32","short":"","descr":"No first placement of weapons in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5325,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/34","short":"","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5326,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/35","short":"","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5327,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/37","short":"","descr":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world : accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5328,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/40","short":"","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5329,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/41","short":"","descr":"Taking forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5330,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/42","short":"","descr":"Decreasing the operational readiness of nuclear weapons systems : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5331,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/43","short":"","descr":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5332,"session":69,"importantvote":1,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/44","short":"","descr":"The Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5333,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/47","short":"","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5334,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/48","short":"","descr":"Nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5335,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/49","short":"","descr":"The Arms Trade Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5336,"session":69,"importantvote":1,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/52","short":"","descr":"United action towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5337,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/53","short":"","descr":"Measures to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5338,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/54","short":"","descr":"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5339,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/57","short":"","descr":"Effects of the use of armaments and ammunitions containing depleted uranium : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5340,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/58","short":"","descr":"Follow-up to the 2013 High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5341,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/59","short":"","descr":"Compliance with non-proliferation, arms limitation and disarmament agreements and commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5342,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/61","short":"","descr":"Women, disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5343,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/62","short":"","descr":"Preventing and combating illicit brokering activities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5344,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/66","short":"","descr":"Third Conference of States Parties and Signatories to Treaties that Establish Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones and Mongolia, 2015 : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5345,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/67","short":"","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5346,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/69","short":"","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5347,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/78","short":"","descr":"The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5348,"session":69,"importantvote":1,"date":"2014-12-02","unres":"R/69/81","short":"","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5349,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-05","unres":"R/69/106","short":"","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5350,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-05","unres":"R/69/107","short":"","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5351,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-05","unres":"R/69/86","short":"","descr":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5352,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-05","unres":"R/69/87","short":"","descr":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5353,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-05","unres":"R/69/88","short":"","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5354,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-05","unres":"R/69/89","short":"","descr":"Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5355,"session":69,"importantvote":1,"date":"2014-12-05","unres":"R/69/90","short":"","descr":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5356,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-05","unres":"R/69/91","short":"","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5357,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-05","unres":"R/69/92","short":"","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5358,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-05","unres":"R/69/93","short":"","descr":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5359,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-05","unres":"R/69/94","short":"","descr":"The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5360,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-05","unres":"R/69/97","short":"","descr":"Information from Non Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5361,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-05","unres":"R/69/98","short":"","descr":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non Self-Governing Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5362,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-05","unres":"R/69/99","short":"","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5363,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-18","unres":"R/69/155","short":"","descr":"Report of the Human Rights Council : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5364,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-18","unres":"R/69/160","short":"","descr":"Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5365,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-18","unres":"R/69/162","short":"","descr":"A global call for concrete action for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5366,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-18","unres":"R/69/163","short":"","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5367,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-18","unres":"R/69/165","short":"","descr":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5368,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-18","unres":"R/69/170","short":"","descr":"International Albinism Awareness Day : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5369,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-18","unres":"R/69/171","short":"","descr":"United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5370,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-18","unres":"R/69/173","short":"","descr":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5371,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-18","unres":"R/69/176","short":"","descr":"Promotion of peace as a vital requirement for the full enjoyment of all human rights by all : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5372,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-18","unres":"R/69/178","short":"","descr":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5373,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-18","unres":"R/69/180","short":"","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5374,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-18","unres":"R/69/181","short":"","descr":"The right to development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5375,"session":69,"importantvote":1,"date":"2014-12-18","unres":"R/69/182","short":"","descr":"Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5376,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-18","unres":"R/69/186","short":"","descr":"Moratorium on the use of the death penalty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5377,"session":69,"importantvote":1,"date":"2014-12-18","unres":"R/69/188","short":"","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5378,"session":69,"importantvote":1,"date":"2014-12-18","unres":"R/69/189","short":"","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5379,"session":69,"importantvote":1,"date":"2014-12-18","unres":"R/69/190","short":"","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5380,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-19","unres":"R/69/207","short":"","descr":"External debt sustainability and development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5381,"session":69,"importantvote":1,"date":"2014-12-19","unres":"R/69/210","short":"","descr":"Entrepreneurship for development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5382,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-19","unres":"R/69/212","short":"","descr":"Oil slick on Lebanese shores : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5383,"session":69,"importantvote":1,"date":"2014-12-19","unres":"R/69/227","short":"","descr":"Towards a new international economic order : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5384,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-19","unres":"R/69/238","short":"","descr":"Operational activities for development of the United Nations system : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5385,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-19","unres":"R/69/239","short":"","descr":"South-South cooperation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5386,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-19","unres":"R/69/241","short":"","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5387,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-29","unres":"R/69/245","short":"","descr":"Oceans and law of the sea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5388,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2014-12-29","unres":"R/69/247","short":"","descr":"Modalities for the implementation of resolution 68/304, entitled \"Towards the establishment of a multilateral legal framework for sovereign debt restructuring processes\" : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5389,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-06-03","unres":"R/69/286","short":"","descr":"Status of internally displaced persons and refugees from Abkhazia, Georgia, and the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia, Georgia : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5390,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-06-25","unres":"R/69/302","short":"","descr":"Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5391,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-09-10","unres":"R/69/319","short":"","descr":"Basic Principles on Sovereign Debt Restructuring Processes : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5392,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-09-10","unres":"R/69/320","short":"","descr":"Raising the flags of non-member observer States at the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5393,"session":69,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-09-11","unres":"R/69/326","short":"","descr":"Venue of annual sessions of the Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme/United Nations Population Fund/United Nations Office for Project Services : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5394,"session":70,"importantvote":1,"date":"2015-10-27","unres":"R/70/5","short":"","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5395,"session":70,"importantvote":1,"date":"2015-11-17","unres":"R/70/10","short":"","descr":"Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5396,"session":70,"importantvote":1,"date":"2015-11-24","unres":"R/70/12","short":"","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5397,"session":70,"importantvote":1,"date":"2015-11-24","unres":"R/70/13","short":"","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5398,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-11-24","unres":"R/70/14","short":"","descr":"Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5399,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-11-24","unres":"R/70/15","short":"","descr":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5400,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-11-24","unres":"R/70/16","short":"","descr":"Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5401,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-11-24","unres":"R/70/17","short":"","descr":"The Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5402,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/22","short":"","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5403,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/25","short":"","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5404,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/26","short":"","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space"} {"rcid":5405,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/27","short":"","descr":"No first placement of weapons in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5406,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/28","short":"","descr":"2020 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and its Preparatory Committee : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5407,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/31","short":"","descr":"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5408,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/33","short":"","descr":"Taking forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5409,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/34","short":"","descr":"Follow-up to the 2013 High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5410,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/37","short":"","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5411,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/38","short":"","descr":"Follow-up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at the 1995, 2000 and 2010 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5412,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/39","short":"","descr":"Treaty Banning the Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5413,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/40","short":"","descr":"United action with renewed determination towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5414,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/41","short":"","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5415,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/44","short":"","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5416,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/45","short":"","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5417,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/47","short":"","descr":"Humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5418,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/48","short":"","descr":"Humanitarian pledge for the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5419,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/50","short":"","descr":"Ethical imperatives for a nuclear-weapon-free world : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5420,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/51","short":"","descr":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world : accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5421,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/52","short":"","descr":"Nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5422,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/54","short":"","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5423,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/55","short":"","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5424,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/56","short":"","descr":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5425,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/57","short":"","descr":"Universal Declaration on the Achievement of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5426,"session":70,"importantvote":1,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/58","short":"","descr":"The Arms Trade Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5427,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/62","short":"","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5428,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/70","short":"","descr":"The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5429,"session":70,"importantvote":1,"date":"2015-12-07","unres":"R/70/73","short":"","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5430,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-09","unres":"R/70/103","short":"","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5431,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-09","unres":"R/70/83","short":"","descr":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5432,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-09","unres":"R/70/84","short":"","descr":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5433,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-09","unres":"R/70/85","short":"","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5434,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-09","unres":"R/70/86","short":"","descr":"Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5435,"session":70,"importantvote":1,"date":"2015-12-09","unres":"R/70/87","short":"","descr":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5436,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-09","unres":"R/70/88","short":"","descr":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5437,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-09","unres":"R/70/89","short":"","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5438,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-09","unres":"R/70/90","short":"","descr":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5439,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-09","unres":"R/70/91","short":"","descr":"The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5440,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-09","unres":"R/70/94","short":"","descr":"Information from Non Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5441,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-09","unres":"R/70/95","short":"","descr":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non Self-Governing Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5442,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-09","unres":"R/70/96","short":"","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5443,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-17","unres":"R/70/136","short":"","descr":"Report of the Human Rights Council : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5444,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-17","unres":"R/70/137","short":"","descr":"Rights of the child : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5445,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-17","unres":"R/70/139","short":"","descr":"Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5446,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-17","unres":"R/70/140","short":"","descr":"A global call for concrete action for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5447,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-17","unres":"R/70/141","short":"","descr":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5448,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-17","unres":"R/70/142","short":"","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5449,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-17","unres":"R/70/149","short":"","descr":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5450,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-17","unres":"R/70/151","short":"","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5451,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-17","unres":"R/70/152","short":"","descr":"Promotion of equitable geographical distribution in the membership of the human rights treaty bodies : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5452,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-17","unres":"R/70/155","short":"","descr":"The right to development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5453,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-17","unres":"R/70/156","short":"","descr":"Human rights and cultural diversity : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5454,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-17","unres":"R/70/159","short":"","descr":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5455,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-17","unres":"R/70/161","short":"","descr":"Human rights defenders in the context of the Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5456,"session":70,"importantvote":1,"date":"2015-12-17","unres":"R/70/168","short":"","descr":"Strengthening the role of the United Nations in enhancing periodic and genuine elections and the promotion of democratization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5457,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-17","unres":"R/70/171","short":"","descr":"United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5458,"session":70,"importantvote":1,"date":"2015-12-17","unres":"R/70/172","short":"","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5459,"session":70,"importantvote":1,"date":"2015-12-17","unres":"R/70/173","short":"","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5460,"session":70,"importantvote":1,"date":"2015-12-22","unres":"R/70/185","short":"","descr":"Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5461,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-22","unres":"R/70/194","short":"","descr":"Oil slick on Lebanese shores : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5462,"session":70,"importantvote":1,"date":"2015-12-22","unres":"R/70/198","short":"","descr":"Agricultural technology for sustainable development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5463,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-22","unres":"R/70/225","short":"","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5464,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-23","unres":"R/70/231","short":"","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5465,"session":70,"importantvote":1,"date":"2015-12-23","unres":"R/70/234","short":"","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5466,"session":70,"importantvote":0,"date":"2015-12-23","unres":"R/70/235","short":"","descr":"Oceans and the law of the sea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly"} {"rcid":5467,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-10-26","unres":"A/RES/71/5","short":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 39 - Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba. - CUBA--UNITED STATES"} {"rcid":5468,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-11-21","unres":"A/RES/71/11","short":"Cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 126d - Cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States. - LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES--UN"} {"rcid":5469,"session":71,"importantvote":1,"date":"2016-11-30","unres":"A/RES/71/20","short":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 35 - Question of Palestine. - PALESTINE QUESTION"} {"rcid":5470,"session":71,"importantvote":1,"date":"2016-11-30","unres":"A/RES/71/21","short":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 35 - Question of Palestine. - PALESTINE QUESTION"} {"rcid":5471,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-11-30","unres":"A/RES/71/22","short":"Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 35 - Question of Palestine. - PALESTINE QUESTION"} {"rcid":5472,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-11-30","unres":"A/RES/71/23","short":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 35 - Question of Palestine. - PALESTINE QUESTION"} {"rcid":5473,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-11-30","unres":"A/RES/71/24","short":"The Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 34 - The situation in the Middle East. - MIDDLE EAST SITUATION"} {"rcid":5474,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-11-30","unres":"A/RES/71/25","short":"Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 34 - The situation in the Middle East. - MIDDLE EAST SITUATION"} {"rcid":5475,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-19","unres":"A/RES/71/174","short":"Report of the Human Rights Council : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 63 - Report of the Human Rights Council. - UN. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL--REPORTS"} {"rcid":5476,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-19","unres":"A/RES/71/179","short":"Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 66a - Elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. - RACIAL DISCRIMINATION--ELIMINATION"} {"rcid":5477,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-19","unres":"A/RES/71/181","short":"A global call for concrete action for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 66b - Comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action. - RACIAL DISCRIMINATION--PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION"} {"rcid":5478,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-19","unres":"A/RES/71/182","short":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 67 - Right of peoples to self-determination. - SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES"} {"rcid":5479,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-19","unres":"A/RES/71/184","short":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 67 - Right of peoples to self-determination. - SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES"} {"rcid":5480,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-19","unres":"A/RES/71/187","short":"Moratorium on the use of the death penalty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 68b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/71/251 68b[1] - CAPITAL PUNISHMENT"} {"rcid":5481,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-19","unres":"A/RES/71/189","short":"Declaration on the Right to Peace : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 68b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT"} {"rcid":5482,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-19","unres":"A/RES/71/190","short":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 68b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/71/251 68b[31] - DEMOCRACY"} {"rcid":5483,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-19","unres":"A/RES/71/192","short":"The right to development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 68b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/71/251 68b[11] - RIGHT TO DEVELOPMENT"} {"rcid":5484,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-19","unres":"A/RES/71/193","short":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 68b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/71/251 68b[12] - SANCTIONS--INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS"} {"rcid":5485,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-19","unres":"A/RES/71/197","short":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 68b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/71/251 68b[6] - GLOBALIZATION--HUMAN RIGHTS"} {"rcid":5486,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-19","unres":"A/RES/71/198","short":"Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 68b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/71/251 68b[13] - SUMMARY EXECUTIONS"} {"rcid":5487,"session":71,"importantvote":1,"date":"2016-12-19","unres":"A/RES/71/203","short":"Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 68c - Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives. - HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS"} {"rcid":5488,"session":71,"importantvote":1,"date":"2016-12-19","unres":"A/RES/71/204","short":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 68c - Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives. - HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS"} {"rcid":5489,"session":71,"importantvote":1,"date":"2016-12-19","unres":"A/RES/71/205","short":"Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Ukraine) : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 68c - Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives. - HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS"} {"rcid":5490,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-21","unres":"A/RES/71/218","short":"Oil slick on Lebanese shores : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 19 - Sustainable development. - SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT"} {"rcid":5491,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-21","unres":"A/RES/71/221","short":"Entrepreneurship for sustainable development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 19 - Sustainable development. - SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT"} {"rcid":5492,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-21","unres":"A/RES/71/223","short":"Implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development and of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 19a - Implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development and of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. - AGENDA 21--PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION"} {"rcid":5493,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-21","unres":"A/RES/71/236","short":"Towards a new international economic order : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 21a - Globalization and interdependence. - GLOBALIZATION--INTERDEPENDENCE"} {"rcid":5494,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-21","unres":"A/RES/71/247","short":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 59 - Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources. - TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--NATURAL RESOURCES"} {"rcid":5495,"session":71,"importantvote":1,"date":"2016-12-21","unres":"A/RES/71/248","short":"International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism to Assist in the Investigation and Prosecution of Persons Responsible for the Most Serious Crimes under International Law Committed in the Syrian Arab Republic since March 2011 : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 31 - Prevention of armed conflict. - ARMED CONFLICTS PREVENTION"} {"rcid":5496,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-22","unres":"A/RES/71/250","short":"Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 126n - Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. - ORGANIZATION FOR THE PROHIBITION OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS--UN"} {"rcid":5497,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-23","unres":"A/RES/71/257","short":"Oceans and the law of the sea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 73a - Oceans and the law of the sea. - LAW OF THE SEA"} {"rcid":5498,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-23","unres":"A/RES/71/258","short":"Taking forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98kk - Taking forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations. - NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT NEGOTIATIONS"} {"rcid":5499,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-23","unres":"A/RES/71/259","short":"Treaty banning the Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98a - Treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. - FISSIONABLE MATERIALS--TREATY (PROPOSED)"} {"rcid":5500,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/28","short":"Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 93 - Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security. - INFORMATION--INTERNATIONAL SECURITY"} {"rcid":5501,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/30","short":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 95 - Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons. - NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES--SECURITY"} {"rcid":5502,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/31","short":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 96a - Prevention of an arms race in outer space. - ARMS RACE--OUTER SPACE"} {"rcid":5503,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/32","short":"No first placement of weapons in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 96b - No first placement of weapons in outer space. - WEAPONS--OUTER SPACE"} {"rcid":5504,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/33","short":"The Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98bb - The Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation. - BALLISTIC MISSILES--CODES OF CONDUCT"} {"rcid":5505,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/34","short":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98p - Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction. - LANDMINES--TREATIES (1997)"} {"rcid":5506,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/36","short":"Preventing and combating illicit brokering activities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98ii - Preventing and combating illicit brokering activities. - ILLICIT TRAFFIC"} {"rcid":5507,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/37","short":"Reducing nuclear danger : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98s - Reducing nuclear danger. - NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION"} {"rcid":5508,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/41","short":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98h - Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels. - CONVENTIONAL ARMS--REGIONAL PROGRAMMES"} {"rcid":5509,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/44","short":"Transparency in armaments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98g - Transparency in armaments. - ARMS TRANSFERS--TRANSPARENCY"} {"rcid":5510,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/45","short":"Implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98qq - Implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions. - CLUSTER MUNITIONS"} {"rcid":5511,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/46","short":"Humanitarian Consequences of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98nn - Humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons. - NUCLEAR WEAPONS--HUMANITARIAN CONSEQUENCES"} {"rcid":5512,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/47","short":"Humanitarian Pledge for the Prohibition and Elimination of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98oo - Humanitarian pledge for the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons. - NUCLEAR WEAPONS--HUMANITARIAN PLEDGE"} {"rcid":5513,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/49","short":"United action with renewed determination towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98hh - United action with renewed determination towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons. - NUCLEAR WEAPONS--ELIMINATION"} {"rcid":5514,"session":71,"importantvote":1,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/50","short":"The Arms Trade Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98ff - The Arms Trade Treaty. - ARMS TRANSFERS--INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS"} {"rcid":5515,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/51","short":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98j - Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas. - NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE--SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE"} {"rcid":5516,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/53","short":"Decreasing the operational readiness of nuclear weapons systems : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98 - General and complete disarmament. - DISARMAMENT--GENERAL AND COMPLETE"} {"rcid":5517,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/54","short":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98u - Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments. - NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT--TREATY COMPLIANCE"} {"rcid":5518,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/55","short":"Ethical imperatives for a nuclear-weapon-free world : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98pp - Ethical imperatives for a nuclear-weapon-free world. - NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONES"} {"rcid":5519,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/58","short":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98l - Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons. - NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE--ICJ OPINION"} {"rcid":5520,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/59","short":"Measures to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98o - Measures to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol. - CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE--TREATY (1925)"} {"rcid":5521,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/61","short":"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98y - Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation. - MULTILATERALISM--DISARMAMENT"} {"rcid":5522,"session":71,"importantvote":1,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/63","short":"Nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98c - Nuclear disarmament. - NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT"} {"rcid":5523,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/67","short":"Nuclear disarmament verification : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98 - General and complete disarmament. - DISARMAMENT--GENERAL AND COMPLETE"} {"rcid":5524,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/68","short":"National legislation on transfer of arms, military equipment and dual use goods and technology : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98 - General and complete disarmament. - DISARMAMENT--GENERAL AND COMPLETE"} {"rcid":5525,"session":71,"importantvote":1,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/69","short":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98n - Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction. - CHEMICAL WEAPONS--TREATY (1993)"} {"rcid":5526,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/70","short":"Effects of the use of armaments and ammunitions containing depleted uranium : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98gg - Effects of the use of armaments and ammunitions containing depleted uranium. - DEPLETED URANIUM"} {"rcid":5527,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/71","short":"Follow-up to the 2013 High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 98ll - Follow-up to the 2013 High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament. - NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT--CONFERENCE (2013 : NEW YORK)"} {"rcid":5528,"session":71,"importantvote":1,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/75","short":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 99c - Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons. - NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE--TREATIES (DRAFT)"} {"rcid":5529,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/83","short":"The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 101 - The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. - NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION--MIDDLE EAST"} {"rcid":5530,"session":71,"importantvote":1,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"A/RES/71/86","short":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 104 - Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. - NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS--TREATY"} {"rcid":5531,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-06","unres":"A/RES/71/102","short":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 54 - Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations. - NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES--REPORTS"} {"rcid":5532,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-06","unres":"A/RES/71/103","short":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 55 - Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories. - NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES--ECONOMIC INTERESTS"} {"rcid":5533,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-06","unres":"A/RES/71/104","short":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 56 - Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations. - DECOLONIZATION--UN SYSTEM"} {"rcid":5534,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-06","unres":"A/RES/71/121","short":"Dissemination of information on decolonization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 58 - Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. - DECOLONIZATION"} {"rcid":5535,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-06","unres":"A/RES/71/122","short":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 58 - Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. - DECOLONIZATION"} {"rcid":5536,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-06","unres":"A/RES/71/91","short":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 49 - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. - UNRWA--ACTIVITIES"} {"rcid":5537,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-06","unres":"A/RES/71/92","short":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 49 - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. - UNRWA--ACTIVITIES"} {"rcid":5538,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-06","unres":"A/RES/71/93","short":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 49 - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. - UNRWA--ACTIVITIES"} {"rcid":5539,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2016-12-06","unres":"A/RES/71/94","short":"Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 49 - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. - UNRWA--ACTIVITIES"} {"rcid":5540,"session":71,"importantvote":1,"date":"2016-12-06","unres":"A/RES/71/95","short":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 50 - Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories. - TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS"} {"rcid":5545,"session":71,"importantvote":1,"date":"2016-12-09","unres":"A/RES/71/130","short":"The Situation in the Syrian Arab Republic : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 31 - Prevention of armed conflict. - ARMED CONFLICTS PREVENTION"} {"rcid":5546,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-06-01","unres":"A/RES/71/290","short":"Status of internally displaced persons and refugees from Abkhazia, Georgia, and the Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia, Georgia : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 32 - Protracted conflicts in the GUAM area and their implications for international peace, security and development. - ORGANIZATION FOR DEMOCRACY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT--GUAM"} {"rcid":5547,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-06-22","unres":"A/RES/71/292","short":"Request for an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences of the separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius 1965 : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 87 - Request for an advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences of the separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius in 1965. - CHAGOS ARCHIPELAGO--ICJ OPINION"} {"rcid":5548,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-06-30","unres":"A/RES/71/307","short":"Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/71/251 160b - United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. - UN INTERIM FORCE IN LEBANON--FINANCING"} {"rcid":5549,"session":72,"importantvote":1,"date":"2017-11-01","unres":"A/RES/72/4","short":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 42 - Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba. - CUBA--UNITED STATES"} {"rcid":5550,"session":72,"importantvote":1,"date":"2017-11-30","unres":"A/RES/72/15","short":"Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 37 - The situation in the Middle East. - MIDDLE EAST SITUATION"} {"rcid":5551,"session":72,"importantvote":1,"date":"2017-11-30","unres":"A/RES/72/14","short":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 38 - Question of Palestine. - PALESTINE QUESTION"} {"rcid":5552,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-11-30","unres":"A/RES/72/16","short":"The Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 37 - The situation in the Middle East. - MIDDLE EAST SITUATION"} {"rcid":5553,"session":72,"importantvote":1,"date":"2017-11-30","unres":"A/RES/72/13","short":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 38 - Question of Palestine. - PALESTINE QUESTION"} {"rcid":5554,"session":72,"importantvote":1,"date":"2017-11-30","unres":"A/RES/72/12","short":"Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 38 - Question of Palestine. - PALESTINE QUESTION"} {"rcid":5555,"session":72,"importantvote":1,"date":"2017-11-30","unres":"A/RES/72/11","short":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 38 - Question of Palestine. - PALESTINE QUESTION"} {"rcid":5556,"session":72,"importantvote":1,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/191","short":"Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 72c - Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives. - HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS;A/72/251 72c[9] - HUMAN RIGHTS--SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC"} {"rcid":5557,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/185","short":"Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 72b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/72/251 72b[6] - GLOBALIZATION--HUMAN RIGHTS"} {"rcid":5558,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/190","short":"Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 72c - Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives. - HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS;A/72/251 72c[12] - HUMAN RIGHTS--UKRAINE"} {"rcid":5559,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/153","short":"Report of the Human Rights Council : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 67 - Report of the Human Rights Council. - UN. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL--REPORTS"} {"rcid":5560,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/178","short":"The human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 72b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/72/251 72b[21] - RIGHT TO DRINKING WATER"} {"rcid":5561,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/168","short":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 72b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/72/251 72b[12] - SANCTIONS--INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS"} {"rcid":5562,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/141","short":"Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 27a - Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the 24th special session of the General Assembly. - SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT--CONFERENCES"} {"rcid":5563,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/157","short":"A global call for concrete action for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 70b - Comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action. - RACIAL DISCRIMINATION--PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION"} {"rcid":5564,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/156","short":"Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 70a - Elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. - RACIAL DISCRIMINATION--ELIMINATION"} {"rcid":5565,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/173","short":"The right to food : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 72b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/72/251 72b[5] - RIGHT TO FOOD"} {"rcid":5566,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/167","short":"The right to development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 72b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/72/251 72b[11] - RIGHT TO DEVELOPMENT"} {"rcid":5567,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/166","short":"United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 72b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/72/251 72b[29] - HUMAN RIGHTS INSTITUTIONS--SOUTHWEST ASIA AND ARAB COUNTRIES"} {"rcid":5568,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/172","short":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 72b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/72/251 72b[31] - DEMOCRACY"} {"rcid":5569,"session":72,"importantvote":1,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/164","short":"Strengthening the role of the United Nations in enhancing periodic and genuine elections and the promotion of democratization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 72b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/72/251 72b[20] - ELECTION VERIFICATION--UN"} {"rcid":5570,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/170","short":"Human rights and cultural diversity : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 72b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/72/251 72b[30] - RIGHT TO CULTURE"} {"rcid":5571,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/158","short":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 71 - Right of peoples to self-determination. - SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES"} {"rcid":5572,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/174","short":"Promotion of equitable geographical distribution in the membership of the human rights treaty bodies : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 72b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT"} {"rcid":5573,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/160","short":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 71 - Right of peoples to self-determination. - SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES"} {"rcid":5574,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/162","short":"Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol thereto : situation of women and girls with disabilities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 72a - Implementation of human rights instruments. - HUMAN RIGHTS--TREATIES--IMPLEMENTATION"} {"rcid":5575,"session":72,"importantvote":1,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"A/RES/72/189","short":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 72c - Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives. - HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS;A/72/251 72c[6] - HUMAN RIGHTS--IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)"} {"rcid":5576,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-20","unres":"A/RES/72/240","short":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 63 - Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources. - TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--NATURAL RESOURCES"} {"rcid":5577,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-20","unres":"A/RES/72/224","short":"Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 19i - Ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. - RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES"} {"rcid":5578,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-20","unres":"A/RES/72/227","short":"Role of the United Nations in promoting development in the context of globalization and interdependence : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 21a - Role of the United Nations in promoting development in the context of globalization and interdependence. - GLOBALIZATION--UN"} {"rcid":5579,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-20","unres":"A/RES/72/209","short":"Oil slick on Lebanese shores : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 19 - Sustainable development. - SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT"} {"rcid":5580,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-20","unres":"A/RES/72/205","short":"Commodities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 17d - Commodities. - COMMODITIES"} {"rcid":5581,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-20","unres":"A/RES/72/238","short":"Agriculture development, food security and nutrition : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 25 - Agriculture development, food security and nutrition. - FOOD SECURITY"} {"rcid":5582,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-20","unres":"A/RES/72/203","short":"International financial system and development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 17b - International financial system and development. - DEVELOPMENT FINANCE"} {"rcid":5583,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-20","unres":"A/RES/72/202","short":"International trade and development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 17a - International trade and development. - INTERNATIONAL TRADE"} {"rcid":5584,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-20","unres":"A/RES/72/216","short":"Implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21, and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development and of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 19a - Implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development and of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. - AGENDA 21--PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION"} {"rcid":5585,"session":72,"importantvote":1,"date":"2017-12-20","unres":"A/RES/72/215","short":"Agricultural technology for sustainable development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 19 - Sustainable development. - SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT"} {"rcid":5586,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-20","unres":"A/RES/72/201","short":"Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 17a - International trade and development. - INTERNATIONAL TRADE"} {"rcid":5587,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-20","unres":"A/RES/72/229","short":"Culture and sustainable development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 21c - Culture and sustainable development. - CULTURE--DEVELOPMENT"} {"rcid":5588,"session":72,"importantvote":1,"date":"2017-12-21","unres":"A/RES/ES-10/19","short":"Status of Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/RES/ES-10/19, Status of Jerusalem"} {"rcid":5589,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-24","unres":"A/RES/72/246","short":"Effects of terrorism on the enjoyment of human rights : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 72b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT"} {"rcid":5590,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-24","unres":"A/RES/72/250","short":"Further practical measures for the prevention of an arms race in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 97a - Prevention of an arms race in outer space. - ARMS RACE--OUTER SPACE"} {"rcid":5591,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-24","unres":"A/RES/72/245","short":"Rights of the child : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 68a - Promotion and protection of the rights of children. - RIGHTS OF THE CHILD"} {"rcid":5592,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-24","unres":"A/RES/72/251","short":"Follow-up to the 2013 high-level meeting of the General Assembly on nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99 - General and complete disarmament. - DISARMAMENT--GENERAL AND COMPLETE"} {"rcid":5593,"session":72,"importantvote":1,"date":"2017-12-24","unres":"A/RES/72/248","short":"Situation of human rights in Myanmar : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 72c - Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives. - HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS"} {"rcid":5594,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/29","short":"Follow-up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at the 1995, 2000 and 2010 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99w - Follow-up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at the 1995, 2000 and 2010 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. - NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION--INTERNATIONAL OBLIGATIONS"} {"rcid":5595,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/38","short":"Nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99b - Nuclear disarmament. - NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT"} {"rcid":5596,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/39","short":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world : accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99q - Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments. - NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT--TREATY COMPLIANCE"} {"rcid":5597,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/49","short":"Convening of the 4th special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99h - Convening of the 4th special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament. - DISARMAMENT--UN. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (4TH SPECIAL SESS. ON DISARMAMENT : ####)"} {"rcid":5598,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/48","short":"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99r - Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation. - MULTILATERALISM--DISARMAMENT"} {"rcid":5599,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/58","short":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99k - Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons. - NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE--ICJ OPINION"} {"rcid":5600,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/70","short":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 105 - Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. - NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS--TREATY"} {"rcid":5601,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/59","short":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 100a - Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons. - NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE--TREATIES (DRAFT)"} {"rcid":5602,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/67","short":"The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 102 - The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. - NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION--MIDDLE EAST"} {"rcid":5603,"session":72,"importantvote":1,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/43","short":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99l - Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction. - CHEMICAL WEAPONS--TREATY (1993)"} {"rcid":5604,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/54","short":"Implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99hh - Implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions. - CLUSTER MUNITIONS"} {"rcid":5605,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/41","short":"Reducing nuclear danger : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99o - Reducing nuclear danger. - NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION"} {"rcid":5606,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/45","short":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99i - Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas. - NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONE--SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE"} {"rcid":5607,"session":72,"importantvote":1,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/50","short":"United action with renewed determination towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99z - United action with renewed determination towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons. - NUCLEAR WEAPONS--ELIMINATION"} {"rcid":5608,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/44","short":"The Arms Trade Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99x - The Arms Trade Treaty. - ARMS TRANSFERS--INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS"} {"rcid":5609,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/53","short":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99m - Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction. - LANDMINES--TREATIES (1997)"} {"rcid":5610,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/21","short":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 91 - Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace. - ZONE OF PEACE--INDIAN OCEAN"} {"rcid":5611,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/35","short":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99g - Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels. - CONVENTIONAL ARMS--REGIONAL PROGRAMMES"} {"rcid":5612,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/23","short":"Prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons : report of the Conference on Disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 93 - Prohibition of the development and manufacture of new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons : report of the Conference on Disarmament. - WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION"} {"rcid":5613,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/37","short":"Ethical imperatives for a nuclear-weapon-free world : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99gg - Ethical imperatives for a nuclear-weapon-free world. - NUCLEAR-WEAPON-FREE ZONES"} {"rcid":5614,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/26","short":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 97a - Prevention of an arms race in outer space. - ARMS RACE--OUTER SPACE"} {"rcid":5615,"session":72,"importantvote":1,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/32","short":"Compliance with non-proliferation, arms limitation and disarmament agreements and commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99aa - Compliance with non-proliferation, arms limitation and disarmament agreements and commitments. - NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION--TREATY COMPLIANCE"} {"rcid":5616,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/27","short":"No first placement of weapons in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 97b - No first placement of weapons in outer space. - WEAPONS--OUTER SPACE"} {"rcid":5617,"session":72,"importantvote":1,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/31","short":"Taking forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99bb - Taking forward multilateral nuclear disarmament negotiations. - NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT NEGOTIATIONS"} {"rcid":5618,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/25","short":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 96 - Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons. - NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES--SECURITY"} {"rcid":5619,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"A/RES/72/30","short":"Humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 99ee - Humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons. - NUCLEAR WEAPONS--HUMANITARIAN CONSEQUENCES"} {"rcid":5620,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-05","unres":"A/RES/72/73","short":"Oceans and the law of the sea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 77a - Oceans and the law of the sea. - LAW OF THE SEA"} {"rcid":5621,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-05","unres":"A/RES/72/72","short":"Sustainable fisheries, including through the 1995 Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, and related instruments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 77b - Sustainable fisheries, including through the 1995 Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks, and related instruments. - STRADDLING FISH STOCKS"} {"rcid":5622,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-06","unres":"A/RES/72/74","short":"Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 176 - Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and other organizations : cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. - ORGANIZATION OF ISLAMIC COOPERATION--UN"} {"rcid":5623,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-07","unres":"A/RES/72/88","short":"The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 54 - Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories. - TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS"} {"rcid":5624,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-07","unres":"A/RES/72/80","short":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 53 - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. - UNRWA--ACTIVITIES"} {"rcid":5625,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-07","unres":"A/RES/72/81","short":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 53 - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. - UNRWA--ACTIVITIES"} {"rcid":5626,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-07","unres":"A/RES/72/83","short":"Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 53 - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. - UNRWA--ACTIVITIES"} {"rcid":5627,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-07","unres":"A/RES/72/82","short":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 53 - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. - UNRWA--ACTIVITIES"} {"rcid":5628,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-07","unres":"A/RES/72/86","short":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 54 - Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories. - TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS"} {"rcid":5629,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-07","unres":"A/RES/72/92","short":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self Governing Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 59 - Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories. - NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES--ECONOMIC INTERESTS"} {"rcid":5630,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-07","unres":"A/RES/72/93","short":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 60 - Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations. - DECOLONIZATION--UN SYSTEM"} {"rcid":5631,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-07","unres":"A/RES/72/87","short":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 54 - Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories. - TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS"} {"rcid":5632,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-07","unres":"A/RES/72/91","short":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 58 - Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations. - NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES--REPORTS"} {"rcid":5633,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-07","unres":"A/RES/72/85","short":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 54 - Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories. - TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS"} {"rcid":5634,"session":72,"importantvote":1,"date":"2017-12-07","unres":"A/RES/72/84","short":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 54 - Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories. - TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS"} {"rcid":5635,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-07","unres":"A/RES/72/110","short":"Dissemination of information on decolonization : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 62 - Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. - DECOLONIZATION"} {"rcid":5636,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-07","unres":"A/RES/72/111","short":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 62 - Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. - DECOLONIZATION"} {"rcid":5637,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-07","unres":"A/RES/72/102","short":"Question of Guam : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 62 - Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. - DECOLONIZATION;A/72/251 62[7] - GUAM QUESTION"} {"rcid":5638,"session":72,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-12-08","unres":"A/RES/72/129","short":"Moderation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/72/251 15 - Culture of peace. - PEACE"} {"rcid":5639,"session":71,"importantvote":0,"date":"2017-09-11","unres":"A/RES/71/327","short":"The United Nations in global economic governance","descr":"A/71/251 123b - Central role of the United Nations system in global governance. - UN SYSTEM--GOVERNANCE"} {"rcid":5640,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-01","unres":"R/54/54D","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution C is entitled_Prohibition of the dumping of radioactive wastes. The First Committee adopted draft resolution C without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes todo likewise? Draft resolution C was adopted (resolution 54/54 C). The Acting President: Draft resolution D is entitled_Nuclear disarmament with a view to the ultimate 10 69th plenary meeting 1 December 1999 elimination of nuclear weapons. Separate votes have been requested on the second preambular paragraph and on operative paragraphs 1 and 9 of draft resolution D. If there is no objection to that request, I shall first put to the vote the second preambular paragraph of draft resolution D. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5641,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-01","unres":"R/54/54D","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 1, on which a separate vote has beenrequested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5642,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-01","unres":"R/54/54D","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 9, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5643,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-01","unres":"R/54/54G","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution G is entitled_Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: the need for a newagenda. Separate votes have been requested on operativeparagraphs 7 and 18 of draft resolution G. As there is no objection to those requests, I shallput to the vote operative paragraph 7 of draft resolutionon which a separate vote has been requested. A recordedvote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5644,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-01","unres":"R/54/54G","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 18 of draft resolution G, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. 13General Assembly Fifty-fourth session A"} {"rcid":5645,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-01","unres":"R/54/54I","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution H is entitled_Consolidation of peace through practical disarmament measures. The First Committee adopted draft resolutionwithout a vote. May I take it that the General Assemblywishes to do likewise? Draft resolution H was adopted (resolution 54/54 H). The Acting President: Draft resolution I is entitled_Transparency in armaments. Separate votes have been requested on the eighth preambular paragraph and on operative paragraph 4 (b) of draft resolution I. As there is no objection to those requests, I shallput to the vote the eighth preambular paragraph of draft resolution I, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5646,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-01","unres":"R/54/54I","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 4 (b) of draft resolution I, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5647,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-01","unres":"R/54/54L","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution L is entitled _Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas. Separate votes have been requested on the words _and South Asia at the end of operative paragraph 3 and on operative paragraph 3 of draft resolution L. of As there are no objections to these requests, I shall first put to the vote the words _and South Asia at the end of operative paragraph 3 of draft resolution L. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5648,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-01","unres":"R/54/54L","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 3 as a whole. A recorded vote has beenrequested. A"} {"rcid":5649,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-01","unres":"R/54/54O","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution N is entitled _Regional disarmament. The First Committee adopted draft resolution N without a vote. May I take it that the General Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution N was adopted (resolution 54/54 N). 19General Assembly Fifty-fourth session The Acting President: Draft resolution O is entitled_Transparency in armaments. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraphs 4 (b) and 6 of draft resolution O. If there areobjections to this request, I shall first put to the voteoperative paragraph 4 (b). A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5650,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-01","unres":"R/54/54O","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 6. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5651,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-01","unres":"R/54/54Q","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: As announced earlier, action on draft resolution Q will be taken at a later date to beannounced. Draft resolution R is entitled _Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice onLegality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 1 and on operative paragraph 2 of draft resolution R. If there is no objection to this request, I shall firstto the vote operative paragraph 1 of draft resolution R,which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5652,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-01","unres":"R/54/54Q","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 2 of draft resolution R, on which a separate vote has been requested. General Assembly Fifty-fourth session A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5653,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-15","unres":"R/54/117","amend":1,"descr":"The President: We have heard the last speaker in explanation of vote before the voting. The Assembly will now take a decision on draft resolution A/54/L.64 and on the amendment thereto, contained in document A/54/L.65. In accordance with rule14 80th plenary meeting 15 December 1999 90 of the rules of procedure, the amendment is voted on first. The Assembly will therefore take a decision first on the amendment circulated in document A/54/L.65. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5654,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-15","unres":"R/54/54V","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The report of the Fifth Committee on the programme budget implications of draft resolution Q is contained in document A/54/663. May I remind members that under paragraph 7 of decision 34/401 the Assembly agreed that 15General Assembly Fifty-fourth session _When the same draft resolution is considered a Main Committee and in plenary meeting, a delegation should, as far as possible, explain its only once, i.e., either in the Committee or in plenary meeting unless that delegation<90>s vote in plenary meeting is different from its vote in the Committee. May I remind delegations too that, also in accordancewith General Assembly decision 34/401, explanations of vote are limited to 10 minutes and should be made by delegations from their seats. Before we take action on draft resolution Q, I shouldlike to advise representatives that we are going to proceedto take a decision in the same manner as was done in theCommittee, unless the Secretariat is notified otherwiseadvance. This means that where a recorded or separate votewas taken in the Committee, the General Assembly will do the same. The Assembly will now take a decision on draft resolution Q, entitled _Small arms. A separate vote hasbeen requested on the eighth preambular paragraph of draftresolution Q. If there are no objections to this request,shall first put to the vote the eighth preambular paragraphof draft resolution Q. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5655,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-17","unres":"R/54/173","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution XVIII is entitled _Strengthening the role of the United Nations in enhancing the effectiveness of the principle of periodic and genuine elections and the promotion of democratization. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 8 of draft resolution XVIII. I see no objection to that request. I shall therefore first put to the vote operative paragraph 8. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5656,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-17","unres":"R/54/175","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution XIX is entitled _Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights. The Third Committee adopted draft resolution XIX without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? 19General Assembly Fifty-fourth session Draft resolution XIX was adopted (resolution 54/181). The President: Draft resolution XX is entitled _Theright to development. Separate votes have been requestedon the eighth and thirteenth preambular paragraphs and onoperative paragraphs 3 (c), 3 (e), 13, 21 and 22 of draftresolution XX. Are there any objections to this request? I see none. I shall first put to the vote the eighth preambular paragraph of draft resolution XX, on which a separate votehas been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5657,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-17","unres":"R/54/175","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote the thirteenth preambular paragraph, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5658,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-17","unres":"R/54/175","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operativeparagraph 3 (c), on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5659,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-17","unres":"R/54/175","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 3 (e), on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5660,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-17","unres":"R/54/175","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operativeparagraph 13, on which a separate vote has been requested.A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5661,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-17","unres":"R/54/175","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 21, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5662,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-17","unres":"R/54/175","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operativeparagraph 22, on which a separate vote has been requested.A recorded vote has been requested. 83rd plenary meeting 17 December 1999 A"} {"rcid":5663,"session":54,"date":"1999-12-17","unres":"R/54/178","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution III is entitled _Humanrights situation in Iraq. A recorded vote has been requested jointly on paragraphs 2(a), 3(g), 3(i) and 3(j) of draft resolution III.Are there any objections to that request? I see none. The President: I shall first put to the vote jointlyoperative paragraphs 2(a), 3(g), 3(i) and 3(j), on whichrecorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5664,"session":54,"date":"2000-06-15","unres":"R/54/267","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution, entitled _Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 11 of its report (A/54/897). A single separate vote has been requested on the first preambular paragraph and on paragraphs 2, 3 and 14 of the draft resolution. Is there any objection to that request? I give the floor to the representative of Lebanon in explanation of vote before the voting. Mr. Diab (Lebanon): We have heard the representative of Israel attack Lebanon using unacceptable words. What we would like to ask is, what is the reason in the Israeli definition? The occupation of Lebanon for 22 years, in violation of Security Council resolution 425 (1978), and the terrorizing of the Lebanese population by killing civilians and bombing civilian infrastructure _ The Acting President: We are in the midst of proceeding to the voting. May I request that the representative of Lebanon wait until after the voting to explain his vote? Mr. Diab (Lebanon): This is not an explanationto of vote. This is in right of reply. The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote the first preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 2, 3 and 14 of the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 11 of its report (A/54/897), on which a single separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5665,"session":55,"date":"2000-11-20","unres":"R/55/33C","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution C is entitled _Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: the need for a new agenda. Separate votes have been requested on the 15th preambular paragraph and on operative paragraph 16 of draft resolution C. Are there any objections to these requests? I see no objections. I shall put to the vote the 15th preambular paragraph of draft resolution C, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5666,"session":55,"date":"2000-11-20","unres":"R/55/33C","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 16 of draft resolution C, on which a separate vote has been requested. 9A/55/PV.69 A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5667,"session":55,"date":"2000-11-20","unres":"R/55/33R","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution Q is entitled _Illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons. The First Committee adopted draft resolution Q without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution Q was adopted (resolution 55/33 Q). The President: Draft resolution R is entitled _A path to the total elimination of nuclear weapons. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on operative paragraph 8 of draft resolution R. A"} {"rcid":5668,"session":55,"date":"2000-11-20","unres":"R/55/33T","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution S is entitled _Mongolia<90>s international security and nuclear- weapon-free status. The First Committee adopted draft resolution S without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution S was adopted (resolution 55/33 S). The President: Draft resolution T is entitled _Nuclear disarmament. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on operative paragraph 9 of draft resolution T. A"} {"rcid":5669,"session":55,"date":"2000-11-20","unres":"R/55/33U","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution U is entitled _Transparency in armaments. Separate votes have been requested on the fifth preambular paragraph and on paragraphs 2, 5(b) and 7 of draft resolution U. If there is no objection, I shall first put to the the fifth preambular paragraph of draft resolution U, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5670,"session":55,"date":"2000-11-20","unres":"R/55/33U","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall next put to the vote paragraph 2 of draft resolution U, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5671,"session":55,"date":"2000-11-20","unres":"R/55/33U","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote paragraph 5 (b) of draft resolution U, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5672,"session":55,"date":"2000-12-04","unres":"R/55/74","para":1,"descr":"The President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the six draft resolutions and one draft decision, one by one. After all the decisions have been taken, representatives will again have the opportunity to explain their votes or positions. We turn first to draft resolution I, entitled _Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The Third Committee adopted draft resolution I without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 55/72). The President: Draft resolution II is entitled _New international humanitarian order. The Third Committee adopted draft resolution II without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 55/73). The President: Draft resolution III is entitled _Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on operative paragraph 20 of draft resolution III. Unless I hear any objection, I shall now put to thevote operative paragraph 20 of draft resolution III. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5673,"session":55,"date":"2000-12-19","unres":"R/55/179","amend":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on draft resolution A/55/L.69 and on the amendment thereto contained in document A/55/L.70. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the amendment is voted on first. The Assembly shall therefore take a decision first on the amendment circulated in document A/55/L.70. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5674,"session":55,"date":"2001-06-14","unres":"R/55/180B","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. The Fifth Committee adopted the draft resolution, entitled _Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force, without a vote. May I consider that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 55/264). The Acting President: We have thus concluded this stage of our consideration of sub-item (a) of agenda item 138. (b) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Report of the Fifth Committee (A/55/681/Add.1) The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution entitled _Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, which was recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 12 of its report. 10 A single separate vote has been requested on the fourth preambular paragraph and on operative paragraphs 2, 3 and 15 of the draft resolution. Is there any objection to that request? There is none. I shall now put to the vote the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 2, 3 and 15 of the draft resolution recommended in paragraph 12 of document A/55/681/Add.1, on which a single separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5675,"session":56,"date":"2001-11-21","unres":"R/56/7","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): We have heard the only speaker in explanation of vote before the vote. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 8 of draft resolution A/56/L.12, as orally revised. Is there any objection to that request? There is none. I shall therefore first put to the vote operative paragraph 8 of draft resolution A/56/L.12, as orally revised. I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 8of draft resolution A/56/L.12, as orally revised. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5676,"session":56,"date":"2001-11-29","unres":"","descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution C is entitled _Effects of the use of depleted uranium in armaments. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5677,"session":56,"date":"2001-11-29","unres":"R/56/24G","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution H is entitled _Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas. Separate votes have been requested on the words _and South Asia at the end of operative paragraph 3 and on operative paragraph 3 of draft resolution H. If there is no objection to these requests, I shall first put to the vote the words _and South Asia at theend of operative paragraph 3 of draft resolution H, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5678,"session":56,"date":"2001-11-29","unres":"R/56/24G","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 3 as a whole, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5679,"session":56,"date":"2001-11-29","unres":"R/56/24Q","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution Q is entitled _Consolidation of peace through practical disarmament measures. The First Committee adopted draft resolution Q without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution Q was adopted (resolution 56/24 P). The President: Draft resolution R is entitled _Transparency in armaments. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraph 4 (b) and operative paragraph 6 of draft resolution R. Are there any objections to these requests? There are none. I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 4 (b) of draft resolution R, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5680,"session":56,"date":"2001-11-29","unres":"R/56/24Q","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 6 of draft resolution R, on which aseparate, recorded vote has been requested. A/56/PV.68 A"} {"rcid":5681,"session":56,"date":"2001-11-29","unres":"R/56/24R","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution S is entitled _Nuclear disarmament. A separate vote has been requested on paragraph 9 of draft resolution S. If there is no objection, I shall first put to the vote paragraph 9 of draft resolution S, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5682,"session":56,"date":"2001-11-29","unres":"R/56/24S","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution T is entitled _Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons. A separate vote has been requested on paragraph 1 of draft resolution T. If there is no objection, I shall first put to the vote paragraph 1 of draft resolution T, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5683,"session":56,"date":"2001-11-29","unres":"R/56/27","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the two draft resolutions recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 11 of its report. We turn first to draft resolution A, entitled _Report of the Disarmament Commission. The First Committee adopted draft resolution A without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? A/56/PV.68 Draft resolution A was adopted (resolution 56/26 A). The Acting President: Draft resolution B is entitled _Report of the Conference on Disarmament. The First Committee adopted draft resolution B without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution B was adopted (resolution 56/26 B). The Acting President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 76? It was so decided. Agenda item 77 The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East Report of the First Committee (A/56/539) The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 8 of its report. A separate vote has been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution. If there isno objection to that request, I shall first put to the vote the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5684,"session":56,"date":"2001-12-14","unres":"","descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote the motion by the representative of Australia that no action be taken on the amendment contained in document A/56/L.11. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5685,"session":56,"date":"2001-12-14","unres":"R/56/94","para":1,"descr":"The President: We have heard the last speaker in explanation of vote. Separate votes have been requested on the third preambular paragraph, operative paragraph 5, operative paragraph 10 and operative paragraph 12 of draft resolution A/56/L.10. If there is no objection, we will therefore proceed accordingly. I now put to the vote the third preambular paragraph of draft resolution A/56/L.10. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5686,"session":56,"date":"2001-12-14","unres":"R/56/94","para":1,"descr":"The President: I now put to the vote operative paragraph 5 of draft resolution A/56/L.10. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5687,"session":56,"date":"2001-12-14","unres":"R/56/94","para":1,"descr":"The President: I now put to the vote operative paragraph 10 of draft resolution A/56/L.10. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5688,"session":56,"date":"2001-12-14","unres":"R/56/94","para":1,"descr":"The President: I now put to the vote operative paragraph 12 of draft resolution A/56/L.10. A recorded vote has been requested. 8 A"} {"rcid":5689,"session":56,"date":"2001-12-19","unres":"R/56/139","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution V is entitled _Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. The Third Committee adopted draft resolution V without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution V was adopted (resolution 56/137). A/56/PV.88 The President: The Assembly will now take a on the draft decision recommended by the Committee in paragraph 19 of its report. The draft decision is entitled _Audit of the of the Office of the United Nations High for Refugees in Albania. May I take it that the General Assembly wishes to the draft decision? The draft decision was adopted. The President: May I take it that it is the wish of General Assembly to conclude its consideration of item 114? It was so decided. item 115 and protection of the rights of children Report of the Third Committee (A/56/579) The President: The Assembly will now take a on the two draft resolutions recommended by Third Committee in paragraph 16 of its report. We turn first to draft resolution I, entitled _The of the child. The Third Committee adopted draft resolution I a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes do likewise? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 56/138). The President: Draft resolution II is entitled girl child. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on paragraph 1 of draft resolution II. A"} {"rcid":5690,"session":56,"date":"2001-12-21","unres":"R/56/214","para":1,"descr":"The President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 11 of its report. The draft A/56/PV.91 resolution is entitled _Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. A single separate vote has been requested on the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 3, 4 and 13 of the draft resolution. As there is no objection to that request, I shall put to the vote the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 3, 4 and 13. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5691,"session":56,"date":"2001-12-21","unres":"R/56/216","amend":1,"descr":"The President: We have heard the last speaker inexplanation of vote before the vote. The Assembly will now take a decision on draft resolution A/56/L.66 and on the amendment thereto, contained in document A/56/L.67. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the amendment is voted on first. The Assembly shall therefore take a decision firston the amendment circulated in document A/56/L.67. A recorded vote has been requested. 22 A"} {"rcid":5692,"session":57,"date":"2002-11-11","unres":"","descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote the motion submitted by the representative of Kuwait that no action be taken on the amendment contained in document A/57/L.17. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5693,"session":57,"date":"2002-11-11","unres":"R/57/9","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 5 of draft resolution A/57/L.14. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5694,"session":57,"date":"2002-11-11","unres":"R/57/9","para":1,"descr":"The President: I now put to the vote operative paragraph 10 of draft resolution A/57/L.14. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5695,"session":57,"date":"2002-11-22","unres":"R/57/58","descr":"The Acting President I shall now put the 29 draft resolutions A to CC and the draft decision to the Assembly one by one. We will take up the oral amendments to draft resolutions B, P, U and Y when we come to each of the draft resolutions. After all the decisions have been taken, representatives will again have the opportunity to explain their vote. Draft resolutions A to CC are to be found in paragraph 90 of section III of the report of the First Committee. We turn first to draft resolution A, entitled _Reduction of non-strategic nuclear weapons. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5696,"session":57,"date":"2002-11-22","unres":"R/57/59","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution B is entitled _Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: the need for a new agenda. Members will recall that the representative of Ireland has submitted an oral amendment to the twenty- first preambular paragraph of draft resolution B. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly shall first take a decision on the oral amendment to the twenty-first preambular paragraph of draft resolution B. May I take it that the Assembly decides to adopt the oral amendment to the twenty-first preambular paragraph of draft resolution B? The oral amendment was adopted. The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on draft resolution B, as orally amended. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5697,"session":57,"date":"2002-11-22","unres":"R/57/73","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution P is entitled _Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas. Members will recall that the representative of Brazil has submitted an oral amendment to the third preambular paragraph of draft resolution P and an oral amendment to operative paragraph 2 of the same draft resolution. 14 In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly shall first take a decision on each of the oral amendments to draft resolution P. May I take it that the Assembly decides to adopt the oral amendment to the third preambular paragraph of draft resolution P? The oral amendment to the third preambular paragraph of draft resolution P was adopted. The Acting President: May I take it that the Assembly decides to adopt the oral amendment to operative paragraph 2 of draft resolution P? The oral amendment to operative paragraph 2 of draft resolution P was adopted. The Acting President: Separate votes have been requested on the last three words of operative paragraph 3 and on operative paragraph 3 as a whole of draft resolution P, as orally amended. Are there any objections to those requests? There are none. I shall first put to the vote the last three words of operative paragraph 3 of draft resolution P, as orally amended, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5698,"session":57,"date":"2002-11-22","unres":"R/57/75","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution R is entitled _Transparency in armaments. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraph 4 (b) and on operative paragraph 6 of draft resolution R. Are there any objections to these requests? I see none. I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph4 (b) of draft resolution R, on which a separate vote hasbeen requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5699,"session":57,"date":"2002-11-22","unres":"R/57/75","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 6 of draft resolution R, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5700,"session":57,"date":"2002-11-22","unres":"R/57/78","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution U is entitled _A path to the total elimination of nuclear weapons. Members will recall that the representative of Japan has submitted an oral amendment to the third preambular paragraph of this draft resolution. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly will first take a decision on the oral amendment to the third preambular paragraph of draft resolution U. May I take it that the Assembly decides to adopt the oral amendment to the third preambular paragraph of draft resolution U? The oral amendment to the third preambular paragraph of draft resolution U was adopted. The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on draft resolution U, as orally amended. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5701,"session":57,"date":"2002-11-22","unres":"R/57/79","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution V is entitled _Nuclear disarmament. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 10 of draft resolution V. Is there any objection to this request? I see none. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5702,"session":57,"date":"2002-11-22","unres":"R/57/84","descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution Y is entitled _Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction. Members will recall that the representative of Poland has submitted an oral amendment to the third preambular paragraph of draft resolution Y. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly shall first take a decision on the oral amendment to the third preambular paragraph of draft resolution Y. 21A/57/PV.57 May I take it that the Assembly decides to adopt the oral amendment to the third preambular paragraph of draft resolution Y? The oral amendment was adopted. The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on draft resolution Y, as orally amended. The First Committee adopted draft resolution Y without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to adopt draft resolution Y, as orally amended, withouta vote? Draft resolution Y, as orally amended, was adopted (resolution 57/82). The Acting President: Draft resolution Z is entitled _Measures to prevent terrorists from acquiringweapons of mass destruction. The First Committee adopted draft resolution Z without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution Z was adopted (resolution 57/83). The Acting President: Draft resolution AA is entitled _Reducing nuclear danger. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5703,"session":57,"date":"2002-11-22","unres":"R/57/85","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution BB is entitled _Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 1 of draft resolution BB. If there is no objection, I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 1 of draft resolution BB, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5704,"session":57,"date":"2002-11-22","unres":"R/57/97","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the two draft resolutions 27A/57/PV.57 recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 9 of its report. We turn first to draft resolution A, entitled _Report of the Disarmament Commission. The First Committee adopted draft resolution A without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution A was adopted (resolution 57/95). The Acting President: Draft resolution B is entitled _Report of the Conference on Disarmament. The First Committee adopted draft resolution B without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution B was adopted (resolution 57/96). The Acting President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 68? It was so decided. Agenda item 69 The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East Report of the First Committee (A/57/513) The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. A separate vote has been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution. If there is no objection, I shall first put to thethe sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution,on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5705,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-16","unres":"R/57/156","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): We have heard the last speaker in explanation of vote before the voting. The Assembly will now take a decision on draft resolutions A/57/L.23/Rev.1 and A/57/L.55/Rev.1. We turn first to draft resolution A/57/L.23/Rev.1,entitled _Cooperation between the United Nations and the Council of Europe. I should like to inform the Assembly that Canada and Suriname have also become sponsors of the draft resolution. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraph 4, operative paragraph 6 and operative paragraph 12 of draft resolution A/57/L.23/Rev.1. Are there any objections to those requests? There are none. We shall therefore proceed accordingly. I shall first put to the vote operative paragraphof draft resolution A/57/L.23/Rev.1. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5706,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-16","unres":"R/57/156","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 6 of draft resolution A/57/L.23/Rev.1. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5707,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-16","unres":"R/57/156","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 12 of draft resolution A/57/L.23/Rev.1. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5708,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-18","unres":"R/57/189","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution II is entitled _The girl child. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on operative paragraph 1 of draft resolution II. A"} {"rcid":5709,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-18","unres":"R/57/194","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution III is entitled _Indigenous People and issues. The Third Committee adopted draft resolution III without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution III was adopted (resolution 57/193). The Acting President: We now turn to the draft decision entitled _Document considered by the General Assembly in connection with the question of the programme of activities of the International Decade of the World<90>s Indigenous People. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to adopt the draft decision recommended by the Third Committee? The draft decision was adopted (decision 57/531). The Acting President: May I take it that it is thewish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 106? It was so decided. Agenda item 107 Elimination of racism and racial discrimination Report of the Third Committee (A/57/554) The Acting President: The Assembly will take a decision on the two draft resolutions recommended by the Third Committee in paragraph 18 of its report and on the draft decision recommended by the Committee in paragraph 19 of the same report. Draft resolution I is entitled _International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 10 of section 1 of draft resolution I. A"} {"rcid":5710,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-18","unres":"R/57/214","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XII is entitled _Extra-judicial, summary or arbitrary executions. Separate votes have been requested on the third preambular paragraph, the seventh preambular paragraph and operative paragraph 3 together, and operative paragraphs 6, 11, 12, 18 and 22. Are there any objections to these requests? 20 I shall now put to the vote the third preambular paragraph of draft resolution XII. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5711,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-18","unres":"R/57/214","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I now put to the vote, together, the seventh preambular paragraph and operative paragraph 3 of draft resolution XII. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5712,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-18","unres":"R/57/214","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 6 of draft resolution XII, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5713,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-18","unres":"R/57/214","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the voteoperative paragraph 11 of draft resolution XII, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5714,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-18","unres":"R/57/214","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 12 of draft resolution XII, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5715,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-18","unres":"R/57/214","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 18 of draft resolution XII, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5716,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-18","unres":"R/57/214","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 22 of draft resolution XII, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5717,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-18","unres":"R/57/215","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XIII is entitled _Question of enforced or involuntary disappearances. A separate vote has been requested on the seventh preambular paragraph of draft resolution XIII. Is there any objection to this request? There is none. I shall first put to the vote the seventh preambularparagraph of draft resolution XIII, on which a separate vote has been requested. A/57/PV.77 A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5718,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-18","unres":"R/57/232","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the voteoperative paragraph 4 (e) of draft resolution III. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5719,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-18","unres":"R/57/232","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 4 (f) of draft resolution III, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5720,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-18","unres":"R/57/233","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution IV is entitled _Situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A separate vote has been requested on sub- paragraph (i) of paragraph 1 of draft resolution IV. Is there any objection to that request? There is none. 37A/57/PV.77 I shall now put to the vote sub-paragraph (i) of paragraph 1 of draft resolution IV, on which a separatevote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5721,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-20","unres":"R/57/298","amend":1,"descr":"The President: We have heard the last speaker in explanation of vote before the vote. The Assembly will now take a decision on draft resolution A/57/L.72 and on the amendment thereto contained in document A/57/L.73. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the amendment is voted on first. The Assembly shall therefore take a decision on the amendment circulated in document A/57/L.73. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5722,"session":57,"date":"2003-06-18","unres":"R/57/325","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 8 of its report. The draft resolution is entitled _Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force. The Fifth Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 57/324). The Acting President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of sub-item (a) of agenda item 127? It was so decided. (b) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Report of the Fifth Committee (A/57/829) The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 12 of its report. The draft resolution is entitled _Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. A single separate vote has been requested on the fourth preambular paragraph and operatives paragraphs 3, 4 and 14 of the draft resolution. As there is no objection to that request. I shall now put to the vote thefourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 3, 4 and 14. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5723,"session":58,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/46","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution XI is entitled _Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the InternationalCourt of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use ofNuclear Weapons. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 1 of draft resolution XI. As there is no objection to that request, I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 1 of draft resolution XI, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5724,"session":58,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/49","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XIII is entitled _Measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction. The First Committee adopted draft resolution XIII without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XIII was adopted (resolution 58/48). The Acting President: Draft resolution XIV is entitled _Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas. Separate votes have been requested on the last three words, _and South Asia, ofoperative paragraph 5 and on operative paragraph 5 as a whole of draft resolution XIV. Are there any objections to these requests? There are none. I shall first put to the vote the last three wordsoperative paragraph 5 of draft resolution XIV, on whicha separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5725,"session":58,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/51","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XVI is entitled _Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: a new agenda. A separate vote has been requested on the twentieth preambular paragraph of draft resolution XVI. Is there any objection to that request? There is none. I shall therefore put to the vote the twentieth preambular paragraph of draft resolution XVI, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5726,"session":58,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/54","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XIX is entitled _Transparency in armaments. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraph 2; on operative paragraph 3, the last words of operative paragraph 4 and operative paragraph 8 in a single vote;and on operative paragraph 4 as a whole. Are there any objections to these requests? I see none. I shall first put to the vote operative paragraphof draft resolution XIX, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5727,"session":58,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/54","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 3, the last words of operative paragraph 4 _ _as well as the 2003 report of the Secretary-General _ and operative paragraph 8 of draft resolution XIX, on which a single separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5728,"session":58,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/54","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the voteoperative paragraph 4 as a whole of draft resolution XIX, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. 20 A"} {"rcid":5729,"session":58,"date":"2003-12-08","unres":"R/58/68","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the two draft resolutions recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 9 of its report. We turn first to draft resolution I, entitled _Reportof the Conference on Disarmament. The First Committee adopted draft resolution I without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 58/66). The Acting President: Draft resolution II is entitled _Report of the Disarmament Commission. The First Committee adopted draft resolution II without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 58/67). The Acting President: May I take it that it is thewish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 75? It was so decided. The President returned to the Chair. Agenda item 76 The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East Report of the First Committee (A/58/465) The President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. A separate vote has been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution. If there is no objection to that request, I shallput to the vote the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution, on which a separate vote has been requested. 28 A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5730,"session":58,"date":"2003-12-17","unres":"R/58/122","para":1,"descr":"The President: We shall now take action on draft resolution A/58/L.47. Ms. Kelley (Director, General Assembly and Economic and Social Council Affairs Division): I should like to inform members that under the terms of operative paragraphs 17 to 20, 26 and 28 of draft resolution L.47, the Secretary-General is called upon to strengthen the United Nations security system, both at Headquarters and in the field. The implementation of this request would require a detailed review and development of specific measures in that respect, including the proposal for additional resources that may be required. These proposals will be submitted to the General Assembly for consideration at its resumed fifty-eighth session in 2004. The President: Draft resolution A/58/L.47 is entitled _Safety and security of humanitarian personnel and protection of United Nations personnel. A single separate vote has been requested on the thirteenth preambular paragraph and on operative paragraph 10 of draft resolution A/58/L.47. Are there any objections to this request? There are none. I shall first put to the vote the thirteenth preambular paragraph and operative paragraph 10 of draft resolution A/58/L.47, on which a separate, single vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5731,"session":58,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/157","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution II is entitled _The girl child. The Third Committee adopted draft resolution II without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 58/156). The President: Draft resolution IV is entitled _Rights of the child. Separate votes have been requested on paragraph 26 (b) and on the words _corporal punishment in operative paragraph 41 (c) in draft resolution IV. Are there any objections to this request? There are none. I shall put to the vote operative paragraph 26 (b) of draft resolution IV on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5732,"session":58,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/157","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote the words _corporal punishment in operative paragraph 41 (c) of draft resolution IV, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A/58/PV.77 A"} {"rcid":5733,"session":58,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/160","para":1,"descr":"The President: May I take it that it is the wish of the Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 114? It was so decided. Agenda item 115 Elimination of racism and racial discrimination Report of the Third Committee (A/58/506) The President: The Assembly will take a decision on the two draft resolutions recommended by the Third Committee in paragraph 24 of the report and on the draft decision recommended by the Committee in paragraph 25 of the same report. Draft resolution I is entitled _The incompatibilitybetween democracy and racism. The Third Committee adopted draft resolution I without a vote. May I take it that the General Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 58/159). The President: Draft resolution II is entitled _Global efforts for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 31 of draft resolution II. Is there any objection to the request? There is none. I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 31of draft resolution II, on which a separate vote has beenrequested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5734,"session":58,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/187","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution XXI is entitled _Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism. A single separate vote has been requested on operative paragraphs 10 and 11 of draft resolution XXI. Is there any objection to this request? There is none. I shall put to the vote operative paragraphs 10 and 11 of draft resolution XXI, on which a single separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5735,"session":58,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/196","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution IV is entitled _Situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A separate vote has been requested on the fourth preambular paragraph of draft resolution IV, as well asa single separate vote on operative paragraphs 3 (b) and 6 (e). Are there any objections to those requests? There are none. I shall now put to the vote the fourth preambular paragraph of draft resolution IV, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5736,"session":58,"date":"2003-12-22","unres":"R/58/196","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraphs 3 (b) and 6 (e) of draft resolution IV, on which a single separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5737,"session":58,"date":"2003-12-23","unres":"R/58/242","para":1,"descr":"The President: May I take it that it is the wish the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 73? It was so decided. The President: The General Assembly has thus concluded its consideration of all the reports of the First Committee before it. A/58/PV.79 Agenda item 94 (continued) Environment and sustainable development (b) Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa Report of the Second Committee (A/58/484/Add.2) Report of the Fifth Committee (A/58/655) The President: The Assembly will resume consideration of the report of the Second Committee on sub-item (b) of agenda item 94 to take action on draft resolution I recommended by the Second Committee in paragraph 14 of its report (A/58/484/Add.2). The report of the Fifth Committee on the programme budget implications of draft resolution I is contained in document A/58/655. Draft resolution I is entitled _Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 14 of draft resolution I. Is there any objection to this request? There is none. in I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 14 of draft resolution I, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5738,"session":58,"date":"2003-12-23","unres":"R/58/243","para":1,"descr":"The President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of sub-item (b) of agenda item 94? It was so decided. (f) Protection of global climate for present and future generations of mankind Report of the Second Committee (A/58/484/Add.6) Report of the Fifth Committee (A/58/656) The President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution recommended by the Second Committee in paragraph 11 of its report (A/58/484/Add.6). The draft resolution is entitled _Protection of global climate for present and future generations of mankind. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 5 of the draft resolution. Is there any objection to this request? There is none. I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 5 of the draft resolution, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5739,"session":58,"date":"2004-06-18","unres":"R/58/307","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. The draft resolution is entitled _Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force. The Fifth Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 58/306). The Acting President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of sub-item (a) of agenda item 145? It was so decided. A/58/PV.91 (b) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Report of the Fifth Committee (A/58/828) The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 13 of its report. The draft resolution is entitled _Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. A single separate vote has been requested on the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 3, 4 and 13 of the draft resolution. Is there any objection to that request? There is none. I shall now put to the vote the fourth preambular paragraph and operatives paragraphs 3, 4 and 13, on which a single separate vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5740,"session":59,"date":"2004-12-01","unres":"R/59/28","descr":"The Acting President: Members will recall that the General Assembly held the debate on this item at its 61st and 62nd plenary meetings, on 29 and 30 November 2004. I now give the floor to Ambassador Paul Badji of Senegal to introduce an amendment to draft resolution A/59/L.34. Mr. Badji (Senegal) (spoke in French): On behalf of the sponsors, I would like to propose a small correction to the draft resolution on the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People (A/59/L.34). In the sixth preambular paragraph, the words (spoke in English) _in this regard should be replaced by the words _also its. (spoke in French) The paragraph should thus read as follows. (spoke in English) _Recalling further the Advisory Opinion rendered on 9 July 2004 by the International Court of Justice on the Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and recalling also its resolution ES-10/15 of 20 July 2004,. The Acting President: We shall now proceed to consider and take decisions on draft resolutions A/59/L.34, as orally corrected, L.35, L.36 and L.37. We turn first to draft resolution A/59/L.34, entitled _Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable 6 Rights of the Palestinian People, as orally corrected. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5741,"session":59,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/75","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution VII is entitled _Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction. The First Committee adopted draft resolution VII without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution VII was adopted (resolution 59/72). The Acting President: Draft resolution VIII is entitled _Mongolia<90>s international security and nuclear- weapon-free status. The First Committee adopted draft resolution VIII without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution VIII was adopted (resolution 59/73). The Acting President: Draft resolution IX is entitled _Assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and collecting them. The First Committee adopted draft resolution IX without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution IX was adopted (resolution 59/74). The Acting President: Draft resolution X is entitled _Accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 2 of draft resolution X. If there is no objection to that request, I shall first put to the voteoperative paragraph 2 of draft resolution X. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5742,"session":59,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/83","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XVII is entitled _Consolidation of peace through practical disarmament measures. The First Committee adopted draft resolution XVII without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution XVII was adopted (resolution 59/82). The Acting President: Draft resolution XVIII is entitled _Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the 15A/59/PV.66 International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 1 of draft resolution XVIII. In the absence of objection, I shall first put tovote operative paragraph 1 of draft resolution XVIII. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5743,"session":59,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/85","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XX is entitled _Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas. 17A/59/PV.66 Separate votes have been requested on the three last words _ _and South Asia _ of operative paragraph 5 and on operative paragraph 5 as a whole of draft resolution XX. In the absence of objection, I shall first put tovote the last three words _ _and South Asia _ of operative paragraph 5 of draft resolution XX, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5744,"session":59,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/85","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: In the absence of objection, I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 5 as a whole of draft resolution XX, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5745,"session":59,"date":"2004-12-03","unres":"R/59/106","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We will now take decisions on draft resolutions I and II. We turn first to draft resolution I, entitled _Report of the Conference on Disarmament. The First Committee adopted draft resolution I without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 59/104). The Acting President: Draft resolution II is entitled _Report of the Disarmament Commission. The First Committee adopted draft resolution II without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 59/105). The Acting President: May I take it that is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 67? It was so decided. Agenda item 68 The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East Report of the First Committee (A/59/462) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution, entitled _The risk of nuclear proliferation the Middle East. A separate vote has been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution. I shall first put to the vote the sixth preambularparagraph of the draft resolution, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5746,"session":59,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/199","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution XVI is entitled _Ad Hoc Committee on a Comprehensive and Integral International Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities. The Third Committee adopted draft resolution XVI without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XVI was adopted (resolution 59/198). The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution XVII is entitled _Elimination of all forms of religious intolerance. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 9 of draft resolution 21A/59/PV.74 XVII. If there is no objection to that request, I shallfirst put to the vote operative paragraph 9 of draft resolution XVII, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5747,"session":59,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/206","descr":"The President (spoke in French): I shall now put to the vote the motion submitted by the representative of Turkmenistan that no action be taken on draft resolution III. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5748,"session":59,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/207","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution IV is entitled _Situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A separate vote has been requested on the third preambular paragraph, the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraph 5 of draft resolution IV. As there is no objection to those requests we shall proceed accordingly. I now put to the vote the third preambular paragraph of draft resolution IV, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5749,"session":59,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/207","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): I shall now put to the vote the fourth preambular paragraph of draft resolution IV, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5750,"session":59,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/207","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 5 of draft resolution IV,on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5751,"session":59,"date":"2004-12-20","unres":"R/59/211","amend":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): I now give the floor to the representative of the United States of America to introduce the amendments contained in document A/59/L.52. Mrs. Tamlyn (United States of America): I have asked for the floor to introduce the United States amendments proposed in document A/59/L.52. The United States has proposed the replacement of two paragraphs in draft resolution A/59/L.51 with language to enhance the text and to make it more widely acceptable. We feel that this important draft resolution should have strong support by all Member States. A/59/PV.74 The President (spoke in French): We shall now proceed to consider draft resolutions A/59/L.26/Rev.1, as orally corrected, and A/59/L.51 and the amendments thereto contained in document A/59/L.52. The General Assembly will first take a decision on the proposals under agenda item 39. Thereafter, the Assembly will take a decision on the proposal under sub-item (a) of agenda item 39. The Assembly will now take a decision on draft resolution A/59/L.51 and on the amendments thereto contained in document A/59/L.52. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the amendments are voted on first. The Assembly will therefore first take a decision on the amendments circulated in document A/59/L.52. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5752,"session":59,"date":"2004-12-22","unres":"R/59/224","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): I now put to the vote operative paragraph 12 of the draft resolutionrecommended by the Second Committee in paragraph 11 of its report (A/59/481/Add.4), on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5753,"session":59,"date":"2004-12-22","unres":"R/59/230","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of sub-item (a) of agenda item 85? It was so decided. (b) Further implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States Report of the Second Committee (A/59/483/Add.2) The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it two draft resolutions recommended by the Second Committee in paragraph 16 of its report and one draft decision, as noted by the Rapporteur of the Second Committee. We will now take a decision on draft resolutionsand II. We turn first to draft resolution I, entitled _Further implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States. The Second Committee adopted draft resolution I. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 59/229). The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution II is entitled _Promoting an integrated management approach to the Caribbean Sea area in the context of sustainable development. A separate vote has been requested on the fourteenth preambular paragraph of draft resolution II. As there is no objection to that request, I shall now put 10 to the vote the fourteenth preambular paragraph of draft resolution II. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5754,"session":59,"date":"2004-12-23","unres":"R/59/261","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution II is entitled: _Rights of the child. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraph 9, operative paragraph 23 (b) and on the words _corporal punishment in operative paragraph 38 (b) of draft resolution II. In the absence of objection, I will first put to the vote operative paragraph 9 of draft resolution II, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5755,"session":59,"date":"2004-12-23","unres":"R/59/261","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 23 (b) of draft resolution II, on which a separate vote has been requested. 8 A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5756,"session":59,"date":"2004-12-23","unres":"R/59/261","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): I shall next putto the vote the words _corporal punishment in operative paragraph 38 (b) of draft resolution II, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5757,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/56","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution II is entitled _Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 4 of draft resolution II. If there is no objection to that request, I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 4, resolution II, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5758,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/58","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution III is entitled _Prohibition of the dumping of radioactive wastes. 26 The First Committee adopted draft resolution III without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution III was adopted (resolution 60/57). The Acting President: Draft resolution IV is entitled _Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas. Separate votes have been requested on the last three words, _and South Asia, of operative paragraph 5 and on operative paragraph 5 as a whole. If there is no objection to those requests, I shall first put to the vote the words _and South Asia, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5759,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/58","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the voteoperative paragraph 5 as a whole, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5760,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/72","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XVII is entitled _Assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons and collecting them. The First Committee adopted draft resolution XVII without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution XVII was adopted (resolution 60/71). The Acting President: Draft resolution XVIII is entitled _Follow-up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at the 1995 and 2000 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. A separate vote has been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph of draft resolution XVIII. If 34 there is no objection to that request, I shall first put that paragraph to the vote. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5761,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/76","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XXII is entitled _Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 1 of draft resolution XXII. Are there any objections to this request? I see none. I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 1 of draft resolution XXII. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5762,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/92","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution II is entitled _Report of the Conference on Disarmament. The First Committee adopted draft resolution II without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 60/90). The Acting President: Draft resolution III is entitled _Report of the Disarmament Commission. The First Committee adopted draft resolution III without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution III was adopted (resolution 60/91). A/60/PV.62 The Acting President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 99? It was so decided. Agenda item 100 The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East Report of the First Committee (A/60/466) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. A separate vote has been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution. If there is objection to that request, I shall first put to the vote the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5763,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-08","unres":"R/60/112","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The representative of the Syrian Arab Republic has submitted oral amendments to operative paragraphs 13 and 14 of the draft resolution. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly will first take a decision on the oral amendments to operative paragraphs 13 and 14 of the draft resolution. May I take it that it is the wish of the Assemblyto adopt the oral amendments to operative paragraphs 13 and 14 of the draft resolution? The oral amendments to paragraphs 13 and 14 were adopted. 20 The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution, as orally amended. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5764,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/162","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution X is entitled _Human rights in the administration of justice. The Third Committee adopted draft resolution X without a vote. May I take it that the General Assembly wishes todo the same? Draft resolution X was adopted (resolution 60/159). The President: Draft resolution XI is entitled _Effective promotion of the Declaration of the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities. The Third Committee adopted draft resolution XI without a vote. May I take it that the General Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution XI was adopted (resolution 60/160). The President: Draft resolution XII is entitled _Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The Third Committee adopted draft resolution XII without a vote. May I takeit that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution XII was adopted (resolution 60/161). The President: Draft resolution XIII is entitled _Strengthening the role of the United Nations in enhancing the effectiveness of the principle of periodicand genuine elections and the promotion of democratization. A separate vote has been requested on the fifth preambular paragraph of draft resolution XIII. I shall first put that paragraph to the vote. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5765,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/170","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We shall now take decisions on draft resolutions I through V. We turn first to draft resolution I, entitled _Situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Separate votes have been requested on the fourth preambular paragraph and on operative paragraph 9 (c) of draft resolution I. Is there any objection to those requests? In the absence of objection, I shall first put to a vote the fourth preambular paragraph of draft resolution I, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5766,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-16","unres":"R/60/170","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the voteoperative paragraph 9 (c) of draft resolution I, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5767,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-22","unres":"R/60/197","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly has before it two draft resolutions recommended by the Second Committee in paragraph 15 of its report. We will now take a decision on the two draft resolutions. The Second Committee adopted draft resolution I, entitled _International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 60/195). The Acting President: The Second Committee adopted draft resolution II, entitled _Natural disastersand vulnerability. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 60/196). The Acting President: May I take it that it is thewish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of sub-item (c) of agenda item 52? It was so decided. (d) Protection of global climate for present and future generations of mankind Report of the Second Committee (A/60/488/Add.4) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Second Committee in paragraph 10 of its report. 12 A separate, recorded vote has been requested on operative paragraph 7 of the draft resolution. If there isno objection to that request, I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 7 of the draft resolution. A"} {"rcid":5768,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-22","unres":"R/60/200","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We shall now take action on the draft resolutions recommended by the Second Committee in its report. Draft resolution I is entitled _International Yearof Deserts and Desertification, 2006. A separate vote has been requested on the fourth preambular paragraph of draft resolution I. Is there any objection to that request? As there is none, I shall put the fourth preambularparagraph of draft resolution I to the vote. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5769,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-22","unres":"R/60/200","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: A separate vote has also been requested on the seventh preambular paragraph of draft resolution I. Is there any objection to that request? In the absence of objection, I shall put the seventh preambular paragraph of draft resolution I to the vote. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5770,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-22","unres":"R/60/201","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We have heard the last speaker in explanation of vote after the vote. Draft resolution II is entitled _Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat set Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 18 of draft resolution II. Is there any objection to that request? As there is no objection, I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 18 of draft resolution II, onwith which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5771,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-23","unres":"R/60/226","para":1,"descr":"The President: The Assembly will now take action on draft resolution XXIV, recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 94 of its report. The report of the Fifth Committee on the programme budget implications of draft resolution XXIV is issued as document A/60/617, and the text of the programme budget implications is contained, for the time being, in document A/C.5/60/L.22, section B. Draft resolution XXIV is entitled _Transparency in armaments. Separate votes have been requested on the words _and the recommendations contained in paragraphs 112 to 114 of the 2003 report of the Secretary-General in operative paragraph 2, on operative paragraph 3, on operative paragraph 4 (b) and on operative paragraph 6 of draft resolution XXIV. Are there any objections to those requests? As there are no objections, I shall first put to the vote the words _and the recommendations contained in paragraph 112 to 114 of the 2003 report of the Secretary-General in operative paragraph 2 of draft resolution XXIV, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5772,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-23","unres":"R/60/226","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall next put to the vote operative paragraph 3 of draft resolution XXIV, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5773,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-23","unres":"R/60/226","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 4 (b) of draft resolution XXIV, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5774,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-23","unres":"R/60/226","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 6 of draft resolution XXIV, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5775,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-23","unres":"R/60/228","para":1,"descr":"The President: May I take it that it is the wish ofthe General Assembly to conclude its consideration of sub-item (c) of agenda item 54? It was so decided. Agenda item 55 (continued) Groups of countries in special situations (a) Third United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries 12 Report of the Second Committee (A/60/491/Add.1) Report of the Fifth Committee (A/60/624) The President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Second Committee in paragraph 13 of its report. The report of the Fifth Committee on the programme budget implications of the draft resolution is issued as document A/60/624, and the text of the programme budget implications is contained, for the time being, in document A/C.5/60/L.22, section I. A separate vote has been requested on operative 6 of the draft resolution. Is there any objection to that request? As there is no objection, I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 6 of the draft resolution, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5776,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-23","unres":"R/60/230","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution VI is entitled _Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraph 14 and on operative paragraph 15 of draft resolution VI. Is there any objection to those requests? As there are no objections to those requests, I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 14 of draft resolution VI, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5777,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-23","unres":"R/60/230","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall next put to the vote operative paragraph 15 of draft resolution VI, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5778,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-23","unres":"R/60/231","para":1,"descr":"The President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 64? It was so decided. Agenda item 67 (continued) Promotion and protection of the rights of children Report of the Third Committee (A/60/505) Report of the Fifth Committee (A/60/618) The President: The General Assembly will now take action on draft resolution II, recommended by the Third Committee in paragraph 46 of its report. The report of the Fifth Committee on the programme budget implications of draft resolution II has been issued as document A/60/618. For the time being, the text of the programme budget implications is contained in section C of document A/C.5/60/L.22. In connection with draft resolution II, the secretariat of the Third Committee has informed us that there were some inadvertent omissions to the list of sponsors contained in the report of the Committee. A corrigendum will be issued in due course. Draft resolution II is entitled _Rights of the child. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraphs 15 (d), 27, 28 and 35. Are there any objections to those requests? 15A/60/PV.69 There being none, I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 15 (d) of draft resolution II, on which a separate recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5779,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-23","unres":"R/60/231","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 27 of draft resolution II, on which a separate recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5780,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-23","unres":"R/60/231","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 28 of draft resolution II, on whicha separate recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5781,"session":60,"date":"2005-12-23","unres":"R/60/231","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 35 of draft resolution II, on which a separate recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5782,"session":60,"date":"2006-06-30","unres":"R/60/278","para":1,"descr":"The President: The General Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of sub-item (a) of agenda item 149. 06-41738 (b) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Report of the Fifth Committee (A/60/928) The President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 12 of its report. The text of the draft resolution, for the time being, is contained in documentA/C.5/60/L.42. The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution, which is entitled _Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. A single separate vote has been requested on thefourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 17 of the draft resolution. Is there any objection to that request? As there is none, I shall putto the vote the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 17 of the draft resolution, on which a single separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5783,"session":61,"date":"2006-11-08","unres":"R/61/11","descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly has thus heard two delegations speaking in favour and two delegations speaking against the motion put forward by Cuba. In accordance with the rules of procedure I shall now put to the vote the motion submitted by the representative of Cuba to take no action on the amendment thereto contained in document A/61/L.19. In submitting its motion, the representative of Cuba also requested that a recorded vote be taken. The Assembly will now vote on the motion put forward by Cuba not to take action on the amendment contained in document A/61/L.19. A"} {"rcid":5784,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/69","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution X is entitled _Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction. The First Committee adopted draft resolution X without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution X was adopted (resolution 61/68). The Acting President: Draft resolution XI is entitled _Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas. Separate votes have been requested on the words _and South Asia in operative paragraph 5 and on operative paragraph 5 as a whole of draft resolution XI. As there is no objection to those requests, I shall first put to the vote the words _and South Asia in operative paragraph 5 of draft resolution XI, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5785,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/69","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the voteoperative paragraph 5 as a whole, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5786,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/72","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XIII is entitled _Assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons and collecting them. The First Committee adopted draft resolution XIII without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution XIII was adopted (resolution 61/71). The Acting President: Draft resolution XIV is entitled _Problems arising from the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in surplus. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 7 of draft resolution XIV. As there is no objection to that request, I shall put to the vote 06-64433 operative paragraph 7 of draft resolution XIV, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5787,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/77","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XIX is entitled _Transparency in armaments. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraph 2, operative paragraph 3, operative paragraph 4, operative paragraph 5, operative paragraph 6, operative paragraph 7 (b) and operative paragraph 9 of draft resolution XIX. As there are no objections to those requests, I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 2 of draft resolution XIX, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5788,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/77","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I next put to the vote operative paragraph 3 of draft resolution XIX, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5789,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/77","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 4 of draft resolution XIX, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5790,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/77","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the voteoperative paragraph 5 of draft resolution XIX, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5791,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/77","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 6 of draft resolution XIX, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5792,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/77","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the voteoperative paragraph 7 (b) of draft resolution XIX, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5793,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/77","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 9 of draft resolution XIX, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. 23A/61/PV.67 A"} {"rcid":5794,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/83","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XXV is entitled _Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 1 of draft resolution XXV. If there is no objection to that request, I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 1 of draft resolution XXV. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5795,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/89","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XXXI is entitled _Towards an arms trade treaty: establishing common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraph 2 and operative paragraph 3 of draft resolution XXXI. As there are no objections to those requests, I shall first put to the vote operative 29A/61/PV.67 paragraph 2 of draft resolution XXXI, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5796,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/89","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 3 of draft resolution XXXI, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5797,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-06","unres":"R/61/103","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The General Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 110. Agenda item 118 Programme planning Report of the First Committee (A/61/403) The Acting President: May I take it that the General Assembly wishes to take note of the report of the First Committee? It was so decided. The Acting President: The General Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 118. Since there are still two more items on which recorded votes must be taken, and since the voting machine has not been repaired, we must now move to another venue to continue our deliberations. I therefore 35A/61/PV.67 propose to suspend the meeting and to resume it in Conference Room 3. The meeting was suspended at 5.35 p.m. and resumed at 5.45 p.m. in Conference Room 3. Agenda item 93 (continued) Risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East Report of the First Committee (A/61/397) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended in paragraph 7 of thereport of the First Committee. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. A separate vote has been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution. As there is no objection to that request, I shall first put to thevote the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution, on which a separate, recorded vote has beenrequested. A"} {"rcid":5798,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/156","descr":"The President: The representative of Azerbaijan has submitted an oral amendment to operative paragraph 6 of draft resolution II. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly shall first take a decision on the amendment submitted by the representative of Azerbaijan. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to adopt the oral amendment to operative paragraph 6 of draft resolution II submitted by the representative of Azerbaijan? The oral amendment was adopted. The President: Since the oral amendment to operative paragraph 6 of draft resolution II submitted by the representative of Azerbaijan has been adopted, we shall proceed to take a decision on draft resolution II, as orally amended. The Third Committee adopted draft resolution II without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly decides to adopt draft resolution II, as orally amended? Draft resolution II, as orally amended, was adopted (resolution 61/155). The President: Draft resolution III is entitled _Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5799,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/173","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution XVIII is entitled _Protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism. The Third Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution XVIII was adopted (resolution 61/171). The President: Draft resolution XIX is entitled _Hostage-taking. The Third Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution XIX was adopted (resolution 61/172). The President: Draft resolution XX is entitled _Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraph 4 and operative paragraph 5 (b). If there are no objections to those requests, I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 4. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5800,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/173","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 5 (b) of draft resolution XX. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5801,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/175","descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote the motion submitted by the representative of the Russian Federation that no action be taken on draft resolution III. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5802,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-19","unres":"R/61/176","descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote the motion submitted by the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran that no action be taken on draft resolution IV. 06-66966 A/61/PV.81 A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5803,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-22","unres":"R/61/231","amend":1,"descr":"The President: The representative of the Syrian Arab Republic has introduced an oral amendment to the draft resolution contained in paragraph 8 of the report (A/61/413) of the Fourth Committee. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly shall first take a decision on the oral amendment submitted by the representative of the Syrian Arab Republic. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to adopt the oral amendment submitted by the representative of the Syrian Arab Republic? The oral amendment was adopted. The President: Since the oral amendment to the draft resolution has been adopted, we shall now proceed to take a decision on the draft resolution contained in paragraph 8 of the report of the Fourth Committee contained in document A/61/413, as orally amended. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5804,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-22","unres":"R/61/232","descr":"The President: I give the floor to the representative of Myanmar. Mr. Swe (Myanmar): I would like to thank the representative of the European Union for reading out this technical amendment, but I would like to be sure that the text is the same as the one that was adopted by the Third Committee. Therefore, I would like to request the Secretariat to check and verify that that is indeed the case. The President: We have taken note of the request of the representative of Myanmar. We shall now take a decision on draft resolution II, as orally corrected. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5805,"session":61,"date":"2006-12-22","unres":"R/61/250","para":1,"descr":"The President: The General Assembly has thus this stage of its consideration of agenda 139. item 151 of the United Nations Integrated Mission Timor-Leste Report of the Fifth Committee (A/61/644) The President: The Assembly has before it a resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee paragraph 9 of its report. We will now take a on the draft resolution. The Fifth Committee it without a vote. May I take it that the wishes to do the same? The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 61/249). 07-22624 The President: The General Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda 151. Agenda item 144 Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping forces in the Middle East (b) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Report of the Fifth Committee (A/61/657) The President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 9 of its report (A/61/657). We will now take a decision on the draft resolution, entitled _Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. A single, separate vote has been requested on the fourth preambular paragraph and on operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 21 of the draft resolution. As I hearno objection, I shall now put to the vote the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 21. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5806,"session":61,"date":"2007-04-02","unres":"R/61/250B","para":1,"descr":"The President: We will now take a decision on the draft resolution entitled _Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. A single separate vote has been requested on the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 20 of the draft resolution. If there is no objection to those requests, I shall now put to the vote the fourth preambular paragraph 07-29155 A/61/PV.92 and operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 20. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5807,"session":61,"date":"2007-06-29","unres":"R/61/250C","para":1,"descr":"The President: We will now take a decision on the draft resolution entitled, _Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. A single separate vote has been requested on the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 20 of the draft resolution. As there is no objection to that request, I shall now put to the vote the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 20, on which a single separate and recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5808,"session":62,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/25","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution IV is _Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: the implementation of nuclear commitments. A separate vote has been requested on the paragraph 6 of draft resolution IV. A"} {"rcid":5809,"session":62,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/35","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XII is entitled _Measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction. The First Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I takeit that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XII was adopted (resolution 62/33). The Acting President: Draft resolution XIII is entitled _Prohibition of the dumping of radioactive wastes. The First Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XIII was adopted (resolution 62/34). The Acting President: Draft resolution XIV is entitled _Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas. Separate votes have been requested on the words _and South Asia in operative paragraph 6 and on operative paragraph 6 as a whole of draft resolution XIV. As there is no objection to those requests, I shall first put to the vote the words _and South Asia in operative paragraph 6, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5810,"session":62,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/35","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 6 as a whole, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. 07-62670 A"} {"rcid":5811,"session":62,"date":"2007-12-05","unres":"R/62/56","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We will now take a decision on draft resolutions I and II. We turn first to draft resolution I, entitled _Reportof the Disarmament Commission. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it thatthe Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 62/54). The Acting President: Draft resolution II is entitled _Report of the Conference on Disarmament. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 62/55). The Acting President: May I take it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 100? It was so decided. Agenda item 101 The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East Report of the First Committee (A/62/394) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First 28 Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. A separate vote has been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution. Is there any objection to this request? As there is none, I shall first put to vote the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5812,"session":62,"date":"2007-12-10","unres":"R/62/86","para":1,"descr":"The President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Second Committee in paragraph 10 of its report. 13A/62/PV.65 Before proceeding further, I should like to informmembers of a technical correction to operative paragraph 2 of the draft resolution. Towards the end ofoperative paragraph 2, the phrase _strongly urges should read _strongly urge. The paragraph will therefore read, _Notes that States that have ratified the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change welcome the entry into force of the Protocol on 16 February 2005 and strongly urge States that have not yet done so to ratify it in a timely manner. We shall now take a decision on the draft resolution, entitled _Protection of global climate for present and future generations of mankind, as orally corrected. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 11 of the draft resolution. Is thereany objection to that request? There is none. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5813,"session":62,"date":"2007-12-17","unres":"R/62/120","amend":1,"descr":"The President: The representative of the Syrian Arab Republic has submitted an oral amendment to operative paragraph 6 of draft resolution V. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly will first take a decision on the amendment submitted by the representative of the Syrian Arab Republic. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to adopt the oral amendment submitted by the representative of the Syrian Arab Republic? The oral amendment was adopted. The President: Since the oral amendment submitted by the representative of the Syrian Arab Republic has been adopted, we shall proceed to take a decision on draft resolution V, as orally amended. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5814,"session":62,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/150","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution II is entitled _Strengthening the role of the United Nations in enhancing the effectiveness of the principle of periodic and genuine elections and the promotion of democratization. A separate vote has been requested on the fifth preambular paragraph of draft resolution II. Is there any objection to that request? There is none. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5815,"session":62,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"","descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote the motion submitted by the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran that no action be taken on draft resolution III. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5816,"session":62,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the oral amendment submitted by the representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5817,"session":62,"date":"2007-12-18","unres":"R/62/168","descr":"The Acting President: Since the oral amendment submitted by the representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has not been adopted, we will proceed to take a decision on draft resolution III as a whole. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5818,"session":62,"date":"2007-12-19","unres":"R/62/193","para":1,"descr":"The President: May I take it that it is the wish ofthe General Assembly to conclude its consideration of sub-item (b) of agenda item 54? It was so decided. (c) International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Report of the Second Committee (A/62/419/Add.3) The President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Second Committee in paragraph 8 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The Second Committee adopted the draft resolution. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 62/192). The President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of sub-item (c) of agenda item 54? It was so decided. (e) Implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in Those Countries Experiencing Serious Drought and/or Desertification, Particularly in Africa Report of the Second Committee (A/62/419/Add.5) The President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Second Committee in paragraph 9 of its report. We shall now take a decision on the draft resolution. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 17 of the draft resolution. Is there any objection to that request? I see that there is none. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5819,"session":62,"date":"2007-12-22","unres":"R/62/217","para":1,"descr":"The President: The General Assembly has thus concluded its consideration of all the reports of the First Committee. 6 Agenda item 31 (continued) International cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space Report of the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) (A/62/403) Report of the Fifth Committee (A/62/615) The President: The Assembly will now take action on draft resolution II, recommended by the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) in paragraph 14 of its report. The report of the Fifth Committee on the programme budget implications of draft resolution II is contained in document A/62/615. I now give the floor to the representative of the United States, who wishes to speak in explanation of position on draft resolution II. Mr. Rees (United States of America): The United States wishes to dissociate itself from the consensus on draft resolution II, on international cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space. We regret that we are unable to join the consensus, but the implications of this draft resolution for the regular budget of the United Nations are unacceptable to the Government of the United States. The President: A separate vote has been requested on paragraph 42 of draft resolution II. Is there any objection to that request? I see none. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5820,"session":62,"date":"2007-12-22","unres":"R/62/218","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution VI is entitled _Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Separate votes have of been requested on paragraphs 14 and 15 of the draft resolution. Are there any objections to that request? I see that there are none. I shall first put to the vote paragraph 14 of draft resolution VI. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5821,"session":62,"date":"2007-12-22","unres":"R/62/218","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote paragraph 15 of draft resolution VI. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5822,"session":62,"date":"2007-12-22","unres":"R/62/238","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution II is entitled _Programme budget for the biennium 2008-2009. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 62/237). The President: Draft resolution III is entitled _Special subjects relating to the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2008-2009. A separate vote has been requested on part V of draft resolution III. As there is no objection to that request, I shall put to the vote part V, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5823,"session":62,"date":"2008-06-20","unres":"R/62/265","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 152. Agenda item 153 Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East (a) United Nations Disengagement Observer Force Report of the Fifth Committee (A/62/877) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution, entitled _Financing of the United Nations 5A/62/PV.109 Disengagement Observer Force. The Fifth Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I takeit that the Assembly wishes to do the same? The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 62/264). The Acting President: The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of sub-item (a)of agenda item 153. (b) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Report of the Fifth Committee (A/62/878) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 14 of its report. The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution, entitled _Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. A single separate vote has been requested on thefourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 21 of the draft resolution. Is there any objection to that request? There is none. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5824,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/58","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): Draft resolution XVI is entitled _Mongolia<90>s international security and nuclear-weapon-free status. The First Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution XVI was adopted (resolution 63/56). The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): Draft resolution XVII is entitled _Information on confidence- building measures in the field of conventional arms. The First Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution XVII was adopted (resolution 63/57). The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): Draft resolution XVIII is entitled _Towards a nuclear- weapon-free world: accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 4. Is there any objection to that request? As I see none, I shall now put operative paragraph 4 to the vote. A"} {"rcid":5825,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/62","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): Draft resolution XX is entitled _Measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction. The First Committee adopted draft resolution XX without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution XX was adopted (resolution 63/60). 17A/63/PV.61 The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The Assembly will now turn to draft resolution XXI, entitled _Problems arising from the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in surplus. Before taking action on the draft resolution, I wish to inform members that I have received a communication from the Secretariat that the recorded vote on the draft resolution in the First Committee was scheduled only due to the request of one delegation that later indicated it had done so in error. May I therefore take it that the Assembly wishes to adopt draft resolution XXI without a vote? I see no objection. Draft resolution XXI was adopted (resolution 63/61). The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): Draft resolution XXII is entitled _Consolidation of peace through practical disarmament measures. A separate vote has been requested on the tenth preamble paragraph of draft resolution XXII. Is there any objection to this request? As there is none, I shallfirst put to the vote the tenth preamble paragraph of draft resolution XXII, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5826,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/65","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): We shall now take a decision on draft resolution XXVI, entitled _Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 6. Are there any objections to this request? As there are none, we shall now take a vote on operative paragraph 6 of draft resolution XXVI, on which a recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5827,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/69","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): Draft resolution XXX is entitled _Transparency in armaments. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5 (b), 5 as a whole and 7.Are there any objections to those requests? As there are none, I shall first put to the voteoperative paragraph 2 of draft resolution XXX, on which a separate recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5828,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/69","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 3 of draft resolution XXX, on which a separate requested vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5829,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/69","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 4 of draft resolution XXX, on which a separate requested vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5830,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/69","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 5 (b) of draft resolution XXX, on which a separate requested vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5831,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/69","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 5 as a whole of draft resolution XXX, on which a separate recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5832,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/69","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 7 of draft 26 resolution XXX, on which a separate recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5833,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/72","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): Draft resolution XXXI is entitled _United Nations study on disarmament and non-proliferation education. The First Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution XXXI was adopted (resolution 63/70). The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): Draft resolution XXXII is entitled _Convention on Cluster Munitions. The First Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution XXXII was adopted (resolution 63/71). The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): Draft resolution XXXIII is entitled _The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects. Separate 27A/63/PV.61 votes have been requested on operative paragraphs 4 and 13. Are there any objections to those requests? As there are none, I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 4 of draft resolution XXXIII, on which a separate recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5834,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/72","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 13 of draft resolution XXXIII, on which a separate recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5835,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-02","unres":"R/63/84","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): Draft resolution II is entitled _Report of the Disarmament Commission. The First Committee adopted draft 34 resolution II without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 63/83). The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 91? It was so decided. Agenda item 92 The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East Report of the First Committee (A/63/392) The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. A separate vote has been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution. Is there any objection to this request? As there is none, I shall first put to the vote the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5836,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/182","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The representative of Uganda has submitted oral amendments to operative paragraph 6 (b) of draft resolution XV. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly will first take a decision on the first amendment submitted by the representative of Uganda. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5837,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/182","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the second amendment submitted by the representative of Uganda. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5838,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/191","descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the votethe motion submitted by the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran that no action be taken on draft resolution III. A recorded vote on the motion hasbeen requested. 08-66066 A/63/PV.71 A"} {"rcid":5839,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/191","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We shall first take a vote on the oral amendment to paragraph 6 of draft resolution III. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5840,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/191","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We shall now take a decision on the proposed amendment to paragraph 7 of draft resolution III. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5841,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-18","unres":"R/63/191","descr":"The Acting President: Since the oral amendments submitted by the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran on operative paragraphs 6 and 7 have not been adopted, we shall proceed to take a decision on draft resolution III as a whole. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5842,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-24","unres":"R/63/240","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in Spanish): The Assembly will resume consideration of the report of the First Committee on agenda item 89, entitled _General and complete disarmament in order to take action on draft resolution XXV recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 86 of its report (A/63/389). The report of the Fifth Committee on the programme budget implications of draft resolution XXV is contained in document A/63/650. We will now take a decision on draft resolution XXV. Draft resolution XXV is entitled _Towards an arms trade treaty: establishing common international standards for the import, export and transfer of conventional arms. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 of draft resolution XXV. Are there any objections to these requests? There are none. I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 3 of draft resolution XXV, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. 08-66746 A/63/PV.74 A"} {"rcid":5843,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-24","unres":"R/63/240","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in Spanish): I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 4 of draft resolutionXXV. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5844,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-24","unres":"R/63/240","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in Spanish): I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 5 of draft resolution XXV. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5845,"session":63,"date":"2008-12-24","unres":"R/63/263","descr":"The President (spoke in Spanish): A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5846,"session":63,"date":"2009-06-30","unres":"R/63/298","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution, _Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 63/297). 09-38696 The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of sub-item (a) of agenda item 144. (b) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Report of the Fifth Committee (A/63/905) The Acting President (spoke in Spanish): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 12 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution, entitled _Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. A single separate vote has been requested on the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 19 of the draft resolution. Is there any objection to that request? There is none. I shall now put to the vote the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 19, on which a single separate and recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5847,"session":63,"date":"2009-09-09","unres":"R/63/307","descr":"The Acting President: In accordance with rule 74 of the rules of procedure of the Assembly, I shall now put to the vote the motion submitted by the representative of the Russian Federation, namely, that 13A/63/PV.104 no action be taken on draft resolution A/63/L.79. A recorded vote has been requested on the motion. A"} {"rcid":5848,"session":64,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/246","para":1,"descr":"The President: May I take it that it is the wish the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 90? It was so decided. Agenda item 91 Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security Report of the First Committee (A/64/386) The President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 64/25). The President: May I take it that it is the wish the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 91? It was so decided. 09-62827 A/64/PV.55 Agenda item 92 Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East of Report of the First Committee (A/64/387) The President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. A separate recorded vote has been requested on operative paragraph 3 of the draft resolution. Is there any objection to that request? There is none. I shall first put to the vote paragraph 3 of the draft resolution. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5849,"session":64,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/31","para":1,"descr":"The President: We now turn to draft resolution II, entitled _Assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons and collecting them. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 64/30). The President: We now turn to draft resolution III, entitled _Follow-up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at the 1995 and 2000 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. A separate recorded vote has been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph of draft resolution III. Is there any objection to this request? As there is none, I shall first put to the vote the sixth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5850,"session":64,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/44","para":1,"descr":"The President: The First Committee adopted draft resolution XV, entitled _Confidence-building measures in the regional and subregional context, without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XV was adopted (resolution 64/43). The President: We turn next to draft resolution XVI, entitled _Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas. A separate recorded vote has been requested on operative paragraph 7. If there is no objection to thatrequest, I shall take it that the Assembly decides to proceed accordingly. I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 7. A"} {"rcid":5851,"session":64,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/50","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution XXI is entitled _Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities. The First Committee adopted itwithout a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution XXI was adopted (resolution 64/49). The President: Draft resolution XXII is entitled _The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in allits aspects. Separate recorded votes have been requested on operative paragraphs 4 and 15 of the draftresolution. I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 4. A"} {"rcid":5852,"session":64,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/50","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 15. A"} {"rcid":5853,"session":64,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/54","para":1,"descr":"The President: The Assembly has before it draft resolution XXVI, which is entitled _Transparency in armaments. Separate recorded votes have been 09-62827 A/64/PV.55requested on operative paragraphs 3, 4, 5, 6 (d), operative paragraph 6 as a whole, and operative paragraph 8. I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 3. A"} {"rcid":5854,"session":64,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/54","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall next put to the vote operative paragraph 4 of draft resolution XXVI. A"} {"rcid":5855,"session":64,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/54","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 5 of draft resolution XXVI. A"} {"rcid":5856,"session":64,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/54","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall next put to the vote operative paragraph 6 (d) of draft resolution XXVI. A"} {"rcid":5857,"session":64,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/54","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 6 as a whole of draft resolution XXVI. A"} {"rcid":5858,"session":64,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/54","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 8 of draft resolution XXVI. A"} {"rcid":5859,"session":64,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/57","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution XXIX is entitled _Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments. A separate recorded vote has been requested on operative paragraph 4. Unless I hear any objection, I shall take it that the Assembly agrees to proceed accordingly. A"} {"rcid":5860,"session":64,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/66","para":1,"descr":"The President: The Assembly has before it two draft resolutions recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 11 of its report. We will now take decisions on draft resolutions I and II. We first turn to draft resolution I, entitled _Report of the Conference on Disarmament. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 64/64). The President: Draft resolution II is entitled _Report of the Disarmament Commission. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 64/65). The President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 98? It was so decided. Agenda item 99 The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East Report of the First Committee (A/64/394) The President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. 30 A separate recorded vote has been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution. Is there any objection to this request? As there is none, I shall first put to the vote the sixth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5861,"session":64,"date":"2009-12-02","unres":"R/64/69","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it thatthe Assembly wishes to do the same? The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 64/68). The Acting President: I give the floor to the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Mr. Robatjazi (Islamic Republic of Iran): My delegation would like it put on record that it did not participate in the decision on resolution 64/68, on _Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region, based on reasons outlined in the First Committee. The Acting President: May I take it that it is thewish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 101? It was so decided. Agenda item 102 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Report of the First Committee (A/64/397) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. A separate recorded vote has been requested on operative paragraph 5 of the draft resolution. Is there32 any objection to this request? As there is none, I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 5. A"} {"rcid":5862,"session":64,"date":"2009-12-11","unres":"R/64/109","para":1,"descr":"The President: I call on the representative of Egypt on a point of order. Mr. Attiya (Egypt): I wish to clarify something, because I think that what was read out earlier as the amendment proposed by Syria was different from what was explained just now by the Syrian representative. We have to be clear beforehand on what has been decided and what we are voting on. To my delegation, this is a clear amendment. The President: I call on the representative of Israel on a point of order. Mr. Carmon (Israel): I would like to associate my delegation with what the representative of Egypt said. Until the meeting was suspended, the vote was on one thing: an affirmative reiteration of what is written in the draft resolution. What we just heard a few moments ago from one particular representative was something else: the request of that representative to delete something. I think we deserve to know what we are voting on. The President: The representative of Israel is impatient and should have waited. The vote will be on what was decided before the suspension. A"} {"rcid":5863,"session":64,"date":"2009-12-18","unres":"R/64/152","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The representative of Iraq has submitted an oral amendment to operative paragraph 10 of draft resolution I. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly shall first take a decision on the amendment submitted by the representative of Iraq. We will now proceed to consider the amendment. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5864,"session":64,"date":"2009-12-24","unres":"R/64/245","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We will now take action on draft resolutions I to V, one by one. We first turn to draft resolution I, entitled _Questions relating to the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011, the text of which is contained for the time being in document A/C.5/64/L.18. The Fifth Committee adopted draft resolution I without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? 09-66461 A/64/PV.68 Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 64/243). The Acting President: Draft resolution II is entitled _Proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011, the text of which is contained for the time being in document A/C.5/64/L.19. The Fifth Committee adopted draft resolution II without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 64/244). The Acting President: Draft resolution III is entitled _Special subjects relating to the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011, the text of which for the time being is contained in document A/C.5/64/L.20. A separate vote has been requested on section V of draft resolution III. Member States are reminded that, in accordance with rule 83 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, budgetary questions require a majority of two thirds of those present and voting. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5865,"session":64,"date":"2010-06-24","unres":"R/64/282","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution, entitled _Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 64/281) The Acting President: The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of sub-item (a) of agenda item 158. (b) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Report of the Fifth Committee (A/64/830) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 11 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution, entitled _Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. A single separate vote has been requested on the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 18 of the draft resolution. Is there any objection to that request? There is none. I shall now put to the vote the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 18, on which a single separate and recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5866,"session":64,"date":"2010-09-07","unres":"R/64/296","descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote the motion submitted by the representative of the Russian Federation that no action be taken on draft resolution A/64/L.62. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5867,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/46","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): The General Assembly will now take a decision on draft resolutions I to XXXIII, and on one draft decision, one by one. After all the decisions have been taken, representatives will again have the opportunity to explain their vote or position on any or all of the draft resolutions and decision. I now invite delegations to turn to paragraph 88, in section III of the report, containing the draft resolutions. We turn first to draft resolution I, entitled _Regional disarmament. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 65/45). The President (spoke in French): We now turn to draft resolution II, entitled _Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on paragraph 2. A"} {"rcid":5868,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/56","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution XII is entitled _Nuclear disarmament. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on paragraph 15 of draft resolution XII. A"} {"rcid":5869,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/58","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution XIII is entitled _Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XIII was adopted (resolution 65/57). The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution XIV is entitled _Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on paragraph 5 of draft resolution XIV. A"} {"rcid":5870,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/59","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution XV is entitled _Towards a nuclear-weapon- free world: accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on paragraph 12 of draft resolution XV. A"} {"rcid":5871,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/61","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution XVII is entitled _Bilateral reductions of strategic nuclear arms and the new framework for strategic relations. A separate, recorded vote has beenrequested on operative paragraph 7 of draft resolution XVII. A"} {"rcid":5872,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/66","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): We now turn to draft resolution XXII, entitled _Convening of the fourth special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on paragraph 3 of the draft resolution. A"} {"rcid":5873,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/67","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): We now turn to draft resolution XXIII, entitled _Consolidation of peacethrough practical disarmament measures. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on paragraph 6 of the draft resolution. A"} {"rcid":5874,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/71","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): We now turn to draft resolution XXV, entitled _Women, disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control. The First Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XXV was adopted (resolution 65/69). The President (spoke in French): We now turn to draft resolution XXVI, entitled _Mongolia<90>s international security and nuclear-weapon-free status. The First Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XXVI was adopted (resolution 65/70). The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution XXVII is entitled _Decreasing the operational readiness of nuclear weapons systems. A separate recorded vote has been requested on paragraph 1 of draft resolution XXVII. A"} {"rcid":5875,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/72","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution XXVIII is entitled _United action towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons. Separate recorded votes have been requested on paragraphs 2, 8 and 9 of draft resolution XXVIII. I shall first put to the vote paragraph 2. A"} {"rcid":5876,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/72","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): I shall next put to the vote paragraph 8. A"} {"rcid":5877,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/72","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): I shall now put to the vote paragraph 9. A"} {"rcid":5878,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/75","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution XXX is entitled _Preventing the acquisition by terrorists of radioactive sources. The First Committee adopted draft resolution XXX without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XXX was adopted (resolution 65/74). The President (spoke in French): We now turn to draft resolution XXXI, entitled _Preventing and combating illicit brokering activities. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on the twelfth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5879,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/85","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution VI is entitled _United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific. The First Committee adopted draft resolution VI without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution VI was adopted (resolution 65/83). The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution VII is entitled _Regional confidence- building measures: activities of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa. The First Committee adopted draft resolution VII without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution VII was adopted (resolution 65/84). The President (spoke in French): May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 98? It was so decided. 30 Agenda item 99 Review of the implementation of the recommendations and decisions adopted by the General Assembly at its tenth special session Report of the First Committee (A/65/412) to The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it three draft resolutions recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 13 of its report. We will now take decisions on draft resolutions I to III. We first turn to draft resolution I, entitled _Report of the Conference on Disarmament. Separate, recorded votes have been requested on paragraphs 2 and 6. I shall first put to the vote paragraph 2. A"} {"rcid":5880,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/85","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): I shall now putto the vote paragraph 6. A"} {"rcid":5881,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/88","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution III is entitled _Thirtieth anniversary of theUnited Nations Institute for Disarmament Research. The First Committee adopted draft resolution III without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution III was adopted (resolution 65/87). The President (spoke in French): The representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran has asked to speak in explanation of vote or position on thedraft resolutions just adopted. Mr. Seifi Pargou (Islamic Republic of Iran): My delegation would like to put on record that it did not participate in the voting on resolution 65/85, _Report of the Conference on Disarmament, based on reasons outlined by our delegation during the relevant meeting of the First Committee. The President (spoke in French): May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to concludeits consideration of agenda item 99? It was so decided. Agenda item 100 The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East Report of the First Committee (A/65/413) The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. Separate, recorded votes have been requested on the fifth and thesixth preambular paragraphs of the draft resolution. I shall first put to the vote the fifth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5882,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/88","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): I shall now put to the vote the sixth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5883,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-08","unres":"R/65/91","para":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 65/90). The President (spoke in French): I now give the floor to the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who has asked to speak in explanation of position. Mr. Seifi Pargou (Islamic Republic of Iran): My delegation would like to put on record that it did not participate in the decision just taken by the General Assembly on resolution 65/90, entitled _Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region, based on reasons outlined by our delegation during the meeting of the First Committee (see A/C.1/65/PV.21). The President (spoke in French): May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 102? It was so decided. Agenda item 103 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Report of the First Committee (A/65/416) The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution. A"} {"rcid":5884,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-21","unres":"R/65/206","descr":"The President (spoke in French): We have heard the last speaker in explanation of vote before the voting on draft resolutions I to XIX and the amendment to draft resolution III (A/65/L.53). We will now take a decision, one by one, on the 19 draft resolutions and the amendment to draft resolution III contained in document A/65/L.53. After all the decisions have been taken, representatives will again have the opportunity to explain their vote on any or all of the draft resolutions and on the amendment.it We turn first to draft resolution I, entitled _Moratorium on the use of the death penalty. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5885,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-21","unres":"R/65/208","amend":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution II is entitled _The role of the Ombudsman, mediator and other national human rights institutions in the promotion and protection of human rights. The Third Committee adopted draft resolution II. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 65/207). The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution III is entitled _Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions. An amendment to the draft resolution is contained in document A/65/L.53. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly will first take a decision on the amendment contained in document A/65/L.53. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5886,"session":65,"date":"2010-12-24","unres":"R/65/259","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: A separate recorded vote has been requested on section XIII of draft resolution I,which I shall now put to the vote. A"} {"rcid":5887,"session":65,"date":"2011-05-03","unres":"R/65/276","amend":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Since there is no agreement, we shall take a decision on the oral amendment. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5888,"session":66,"date":"2011-09-16","unres":"R/66/1","descr":"The President (spoke in Arabic): I give the floorto the representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Mr. Valero Brice_o (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela) (spoke in Spanish): I take the floor in orderto support as enthusiastically as possible the motion fordeferment that was moved by the delegation of Angola. The President (spoke in Arabic): I shall now putto the vote the motion submitted by the representative of Angola that action on the draft resolution contained in the report of the Credentials Committee (A/66/360) be deferred. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5889,"session":66,"date":"2011-11-18","unres":"","amend":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in Arabic): Before we consider draft resolution A/66/L.8 and the amendments thereto contained in documents A/66/L.11, A/66/L.12, A/66/L.13 and A/66/L.14, I would like to remind members that the discussion of agenda item 118 will be held at a later date to be announced. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly will first take action on the amendments contained in documents A/66/L.11, A/66/L.12 and A/66/L.13 together, and then take a decision on A/66/L.14 separately, as proposed by the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The General Assembly will now take a decision on the amendments contained in documents A/66/L.11, A/66/L.12 and A/66/L.13. Recorded votes have been requested. A"} {"rcid":5890,"session":66,"date":"2011-11-18","unres":"","amend":1,"descr":"The President (spoke in Arabic): The Assembly will now take a decision on the amendment contained in document A/66/L.14, as orally revised. A"} {"rcid":5891,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/28","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly will now take decisions on draft resolutions I to XXV and draft decisions I to III, one by one. After all the decisionshave been taken, representatives will again have the opportunity to explain their vote on any or all of the draft resolutions and draft decisions. I now invite delegations to turn to paragraph 70,in section III of the report containing the draft resolutions. We turn first to draft resolution I, entitled _Follow-up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at the 1995, 2000 and 2010 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Separate votes have been requested on the sixth and ninth preambular paragraphs of draft resolution I. I shall first put to the vote the sixth preambular paragraph of draft resolution I, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5892,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/28","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I will now put to the vote the ninth preambular paragraph of draft resolution I, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5893,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/33","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We now turn to draft VI, entitled _2015 Review Conference of the to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Weapons and its Preparatory Committee. I first put to the vote the seventh preambular on which a separate, recorded vote has been A"} {"rcid":5894,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/37","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We now turn to draft resolution VII, entitled _Assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons and collecting them. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution VII was adopted (resolution 66/34). The Acting President: We now turn to draft resolution VIII, entitled _Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution VIII was adopted (resolution 66/35). The Acting President: We now turn to draft resolution IX, entitled _Regional disarmament. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution IX was adopted (resolution 66/36). The Acting President: We now turn to draft resolution X, entitled _Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels. I shall first putthe vote operative paragraph 2 of the draft resolution,on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5895,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/39","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We now turn to draft resolution XI, entitled _Confidence-building measures in the regional and subregional context. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XI was adopted (resolution 66/38). The Acting President: We now turn to draft resolution XII, entitled _Transparency in armaments. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraphs 2, 3, 4, 5 (b), 5 and 7. I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 2, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5896,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/39","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 3 of draft resolution XII, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5897,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/39","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the voteoperative paragraph 4 of draft resolution XII, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5898,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/39","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 5 (b) of draft resolution XII, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5899,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/39","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the voteoperative paragraph 5 of draft resolution XII, on whicha separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5900,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/39","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 7 of draft resolution XII, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5901,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/40","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XIII is entitled _Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: accelerating the implementation of nucleardisarmament commitments. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraphs 1 and 9. I shall first put to the vote paragraph 1, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5902,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/40","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 9 of draft resolution XIII, on which a separate recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5903,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/44","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XIV is entitled _National legislation on transfer of arms, military equipment and dual-use goods and technology. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution XIV was adopted (resolution 66/41). 21A/66/PV.71 The Acting President: Draft resolution XV is entitled _Problems arising from the accumulation of conventional ammunition stockpiles in surplus. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XV was adopted (resolution 66/42). The Acting President: Draft resolution XVI is entitled _Treaty on the South-East Asia Nuclear- Weapon-Free Zone (Bangkok Treaty). The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it thatthe Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution XVI was adopted (resolution 66/43). The Acting President: Draft resolution XVII is entitled _Treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. Separate recorded votes have been requested on operative paragraphs 2 and 3. I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 2. A"} {"rcid":5904,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/44","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 3 of draft resolution XVII. A"} {"rcid":5905,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/45","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XVIII is entitled _United action towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons. Separate votes have been requested on the ninth preambular paragraph and on operative paragraphs 2, 8, 9 and 15 of draft resolution XVIII. I shall first put to the vote the ninth preambular paragraph, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5906,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/45","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 2, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5907,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/45","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the voteoperative paragraph 8, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5908,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/45","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 9, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5909,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/45","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 15, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5910,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/51","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We now turn to draft resolution XXIII, entitled _Measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution XXIII was adopted (resolution 66/50). The Acting President: We now turn to draft resolution XXIV, entitled _Nuclear disarmament. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraphs 14 and 16 of draft resolution XXIV. I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 14. A"} {"rcid":5911,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/51","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall next put to the vote operative paragraph 16. A"} {"rcid":5912,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/61","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly has before it two draft resolutions recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 11 of its report. We will now take decisions on the draft resolutions. We first turn to draft resolution I, entitled _Report of the Conference on Disarmament. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 66/59). The Acting President: We now turn to draft resolution II, entitled _Report of the Disarmament Commission. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 66/60). The Acting President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 100? It was so decided. Agenda item 101 The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East Report of the First Committee (A/66/415) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 8 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. 11-61761 Separate votes have been requested on the fifth,sixth and seventh preambular paragraphs of the draftresolution. I shall first put to the vote the fifthpreambular paragraph, on which a separate, recordedvote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5913,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/61","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote the sixth preambular paragraph, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5914,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/61","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the votethe seventh preambular paragraph, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5915,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-02","unres":"R/66/64","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 102? It was so decided. Agenda item 103 Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region Report of the First Committee (A/66/417) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 66/63). The Acting President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 103? It was so decided. Agenda item 104 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Report of the First Committee (A/66/418) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. 37A/66/PV.71 A separate vote has been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution. I shall first put to the vote the sixth preambular paragraph, onwhich a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5916,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-19","unres":"R/66/175","descr":"The President (spoke in Arabic): We will now take a decision on the motion proposed by the representativeof the Islamic Republic of Iran for no action to be takenon draft resolution III, entitled _Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran. A recorded votehas been requested. A"} {"rcid":5917,"session":66,"date":"2011-12-24","unres":"R/66/247","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We will now take action on draft resolutions I to V and on the draft decision, oneby one. 12\b We first turn to draft resolution I, entitled _Questions relating to the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013, the text of which, for the time being, is contained in document A/C.5/66/L.18. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 66/246). The Acting President: Draft resolution II is entitled _Special subjects relating to the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013, the text of which, for the time being, is contained in document A/C.5/66/L.19. A separate vote has been requested on section IX of draft resolution II. Member States are reminded that, in accordance with rule 83 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, budgetary questions require a majority of two-thirds of those present and voting. A"} {"rcid":5918,"session":66,"date":"2012-04-09","unres":"R/66/257","para":1,"descr":"The President: I give the floor to the representative of Denmark. Mrs. Rohrmann (Denmark): The European Union member States strongly support the oral amendment that was just presented by the United States. We believe that the language contained in the amendment is a very balanced reflection of the discussions that took place in the Committee. It also reflects the continued striving for compromise by some Member States across all regions and groups. That proposal recognizes the efforts undertaken by the Secretary-General, as well as concerns raised by Member States, with regard to change management. Furthermore, it safeguards the prerogatives of the General Assembly and gives an opportunity to consider A/66/PV.104 the proposals contained in the Secretary-General<90>s Change Management Plan. We therefore urge all Member States to vote in favour of the oral amendment. The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Algeria. Mr. Mihoubi (Algeria): On behalf the Group of 77 and China, I call for a recorded vote on the oral amendment proposed by the United States. The President: The representative of the United States has submitted an oral amendment to section II of the draft resolution contained in paragraph 17 of document A/66/638/Add.1. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly shall first take a decision on the amendment submitted by the representative of the United States. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5919,"session":66,"date":"2012-04-09","unres":"R/66/257","descr":"The President: As the oral amendment submitted by the representative of the United States has not been adopted, I shall now put to the vote the draft resolution as a whole. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5920,"session":66,"date":"2012-06-21","unres":"R/66/277","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The General Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 159. Agenda item 160 Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East (a) United Nations Disengagement Observer Force Report of the Fifth Committee (A/66/840) 12-38425 The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution entitled _Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 66/276). The Acting President: The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of sub-item (a) of agenda item 160. (b) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Report of the Fifth Committee (A/66/833) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 13 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution, entitled _Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. A single separate vote has been requested on the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 13 of the draft resolution. I shall now put to the vote the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 13, on which a single separate and recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5921,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/34","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution V is entitled _Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on operative paragraph 11 of draft resolution V. I shall put that paragraph to the vote first. A"} {"rcid":5922,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/43","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XIV is entitled _Preventing and combating illicit brokering activities. Separate, recorded votes have been requestedon the twelfth and thirteenth preambular paragraphs of draft resolution XIV. I shall first put to the vote the twelfth preambular paragraph of draft resolution XIV, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5923,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/43","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I now put to the vote the thirteenth preambular paragraph of draft resolution XIV, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5924,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/677/46","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XVII is entitled _Decreasing the operational readiness of nuclear weapons systems. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on the eighth preambular paragraph. I shall first put to the vote the eighth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5925,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/53","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XX is entitled _Information on confidence-building measures in the field of conventional arms. The First Committeeadopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assemblywishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XX was adopted (resolution 67/49). The Acting President: Draft resolution XXI is entitled _Consolidation of peace through practical disarmament measures. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishesto do likewise? Draft resolution XXI was adopted (resolution 67/50). The Acting President: Draft resolution XXII is entitled _Preventing the acquisition by terrorists of radioactive sources. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XXII was adopted (resolution 67/51). The Acting President: Draft resolution XXIII is entitled _Mongolia<90>s international security and nuclear-weapon-free status. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution XXIII was adopted (resolution 67/52). 18 The Acting President: Draft resolution XXIV is entitled _Treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on operative paragraph 3. I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 3. A"} {"rcid":5926,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/59","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XXVIII is entitled _Regional disarmament. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assemblywishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XXVIII was adopted (resolution 67/57). The Acting President: Draft resolution XXIX is entitled _The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects. The First Committee adoptedit without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishesto do likewise? Draft resolution XXIX was adopted (resolution 67/58). The Acting President: Draft resolution XXX is entitled _United action towards the total elimination ofnuclear weapons. Separate, recorded votes have been requested on operative paragraphs 2, 8, 9 and 16. I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 2. A"} {"rcid":5927,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/59","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 8 of draft resolution XXX, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5928,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/59","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 9 of draft resolution XXX , on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5929,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/59","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I now put to the vote operative paragraph 16 of draft resolution XXX, on which a separate, recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5930,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/60","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XXXI is entitled _Nuclear disarmament. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on operative paragraph 16. I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 16. A"} {"rcid":5931,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/62","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We now turn to draft resolution XXXII, entitled _Confidence-building measures in the regional and subregional context. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XXXII was adopted (resolution 67/61). The Acting President: We now turn to draft resolution XXXIII, entitled _Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on operative paragraph 2. I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 2 A"} {"rcid":5932,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/73","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. Separate, recorded votes have been requested on its fifth and sixth preambular paragraphs. I shall first put to the vote the fifth preambularparagraph. A"} {"rcid":5933,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/73","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote the sixth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5934,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-03","unres":"R/67/76","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 98? 12-62440 It was so decided. Agenda item 99 Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region Report of the First Committee (A/67/414) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 67/75). The Acting President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 99? It was so decided. Agenda item 100 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Report of the First Committee (A/67/415) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph. I shall first put to the vote the sixth preambularparagraph of the draft resolution. A"} {"rcid":5935,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-24","unres":"R/67/234","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We will now take a decision on draft resolution I, entitled _Situation of human rights in Myanmar. The Third Committee adopted it. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 67/233). The Acting President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of sub-item (c) of agenda item 69, and of agenda item 69 as a whole? It was so decided. Agenda item 94 (continued) General and complete disarmament Report of the First Committee (A/67/409) Report of the Fifth Committee (A/67/671) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it draft resolution IV, recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 97 of its report. The report of the Fifth Committee on the programme budget implications of the draft resolution is contained in document A/67/671. We will now take a decision on draft resolution IV, entitled _The arms trade treaty. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraphs 2 and 3. I shall first put to the vote paragraph 2. A"} {"rcid":5936,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-24","unres":"R/67/234","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 3. A"} {"rcid":5937,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-24","unres":"R/67/243","amend":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The representative of the Russian Federation has submitted an oral amendment to the draft resolution recommended in the report of the Fifth Committee in document A/67/675. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly shall first take a decision on the amendment submitted by the representation of the Russian Federation. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to adopt the oral amendment submitted by the Russian Federation? I give the floor to the representative of Cyprus. Mr. Soteriou (Cyprus): My delegation would like to request a recorded vote on the oral amendment proposed by the Russian Federation. The Acting President: A recorded vote has been requested on the oral amendment suggested by the Russian Federation. A"} {"rcid":5938,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-24","unres":"R/67/243","descr":"The Acting President: Since the oral amendment submitted by the representative of the Russian Federation has not been adopted, we shall now proceed to take a decision on the draft resolution as a whole. Arecorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5939,"session":67,"date":"2012-12-24","unres":"R/67/246","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I give the floor to the representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who wishes to speak in explanation of vote before the voting. Mr. Bayat Mokhtari (Islamic Republic of Iran): My delegation has asked for the floor to explain its vote under this agenda item. My delegation has always supported the activities of the United Nations in all areas within the scope of its work, as long as they abide by the rules and regulations of the Organization and remain within international law and the purview of the United Nations. Although Iran supports the functions of the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide, in the view of my delegation the issue of the responsibility to protect, including its definition, is still under consideration by the General Assembly. It is therefore not acceptable for my delegation that the limited financial resources of the Organization be allocated to fund posts for which there is no mandated definition. 12-66174 It is for that reason that my delegation will voteagainst section I of the draft resolution and urges othermember States to do the same. The Acting President: The Assembly will now take action on draft resolution I, entitled _Questions relating to the programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013, the text of which is contained, for the timebeing, in document A/C.5/67/L.18. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on section I of draft resolution I. A"} {"rcid":5940,"session":67,"date":"2013-06-28","unres":"R/67/279","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. For the time being, the text of the draft resolution is contained in document A/C.5/67/L.50. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution, entitled _Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 67/278). The Acting President: The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of sub-item (a) of agenda item 158. (b) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Report of the Fifth Committee (A/67/914) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 12 of its report. For the time being, the text of the draft resolution is contained in document A/C.5/67/L.37. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution, entitled _Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. I shall now put to the vote the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 13, on A/67/PV.90 which a single separate and recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5941,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/36","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution III is entitled _Information on confidence-building measures in the field of conventional arms. The First Committee it without a vote. May I take it that the Assemblywishes to do the same? Draft resolution III was adopted (resolution 71/35). The Acting President: Draft resolution IV is entitled _Preventing and combating illicit brokering activities. A separate, recorded vote has been requestedon the eighth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5942,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/41","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I now put to the vote operative paragraph 2. A"} {"rcid":5943,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/44","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution X is entitled _Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution X was adopted (resolution 71/42). The Acting President: Draft resolution XI is entitled _Mongolia<90>s international security and nuclear- weapon-free status. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XI was adopted (resolution 71/43). The Acting President: Draft resolution XII is entitled _Transparency in armaments. Separate, recorded votes have been requested on the fourth, seventh and eighth preambular paragraphs and operative paragraphs 3, 4, 6 (c) and 7. I shall first put to the vote the fourth preambular paragraph of draft resolution XII. A"} {"rcid":5944,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/44","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I now put to the vote the seventh preambular paragraph of draft resolution XII. A"} {"rcid":5945,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/44","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I now put to the vote the eighth preambular paragraph of draft resolution XII. A"} {"rcid":5946,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/44","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I now put to the vote operative paragraph 3. A"} {"rcid":5947,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/44","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I now put to the vote operative paragraph 4. A"} {"rcid":5948,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/44","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I now put to the vote operative paragraph 6 (c). A"} {"rcid":5949,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/44","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I now put to the vote operative paragraph 7. A"} {"rcid":5950,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/49","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XVI is entitled _The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the GeneralAssembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XVI was adopted (resolution 71/48). The Acting President: Draft resolution XVII is entitled _United action with renewed determination towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons. Separate, recorded votes have been requested on operative paragraphs 5, 20 and 27. I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 5. A"} {"rcid":5951,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/49","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I now put to the vote operative paragraph 20. A"} {"rcid":5952,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/49","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I now put to the vote operative paragraph 27. A"} {"rcid":5953,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/53","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XX is entitled _Assistance to States for curbing the illicit traffic in small arms and light weapons and collecting them. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XX was adopted (resolution 71/52). The Acting President: Draft resolution XXI is entitled _Decreasing the operational readiness of nuclear weapons systems. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on its eighth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5954,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/54","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XXII is entitled _Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on operative paragraph 14. A"} {"rcid":5955,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/56","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XXIV is entitled _Women, disarmament, non-proliferation and arms control. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on the tenth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5956,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/63","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XXXI is entitled _Relationship between disarmament and development. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XXXI was adopted (resolution 71/62). The Acting President: Draft resolution XXXII is entitled _Nuclear disarmament. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on operative paragraph 16. A"} {"rcid":5957,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/68","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XXXVII is entitled _National legislation on transfer of arms, military equipment and dual-use goods and technology. Separate, recorded votes have been requested on the seventh and eighth preambular paragraphs and operative paragraph 1. I shall now put to the vote the seventh preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5958,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/68","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote the eighth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5959,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/68","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 1. A"} {"rcid":5960,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/69","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XXXVIII is entitled _Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction. Separate, recorded votes have been requested on the third and fourth preambular paragraphs and on operative paragraphs 2 and 13. I shall first put to the vote the third preambularparagraph. A"} {"rcid":5961,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/69","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I now put to the vote the fourth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5962,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/69","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I now put to the vote operative paragraph 2. A"} {"rcid":5963,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/69","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I now put to the vote operative paragraph 13. A"} {"rcid":5964,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/83","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly has before it two draft resolutions recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 10 of its report.. We will now take a decision on draft resolutions I and II, one by one. Draft resolution I is entitled _Report of the Conference on Disarmament. The First Committee 42/48\b 05/12/2016 adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 71/81). The Acting President: We now turn to draft resolution II, entitled _Report of the Disarmament Commission. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 71/82). The Acting President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 100? It was so decided. Agenda item 101 The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East Report of the First Committee (A/71/453) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 8 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. Separate, recorded votes have been requested on the fifth and sixth preambular paragraphs of the draft resolution. I shall first put to the vote the fifth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution. A"} {"rcid":5965,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/83","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution. A"} {"rcid":5966,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/86","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. Separate, recorded votes have been requested on the fourth and seventh preambular paragraphs of the draft resolution. I shall first put to the vote the fourth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5967,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/86","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote the seventh preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5968,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-08","unres":"R/71/129","amend":1,"descr":"The Acting President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to adopt draft resolution A/71/L.33? Draft resolution A/71/L.33 was adopted (resolution 71/128). The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on draft resolution A/71/L.34, entitled _Safety and security of humanitarian personnel and protection of United Nations personnel. I give the floor to the representative of the Secretariat. Mr. Nakano (Department for General Assembly and Conference Management): I should like to announce that, since the submission of the draft resolution, and in addition to those delegations listed in the document, the following countries have become sponsors of draft resolution A/71/L.34: Andorra, Argentina, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Chile, Guatemala, Guinea, Iceland, Malawi, Mexico, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, the Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Panama, the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, San Marino, Senegal, Serbia, Somalia, Turkey and Uruguay. The Acting President: In accordance with rule 90 of the Assembly<90>s rules of procedure, the Assembly will first take a decision on the proposed draft amendments A/71/PV.57 to draft resolution A/71/L.34, issued as documents A/71/L.36 and A/71/l.37, one by one. We will first take action on the draft amendment contained in A/71/L.36. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5969,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-08","unres":"R/71/129","amend":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft amendment contained in A/71/L.37. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5970,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-19","unres":"R/71/167","amend":1,"descr":"The President: We shall now proceed to take decisions on draft resolutions I to IV and on the draft decision, one by one. A/71/PV.65 We first turn to draft resolution I entitled _Trafficking in women and girls. In connection with draft resolution I, the General Assembly has before it adraft amendment circulated in document A/71/L.30. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly shall first take a decision on the proposed draft amendment. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5971,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-19","unres":"R/71/174","amend":1,"descr":"The President: In connection with the draft resolution, the General Assembly has before it a draft amendment circulated in document A/71/L.45. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly shall first take a decision on the proposed draft amendment. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5972,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-19","unres":"R/71/177","amend":1,"descr":"The President: We will now take a decision on draft resolutions I to III and on the draft decision, one by one. We turn first to draft resolution I, entitled _Child, early and forced marriage. The Third Committee A/71/PV.65 adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assemblywishes to do the same? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 71/175). The President: We turn now to draft resolution II,entitled _Protecting children from bullying. The ThirdCommission adopted it without a vote. May I consider that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 71/176). The President: Draft resolution III is entitled _Rights of the child. In connection with draft resolution III, the General Assembly has before it a draft amendment circulated in document A/71/L.29. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly shall first take a decision on the proposed draft amendment. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5973,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-21","unres":"R/71/243","amend":1,"descr":"The President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of sub-item (b) of agenda item 23 and of agenda item 23 as a whole? It was so decided. Agenda item 24 Operational activities for development Report of the Second Committee (A/71/468) The President: May I take it that it is the wish of the Assembly to take note of the report of the Second Committee? It was so decided. The President: The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 24. (a) Operational activities for development of the United Nations system Report of the Second Committee (A/71/468/Add.1) The President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Second Committee in paragraph 13 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution, entitled _Quadrennialcomprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system. 16-45266\b15/37 A/71/PV.66 In connection with the draft resolution, the General Assembly has before it a draft amendment circulated in document A/71/L.51. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly shall first take a decision on the proposed draft amendment. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5974,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-22","unres":"R/71/249","amend":1,"descr":"The Acting President: In accordance with rule 89, I shall now put to the vote the motion for division. A"} {"rcid":5975,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-22","unres":"R/71/250","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We will now proceed to consider draft resolution A/71/L.46. I give the floor to the representative of the Secretariat. Mr. Nakano (Department for General Assembly and Conference Management): I would like to announce that since the submission of draft resolution A/71/L.46, in addition to those delegations listed in the document, the following countries have become sponsors of the draft resolution: Andorra, Georgia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Malta, Montenegro, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea, Romania, San Marino, Switzerland, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America. A/71/PV.67 The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on draft resolution A/71/L.46, entitled _Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. A recorded vote has been requested. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on operativeparagraph 4. If there is no objection to that request, Ishall put operative paragraph 4 of draft resolution A/71/L.46 to the vote. A"} {"rcid":5976,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-23","unres":"R/71/272","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I should like to remind members that, in accordance with Article 18 of the Charter of the United Nations and rule 83 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, decisions of the General Assembly on amendments to proposals relating to important questions, and on parts of such proposals put to the vote separately, shall be made by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting. We will therefore proceed on that basis. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5977,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-23","unres":"R/71/272","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The representative of Israel has submitted an oral amendment to section XV of draft resolution I. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly will now take a decision on the amendment submitted by the representative of Israel. I shall first give the floor to members who wish tospeak in explanation of vote before the voting. Mr. Gonz_lez S_nchez (Cuba) (spoke in Spanish): My delegation does not believe it is appropriate to undermine the funding for draft resolution I. It is crucial to have a database of all companies taking part in the activities detailed in the report. We are waiting for that database to be updated and submitted to us in the report to the Human Rights Council at its thirty-fourth session. We do not support the draft oral amendment put forward by Israel and will therefore vote against it. Mr. Adam (Sudan) (spoke in Arabic): On behalf of the Group of Arab States, we support the statement 16-46222\b25/31 A/71/PV.68 made by the representative of Cuba with respect to the voting on the draft amendment. The Acting President: A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":5978,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-23","unres":"R/71/272","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: A recorded vote has been requested on the draft amendment to section XIX of draft resolution I. A"} {"rcid":5979,"session":71,"date":"2017-06-30","unres":"R/71/307","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of sub-item (a)of agenda item 160. Agenda item 160 Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East (b) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Report of the Fifth Committee (A/71/954) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 12 of its report. The text of the draft resolution, for the time being, is contained in documentA/C.5/71/L.31, as orally revised. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution,entitled _Financing of the United Nations Interim Forcein Lebanon. A recorded vote has been requested. A single, separate vote has been requested on the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 13. A"} {"rcid":5980,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/29","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly has before it 31 draft resolutions recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 84 of its report and three draft decisions recommended by the Committee in paragraph 85 of the same report. Before proceeding further, I would like to inform members that action on draft resolution XXVIII, entitled _Follow-up to the 2013 high-level meeting of the General Assembly on nuclear disarmament, is postponed to a later date in order to allow for the review of the programme budget implications by the Fifth Committee. The Assembly will take action on draft resolution XXVIII as soon as the report of the Fifth Committee on its programme budget implications is available. The General Assembly will now take a decision on draft resolutions I to XXXI and draft decisions I to III, one by one. After all the decisions have been taken, representatives will again have the opportunity to explain their vote on any or all of the draft resolutions and draft decisions. We first turn to draft resolution I, entitled _Follow- up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at the 1995, 2000 and 2010 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph. 17-4119004/12/2017 A"} {"rcid":5981,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/35","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution V is entitled _Confidence-building measures in the regional and subregional context. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution V was adopted (resolution 72/33). A/72/PV.62 The Acting President: Draft resolution VI is entitled _Regional disarmament. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the likewise? Draft resolution VI was adopted (resolution 72/34). The Acting President: Draft resolution VII is entitled _Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels. A separate, recorded vote has beenrequested on operative paragraph 2. A"} {"rcid":5982,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/37","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution VIII is entitled _Countering the threat posed by improvised explosive devices. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution VIII was adopted (resolution 72/36). The Acting President: Draft resolution IX is entitled_Ethical imperatives for a nuclear-weapon-free world. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on the eleventh preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5983,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/38","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution X is entitled _Nuclear disarmament. Separate, recorded votes have been requested on the thirty-second preambular paragraph and operative paragraph 16. I shall first put to the vote the thirty-second preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5984,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/38","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 16. A"} {"rcid":5985,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/39","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XI is entitled_Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments. Separate recorded votes have been requested on thetenth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 14 and 22. I shall first put to the vote the tenth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5986,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/39","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 14. A"} {"rcid":5987,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/39","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 22. A"} {"rcid":5988,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/43","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XIV is entitled _Measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution XIV was adopted (resolution 72/42). The Acting President: Draft resolution XV is entitled _Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons on Their Destruction. Separate, recorded votes have been requested on the fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 2 and 15. I shall first put to the vote the fourth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5989,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/43","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 2. A"} {"rcid":5990,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/43","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 15. A"} {"rcid":5991,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/45","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XVII is entitled _Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas. A separate, recorded vote has been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5992,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/50","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 5. A"} {"rcid":5993,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/50","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 8. A"} {"rcid":5994,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/50","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 20. A"} {"rcid":5995,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/50","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 21. A"} {"rcid":5996,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/50","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 28. A"} {"rcid":5997,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/58","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Before proceeding further, I should like to remind members that action on draft resolution XXVIII, entitled _Follow-up to the 2013 high-level meeting of the General Assembly on nuclear disarmament, is postponed to a later date to allow time for the review of its programme budget implications by the Fifth Committee. The Assembly will take action on the draft resolution as soon as the report of the FifthCommittee on its programme budget implications is available. Draft resolution XXIX is entitled _Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution XXIX was adopted (resolution 72/56). The Acting President: Draft resolution XXX is entitled _The illicit trade in small arms and light weapons in all its aspects. The First Committee adoptedit without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishesto do the same? Draft resolution XXX was adopted (resolution 72/57). The Acting President: Draft resolution XXXI is entitled _Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons. Separate, recorded votes have been requested on the sixteenth preambular paragraph and operative paragraph 2. I shall first put to the vote the sixteenth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":5998,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/58","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 2. A"} {"rcid":5999,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/67","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The General Assembly has before it two draft resolutions recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 10 of its report. We will now take a decision on draft resolutions I and II, one by one. Draft resolution 1 is entitled _Report of the Conference on Disarmament. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 72/65). The Acting President: We now turn to draft resolution II, entitled _Report of the Disarmament Commission. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 72/66). The Acting President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 101? It was so decided. 36/41\b 04/12/2017 Agenda item 102 The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East Report of the First Committee (A/72/412) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. Separate, recorded votes have been requested on the fifth and sixth preambular paragraphs. I shall first put to the vote the fifth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":6000,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/67","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote the sixth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":6001,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/70","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 8 of its report. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 72/68). The Acting President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 103? It was so decided. Agenda item 104 Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region Report of the First Committee (A/72/414) The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 8 of its report. The First Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 72/69). The Acting President: May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 104? It was so decided. Agenda item 105 Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Report of the First Committee (A/72/415) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. Separate, recorded votes have been requested on the fourth and seventh preambular paragraphs. I shall first put to the vote the fourth preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":6002,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/70","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote the seventh preambular paragraph. A"} {"rcid":6003,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-11","unres":"R/72/131","para":1,"descr":"The President: We have heard the last speaker in explanation of vote before the voting. The meeting was suspended at 10.50 a.m. and resumed at 11 a.m. The President: The Assembly will now take decisions on draft resolutions A/72/L.22, A/72/L.23, A/72/L.24 and A/72/L.25. 17-43429\b7/9 A/72/PV.70 We turn first to draft resolution A/72/L.22, entitled _Safety and security of humanitarian personnel and protection of United Nations personnel. For the Assembly<90>s information, the draft resolution has closed for e-sponsorship. I now give the floor to the representative of the Secretariat. Ms. De Miranda (Department for General Assembly and Conference Management): I should like to announce that, since the submission of the draft resolution, and in addition to those delegations listed in the document, the following countries have become sponsors of draft resolution A/72/L.22: Armenia, Bangladesh, Belize, Cabo Verde, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Liberia, Malawi, Morocco, Nigeria, Peru, the Philippines, the Republic of Moldova, San Marino, the State of Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Ukraine, Uruguay and Zambia. The President: A separate, recorded vote has been requested on the twenty-eighth preambular paragraph, together with operative paragraph 7. A"} {"rcid":6004,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"R/72/163","para":1,"descr":"The President: Let us first clarify the procedural proposal presented by the delegation of the Sudan. I would like to ask the representative of the Sudan to explain once again procedurally whether he is proposing to replace the original texts of the seventh preambular paragraph and operative paragraph 4 with his proposals, or if he is requesting a separate vote on the texts, as contained in draft resolution II. Mr. Mohamed (Sudan): We do not want to go through the same process that we went through in the Third Committee, where, during the informal ICC consultations, we proposed language that could accommodate all positions. Failing that, we revert to the position of voting separately on the draft paragraphs that I mentioned, namely, the seventh preambular paragraph and operative paragraph 4. We therefore made our statement, calling for a recorded vote on those two paragraphs and taking the floor before the voting. The President: I take it that the delegation of the Sudan withdraws its two proposals for amendments to draft resolution II as contained in the documents A/72/L.34 and A/72/L.35 and requests separate votes on the seventh preambular paragraph and on operative paragraph 4. I will now ask the delegation of Estonia if its request for the explanation of vote is still relevant. I understand that it is not. A recorded vote has been requested on the seventh preambular paragraph of draft resolution II. A"} {"rcid":6005,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"R/72/163","para":1,"descr":"The President: We shall now take a recorded vote on operative paragraph 4 of draft resolution II. 17-45004\b13/35 A/72/PV.73 A"} {"rcid":6006,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"R/72/164","descr":"The President: May I take it that it is the wish ofthe General Assembly to conclude its consideration of sub-item (a) of agenda item 72? It was so decided. Mr. Sauer (Finland), Vice-President, took the Chair. (b) Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms Report of the Third Committee (A/72/439/Add.2) Draft amendment (A/72/L.37) The Acting President: The Assembly has before it 26 draft resolutions recommended by the Third Committee in paragraph 189 of its report. In connection with draft resolution XIX, the General Assembly has before it a draft amendment circulated in document A/72/L.37. Before proceeding further, I should like to informmembers that action on draft resolutions XXI and XXII is postponed to a later date to allow time for the reviewon the programme budget implications by the Fifth Committee. The Assembly will take action on draft resolutions XXI and XXII as soon as the report of the Fifth Committee on the programme budget implications is available. We will now take decisions on draft resolutions I to XXVI, one by one. After all the decisions have been taken, representatives will have an opportunity toexplain their votes or positions. Draft resolution I is entitled _Strengthening the roleof the United Nations in enhancing periodic and genuineelections and the promotion of democratization. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6007,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-19","unres":"R/72/182","amend":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I call on the representative of the Secretariat. Mr. Nakano (Department for General Assembly and Conference Management): Through your exchange with the representative of the Sudan, Mr. President, it has been clarified that the draft amendment contained in document A/72/L.37, which involved replacement language for the twenty-sixth preambular paragraph, has been withdrawn. Instead, the delegation of the Sudan has proposed an oral amendment whereby the same preambular paragraph would be deleted. The Assembly has before it the oral amendment proposed by the Sudan to delete the twenty-sixth preambular paragraph. At this point there is no request for a vote on that oral amendment. I hope that will answer the question of the representative of Mexico. The Acting President: I call on the representative of Estonia on a point of order. Ms. Tasuja (Estonia): We ask for a recorded vote on the proposal by the Sudan. A/72/PV.73 The Acting President: A recorded vote has been requested on the oral amendment to delete the twenty- sixth preambular paragraph of draft resolution XIX. A"} {"rcid":6008,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-24","unres":"R/72/245","amend":1,"descr":"The President: We shall now take a decision on draft resolution II, entitled _Rights of the child. In accordance with rule 90 of the Assembly<90>s rules of procedure, the Assembly will first take a decision on the proposed draft amendment circulated in document A/72/L.36/Rev.1. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6009,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-24","unres":"R/72/251","para":1,"descr":"The President: May I take it that it is the wish ofthe Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 97? It was so decided. Agenda item 99 (continued) General and complete disarmament Report of the First Committee (A/72/409) Report of the Fifth Committee (A/72/673) The President: The Assembly has before it draft resolution XXVIII, entitled _Follow-up to the 2013 high-level meeting of the General Assembly on nuclear 17-46702\b11/24 A/72/PV.76 disarmament, recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 84 of its report. A recorded vote has been requested. A separate recorded vote has been requested on the twelfth preambular paragraph of draft resolution XXVIII. I shall first put to the vote the twelfth preambular paragraph of draft resolution A/72/L.28. A"} {"rcid":6010,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-24","unres":"R/72/262","amend":1,"descr":"The President: We have heard the last speaker in explanation of vote or position before the voting. We will now take a decision on draft resolutions I to V, one by one. Draft resolution I is entitled _Questions relating to the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2018-2019, the text of which, for the time being, is contained in document A/C.5/72/L.16. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 72/261). The President: We now turn to draft resolution II, entitled _Special subjects relating to the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2018-2019, 17-4670223/12/2017 the text of which, for the time being, is contained in document A/C.5/72/L.17. The representative of Cuba has introduced a draft oral amendment to section XXII of draft resolution II. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the Assembly will now take a decision on the draft oral amendment. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6011,"session":52,"date":"1997-11-12","unres":"R/52/11","para":1,"descr":"The President: We have heard the last speaker in explanation of vote before the voting. The Assembly will now take action on draft resolutionA/52/L.13. Separate, recorded votes have been requested on thethird preambular paragraph and on paragraph 7 of the draftresolution. There being no objection, I shall thereforethose paragraphs to the vote separately. 49th plenary meeting 12 November 1997 I first put to the vote the third preambular paragraph of draft resolution A/52/L.13. A"} {"rcid":6012,"session":52,"date":"1997-11-12","unres":"R/52/11","para":1,"descr":"The President: I next put to the vote operative paragraph 7 of draft resolution A/52/L.13. A recorded vote has also been requested. A"} {"rcid":6013,"session":52,"date":"1997-11-25","unres":"R/52/22","descr":"The President: If no other delegation wishes to speakon this issue, I shall now put to the vote the motion submitted by the representative of Armenia that no action be taken on the amendment contained in document A/52/L.39, which is an amendment submitted by Azerbaijanto the draft resolution contained in document A/52/L.38. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6014,"session":52,"date":"1997-11-25","unres":"R/52/22","amend":1,"descr":"The President: Since the motion of no action has not been adopted, we shall now proceed to consider draft resolution A/52/L.38 and the amendment contained in document A/52/L.39. Since there are no speakers in explanation of vote before the voting, we shall now proceed to take a decision on draft resolution A/52/L.38 and on the amendment thereto, contained in document A/52/L.39. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the amendment is voted on first. The Assembly shall therefore take a decision first on the amendment circulated in document A/52/L.39. A recorded vote has been requested. General Assembly Fifty-second session A"} {"rcid":6015,"session":52,"date":"1997-12-09","unres":"R/52/38B","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution B is entitled _Transparency in armaments. Separate votes have been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph and on operative paragraph 3 of draftresolution B. Since there is no objection, I shall first put to thethe sixth preambular paragraph. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6016,"session":52,"date":"1997-12-09","unres":"R/52/38B","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 3 of draft resolution B, on which a separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6017,"session":52,"date":"1997-12-09","unres":"R/52/38J","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution I is entitled _Prohibition of the dumping of radioactive wastes. TheFirst Committee adopted draft resolution I without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? 67th plenary meeting 9 December 1997 Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 52/38 I). The President: Draft resolution J is entitled _Small arms. A separate vote has been requested on the fifth preambular paragraph of draft resolution J. If I hear no objection, I shall put that paragraph to the vote. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6018,"session":52,"date":"1997-12-09","unres":"R/52/38K","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution K is entitled _Nuclear disarmament with a view to the ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons. Separate votes have been requested on the ninth preambular paragraph and operative paragraph 1 of draft resolution K. Are there any objections to those requests? There is no objection. I shall therefore put to the vote first the ninth preambular paragraph. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6019,"session":52,"date":"1997-12-09","unres":"R/52/38K","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operativeparagraph 1. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6020,"session":52,"date":"1997-12-09","unres":"R/52/38N","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution N is entitled _The nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 3. Is there any objection to that request? There is no objection. I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 3. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6021,"session":52,"date":"1997-12-09","unres":"R/52/38O","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution O is entitled _Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons. General Assembly Fifty-second session Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraphs 1 and 2 of draft resolution O. Are there any objections to those requests? There are none. I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 1. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6022,"session":52,"date":"1997-12-09","unres":"R/52/38O","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 2. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6023,"session":52,"date":"1997-12-09","unres":"R/52/38R","para":1,"descr":"The President: Draft resolution R is entitled _Transparency in armaments. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraphs 5 (b) and 7 of draft resolution R. Is there anyobjection to that request? 67th plenary meeting 9 December 1997 There is no objection. I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 5 (b). A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6024,"session":52,"date":"1997-12-09","unres":"R/52/38R","para":1,"descr":"The President: I shall now put to the vote operativeparagraph 7. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6025,"session":52,"date":"1997-12-09","unres":"R/52/41","para":1,"descr":"The President: We have thus concluded this stage ofour consideration of agenda item 73. Agenda item 74 The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East Report of the First Committee (A/52/603) 67th plenary meeting 9 December 1997 The President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 10 of its report in document A/52/603. A separate vote has been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution. If there is no objection, I shall therefore put to the vote first the sixth preambular paragraph. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6026,"session":52,"date":"1997-12-09","unres":"R/52/44","descr":"The President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 8 of its report. The First Committee adopted the draft resolutionwithout a vote. May I consider that the Assembly wishes to do the same? The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 52/43). The President: I give the floor to the representative of the Syrian Arab Republic on a point of order. I Mr. Abou-Hadid (Syrian Arab Republic) (interpretation from Arabic): The Arabic version of the report in document A/52/605, recommending the draft resolution that we have just adopted, contains an error in paragraph 6, which refers to an amendment to the draft resolution. I am confident that the English version is correct and the Arabic translation incorrect. The President: The statement of the representative of the Syrian Arab Republic will be taken into consideration by the Secretariat when the final drafting is undertaken. May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of agenda item 76? It was so decided. Agenda item 77 Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian to Ocean as a Zone of Peace Report of the First Committee (A/52/606) The President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6027,"session":52,"date":"1997-12-09","unres":"","descr":""} {"rcid":6028,"session":52,"date":"1997-12-12","unres":"R/52/118","para":1,"descr":"The President: The Third Committed adopted draft resolution II, entitled _International Covenants on HumanRights, without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? 12 70th plenary meeting 12 December 1997 Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 52/116). The President: Draft resolution III, entitled _Fiftieththe anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, was adopted by the Third Committee without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to adopt draft resolution III, as orally revised, without a vote? Draft resolution III, as orally revised, was adopted (resolution 52/117). The President: Draft resolution IV is entitled _Effective implementation of international instruments on human rights, including reporting obligations underthe international instruments on human rights. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 21 of draft resolution IV. As there are no objections to that request, I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 21. II) A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6029,"session":52,"date":"1998-06-26","unres":"R/52/237","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (interpretation from Spanish): We have thus concluded this stage of our consideration of sub-item (a) of agenda item 122. (b) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Report of the Fifth Committee (A/52/932) The Acting President (interpretation from Spanish): The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution, recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 14 of its report, entitled _Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East: United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. A separate vote has been requested on the first preambular paragraph and on operative paragraphs 3, 4, 5 and 16 of the draft resolution. I shall now put to the vote the first preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 3, 4, 5, and 16, on which a single separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6030,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/77E","para":1,"descr":"The President (interpretation from Spanish): Draft resolution B is entitled _Assistance to States for curbing the traffic in small arms and collecting them. The First Committee adopted draft resolution B without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes toin do likewise? Draft resolution B was adopted (resolution 53/77 B). The President (interpretation from Spanish): Draft resolution C is entitled _Prohibition of the dumping of radioactive wastes. The First Committee also adopted draft resolution C without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution C was adopted (resolution 53/77 C). The President (interpretation from Spanish): Draft resolution D is entitled _Mongolia<90>s international security and nuclear-weapon-free status. The First Committee adopted draft resolution D without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise? Draft resolution D was adopted (resolution 53/77 D). The President (interpretation from Spanish): Draft resolution E is entitled _Small arms. A separate vote has been requested on the fourth preambular paragraph of draft resolution E. If there is no objection to that request, I shall first put to the vote the fourth preambular paragraph. General Assembly Fifty-third session A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6031,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/77F","para":1,"descr":"The President (interpretation from Spanish): Draft resolution F is entitled _Reducing nuclear danger. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 3 of draft resolution F. If there is no objection to that request, I shall firstto the vote operative paragraph 3 of draft resolution F. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6032,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/77Q","para":1,"descr":"The President (interpretation from Spanish): Draftresolution Q is entitled _Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas. A separate vote has been requested on the words _andSouth Asia in operative paragraph 3 and on the entire operative paragraph 3 of draft resolution Q. Are there any objections to this request? I see none. I shall first put to the vote the words _and Southin operative paragraph 3. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6033,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/77Q","para":1,"descr":"The President (interpretation from Spanish): I shallnow put to the vote operative paragraph 3 as a whole. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6034,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/77S","para":1,"descr":"The President (interpretation from Spanish): Draftresolution R is entitled _Implementation of the Conventionon the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction. The First Committee adopted draft resolution R without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes todo the same? Draft resolution R was adopted (resolution 53/77 R). The President (interpretation from Spanish): Draft resolution S is entitled _Transparency in armaments. Separate votes have been requested on the eighth preambular paragraph and operative paragraph 3 (b) of draftresolution S. Are there any objections to this request? I see none. I shall first put to the vote the eighth preambularparagraph. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6035,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/77S","para":1,"descr":"The President (interpretation from Spanish): I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 3 (b) of draft resolution S. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6036,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/77U","para":1,"descr":"The President (interpretation from Spanish): Draftresolution T, _Illicit traffic in small arms, was adoptedthe First Committee without a vote. May I take it that theAssembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution T was adopted (resolution 53/77 T). The President (interpretation from Spanish): Draftresolution U is entitled _Nuclear disarmament with a viewto the ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons. Separate votes have been requested on the second preambular paragraph and operative paragraph 1 of draftresolution U. Are there any objections to those requests?see none. I shall therefore first put to the vote the secondpreambular paragraph. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6037,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/77U","para":1,"descr":"The President (interpretation from Spanish): I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 1. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6038,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/77V","para":1,"descr":"The President (interpretation from Spanish): Draft resolution V is entitled _Transparency in armaments. Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraph 4 (b) and operative paragraph 6 of draft resolution V. Are there any objections to those requests? I see none. I shall therefore put to the vote first operative paragraph 4 (b). A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6039,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/77V","para":1,"descr":"The President (interpretation from Spanish): I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 6. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6040,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/77W","para":1,"descr":"The President (interpretation from Spanish): Draft resolution W is entitled _Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 1 of draft resolution W. Are there any objections to this request? I see none. I shall therefore first put to the vote operative paragraph of draft resolution W. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6041,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/77Y","para":1,"descr":"The President (interpretation from Spanish): Draftresolution Y is entitled _Towards a nuclear-weapon-freeworld: the need for a new agenda. 26 79th plenary meeting 4 December 1998 Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraph 8 and operative paragraph 17 of draft resolution Y. Are there any objections to those requests? I see none. I shall first put to the vote operative paragraph 8. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6042,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/77Y","para":1,"descr":"The President (interpretation from Spanish): I shallnow put the vote operative paragraph 17 of draft resolutionY. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6043,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/78D","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution B is entitled_United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific. The First Committee adopted draft resolution B without a vote. May I consider that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution B was adopted (resolution 53/78 B). The Acting President: Draft resolution C is entitled_United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa. The First Committee adopted draft resolution C without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution C was adopted (resolution 53/78 C). The Acting President: Draft resolution D is entitled_Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons. A separate vote has been requested on the eighth preambular paragraph. If there is no objection, I shall first put to the voteeighth preambular paragraph. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6044,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-04","unres":"R/53/80","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on two draft resolutions recommended by the First Committee in paragraph 10 of its report. General Assembly Fifty-third session We turn first to draft resolution A, entitled _Reportthe Disarmament Commission. The First Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes todo likewise? Draft resolution A was adopted (resolution 53/79 A). The Acting President: Draft resolution B is entitled _Report of the Conference on Disarmament. The First Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes todo the same? Draft resolution B was adopted (resolution 53/79 B). The Acting President: May I take it that is the wishof the General Assembly to conclude its consideration ofagenda item 73? It was so decided. Agenda item 74 The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East Report of the First Committee (A/53/587) The Acting President: The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution recommended by the FirstCommittee in paragraph 9 of its report. A separate vote has been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph of the draft resolution. If there is no objection, I shall put to the vote thepreambular paragraph. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6045,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-07","unres":"R/53/85","descr":"The Acting President: I call on the representative of Azerbaijan. Mr. Kouliev (Azerbaijan) (interpretation from Russian): As in the past two years, the delegation of Armenia is again using a procedural measure _ a motion for no action _ in an attempt to deprive us of our legitimate right to protect our highest national interests. The delegation of Azerbaijan categorically objects to this. As we have repeatedly stated, Azerbaijan has never claimed, nor does it claim now, anyone else<90>s territory; neither will it allow any other country to encroach upon its own territory. Today 20 per cent of our territory _ not Armenia<90>s territory _ is occupied. My country is fighting for a legitimate cause. It is defending its own sovereignty and its own territorial integrity. Therefore, we should not be deprived of our right to present an amendment for consideration by the General Assembly. It is our hope that we will receive support from the General Assembly, which at its fifty-first and fifty-second sessions rejected this procedural measure. We call upon Member States to maintain theirconsistent and principled position and to vote against the motion for no action that has been proposed by Armenia. The Acting President: If no other member wishes to speak, I shall now put to the vote the motion submitted 25General Assembly Fifty-third session by the representative of Armenia that no action be takenthe amendment contained in document A/53/L.61. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6046,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-07","unres":"R/53/85","amend":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Since the motion for no action is not adopted, the Assembly will now take a decision on draft resolution A/53/L.60 and on the amendment thereto contained in document A/53/L.61. In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the amendment is voted on first. The Assembly will therefore take a decision first on the amendment circulated in document A/53/L.61. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6047,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-09","unres":"R/53/138","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We shall now take action on draft resolution I, entitled _International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families. The Third Committee adopted draft resolution I without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 53/137). The Acting President: Draft resolution II is entitled _Effective implementation of international instruments on human rights, including reporting obligations under international instruments on human rights. A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraph 26 of draft resolution II. I see no objection to that request. I shall therefore first put to the vote operative paragraph 26. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6048,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-09","unres":"R/53/141","descr":"The Acting President: I call on the representative of Egypt, who wishes to speak in explanation of position before action is taken. or Ms. Mekhemar (Egypt): With regard to draft resolution V, entitled \"Declaration on the Right and Responsibility of Individuals, Groups and Organs of 11General Assembly Fifty-third session Society to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms\", under agenda item 110 (b), we would like to draw the attention of the Assembly to the joint declaration contained in documentA/53/679, which reflects the position of the countries listedin paragraph 16 of document A/53/625/Add.2 on the draft resolution and the Declaration annexed to it. The Acting President: I shall put the 16 draft resolutions and the amendment, which has been orally revised, to the Assembly one by one. After all the decisionshave been taken, representatives will again have the opportunity to explain their vote. We turn first to draft resolution I, entitled \"Eliminationof all forms of religious intolerance\". The Third Committee adopted draft resolution I without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes todo likewise? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 53/140). The Acting President: We turn now to draft resolution II, entitled \"Human rights and unilateral coercivemeasures\". A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6049,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-09","unres":"R/53/155","descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XIV is entitled _United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education, 1995-2004, and public information activities inthe field of human rights. The Third Committee adopted draft resolution XIV without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes todo the same? Draft resolution XIV was adopted (resolution 53/153). 14 85th plenary meeting 9 December 1998 The Acting President: The Assembly will now turn to draft resolution XV, entitled _Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights, and to the amendment to that draft resolution contained in document A/53/L.70, as orally revised. Under rule 90 of the rules of procedure, the amendment is voted on first. The Assembly will therefore take a decision first on the amendment contained in document A/53/L.70, as orally revised. May I take it that the General Assembly wishes to adopt the amendment to draft resolution XV contained in document A/53/L.70, as orally revised? The amendment, as orally revised, was adopted. The Acting President: Draft resolution XV was adopted by the Third Committee without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to adopt draft resolution XV, as amended, reflecting the oral revision of the amendment? Draft resolution XV, as amended, was adopted (resolution 53/154). The Acting President: Draft resolution XVI is entitled _Right to development. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6050,"session":53,"date":"1998-12-09","unres":"R/53/157","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: The statement by the representative of Albania will be reflected in the record. The Assembly has before it 10 draft resolutions recommended by the Third Committee in paragraph 55 of its report. I shall put the 10 draft resolutions to the GeneralAssembly one by one. After all decisions have been taken,representatives will again have the opportunity to explaintheir votes. 18 85th plenary meeting 9 December 1998 The Assembly will first turn to draft resolution I, entitled _Situation of human rights in Rwanda. The Third Committee adopted draft resolution I without a vote. May I take it the Assembly wishes to do the same? Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 53/156). The Acting President: Draft resolution II is entitled _Situation of human rights in Iraq. in A separate vote has been requested on operative paragraphs 4, 13, 15 and 17 of draft resolution II.to Are there any objections to that request? There are none. I shall now put to the vote operative paragraphs 4, 13, 15 and 17, on which a separate vote has been requested. of all A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6051,"session":53,"date":"1999-06-08","unres":"R/53/227","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President (interpretation from French): I now put to the vote the first preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 2, 3, 10 and 11, on which a single separate vote has been requested. A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6052,"session":54,"date":"1999-11-15","unres":"R/54/26","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: We have heard the last speaker in explanation of vote before the voting. The Assembly will now take a decision on draft resolution A/54/L.21/Rev.1 and the oral amendment submitted by the representative of France. Before proceeding to take action on the draft resolution, I should like to announce that since its introduction, the following countries have become sponsorsof draft resolution A/54/L.21/Rev.1: Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Russian Federation, Spain,Sweden and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 20 53rd plenary meeting 15 November 1999 In accordance with rule 90 of the rules of procedure, amendments are voted on first. The Assembly will therefore take a decision first on the oral amendment submitted by the representative of France. May I take it that the Assembly decides to adopt the oral amendment submitted by the representative of France? The oral amendment to draft resolution A/54/L.21/Rev.1 was adopted. The Acting President: A separate vote has been requested on the third preambular paragraph of draft resolution A/54/L.21/Rev.1. If there is no objection to that request, I shall now put to the vote the third preambular paragraph of draft resolution A/54/L.21/Rev.1. the A recorded vote has been requested. A"} {"rcid":6053,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-18","unres":"R/57/232","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution III is entitled \"Situation of human rights in Iraq\". Separate votes have been requested on operative paragraphs 4(a), 4(b), 4(e) and 4(f) of draft resolution III. Are there any objections to those requests? There are non. I shall put to the vote operative paragraph 4(a) of draft resolution III, on wihch a separate vote has been requested."} {"rcid":6054,"session":57,"date":"2002-12-18","unres":"R/57/232","para":1,"descr":"I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 4(b) of draft resolution III, on which a separate vote has been requested."} {"rcid":6055,"session":71,"date":"2016-12-05","unres":"R/71/41","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution IX is entitled \"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels\". Separate, recorded votes have been requested on the sixth preambular paragraph and operative paragraph 2. I shall first put to the vote the sixth preambular paragraph."} {"rcid":6056,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/50","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: Draft resolution XXII is entitled \"United action with renewed determination towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons\". Separate, recorded votes have been requested on the nineteenth and twentieth preambular paragraphs and operative paragraphs 2, 5, 8, 20, 21 and 28. I shall first put to the vote the nineteenth preambular paragraph."} {"rcid":6057,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/50","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote the twentieth preambular paragraph."} {"rcid":6058,"session":72,"date":"2017-12-04","unres":"R/72/50","para":1,"descr":"The Acting President: I shall now put to the vote operative paragraph 2."} {"rcid":6059,"session":73,"date":"2018-10-16","unres":"R/73/5","short":"Chair of the Group of 77 for 2019 : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 125a - Strengthening of the United Nations system. - UN SYSTEM--STRENGTHENING"} {"rcid":6061,"session":73,"date":"2018-11-30","unres":"R/73/19","short":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 39 - Question of Palestine. - PALESTINE QUESTION"} {"rcid":6062,"session":73,"date":"2018-11-30","unres":"R/73/20","short":"Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Public Information of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 39 - Question of Palestine. - PALESTINE QUESTION"} {"rcid":6063,"session":73,"date":"2018-11-30","unres":"R/73/18","short":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 39 - Question of Palestine. - PALESTINE QUESTION"} {"rcid":6064,"session":73,"date":"2018-11-30","unres":"R/73/21","short":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 39 - Question of Palestine. - PALESTINE QUESTION"} {"rcid":6065,"session":73,"date":"2018-11-30","unres":"R/73/23","short":"The Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 38 - The situation in the Middle East. - MIDDLE EAST SITUATION"} {"rcid":6066,"session":73,"date":"2018-11-30","unres":"R/73/22","short":"Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 38 - The situation in the Middle East. - MIDDLE EAST SITUATION"} {"rcid":6067,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/63","short":"Preventing and combating illicit brokering activities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101ff - Preventing and combating illicit brokering activities. - ILLICIT TRAFFIC"} {"rcid":6068,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/31","short":"No first placement of weapons in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 99b - No first placement of weapons in outer space. - WEAPONS--OUTER SPACE"} {"rcid":6069,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/74","short":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 102b - Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons. - NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE--TREATIES (DRAFT)"} {"rcid":6070,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/34","short":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101f - Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels. - CONVENTIONAL ARMS--REGIONAL PROGRAMMES"} {"rcid":6071,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/38","short":"Effects of the use of armaments and ammunitions containing depleted uranium : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101cc - Effects of the use of armaments and ammunitions containing depleted uranium. - DEPLETED URANIUM"} {"rcid":6072,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/43","short":"Measures to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101l - Measures to uphold the authority of the 1925 Geneva Protocol. - CHEMICAL AND BIOLOGICAL WARFARE--TREATY (1925)"} {"rcid":6073,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/27","short":"Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 96 - Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security. - INFORMATION--INTERNATIONAL SECURITY"} {"rcid":6074,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/65","short":"Treaty Banning the Production of Fissile Material for Nuclear Weapons or Other Nuclear Explosive Devices : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101a - Treaty banning the production of fissile material for nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. - FISSIONABLE MATERIALS--TREATY (PROPOSED)"} {"rcid":6075,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/83","short":"The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 104 - The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East. - NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION--MIDDLE EAST"} {"rcid":6076,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/29","short":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 98 - Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons. - NON-NUCLEAR-WEAPON STATES--SECURITY"} {"rcid":6077,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/71","short":"Fourth Conference of Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zones and Mongolia, 2020 : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101 - General and complete disarmament. - DISARMAMENT--GENERAL AND COMPLETE"} {"rcid":6078,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/50","short":"Nuclear disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101b - Nuclear disarmament. - NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT"} {"rcid":6079,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/61","short":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-personnel Mines and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101m - Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction. - LANDMINES--TREATIES (1997)"} {"rcid":6080,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/62","short":"United action with renewed determination towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101ee - United action with renewed determination towards the total elimination of nuclear weapons. - NUCLEAR WEAPONS--ELIMINATION"} {"rcid":6081,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/47","short":"Humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101jj - Humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons. - NUCLEAR WEAPONS--HUMANITARIAN CONSEQUENCES"} {"rcid":6082,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/54","short":"Implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101ll - Implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions. - CLUSTER MUNITIONS"} {"rcid":6083,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/48","short":"Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101oo - Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. - NUCLEAR WEAPONS--TREATY"} {"rcid":6084,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/60","short":"Decreasing the operational readiness of nuclear weapons systems : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101 - General and complete disarmament. - DISARMAMENT--GENERAL AND COMPLETE"} {"rcid":6085,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/30","short":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 99a - Prevention of an arms race in outer space. - ARMS RACE--OUTER SPACE"} {"rcid":6086,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/40","short":"Follow-up to the 2013 High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101hh - Follow-up to the 2013 High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament. - NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT--CONFERENCE (2013 : NEW YORK)"} {"rcid":6087,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/85","short":"Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 106 - Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region. - MEDITERRANEAN REGION--REGIONAL SECURITY"} {"rcid":6088,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/45","short":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101k - Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction. - CHEMICAL WEAPONS--TREATY (1993)"} {"rcid":6089,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/41","short":"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101v - Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation. - MULTILATERALISM--DISARMAMENT"} {"rcid":6090,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/49","short":"The Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101y - The Hague Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation. - BALLISTIC MISSILES--CODES OF CONDUCT"} {"rcid":6091,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/70","short":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world : accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101r - Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world: accelerating the implementation of nuclear disarmament commitments. - NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT--TREATY COMPLIANCE"} {"rcid":6092,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/42","short":"Convening of the 4th Special Session of the General Assembly devoted to Disarmament : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101g - Convening of the 4th special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament. - DISARMAMENT--UN. GENERAL ASSEMBLY (4TH SPECIAL SESS. ON DISARMAMENT : ####)"} {"rcid":6093,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/86","short":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 107 - Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. - NUCLEAR WEAPON TESTS--TREATY"} {"rcid":6094,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/64","short":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101i - Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons. - NUCLEAR WEAPONS USE--ICJ OPINION"} {"rcid":6095,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/56","short":"Reducing nuclear danger : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101p - Reducing nuclear danger. - NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION"} {"rcid":6096,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/57","short":"Universal Declaration on the Achievement of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101mm - Universal Declaration on the Achievement of a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World. - NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT--DECLARATIONS"} {"rcid":6097,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/72","short":"Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101aa - Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities. - OUTER SPACE--CONFIDENCE-BUILDING MEASURES"} {"rcid":6098,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-05","unres":"R/73/36","short":"The Arms Trade Treaty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 101bb - The Arms Trade Treaty. - ARMS TRANSFERS--INTERNATIONAL INSTRUMENTS"} {"rcid":6101,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-06","unres":"R/73/88","short":"The situation in Afghanistan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 40 - The situation in Afghanistan. - AFGHANISTAN SITUATION"} {"rcid":6102,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-06","unres":"R/73/89","short":"Comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 38 - The situation in the Middle East. - MIDDLE EAST SITUATION"} {"rcid":6103,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-07","unres":"R/73/94","short":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 54 - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. - UNRWA--ACTIVITIES"} {"rcid":6104,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-07","unres":"R/73/123","short":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 63 - Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. - DECOLONIZATION"} {"rcid":6105,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-07","unres":"R/73/100","short":"The occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 55 - Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories. - TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS"} {"rcid":6106,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-07","unres":"R/73/103","short":"Information from Non Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 59 - Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations. - NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES--REPORTS"} {"rcid":6107,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-07","unres":"R/73/93","short":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 54 - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. - UNRWA--ACTIVITIES"} {"rcid":6108,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-07","unres":"R/73/92","short":"Assistance to Palestine refugees : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 54 - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East. - UNRWA--ACTIVITIES"} {"rcid":6109,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-07","unres":"R/73/97","short":"Applicability of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, of 12 August 1949, to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the other occupied Arab territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 55 - Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories. - TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS"} {"rcid":6110,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-07","unres":"R/73/104","short":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 60 - Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories. - NON-SELF-GOVERNING TERRITORIES--ECONOMIC INTERESTS"} {"rcid":6111,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-07","unres":"R/73/96","short":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 55 - Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories. - TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS"} {"rcid":6112,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-07","unres":"R/73/99","short":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 55 - Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories. - TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS"} {"rcid":6113,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-07","unres":"R/73/98","short":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 55 - Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories. - TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--HUMAN RIGHTS"} {"rcid":6114,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-07","unres":"R/73/105","short":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 61 - Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations. - DECOLONIZATION--UN SYSTEM"} {"rcid":6117,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-11","unres":"R/73/124","short":"Oceans and the law of the sea : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 78a - Oceans and the law of the sea. - LAW OF THE SEA"} {"rcid":6118,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-12","unres":"R/73/127","short":"International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 15 - Culture of peace. - PEACE"} {"rcid":6119,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-13","unres":"R/73/135","short":"Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 128b - Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. - ORGANIZATION OF ISLAMIC COOPERATION--UN"} {"rcid":6120,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-13","unres":"R/73/132","short":"Global health and foreign policy : healthier world through better nutrition : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 129 - Global health and foreign policy. - HEALTH"} {"rcid":6121,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/173","short":"Promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of association : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 74b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/73/251 74b[34] - RIGHT OF ASSEMBLY"} {"rcid":6122,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/169","short":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 74b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/73/251 74b[31] - DEMOCRACY"} {"rcid":6123,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/170","short":"Promotion of peace as a vital requirement for the full enjoyment of all human rights by all : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 74b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT"} {"rcid":6124,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/182","short":"Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 74c - Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives. - HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS;A/73/251 74c[9] - HUMAN RIGHTS--SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC"} {"rcid":6125,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/194","short":"Problem of the militarization of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine, as well as parts of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 34a - Prevention of armed conflict. - ARMED CONFLICTS PREVENTION"} {"rcid":6126,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/167","short":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 74b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/73/251 74b[12] - SANCTIONS--INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS"} {"rcid":6127,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/157","short":"Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 72a - Elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance. - RACIAL DISCRIMINATION--ELIMINATION"} {"rcid":6128,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/152","short":"Report of the Human Rights Council : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 69 - Report of the Human Rights Council. - UN. HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL--REPORTS"} {"rcid":6129,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/175","short":"Moratorium on the use of the death penalty : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 74b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/73/251 74b[1] - CAPITAL PUNISHMENT"} {"rcid":6130,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/159","short":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 73 - Right of peoples to self-determination. - SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES;A/73/251 73[1] - MERCENARIES"} {"rcid":6131,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/172","short":"Extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 74b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/73/251 74b[13] - SUMMARY EXECUTIONS"} {"rcid":6132,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/166","short":"The right to development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 74b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/73/251 74b[11] - RIGHT TO DEVELOPMENT"} {"rcid":6133,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/181","short":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 74c - Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives. - HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS;A/73/251 74c[6] - HUMAN RIGHTS--IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)"} {"rcid":6134,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/165","short":"United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Peasants and Other People Working in Rural Areas : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 74b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT"} {"rcid":6135,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/151","short":"Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 65 - Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, questions relating to refugees, returnees and displaced persons and humanitarian questions. - REFUGEES"} {"rcid":6136,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/171","short":"The right to food : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 74b - Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms. - HUMAN RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT;A/73/251 74b[5] - RIGHT TO FOOD"} {"rcid":6137,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/158","short":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 73 - Right of peoples to self-determination. - SELF-DETERMINATION OF PEOPLES"} {"rcid":6138,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/187","short":"Countering the use of information and communications technologies for criminal purposes : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 109 - Crime prevention and criminal justice. - CRIME PREVENTION"} {"rcid":6139,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-17","unres":"R/73/141","short":"Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the 24th special session of the General Assembly : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 28a - Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the 24th special session of the General Assembly. - SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT--CONFERENCES"} {"rcid":6140,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-19","unres":"R/73/195","short":"Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 14 - Integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields. - UN CONFERENCES;A/73/251 119 - Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit. - MILLENNIUM SUMMIT (2000 : NEW YORK)"} {"rcid":6141,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-20","unres":"R/73/255","short":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 64 - Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources. - TERRITORIES OCCUPIED BY ISRAEL--NATURAL RESOURCES"} {"rcid":6142,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-20","unres":"R/73/225","short":"Entrepreneurship for sustainable development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 20 - Sustainable development. - SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT"} {"rcid":6143,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-20","unres":"R/73/244","short":"Eradicating rural poverty to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 24 - Eradication of poverty and other development issues. - POVERTY MITIGATION"} {"rcid":6144,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-20","unres":"R/73/253","short":"Agriculture development, food security and nutrition : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 26 - Agriculture development, food security and nutrition. - FOOD SECURITY"} {"rcid":6145,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-20","unres":"R/73/224","short":"Oil slick on Lebanese shores : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 20 - Sustainable development. - SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT"} {"rcid":6146,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-20","unres":"R/73/220","short":"International financial system and development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 18b - International financial system and development. - DEVELOPMENT FINANCE"} {"rcid":6147,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-20","unres":"R/73/240","short":"Towards a new international economic order : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 22a - Globalization and interdependence. - GLOBALIZATION--INTERDEPENDENCE"} {"rcid":6148,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-20","unres":"R/73/241","short":"International migration and development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 22b - International migration and development. - MIGRATION"} {"rcid":6149,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-20","unres":"R/73/227","short":"Implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development and of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 20a - Implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development and of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. - AGENDA 21--PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION"} {"rcid":6150,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-20","unres":"R/73/247","short":"Industrial development cooperation : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 24b - Industrial development cooperation. - INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT--INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION"} {"rcid":6151,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-20","unres":"R/73/219","short":"International trade and development : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 18a - International trade and development. - INTERNATIONAL TRADE"} {"rcid":6152,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-20","unres":"R/73/257","short":"Judgement of the International Court of Justice of 31 March 2004 concerning Avena and other Mexican nationals : need for immediate compliance : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 125a - Strengthening of the United Nations system. - UN SYSTEM--STRENGTHENING"} {"rcid":6153,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-20","unres":"R/73/258","short":"Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 128n - Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. - ORGANIZATION FOR THE PROHIBITION OF CHEMICAL WEAPONS--UN"} {"rcid":6154,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-22","unres":"R/73/267","short":"Cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 128d - Cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States. - LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES--UN"} {"rcid":6155,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-22","unres":"R/73/263","short":"Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 74c - Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives. - HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS;A/73/251 74c[12] - HUMAN RIGHTS--UKRAINE"} {"rcid":6156,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-22","unres":"R/73/266","short":"Advancing responsible State behaviour in cyberspace in the context of international security : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 96 - Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security. - INFORMATION--INTERNATIONAL SECURITY"} {"rcid":6157,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-22","unres":"R/73/262","short":"A global call for concrete action for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 72b - Comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action. - RACIAL DISCRIMINATION--PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION"} {"rcid":6158,"session":73,"date":"2018-12-22","unres":"R/73/264","short":"Situation of human rights in Myanmar : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly","descr":"A/73/251 74c - Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives. - HUMAN RIGHTS--REPORTS;A/73/251 74c[5] - HUMAN RIGHTS--MYANMAR"} {"rcid":9001,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-05-06","unres":"SS/1/59","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, MANDATE TERMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT A PROPOSAL TO INCLUDE IN THE AGENDA OF THIS 1ST SPECIAL SESSION AN ITEM ON \\THE TERMINATION OF THE MANDATE OVER PALESTINE AND THE DECLARATION OF ITS INDEPENDENCE.\\\\\"\t1\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0"} {"rcid":9002,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-05-06","unres":"SS/1/114","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, JEWISH AGENCY","descr":"TO ADOPT POLISH RESOLUTION (A/BUR/80) AS AMENDED BY CZECHOSLOVAKIA, DECIDING TO INVITE THE JEWISH AGENCY FOR PALESTINE TO STATE THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE ON PALESTINE BEFORE THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY IN PLENARY MEETING."} {"rcid":9003,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-05-06","unres":"SS/1/115","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, JEWISH AGENCY","descr":"TO ADOPT 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/305) GRANTING THE JEWISH AGENCY FOR PALESTINE A HEARING ON THE PALESTINE SITUATION BEFORE THE 1ST COMMITTEE; LIKEWISE TRANSMITTING OTHER SIMILAR COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED ALSO TO THIS COMMITTEE."} {"rcid":9004,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-05-02","unres":"SS/1/175","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, GENERAL ASSEMBLY HEARING","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/307) CREATING A SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO PREPARE FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF THE PALESTINE QUESTION AT THE 2ND REGULAR SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY. SAID PARAGRAPH CREATES THE SPECIAL COMMITT"} {"rcid":9005,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-05-02","unres":"SS/1/176A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, QUESTION DEFINITION","descr":"TO ADOPT PREAMBLE AND OPERATIVE PARAGRAPHS 2-9 OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/307), SAID PARAGRAPHS DEFINING THE PURPOSE, OBJECTIVES, OBLIGATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE SPECIAL PREPARATORY COMMITTEE ON THE PALESTINE QUESTION."} {"rcid":9006,"session":2,"importantvote":0,"date":"1947-05-02","unres":"SS/1/176B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, PREPATORY COMMITTEE","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/307) CREATING THE SPECIAL PREPARATORY COMM. ON THE PALESTINE QUESTION."} {"rcid":9007,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-05-05","unres":"SS/2/33","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"JERUSALEM, ADMINISTRATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST MEXICAN AMENDMENT (A/C.1/302) TO THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/C.1/298) ON THE TEMPORARY ADMINISTRATION OF JERUSALEM, SAID AMENDMENT REPLACING PREAMBULAR PARAG. 5 WITH THIS TEXT: \\WHEREAS THE MAINTENANCE OF ORDER AND SECURITY IN JE"} {"rcid":9008,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-05-05","unres":"SS/2/34A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"JERUSALEM, ADMINISTRATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND MEXICAN AMENDMENT (A/C.1/302) TO THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/C.1/298), SAID AMENDMENT DELETING \\SUCH\\\\ IN 6TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH AND INSERTING \\\\\"ADMINISTRATIVE\\\\\" BEFORE \\\\\"AUTHORITY.\\\\\"\""} {"rcid":9009,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-05-05","unres":"SS/2/34B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"JERUSALEM, ADMINISTRATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST U.S. AMENDMENT (A/C.1/304) TO PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/C.1/298), SAID AMENDMENT DELETING EXISTING TEXT AND REPLACING WITH: \\1. THE GOVERNMENT OF JERUSALEM SHALL CONSIST OF A UN COMMISSIONER AND SUCH OFFICERS AS"} {"rcid":9010,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-05-05","unres":"SS/2/35A","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, U.N. BUDGET","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND U.S. AMENDMENT (A/C.1/304) TO THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/C.1/298), SAID AMENDMENT REPLACING WORDS \\SHALL BE PAID FROM A SPECIAL UN OPERATIONAL BUDGET,\\\\ WITH \\\\\"..SHALL BE PAID FROM THE REGULAR UN BUDGET..\\\\\" IN ARTICLE 10, PARAGR\""} {"rcid":9011,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-05-05","unres":"SS/2/35B","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"PALESTINE, U.N. BUDGET","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD U.S. AMENDMENT (A/C.1/304) TO THE 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/C.1/298), SAID AMENDMENT ADDING THESE WORDS AT THE END OF ARTICLE 10, PARAG. 2: \\..PROVIDED THAT, IF UN FUNDS ARE CONTEMPLATED, THE SECRETARY-GEN. SHALL BE GUIDED BY THE "} {"rcid":9012,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-05-05","unres":"SS/2/36","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/C.1/298) AS AMENDED BY MEXICO (A/C.1/302) AND THE U.S. (A/C.1/304)."} {"rcid":9013,"session":3,"importantvote":0,"date":"1948-05-05","unres":"SS/2/44","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, TRUCE","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST COMM. DRAFT RESOL. (A/552) AFFIRMING SECURITY COUNCIL EFFORTS TOWARD A TRUCE IN PALESTINE; RELIEVING THE PALESTINE COMMISSION OF FURTHER RESPONSIBILITIES, AND EMPOWERING THE UN MEDIATOR FOR PALESTINE TO EXERCISE THE FUNCTIONS AND O"} {"rcid":9014,"session":16,"importantvote":0,"date":"1961-08-01","unres":"SS/3/139","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"TUNISIA, FRENCH TROOPS","descr":"TO ADOPT 32-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.351) URGING IMPLEMENTATION OF SECURITY COUNCIL RESOL. (S/4882) CALLING FOR A CEASEFIRE AND WITHDRAWAL OF FRENCH TROOPS FROM TUNISIA; AND ASKING FOR A NEGOTIATED SETTLEMENT BETWEEN FRANCE AND TUNISIA ON TH"} {"rcid":9015,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-06-04","unres":"SS/4/23A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. EMERGENCY FORCE, 1963","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. II (A/5438) ON THE 1963 COST ESTIMATES AND FINANCING OF THE UN EMERGENCY FORCE AND CONTINUING THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT SET UP FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID U.N.E.F."} {"rcid":9016,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-06-04","unres":"SS/4/23B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. OPERATIONS, CONGO","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. III (A/5438) ON 1963 COST ESTIMATES AND FINANCING OF UN OPERATIONS IN THE CONGO; CONTINUING THE AD HOC, ACCOUNT SET UP FOR MAINTAINING SAID O.N.U.C."} {"rcid":9017,"session":18,"importantvote":0,"date":"1963-06-04","unres":"SS/4/23C","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"U.N. CONTRIBUTIONS, UNEF, ONUC","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH COMM. DRAFT RESOL. IV (A/5438) ON THE PAYMENT OF ARREARS IN RESPECT OF THE ASSESSED CONTRIBUTIONS TOWARDS MAINTAINING THE U.N.E.F. AND THE O.N.U.C."} {"rcid":9018,"session":23,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-05-07","unres":"SS/5","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SOUTH WEST AFRICA, COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 516/REV. 1) ESTABLISHING AN 11-MEMBER COUNCIL FOR SOUTH WEST AFRICA TO BE BASED IN SOUTH WEST AFRICA AND TO ADMINISTER THE TERRRITORY UNTIL INDEPENDENCE; ALSO REQUESTING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO CONTACT AUTHORITIES OF"} {"rcid":9019,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-02","unres":"ESS/1/34","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SUEZ CANAL, CEASEFIRE, TROOP WITHDRAWAL","descr":"TO ADOPT U.S. DRAFT RESOL. (A/3256) URGING IMMEDIATE CEASEFIRE AND WITHDRAWAL OF ALL FORCES BEHIND THE 1949 ARMISTIC LINES AND URGING THE TAKING OF STEPS TO RE-OPEN THE SUEZ CANAL AND RESTORE SECURE FREEDOM OF NAVIGATION."} {"rcid":9020,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-04","unres":"ESS/1/71A","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SUEZ CANA, EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO ADOPT CANADIAN DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3276) REQUESTING SECRETARY-GENERAL TO SUBMIT WITHIN 24 HOURS A PLAN FOR SETTING UP A UN EMERGENCY FORCE TO SECURE AND SUPERVISE THE CESSATION OF HOSTILITIES AT THE SUEZ CANAL ZONE."} {"rcid":9021,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-04","unres":"ESS/1/71B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SUEZ CANAL, CONFLICT RESOLUTION","descr":"TO ADOPT 19-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/3275) AUTHORIZING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO ARRANGE WITH PARTIES CONCERNED A CEASEFIRE, WITHDRAWAL OF FORCES, AND HALTING OF MOVEMENT OF OF ARMS AND FORCES INTO THE AREA, AT THE SUEZ CANAL ZONE; ALSO REQUIRING T"} {"rcid":9022,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-05","unres":"ESS/1/89","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SUEZ CANA, EMERGENCY COMMAND FORCE","descr":"TO ADOPT 3-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/3290) ESTABLISHING A UN EMERGENCY COMMAND FORCE TO SECURE AND TO SUPERVISE A CESSATION OF HOSTILITIES AT THE SUEZ CANAL ZONE."} {"rcid":9023,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-01","unres":"ESS/1/126A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"SUEZ CANA, EMERGENCY FORCE","descr":"TO ADOPT 7-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/3308) INCLUDING 3-POWER AMENDMENTS, IMPLEMENTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL'S PLAN FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A UN EMERGENCY FORCE AND AND CREATING A 7-NATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE HEADED BY THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, RESPONS"} {"rcid":9024,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-01","unres":"ESS/1/126B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SUEZ CANAL, TROOP WITHDRAWAL","descr":"TO ADOPT 19-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/3309) CALLING UPON THE U.K. AND FRANCE TO IMMEDIATELY WITHDRAW THEIR FORCES FROM EGYPTIAN TERRITORY AND UPON ISRAEL TO RESUME ITS FORMER POSITION BEHIND THE 1949 ARMISTICE LINE."} {"rcid":9025,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-05","unres":"ESS/2/20","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY, USSR WITHDRAWAL","descr":"TO ADOPT U.S. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3286) CALLING THE U.S.S.R. TO CEASE INTERVENING AND WITHDRAW FROM HUNGARY; REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO DISPATCH UN OBSERVERS TO DIRECTLY INVESTIGATE AND MAKE A REPORT TO THE ASSEMBLY ON THE SITUATION IN"} {"rcid":9026,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-03","unres":"ESS/2/77A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUNGARY, USSR REPRESSION","descr":"TO ADOPT 1ST PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF THE 5-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3316), SAID PARAGRAPH NOTING THE CONTINUED SOVIET REPRESSION OF THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE AND SOVIET NON-COMPLIANCE WITH RESOL. 1004 (ESS-II) OF 4 NOV. 1956, CALLING FOR SOVIET WIT"} {"rcid":9027,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-03","unres":"ESS/2/77B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUNGARY, FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS","descr":"TO ADOPT 2ND PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF THE 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/3316), SAID PARAGRAPH STATING THAT EVENTS IN HUNGARY CLEARLY MANIFEST HUNGARIAN PEOPLE'S DESIRE FOR FULL ENJOYMENT OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS, FREEDOMS AND INDEPENDENCE."} {"rcid":9028,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-03","unres":"ESS/2/78A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUNGARY, FOREIGN INTERVENTION","descr":"TO ADOPT 3RD PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF THE 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/3316), SAID PARAGRAPH DECLARING THAT FOREIGN INTERVENTION DENIES HUNGARIAN PEOPLE OF THEIR RIGHTS, FREEDOMS, INDEPENDENCE AND A FREE, REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT."} {"rcid":9029,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-03","unres":"ESS/2/78B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUNGARY, CHARTER VIOLATION","descr":"TO ADOPT 4TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF THE 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/3316) MINUS WORDS \\AND OF THE CONVENTION ON GENOCIDE\\\\, SAID PARAGRAPH CONSIDERING SOVIET REPRESSIONS IN HUNGARY TO BE A VIOLATION OF THE UN CHARTER AND OF THE HUNGARIAN ALLIED PO\""} {"rcid":9030,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-03","unres":"ESS/2/78C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUNGARY, SOVIET WITHDRAWAL","descr":"TO ADOPT 5TH PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH OF THE 5-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3316) CONSIDERING NECESSARY THE IMMEDIATE SOVIET WITHDRAWAL OF FORCES FROM HUNGARY."} {"rcid":9031,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-03","unres":"ESS/2/78D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUNGARY, SOVIET WITHDRAWAL","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 1 OF THE 5-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3316) CALLING FOR IMMEDIATE WITHDRAWAL OF U.S.S.R. FORCES FROM HUNGARY."} {"rcid":9032,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-03","unres":"ESS/2/179A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUNGARY, FREE ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT PHRASE \\...UNDER UN AUSPICES\\\\ IN OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/3316), SAID PARAGRAPH ON FREE ELECTIONS IN HUNGARY.\\\"\""} {"rcid":9033,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-03","unres":"ESS/2/79B","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUNGARY, FREE ELECTIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE 5-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3316), CALLING FOR FREE ELECTIONS UNDER UN AUSPICES TO BE HELD IN HUNGARY UPON ESTABLISHMENT OF LAW AND ORDER, SO HUNGARIANS COULD EXERCISE DETERMINATION OF THE FORM OF GOV"} {"rcid":9034,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-03","unres":"ESS/2/79C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUNGARY, INVESTIGATION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 3 OF THE 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/3316), REAFFIRMING ASSEMBLY REQUEST FOR THE SECRETARY GENERAL TO INVESTIGATE THRU REPRESENTATIVES THE SITUATION ARISING FROM FOREIGN INTERVENTION IN HUNGARY."} {"rcid":9035,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-03","unres":"ESS/2/79/D","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUNGARY, SECRETARY GENERAL REPORT","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/3316), REQUESTING SECRETARY-GENERAL TO REPORT AT THE SOONEST POSSIBLE ON SOVIET COMPLIANCE WITH THIS RESOLUTION."} {"rcid":9036,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-03","unres":"ESS/2/79/E","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY, SITUATION","descr":"TO ADOPT WHOLE 5-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/3316) COVERING THE SITUATION IN HUNGARY."} {"rcid":9037,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-03","unres":"ESS/2/80A","amend":1,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY, USSR INTERFERENCE","descr":"TO ADOPT THE FOLLOWING 3-POWER AMENDMENTS (A/3325) TO THE U.S. DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/3319) ON THE HUNGARIAN SITUATION: SECTION I PREAMBLE: DELETE \\.. THE MILITARY AUTHORITIES OF THE U.S.S.R. ARE INTERFERING IN THE TRANSPORTATION AND\\\\; INSERT \\\\\"\""} {"rcid":9038,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-03","unres":"ESS/2/80B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"HUNGARY, SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE U.S. DRAFT RESOL. (A/3319) PROVIDING: I- CALLING UPON HUNGARIAN AUTHORITIES TO FACILITATE, AND U.S.S.R. TO CEASE INTERFERING WITH, THE RECEIPT AND DISTRIBUTION OF FOOD-AND-MEDICAL-SUPPLIES ASSISTANCE TO THE CIVILIAN POPULATION OF"} {"rcid":9039,"session":11,"importantvote":0,"date":"1956-11-03","unres":"ESS/2/80C","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"HUNGARY, AID","descr":"TO ADOPT AUSTRIAN DRAFT RESOL. (A/3324) MINUS WORDS \\BY THE FIGHTING WHICH IS STILL CONTINUING\\\\ IN THE 1ST PREAMBULAR PARAGRAPH. AUSTRIAN RESOLUTION PROVIDES FOR LARGE-SCALE IMMEDIATE AID TO HUNGARIAN TERRITORIES UNDERGOING GREAT SUFFERING AN\""} {"rcid":9040,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-09-06","unres":"ESS/4/102A","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"CONGO, ARMS PROVISIONS","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAGRAPH 6 OF THE 17-POWER DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.292/REV.1) ON THE CONGO SITUATION, SAID PARAGRAPH CALLING UPON ALL STATES TO REFRAIN FROM DIRECT OR INDIRECT PROVISION OF ARMS OR OTHER WAR MATERIEL, ASSISTANCE OR PERSONNEL IN TH"} {"rcid":9041,"session":15,"importantvote":0,"date":"1960-09-06","unres":"ESS/4/102B","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"CONGO","descr":"TO ADOPT 17-POWER DRAFT RESOLUTION (A/L.292/REV.1) ON THE CONGO."} {"rcid":9042,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-07-02","unres":"ESS/5/70","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"ISRAEL, TROOP WITHDRAWAL","descr":"TO ADOPT THE CUBAN AMENDMENT (A/L. 525) ADDING A NEW OPERATIVE PARAG. 1 TO THE NON-ALIGNED DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 522/REV. 3) CALLING ON ISRAEL TO WITHDRAW ALL FORCES TO POSITIONS HELD PRIOR TO JUNE 5, 1967, IN PALESTINE."} {"rcid":9043,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-07-02","unres":"ESS/5/71","amend":1,"para":1,"short":"ISRAEL, TROOP WITHDRAWAL","descr":"TO ADOPT THE ALBANIAN AMENDMENT (A/L. 524) ADDING A NEW OPERATIVE PARAG. 1 TO THE NON-ALIGNED DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 522/REV. 3) CALLING UPON ISRAEL TO WITHDRAW ITS FORCES TO POSITIONS HELD IN PALESTINE PRIOR TO THE JUNE 5, 1967 WAR."} {"rcid":9044,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-07-02","unres":"ESS/5/77","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, TROOP WITHDRAWAL, COMPLIANCE","descr":"TO ADOPT THE NON-ALIGNED-POWERS DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.522/REV.3) CALLING UPON ISRAEL TO WITHDRAW ALL FORCES TO POSITIONS HELD PRIOR TO JUNE 5, 1967 AND REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE AND TO DESIGNATE A PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE"} {"rcid":9045,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-07-02","unres":"ESS/5/80","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"PALESTINE, USSR RESOLUTION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE PREAMBLE OF THE U.S.S.R. DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.519) ON PALESTINE (AFTER THE JUNE 1967 WAR)."} {"rcid":9046,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-07-02","unres":"ESS/5/85","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ISRAEL, CONDEMNATION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 1 OF U.S.S.R. DRAFT RESOL. (A/L. 519) ON PALESTINE, WHICH PARAGRAPH VIGOROUSLY CONDEMNS ISRAEL'S AGGRESSION AND CONTINUED OCCUPATION OF PARTS OF THE U.A.R., SYRIA AND JORDAN."} {"rcid":9047,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-07-02","unres":"ESS/5/86","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ISRAEL, TROOP WITHDRAWAL","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 2 OF THE U.S.S.R. DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.519) ON PALESTINE, WHICH PARAGRAPH DEMANDS THAT ISRAEL IMMEDIATELY AND UNCONDITIONALLY WITHDRAW ALL ITS FORCES BEHIND LINES STIPULATED IN THE GENERAL ARMISTICE AGREEMENTS (EXISTING B"} {"rcid":9048,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-07-02","unres":"ESS/5/90","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ISRAEL, DAMAGE RESTITUTION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 3 OF THE U.S.S.R. DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.519) ON PALESTINE, SAID PARAGRAPH DEMANDING THAT ISRAEL MAKE GOOD IN FULL ALL DAMAGE INFLICTED UPON THE U.A.R., SYRIA AND JORDAN (DURING THE JUNE WAR)."} {"rcid":9049,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-07-02","unres":"ESS/5/95","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ISRAEL, AGGRESSION ELIMINATION","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 4 OF THE U.S.S.R. DRAFT RESOL. APPEALING TO THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO TAKE IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE MEASURES TO ELIMINATE ALL CONSEQUENCES OF ISRAEL'S AGGRESSION."} {"rcid":9050,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-07-02","unres":"ESS/5/96","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"ISRAEL, AGGRESSION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE ALBANIAN DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.521) CONDEMNING ISRAEL'S AGGRESSION AND THE U.S. AND U.K. FOR PARTICIPATION THEREIN; DEMANDING THAT ISRAEL WITHDRAW FROM ARAB TERRITORY AND MAKE REPARATION FOR DAMAGES AND CONFIRMING THAT THE U.A.R. ALONE"} {"rcid":9051,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-07-02","unres":"ESS/5/100","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, AGGRESSION","descr":"TO ADOPT THE LATIN AMERICAN DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.523/REV.1) REQUESTING ISRAEL TO WITHDRAW ITS FORCES FROM THE TERRITORIES OCCUPIED, REQUESTING THE SECURITY COUNCIL TO CONTINUE TO EXAMINE THE SITUATION IN THE MIDDLE EAST, AND REAFFIRMING THE DESIRA"} {"rcid":9052,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-07-02","unres":"ESS/5/101","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"ISRAEL, UNRWA","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.526/ADD.3) WELCOMING SECURITY COUNCIL RESOL. 237 (1967), ENDORSING THE EFFORTS OF THE U.N. RELIEF AND WORKS AGENCY COMMISSIONER-GENERAL, AND APPEALING TO ALL GOVERNMENTS, ORGANIZATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS TO MAKE SPECIAL"} {"rcid":9053,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-07-02","unres":"ESS/5/102","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"JERUSALEM, STATUS","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.527/REV.1) CALLING UPON ISRAEL TO DESIST FROM TAKING ANY ACTION ALTERING THE STATUS OF JERUSALEM AND REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO REPORT TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND THE SECURITY COUNCIL ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF"} {"rcid":9054,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-07-05","unres":"ESS/5/41","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"JERUSALEM, STATUS","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/528/REV.2) DEPLORING ISRAEL'S FAILURE TO IMPLEMENT RESOL. 2253 (ES-V), REITERATING ITS CALL TO ISRAEL TO DESIST FROM TAKING ANY ACTION ALTERING THE STATUS OF JERUSALEM AND REQUESTING THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO REPORT TO T"} {"rcid":9055,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-07-05","unres":"ESS/5/97","amend":0,"para":1,"short":"SPECIAL SESSION ADJOURNMENT","descr":"TO ADOPT OPERATIVE PARAG. 1 OF DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.529/REV.1) TEMPORARILY ADJOURNING THE 5TH EMERGENCY SPECIAL SESSION, WHICH PARAGRAPH REQUESTS THE SECRETARY-GENERAL TO FORWARD THE RECORDS OF THE 5TH EMERGENCY SPECIAL SESSION TO THE SECURITY COU"} {"rcid":9056,"session":22,"importantvote":0,"date":"1967-07-05","unres":"ESS/5/100","amend":0,"para":0,"short":"SPECIAL SESSION, SECURITY COUNCIL","descr":"TO ADOPT DRAFT RESOL. (A/L.529/REV.1) FORWARDING THE RECORDS OF THE 5TH EMERGENCY SPECIAL SESSION TO THE SECURITY COUNCIL SO THAT THE COUNCIL MAY RESUME ITS CONSIDERATION OF THE SITUATION IN THE MIDDLE EAST AS A MATTER OF URGENCY; ADJOURNING TE"} {"rcid":9057,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-13","unres":"A/RES/74/112","short":"Dissemination of information on decolonization ","descr":"Dissemination of information on decolonization "} {"rcid":9058,"session":74,"date":"2019-11-07","unres":"A/RES/74/7","short":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba ","descr":"Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba "} {"rcid":9059,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-03","unres":"A/RES/74/11","short":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine ","descr":"Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine "} {"rcid":9060,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-19","unres":"A/RES/74/224","short":"Harmony with nature ","descr":"Harmony with nature "} {"rcid":9061,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/50","short":"Nuclear disarmament verification ","descr":"Nuclear disarmament verification "} {"rcid":9062,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/24","short":"Objective information on military matters, including transparency of military expenditures ","descr":"Objective information on military matters, including transparency of military expenditures "} {"rcid":9063,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-18","unres":"A/RES/74/138","short":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination ","descr":"Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to self-determination "} {"rcid":9064,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-18","unres":"A/RES/74/150","short":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order ","descr":"Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order "} {"rcid":9065,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-18","unres":"A/RES/74/137","short":"A global call for concrete action for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action ","descr":"A global call for concrete action for the total elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and the comprehensive implementation of and follow-up to the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action "} {"rcid":9066,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-19","unres":"A/RES/74/204","short":"Commodities ","descr":"Commodities "} {"rcid":9067,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/53","short":"Transparency in armaments ","descr":"Transparency in armaments "} {"rcid":9068,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-18","unres":"A/RES/74/130","short":"Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ","descr":"Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees "} {"rcid":9069,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/63","short":"Joint courses of action and future-oriented dialogue towards a world without nuclear weapons ","descr":"Joint courses of action and future-oriented dialogue towards a world without nuclear weapons "} {"rcid":9070,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/31","short":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons ","descr":"Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons "} {"rcid":9071,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-18","unres":"A/RES/74/136","short":"Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance ","descr":"Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance "} {"rcid":9072,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/61","short":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction ","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction "} {"rcid":9073,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-18","unres":"A/RES/74/154","short":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures ","descr":"Human rights and unilateral coercive measures "} {"rcid":9074,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/68","short":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons ","descr":"Convention on the Prohibition of the Use of Nuclear Weapons "} {"rcid":9075,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-09","unres":"A/RES/74/17","short":"Problem of the militarization of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine, as well as parts of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov ","descr":"Problem of the militarization of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine, as well as parts of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov "} {"rcid":9076,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/28","short":"Advancing responsible State behavior in cyberspace in the context of international security ","descr":"Advancing responsible State behavior in cyberspace in the context of international security "} {"rcid":9077,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/46","short":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world ","descr":"Towards a nuclear-weapon-free world "} {"rcid":9078,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-19","unres":"A/RES/74/202","short":"International financial system and development ","descr":"International financial system and development "} {"rcid":9079,"session":74,"date":"2020-01-14","unres":"A/RES/74/267","short":"Enlargement of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions","descr":"Enlargement of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions"} {"rcid":9080,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-19","unres":"A/RES/74/237","short":"Eradicating rural poverty to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ","descr":"Eradicating rural poverty to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development "} {"rcid":9081,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/36","short":"Follow-up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at the 1995, 2000 and 2010 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons ","descr":"Follow-up to nuclear disarmament obligations agreed to at the 1995, 2000 and 2010 Review Conferences of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons "} {"rcid":9082,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/66","short":"Strengthening and developing the system of arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation treaties and agreements ","descr":"Strengthening and developing the system of arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation treaties and agreements "} {"rcid":9083,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-13","unres":"A/RES/74/83","short":"Assistance to Palestine refugees ","descr":"Assistance to Palestine refugees "} {"rcid":9084,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-13","unres":"A/RES/74/87","short":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories ","descr":"Work of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories "} {"rcid":9085,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-19","unres":"A/RES/74/241","short":"International Tea Day ","descr":"International Tea Day "} {"rcid":9086,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-19","unres":"A/RES/74/228","short":"Role of the United Nations in promoting development in the context of globalization and interdependence ","descr":"Role of the United Nations in promoting development in the context of globalization and interdependence "} {"rcid":9087,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-27","unres":"A/RES/74/247","short":"Countering the use of information and communications technologies for criminal purposes ","descr":"Countering the use of information and communications technologies for criminal purposes "} {"rcid":9088,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-18","unres":"A/RES/74/155","short":"Promotion of equitable geographical distribution in the membership of the human rights treaty bodies ","descr":"Promotion of equitable geographical distribution in the membership of the human rights treaty bodies "} {"rcid":9089,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/49","short":"The Arms Trade Treaty ","descr":"The Arms Trade Treaty "} {"rcid":9090,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/78","short":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty ","descr":"Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty "} {"rcid":9091,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/30","short":"Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East ","descr":"Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East "} {"rcid":9092,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/34","short":"Further practical measures for the prevention of an arms race in outer space ","descr":"Further practical measures for the prevention of an arms race in outer space "} {"rcid":9093,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/29","short":"Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security ","descr":"Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security "} {"rcid":9094,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-13","unres":"A/RES/74/86","short":"Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues ","descr":"Palestine refugees' properties and their revenues "} {"rcid":9095,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/54","short":"Follow-up to the 2013 High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament ","descr":"Follow-up to the 2013 High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Nuclear Disarmament "} {"rcid":9096,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-03","unres":"A/RES/74/13","short":"Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Global Communications of the Secretariat ","descr":"Special information programme on the question of Palestine of the Department of Global Communications of the Secretariat "} {"rcid":9097,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-13","unres":"A/RES/74/93","short":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations ","descr":"Information from Non-Self-Governing Territories transmitted under Article 73 e of the Charter of the United Nations "} {"rcid":9098,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-13","unres":"A/RES/74/113","short":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples ","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples "} {"rcid":9099,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-13","unres":"A/RES/74/85","short":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East ","descr":"Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East "} {"rcid":9100,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-13","unres":"A/RES/74/84","short":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities ","descr":"Persons displaced as a result of the June 1967 and subsequent hostilities "} {"rcid":9101,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-03","unres":"A/RES/74/12","short":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat ","descr":"Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat "} {"rcid":9102,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/25","short":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace ","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration of the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace "} {"rcid":9103,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-03","unres":"A/RES/74/10","short":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People ","descr":"Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People "} {"rcid":9104,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/77","short":"Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region ","descr":"Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region "} {"rcid":9105,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-19","unres":"A/RES/74/216","short":"Implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development and of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development ","descr":"Implementation of Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development and of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development "} {"rcid":9106,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/67","short":"Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities ","descr":"Transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities "} {"rcid":9107,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-18","unres":"A/RES/74/152","short":"The right to development ","descr":"The right to development "} {"rcid":9108,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-13","unres":"A/RES/74/89","short":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem ","descr":"Israeli practices affecting the human rights of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem "} {"rcid":9109,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-18","unres":"A/RES/74/139","short":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination ","descr":"The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination "} {"rcid":9110,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/45","short":"Nuclear disarmament ","descr":"Nuclear disarmament "} {"rcid":9111,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-18","unres":"A/RES/74/168","short":"Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine ","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Ukraine "} {"rcid":9112,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-18","unres":"A/RES/74/159","short":"Human rights and cultural diversity ","descr":"Human rights and cultural diversity "} {"rcid":9113,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/59","short":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons ","descr":"Follow-up to the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons "} {"rcid":9114,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-18","unres":"A/RES/74/132","short":"Report of the Human Rights Council ","descr":"Report of the Human Rights Council "} {"rcid":9115,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/55","short":"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation ","descr":"Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation "} {"rcid":9116,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/62","short":"Implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions ","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on Cluster Munitions "} {"rcid":9117,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/48","short":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas ","descr":"Nuclear-weapon-free southern hemisphere and adjacent areas "} {"rcid":9118,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/42","short":"Humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons ","descr":"Humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons "} {"rcid":9119,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-13","unres":"A/RES/74/94","short":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories ","descr":"Economic and other activities which affect the interests of the peoples of the Non-Self-Governing Territories "} {"rcid":9120,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-18","unres":"A/RES/74/163","short":"United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region ","descr":"United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region "} {"rcid":9121,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-18","unres":"A/RES/74/169","short":"Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic ","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Syrian Arab Republic "} {"rcid":9122,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-19","unres":"A/RES/74/226","short":"Combating sand and dust storms ","descr":"Combating sand and dust storms "} {"rcid":9123,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-19","unres":"A/RES/74/201","short":"International trade and development ","descr":"International trade and development "} {"rcid":9124,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-27","unres":"A/RES/74/246","short":"Situation of human rights of Rohingya Muslims and other minorities in Myanmar ","descr":"Situation of human rights of Rohingya Muslims and other minorities in Myanmar "} {"rcid":9125,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-03","unres":"A/RES/74/14","short":"The Syrian Golan ","descr":"The Syrian Golan "} {"rcid":9126,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/44","short":"Reducing nuclear danger ","descr":"Reducing nuclear danger "} {"rcid":9127,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/41","short":"Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons ","descr":"Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons "} {"rcid":9128,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/32","short":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space ","descr":"Prevention of an arms race in outer space "} {"rcid":9129,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/47","short":"Ethical imperatives for a nuclear-weapon-free world ","descr":"Ethical imperatives for a nuclear-weapon-free world "} {"rcid":9130,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-18","unres":"A/RES/74/122","short":"Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the 24th special session of the General Assembly ","descr":"Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the 24th special session of the General Assembly "} {"rcid":9131,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-18","unres":"A/RES/74/167","short":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran ","descr":"Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran "} {"rcid":9132,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-18","unres":"A/RES/74/149","short":"The right to food ","descr":"The right to food "} {"rcid":9133,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-19","unres":"A/RES/74/200","short":"Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries ","descr":"Unilateral economic measures as a means of political and economic coercion against developing countries "} {"rcid":9134,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-13","unres":"A/RES/74/90","short":"The occupied Syrian Golan ","descr":"The occupied Syrian Golan "} {"rcid":9135,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/75","short":"The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East ","descr":"The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East "} {"rcid":9136,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/40","short":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction ","descr":"Implementation of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction "} {"rcid":9137,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-13","unres":"A/RES/74/95","short":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations ","descr":"Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples by the specialized agencies and the international institutions associated with the United Nations "} {"rcid":9138,"session":74,"date":"2019-11-27","unres":"A/RES/74/9","short":"The situation in Afghanistan ","descr":"The situation in Afghanistan "} {"rcid":9139,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-19","unres":"A/RES/74/243","short":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources ","descr":"Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources "} {"rcid":9140,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-19","unres":"A/RES/74/215","short":"Agricultural technology for sustainable development ","descr":"Agricultural technology for sustainable development "} {"rcid":9141,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-13","unres":"A/RES/74/88","short":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan ","descr":"Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan "} {"rcid":9142,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/33","short":"No first placement of weapons in outer space ","descr":"No first placement of weapons in outer space "} {"rcid":9143,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/56","short":"Convening of the 4th special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament ","descr":"Convening of the 4th special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament "} {"rcid":9144,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-27","unres":"A/RES/74/251","short":"Programme planning ","descr":"Programme planning "} {"rcid":9145,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-12","unres":"A/RES/74/38","short":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels ","descr":"Conventional arms control at the regional and subregional levels "} {"rcid":9146,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-19","unres":"A/RES/74/208","short":"Oil slick on Lebanese shores ","descr":"Oil slick on Lebanese shores "} {"rcid":9147,"session":74,"date":"2019-12-10","unres":"A/RES/74/19","short":"Oceans and the law of the sea ","descr":"Oceans and the law of the sea "}